Guild Wars 1 still exists, it is that way ->
Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
I keep seeing this comment everywhere.
Have you possibly considered that maybe you just suck at WvW?
I don’t mean to sound rude, mind, it’s just that I was always plenty “competitive” in WvW at Lvl 80 while wearing just magic or masterwork-level items. I never once felt heavily disadvantaged and would regularly kill other players in head-to-head combat. So, either I’m just that good (which is unlikely), or you’re doing something wrong.
Ergo, I’m inclined to think that if you honestly believe a few extra stat points are going to make you suddenly perform better at WvW, you’re in for a lot of disappointment. Stats help, but are hardly as influential as people seem to think.
this is what all the grinders say. They say so because they know that they will have the gear and others will not. 20%+ better stats aren’t trivial.
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into GW1. I understand that you all loved the game, I get it, but guess what? It still exists. If you want to play GW1, go play it. GW2 is its own game, it will have differences. You may not like or appreciate those differences and you are free to make that known, but please stop saying “because GW1 was this way, GW2 needs to be too.” They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as GW1. This is a GOOD thing, it makes the game unique and worth playing for what it is.
Oh A.Net is just waiting for PR people with your skills at making them losing customers for their newest product.
Also please don’t cry for a phantom/undocumented/stealth nerf you could suddenly notice in your drop rates in the future, you’ll just be unlucky. A rare case in statistics, but yet possible. It happens.
(edited by MrNobody.4357)
this is what all the grinders say. They say so because they know that they will have the gear and others will not. 20%+ better stats aren’t trivial.
Yep, tell that to anyone in any type of competitive environment. I’m sure a competitive bicycle rider wouldn’t worry about the opposition having a bike that’s 20% lighter, if all other aspects were equal.
Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
I keep seeing this comment everywhere.
Have you possibly considered that maybe you just suck at WvW?
I don’t mean to sound rude, mind, it’s just that I was always plenty “competitive” in WvW at Lvl 80 while wearing just magic or masterwork-level items. I never once felt heavily disadvantaged and would regularly kill other players in head-to-head combat. So, either I’m just that good (which is unlikely), or you’re doing something wrong.
Ergo, I’m inclined to think that if you honestly believe a few extra stat points are going to make you suddenly perform better at WvW, you’re in for a lot of disappointment. Stats help, but are hardly as influential as people seem to think.
this is what all the grinders say. They say so because they know that they will have the gear and others will not. 20%+ better stats aren’t trivial.
You’re either a fool or can’t read.
I very clearly stated that I first started playing in WvW with blue and green gear, having never grinded the game at all, and was doing FINE. I’m fairly certain that the difference between a player in mostly blues and a player in all exotics is a MUCH bigger gap than exotics vs ascended will turn out to be. Yet I was able to get over that hurdle. And if I can do it, anyone can.
Heck, I tried it again just before the patch went in, and I was still doing pretty well. And I still don’t have anywhere close to a full set of exotics. In fact I just earned my first two exotic armor items during the weekend event (one as a drop, and another by trading my finale chest rewards with another player). I’m no “leet” player and I’m not the “grinder” you want to pretend I am. I’m just the opposite, and yet I’m telling you that you’re full of kitten. The gear isn’t the problem, YOU are.
Sorry, but your narrative is entirely false. Gear can certainly help, but it doesn’t make a kitteny player suddenly turn into a powerhouse player. Stop lying to yourself and just admit that maybe you’re just not as good as you think you are.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
(edited by critickitten.1498)
Turning the game into a WoW clone is not making it unique. Gear treadmills are not unique. Gear checks are not unique. Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
Rather than trying to turn GW2 into WoW, instead of allowing it to follow in the footsteps of its successful predecessor and ACTUALLY be unique, why not play a WoW clone on the side and stop trying to destroy this game? It would be fun if the content locusts were to just play the game for itself instead of demanding more and more stats and content constantly, forcing Anet to push rushed attempts to appease them like this.
