Guild Alliances on Upcoming Patch
I was part of the “alliance”, but when you, the leaders, started with your swearing at and insulting the random people that just happened to be at the chosen map, suspecting them of being ’taxi’ed’ by some of our members, I lost any respect towards you. “Only the members of the alliance can be here; otherwise, gtfo!”, were the words of some of you. How… mature.
I think it’d be healthy for the community if the TxS went away.
To help guild getting to the same shard in megaservers they could add a possibility to join guild leader or guild membres shard like there is the possibility to join partymembers overflow right now
My first thought: ‘’oh, megaservers, such nice thing, much wow!’‘, then second thought: ’’Oh, I’m in TxS! Megaservers will be a problem for us!‘’, and it’s a problem. We have like 200-300 members in each our guild.
For example, we want to do Tequatl after feature patch, what will happen? We probably can’t be able to gather everyone from TxS on the same map.
Megaservers imo are for kind a alone players, w/o guild etc. In MMO alone players should exist? Ok – maybe, but this patch will destroy alliances and very big guilds. Now we can’t do runs, or we will do this with randoms, pugs, peoples who don’t know how to kill Wurm, Tequatl, so probably we will fail event.
Second point, I think the megaservers are focus on casual players, because They can’t be able to do easy event for let’s say normal players – ok, maybe is a problem for casual players. They don’t have enough time to know better this game, or stuff like that, but is hard to make game for casual, normal players and hc players too? Just instancing events which needs a organisation. Don’t make a good thing for one community of GW2, and wrong thing for other community of GW2! Just look at the advantage and disadvantages of Megaservers, or do alternative for us, for organized guildes, alliances. Peace. Take serious this thread Anet.
Tequatl Slayer Alliance [TKS] – Member, Wisdom Honor and Truth [WHAT] – Veteran
Dungeons 3000+, Fractal 45lvl, Tequatl 200+, Wurm 60+
(edited by Shivar.2478)
Please ArenaNet, reconsider the timers on the world bosses. Every 2 or 3 hours is fine, don’t touch it.
Please ArenaNet, reconsider the timers on the world bosses. Every 2 or 3 hours is fine, don’t touch it.
^ this.
And really, i agree with agent post, every single word.
It’s useless to have organized event ingame with a system that prioritize casuals and give problems to the communities. The name say all: “organized event”
You can’t do wurms without cooperation, you can fail easily tequatl without cooperation, casuals mostly [almost all the times, but yes, i’m saying “mostly”] don’t cooperate, i say that by experience, people wont listen, people sneaks in organized stuff for leeching without actually partecipating at the event, people rage and insult you when you give them suggestion [like 2 days ago, a guy raged against me in wvw because i suggest him to use sharpening stones, saying stuff like “i play my own way, i’m good as i am, i don’t need you”]
it’s a cool idea to make people play togheter in the megaserver, but it will work only with dynamic events, not huge organized ones.
i’m in TxS so i know how much preparation are needed for those events, i also saw gandara these days organizing for wurms and i liked it, i appreciated the efford,
the fun is here, you modified tequatl because people were only “going there and spamming 1 till he die”, and i loved it, gave us all a challenge, this is funny stuff, not champs trains at queensdale, karma trains at EotM, hp sponge jormaq\shatterer guy, and really, i don’t want that things change.
Sorry for the bad english, sincerely, an hardcore Gw2 player.
When i first read announcement about Megaserver my first thought had been “Multi-server guilds are going to die”, second announcement about guild chapters merging and gave me hope that but that will happen later in the year so it feels like discovering cure for patient that already died from disease! Megaserver and boss timers at this time are wrong, i feel like it would have been better idea to put new timers only on bosses in maps that are affected by megaserver change, and not change anything about rest, then when u merge all guild chapters u change everything!
Also guild events (custom triggering of world bosses) should not cost merits (or put influence -> merit exchange) as guilds like TxS exist, that do not do anything other than Tequatl and Wurm kills.
(edited by Quelior.8375)
I remember the devs (or PR people?) saying before GW2 came out that there wouldn’t be bosses that spawn at specific times, that it wasn’t a path they wanted to tread. That partially went out the window after a specific Tequatl patch that put it on a specific schedule.
But with the upcoming boss schedules they are doing a 180 on the original idea. The non-zergable bosses shouldn’t be timegated this way, precisely for the reasons the OP (agenciq ) pointed out.
The Marionette LS boss was a great demonstration of this concept of having a large zerg attack a boss that required a minimum of organisation. The problems seen there will only be exacerbated for Tequatl and the 3 Wurms.
To the second point, working with guilds will help you identify the trolls and avoid them even more.
It is very likely that the exact opposite is true because the system would classify these people as “people you regularly play with”, making it even easier for them to come troll you.
This ^^
So much this. This is exactly what TTS tried to post in our own thread before it got merged in the general feedback thread and lost to the 4 winds. Content like Wurm/Karka/Teq should be inclusive, not exlcusive like the proposed schedule will make them.
