Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Guild Wars 2 is amazing :) Stop complaining.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
Leave ArenaNet Alone!!!
j/k OP.
You actually made a good point.
Criticism should be constructive and hopefully lead to a better and more enjoyable experience for the vast majority of the community.
Game is good and fun for now…..
Customer support is a bit lacking.
Forums are very lacking….
But compared to some other games I would say this is about par with most others… So I will play it until I get bored with the Nonsense then find some thing else… But dollar wise this is a Very Low cost game to play……Not defending ANET, but customer support has pretty much gone the way of the dinosaurs in every aspect of our modern life.
Yeps didn’t mean that this is the only thing with not so great CS…..
Bad experiences with CS?
They have been nothing but awesome every time I’ve had to contact them. I’m guessing CS is a fairly big department though but I’ve had good experiences all around with them so far.
Now whoever is in charge of getting us a real expansion pack on the other hand…
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
wrong and dead wrong. i give u a year, stop talking until u get to a point where u can understand others. yes voice ur opinions, but dont say we shouldnt complain, cause we have PLENTYYY of reasons to complain. unless u believe that this is an average F2P game, if so, then yes its amazing, but since GW2 tries to appear to take themselves seriously, then no, i will complain, okthnxbye.
Bad experiences with CS?
They have been nothing but awesome every time I’ve had to contact them. I’m guessing CS is a fairly big department though but I’ve had good experiences all around with them so far.
Now whoever is in charge of getting us a real expansion pack on the other hand…
Yes. I have had good experience as well, but nothing like what I had with Wing Commander 3 when It would not play on my power mac.
Phone line to a coder that walked me through rewriting a string.
You folks will never get that close to the designers.
Guild Wars 2 is not that amazing
Stop praising .
I’ve been playing since the first Beta weekend, and I think GW2 is totally amazing and deserves praise.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
I can tell you’re not part of the original D&D crowd. All of the core concepts of RPG and MMO games like, Hit points, damage types, damage resistance, hit percentages, armor, weapon types, character classes, ALL OF IT, comes from original D&D. If it were too complicated and would be chucked out, then this game wouldn’t exist (srsly, how could you say that, in light of the game you’re playing?).
Bring on the day when game designers have a truly original idea.
Actually, it didn’t come from D & D. All those mechanics came from Chainmail. Someone that was actually part of the original D&D crowd would have known that.
Guild Wars 2 is not that amazing
Stop praising .
I’ve been playing since the first Beta weekend, and I think GW2 is totally amazing and deserves praise.
It WAS amazing, but slowly over time it’s decayed. people give the devs far to much credit, seriously people look at the time from when the game launched to where it is now. i prefered the ORIGINAL gw2.
Guild Wars 2 is not that amazing
Stop praising .
I’ve been playing since the first Beta weekend, and I think GW2 is totally amazing and deserves praise.
It WAS amazing, but slowly over time it’s decayed. people give the devs far to much credit, seriously people look at the time from when the game launched to where it is now. i prefered the ORIGINAL gw2.
Nope, it’s still amazing.
Guild Wars 2 is not that amazing
Stop praising .
I’ve been playing since the first Beta weekend, and I think GW2 is totally amazing and deserves praise.
It WAS amazing, but slowly over time it’s decayed. people give the devs far to much credit, seriously people look at the time from when the game launched to where it is now. i prefered the ORIGINAL gw2.
Nope, it’s still amazing.
To much pride to see how it’s declined.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
I can tell you’re not part of the original D&D crowd. All of the core concepts of RPG and MMO games like, Hit points, damage types, damage resistance, hit percentages, armor, weapon types, character classes, ALL OF IT, comes from original D&D. If it were too complicated and would be chucked out, then this game wouldn’t exist (srsly, how could you say that, in light of the game you’re playing?).
Bring on the day when game designers have a truly original idea.
Actually, it didn’t come from D & D. All those mechanics came from Chainmail. Someone that was actually part of the original D&D crowd would have known that.
Yes, but this is grandstanding. D&D would become the mainstream outlet for fantasy gamers.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
I can tell you’re not part of the original D&D crowd. All of the core concepts of RPG and MMO games like, Hit points, damage types, damage resistance, hit percentages, armor, weapon types, character classes, ALL OF IT, comes from original D&D. If it were too complicated and would be chucked out, then this game wouldn’t exist (srsly, how could you say that, in light of the game you’re playing?).
