Guesting is out of control.
what do you mean?
we know precisely when the events start.
theres no random….people use “event timers” found on the internet and teleport to where the next event will start.
The “window” period gives it a element of randominess. (It’s 1.15 window for jormag and 30 minutes for shatterer and teq, obviously shatterer is the more specific one since it has a short pre event but that’s also a lower level event).To implement a completely random timer would make it unfair for certain servers on certain days since one day you could only have 1 spawn while another server may have had 10 spawns.
dont talk about unfair here, its not much worst than rng
and over time, average will win.
the idea is “stopping the people from doing events in chain”.
as it is the whole server farmers + guests are going at the same
exact spot at the same exact time, to play in facerollable “free loot giving” me, thats total failed design.
It’s not win because not everyone is farming events as an “average” thing. Some people may have time to play the game for one particular day but only to be hit with a bad ’rng" of event. Besides, another rng for events would just trigger another huge public outcry on it. So here we have many people complaining about rng and suddenly there are more suggestions of more rng. Why not make the chest account bound as I suggest? I think this is a perfect solution. Why bother touching other things that work when obviously this is a people are so concentrated on farming dragons now event.
I don’t see how this is free loot either. You spend time waiting for an event, playing for an event, and you get rewarded “once” on that character with a minimum of a rare as oppose to previously where you have to hunt it 3-5 times to get a rare.
So now we have people who complained how bad the loot is and now we have people saying it’s too easy? You just can’t please EITHER side can you. There is no middle line, it’s either too hard or too easy for people, not JUST the right amount (because this DOES NOT EXIST) If you wanna say its faceroll easy, everything in this game is faceroll easy, fotm is a joke, cof is a joke, arah is a joke, nothing is really that challenging (for me) anyways, but you dont’ see me complaining about it because this is a matter of personal skill and opinion. Other people do not share the same thought as me or are at the same skill level as me.
Final note, if these world events were so easy, why do people die in the masses a lot during these events, think about it. (even before the lag, so don’t argue with lag please)
i have no clue how they can die :/ i would have to make an effort to die.
your solution is good too.
the events would only be clogged at prime time.
i just think randomized would make it spicier; people would have to communicate more and it would remove the camping, maybe, which is boring.
and even if somebody doesnt see jorma one day, he can see another one, he ll eventually see them all if he wants to.
i just think making these bosses as “obvious farm spots” isnt that good for the game.
its boring, server demanding, and rewarding; ugh.
The real problem coming from all of this is not the lag (though, honestly, that’s pretty terrible…noone likes unplayable events where you can’t even see if you’re hitting the dragon) it’s the invasion of trolls and the hostility now being found in map chat.
I don’t know what everyone else’s server is like, but the one I’m on has never for a second made me want to turn off map chat. You get a few idiots, sure, but for the main part you get some interesting discussion and a lot of fun. Lately, though, there has been a lot of people starting trouble and arguments, trolling like their life depended on it. The locals aren’t blamless because they are often rising to the bait, but still, it’s a problem that wasn’t here before.
The lag and overflow stuff are technical issues that might get fixed eventually, but this is causing a lot of bad feeling between servers that won’t go away so easily.
Here’s a idea:
What if guesting event chests are one per account? And What if home server event chests are once per character?
I’m on tarnished Coast, thats my home server.
Why the hell does this game allow guests on full servers?! I honestly think if the server is classified as a high population server guesting should be disabled.
lol imagine the QQ when they make chest loot account bound….“WHY CAN’T WE HAVE NICE THINGS?”. “OMG anet is anti fun”. People love farming for rewards as much as they can and as often as they can, can’t really blame Anet for catering the needs of the masses.
My server JQ is packed, and i solve this by doing world event on low-pop server. (HoD, and ET for instance).
They can probably disable guesting on high-pop sever, but hey, expecting the same QQ “my friends are on TC, why i am not allow play with them?”