Late NA/early OCE is hit hard by this change as well. There is no reason we can’t have the major bosses spawn on a 4 hr rotation and still have enough time for guilds to pop own bosses inbetween….
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
Excellent post OP, thank you for expressing all of the issues the Megaboss Community is now facing in a concise post.
As an officer in a smaller Teq/Wurm guild that depend on its within-server alliances, I’m also very concerned about the MegaServer / glorified permanent overflow. As there is no in-game “alliance button”, our raids will be at jeopardy. And since we’ve been learning and teaching and and got a community with months of experience, this works really well atm. Megaserver will create and additional randomness element that will make it more difficult for our guild to play with allies. Not to mention that because we’re a dedicated megaboss guild, we haven’t researched missions and even though we’re running raids on Gandara, we have people from many other servers in the guild.
By the way Agent you forgot to mention that the average player of this game doesn’t want to improve his skill, doesn’t want to cooperate properly with other people.
-snip-Surely you must be trolling-where did these average figures of “selfish leeches” who “don’t want” to learn to play and cooperate with others come from? Even personal anecdotes of mine (which admittedly are not valid proof) tell me otherwise.
Don’t state personal hate and bias against others (so-called “average population”) as facts. Plenty of great players that want to help others around.
Since you have that much faith in the average GW2 player, I deduce that you either a) haven’t played events like Tequatl, Marionette etc while they were new, or b) that you were just fortunate enough to end up on a server / overflow with a group of well organised players who knew what they were doing.
Aeveron is absolutely right, sadly.
Average players run poor builds for PvE and worse of all – they refuse to listen when organisers try to explain and teach what kind of builds or skills are beneficial for the event. This was also an issue in non-Megabosses, like Marionette and Knightfall. A lot of people AFK which scales up the event and others suffer. Then there are people who simply refuse to join Teamspeak – and lets face it, Wurm is impossible without a voice comm. I would separate the GW2 population into People-Who-Care and AFKers/trolls who do not put in any effort. And there is a lot of the later ones.
The RP community expressed immediate concerns and Anet responded, in some fashion, claiming the megaserver will not hit city maps, at least not for now. The RP community is assumed to be around 10k players across EU/NA servers., and Anet seems to value there presence. Perhaps they buy a lot of gems, who knows??
The mega-boss slayer guilds represent around 6-7k players across EU/NA servers. So far all our concerns have been ignored by Anet. Perhaps we do not buy enough gems to warrant consideration, or, we are not the sort of players Anet wants to keep in-game.
6-7k is just the members of TxS and TSS alliances on EU/NA. There are other smaller guilds forming alliances on EU, I presume NA as well, that have been running organised megaboss raids since September. So I would guess it’s over 10,000 players.
[DV] – megaboss community
(edited by hedix.1986)
I agree with all that Agent said at the beginning. Following is my own feeling.
It looks like ANet wants to expand upon the paradigm of wander into an event and all the strangers in the game who will remain strangers will come and help you. It’s all very communal and kumbaya. They want to make it possible for all the strangers in the world to lend a hand defeating the big wurms. These will be people who just wandered by and saw the message about the event and said, “oh, let’s do the wurms;” it will be people who are completely amazed and confused about what is happening when it happens; it will be people who are just there to make trouble for the group; it will be people who are leeching and find a convenient place to afk; in other words, it will be many players who are casual and/or random who deserve to do the wurms like everyone, but who don’t have the commitment, skill, desire to defeat the wurms. The wurms will be safe.
TxS has made an alliance to fight the big monsters. They wanted to do this because the big monsters were a challenge and the leaders of TxS are people who enjoy putting thought into their game, making strategy and tactics—organizing large numbers into a unit, fighting with a single purpose. They learned that doing this would require controlling the hunt as much as possible. That means that the number of people on the field who were not part of the organization would be limited as much as possible—by finding deserted servers and controlling the group with well-defined rules. By doing these things, TxS has been able to bring down the huge bosses.
Now it seems as though ANet wants to herd masses of players into servers using mathmatical probabilities, geographical borders and ties to guilds that become meaningless when every player can belong to five different guilds with different reasons for being, based on different servers in different countries. ANet’s thinking in this seems to be a real threat to TxS, and the organization of our hunts.
It’s ironic that ANet makes bosses that average, casual players can not defeat but then proceeds to threaten the ability of serious guilds, organized to solve the challenges of these bosses, to succeed. Of course casual players have every right to remain casual and random if they like. But, shouldn’t they also have the right to learn the kind of organization that can take place in the game that enables them to improve as players while defeating the big bosses? If the “serious” players leave to find another game where they can use their brains, the only alternative seems to nerf the bosses, dungeons, events to homogenize the game to its lowest possible denominator.
Please, ANet….. instances for guilds who wish to explore the game at a deeper level.
We don’t have all the details yet. Things might not all turn out to be quite that tragic, but Agent is right to raise these concerns now and not after the patch. Still, I’m inclined to trust Anet to come up with something that will work for both TxS and the general community.
