Guild Missions sneak peek

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

I’d like to see small guild content added also. But I am not going to complain if the initial release of guild content is aimed at larger guilds than 10 people.

I seem to recall a bounty system in GW1 that was open to everyone. I liked that system when I played. Seemed to recall a different daily bounty or mission every day. That helped keep the game fresh and interesting to me.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emmet.2943


230k total influence for all the guild missions kinda high i guess they wanted larger guilds to burn threw their influence but that just hurts smaller guilds.

Bigger guilds have no trouble getting influence wither it is stocked up or at 0 all it requires is the guild members to pool in some gold. That means that you will never be able to burn threw a bigger guilds stocked up influence because they don’t need to stock up. This will also go bad for smaller guilds people want to experience content in mmos new content especially. So what happens when a person in a smaller guild wants to experience this content but still reap the benefits of the guild who started event. He would probably join the guild or one similar in size and while maybe representing his other guild when not doing guild missions a larger guild would have more members thus a more social experience thus offering more to the player than his smaller guild. So pretty much people who want to experience content are gonna be flocking to bigger guilds to do so not everyone of course but a lot of the people will be doing this just like the tier 1 people in WvW back when we had free transfers.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zlociutki.9165


What about randoms that have participated in a guild mission started by someone else.
Will they get the reward or not.

It’s only for members of the guild that have started the mission or it’s for all participants in it?

Or the guild mission are available only for a certain guild?

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


What about randoms that have participated in a guild mission started by someone else.
Will they get the reward or not.

It’s only for members of the guild that have started the mission or it’s for all participants in it?

Or the guild mission are available only for a certain guild?

From what I’ve seen, anyone can join up with you on the guild missions and help out, getting their share of rewards for doing so. The intent appears to help bring people together, not isolate them from each other. You see a guild on a guild mission feel free to tag along and help out! Warning: You just might make new friends while at it.


Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Leviathan, there has up to now been NO content for large groups, is it really unreasonable to have some for large groups?

Yes, when the rewards are disproportionately large.

If you did the event and received 26 silver and 60 dungeon tokens no one would be upset. Instead, they are offering two rares with a chance of precursors that small guild members will never get. That’s what’s unreasonable.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Instead, they are offering two rares with a chance of precursors that small guild members will never get. That’s what’s unreasonable.

Aren’t Precursors possible out of anything which will yield an Exotic, since they’re not specifically excluded into their own loot type?

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


50,000 influence? Are they NUTS?

That means my 38-active members guild (not too small you could say) will take 4 weeks just to unlock the first 1!

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Borikitty.1302


50k on top of the Art of War 5 requirement..

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


50,000 influence? Are they NUTS?

That means my 38-active members guild (not too small you could say) will take 4 weeks just to unlock the first 1!

you can buy influence 20 G for 10k, so 100 G for 50k, for your guild about 2.5 G each. instantly.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Borikitty.1302


50,000 influence? Are they NUTS?

That means my 38-active members guild (not too small you could say) will take 4 weeks just to unlock the first 1!

you can buy influence 20 G for 10k, so 100 G for 50k, for your guild about 2.5 G each. instantly.

That is not a reasonable requirement for people who play the game for .. you know.. fun? Something many of you already are mistaking by telling people to farm gold to open content that was supposed to be for all guilds to do.. for fun. For the rest of us who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be different than the past MMO’s over the past 15-20 years it’s disheartening that not even 6 months out of the gate and they resorted to literally taking the Guild Wars title into literal meaning.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leamas.5803


I see this as great for larger guilds, say active guild of over 100 members. That said, I’m not sure if there is a limit to the group size or if you can have multiple groups at the same time, or if you can repeat the content. If there is a size limit this may cause inner conflict as cliques develop. This could work toward the advantage of medium sized guilds as people look toward smaller, more friendly guilds.

