Greatly Distressed by this Patch
8 runs of Cof lol…
I love this update, the new wallet is amazing, I seem to be saving more money than before, because no matter who I run I can see my gold increase with out having to run to the bank to deposit all the time
I love this update, the new wallet is amazing, I seem to be saving more money than before, because no matter who I run I can see my gold increase with out having to run to the bank to deposit all the time
The wallet is no the Whole patch excuse to ninja nerf tokens and Bags in WvW.
First update they’ve added that I actually like. Funny how that works.
I love this update, the new wallet is amazing, I seem to be saving more money than before, because no matter who I run I can see my gold increase with out having to run to the bank to deposit all the time
The wallet is no the Whole patch excuse to ninja nerf tokens and Bags in WvW.
what is the nerf?
there wasn’t any ninja nerf to tokens they clearly said that the dungeon reward would have been account bound so people wouldn’t run cof hundreds times a day
Join the Rainbow Pride
I recognize issues where by account limits the viability of alts in the game. With 15 character slots, I am quite sensitive to that. I hope Anet uses the alt filter more, i.e., asking “what would this be like for a player with all the professions maxed?”, when making decisions.
That said, I think the wallet itself is the largest quality of life improvement since launch. No more juggling currencies and, say, locating the character with 64k karma for a T3 weapon purchase, then buy an level 0 item and tranmute it, and then put it in the bank for the character that really wanted it. I like the wallet.
You just wait and see how they’ll nerf champion farms because farming what was supposed to be farmed isn’t allowed in gw2.
Maybe it’s time you consider replacing some of those CoF runs y TA or CoE.
LoL. Another CoF farmer is mad yo.. Funny how everyone who isn’t one loves or at least likes the new dungeon changes :p
RIP City of Heroes
Dungeon tokens/rewards have spent more time as “account bound” since launch than they have as “character bound.” All they did was change the rewards back to how they were originally.
Did I just catch you having fun?
8 runs of Cof lol…
hahhahha you read my mind.
It would have been ten runs of cof p1 in a months time as I would have leveled my thief thru daily achievement.
What happened is for 2 runs of cof p1, i would get 60 tokens then 20 for each toon. So around 90 tokens per toon with bag drops. With 8 runs thats 360 tokens. Now they have been nerfed to a daily account bound chest of 40 and 20 once daily is done. Thats
200 tokens total for 8 runs.
Now doing only 2 runs and 270 tokens less. Which is 9 rares and with good rng 6 ectos thats about 1.2g plus 1.4g per 2 runs per toon so losing 5.4g per day. Positive 1g added drop from patch so only losing 4.4g per day. Thats 22g lost over a week if I did cof 8 runs per day for 5 days.
So yeah I am dissapointed. Plus its easier to find group for dungeons that are short, and sweet with their visual style the colors in cof p1 are amazing on the end boss.
I wonder why this formula is not replicated for other dungeons and they are seemingly a pain to do with their length or difficulty. Heck reskin cof p1 and add it to the others. Still most likely would prefer visuals of cof p1.
Anyways trying to have the game make sense to me again.
So what you’re asking for is for ANet to revamp CoF P1 to make it significantly harder so that you’re actually earning those tokens and 1 gold. I think that’s a good idea.
there wasn’t any ninja nerf to tokens they clearly said that the dungeon reward would have been account bound so people wouldn’t run cof hundreds times a day
No they said the gold reward would be account bound. They said nothing about the tokens.
What I read: Guy who already has too much time on his hands is mad about something.
It would have been ten runs of cof p1 in a months time as I would have leveled my thief thru daily achievement.
So you can start thanking ANet for saving you (no sarcasm intended)
10 CoF runs in one day can you even imagine that? lol… I can’t even stand 1 every week and its being 6 months since I last stepped on CoF, any path lol
My advise, cut the hardcore farming and start having fun with the game or play something else where you can relax and have fun while playing it. Your gaming experience sounds like a job, not a recreation.
Guys. ANet has forced me to change the way I farm in my 14 hours a day of playing because I have very few RL responsibilities or a job.
I think ANet always risked irritating some people with the changes to dungeons, but they succeeded in pleasing far more players than the number of CoF farmers they irritated. There are now real, predictable, notable rewards from completing a dungeon. Before it was “You will make around 75s to 1g in a dungeon run.” Now it’s "You will make at least Xg, Y tokens, and loot on top of it.
There are now tons of other ways to make a decent amount of gold in the game. I think their changes were needed, and very, very welcome.
But I was playing cof p1 with ranger/mesmer/elemental/warrior. Its a different experience playing with different skills. And thats only two runs each. Plus grind made me better playing them.
The prices of skins are so astronomical how else would I get a legendary when for the best ones the cost is 1500g. Let alone several. I would have been done in several years anyway. And then theres always another dye or musical instrument or mini whose base cost is 30g. It really is a job playing an mmo.
But I was playing cof p1 with ranger/mesmer/elemental/warrior. Its a different experience playing with different skills. And thats only two runs each. Plus grind made me better playing them.
The prices of skins are so astronomical how else would I get a legendary when for the best ones the cost is 1500g. Let alone several. I would have been done in several years anyway. And then theres always another dye or musical instrument or mini whose base cost is 30g.
It really is a job playing an mmo.
Gotta say that it is kinda telling that players spend about 70% of the time on building a legendary on the gift of fortune. Seems like that wouldn’t have been the “intent.”
