I now cannot attend any major event on my server due to guesting.
Whenever I attempt to do a Dragon or the Fire elemental or even the Maw I am put into Overflow due to the guesting problem.
It’s just tottaly nuts that I can’t even do the events on my home server because guesters are just pushing me out of the main zone.
You need to make home server people have priority over guesters. I can’t even do major events and that’s a huge chunk of fun gone from the game for me.
Here is several pieces of evidence that this is not because of guesting, just people like to put the blame on something and don’t stop to take 2 seconds to think logically. (just blame the immigrant syndrome eh)
Guesting was implemented over a month ago and you never experienced this type of lag since its implemention even though back then dragon chest was actually abuseable (no limit on the amount of chest lootable)
As much as people don’t know and like to blame, guesting has a much higher chance of putting someone in an overflow if the server demands it "Guesting on worlds that are full or highly populated increases your risk of being put into an overflow map. " quote from wiki page.
Therefore, think about this logically and clearly. Prior to this update, a lot of people on your overcrowded server were farming dungeons (cof etc, take note that a lot of post like LF3M COF FARM ONLY ZERKER WARRIOR/MESMER ALLOWED have significantly reduced). Now with the improved loot drop, a lot of people on your server have decided to come out of these dungeons and all cluster on these world boss maps in order to get these. Just take a moment and THINK about the amount of people i’m talking about on YOUR server clustering onto one map. Just think, and now think back to how guesting was implemented for over a month now and have experienced none of these issues. Now think back to how a lot of servers are becoming more populated in the open world now (as anet intended) since they stop dungeon farming and only the highest populated servers are experiencing these lag issues.
Lastly, I want you to think about the WvW now. There is no guest there, so you can’t put the blame on them, yet, t1 this week is experiencing extremely horrible lag. Now do you see my point? The servers in t1 and t2 are TOO large, some much much larger than others (BG/TC/JQ) and a map will never be able to handle such huge populations on a server no matter what. That is what overflows are for, and the only thing you can hope is that anet brings you guys better servers to fix this and cursed yourself for being so big. Like many things which grow out of control, they end up destroying themselves.