Guesting and Overflow [merged]
I am not really sure that guests are the main factor causing an overflow, but then it’s not the normal guesting but the serverhopping to save time. So would a timer of lets say one or two or even three hours on a serverchange prevent from serverhopping while still allowing people to guest over and play together with friends an participate in them. There would be no incentive to constantly change the server and people who just want to guest wouldn’t be excluded.
Yesterday me and my guild did a guild bounty, our first bounty went pretty well ((We had the guy down in about 3 minutes)) then we needed to kill some other bounty in Sparkfly Fen, during this time however, Tequatl popped up, and as you can imagine many of us ((If not all but one)) were sent off into the overflow.
This is not the only problem I have with overflows, it’s getting out of hand lately, every worldboss is getting swarmed with players FROM OTHER SERVERS, causing people of the actual server to get into an overflow, this is not a post on “OMFG stop guesting nub”, rather, this is a question as to if something will happen? ((As right now, guild bounties are a matter of luck on which boss you get, and if you want to kill a dragon, you’ll have to stand in the zone it’s in, AFK, for half an hour))
Is it actually ruining the game for us who dont play cross server?
If you right click someones picture who is in the overflow you could of joined that overflow and killed it.
Are folks suggesting that, if I want to play with friends, I can’t get the same opportunities for loot? That sounds unfair.
If the goal is reduced overflow, ANet can:
- Reduce world-event pinata level loot to January levels.
- Limit the total number of such chests lootable per character, regardless of server (e.g. 6 chests per toon every 24 hours).
- Limit the total number of such chests lootable per account (e.g. 12 chests per player).
- Limit all rewards based on zone, e.g. you can only mine 2 ori nodes in Frostgorge regardless of guesting: both on home server, both on guest server(s), or one each. The same would apply to chests: one Claw of Jormag chest regardless of how many servers you guest to.
Finally, as of yet, there’s no specific evidence that your server is getting more guests at these events than any other server. It’s a plausible theory and I don’t have any trouble believing it could be true, but I don’t see any proof that is true.
Low population servers are having the same issue. I’m on Fergusen’s Crossing and experience the same issue with overflows.
A lot of native people are showing up. But I do also see a lot of illegal aliens there as well.
This problem is not just an overpopulation problem the higher tiered servers are having. It is happening across all servers.
Desolation Server
It comes to something when we are getting booted onto an overflow server for events/dragons etc and as a result miss them.
I have no doubt this is caused by guesting, so my point here is why are player from desolation getting stiffed onto an overflow while guests can quite happily play on the main server and get their events/dragons done for a second time in the space of 24hrs?
Would love a response from ANet on this one please
I have doubts you have any idea whats really going on. All of your sever wants to kill this dragon All of your sever is swarming that zone. Yes some ppl outside of your sever are getting in while some of your sever is in overflow but that happens. If you get mad at it then that is your own fault for not going ahead of time. 3 million people between say 12 severs or 17 severs. thats ALOT of people one each sever. The overflow is not just from guesting. Yes guesting does not help but it really does not harm the situation eather. World loot is that First come First sever Home sever does not get a bonus nor a “right” to it. Its to the ones who REALLY want it. Those who are willing to guest and suffer the constant insults and straight up racist (sever based racism) comments must want it more than you. And with the Nerf to Ectos from rare this is not the best way to get loot anymore so less will be coming once people notice after salveging 10 rares you get 1 ecto.
This is happening on my home world (Blackgate). A few of us home players got dumped in the Overflow server and missed the Frozen Maw Shaman event.. It’s a bit irritating now..
why people got friends and play on different servers, instead of transfering is beyond me
and yes guesting adds more problems to the crowded events.
myself have to guest now when i want to do shatter/jormag/tequila in a reasonable time. either guest or sit afk up to an hour in the zone so u dont get into the overflow.
some people may got the time to camp whole day all dragons, think the majority doesnt
friends on one sever with guild friends on another. Its hard to get all your friends on one sever. But a majority is not needed for the amount of people in before overflow happens to be the ones with the time.
