Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheen.8196


To the guy claiming MoP has yet to break 1million, goggles much? You are going by BOX sales from what a company ESTIMATES. ROFL

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


True, Sheen, but even if Blizzard is given the benefit of the doubt and we suggest that digital purchases account for half of their sales, it’s still not even half of the number of units that the Cataclysm expansion sold.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


True, Sheen, but even if Blizzard is given the benefit of the doubt and we suggest that digital purchases account for half of their sales, it’s still not even half of the number of units that the Cataclysm expansion sold.

I have ALOT of frinds not buying MOP and thay got every other EXP. some of them are playing GW2 not all

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


I suspect digital sales have got to the point where they substantially outweigh box sales. That’s the world we live in.

Sadly, GW2 cannot kill WoW. Maybe that’s because WoW is undead rather than being alive. If ever there was a game resembling and unstoppable zombie, WoW is it.

GW2 on the other hand (to me) resembles a member of a Star Trek away team we’ve not seen before. It only remains to find out if he is one of the ones who turns out to be the guest star of the episode, or is he the nameless schmuck who gets phasered 5 mins into the story.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheen.8196


It’s hard to track whether boxes or digitals sell more in WoW, I suspect digitals do in this day and age, but they haven’t released physical vs digital sales for a long time.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Entity.3408


Wouldn’t the number of people on a server stay the same since when people leave for a while they don’t ‘delete’ their characters?

Not sure how it works.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Striata.6739


So OP your saying because the servers are pretty well full there isn’t anything wrong.
Ever stop to think that pretty well half the population in the game is a kittening bot?

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


If Blizzard had sold X Million copies, in boxes and/or online, there would be ads everyone on the internet screaming “X Million Copies Sold!” by now. I’m sure they had the ads ready to go, it just turns out they don’t need them.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


If Blizzard had sold X Million copies, in boxes and/or online, there would be ads everyone on the internet screaming “X Million Copies Sold!” by now. I’m sure they had the ads ready to go, it just turns out they don’t need them.

I’m not sure that’s true. The ads I’ve seen for MoP have been pretty good without needing to mention sales. I think if you are a potential WoW player, you probably already know that gazllions of people play it. I’m tempted to say they make better adverts than they do games :P

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: noremorze.1745


Ever stop to think that pretty well half the population in the game is a kittening bot?

Ah the good old whiners exaggerations, never gets old.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krighton.2138


LOL, this is of the oldest MMO marketing strategies in the book.

1.) Launch with 12 million new servers for the appearance of grand and epic scale (think Wal-Mart, or Sams Club, Costco for your West Coasters)

2.) Watch the community buzz about a flourishing MMO

3.) Call Bioware and EA 6 months later and realize you should have listened to the random posters that pleaded ’DON’T LAUNCH WITH 1000 SERVERS YOU’LL KILL THE GAME."

4.) Go free2play 6 months later. Oh.. oops.. well merge what’s left of the community so people can at least group once in while, maybe twice a week.

5.)Shut it down.

I know, everyone is excited for a new game, I don’t want GW2 to fail, but as a business man, with something few individuals have, it’s always so clear to me.

Common sense, it’s a superpower today.

Besides, the server cap illusion is this.

250-300 players per server pushes the text from low-med to High. Woo!

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Striata.6739


Ever stop to think that pretty well half the population in the game is a kittening bot?

Ah the good old whiners exaggerations, never gets old.

whining right… I asked a question pointed at the OP kittentard

go play on Borlis Pass there a whole guild on that server and its all multi boxing bots there all over the place its far from “exaggerations”.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naminator.9316


I suspect digital sales have got to the point where they substantially outweigh box sales. That’s the world we live in.

Sadly, GW2 cannot kill WoW. Maybe that’s because WoW is undead rather than being alive. If ever there was a game resembling and unstoppable zombie, WoW is it.