I can see why Anet would want to limit spawns to a few times per day (focal points for the casual player, gives gravity to the bosses, reduces money influx), but the announced change is too drastic. The megaserver is great for casuals on low pop servers (players on high-pop servers probably won’t notice any substantial differences), but it has to come with some separate solution for communities like TxS, TSS, and megaguilds. The devs know this and let’s hope that this thread clarifies what exactly is needed.
TxS won’t disband over this. We will adapt and move on, but these ridiculous spawn times and map issues will defo do some serious damage. It’s quite possible that we won’t be able to get an empty map (let’s not discuss why we need an empty-ish map for wurm, just accept the fact that we do need/want one), kills might not be guaranteed anymore and the outcome might no longer be worth the frustration/fails, causing people to just not bother anymore. Casual community attempts will be funneled into those few time-slots even before the megaserver hits Sparkfly/Bloodtide and let’s not forget that TxS is not the only group who does these events on a regular basis. Other groups will also be competing for empty maps. On the other side of the coin, we might not have enough people to do some runs at all, due to spawn time restrictions.
Paying for private instances with gems would be a very bad solution for us, imo, since you cannot collect a fee from 1000+ people and donations will only take you so far.
Spawning the bosses at will sounds decent, so long as the merit/influence cost is not prohibitive and only if we don’t have to wait a few months before we can do that (and watch our members drift away in the meantime). But again, pls give us an option to create a private instance (for free or for a nominal fee).
Somewhat off-topic: if anyone thinks that we should get off our elitist high horse and instead help the general server communities and whatnot… what makes you think we don’t already do that? We don’t shout it from the highest tower, but a heck of a lot of players joined TxS, figured out how to get kills efficiently and transferred that knowledge to their home servers. Not just the organizers, but everyone who shows up for their home community kills. TxS is a place to learn as well as to enjoy clean kills, so pls give us space where we can do that.
As for the TxS vs pug thing, that entire discussion is off-topic imo.
Josh Foreman on the Wurm: “We were making that specifically for the hard core groups that are all about the organization and figuring out the strategy and tactics.” (source)
Thank you, Anet. Now pls give us space to gather in and some decent spawn times so we can organize for that content.
6-7k is just the members of TxS and TSS alliances on EU/NA. There are other smaller guilds forming alliances on EU, I presume NA as well, that have been running organised megaboss raids since September. So I would guess it’s over 10,000 players.
Ah, yes, the numbers I posted were from what I knew for certain. You are right, certainly there are many server specific alliances doing these events. I just do not have those numbers, so preferred to be cautious.
Cheers for the clarification!
I agree 100% with Agent. The megaserver is a great system for casual exploring but it will totally rip the hardcore guilds apart. It’s going to be impossible to find an empty map where we can just organize it for ourselves. I know guilds can spawn their own event but if for example TKS spawns the wurm, how will TSS and THS get in the same map with the event? There will be too many pugs and its really annoying if they don’t want to help organising or just start trolling.
I think the best solution would be that a guild (for example TKS) can spawn their own instance of bloodtide coast with the wurm and then select which other guilds can join that instance. That way TKS starts the event in a personalized instance at any time and allows members of TSS and THS access to that same instance.
You can easily implement this by letting TKS put down a banner and if you interact with it you join a personalized instance of bloodtide coast where the wurm is active. The person who spawned the banner can then type which other guilds can interact with it and join the instance.
Personally that is a solution that I would find best. You make sure the alliances aren’t ripped apart, there will be no pugs and the people from the alliance can do it at any time they want to do it.
And of all those 1000s upon 1000s of people you are talking about, none are in guilds willing to support these initiatives by starting the events? Has anyone from one of these big alliances even tried to find out?
People really are looking at this from the wrong perspective. With a little cooperation and communication, you should be able to trigger these fights at even better times – and shorter intervals – than you ever were before.
Instead of focusing on perceived negatives, let’s (the players) wait, see what the system actually looks like in practice and then figure out the best way to make it as fun as possible.
There are tons of guilds out there with hundreds of thousands extra influence and maxed out merits to ally yourselves with – many of whom would jump at the opportunity (not to mention it would create a stronger player community). Please, look for the positives and think about how this might make things better before immediately jumping to “the sky is falling.”
Josh Foreman on the Wurm: “We were making that specifically for the hard core groups that are all about the organization and figuring out the strategy and tactics.” (source)
Thank you, Anet. Now pls give us space to gather in and some decent spawn times so we can organize for that content.
And my hope Lannah is that we can continue to do this and get 120 people+ into a map and on to team speak without unnecessary grief or issues and spawn them with reasonable costs at times to suit our needs.
This is what we want and need.
There are tons of guilds out there with hundreds of thousands extra influence and maxed out merits to ally yourselves with – many of whom would jump at the opportunity (not to mention it would create a stronger player community).
But the TxS-Alliance can fill a map already. If a “boss spawning” guild joins a run members of the alliance can’t participate because there is not enough space on the map for all. Basically, a guild with enough influence and merits buys spots for their members on a boss kill. I don’t like that at all.