The other options making the event an instance, or syncing overflows so when an event occurs on the normal server, it occurs on overflows, too. But these will take longer time.
Blackgate Militia
(edited by hplee.2839)
I’m not sure why Anet did away with the new district system they had created and went back to the obsolete “server” system.
It’s causing all sorts of problems like this one, guild issues when playing with people on different servers, over/underpopulation issues, WvW unbalances, etc.
They don’t seem interested to go back to the better system though.
At best they will create some time gating on boss chests, but I doubt we’ll ever see a proper population handling system like GW1.
Guesting is a failure, as far as I’m concerned. Great concept, but the execution is ridiculously terrible and actually hurting the game.
For crying out loud. Do not let ppl guest on high pop servers. Its a joke right now…
I’m usually very critic about many things done by anet since the release… but this time I want to say THANK YOU to them.
They addressed two main issues (event loot and guesting) in a good way. Sadly, people started abusing both of them causing more problems.
And yes, it is a problem, the lag on these events is unbearable.
Players A-H: “Omg game is empty, I never see anybody on, this game is dying, blah blah blah”
Player S: "Heh, you’re delusional. My server is thriving. You should probably come here if you think the game is “dying”, lol."
Players A-H: Oh. Alrighty then. Players A-H move
Change it please. Make it so guesters:
1. Can get 1 chest from 1 guest server, but no others from that server.
2. Are put into an overflow before natives of the server they’re guesting on. It’s terrible that people who have been there day 1 are being kicked out of their own events because of guesters.
No chests for guesters. Easy fix.
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33
Hm… I’ve been thinking…
With the recent loot changes on these events, overall participation has increased. That also means people from your own server are doing the events too. So it’s a possibility the overflow isn’t caused by only guesters, but maybe your own server logging on and wanting to do the event?
That’s just a thought lol. I know that mid-high population servers can cause their own overflows quite often, like mine did in LA when fractals came out and everyone logged onto LA to do it.
Hm… I’ve been thinking…
With the recent loot changes on these events, overall participation has increased. That also means people from your own server are doing the events too. So it’s a possibility the overflow isn’t caused by only guesters, but maybe your own server logging on and wanting to do the event?
That’s just a thought
lol. I know that mid-high population servers can cause their own overflows quite often, like mine did in LA when fractals came out and everyone logged onto LA to do it.
Yeah, that’s what everyone keeps saying, but yesterday waiting for the Shatterer on TC I decided to ask who was guesting.
The amount of replies was pretty overwhelming.
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33
I actually guested to a low pop server because my character got stuck in a loading screen in Wayfarer Hills whilst heading to do the Maw, I got in fine and decided to move to Frostgorge so I could log out and go back to my server and do some farming, guess what, I got stuck in a loading screen in Frostgorge. I then checked the timers and yes the Claw of Jormag was up. I’ll bet that wasnt the entire server population suddenly all deciding to kill the dragon.
Watching some of the low level zone group events get zerged by high level players I can only wonder what new players are thinking if they can even get close. It would certainly put me off if I were a new player and discovered I could barely do anything in a starter zone without 100 odd players descending on a few mobs I was trying to do my starter hearts on.
Limit 1 chest per boss, while guesting. (1 a day)
Limit 2 chests per boss, on your home server. (1 every 12 hours)
This would be account wide
IMO guesting is great, it just wasn’t meant to be a farming tool.
The only REAL solution is for anet to (…) make the reward account bound and not character bound. That way, each account is only able to do 1 chest for each boss per account. I think this is the perfect and most easily implementable solution. People kill it once and move on to other things. In fact, people may even spread out even more across the world because of it because they may wanna catch other bosses which they didn’t catch previously to get more chest.
I very much agree. I’d even say they could/should expand the list of chest events, but keep the “once per day per account” limit. This would keep the events profitable while killing the excessive farming and forcing people to spread out more. Perfect solution.