We bought the game knowing exactly what kind of game it was- the manifesto told us what it was. It’s the WoW fans who want to turn it into something else.
^This ^QFT…
I think most people are pissed off because GW2 is so much more like WoW than GW1 that it isn’t actually a sequel, it’s an entirely new game. And should probably be called something more along the lines of Guild World, or something like that, to be much less misleading.
Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
I keep seeing this comment everywhere.
Have you possibly considered that maybe you just suck at WvW?
I don’t mean to sound rude, mind, it’s just that I was always plenty “competitive” in WvW at Lvl 80 while wearing just magic or masterwork-level items. I never once felt heavily disadvantaged and would regularly kill other players in head-to-head combat. So, either I’m just that good (which is unlikely), or you’re doing something wrong.
Ergo, I’m inclined to think that if you honestly believe a few extra stat points are going to make you suddenly perform better at WvW, you’re in for a lot of disappointment. Stats help, but are hardly as influential as people seem to think.
this is what all the grinders say. They say so because they know that they will have the gear and others will not. 20%+ better stats aren’t trivial.
You’re either a fool or can’t read.
I very clearly stated that I first started playing in WvW with blue and green gear, having never grinded the game at all, and was doing FINE. I’m fairly certain that the difference between a player in mostly blues and a player in all exotics is a MUCH bigger gap than exotics vs ascended will turn out to be. Yet I was able to get over that hurdle. And if I can do it, anyone can.
Heck, I tried it again just before the patch went in, and I was still doing pretty well. And I still don’t have anywhere close to a full set of exotics. In fact I just earned my first two exotic armor items during the weekend event (one as a drop, and another by trading my finale chest rewards with another player). I’m no “leet” player and I’m not the “grinder” you want to pretend I am. I’m just the opposite, and yet I’m telling you that you’re full of kitten. The gear isn’t the problem, YOU are.
Sorry, but your narrative is entirely false. Gear can certainly help, but it doesn’t make a kitteny player suddenly turn into a powerhouse player. Stop lying to yourself and just admit that maybe you’re just not as good as you think you are.
So basically your only response is a long-winded version of “L2P noob.”
Great, you are a WvW god, congratulations.
The point still stands that two players of otherwise equal skill and aptitude will not be on equal footing based on whether they spent weeks/months grinding out gold and mats in a linear sequence of PvE encounters that have already begun stratifying the player base.
Just painting everyone who has a problem with this at the conceptual level as being unskilled and wanting to blame their performance on gear is the false narrative. The person you responded to only made a comment about remaining competitive, somehow you read into that all of this nonsense about sucking at WvW and other not-so-thinly-veiled personal attacks. It is absolutely possible to be good at WvW AND not like gear disparity.
hmmmm …. I think we need to look at something wow usually releases a raid every 4/6 months to reward new gear ….. guild wars 2 just about did the same thing and not every one was happy about this cuz it wasnt what guild wars 1 had done then hours to possible a day after the new dungeon is out people start yelling for gear scores and party finders so they dont have to waste their time carrying people.. gear scores and party finders are big concepts from wow …. so conclussion you want to play a game like wow but you dont want it to be called wow …. just think if wow came out with a expansion and they didnt have the usual gear grinding do you not think those players would be upset …. guild wars 1 there was a strong fan base that bought the game expecting the same game style and i dont think they are wrong for voicing their opinion that they dont like the changes….. as far as i m concerned i would rather not see rude people who cant take some one elses opinion with open mind
Turning the game into a WoW clone is not making it unique. Gear treadmills are not unique. Gear checks are not unique. Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
Rather than trying to turn GW2 into WoW, instead of allowing it to follow in the footsteps of its successful predecessor and ACTUALLY be unique, why not play a WoW clone on the side and stop trying to destroy this game? It would be fun if the content locusts were to just play the game for itself instead of demanding more and more stats and content constantly, forcing Anet to push rushed attempts to appease them like this.