As another member of the TxS alliance I would like to point the fact that this patch will present issues at several ways, not only at big alliances kills.
Fixed spawn times are a double edged weapon. You will force people to concentrate on the map at the same time. But you are excluding a lot of people for those events. For example, 19:00 may be prime time for some parts of Europe, but for others it is dinner time.
Also, while the Megaserver system you will be addressing the emtpy maps. It is making more difficult to organize guild events (not only megabosses kills). As we cannot choose which instance of the map we will be joining (the megaserver will choose for us). This is aggravated in the case of multi-guild multi-server runs (like TxS Teq/Wurm runs).
Even more problematic is linking Teq/Wurm spawns to merits. This heavily impacts the current guild ecosystem. People will have to choose to give resources (merits) to the guild that organizes megabosses or their other guilds. In my particular case, that means that if I want to collaborate on the Teq spawns I need to ditch my real life friends during guild missions runs. The last thing small guilds need is to have more competition with big guilds.
Summarizing you are removing removing from us the freedom to choose when do we do megabosses and with whom do we do it.
I understand the need of the megaserver, and I actually like the idea behind it. I am not a fan of the idea on tokens to spawn bosses costing merits. What I cannot wrap my mind around is why limiting spawn times so much and why fixing them on such an odd times (at least for some of us).
NOTE: English is not my native language, so please be tolerant with my typos/errors
I’m sorry to have said an uncomfortable truth, but i’m used to do that.
Anyway this Megaserver System will solve a lot problems, but good things bring also bad things and we wish Anet could do something for communities like us of not casual players…
Also i wish Anet continue to design those kind of events, because players like me needs something to do in this game… Brainless achievement farming is not the right way to keep players playing this game…
A lot of players have already left this game for this reason, but also there are players that play just to raise their Achievement Points and i don’t understand them…
How is possible to have fun farming achievements that doesn’t prove your skill, but only the time spent on GW2?
“Hardcore” events on my opinion are a really good way to keep not casuals players in this game with their organized communities, that’s it.
Or they could allow any commander to start the event:
IF it has been at least 2 hours since the last spawn
AND it will be at least 1 hour to the next scheduled spawn
AND there are at least 150 people on the map
There has to be a better way than disallowing TTS and TxS because of the influence/merits/missions issues.
Sorrows Furnace
Fullagree on everything agenciq.8043 said. Nothing to add. Please ANet rethink the situation.
[MM] Midnight Mayhem
[TxS] Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)
AND there are at least 150 people on the map
150 is a full map capacity so it is a bit of an overkill especially when you can kill tequatl with 45 people. Just saying.
(edited by agenciq.8043)
Schedules mean server load can be better predicted, which means money savings.
Note to A-Net: I am not a member of TxS, and am probably considered your “Average/Casual Player”.
That being said, I believe Agent, and others on this thread, has very valid points. Being an “Average Player” in a mid sized guild on a lower pop server; I understand, and appreciate, the need for Mega-Servers. That being said, you need not hurt the more hardcore players. Even if they are only 5% of the general population, based on the numbers, THAT’S STILL A LOT OF PEOPLE. If you are already implementing a consumable for guilds to use to activate the events, why not add another one similar to the custom arena in pvp?
What I mean by this is, Why not add a consumable of some sort for guilds to be able to populate their own map with, and here is the kicker, A PASS-CODE SYSTEM. That way one guild can open the map, then put on TS the code used to populate into said map. That way large groups can, A) All access the same instance of the map and Keep the map from getting overpopulated by players not doing the event. I don’t know if this can, or will be implemented, but I feel like that would ease some of the outcry.
Also I agree on the 2-3 hours being fine.
note the is supposed to be B )
We don’t have all the details yet. Things might not all turn out to be quite that tragic, but Agent is right to raise these concerns now and not after the patch. Still, I’m inclined to trust Anet to come up with something that will work for both TxS and the general community.
Best post in this thread, thanks Lannah! You summarized so well every worry I have about megaservers and timer changes.
I am software developer (and aspirant game designer), so I can appreciate the huge effort made to completely change the server structure, with the purpose to improve open world experience for many players. We have only a very vague idea about how megaserver system will really work (and it’s inevitable because of the overall complexity), so I’ll wait to comment on that.
However, I must agree on many worries that arised in this thread:
1. New spawn times are seriously bad. I agree on limiting them, but they should be at least on a 4/6-hours cycle and moved a couple of hours forward. I’m on CET and from tomorrow I’ll be able to make it for Wurm only if I come back home soon and postpone dinner. I guess developers decided on those based on statistics, but… well, maybe better check again?
2. Triggering those events manually would easily solve the issue above, except… how we are supposed to run those events 6 times every day, like before? The only possibility would be for costs and research times to be relatively low, at least.
I know ANet devs are reading this thread and just gathering idea to make an official statement. I trust you will make the right choices to improve GW2… you did it all this time, you will do it again
You ruined the karaoke nights Anet, we won’t forget that.
I’ll miss you all team pinky
You ruined the karaoke nights Anet, we won’t forget that.