Really, I’m kind of surprised Anet made the (much welcome) change to event rewards apparently without thinking of the consequences. The moment I got my first “improved” Tequatl chest I instantly knew that it’s going to turn into a circus.
Agreed. Lag is unbearable. Remove chest rewards from guested events.
How about guesting to a lower population server from a high population server?
How about no? Why would I be a hypocrite and do the very thing that annoys me?
How about no? Why would I be a hypocrite and do the very thing that annoys me?
Guesting itself isn’t what’s annoying you. The lag caused by guesting is what’s annoying you. You guest away from your home server to avoid the lag.
That’s not hypocritical at all.
And when enough people guest onto that server it lags, too.
The logical fix is remove the incentive for people to guest.
And when enough people guest onto that server it lags, too.
The logical fix is remove the incentive for people to guest.
How about no? This is disadvantageous as some people guest to play with their friends, which is the very reason guesting was implemented in the first place. So what you’re saying is you should screw those people over by giving them inferior rewards compared to if they were native to the server itself?
The problem right now is a one way problem. Lower populated servers such as Elmry Bay are not experiencing such problems to the scale Tarnished Coast or Jade Quarry are experiencing. You distribute the number of people out evenly, and the lag dies down.
Yesterday was my first time doing dragon event did 2 had no fun at all. I was not the only one laging the poor Dragon too, ppl asking Mesmers to press any F key to get red of illusions.
somthing need to be done about this.
the only good part about it is I got the chest.
Yes, those people should get screwed for the greater good.
In fact I would be surprised if this didn’t get changed, because if you love guesting on a server so much, but can’t get the rewards, you’ll have the incentive to pony up and transfer, likely giving ANet some money.
What you’re suggesting is people that enjoy the community to which they truly belong, within which they likely play with their friends, should be displaced to a random, low population server just so they can play the game lag free? Nope, sorry.
Me moving somewhere to avoid atrocious lag just so you can come play with your pals is a stupid idea.
Same with desolation. Guildies and myself keep getting pushed to overflow servers on our home world.
Yes, those people should get screwed for the greater good.
In fact I would be surprised if this didn’t get changed, because if you love guesting on a server so much, but can’t get the rewards, you’ll have the incentive to pony up and transfer, likely giving ANet some money.
What you’re suggesting is people that enjoy the community to which they truly belong, within which they likely play with their friends, should be displaced to a random, low population server just so they can play the game lag free? Nope, sorry.
Me moving somewhere to avoid atrocious lag just so you can come play with your pals is a stupid idea.
So you would rather sit through the slideshow of a dynamic event for an entire 5 minutes than to have smooth frames but a slightly longer fight with the same rewards? In other words, you’d rather do what you complain about?
Now THAT sounds like hypocrisy.
I remember posting…Guesting will be used for anything but not for the real purpose…real friends, real guildies, real bonds, play together no matter what…if you know his nick, if you did a 3 path run with someone, or you just received a random invite for a guild…doesnt make you best friends like spongebob and patrick.
I was so right…just like the old instant np transfer servers, people going around not for ‘’check server’’ more like for get nodes and chests.
I can see there’s no point explaining this further since you’re incapable of rationality and possess an over-inflated sense of entitlement. We’ll have to agree to disagree.
I can see there’s no point explaining this further since you’re incapable of rationality and possess an over-inflated sense of entitlement. We’ll have to agree to disagree.
Oh this isn’t about me at all. I’m simply saying gimping guesting isn’t the solution. Encouraging distribution is.
So guesting was launched so people could join their friends on other servers, rather than transferring? And what’s happened is that people guest to high population servers to get chests. They don’t care about lag, they don’t care about the local residents, & they’re not ‘visiting friends.’
Can you guest on a server that doesn’t have someone on your friends list? If you can, there’s the problem. And what’s the point of ‘encouraging distribution,’ if guesting was meant to allow friends to play together?
I’m surprised no one foresaw the lagfest & negative impact before this was implemented.