We bought the game knowing exactly what kind of game it was- the manifesto told us what it was. It’s the WoW fans who want to turn it into something else.
The thing is it can never be a WoW clone for the simple reason that you must roll to avoid hits that will kill you that alone makes any thing that is “OP” not so much because it becomes a skill to avoid these hits and a skill to land these hits. WoW is the stander “sit back and play game” yes there are some get out of this or you will die but even though are not that fast and tend to give way too much time to reacts to.
BTW adding in 1 gear set dose not make a game WoW like.
Now what going on and is truly the base of all the problems non WoW players or though who are trying to get away from WoW is the fact that WoW has trained ppl to act like this it has defined mmorpg for what 8 years so we have ppl who only know WoW and how to play like it and thinks every thing should just be like it and make it so every thing seems like it.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
That way on my desktop is Eve. —>
<— GW1 is this way.
Come to think of it, so are LOTRO, SWTOR and… holy cow, is that Aion? I still haven’t uninstalled that? Wow.
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into GW1. I understand that you all loved the game, I get it, but guess what? It still exists. If you want to play GW1, go play it. GW2 is its own game, it will have differences. You may not like or appreciate those differences and you are free to make that known, but please stop saying “because GW1 was this way, GW2 needs to be too.” They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as GW1. This is a GOOD thing, it makes the game unique and worth playing for what it is.
Do you even realize why this game sold so well?
I can’t speak for everyone, but I was a big fan of GW1. I did everything in that game. I was around when Gwen danced around burning us alive. I was around when infusion wasn’t a one run deal. I can go on, but you get my point.
Now consider, why a game like that held people for so long? Subscription mmos try to hold people by charging them, but GW1 didn’t have to do that. The game was great. It held people not through grind, but through being fun.
So consider that when you talk about how they aren’t supposed to be the same game. There are already games out there like what GW2 is turning into. They have a good foot hold on the market already. They probably aren’t going to lose that. GW2 was supposed to be different though. It was supposed to merge GW1, with a few select qualities of those other games. I feel it’s a shame to see it turning further into those other games, and leaving behind what made GW1 so wonderful.
GW1 is a better game, that’s why people are upset. GW2 should of been the next step of GW1, not a completely different game.
GW1 is a better game, that’s why people are upset. GW2 should of been the next step of GW1, not a completely different game.
Actually . . . it kind of is the next step of Guild Wars 1.
There was grind in Guild Wars 1, and not just for cosmetic advancements. There was gated content in Guild Wars 1. While there was no “gear treadmill” there was “skill elitism” in PvE and “show me your /rank” in PvP.
If the Manifesto is supposed to be a representative of what the developers hold closely, then GW1 should be included in conversations about it. Or, and this is another good opinion . . . the Manifesto was made from what the developers learned while making GW1 and it is their ideal state of game.
. . . but an ideal modeled state is not a real state. Ask any engineer.
A week ago, this was the game I agreed to purchase.
99% of this game is still the game I agreed to purchase.
That 1% is REALLY pissing me off, tho.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
We could also tell you that WoW is that way. go play it.
lol go pull up the posts from months ago..this is pretty much what the GW1 fans told anyone who said anything about lack of end game.
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
Ding ding ding- we have a winner.
Although I’m sure the OP and the likes knows that, but it wouldn’t make a good foundation for a complain post.
Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
I keep seeing this comment everywhere.
Have you possibly considered that maybe you just suck at WvW?
I don’t mean to sound rude, mind, it’s just that I was always plenty “competitive” in WvW at Lvl 80 while wearing just magic or masterwork-level items. I never once felt heavily disadvantaged and would regularly kill other players in head-to-head combat. So, either I’m just that good (which is unlikely), or you’re doing something wrong.
Ergo, I’m inclined to think that if you honestly believe a few extra stat points are going to make you suddenly perform better at WvW, you’re in for a lot of disappointment. Stats help, but are hardly as influential as people seem to think.
this is what all the grinders say. They say so because they know that they will have the gear and others will not. 20%+ better stats aren’t trivial.