I’ll miss you all team pinky
yep. that was awesome!
“hope for the best but prepare for the worst!”
I agree with the intention behind this topic. The megaserver seem to be a really good idea for the general game, but its a new things and a lot of stuff is still unanswered.
Its not perfect, but here some solutions to adapt to the new situation.
1) Fit all people in one map with not too much outsider and pugs. That one can either good nicely or can be really hard, its all depend on Anet. Maybe if everybody represent that guild and go into the map, they will be sent to the same map. Probably the first 30 ppl will be sent to a map with already several ppl. Then the next 80ppl will be sent to an empty map, where the first 30ppl will be able to join after. Or maybe that this will take more time to setup a map, or maybe it will be impossible.
2) Spawn time and Spawning consumable.
These boss will spawn way less than before. So some of these times will be less comfortable for some people. But there is plenty of ways to use the consumable right. For several months already the first TTS guild (the original one) is becoming a main guild for several hundred of people. Its a fully functional guild with several ppl representing it on a daily basis. I’m part of TTS 5 if i remember correctly, so I don’t know if they already have a good amount of Influence in bank, but I’m pretty sure that if they needed to, they could transform further more the guild into a main guild to get more influence and completing guild missions on a regular basis to gain merits. And if that’s not a good option, there is plenty of guild that i’m sure will be willing to start these World Boss for TTS or TxS. I know my guild would be. We don’t know what to do with our Merits right now. We are pretty much always full at 250/250 without enough option to use them faster that we accumulate them.
The megaserver will have flaws, that for sure. It will also, I think, bring more good stuff to the table, than bad things.
I have been reading through this whole thread and I must say that all the arguments that have been given here, have also come up in my mind. However, I must say that I appreciate it that Agent took the time to create this topic and get the conversation on this started.
I must say that out of all posts, I agree most with Lannah.1283 . While Agent’s description of the problem from the view of our wonderful guild is very accurate, I personally feel that it might be a bit too pessimistic to look at. On the other hand, it’s also a very realistic way to look at it, but hey, can’t blame me for being a dreamer
I also have hope, just like Lannah has, that ArenaNet has kept in mind guilds like ours. Somewhere I cannot believe that ArenaNet would release this game update without thinking about both the casual and the more hardcore gamers. Seriously, if I would be a game developer, I would never want to disappoint those players that love my game in the most passionate of ways.
So, call me naive or over-optimistic, but I believe that ArenaNet has still not given us the full 100% of information on the Megaserver, and my hope is that the last part of information will show us exactly how we can keep our community of charming people together doing Teq and Wurm.
I am however kind of disappointed in ArenaNet in the way they are giving us info about this upcoming patch. No information is better than very sparse information.
That said, let’s wait for tomorrow and cross our fingers for ArenaNet’s loyalty to their hardcore players.
You ruined the karaoke nights Anet, we won’t forget that.
I’ll miss you all team pinky
Finally, this would make me so sad. One of the best moments I ever spent online.
I agree with everything.
Recently what bring me to the game is Tequail and Wurm because of TxS alliance community. The rest of game content i’m tired it’s kittening boring (i love the game) but new content and stuff it’s not satisfying me especially same dungeons, same maps etc. I want to running around to explore the world and see new stuff, till then what i have right now is Tequail and Wurm kills with TxS if you take me that probably I will stop playing eventually.
I understand your point of view devs, you want to put more people on the maps and make this bosses easier to a casual player to do. But i think the best way to do that is to implement the Alliance system like in GW1, make Alliance Missions, make Influence not server bound(i know that you guys plan to take this out), gave ways to an Alliance activate this bosses or other one you want to launch in the future every time they want and to “create” some private instance to that Alliance to all players to join and enjoy it.
I think this way could benefit casual/hard core guilds because with will improve and put higher the level of cooperation and improve the experience of us all in this game.
I don’t see a problem. Your guildies relied on you to organize the events so that they could get the events done. Now they’ll simply be able to do the events whether or not you organized the events. (you are assuming that all the other players in the map are completely useless when it comes to these events for some reason.) Just because you don’t have control of everyone doing the event doesn’t mean you cant get it done anymore.
There’s no issue here other than people not having to depend on you guys anymore. (Which to everyone else is a boon, not a curse)
guild events, I could see a problem there if you couldnt get enough of your guildies into one map. But neither of us know how well the system is going to work yet. For all we know, the system will work great and there wont be a problem at all.
(edited by Envy.1679)
I don’t see a problem. Your guildies relied on you to organize the events so that they could get the events done. Now they’ll simply be able to do the events whether or not you organized the events. (you are assuming that all the other players in the map are completely useless when it comes to these events for some reason.) Just because you don’t have control of everyone doing the event doesn’t mean you cant get it done anymore.
There’s no issue here other than people not having to depend on you guys anymore. (Which to everyone else is a boon, not a curse)
So very wrong. Getting 100-150 people to guest to the same server is not where the leadership and organisation ends. Far from it. If all it took were numbers, then every server would be constantly defeating the Three-Headed Wurm. And yeah, extra people who aren’t on TS or following instructions can in fact seriously impact events in a negative manner.