Quote from Pirlipat.2479
I am not really sure that guests are the main factor causing an overflow, but then it’s not the normal guesting but the serverhopping to save time. So would a timer of lets say one or two or even three hours on a serverchange prevent from serverhopping while still allowing people to guest over and play together with friends an participate in them. There would be no incentive to constantly change the server and people who just want to guest wouldn’t be excluded.
This wont change anything but instead of 2 severs for guesting 1. Also with those who guest that time will fly while they wait.
quote of Hebee.8460
Im sorry but in my opinion this ’’guesting’’ idea is garbage anyway..
Think about it a moment.
As far as i understand {and please correct me if im wrong} guesting is player A {me} going to a different server to play with player B { a friend } correct ?
Well if thats right, and i as player A want to play with my friends player B………. then WHY AM I NOT ON THE SAME BLOOMING SERVER AS MY FRIEND IN THE FIRST PLACE.
since as i understand it too. only north american servers can guest with north american servers.. and only euro servers can guest with other euro servers.. correct too ?
the whole idea ’’guesting’’ is fluff…. nothing more than that. and if you want to play with a friend… go get on a server together permanently.
And don’t make the excuse of ‘’oh it costs money to transfer servers’’ it was free for 6 months.
Anyway rant over apart from saying……….. ’’GET OFF MY LAWN YOU PESKY KIDS.! :PConsidering u can buy a transfer with ingame gold, it kinda makes guesting pointless.
I’m up for tossing guesting.
You’r up for tossing guesting because you don’t use it for what its really for. I use it almost daily to hang out with my friends on Different sever but my main guild is on TC and yea. Lets toss the Trading post to because it causes people to farm locations so i cant kill the mob i want to!!! or take up spots in WvW to FARM!!!! see i can make bad rage filled sujestions to!
(edited by Sashi.9436)
The other issue is that most players have multiple 80’s. I have 2 80’s and I am working on a 3rd.. That gives players a chance to loot a chest multiple times in a day. Especially if they park there 80’s at all dragon/event spots.
I do not think this is a guesting problem.
The Chest should be lootable once per account. Not per character. OR the dragons should spawn once an hour.
I’d prefer the latter.
(edited by pencapchew.5432)
Random guildmate “Pre event for shatterer started”
Head over there, overflow… I’ll stick around to see if I get in.Random guildmate “Shatterer down, got 2 rares woo”
…..Being just an ordinary mortal, working 9 hours a day, playing during “prime” time this really isn’t very fun. The past 2 days I’ve tried to catch maybe 10 dragon events, overflow 9/10 times.
The 1 time I did manage to get in was when a guildie announced the pre event just started, I hoped on the zone and got in. A mate joined some 20 sec later, overflow.
Perhaps allow people to guest with someone they are in group with, that would allow 4 quests per player. Or maybe make it so that the native population gets placed first in que and put the quests in the back of the line.
First part of your post is exactly why there are overflows. Tons of guilds are going 2 mins before shatt pre event people flood in . Shatt pre event up tons more flood in and overflow is made. Guesting or not those who wait till the last min have very little chance of getting in anymore because of the loot.
The other issue is that most players have multiple 80’s. I have 2 80’s and I am working on a 3rd.. That gives players a chance to loot a chest multiple times in a day. Especially if they park there 80’s at all dragon/event spots.
I do not think this is a guesting problem.
I got 3 and my friend has 7 Defenity part of the problem.
I got a felling people are not reading thing and just complaining. Also the whole ruining my experance thing is BS, your after the loot get over it. It’s easy loot with a limit on how many can get in. Snooze you lose.
(edited by Sashi.9436)
I do not know how simple or hard this would really be as i dont know what the code base they are using looks like, i am a software dev, but i cant imagine it would be very hard to prevent people from getting world boss chests on servers other than their home server as this information is readily available as you can see your home server is listed as such in the server selection screen. This problem is growing way out of control at this point. I am currently on crystal desert and in one day i was unable to participate in 6 world events due to the fact that i was kicked to the overflow for all of them. I should not have to resort to guesting to a low pop server just so that i can participate in an event. Watching chat at some events i have seen people talking about how they are getting 25-40 world boss chests a day by guesting to other servers and using multiple chars. This is infuriating i just want to be able to do the event on my own server and the current state of the guesting system is making this impossible
From what I understand, and correct me if I am wrong, but you only receive credit once per character per chest regardless of how many different servers you do the event on.