You’re either a fool or can’t read.
I very clearly stated that I first started playing in WvW with blue and green gear, having never grinded the game at all, and was doing FINE. I’m fairly certain that the difference between a player in mostly blues and a player in all exotics is a MUCH bigger gap than exotics vs ascended will turn out to be. Yet I was able to get over that hurdle. And if I can do it, anyone can.
Heck, I tried it again just before the patch went in, and I was still doing pretty well. And I still don’t have anywhere close to a full set of exotics. In fact I just earned my first two exotic armor items during the weekend event (one as a drop, and another by trading my finale chest rewards with another player). I’m no “leet” player and I’m not the “grinder” you want to pretend I am. I’m just the opposite, and yet I’m telling you that you’re full of kitten. The gear isn’t the problem, YOU are.
Sorry, but your narrative is entirely false. Gear can certainly help, but it doesn’t make a kitteny player suddenly turn into a powerhouse player. Stop lying to yourself and just admit that maybe you’re just not as good as you think you are.
I read perfectly well, thank you. You were defending the new gear grind. Sorry kiddo, but gear makes a difference. Try to pretend otherwise. I know it’s easy to dismiss the concerns of people like me who have little time to grind.
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
<snip>Ding ding ding- we have a winner.
Although I’m sure the OP and the likes knows that, but it wouldn’t make a good foundation for a complain post.
I’m unconvinced they are bad changes, though I remain open to the interpretation this could be the start of something going very wrong. I smell smoke, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s a bonfire or someone just having struck a match.
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
<snip>Ding ding ding- we have a winner.
Although I’m sure the OP and the likes knows that, but it wouldn’t make a good foundation for a complain post.
I’m unconvinced they are bad changes, though I remain open to the interpretation this could be the start of something going very wrong. I smell smoke, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s a bonfire or someone just having struck a match.
Bonfire is built and match is struck. It seems obvious it´s going to be lit.
And yet it was mentioned that there would be no bonfires, also we really really wanted to build a house out of the wood used in the bonfire
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
<snip>Ding ding ding- we have a winner.
Although I’m sure the OP and the likes knows that, but it wouldn’t make a good foundation for a complain post.
I’m unconvinced they are bad changes, though I remain open to the interpretation this could be the start of something going very wrong. I smell smoke, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s a bonfire or someone just having struck a match.
Bonfire is built and match is struck. It seems obvious it´s going to be lit.
And yet it was mentioned that there would be no bonfires, also we really really wanted to build a house out of the wood used in the bonfire
This is why I dislike pulling out simple analogies, everyone always wants to spread them like a pat of butter. Sometimes it’s just a slice of your average sandwich loaf toasted. Spreads easily, covers about the right amount.
Then there are some people needing it to cover a baguette. The butter just wears thin, you barely have it in some places and not at all in others, and yet you insisted it was enough for one piece of bread, this one shouldn’t be any different.
(Translation: This is a big matter, not a small one, and analogies / similes are a good start but they really don’t work for more complex matters.)
Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
I keep seeing this comment everywhere.
Have you possibly considered that maybe you just suck at WvW?
I don’t mean to sound rude, mind, it’s just that I was always plenty “competitive” in WvW at Lvl 80 while wearing just magic or masterwork-level items. I never once felt heavily disadvantaged and would regularly kill other players in head-to-head combat. So, either I’m just that good (which is unlikely), or you’re doing something wrong.
Ergo, I’m inclined to think that if you honestly believe a few extra stat points are going to make you suddenly perform better at WvW, you’re in for a lot of disappointment. Stats help, but are hardly as influential as people seem to think.
Stats help, more stats you have over the enemy the better your chances of winning. Sure skill is a major factor, but that doesn’t mean gear isn’t. As for all the people you killed, they suck & they probably were on same tier gear as you or worse.