GW2 on the other hand (to me) resembles a member of a Star Trek away team we’ve not seen before. It only remains to find out if he is one of the ones who turns out to be the guest star of the episode, or is he the nameless schmuck who gets phasered 5 mins into the story.

Please don’t tell me you are actually gullible enough to believe that the digital sales actually outweigh the retail sales………………………

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


Er … gullible in what way? That would imply someone had told me a lie and I believed it.

Noone has told me digital sales outweigh box sales. It’s my own speculation based on what I have observed from my own and my friends’ habits. We mostly buy digital now.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


People are generally stupid and draw conclusions based on normal trends they perceive as signs of decline.

Every single game that is released has a peak for the first few days following it, then it declines as people spend less and less time online as well as people who don’t like the game leave..

Some people are also quick to point out GW2 decline on Xfire, but at the same time they completely ignore the numbers shown to them. That is GW2 still has twice more active Xfire players after a month than WoW did for the last 6 months prior to MoP release.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


So OP your saying because the servers are pretty well full there isn’t anything wrong.
Ever stop to think that pretty well half the population in the game is a kittening bot?

Lol, bullkitten. I’ve seen maybe one or two in a whole week. ANet is quick at banning bots and gold sellers.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


250-300 players per server pushes the text from low-med to High. Woo!

And how would you know that exactly? Do you have some facts or insider information? Guess not, just random conspiracy rambling as usual.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Distaste.4801



I don’t think you recognize the bots then. Go to pentinent waypoint in Orr. Probably half the people you see are bots. Some will teleport around regularly, others will just stand in one place and only attack/teleport when there is a mob/loot. On Gates of Madness there are at least 15 bots there, 24/7, for at least a week. Some I’ve been reporting for 3 weeks. There are videos of 30+ bots farming centaurs in WvW.

It is well known that ArenaNet is either incredibly slow at banning bots or that they are doing nothing currently. If they are trying the whole ban wave thing then it is backfiring because people are getting fed up with bots daily. Some even resort to “If you can’t beat them, join them”.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kungkonung.6758


RamzaBehoulve: “ANet is quick at banning bots and gold sellers.” – based on what? Your anecdotal experiences? There’s bunches of bots who have been standing and farming pretty much the same spots since day 1, so I call bullkitten on your claim.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natural.7013


I can tell you that with 100% certainty I will not play this game long if the DR situation remains, especially when you get the DR bug and you haven’t even run an instance in a few weeks.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Lots of speculation, little to no facts.
Here is a reality check.

On Guru we have marketing/statistic experts who did calculations which resulted in showing that 0.25% of the initial people became complainers/quitters.
That’s about 5000 players.
Of those 5000, the majority quit because due to their own misinformation (expected a wow clone, expected traditional endgame, etc) while others due to compromised accounts or bugs that blocked their progress.

We also confirmed that 22% among the satisfied players (458k people roughly) have some complaints, mostly about their classes (bugged skills, change requests), bots, the DR system, Waypoint costs, bugs.

Regina also confirmed in one post here that the large majority of players were happy with the game.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lacrimstein.5603


Regina also confirmed in one post here that the large majority of players were happy with the game.

How exactly would she know that? Did she personally interview a certain percentage of the game’s population? I also don’t see how your “experts” did these calculations. Post a link to them, please. I’m sure a lot of people would like to see them.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Discopumper.7260


“ever played Rift? no? ok, no worries. The reason that game is so great is not just because its a quality mmo. No, its because of Trion; the hardest dev team I’ve ever seen. Time is everything and they realize that. They jump on bugs like Raid and thats why I still play it.”

Then why is the game as dead as it is? I haven’t seen a game since warhammer online closing as many servers as rift. It’s always the same kitten talk : " blah blah rift is so great and i get wet if i even think about Trion" but nobody wants to play the game.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


I suspect digital sales have got to the point where they substantially outweigh box sales. That’s the world we live in.

While it’s definitely up from last year, digital distribution only accounts for roughly half of all game sales (currently).