It has great potential to revitalize medium-sized guilds who wish to tackle this content. Even for a medium-small guild, of say 40-50 members with only 20-25 active members, perhaps a “guild night” might be established for some guilds in an attempt to ensure enough people are logged in at a given time who are willing to attempt the content. I know I’ll suggest this to the the leader and higher officers in my guild of about 50.

Small guilds, say less than 30, will have a hard time accessing this content without going through the gem store and even then, to get enough people all on at once to attempt the content might be challenging. This is not, nor is it meant to be, small guild/small group content. I can see all the world-chat requests now…“L4Guild for guild mission”

(edited by Leamas.5803)

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


50,000 influence? Are they NUTS?

That means my 38-active members guild (not too small you could say) will take 4 weeks just to unlock the first 1!

you can buy influence 20 G for 10k, so 100 G for 50k, for your guild about 2.5 G each. instantly.

That is not a reasonable requirement for people who play the game for .. you know.. fun? Something many of you already are mistaking by telling people to farm gold to open content that was supposed to be for all guilds to do.. for fun. For the rest of us who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be different than the past MMO’s over the past 15-20 years it’s disheartening that not even 6 months out of the gate and they resorted to literally taking the Guild Wars title into literal meaning.

If it is so important to do it right away, have to unlock right now, cant wait to grind 50K influence, 2.5 G from each member is too much?

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Something many of you already are mistaking by telling people to farm gold to open content that was supposed to be for all guilds to do.. for fun. For the rest of us who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be different than the past MMO’s over the past 15-20 years it’s disheartening that not even 6 months out of the gate and they resorted to literally taking the Guild Wars title into literal meaning.

Since when was this content supposed to be for all guilds to do (Without any requirements?) Also.. this content will be there forever it won’t be there just for a week or two.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


In GW2 you can not do a dungeon by yourself, can not run fractals by yourself, likely cant solo a dragon, cant even complete your personal story by youself. This is another example of that type of content, nothing new. maybe they will release other smaller group content in the future, this isnt that update.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

That is not a reasonable requirement for people who play the game for .. you know.. fun? Something many of you already are mistaking by telling people to farm gold to open content that was supposed to be for all guilds to do.. for fun. For the rest of us who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be different than the past MMO’s over the past 15-20 years it’s disheartening that not even 6 months out of the gate and they resorted to literally taking the Guild Wars title into literal meaning.

Okay, a few things . . .

- There are probably more calls for cooperation than conflict going on right now, even though everyone’s predicting a bloody mess of cannibalism as larger guilds snap up pieces of smaller guilds.

- Larger guilds get to the content sooner, and may get it done easier, but why exactly does this have to directly impact your enjoyment? People were getting to Orr faster, and thrashing it soundly while some people take their time. Is it automatically a sign that the people not getting there as fast aren’t having as much fun, or that the people rushing there are having more?

- I don’t know about you, but I do find this game significantly different than the bulk of the MMO games I’ve put myself into. And quite a few of them were significantly different than other ones at that period of time. Ultima Online is a game which has not yet been aped successfully. EvE Online is a completely different game than others currently being played. The Realm was a very different game than EverQuest, EverQuest was very different than Ultima Online and Meridian 59, and Legend of the Green Dragon was completely and utterly different than all of those.
Different doesn’t mean “better” or “worse” automatically.

- The only thing that’s not as much fun playing this game, currently, is the amount of people striving to tell me it’s not fun and there must be something wrong with me for enjoying it. Because it seems every day there’s someone wanting to tell me all about it.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Borikitty.1302


Something many of you already are mistaking by telling people to farm gold to open content that was supposed to be for all guilds to do.. for fun. For the rest of us who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be different than the past MMO’s over the past 15-20 years it’s disheartening that not even 6 months out of the gate and they resorted to literally taking the Guild Wars title into literal meaning.

Since when was this content supposed to be for all guilds to do (Without any requirements?) Also.. this content will be there forever it won’t be there just for a week or two.