The whole point was that these fights were made for the “hardcore” or at least people who wanted a challenge. Yet ANet isn’t making the system conducive to organising said challenges.
Envy, I’m sure you will review your opinion once the megaserver system hits Bloodtide Coast and you can see the success rate on the wurm.
I don’t see a problem. Your guildies relied on you to organize the events so that they could get the events done. Now they’ll simply be able to do the events whether or not you organized the events. (you are assuming that all the other players in the map are completely useless when it comes to these events for some reason.) Just because you don’t have control of everyone doing the event doesn’t mean you cant get it done anymore.
There’s no issue here other than people not having to depend on you guys anymore. (Which to everyone else is a boon, not a curse)
So very wrong. Getting 100-150 people to guest to the same server is not where the leadership and organisation ends. Far from it. If all it took were numbers, then every server would be constantly defeating the Three-Headed Wurm. And yeah, extra people who aren’t on TS or following instructions can in fact seriously impact events in a negative manner.
The whole point was that these fights were made for the “hardcore” or at least people who wanted a challenge. Yet ANet isn’t making the system conducive to organising said challenges.
The system isnt even out yet and you already think you know exactly how its going to be.
“Yet ANet isn’t making the system conducive to organising said challenges.” how can you say that when you dont even know how well their placement system is going to work?
To me this sounds more like a “I DON’T LIKE CHANGE” thing at the moment.
Not saying definitively that there wont be a problem, but from the way people learn how to farm trains and dungeons so efficiently, my guess is that it might not be as efficient as guilds who do it daily, but I dont think anyone is not going to be able to get it done at all.
Edit: on a side note, I think its good that players will have a chance to learn how to do it, rather than being barked into position by “pros” who do it daily. Just as how its more fun for people to learn how to do a dungeon rather than stacking and skipping half of it.
(edited by Envy.1679)
The system isnt even out yet and you already think you know exactly how its going to be.
“Yet ANet isn’t making the system conducive to organising said challenges.” how can you say that when you dont even know how well their placement system is going to work?
To me this sounds more like a “I DON’T LIKE CHANGE” thing at the moment.
Not saying definitively that there wont be a problem, but from the way people learn how to farm trains and dungeons so efficiently, my guess is that it might not be as efficient as guilds who do it daily, but I dont think anyone is not going to be able to get it done at all.
Have you seen that they’ve released a World Boss schedule? If not, you should check that out. It has Tequatl and the Wurm placed too early to be in proper prime time, not to mention they are drastically reducing the amount of spawn times. TxS normally does 2, sometimes 3 Tequatl runs a day. That will no longer be possible.
Also, the guilds won’t be able to spawn the bosses at a time that’s actually convenient for the majority of people in our guilds due to having influence spread over many servers and us never having done guild missions together as that’s not the point of the guild.
So, yeah, regarding these things, we do now “exactly how it’s going to be” because we possess the ability to be able to read. And not all change is good.. just sayin’.
edit: regarding your edit, players have had the chance to learn the fights in the manner you speak about, you know…. back when the fights were released. And what’s up with the “barked at” language? You’re assigning a negative connotation to the leadership and teaching being done which isn’t at all fair.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
The system isnt even out yet and you already think you know exactly how its going to be.
“Yet ANet isn’t making the system conducive to organising said challenges.” how can you say that when you dont even know how well their placement system is going to work?
To me this sounds more like a “I DON’T LIKE CHANGE” thing at the moment.
Not saying definitively that there wont be a problem, but from the way people learn how to farm trains and dungeons so efficiently, my guess is that it might not be as efficient as guilds who do it daily, but I dont think anyone is not going to be able to get it done at all.
Have you seen that they’ve released a World Boss schedule? If not, you should check that out. It has Tequatl and the Wurm placed too early to be in proper prime time, not to mention they are drastically reducing the amount of spawn times. TxS normally does 2, sometimes 3 Tequatl runs a day. That will no longer be possible.
Also, the guilds won’t be able to spawn the bosses at a time that’s actually convenient for the majority of people in our guilds due to having influence spread over many servers and us never having done guild missions together as that’s not the point of the guild.
So, yeah, regarding these things, we do now “exactly how it’s going to be” because we possess the ability to be able to read.
And not all change is good.. just sayin’.
edit: regarding your edit, players have had the chance to learn the fights in the manner you speak about, you know…. back when the fights were released.
“prime time” is going to be irrelevant thanks to the new megaserver system. Maybe you should apply more logic and less reading. Just sayin
edit regarding your edit: So you think nobody new is joining guild wars 2 Because that what it sounds like youre saying here.
