Goofy Character Names...
I’m not against it per-say, people should be able to name their characters however they want. But with that said I won’t accept party requests from people with what I deem to be “immature” or ridiculous names. I use it as a very basic way to judge who I do and who I do not want to play with.
I’m indifferent, because half the time I barely register their existence.
Not that I’m a snob, I’m just too busy going to a champ and killing it.
Call yourself whatever you want that won’t get plunked down by ANet, so long as you contribute in killing Oak/Boar/Giant/Jormagg/etc!
I play tabletop or forum-based roleplaying games if I’m actually interested in roleplaying in some kind of setting. This is a videogame that is filled to the brim with silliness and what few serious moments it has are really held back by hammy voice-acting.
One might forgive me if I find no real reason to stick to serious names.
… I mean, I do use serious names, but I have no issue with Sir Yolo Swaggins
My Mesmer has ‘Random Village Idiot’s’ spawning and shattering everywhere.
I only worry about Lore-Appropriate names with other Roleplayers. 15 of my 16 characters have Lore-Appropriate names, and the 16th is named in honor of my main character from City of Heroes (and can be sort of almost treated as Lore-Appropriate if you stick around long enough for me to explain her story as a deep-cover Order of Whispers operative who may in fact be a pair of supremely talented Mesmer twins trading off use of the same cover identity).
Funny or clever names are fine, so long as they don’t break the terms of service. I do kind of wonder about people who name their characters as a joke on some non-permanent feature though, like all the Culling jokes I’ve seen in names that stop making sense as they keep changing how Culling actually works.
I associate goofy names with foolishness and an easy identifier of who to avoid.
I don’t care for it much but to each their own.
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
Unless its something super immature or an offensive name then no have at it .
Norma Snokkers perhaps…
I associate goofy names with foolishness and an easy identifier of who to avoid.
I don’t care for it much but to each their own.
Fitting username you’ve got there……
my charrs name is Tyrannus Krogan. I get whispered crazy mass effect stuff all the time lol
Eh. Not everyone roll plays. In fact I had never heard of roll playing or immersion in a game until right before this game started and there was a thread about non role playing names. I’ve always only played single player games and then Guild Wars 1 and it was a totally new concept. “You do what? You pretend to be those pixels? Okaaay.” Since its pretty much a foreign concept to me, I’m not going to make a ‘lore friendly’ name. For one thing I consider those names as dull as dishwater. I pick names that are more like titles I guess. Astral Projections on my Mesmer. Sandy Claws for my Charr. Stuff like that.
I have Garfield the Fat and Gordon of Ramsay as my silly names but I don’t intend to roleplay either of those – they’re toons I have for fun and a few silly remarks in map chat now and then.
Then again, I have three toons with video game inspired names, another Charr with a name that’s a cat related in-joke and two Sylvari with flower inspired names. I think only one toon I have actually has a “real” name that would pass for “Lore appropriate” but to be honest?
This. Is. A. MMO. If you like running around with a toon named Celestia Fluttershy or Justin Case, more power to you.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Guild mate has a sylvari character named Gourdon Ramsay.
I can’t really blame people because most of the good names are taken by now.
I think some good ones may still be available but it takes many, many frustrating tries to find them.
I have an alt named Colin O’Scopy… he’s an Irish human
I am not against silly names unless they are inappropriate or plain immature (sexual innuendos for example make me want to smash things, but that’s probably just me). Whether or not I like them depends on the name. I may roll my eyes at goofy names, and sometimes giggle when I see a clever well-disguised one, but personally I stick to serious names. Not lore-appropriate most of the time because my stock surname is in Finnish to ensure availability.
Only my poor poor sylvari I*grain*e got an accidentally punny name. I try not to think about it.
one of my necro storage character back in gw1 was N E R F.U.R T I T I. Until someone reported 3 years later