Since I read the official press release by Arenanet:

“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

For guilds who have zero interest or progress in Art of War which is EXCLUSIVELY set for pvp play they are now looking at a wall of at least a month and over 100k influence to even touch this new “launch” content. Buried in this content is guild waypoint discount which by far is the only thing enticing about this entire guild process. In the future guild housing is also planned and I bet it’s behind all of THAT content as well. It would have been a far better press release if they bothered to just say “raid content” available. Maybe it would have been easier to swallow last week before people got excited and mistakenly told they had a chance to do this with their real life friends at launch.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


In GW2 you can not do a dungeon by yourself, can not run fractals by yourself, likely cant solo a dragon, cant even complete your personal story by youself. This is another example of that type of content, nothing new. maybe they will release other smaller group content in the future, this isnt that update.

And all that is doable with 5 people… you can have a “guild” of 5 people and do everything in the game. I just hope and pray these Guild Missions will require a lot more than 5 people to complete and it’s not only the huge influence cost their method of making it “for large guilds only”. Time will tell, if we finally get content for big groups to enjoy as a guild or just a silly gating mechanism.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


There was a out cry by the community for a reason to be in a guild this is it.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


This seems really one-sided to me.

While it is true that there should be content for larger guilds ( let’s be honest – this is raid content) the rewards are substantial and small guilds are being excluded from both the rewards and the content.

This is not fair- what would be fair is if there were similar but lower tier missions geared toward smaller guilds.

As it stands now no new guilds will ever really get off the ground and that is unfair towards future players.
Small guild that already exist will lose out because they will have to represent larger guilds and so lose the influence they could have earned and used for their own guild.

I really hope that smaller guilds will also get some content at some point because I see a kittenstorm incoming

Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Morrigan.2809)

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

For guilds who have zero interest or progress in Art of War which is EXCLUSIVELY set for pvp play they are now looking at a wall of at least a month and over 100k influence to even touch this new “launch” content. Buried in this content is guild waypoint discount which by far is the only thing enticing about this entire guild process. In the future guild housing is also planned and I bet it’s behind all of THAT content as well. It would have been a far better press release if they bothered to just say “raid content” available. Maybe it would have been easier to swallow last week before people got excited and mistakenly told they had a chance to do this with their real life friends at launch.

Maybe you missed the point in that same phrase you quoted? The blogpost was refering to how will a “small guild” deal with the content regarding to the difficulty of the events. And the dev answers clearly that you can do the content, although it’s “hard”, by using the help of outsiders.

Do you see anything about the requirements in that? I do not.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moddo.7105


The cost is and will remain the same due to fact that Anet wants to make money. This move is aimed at having smaller guilds (which are probably made up of more casual players) to buy gold from gems. I highly doubt a dev came up with idea it comes from the suits who just want to nickel-dime the casuals that will want to do this.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Borikitty.1302


“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

For guilds who have zero interest or progress in Art of War which is EXCLUSIVELY set for pvp play they are now looking at a wall of at least a month and over 100k influence to even touch this new “launch” content. Buried in this content is guild waypoint discount which by far is the only thing enticing about this entire guild process. In the future guild housing is also planned and I bet it’s behind all of THAT content as well. It would have been a far better press release if they bothered to just say “raid content” available. Maybe it would have been easier to swallow last week before people got excited and mistakenly told they had a chance to do this with their real life friends at launch.

Maybe you missed the point in that same phrase you quoted? The blogpost was refering to how will a “small guild” deal with the content regarding to the difficulty of the events. And the dev answers clearly that you can do the content, although it’s “hard”, by using the help of outsiders.

Do you see anything about the requirements in that? I do not.