If you swap servers after completing an event on one character, do the same event on the same character on a different server, you will not get any additional rewards.
I think you are misinformed about how the guesting effects a player’s ability to earn rewards.
Also… opening that many chests is completely possible without even server swapping.
I have 7 characters.
I can use 7 of my characters at the shadow behemoth for 7 chests.
I can use 7 of my characters at tequatl for 7 chests.
I can use 7 of my characters at claw of jormag for 7 chests.
I can use 7 of my characters at the shatterer for 7 chests.
…you get the idea
That is 28 chests without needing to swap servers, and there are plenty of events left to do besides the handful that I mentioned.
Though doing that many world events seems a bit tedious.
I don’t even understand WHY someone would want to swap servers to do events to begin with, unless they were attempting to get away from massive amounts of server population…. or they were too impatient to wait for a particular event to pop on their home server. …but even then, why not just do a different event on your homeworld?
I’m not saying people don’t do it, because it is possible….. it just doesn’t make any sense
unless you want to maximize your loot each day by doing every single event on every single character you have.
So the current state is that you can take a single character and get a chest from the same world event on the same day as long as you do it on a different server. This can be extended to more than 4 times if you get lucky and get into an overflow that has the event going on as well. so essentially on a single character it is possible to get 24 world boss chests in a day, 24 is off the top of my head because i can think of 8 world boss chests you can get, and this doesn’t include the possibility of getting on an overflow.
The chest limitation works on a server basis not on an account basis. This is where a large part of the problem is happening. I will say i did this once to test if I was right about the way it works and I am. I did kittenon my server post recent and got a box i then guested to another server and did kittenagain and again got a box. I personally do not plan to do this again because i dont want to be part of the problem and i personally know how annoying it is to not be able to get into an event on your own server.
I’m stuck in overflow because Queensdale is full on my server (Gandara). This wouldn’t surprise me but after finding out Behemoth is 2 hours from spawn window it just feels ridiculous. It basically means i can’t play on my server anymore because of afk people in the swamp?
(edited by Soulmyr.8094)
You will get a pop-up notifying you as soon as a spot opens on your home server in Queensdale. You aren’t stuck forever, just a few moments
The chest limitation works on a server basis not on an account basis. This is where a large part of the problem is happening. I will say i did this once to test if I was right about the way it works and I am. I did kittenon my server post recent and got a box i then guested to another server and did kittenagain and again got a box. I personally do not plan to do this again because i dont want to be part of the problem and i personally know how annoying it is to not be able to get into an event on your own server.
Was it right around the time when the Daily Achievements reset? I’ve noticed that there isn’t a 24-hour cooldown, but rather it can only be done once between 0:00 and 23:99 UTC each day.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
Are folks suggesting that, if I want to play with friends, I can’t get the same opportunities for loot? That sounds unfair.
If the goal is reduced overflow, ANet can:
- Reduce world-event pinata level loot to January levels.
- Limit the total number of such chests lootable per character, regardless of server (e.g. 6 chests per toon every 24 hours).
- Limit the total number of such chests lootable per account (e.g. 12 chests per player).
- Limit all rewards based on zone, e.g. you can only mine 2 ori nodes in Frostgorge regardless of guesting: both on home server, both on guest server(s), or one each. The same would apply to chests: one Claw of Jormag chest regardless of how many servers you guest to.
Finally, as of yet, there’s no specific evidence that your server is getting more guests at these events than any other server. It’s a plausible theory and I don’t have any trouble believing it could be true, but I don’t see any proof that is true.
Sounds like a dirty chest exploiter to me :P
Yes we are suggesting it due to players inconveniencing other players. The majority of people guesting are using it solely to obtain 3 times the amount of loot from the same event.
I would love to see guests get kicked to overflow to make room for home server players. I would love to see them not able to exploit the system. There should be penalties for the exploiters (don’t see it happening, Anet can’t afford to ban their playerbase).
We don’t have the exact numbers, but Anet does and they can surely see the problems that are being caused. When I arrive BEFORE the spawn window of a dragon and I am placed in overflow, that really rustles my jimmies.
It usually will pop up right after the event is over.. people do not stick around long.