Is not just Gandara or Tarnished Coast or some other server. Most servers have overflow on all 3 dragon events and Shadow Behemoth. people are too lazy/impacient to wait for the event to spawn on their home server so they check the dragon timer websites and guest on a server where th event is just about to spawn.
Since the event chest can be looted only once a day per character that means the 3 hours waiting time to stop the farmers is unnecessary. They should lower the waiting time for those events to something like 1 hour. 3 hours is too much. Frozen Maw and Fire elemental don’t have overflow servers because they reset every 30-45 minutes.
Making the dragon events spawn more often would help spread the population a little bit so the event would have less lag and less people at the same time, therefore no overflow.
Yes, with the limit of once a day per character, there is no need for the three hour timers anymore. It’s just “forcing” players to use guesting if they want to get each chest once a day per character.
Also, rather than nixing guesting to a server only if the server is full, they should bar guesting to a zone that has reached the threshold after which characters get sent to overflow. Or, better yet, nix guesting to a zone that contains one of these events if the local population is even at 60% of the cap for the zone with in 20minutes of event launch time.
The correct solution to all of this is to make guesting 1) invite only, you don’t have any friends on the server you don’t need to be there. 2) make it temporary, if your friends aren’t there to get you in then again you don’t need to be there.
I agree that guesting is out of control and is really not that great of a feature. Sadly it’s a good idea with very poor long term thought put into the implementation. The first question that Anet needs to ask itself is, what is the point of guesting? Is it so friends can play together on the same server? If that’s the case then it should be temporary and then require someone to transfer to their friend’s server. It shouldn’t be something we can do any time all the time. That’s bad design imho. A couple of other things that Anet should probably do to fix this problem.
1. Require someone who is guesting to a server to have an invite to the server from someone they know. (Already mentioned)
2. Limit the amount of times you can guest to a server to 2 or 3 tops. By this time you’ll know if that server is ‘right for you’.
3. Disable a person’s ability to use /map chat while guesting. There’s no reason generally for these folks to need map chat.
4. Disable the ability to receive loot from chest in DE boss events. (already mentioned)
I for one would like to see Anet just shut the feature off until they decide why the implemented it in the first place. There’s nothing wrong with letting someone try out another server to see if it’s a fit but it should be a short term and limited ability which then requires them to suck it up and transfer.
The correct solution to all of this is to make guesting 1) invite only, you don’t have any friends on the server you don’t need to be there. 2) make it temporary, if your friends aren’t there to get you in then again you don’t need to be there.
At launch when they were talking about guesting you could only guest there if you had a contact there. Not sure why they scrapped that idea though.
Like I’ve said in other threads. Guesting was implemented to allow players to play with their friends on other server and not for doing an event faster. So it should require an invite from a friend. If you do not have a friend on that server then there’s no reason for you to be there, as you have the exact same events back at your home server. Not enough people? ANet has something called Dynamic Scaling.
Guesting Wars 2.
this was really funny lol
This is your calling, to The battle of your life.
Guesting for the average non-dragon-farmer. (Me)
Log on.
Realise I have loads of karma.
Stare in despair at a contested Balthazar temple.
Quick hop to Desolation, two things can happen.
1. I praise them for having the temple open.
2. I grumble about them not having the temple open.
The latter meaning I need tea and consider picking at random another server.
If its open, I hop in, grab my obi shards, and quickly leave again.
Only thing I use guesting for, my timing is never impeccable enough to actually help with any temple events. So it’s just a quick in and out, it’s what most of us do. No friends on there either.
Gear Wars 2
Grind Wars 2
Guest Wars 2
Gzoom Wars 2
I don’t know
Would “Channels” work with Guild Wars 2? It wouldn’t have to be a ton, but maybe 1 or two per map. Or maybe just channels on high population maps where events like Maw/Dragons occur.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
I just want to touch on a few issues here.