That’s the point. There wasn’t anything listed in that until someone found it buried in a redit article, confirmed twice by mods here in the forums last week to be behind Art of War 5, then reconfirmed worse than we thought by 2 gaming magazines to be behind a huge wall of AoW5 + other trees on top of the massive start price and then having to unlock past that point to get to the exploration, jumping puzzles and waypoint discounts that was not beneficial to the progression of small guilds. Even the articles themselves point out the disproportion.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Hey nice, my guild really is hardlocked out of all the new content. And here I was happy that we’d been able to grind up another 2.5k in the last week. Great job of making me not care about this living storyline,

those are two completely separate things that are in no way shape or form related to each other.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


10g a day? Get RL.

I don’t understand. Are people actually claiming that you can’t earn 10g in an average play session?

I play about an hour a day, and that is enough time to earn about 5g when I keep all the ectos I salvage. Putting me close to 6g an hour.

I can also run Cof which is also about 6g an hour with more of the profits shifted towards ectos.

I don’t think 2 hours of play for 10g is unreasonable, nor do I think that is some outrageous goal for a 10 person guild. I guess i’m having a very very hard time trying to figure out why this is a problem for small guilds because it really just isn’t.

I don’t believe you at all. Even farming the ever living daylights out of CoF(which will net you diminishing returns) isn’t likely to turn up that much consistantly.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Players: Art of War is worthless, our guild doesn’t PvP, why don’t you make useful things in the upgrade trees!

Anet: Sure, here is a long term highly rewarding content tree that gives lots of progression and makes the Art of War tree useful for everyone!

Players: You SUCK anet, how dare you put PvE content in the art of war tree! AND you want us to WORK FOR IT!!?!?!?! you double suck!

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PCanineBrigade.4916


Psh.. My Guild has 2 people still playing. We’re gonna get it eventually. Like, months.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Players: Art of War is worthless, our small guild doesn’t PvP, so Art of War was given lowest priority when deciding on what to build. The amount of influence necessary to get level V in it is more influence than our guild has produced in the entire 5 months of its existence.

Anet: Sure, here is a long term highly rewarding content tree that gives lots of progression and makes the Art of War tree useful for everyone!

Players: Wow that’s nice, but it will literally be years until our guild can save up that much influence. Can you possibly include cheaper missions with smaller rewards that our guild can initiate?

Anet: …

Strawman argument removed, actual problem with system inserted.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


The cost is and will remain the same due to fact that Anet wants to make money. This move is aimed at having smaller guilds (which are probably made up of more casual players) to buy gold from gems. I highly doubt a dev came up with idea it comes from the suits who just want to nickel-dime the casuals that will want to do this.

That is bad logic if this was easier on the smaller guilds it would make more money for Anet because there would be less incentive to join up with a big guild. See big guilds are able to make up for the cost to run these things with out spending gold on it. That and the fact that the reward is 50S and items one of witch could be a precursor if any thing this is the worst thing they could do to get ppl to buy gems with real money and use though gems to get in game gold.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emmet.2943


Players: Art of War is worthless, our guild doesn’t PvP, why don’t you make useful things in the upgrade trees!

Anet: Sure, here is a long term highly rewarding content tree that gives lots of progression and makes the Art of War tree useful for everyone!

Players: You SUCK anet, how dare you put PvE content in the art of war tree! AND you want us to WORK FOR IT!!?!?!?! you double suck!

Why put PvE content in a PvP tree? would of made sense if it was a WvW or Spvp Guild Event but it’s not so the guilds who had no plans to support PvP are now burning threw the influence they saved up for guild missions to have the ability to unlock guild missions. Plus they have to get all the way to the end of art of war threw all those things they have no use for just to get 1 thing that is useful to their guild. 36k total influence to get to rank 5 also 2 weeks 1 day and 16 hours total time to get it as well just seems annoying.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leamas.5803


10g a day? Get RL.

I don’t understand. Are people actually claiming that you can’t earn 10g in an average play session?

I play about an hour a day, and that is enough time to earn about 5g when I keep all the ectos I salvage. Putting me close to 6g an hour.

I can also run Cof which is also about 6g an hour with more of the profits shifted towards ectos.