These events have their own problems. In my opinion, the population caps on these maps need to be lowered because it’s pretty clear none of the servers seem capable of providing a quality experience when so many players are merging on a single event. I’d rather have a cool 10 – 20 man fight with an outdoor boss than the chaotic mess plaguing the game now.
I’m not suggesting a map only allow 20 players on it, but they need to add a larger window to these spawn timers to discourage camping and shut down nearby waypoints to these events whenever they begin, which will eliminate people quick-traveling in. That will cut down on the numbers participating in the battles a bit.
As far as guesting, I feel a few things need to happen here:
- 1) There should be separate overflow queues, one for players native to the server and one for guests. And the native player’s queue to enter a map should always have priority over the guest’s queue. Only when there are no native players waiting to enter their home server’s map should the queue for guests advance.
- 2) There should be a limit placed on how many guests can occupy a particular map at any given time, with the majority of the overall occupancy slots being reserved for native players. To allow a situation where most of the occupancy slots on a map can potentially be used by players who are not even native to that server is ridiculous.
- 3) Players should not be allowed to guest to a particular server unless they’re currently grouped with a player who is actually a native of the server in question. The intention of the guest feature is to allow friends on different servers to play together. It was not meant to be a tool to help players farm more easily. If you’re not on the server as a guest of a friend, you don’t need to be there. This also ensures that any one native can not invite more than 4 other “guests” to his home server.
Sure, that could be inconvenient, but the person who shouldn’t be inconvenienced is me when all I want to do is something as basic and understandable as playing on my home server. As a resident I should never lose a spot to a guest.
Maybe that’s harsh, but people are abusing the guesting feature. The intention was to join up with friends on different servers, not hop to other servers to take advantage of event timers, etc.
Guesting is not being abused, third party applications are. All of your steps are well thought out and nice, but entirely unnecessary if you change one simple thing, “the time events occur”.
Randomize when these bosses/events happen so that they can’t be dictated and announced for EZLOOTs to everyone on every server, and bandwagoners will relatively vanish once they are required to put even a slight amount of effort into it.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
(But what really is the problem here?)
Wait, I thought Anet said the limit was one chest per toon per day from these events, and even if you, say, do teq, and an hour later guest elsewhere and do it again you still wouldn’t get a chest…that that one chest rule applies no matter what server
Just make it so you can only guest on servers where you have friends on. I don’t agree with randomizing and messing with the timers at all.
(But what really is the problem here?)
The problem is i can’t get on my server because people camp behemoth 2 hours before its spawns so they don’t get stuck in overflow when it does. This never happened before the latest patch.
(But what really is the problem here?)The problem is i can’t get on my server because people camp behemoth 2 hours before its spawns so they don’t get stuck in overflow when it does. This never happened before the latest patch.
It happened a lot in the starting areas during the first month of launch (when 2 mil ppl were in 5 zones)
It’s been happening ever since in Lion’s Arch.
Spots usually open up fairly quickly as there is a lot of traffic through those zones.
Buddy Im on Gandara and have no problems getting in queesdale 99% of the time. The fact is that the area has lots of events and is the first human zone. Its not because B is 2 hours from spawn. The area is just full because its a busy zone and the server is high pop. Hell a lot of guilds use it as a meeting point for events, which will trigger overflow easily and has nothing to do with the spawn window for B.
That’s why it should be considered an exploit. Either they need to fix it or they need to place limits on guesting.
These events have their own problems. In my opinion, the population caps on these maps need to be lowered because it’s pretty clear none of the servers seem capable of providing a quality experience when so many players are merging on a single event. I’d rather have a cool 10 – 20 man fight with an outdoor boss than the chaotic mess plaguing the game now.
I’m not suggesting a map only allow 20 players on it, but they need to add a larger window to these spawn timers to discourage camping and shut down nearby waypoints to these events whenever they begin, which will eliminate people quick-traveling in. That will cut down on the numbers participating in the battles a bit.
As far as guesting, I feel a few things need to happen here:
- 1) There should be separate overflow queues, one for players native to the server and one for guests. And the native player’s queue to enter a map should always have priority over the guest’s queue. Only when there are no native players waiting to enter their home server’s map should the queue for guests advance.