Bring on the day when game designers have a truly original idea.
Actually, it didn’t come from D & D. All those mechanics came from Chainmail. Someone that was actually part of the original D&D crowd would have known that.
Yes, but this is grandstanding. D&D would become the mainstream outlet for fantasy gamers.
If one could ascribe “Mainstream” to anyone involved.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
I can tell you’re not part of the original D&D crowd. All of the core concepts of RPG and MMO games like, Hit points, damage types, damage resistance, hit percentages, armor, weapon types, character classes, ALL OF IT, comes from original D&D. If it were too complicated and would be chucked out, then this game wouldn’t exist (srsly, how could you say that, in light of the game you’re playing?).
Bring on the day when game designers have a truly original idea.
Actually, it didn’t come from D & D. All those mechanics came from Chainmail. Someone that was actually part of the original D&D crowd would have known that.
I love laying in wait for you guys: D&D was a Chainmail expansion. Chainmail was a wargame, not an RPG, and it didn’t include any of the rules for the core mechanics that we recognize today as the foundation of RPGs. and
(edited by Black Frog.9274)
Guild Wars 2 is not that amazing
Stop praising .
I’ve been playing since the first Beta weekend, and I think GW2 is totally amazing and deserves praise.
It WAS amazing, but slowly over time it’s decayed. people give the devs far to much credit, seriously people look at the time from when the game launched to where it is now. i prefered the ORIGINAL gw2.
Nope, it’s still amazing.
To much pride to see how it’s declined.
Is it true that only your opinion is the correct one?
The opinions of vets are ofcourse valued, but I think there needs to be more good news stories about this game. I wanted the wider community and Anet to know that theres plenty of us that really love GW2 and appreciate the work behind it.
There will always be haters and those who are bitter, but the other side of the coin needs to see the light of day sometimes too
Considering how you state that veteran opinions are valued in one breath and spit on them in your next breath, hinting that they’re “haters” and/or “bitter”, because you only seem to see things in black and white – I suppose I should not be offended by anything you say.
Perhaps one day you will come to the realization that those that are complaining and those that love the game are one and the same.
Guild Wars 2 is not that amazing
Stop praising .
I’ve been playing since the first Beta weekend, and I think GW2 is totally amazing and deserves praise.
It WAS amazing, but slowly over time it’s decayed. people give the devs far to much credit, seriously people look at the time from when the game launched to where it is now. i prefered the ORIGINAL gw2.
Nope, it’s still amazing.
To much pride to see how it’s declined.
Is it true that only your opinion is the correct one?
Nope, stating a fact when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience. the NPE was the one that hit the worst, messing up weapon skills/slot skills, completely removing skillpoints at each level and instead granting them in clusters. dont kid yourself, you know it.
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I don’t fault you for your opinion though.
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I actually did mean FACT, gg.
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I actually did mean FACT, gg.
Of course you meant it. Meaning or believing an opinion doesn’t make it a fact. If it did…my signed copy of book five of the Wheel of Time is worth a million dollars. I’m willing to sell.
They may have ruined the game for you but others like the changes.
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I actually did mean FACT, gg.
Of course you meant it. Meaning or believing an opinion doesn’t make it a fact. If it did…my signed copy of book five of the Wheel of Time is worth a million dollars. I’m willing to sell.
They may have ruined the game for you but others like the changes.
If you look at the majority of the posts for the NPE they are negative, the same could be said for the changes to the Gem exchange. these are not the only instances Anet has gotten feedback from the COMMUNITY and elected to ignore it. for example, how many people kitten on the megaservers. i still have a go at the devs from time to time on the matter, because it removed the communities we worked so hard to build. one in specific was Tarnished Coast, a server community that is now but a memory for those who worked so hard to build it. only to be torn down by anet’s lack of caring.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
I can tell you’re not part of the original D&D crowd. All of the core concepts of RPG and MMO games like, Hit points, damage types, damage resistance, hit percentages, armor, weapon types, character classes, ALL OF IT, comes from original D&D. If it were too complicated and would be chucked out, then this game wouldn’t exist (srsly, how could you say that, in light of the game you’re playing?).
Bring on the day when game designers have a truly original idea.
Actually, it didn’t come from D & D. All those mechanics came from Chainmail. Someone that was actually part of the original D&D crowd would have known that.