That said, the argument could be made that many people who are hardcore WoW fans who have stuck with the game for many, many years, are likely to buy a boxed copy of the expansion (rather than digital) because they own a box copy of the previous expansions, and to them it represents a physical collection.

(edited by Edge.4180)

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Striata.6739


So OP your saying because the servers are pretty well full there isn’t anything wrong.
Ever stop to think that pretty well half the population in the game is a kittening bot?

Lol, bullkitten. I’ve seen maybe one or two in a whole week. ANet is quick at banning bots and gold sellers.

Then you don’t know how to spot a bot. Brolis Pass is infested with bots, gold spam, and mail spam. If you haven’t seen a bot then your flat out BLIND.

I don’t know what makes you think Arena Net is quick at banning bots. I’ve been reporting the same 20 plus bots on my server for over 14 days now and nothing there all still there in the same spot swinging at the air waiting for events/mobs to spawn.

Last night around 10:00 pm server time was the worst I’ve ever seen ever it quite frankly rivaled Aions bot infestation. There were so many bots I just said kitten it I’m not reporting all this. I bought this game to play and have fun and waste some free time not to report hundreds of bots all day.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


It is probably pretty easy for them to determine- the same 10 people are making negative threads over and over, while the rest of the player base is contributing constructively, or playing the game.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uberrod.1342


I think talk of games being dead a month after launch is an indication of our culture developing a very short attention span and the rise of instant gratification.

If an MMO isn’t “perfect” at launch then the game is doomed and everyone jumps ship immediately in a self-fulfilling prophesy. Really?

It’s like no one wants to invest a little time into anything anymore.

SWTOR is a good game, but it wasn’t perfect so people jumped ship to GW2. This isn’t perfect so people are anxious to jump ship to the next shiny thing. Granted SWTOR had the SWG fans vs the KOTOR fans clashing and no one was going to be happy.

Come on people, learn some patience already.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rainfall.4017


Honestly? If some gold spam mails and bugs make you not play the game or lose interest, you weren’t that into the game anyway. Simple as that. f that’s the attention span of people today, god help us. The game is fine, the servers are fine, the population is fine. There are problems to sort out. Instead of discussing where the game will be in 12 months why don’t you just wait, shut up, and see.

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vermillion Hawk.9037

Vermillion Hawk.9037

It’s just a byproduct of the ADD culture brought upon by the advent of the digital age and the Internet. This foolishness of already classifying a game as being “dead” when in reality it is far from it is only going to increase as people get more idiotic from the overuse of the Internet.

The term “self-fufilling prophecy” very accurately describes the behaviour going on here. People are eager to toss out baseless accusations and attacks on others’ character in order to prove their point, and when people bring out legitimate statistics they just claim them fabricated and continue their inane doom-prophesying.

Grand Master of The Knights Hospitaller [STJ]
Isle of Janthir – Sylvari Mesmer – Alexandre Le Grande

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhuta.1480


I’ve finally come to the conclusion that a big portion of the forum community are skritts, “give me shinnies”, games been out five weeks and its doing fine, yeh there’s bugs but I’m yet to play a new released mmo without any. I doubt there will ever be another wow phenomenom but gw2 will sit comfortably for many years just as gw1 has done.

(edited by Bhuta.1480)

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lacrimstein.5603


@Vermillion Hawk

The term “self-fufilling prophecy” very accurately describes the behaviour going on here. People are eager to toss out baseless accusations and attacks on others’ character in order to prove their point, and when people bring out legitimate statistics they just claim them fabricated and continue their inane fanboyism.

See what I did there?

In all seriousness though, both sides are acting the same. Both sides dismiss statistics as “fabricated”, then in turn present their own statistics, and refuse to listen to any arguments.