This is why I dislike pulling out simple analogies, everyone always wants to spread them like a pat of butter. Sometimes it’s just a slice of your average sandwich loaf toasted. Spreads easily, covers about the right amount.
Then there are some people needing it to cover a baguette. The butter just wears thin, you barely have it in some places and not at all in others, and yet you insisted it was enough for one piece of bread, this one shouldn’t be any different.
(Translation: This is a big matter, not a small one, and analogies / similes are a good start but they really don’t work for more complex matters.)
Ok, without analogy.
We´ve seen a start in a direction that we´ve been in before, we know where it leads. We have no reason to believe that they stop now that they´ve started going in that direction.
It may not be a inherently bad direction, but it just isn´t what this was all supposed to be about. We wanted something else and we were said the was going to be something else.
….frowning upon analogies with analogies…i´d make inception joke but it might lead to some very inappropriate sounding words…
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
I don’t want ANet to make GW2 just like GW1. I want them to make it like the game they promised they were making.
This is why I dislike pulling out simple analogies, everyone always wants to spread them like a pat of butter. Sometimes it’s just a slice of your average sandwich loaf toasted. Spreads easily, covers about the right amount.
Then there are some people needing it to cover a baguette. The butter just wears thin, you barely have it in some places and not at all in others, and yet you insisted it was enough for one piece of bread, this one shouldn’t be any different.
(Translation: This is a big matter, not a small one, and analogies / similes are a good start but they really don’t work for more complex matters.)
Ok, without analogy.
We´ve seen a start in a direction that we´ve been in before, we know where it leads. We have no reason to believe that they stop now that they´ve started going in that direction.
It may not be a inherently bad direction, but it just isn´t what this was all supposed to be about. We wanted something else and we were said the was going to be something else.….frowning upon analogies with analogies
…i´d make inception joke but it might lead to some very inappropriate sounding words…
I’ll make one for you.
If you disagree about using an inception joke, within an inception joke is that contraception?
. . . honestly I do grasp your point, but as I was trying to get across with my analogy; it’s not that I’m blind to the warning signs. It’s that I refuse to enter a panic over it, and I’d rather know for certain before . . . well, running full speed in the other direction.
Zoul there is a marked difference, Diablo 3 was a single player game that was a sequel to Diablo 1 and 2. GW2 is an MMO, it is not a sequel to GW1. GW1 is a sequel to GW1 because it is constantly being updated with new content.
It is not. In fact, the updates stopped when it was announced that GW2 is in the works. GW2 was specifically meant to be a “sequel” to GW1, with the intention of replacing it completely.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Zoul there is a marked difference, Diablo 3 was a single player game that was a sequel to Diablo 1 and 2. GW2 is an MMO, it is not a sequel to GW1. GW1 is a sequel to GW1 because it is constantly being updated with new content.
It is not. In fact, the updates stopped when it was announced that GW2 is in the works. GW2 was specifically meant to be a “sequel” to GW1, with the intention of replacing it completely.
Well the last content of GW1 released was Winds of Change. someone can correct me if I’m wrong.
However, from how I understand it, the last two content updates “Hearts of the North” and “Winds of Change” both were released after it was said GW2 was going to be in development. The point of these was to sort of “bridge” events so that there was some lead-up in GW1 to the state of the world in GW2
This is why I dislike pulling out simple analogies, everyone always wants to spread them like a pat of butter. Sometimes it’s just a slice of your average sandwich loaf toasted. Spreads easily, covers about the right amount.
Then there are some people needing it to cover a baguette. The butter just wears thin, you barely have it in some places and not at all in others, and yet you insisted it was enough for one piece of bread, this one shouldn’t be any different.
(Translation: This is a big matter, not a small one, and analogies / similes are a good start but they really don’t work for more complex matters.)
Ok, without analogy.
We´ve seen a start in a direction that we´ve been in before, we know where it leads. We have no reason to believe that they stop now that they´ve started going in that direction.