Yes, but this is grandstanding. D&D would become the mainstream outlet for fantasy gamers.
If one could ascribe “Mainstream” to anyone involved.
Well of course. Mainstream in this instance would be me and a few “geeky” associates in the basement wondering if we were interpreting the “rules” correctly.
To those debating over D&D versions, here’s my two cents as someone who was introduced to it during the Basic era, but really got into it from AD&D 2nd Ed and D&D 3.X.
There’s a balance that needs to be struck. Games need to be “easy to learn, but difficult to master”. AD&D 2nd Ed holds some of my best memories of tabletop gaming, but I agree that it was extremely difficult to introduce newbies to. (Anyone who remembers trying to explain THAC0 to a new player will understand what I mean.) 3rd Ed streamlined a lot of the rules, but also kept a lot of the complexity that allowed for world building and player variation. (Although towards the twilight of its time, I’d argue that 3.5 became TOO bloated for its own good.)
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I actually did mean FACT, gg.
Of course you meant it. Meaning or believing an opinion doesn’t make it a fact. If it did…my signed copy of book five of the Wheel of Time is worth a million dollars. I’m willing to sell.
They may have ruined the game for you but others like the changes.
If you look at the majority of the posts for the NPE they are negative, the same could be said for the changes to the Gem exchange. these are not the only instances Anet has gotten feedback from the COMMUNITY and elected to ignore it. for example, how many people kitten on the megaservers. i still have a go at the devs from time to time on the matter, because it removed the communities we worked so hard to build. one in specific was Tarnished Coast, a server community that is now but a memory for those who worked so hard to build it. only to be torn down by anet’s lack of caring.
A majority of people sharing an opinion does not make it a fact. It makes it a popular opinion.
What a scary thought though. Did the earth stop being flat when that belief became unpopular or was it round all along? Was the earth the center of the solar system originally only to be moved to the third orbit around the sun when beliefs changed ?
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I actually did mean FACT, gg.
Of course you meant it. Meaning or believing an opinion doesn’t make it a fact. If it did…my signed copy of book five of the Wheel of Time is worth a million dollars. I’m willing to sell.
They may have ruined the game for you but others like the changes.
If you look at the majority of the posts for the NPE they are negative, the same could be said for the changes to the Gem exchange. these are not the only instances Anet has gotten feedback from the COMMUNITY and elected to ignore it. for example, how many people kitten on the megaservers. i still have a go at the devs from time to time on the matter, because it removed the communities we worked so hard to build. one in specific was Tarnished Coast, a server community that is now but a memory for those who worked so hard to build it. only to be torn down by anet’s lack of caring.
A majority of people sharing an opinion does not make it a fact. It makes it a popular opinion.
What a scary thought though. Did the earth stop being flat when that belief became unpopular or was it round all along? Was the earth the center of the solar system originally only to be moved to the third orbit around the sun when beliefs changed ?
Typicaly speaking, when the post gets so many nasty responses. you would figure anet would realize they did mess up and fix it.
you know what?…I’m going to be that guy!
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
There’s such a thing as constructive praise and destructive praise, and your comment falls into the latter category, making it no better or worse than the not-constructive(destructive) criticism you just complained about.
The negativity is always going to be there, and its going to always be there for other games (as well as for every car in existence, and laws, and aliens too I guess). GW2 is not a perfect masterpiece (and really, neither is the Mona Lisa or Beethoven’s Symphonies), so criticism is necessary for the game to evolve and improve.
Destructive criticism is also still constructive, because criticism by its very nature is constructive. No matter how toxic it sounds, you are still conveying information by telling Anet “The new Gemstore sucks!” or “It is kitten stupid!” or “What the hell Anet, you played the new player card….really?!?”, and it doesn’t matter if laws were passed banning it. Hateful words like that are perfectly fine to me, and I think its very necessary for any artist to hear/read harsh words like that (and game makers are artists), otherwise, they’d never improve anything, and never think there would be a reason to (and therefore, forums like these would be unnecessary, because feedback would never bee needed, whether or not its of a constructive/destructive nature).
I’m going to give my opinion like this ::
GW2 is AWESOME….most of the time. Its community is ALSO AWESOME….most of the time. There are things about GW2 that SUCKS. There also also things about the community that SUCKS….oh well. its going to stay that way, no matter what game or hobby you have. The best anyone can do is make sure their opinion is heard, no matter what it is.