(edited by lacrimstein.5603)

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


I remember people saying Guild Wars was dead 3 years ago and ANet would be shutting down the servers by the end of the year. 3 years on and it’s still going. I played right up till Guild Wars 2 launched. If you don’t do Halloween in Guild Wars 2 I will pop on Guild Wars and do Halloween there. I will probably jump on anyway for old times sake. As I feel Halloween is done best by ANet.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
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Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

How exactly would she know that? Did she personally interview a certain percentage of the game’s population? I also don’t see how your “experts” did these calculations. Post a link to them, please. I’m sure a lot of people would like to see them.

Kidding? RB works for Anet, they know how many people play this game and how many people are satisfied.

This hating on GW2 by themepark grind slaves is getting more and more embarassing and proves more and more how games like GW2 are needed to prevent gamers to become a mass of zombies subjugated to companies that milk money from them by giving them work.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lacrimstein.5603


@Vermillion Hawk

The term “self-fufilling prophecy” very accurately describes the behaviour going on here. People are eager to toss out baseless accusations and attacks on others’ character in order to prove their point, and when people bring out legitimate statistics they just claim them fabricated and continue their inane fanboyism.

In all seriousness though, both sides are acting the same. Both sides dismiss statistics as “fabricated”, then in turn present their own statistics, and refuse to listen to any arguments.

Use that quote button next time, and maybe use it to contribute something instead of sticking your head so far up your kitten that you can see your large intestine produce the crap that you spew on these forums.

And you just proved my point. Thank you

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I asked in another thread (I think it has since been closed) how many of these “dead” games have actually turned off their servers and shut down, the answer was something like two or three games are offline. The rest of the “dead” games including games like Warhammer, Age of Conan, and old games like Ultima Online are still operating and still have people playing them.

So it appears that the dichotomy of MMO success is WoW/Dead with nothing in between. And when someone says a game is dying or dead, it means “I don’t play it anymore so it doesn’t matter to me.”

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Discopumper.7260


I play mostly WvW and i have two lvl 80s now and WvW is more fun at lvl 80 than at lower levels ( for me at least). I’ve had some great fun at spvp also. In conclusion me and my guildies are happy in gw2.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jhu.3965


GW2 is going to go free to play any day now, just wait and see.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tim.9850


I love this game despite any complaints I have had. Most people are playing the game and never even read the forums. I would say the troll posts are the minority.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AndrewWaltfeld.4621


I suspect digital sales have got to the point where they substantially outweigh box sales. That’s the world we live in.

Sadly, GW2 cannot kill WoW. Maybe that’s because WoW is undead rather than being alive. If ever there was a game resembling and unstoppable zombie, WoW is it.

GW2 on the other hand (to me) resembles a member of a Star Trek away team we’ve not seen before. It only remains to find out if he is one of the ones who turns out to be the guest star of the episode, or is he the nameless schmuck who gets phasered 5 mins into the story.

I thought that was SWTOR?

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


GW2 is going to go free to play any day now, just wait and see.

And then we’ll get a micro market full of cosmetics and small boosters.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Overunity.4273


I do not care about revenues ,I do not care what another game does ,I care that a game with so much promise has so many stumbling blocks to progress it is not funny ,I just want to be engaged and have fun doing what ever I chose .

Choices are :-
WvW should be a type of big raid type organised communication based place but it has been structured to be a mass pug chaotic place to play ,you cannot even join as a large coordinated group hell you might not get in for hours as solo.

Dungeons are badly tuned with no progression and a completely failed reward system with fixes that make it worse.

Crafting ,why? what do you need buff food for ?
Crafting anything ? gear ,jewellery what do you need it for ? there is nothing in the game you need to be buffed for ?
the game is 1-80 there is no need to have exotics even .
Once you achieve 80 all it means is you have access to the whole world to repeat as much as you like ??
Pvp you are 80 when you start so that eliminates a levelling system .
Pvp were you get the best gear in game as soon as you create a character .
A game needs a goal ,an aim for teams to aim for ,what is the thing in the game that is going to give you that sense of accomplishment? ,what challenge is there to overcome ?
There does not seem to be a sense of team spirit to achieve a goal in the game, if there is please tell us what is it ?.
The term "game " can be used to mean learn to overcome something challenging which itself is fun ,once you master it you move on .
So this game the 1-80 is the game without the challenge and nothing to overcome ,so 1-80 is more an enjoyable experience but not so much a fun game ? what do we have to overcome and were is the challenge ,you can succeed and get gold awards in dynamic events even if you went to answer your front door while it was going on !!!
great for farming karma but no challenge and nothing to overcome .