It may not be a inherently bad direction, but it just isn´t what this was all supposed to be about. We wanted something else and we were said the was going to be something else.….frowning upon analogies with analogies
…i´d make inception joke but it might lead to some very inappropriate sounding words…
I’ll make one for you.
If you disagree about using an inception joke, within an inception joke is that contraception?. . . honestly I do grasp your point, but as I was trying to get across with my analogy; it’s not that I’m blind to the warning signs. It’s that I refuse to enter a panic over it, and I’d rather know for certain before . . . well, running full speed in the other direction.
Thing is that there´s not really that much going or waiting and seeing. If we wait and see and it turns okay, well that´s fine.
If we however voice our opinions we might avert the bad situation, so it´s either ending good anyway, or we might avert the bad situation.
Also at the end of the day if kitten hits the fan, we can say: “Hey, atleast we tried.”
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
Also at the end of the day if kitten hits the fan, we can say: “Hey, atleast we tried.”
At the end of the day if the kitten hits the fan I am probably going to have stern words with the kitten.
Yes I know what you meant, but I meant what I said. I’m not panicking until I need to, and since there’s no personal danger to me in this there’s less “running away top speed” and more “meh, well I had fun while it lasted, let’s see if I can beat my record on how quickly I got diamonds on Minecraft.”
This is why I dislike pulling out simple analogies, everyone always wants to spread them like a pat of butter. Sometimes it’s just a slice of your average sandwich loaf toasted. Spreads easily, covers about the right amount.
Then there are some people needing it to cover a baguette. The butter just wears thin, you barely have it in some places and not at all in others, and yet you insisted it was enough for one piece of bread, this one shouldn’t be any different.
(Translation: This is a big matter, not a small one, and analogies / similes are a good start but they really don’t work for more complex matters.)
Ok, without analogy.
We´ve seen a start in a direction that we´ve been in before, we know where it leads. We have no reason to believe that they stop now that they´ve started going in that direction.
It may not be a inherently bad direction, but it just isn´t what this was all supposed to be about. We wanted something else and we were said the was going to be something else.….frowning upon analogies with analogies
…i´d make inception joke but it might lead to some very inappropriate sounding words…
I’ll make one for you.
If you disagree about using an inception joke, within an inception joke is that contraception?. . . honestly I do grasp your point, but as I was trying to get across with my analogy; it’s not that I’m blind to the warning signs. It’s that I refuse to enter a panic over it, and I’d rather know for certain before . . . well, running full speed in the other direction.
Thing is that there´s not really that much going or waiting and seeing. If we wait and see and it turns okay, well that´s fine.
If we however voice our opinions we might avert the bad situation, so it´s either ending good anyway, or we might avert the bad situation.
Also at the end of the day if kitten hits the fan, we can say: “Hey, atleast we tried.”
My thoughts exactly. I’m not going to wait for it to go wrong if I can do something to prevent it. As I see it you lose your right to speak about an issue if you remain on the sidelines.
As it stands Anets silence is telling me everything. Their PR department is trying to find a way to spin this positively and failing. That’s why there hasn’t been any real statement with answers as of yet. They are avoiding the issue at every step.
My thoughts exactly. I’m not going to wait for it to go wrong if I can do something to prevent it. As I see it you lose your right to speak about an issue if you remain on the sidelines.
Um, no, there are more than two sides to this. Besides, I could jump onto either side or switch sides rapidly depending on what new piece of information or quote comes up. I’d much rather offer my perspective here, rather than grab pitchforks and join the mob, or willingly stand against the wall to be executed as a “conspirator”.
Just because I’m not working myself into a frothing, foaming fit over this doesn’t mean I have no right to speak up.
My thoughts exactly. I’m not going to wait for it to go wrong if I can do something to prevent it. As I see it you lose your right to speak about an issue if you remain on the sidelines.
Um, no, there are more than two sides to this. Besides, I could jump onto either side or switch sides rapidly depending on what new piece of information or quote comes up. I’d much rather offer my perspective here, rather than grab pitchforks and join the mob, or willingly stand against the wall to be executed as a “conspirator”.