I am disappointed with this update. What happened with cof tokens for alts is inexcuseable and deeply distressing. I was working at a rate toward my legendaries for ectos and dust and now its been halved. My four leveled and geared 80s can’t enjoy defeating their favorite enemy every day. My piece of mind with leveling a new toon on dailies is gone due to the distress caused by much fewer tokens, playing has become difficult. I would run other dungeons and help other players too after doing my eight runs of cof p1. Now, my zen and goodwill has been sapped by this egregious decision.
So the only reason you were enjoying playing your characters in that content is because you got good rewards.
I dunno, I don’t think they call that “enjoying the content”. I think that’s plain old conditioning.
If all OP is enjoying are the rewards from CoF p1 farming, then
you know there’s more than 1 way of making gold right?
Well I could play Wall Street Raider or Capitalism II if I wanted to do tp all day. And yes I want good rewards cause whats the point of playing the game otherwise. I need loot to function. Good loot not zerg choo choo loot, not white drops, and pres and legendaries to start dropping.
Where am I going to get my 22g a week I am losing atm? I haven’t a clue myself. :O
LoL. Another CoF farmer is mad yo.. Funny how everyone who isn’t one loves or at least likes the new dungeon changes :p
Funny how false this is.
Oh dear. I think you broke one of the rules of the User Agreement:
’ You warrant and represent that You have no economic, physical, emotional, psychological, or privacy related considerations that would be adversely impacted by Your use of the Game. ’
Now it’s "You will make at least Xg, Y tokens, and loot on top of it.
This is a lot closer to how they originally described dungeon rewards, yeah.
Tarnished Coast
Oh dear. I think you broke one of the rules of the User Agreement:
’ You warrant and represent that You have no economic, physical, emotional, psychological, or privacy related considerations that would be adversely impacted by Your use of the Game. ’
Oh snap!
I have to say, I smell sarcasm here. I don’t know about you guys but when I read the OP, I saw nothing but sarcastic statements….
Captain Hindsight is telling me I should have invested in a second account and not extra character slots. This might even be a marketing ploy for just that reason. Besides isn’t there enough time gating already?
Edit: where’s my in game lfg tool?
(edited by Amstel Steel.2058)
I am distressed by the amount of time I have to put in for these sly fortnightly content updates which mostly reuses existing resources for the AP and rewards.
I would rather they dial back these mini updates and take their time to work on new dungeons.
Reducing GW2 to just one dungeon path is a shame. There are so many mmorpgs out there that have a huge focus on repetitive grind.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
For now, just join the farming train in the Queens Pavilion. Drops way more loot with the 150% MF buff than farming CoF1 before patch. T6 mats,Rares and Exotics drop like candy during carnival and the experience is insane for lvling. I know people gaining 40+ lvls there on alts in a day.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
For now, just join the farming train in the Queens Pavilion. Drops way more loot with the 150% MF buff than farming CoF1 before patch. T6 mats,Rares and Exotics drop like candy during carnival and the experience is insane for lvling. I know people gaining 40+ lvls there on alts in a day.
^ This.
I actually liked that they changed how dungeon rewards work….I just don’t like how it is account bound instead of character based.
True there were a lot of people grinding dungeons with their alts….but what was the percentage of players who grinded with 5 or more alts? Very little.
What needed changing was the constant grind of cof path 1 with the same toon for gold. Hopefully a lot more people run other dungeons from now on.
Well I could play Wall Street Raider or Capitalism II if I wanted to do tp all day. And yes I want good rewards cause whats the point of playing the game otherwise. I need loot to function. Good loot not zerg choo choo loot, not white drops, and pres and legendaries to start dropping.
Where am I going to get my 22g a week I am losing atm? I haven’t a clue myself. :O
22g a week roughly translates to 3g a day (actually closer to pi gold a day.. ). So instead of CoF1 CoF1 CoF1 CoF1 just do CoF1 HotW1 CoE1 AC3 (the ones I know are short and quick, at least), that should net you about 4g just from the rewards each day not taking into account drops, token bought rares for salvage and so on…
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Well I could play Wall Street Raider or Capitalism II if I wanted to do tp all day. And yes I want good rewards cause whats the point of playing the game otherwise. I need loot to function. Good loot not zerg choo choo loot, not white drops, and pres and legendaries to start dropping.
Where am I going to get my 22g a week I am losing atm? I haven’t a clue myself. :O
22g a week roughly translates to 3g a day (actually closer to pi gold a day..
). So instead of CoF1 CoF1 CoF1 CoF1 just do CoF1 HotW1 CoE1 AC3 (the ones I know are short and quick, at least), that should net you about 4g just from the rewards each day not taking into account drops, token bought rares for salvage and so on…
I guess the problem will be that the other paths can’t be brainafk’d.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
@kokiman Yeah dude, the other dungeons in this game are the epitome of difficulty in MMOs.
I love this update, the new wallet is amazing, I seem to be saving more money than before, because no matter who I run I can see my gold increase with out having to run to the bank to deposit all the time
The wallet is no the Whole patch excuse to ninja nerf tokens and Bags in WvW.
Considering that I rarely got bags in WvW anyway, I am actually seeing more bags than before. But YMMV.
This thread reeks of casuals.
This thread reeks of casuals.
Why do you think casuals reeks? It’s actually kids with no jobs what harms the game the most (harcore farmers, whiners, CoF speed runners, kids who think the game owes them something), not casuals.
Hey, I don’t reek, I showered!!!… on monday…. I think… LOOK, A SHINY!!!
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.