So far I can see they eliminated the trinity and the need for gear .
But instead of challenging fun content that could be reward itself they implemented chaotic zergfest in no reward group environments .
WvW zerg to win
Dungeon zerg exploit to win .
Dynamic events zerg to win .
All with the added anti bot system that sets any chance of any loot to zero after a mysterious amount of time .

Try to limit referring to people giving feedback as whining this kind of feed back can help if read properly but denying it and saying it does not exist and the game is perfect adds nothing at all .
If Arenanet are a good company they will turn this free feedback into useful content and make the game a successful and fun place to spend your gaming time .
If I did not think this info could be used constructively I would not waste my time typing it .
The problem with bioware and funcom seemed to be that they did not seem to have the ability to fix issues ,I’am not concerned that there are issues more than I want to believe they have the ability to resolve them efficiently and hope to be very happy with upcoming patches .
Good luck devs and I sincerely wish your hard work gives the game strong legs .

We just want to have fun

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Masher.8051


Started a new alt today, Human Ranger on Desolation server around 3pm, as soon as i started the first defence mission i was moved to overflow and the overflow it’s self on this server had plenty of players, when i was transferred back to the main server in Queensdale there were easily more than 60 players below level 10 around this area today. If you’re not seeing any people in low level zones then try a different server, Desolation has players every where from what i’m seeing since moving to it from Blacktide.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zKarp.6048


Umm that doens’t mean loads of ppl are playing

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxe.6142


Server pops can be adjusted and that little login screen has said “Full” on my server every time I’ve logged in the last week. Thing is, I can’t find people on the map, I do events alone (the few that I can), the TP in LA is mostly empty and the Mists are mostly empty. If the server is actually “Full” it’s sure not as full as it was three weeks ago.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaulf.1530


So now the doom crowd says arena is cheating with the login screen?
Oxe quite honestly.. this is BS and I strongly believe your whole post is a lie.
I play on a full server(when it´s full mind you) and there is lots of people everywhere

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


Undeserving praise is no better than non-constructive criticism.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


It’s actually kind of sad but the biggest complaint here is that the game is doing exactly what it said it would.

Read between the lines and you’ll see that people are complaining that they can’t play the game the way they are used to in other MMOs and that there is no endgame because they can only recognise endgame if it’s a big orange carrot dangling in front of them.

If these people are leaving it probably is for the best. So yeh I am sure some people are leaving but no I don’t see any doom scenario. In fact I think the community will be stronger for it.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strato.4389


I’d love to be in game playing, but I hit diminishing returns on DE’s without even farming them.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Metal Agent.2764

Metal Agent.2764

You guys realize Borderlands 2 came out like a week or 2 ago, right? And suddenly GW2 is magically on the verge of “dying”. Coincidence much?

But seriously, I fail to see why people are worried about this game dying out this early. I’m still managing to find people for events all the time. It’s like they just pop out of thin air as soon as something exciting happens. There’s also a good amount of people always online in my guild as well. So far, I have seen NO indication that this game is headed downhill, especially with its lack of a monthly fee.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Eh, Rift has been dying for a year and a half. Trion is releasing its first expansion in about six weeks, so obviously they aren’t making any money from Rift and it will go F2P by the end of the year.

If people like these forum doomsayers were around twenty years ago, they’d tell you we’re typing in Russian because the Soviets won the Cold War, the US doesn’t exist any more.

(edited by tolunart.2095)