Goofy Character Names...

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

It’s their character, as long as it’s not against the EULA they can name them whatever they want.

Mine vary hugely depending on my plans for the character and my mood at the time. I haven’t yet ressurected Mys Terii from GW1

I usually give my characters serious, lore-friendly names, because that is my playstyle.
My husband even moreso. I even have a naming scheme for my ranger pets based on varieties of Nightshade. I didn’t want to bring back my old GW1 characters, but one of their descendants was fine.
As to goofy names, I can always appreciate that creative player that brings some humor in with a name or appearance that is off the wall or unexpected.

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the Obaba under’t.”

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dustinharlin.8693


I’m not against it per-say, people should be able to name their characters however they want. But with that said I won’t accept party requests from people with what I deem to be “immature” or ridiculous names. I use it as a very basic way to judge who I do and who I do not want to play with.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I’m indifferent, because half the time I barely register their existence.
Not that I’m a snob, I’m just too busy going to a champ and killing it.
Call yourself whatever you want that won’t get plunked down by ANet, so long as you contribute in killing Oak/Boar/Giant/Jormagg/etc!

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


I play tabletop or forum-based roleplaying games if I’m actually interested in roleplaying in some kind of setting. This is a videogame that is filled to the brim with silliness and what few serious moments it has are really held back by hammy voice-acting.

One might forgive me if I find no real reason to stick to serious names.

… I mean, I do use serious names, but I have no issue with Sir Yolo Swaggins

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Village Idiot.4256

Village Idiot.4256

My Mesmer has ‘Random Village Idiot’s’ spawning and shattering everywhere.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melchior.2135


I only worry about Lore-Appropriate names with other Roleplayers. 15 of my 16 characters have Lore-Appropriate names, and the 16th is named in honor of my main character from City of Heroes (and can be sort of almost treated as Lore-Appropriate if you stick around long enough for me to explain her story as a deep-cover Order of Whispers operative who may in fact be a pair of supremely talented Mesmer twins trading off use of the same cover identity).

Funny or clever names are fine, so long as they don’t break the terms of service. I do kind of wonder about people who name their characters as a joke on some non-permanent feature though, like all the Culling jokes I’ve seen in names that stop making sense as they keep changing how Culling actually works.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grumbles.5412


I associate goofy names with foolishness and an easy identifier of who to avoid.
I don’t care for it much but to each their own.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

Unless its something super immature or an offensive name then no have at it .

Norma Snokkers perhaps…

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


I associate goofy names with foolishness and an easy identifier of who to avoid.
I don’t care for it much but to each their own.

Fitting username you’ve got there……

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


my charrs name is Tyrannus Krogan. I get whispered crazy mass effect stuff all the time lol

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Eh. Not everyone roll plays. In fact I had never heard of roll playing or immersion in a game until right before this game started and there was a thread about non role playing names. I’ve always only played single player games and then Guild Wars 1 and it was a totally new concept. “You do what? You pretend to be those pixels? Okaaay.” Since its pretty much a foreign concept to me, I’m not going to make a ‘lore friendly’ name. For one thing I consider those names as dull as dishwater. I pick names that are more like titles I guess. Astral Projections on my Mesmer. Sandy Claws for my Charr. Stuff like that.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerlen.5326


I have Garfield the Fat and Gordon of Ramsay as my silly names but I don’t intend to roleplay either of those – they’re toons I have for fun and a few silly remarks in map chat now and then.

Then again, I have three toons with video game inspired names, another Charr with a name that’s a cat related in-joke and two Sylvari with flower inspired names. I think only one toon I have actually has a “real” name that would pass for “Lore appropriate” but to be honest?

This. Is. A. MMO. If you like running around with a toon named Celestia Fluttershy or Justin Case, more power to you.

~Tarnished Coast Pride~

Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


Guild mate has a sylvari character named Gourdon Ramsay.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: justkoh.4073


I can’t really blame people because most of the good names are taken by now.

I think some good ones may still be available but it takes many, many frustrating tries to find them.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

I have an alt named Colin O’Scopy… he’s an Irish human

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I am not against silly names unless they are inappropriate or plain immature (sexual innuendos for example make me want to smash things, but that’s probably just me). Whether or not I like them depends on the name. I may roll my eyes at goofy names, and sometimes giggle when I see a clever well-disguised one, but personally I stick to serious names. Not lore-appropriate most of the time because my stock surname is in Finnish to ensure availability.

Only my poor poor sylvari I*grain*e got an accidentally punny name. I try not to think about it.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mysticque.6182


one of my necro storage character back in gw1 was N E R F.U.R T I T I. Until someone reported 3 years later

Blackgate Power