“prime time” is going to be irrelevant thanks to the new megaserver system. Maybe you should apply more logic and less reading. Just sayin
You just suggested for someone to read less.. ie be less informed? That would be the opposite action someone would do if they wanted to utilise logic whilst discussing a topic. So, sorry, but your retort doesn’t quite fly. :P
Please go read the blog post about the mega servers and world bosses. It is located here: An important part to the discussion:
“Hard-Core, Mega-Organized Events—(Thanks for naming this, Colin.) This classification currently includes Tequatl, the Great Jungle Wurm, and the Karka Queen. Since these events require the greatest amount of organization between players, they all occur within a three-hour window that begins approximately every eight hours. This is weighted towards regional prime times.”
Instead of these bosses (aside from karka) spawning every two hours which let every single area around the world regardless of timezones pick a time which suited them best (multiple timezones spanning the US and EU, plus the Oceanic areas), these bosses will now spawn 3 times a day. We’ve been told that these times have been weighted toward regional prime times, but unfortunately they’ve missed the mark regarding most of the EU. Also humans as a whole tend to follow standard times for work, eating and sleeping, which means that yes, a “prime time” does in fact exist. Megaservers have nothing to do with this facet of human life. I’ve also already explained to you why the mega guilds will not have the ability to spawn these bosses at the time most convenient for their members.
This is why people are asking for the frequent spawning as we currently have to be kept in place so that it is convenient for the vast majority of people around the world. That would go a long way to solving some of the problems that the megaserver will create.
edit regarding your edit: So you think nobody new is joining guild wars 2 Because that what it sounds like youre saying here.
I would never expect to experience an established fight as a new one in any game when joining nearly two years after the games release, unless I was in an instance with only people who had never experienced the fight. This may be an unfortunate thing, but to expect otherwise is sadly unreasonable. But this is off topic, so I shall not be continuing this aspect of the discussion with you.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
“prime time” is going to be irrelevant thanks to the new megaserver system. Maybe you should apply more logic and less reading. Just sayin
You just suggested for someone to read less.. ie be less informed? That would be the opposite action someone would do if they wanted to utilise logic whilst discussing a topic. So, sorry, but your retort doesn’t quite fly. :P
Please go read the blog post about the mega servers and world bosses. It is located here: An important part to the discussion:
“Hard-Core, Mega-Organized Events—(Thanks for naming this, Colin.) This classification currently includes Tequatl, the Great Jungle Wurm, and the Karka Queen. Since these events require the greatest amount of organization between players, they all occur within a three-hour window that begins approximately every eight hours. This is weighted towards regional prime times.”
Instead of these bosses (aside from karka) spawning every two hours which let every single area around the world regardless of timezones pick a time which suited them best (multiple timezones spanning the US and EU, plus the Oceanic areas), these bosses will now spawn 3 times a day. We’ve been told that these times have been weighted toward regional prime times, but unfortunately they’ve missed the mark regarding most of the EU. Also humans as a whole tend to follow standard times for work, eating and sleeping, which means that yes, a “prime time” does in fact exist. Megaservers have nothing to do with this facet of human life. I’ve also already explained to you why the mega guilds will not have the ability to spawn these bosses at the time most convenient for their members.
This is why people are asking for the frequent spawning as we currently have to be kept in place so that it is convenient for the vast majority of people around the world. That would go a long way to solving some of the problems that the megaserver will create.
edit regarding your edit: So you think nobody new is joining guild wars 2 Because that what it sounds like youre saying here.
I would never expect to experience an established fight as a new one in any game when joining nearly two years after the games release, unless I was in an instance with only people who had never experienced the fight. This may be an unfortunate thing, but to expect otherwise is sadly unreasonable. But this is off topic, so I shall not be continuing this aspect of the discussion with you.
I said more logic less reading because knowledge is useless if you don’t apply what you know so yea, it kind of does “fly” Not that it matters. Not an arms race of witty comments, which it feels like you think it is.
And like I said before you don’t know how well the sorting of guildmates is going to work yet. so crying about it isn’t necessary at the moment.
And you continue to suggest that there aren’t any players left in the whole world who are going to learn the fights. Someone could have joined 2 weeks ago, or a month ago, or 2 months ago, and they will be heading to these things for the first time to learn the fight. Just because you and your guild knows it already, doesn’t mean everyone else does, or don’t deserve to learn them since they havne’t already been playing for 2 years.
However I see you are completely unreasonable to debate with. you think everything you say is fact as if it is set in stone already. No one can argue with someone like you. I may or may not be right regarding my views, however I wont sit here and act like i’m 100% certain that I am right, nor act like that I’m 100% certain that you are wrong, unlike some people here. So bye.
(edited by Envy.1679)
You bring up a lot of good points. I really hope it doesn’t hurt the PvE community that’s been here since the beginning. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’d hate to see GW2 in chaos over what sounds like a good idea. They said it will not be all at once and will listen to feedback, so lets hope they do.
The megaserver isn’t going to be all at once, but the boss schedule is going to be implemented tomorrow.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
To me this sounds more like a “I DON’T LIKE CHANGE” thing at the moment.
Dude, with respect, you don’t know how much training it took to start killing the Wurm and how it still requires lots of coordination and communication, even now… and that’s with a full group 120+ connected on TS. Now imagine half these people are not on TS and start doing things they shouldn’t or don’t do the things they should. You’ll never get an event like this done with half randoms, specially if they have no idea what to do.