- 2) There should be a limit placed on how many guests can occupy a particular map at any given time, with the majority of the overall occupancy slots being reserved for native players. To allow a situation where most of the occupancy slots on a map can potentially be used by players who are not even native to that server is ridiculous.
- 3) Players should not be allowed to guest to a particular server unless they’re currently grouped with a player who is actually a native of the server in question. The intention of the guest feature is to allow friends on different servers to play together. It was not meant to be a tool to help players farm more easily. If you’re not on the server as a guest of a friend, you don’t need to be there. This also ensures that any one native can not invite more than 4 other “guests” to his home server.
Sure, that could be inconvenient, but the person who shouldn’t be inconvenienced is me when all I want to do is something as basic and understandable as playing on my home server. As a resident I should never lose a spot to a guest.
Maybe that’s harsh, but people are abusing the guesting feature. The intention was to join up with friends on different servers, not hop to other servers to take advantage of event timers, etc.
Guesting is not being abused, third party applications are. All of your steps are well thought out and nice, but entirely unnecessary if you change one simple thing, “the time events occur”.
Randomize when these bosses/events happen so that they can’t be dictated and announced for EZLOOTs to everyone on every server, and bandwagoners will relatively vanish once they are required to put even a slight amount of effort into it.
I think that’s one of the needed changes.
It would also help, I think, if all other areas were just as consistently rewarding. Make it so that going to fight the Shadow Behemoth isn’t significantly more rewarding than defending the Iron Barracuda or the Owl shrine.
There are other ways to fix the problem, of course, but I don’t think any of them involve changes to guesting.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
Buddy Im on Gandara and have no problems getting in queesdale 99% of the time. The fact is that the area has lots of events and is the first human zone. Its not because B is 2 hours from spawn. The area is just full because its a busy zone and the server is high pop. Hell a lot of guilds use it as a meeting point for events, which will trigger overflow easily and has nothing to do with the spawn window for B.
I never had problem getting in Queensdale either… When i got in (it took 15 minutes) i went to check in the swamp and found a bunch of people doing nothing.
Just make it so you can only guest on servers where you have friends on. I don’t agree with randomizing and messing with the timers at all.
That is way too easily exploited, you’ll just have people on reddit and forums posting “add me to friends list for server access”. Beyond that, I like to guest on Tarnished Coast when I feel like playing with roleplayers, I don’t have any added friends there, and I don’t think it’s neccesary to restrict where I like to play for enjoyment in as opposed to playing WvW with my guild.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
Look, I’m not saying that increased loot rewards hasn’t contributed to the problem at all. Obviously it has. But when people deny that guesting has nothing to do with it, that is just plain wrong.
Guesting has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of players required to create an overflow.
An overflow will still be created with 0 guests present.
Even if anet disabled guesting for a week, there would still be overflows at the world events… and I hope that they do exactly that to prove my point to all of the people complaining about guesting.
I would love to see that to prove it right or wrong. I do not care if I’m personally right or wrong… I just want to enjoy my game time, and not see that god kitten overflow pop up when i expect to have a cool encounter. It just needs to get fixed whatever the cause or solution.
This is getting abso-freaking-lutely crazy. I really can’t see anyone being an apologist for this OR why Anet has not spoken up about the issue at all except to “correct” people in other threads about what “overflow” actually means. Wow that really helps!
Yes but that could equaly be from a guild event or even a guild bounty. You need to keep in mind the new content is throwing players all over the shop in order to get to it. So some are camping out in areas. Thats outwith the B camping itself. Plus it is “prime time” atm so populations are going to be on the high side.
The chests are supposed to be once per character per day. That day resets with the server reset. So you can get a chest right before server reset and the same chest right after. But not again until after the next server reset.
If people can in fact server hop and receive multiple chests per day on one character, this is an exploit and the culprits should be punished.
If people are just server hopping with ALTs, that is not an exploit but should still be fixed by ANet.
These events have their own problems. In my opinion, the population caps on these maps need to be lowered because it’s pretty clear none of the servers seem capable of providing a quality experience when so many players are merging on a single event. I’d rather have a cool 10 – 20 man fight with an outdoor boss than the chaotic mess plaguing the game now.