Just because I’m not working myself into a frothing, foaming fit over this doesn’t mean I have no right to speak up.
How about you first stop talking negatively over those opposed to it by saying they are frothing and foaming and having a fit. To me you do lose your voice because by the time you finally made a decision it will be to late. Your own inaction is making you lose your voice.
GW1 is a better game, that’s why people are upset. GW2 should of been the next step of GW1, not a completely different game.
POW! Home run, for reality check.
My thoughts exactly. I’m not going to wait for it to go wrong if I can do something to prevent it. As I see it you lose your right to speak about an issue if you remain on the sidelines.
Um, no, there are more than two sides to this. Besides, I could jump onto either side or switch sides rapidly depending on what new piece of information or quote comes up. I’d much rather offer my perspective here, rather than grab pitchforks and join the mob, or willingly stand against the wall to be executed as a “conspirator”.
Just because I’m not working myself into a frothing, foaming fit over this doesn’t mean I have no right to speak up.
How about you first stop talking negatively over those opposed to it by saying they are frothing and foaming and having a fit. To me you do lose your voice because by the time you finally made a decision it will be to late. Your own inaction is making you lose your voice.
Excuse the hyperbole, I’m not meaning to denigrate your position. I do beg forgiveness on that.
As for the rest? I will never lose my voice, nor my ability to just pick up and leave if I decide to. I asked for forgiveness for my tone, but now I ask you to understand something.
Do not make another attempt to push me to one side of the line drawn in the dust. I make that choice, not you.
Are we clear, sir/madam?
Having played WoW for 5 years and GW1 alongside it – this game is not a WoW clone. It really doesn’t play the same at all.
GW1 was made by people who worked on Warcraft and Diablo. GW1 is like a combination of parts of Warcraft and Diablo with a with a hefty dose of Anet’s own style and ideas. The end result was a very good, unique co-op game.
GW2 is a combination of GW1 and every MMO to date with Anet’s style and ideas added to it. I think in a few years when people look back after some more content patches and expansions they will see the end result will be a very good, unique MMO.
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into GW1. I understand that you all loved the game, I get it, but guess what? It still exists. If you want to play GW1, go play it. GW2 is its own game, it will have differences. You may not like or appreciate those differences and you are free to make that known, but please stop saying “because GW1 was this way, GW2 needs to be too.” They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as GW1. This is a GOOD thing, it makes the game unique and worth playing for what it is.
WoW still exists, it is that way →
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into a WoW clone. I understand that you all love WoW clones, I get it, but guess what? They still exist. If you want to play a WoW clone, go play one. GW2 is its own game, it will have differences. You may not like or appreciate those differences and you are free to make that known, but please stop saying “because a WoW clone was this way, GW2 needs to be too.” They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as as a WoW clone. This is a GOOD thing, it makes the game unique and worth playing for what it is.
They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as GW1.
It has (well, it had) same design philosophy for some things, it hasn’t for others.
This is not my statement, ArenaNet told us, its president and its lead designer did.
We just ask ArenaNet to give us back what was promised for GW2, and what most people bought the game for.
(edited by Ray.6149)
GW2 is such a massive disappointment. Now they are floundering and starting to copy WoW.
I can’t believe this is the same company that made GW1 considering the mind boggling design decisions in GW2. The world has all the excitement of a shopping mall.
We just ask ArenaNet to give us back what was promised for GW2, and what most people bought the game for.
Good luck with that. Their sales hype for this game was just shameful. SO much of what they said pre release is simply false. They lied to make money, they aren’t the 1st or the last but they knew they had to considering the actual state of GW2.
(edited by MrThebigcheese.2014)
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into GW1.
Please for the love of Melandru, stop trying to turn this game into World of Kittencraft.
Zoul there is a marked difference, Diablo 3 was a single player game that was a sequel to Diablo 1 and 2. GW2 is an MMO, it is not a sequel to GW1. GW1 is a sequel to GW1 because it is constantly being updated with new content.