1: Since the loot update on the chests events are now over-crowded and guesters are taking spots from people who are on a home server. FACT (Google fact if you don’t understand what a fact is.)
2: My server while it does indeed have a large population, I’ve never once been put into an overflow at prime time ASIDE from lions arch. But that’s LA and Fractals are there so it’s not a surprise
3: For people who don’t understand you can only loot 1 chest per boss per day on that character. If you have 8 characters that means you can loot that 1 particular chest 8 times in a day. While obviously if you just stayed on your home server you couldn’t do every event (Hence guesting)
4: It’s a pretty clear fact for me atleast that I’ve noticed people guesting to my server for events. I’ve even had many people crapping up map chat with “LOOLOLkittenSERVER DESOLATION 4EVARH LOLO!l!!!!!”
5: Underflow. Do it.
Gear Wars 2
Grind Wars 2
Guest Wars 2
Gzoom Wars 2I don’t know
Forum Wars 2 i think is the best one! These forums are a battle field.
Any way something i been playing with is making the start of all pre-events of the same world event start all at the same time on all servers even the overflows.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I feel a few things need to happen here:
- 1) There should be separate overflow queues, one for players native to the server and one for guests. And the native player’s queue to enter a map should always have priority over the guest’s queue. Only when there are no native players waiting to enter their home server’s map should the queue for guests advance.
- 2) There should be a limit placed on how many guests can occupy a particular map at any given time, with the majority of the overall occupancy slots being reserved for native players. To allow a situation where most of the occupancy slots on a map can potentially be used by players who are not even native to that server is ridiculous.
- 3) Players should not be allowed to guest to a particular server unless they’re currently grouped with a player who is actually a native of the server in question. The intention of the guest feature is to allow friends on different servers to play together. It was not meant to be a tool to help players farm more easily. If you’re not on the server as a guest of a friend, you don’t need to be there. This also ensures that any one native can not invite more than 4 other “guests” to his home server.
I normally have almost fully supported Anet so far, but this guesting is one thing I noticed first hand that is a problem. There was a very large gathering for Behemoth last night on Fort Aspenwood, game tanked because of so many people. I was forced to reboot my computer and it was nearly 10 minutes before I was able to get logged back in and then it put me into an overflow server and couldn’t move back to my home server for a few minutes. By the time I got back onto home server the event had just finished. I waited for a good hour in the swamp and then got jacked. Not cool man.
I also remember suggesting that Overflow maps events follow the exact same timer as the normal map, so players who got kicked to overflow would not miss out on events and party members will be able to right click > Join in overflow.
I love guesting and think it’s a great feature. I also don’t use it to farm world events on other servers though. I mainly just use it to find uncontested dungeon entrances. For that purpose it’s pretty awesome.
You realize there’s already limits on guesting, right?
Also, blaming guests for lag is pretty stupid. Even on relatively unpopulated Maguuma people have been coming out of the woodwork to do the events and they’re a lot laggier than they used to be, so obviously it would be even worse on the most populated servers.
Is not just Gandara or Tarnished Coast or some other server. Most servers have overflow on all 3 dragon events and Shadow Behemoth. people are too lazy/impacient to wait for the event to spawn on their home server so they check the dragon timer websites and guest on a server where th event is just about to spawn.
Since the event chest can be looted only once a day per character that means the 3 hours waiting time to stop the farmers is unnecessary. They should lower the waiting time for those events to something like 1 hour. 3 hours is too much. Frozen Maw and Fire elemental don’t have overflow servers because they reset every 30-45 minutes.
Making the dragon events spawn more often would help spread the population a little bit so the event would have less lag and less people at the same time, therefore no overflow.
This would be a great solution! I do not see why the events can not take place more often, perhaps twice as often would help?
I also remember suggesting that Overflow maps events follow the exact same timer as the normal map, so players who got kicked to overflow would not miss out on events and party members will be able to right click > Join in overflow.
Another great idea!