To those debating over D&D versions, here’s my two cents as someone who was introduced to it during the Basic era, but really got into it from AD&D 2nd Ed and D&D 3.X.
There’s a balance that needs to be struck. Games need to be “easy to learn, but difficult to master”. AD&D 2nd Ed holds some of my best memories of tabletop gaming, but I agree that it was extremely difficult to introduce newbies to. (Anyone who remembers trying to explain THAC0 to a new player will understand what I mean.) 3rd Ed streamlined a lot of the rules, but also kept a lot of the complexity that allowed for world building and player variation. (Although towards the twilight of its time, I’d argue that 3.5 became TOO bloated for its own good.)
The only real point is that everything that makes up modern MMOs is derivative of D&D. When you get down to it, it was always the DM who made gaming what it was. MMO gaming is nothing more than a loot fest. The story is gone.
The people that put in the hours and created GuildWars2 are amazing; art style, IP, and foundation has carried GW2 since launch.
The management, vision, and execution is another discussion.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
I can tell you’re not part of the original D&D crowd. All of the core concepts of RPG and MMO games like, Hit points, damage types, damage resistance, hit percentages, armor, weapon types, character classes, ALL OF IT, comes from original D&D. If it were too complicated and would be chucked out, then this game wouldn’t exist (srsly, how could you say that, in light of the game you’re playing?).
Bring on the day when game designers have a truly original idea.
Actually, it didn’t come from D & D. All those mechanics came from Chainmail. Someone that was actually part of the original D&D crowd would have known that.
I love laying in wait for you guys: D&D was a Chainmail expansion. Chainmail was a wargame, not an RPG, and it didn’t include any of the rules for the core mechanics that we recognize today as the foundation of RPGs. and
What about Armor Class? Armor/Defense/Toughness is in 99.999% of all RPGs today, and even non-RPGs. That foundation is something we can definitely blame (or give credit to) Chainmail for.
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I actually did mean FACT, gg.
Of course you meant it. Meaning or believing an opinion doesn’t make it a fact. If it did…my signed copy of book five of the Wheel of Time is worth a million dollars. I’m willing to sell.
They may have ruined the game for you but others like the changes.
If you look at the majority of the posts for the NPE they are negative, the same could be said for the changes to the Gem exchange. these are not the only instances Anet has gotten feedback from the COMMUNITY and elected to ignore it. for example, how many people kitten on the megaservers. i still have a go at the devs from time to time on the matter, because it removed the communities we worked so hard to build. one in specific was Tarnished Coast, a server community that is now but a memory for those who worked so hard to build it. only to be torn down by anet’s lack of caring.
A majority of people sharing an opinion does not make it a fact. It makes it a popular opinion.
What a scary thought though. Did the earth stop being flat when that belief became unpopular or was it round all along? Was the earth the center of the solar system originally only to be moved to the third orbit around the sun when beliefs changed ?
Typicaly speaking, when the post gets so many nasty responses. you would figure anet would realize they did mess up and fix it.
Never said otherwise.
Nasty responses do not make for facts, just nasty opinions. The real question is how representative of the player base as a whole are those individuals who make those nasty posts you mention ?
If a few dozen angry individuals posting over and over again generate a thread with hundreds, or even thousands, of responses…but thousands of individuals continue to happily play the game, who should Anet listen to?
Personally I do not like the NPE. Don’t care for the trait changes (but they don’t affect me much so my dislike is largely irrelevant) either. I have mixed feelings about the Megaserver (like some aspects dislike others) but the aspects I dislike about it don’t seem to be being fixed or worked on so I am liking it less as time goes by.
But my negative opinion about those aspects of the game do not mean that it is a fact that they ruined the game.
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I actually did mean FACT, gg.
Of course you meant it. Meaning or believing an opinion doesn’t make it a fact. If it did…my signed copy of book five of the Wheel of Time is worth a million dollars. I’m willing to sell.
They may have ruined the game for you but others like the changes.
If you look at the majority of the posts for the NPE they are negative, the same could be said for the changes to the Gem exchange. these are not the only instances Anet has gotten feedback from the COMMUNITY and elected to ignore it. for example, how many people kitten on the megaservers. i still have a go at the devs from time to time on the matter, because it removed the communities we worked so hard to build. one in specific was Tarnished Coast, a server community that is now but a memory for those who worked so hard to build it. only to be torn down by anet’s lack of caring.