Please go read what we wrote so far. The reasoning is clear and abundantly explained.
We want a change because the current system is not ideal. And the problem is, the new one doesn’t seem to be any better, from what we can anticipate. This post serves the purpose of raising that concern beforehand and hopefully contribute to a better upgrade of the game systems relevant to the World Bosses.
(edited by agrante.2810)
And you continue to suggest that there aren’t any players left in the whole world who are going to learn the fights. Someone could have joined 2 weeks ago, or a month ago, or 2 months ago, and they will be heading to these things for the first time to learn the fight. Just because you and your guild knows it already, doesn’t mean everyone else does, or don’t deserve to learn them since they havne’t already been playing for 2 years.
I suggested no such thing. It would be helpful if you read my posts a bit more clearly.
However I see you are completely unreasonable to debate with. you think everything you say is fact as if it is set in stone already. No one can argue with someone like you. I may or may not be right regarding my views, however I wont sit here and act like i’m 100% certain that I am right, nor act like that I’m 100% certain that you are wrong, unlike some people here. So bye.
Strange, I was actually quite reasonable, ie using reason and logic and also advocating for solutions to help the majority of GW2 players around the world. I also like to back up my opinion on a matter (that the megaserver will have a more negative impact than positive on the population as a whole regarding the Tequatl and Three-Headed Wurm fights due to limited spawn times outside of many working adults’ gaming prime time hours) with facts (the spawn times the blog post listed, usual work/dinner/sleeping times of adults, lack of influence to allow the megaguild to spawn at will) that support it. (and that is precisely what a debate is: To engage in argument by discussing opposing points. ) If you choose to ignore those and instead get upset that another person has a strong opinion, will back it up and challenge your own, that is your prerogative. I will call out mistakes, misinformation, an uniformed opinion or offer counter opinions as this is an issue that is important to me. I sincerely hope the devs are reading this and will consider increasing the spawn times and consider other measures to help facilitate the playstyles and timeframes of many of their players around the world.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
To me this sounds more like a “I DON’T LIKE CHANGE” thing at the moment.
Dude, with respect, you don’t know how much training it took to start killing the Wurm and how it still requires lots of coordination and communication, even now… and that’s with a full group 120+ connected on TS. Now imagine half these people are not on TS and start doing things they shouldn’t or don’t do the things they should. You’ll never get an event like this done with half randoms, specially if they have no idea what to do.
Please go read what we wrote so far. The reasoning is clear and abundantly explained.
We want a change because the current system is not ideal. And the problem is, the new one doesn’t seem to be any better, from what we can anticipate. This post serves the purpose of raising that concern beforehand and hopefully contribute to a better upgrade of the game systems relevant to the World Bosses.
The only way that i can think about to do the Wurm with random people without an organize Alliance of guilds with TS/Raicall like TXS/TTS an such is if the devs developed some kind of VoiP in game for commanders and you need to join squad to listen what she/he is saying in game.
The main problem on Wurm is communication the commander need to guide the others and if you ignore him well gl to kill it, because one mistake and event failed. I’m not saying only from 1 person but if 5/10 people don’t obey commander pretty sure Wurm will fail.
We don’t say not to change it, but we want guarantees that if we want to do this events we ends up in the same server and not in other ones because we love doing this with each other. Of course, we will change our ways to this after the patch but we also want more info and give our opinion on the matter and give ideas to complete this patch that can benefit us and the rest of GW2 community.
Personally I think that put Alliances(that put 9 or 10 guilds officially together like GW1) will increase bounds and rise cooperation that some guilds have, create new bounds and forging new friendships between guilds to do Mega Events like Tequail or Wurm or other that will come out straight from the heads of the devs. But for that it need to have guarantees that all members of the Alliance ends up in the same server and maybe the most difficulty reason that is hard to employ this is ANet need more or reorganize the servers and that costs money and other stuff.
(edited by Santos Arezes.5310)
The main problem on Wurm is communication the commander need to guide the others and if you ignore him well gl to kill it, because one mistake and event failed. I’m not saying only from 1 person but if 5/10 people don’t obey commander pretty sure Wurm will fail.
Actually, one very ignorant person could indeed mess up the Wurm if s/he doesn’t know what s/he’s doing. But 5-10 would indeed be a very, very bad situation. Wurm takes discipline and quick action. We never would’ve been able to kill the Wurm so many times without the constant anticipation and (almost always ) flawless guidance of our commanders.
So, patch will be upon us, perhaps in another 12 hours or so, and still nothing from Anet.
Just want to say the events TxS did last evening were great fun and hopefully we can get in a couple more today before the madness hits.
Yesterday was indeed great, great fun.
Crossing fingers we will see a reaction from ANet.
[MM] Midnight Mayhem
[TxS] Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)
as far as I have praised Anet in gw1 for things that they did good (EotN, Cantha, Elona, WiK, WoC etc etc) from their actions in gw2 i have lost all hope
sad but true