I don’t think 2 hours of play for 10g is unreasonable, nor do I think that is some outrageous goal for a 10 person guild. I guess i’m having a very very hard time trying to figure out why this is a problem for small guilds because it really just isn’t.

I don’t believe you at all. Even farming the ever living daylights out of CoF(which will net you diminishing returns) isn’t likely to turn up that much consistantly.

I have doubts as well, I can farm events in Cursed Shore, groups/solo for hours and hours and I might be lucky if I make a gold in a session…if I sell all my mats, which I tend to keep to help guild-mates out with crafting leveling. Ecto?!!?!? Since I average less than 2 rares in a month of play, I just sell them, since salvaging isn’t even worth my while. The 7 ecto I have came from salvaging used exotics that were soul bound…mainly so I could recover the upgrade and make “something”.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Nah that guy is lying his kitten off. If 5g/hour were in any way doable by the majority of the playerbase, everyone would have at least one legendary by now.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Nah that guy is lying his kitten off. If 5g/hour were in any way doable by the majority of the playerbase, everyone would have at least one legendary by now.

I can make about 2-3g an hour, but that’s not to say everyone can. It depends what you do really.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Nah that guy is lying his kitten off. If 5g/hour were in any way doable by the majority of the playerbase, everyone would have at least one legendary by now.

I can make about 2-3g an hour, but that’s not to say everyone can. It depends what you do really.

If I really tried, and dumped absolutely everything I picked up into coin one way or another? I could probably hit 4-5g per hour. But that’s not really the issue here, is it? The issue is some people just don’t want to feel they have to spend that gold on Influence.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Nah that guy is lying his kitten off. If 5g/hour were in any way doable by the majority of the playerbase, everyone would have at least one legendary by now.

I can make about 2-3g an hour, but that’s not to say everyone can. It depends what you do really.

If I really tried, and dumped absolutely everything I picked up into coin one way or another? I could probably hit 4-5g per hour. But that’s not really the issue here, is it? The issue is some people just don’t want to feel they have to spend that gold on Influence.

Well you don’t technically. In the gw2 wiki many things can be done to raise influence, it just depends on how it is done. And of course it does take a “few” people to build it quickly. But definitely not impossible. The reason i do is because every 2 days i spend around 30g on just random stuff, lately that has been going to my personal guild I just use for myself. Because i thought it would be cool to have all the buffs I could want heh I think its very possible for 15 active people to take advantage of this update. But as its brand new we will have to see.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ikiturso.4026


50k infleunce? LOL welcome to gw new players

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dennie.9237


How can player not in guild participate in guild missions? I seen today one champ with bounty icon on it, but he is friendly…

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


That guild has to start the event first…and you won’t get commendations or items for helping them unless you are repping for them. You receive a little silver, xp, and some karma.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

How can player not in guild participate in guild missions? I seen today one champ with bounty icon on it, but he is friendly…

They’re marked as “allies” until the guild activates them, to prevent other people from pouncing them and preventing the guild from finishing. Which, let’s be fair, would happen relentlessly with much “lulz” if it wasn’t this way.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


This is the first PvE patch for “large” guilds (10+ players).

People have been asking for a feature like this since the game launched. It’s ok, not every patch will be for every subset of the player community.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


50k infleunce? LOL welcome to gw new players

Of course. Welcome them to your guild.


Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The Influence needed for even starting Guild Missions is still too much.

If your guild has 10 active people, it takes less than 3 full path runs of AC to get the influence you need.

With 5 people, it will take 5 runs.

38.5k influence to get to AoW level 5. 30k to unlock bounties. That makes 68.5k, so, with 5 full runs and a 5-man group, you’d need to earn 13.7k influence per full run. I assume that by “full” you mean 3 paths, so it’s 4567 influence per run.
Somehow your runs give way more influence than mine.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dennie.9237


.and you won’t get commendations or items for helping them unless you are repping for them.

Really? Useless.