It is not. In fact, the updates stopped when it was announced that GW2 is in the works. GW2 was specifically meant to be a “sequel” to GW1, with the intention of replacing it completely.
Wait wait wait…. if ANet stopped all their updates when GW2 was first announced years ago, please explain the Guild Wars Beyond content for me, and all the skill updates…. and the changes to the holiday events… and the additions to Pre.
We just ask ArenaNet to give us back what was promised for GW2, and what most people bought the game for.
Good luck with that.
Not so confident, actually. Not anymore.
Guildwars 1 had very few bugs, glitches or broken dungeons/events in its entire history. GW2 has had more bugs, glitches and broken dungeons/traits/skills/events then every other game hosted by NCsoft combined.
Screw new content, creating a gear treadmill Fix whats broken FIRST and do it quickly or fail like many other mmorpg’s did like Diablo, Aion, Tera, etc… You cant make money if you lose all your customers.
-person who can’t read-
-person who can’t read-
-person who can’t read-
None of you have read any of my other posts anywhere in this forum then, I take it. Because I’ve been very clear in stating that I think Ascended gear is the absolute worst addition to the game since the betas (yes, I think it’s worse than the skill/trait tiering)
But let’s summarize my stance since this is obviously eluding you. Maybe it’s just all those big paragraphs, they’re so hard to read.
1) I hate Ascended gear.
2) I don’t like grinding.
3) I am a casual player, not some GW2 expert (which is why I just got my first pieces of exotic gear during this weekend event).
And you want to keep ignoring these facts because they don’t suit your narrative. Because, by all accounts, I’m the sort of person who should be agreeing with you. It’s easier in your minds to paint me as something I’m not (whether it be an elite player, or a grinder, or someone with a false sense of grandeur) than to accept the fact that a plain, boring, and relatively unskilled casual player is actually disagreeing with you.
But sorry, I still don’t agree, and the reason is as I explained earlier: because WvW does not revolve entirely around gear. As I pointed out, I can perform just fine in WvW without a full set of exotics, and I’m darn sure that the gap between me and a fully dressed exotic player is probably larger than the exotic-ascended gear gap. But I’ve overcome it, and I know because I recognize some of their flashy gear and weapons in battle.
And if I can do it, anyone can….because I’ve played in WvW a grand total of two days. I ain’t some expert, I’m a newb who wandered onto a battlefield and just picked it up on the fly. >_>
Yes, gear can help increase the potential of a WvW player. That’s absolutely true. But a player who sucks at WvW who then goes and grinds for gear isn’t suddenly going to become a god of WvW. That is not how it works. And blaming the gear for other players having some allegedly “huge advantage” inclines me to think that the problem isn’t with the gear, it’s with the person at the computer. With you.
….whoops, I put that all in paragraphs so you’re bound not to read it….let’s do another list just to make sure you get it this time.
1) Gear contributes, but it’s not everything, and it won’t make a bad player good.
2) A player can overcome even a large gear gap with practice and skill
Please, please stop lying to yourselves and others about this. I’m very tired of people exaggerating this release to the point where they’re making claims that are obviously false. Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff in this release I hate, but I’m not about to blatantly lie about content I hate just to spin a narrative of deceit that will confuse weak-minded followers. I leave that to news reporters and politicians. You should, too.
The difference between you guys and me is that I know they’re not just going to remove content I don’t like, so I’m trying to compromise by suggesting to them some ways to make the content less offensive to folks like myself. You can keep going on your “game is ruined” tirade and the devs are never going to listen to you that way, because they aren’t just going to remove content (as that’ll just incite a new group of haters to replace the old). If you demonstrate a willingness to compromise, to meet them halfway and give them ways to make the new stuff work within the existing system, they’re much more likely to hear us out. That’s why I offered a few of my own suggestions in the survey they sent out.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
(edited by critickitten.1498)