I’m not suggesting a map only allow 20 players on it, but they need to add a larger window to these spawn timers to discourage camping and shut down nearby waypoints to these events whenever they begin, which will eliminate people quick-traveling in. That will cut down on the numbers participating in the battles a bit.
As far as guesting, I feel a few things need to happen here:
- 1) There should be separate overflow queues, one for players native to the server and one for guests. And the native player’s queue to enter a map should always have priority over the guest’s queue. Only when there are no native players waiting to enter their home server’s map should the queue for guests advance.
- 2) There should be a limit placed on how many guests can occupy a particular map at any given time, with the majority of the overall occupancy slots being reserved for native players. To allow a situation where most of the occupancy slots on a map can potentially be used by players who are not even native to that server is ridiculous.
- 3) Players should not be allowed to guest to a particular server unless they’re currently grouped with a player who is actually a native of the server in question. The intention of the guest feature is to allow friends on different servers to play together. It was not meant to be a tool to help players farm more easily. If you’re not on the server as a guest of a friend, you don’t need to be there. This also ensures that any one native can not invite more than 4 other “guests” to his home server.
Sure, that could be inconvenient, but the person who shouldn’t be inconvenienced is me when all I want to do is something as basic and understandable as playing on my home server. As a resident I should never lose a spot to a guest.
Maybe that’s harsh, but people are abusing the guesting feature. The intention was to join up with friends on different servers, not hop to other servers to take advantage of event timers, etc.
I greatly support this. Our server is already full and we don’t need twice our population by guesting.
And please make guesting possible between EU and NA.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
Buddy Im on Gandara and have no problems getting in queesdale 99% of the time. The fact is that the area has lots of events and is the first human zone. Its not because B is 2 hours from spawn. The area is just full because its a busy zone and the server is high pop. Hell a lot of guilds use it as a meeting point for events, which will trigger overflow easily and has nothing to do with the spawn window for B.
Tell that to the giant swarm of people hanging around /dancing by the shack in the swamp at all times, whether two hours from SB spawn or two minutes. Most of them don’t even move their feet to help with the prerequisite events, for fear the massive zerg will kill SB before they could get back to the swamp from the monastery or wherever.
Words have ranges of meaning and features like guesting have a range of application and ‘use’. Certainly playing with friends is one reason guesting was implemented and one use of the feature.
Another use is for the dead server problem. GW2, as conceived, requires a populated world. It’s not a lot of fun playing in Orr when every waypoint is contested and there aren’t enough people for events. Gameplay stops and karma merchants remain unavailable. Previously, you could do a free transfer to another server and hope for a better experience, but you still couldn’t get into a ‘full’ server. Guesting addresses this problem as well as the problem of simply being able to play with friends.
I seriously doubt that people are guesting solely to camp world bosses. Most likely, they are guesting to play on a ‘full’ server with other players everywhere whether it’s world bosses, events in Orr, or simply starter and 1-25 zones for leveling alts. So, the answer to the ‘problem’ of guesting (it’s actually as much a solution or workaround as a problem) is to address the dead server problem. This could be done crudely through server consolidation (swtor-style); or, it could be done through instanced/managed zones where players from all servers play (wow-style). It could also be accomplished through a virtual single server (eso-style), though that would be a radical departure and unlikely to occur.
Bottom line, the underlying problem needs to be addressed. There are pluses and minuses with any solution. Certainly, with any type of consolidation of players, ‘real’ or virtual you have a loss of server identity and community. There are many issues including the technical ones. I expect players will be dealing with the problem in one form or another for some time to come. Anet, will need to make the workarounds less painful as they work toward a solution.
(edited by Raine.1394)
This increase in population for queensdale isn’t all due to behemoth. The new random dailies have “Complete x events or kill x monsters in Kryta”. Queensdale is the lowest level zone for Kryta, which makes it the best place to finish these when they pop up.
There are no dead servers where these world events are concerned. Let me reiterate, I’m on one of the lower population servers, Fergusen’s Crossing, and it still has this overflow issue.
People ARE guesting to camp world bosses. The potential rewards for these world bosses are too enticing for some people. Anyone who thinks this is not happening does not fully understand the problem. It appears this problem is occuring on just about every server out there, both low and high populated servers.
Why not cut the spawn times in half? In theory doubling the number people that can complete the events per day and if need be lowering the number of loot items per chest if market saturation is a concern…
Just a thought…
Only an exploit if people are guesting and getting a second chest on one character.
If they are guesting and getting a chest for an ALT, that is working as intended.
That said, there is currently a big problem. If guesting multiple ALTs is causing a major part of the problem, limiting chests to one per ACCOUNT per day would slow the problem down.
If people are somehow getting multiple chests on one character, that is an exploit and I would not feel any remorse for anyone who was doing this. Though, I still have not heard of any confirmation that anyone is actually doing this.
This increase in population for queensdale isn’t all due to behemoth. The new random dailies have “Complete x events or kill x monsters in Kryta”. Queensdale is the lowest level zone for Kryta, which makes it the best place to finish these when they pop up.
Ah yes the daily might have some impact, true but i’ m also positive that over 30 people afk’ing in the swamp isn’t a guild event….
You will get a pop-up notifying you as soon as a spot opens on your home server in Queensdale. You aren’t stuck forever, just a few moments
Its not a few moments, I was stuck for over 30 last night on Gates of Madness. This guesting has to stop, let people transfer if they want to play with friends.
Currently it is one chest, per character, per server. Just make it so it is one per character on any server. It can’t be that hard can it?
Yeah but there are whole lot more running around are doing stuff. 30 odd people standing around is not that big of a number of the whole. Fact is Gandara is high pop, its prime time for play, the new dailies and guild bounties are making players go all over the world map. So getting hit with overflow isnt solely because B is near his spawn window.
Thats all we are saying.
There are no dead servers where these world events are concerned. Let me reiterate, I’m on one of the lower population servers, Fergusen’s Crossing, and it still has this overflow issue.
People ARE guesting to camp world bosses. The potential rewards for these world bosses are too enticing for some people. Anyone who thinks this is not happening does not fully understand the problem. It appears this problem is occuring on just about every server out there, both low and high populated servers.
You have zero proof that camping is the case. FC could be in the same situation as SF, in that it is a heavily PvE server and as more time goes, more people on the server are aware of the profitability, and since there is no incentive for these people to NOT come, more and more come each day to each event.
As a general request to this thread, please stop stating anecdotal evidence as fact, and using that as a case to posit a ‘factual’ solution.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
If people get good loot from world event chests in their own servers, then they wouldn’t have to guest just for that reason.
I agree with most that there should be priority when queuing characters from home world vs guests.
Buddy Im on Gandara and have no problems getting in queesdale 99% of the time. The fact is that the area has lots of events and is the first human zone. Its not because B is 2 hours from spawn. The area is just full because its a busy zone and the server is high pop. Hell a lot of guilds use it as a meeting point for events, which will trigger overflow easily and has nothing to do with the spawn window for B.
Tell that to the giant swarm of people hanging around /dancing by the shack in the swamp at all times, whether two hours from SB spawn or two minutes. Most of them don’t even move their feet to help with the prerequisite events, for fear the massive zerg will kill SB before they could get back to the swamp from the monastery or wherever.
Part of me feels sorry for them and understands, though. They have been bored for /so/ long.
First we had “The starting areas are deserted, make it worth our time to go there”, and we got level appropriate drops in starter areas. Then came “Killing bosses is not worth the effort, all I get is greens”, and we got 1 guaranteed rare per chest. Also in the mix are “When is guesting going to happen?” and the rumor (or fact, I don’t really know) that the Behemoth can drop a precursor. Put them all together and stir and you get “Queensdale overflow”. I believe the term for this is unintended consequences.
The pop up doesn’t guarantee that you’d be in your server map. I was transferred from one overflow to another.
Make all Timers the same on every server including overflow
Wham bam thank you mam
I wonder if they put back pent/shelt the way it was would these overflow issues subside a bit because I definitely see fewer players doing pent/shelt now then before the patch and they have to get their rares/exotics somewhere. Farming the meta events is just making up for the lack of it.
The only other immediate solution that I would suggest is going to said events 10min+ early at least then if you get into overflow your chances of getting back before it starts/finishes would be higher due to being higher up in the queue.