A majority of people sharing an opinion does not make it a fact. It makes it a popular opinion.
What a scary thought though. Did the earth stop being flat when that belief became unpopular or was it round all along? Was the earth the center of the solar system originally only to be moved to the third orbit around the sun when beliefs changed ?
Typicaly speaking, when the post gets so many nasty responses. you would figure anet would realize they did mess up and fix it.
Never said otherwise.
Nasty responses do not make for facts, just nasty opinions. The real question is how representative of the player base as a whole are those individuals who make those nasty posts you mention ?
If a few dozen angry individuals posting over and over again generate a thread with hundreds, or even thousands, of responses…but thousands of individuals continue to happily play the game, who should Anet listen to?
Personally I do not like the NPE. Don’t care for the trait changes (but they don’t affect me much so my dislike is largely irrelevant) either. I have mixed feelings about the Megaserver (like some aspects dislike others) but the aspects I dislike about it don’t seem to be being fixed or worked on so I am liking it less as time goes by.
But my negative opinion about those aspects of the game do not mean that it is a fact that they ruined the game.
But…would it ruin the experience for someone who enjoys leveling alts, but hates the NPE, and no longer plays guildwars 2 anymore because his biggest joy was just destroyed? This makes it a “Fact” that Anet ruined the game for them.
I think that GW2 is fundamentally a great game.
Its combat design, its take on questing, not having to compete for loot and gathering resources, the design of the zones, and WvW are all things that really attract me to the game and make me care about it in the longer term.
I’m not a game hopper but see a game as a valuable investment in my entertainment future. If I don’t feel like a game has a future or that it cares about my opinions on its direction, it affects my investment in it (and thus my desire to find another game to make mine).
For me anyway, seeing the game go in a direction that prioritizes new, temporary players rather than investing its seemingly scarce development resources in enough steady content that I consider essential for maintaining a veteran player base (e.g, new PVE and PVP maps, new quests, new, reasonably attainable in-game armor/weapon designs) is disappointing.
I have gotten my share of entertainment value from this game by the way, if you look at at it from a monetary perspective, but this isn’t saying much – and is the least I would want from an MMORPG. I am willing to pay more to get more (of the kinds of things I want) and would never, in other word, expect 60 bucks worth of entertainment to keep me occupied for more than a few months. As a continuing game, however, I want the exchange to continue – more content from you, followed by more money from me. There has been some of this but not enough.
I guess it comes down to not going out without a fight. I can express what I’m not happy with for a little while here but if the priorities of the game continue to not engage me, that’s it. Bad fit is a bad fit. I’ll just move on.
Until then, I do care about GW2 – and any little nudges I can make to encourage that the game’s future goes in my direction I will make for now.
Nope, stating a opinion when i say. over time, they added updates that ruined the original games experience.
Fixed that for you.
I actually did mean FACT, gg.
Of course you meant it. Meaning or believing an opinion doesn’t make it a fact. If it did…my signed copy of book five of the Wheel of Time is worth a million dollars. I’m willing to sell.
They may have ruined the game for you but others like the changes.
If you look at the majority of the posts for the NPE they are negative, the same could be said for the changes to the Gem exchange. these are not the only instances Anet has gotten feedback from the COMMUNITY and elected to ignore it. for example, how many people kitten on the megaservers. i still have a go at the devs from time to time on the matter, because it removed the communities we worked so hard to build. one in specific was Tarnished Coast, a server community that is now but a memory for those who worked so hard to build it. only to be torn down by anet’s lack of caring.
A majority of people sharing an opinion does not make it a fact. It makes it a popular opinion.
What a scary thought though. Did the earth stop being flat when that belief became unpopular or was it round all along? Was the earth the center of the solar system originally only to be moved to the third orbit around the sun when beliefs changed ?
Typicaly speaking, when the post gets so many nasty responses. you would figure anet would realize they did mess up and fix it.
Never said otherwise.
Nasty responses do not make for facts, just nasty opinions. The real question is how representative of the player base as a whole are those individuals who make those nasty posts you mention ?
If a few dozen angry individuals posting over and over again generate a thread with hundreds, or even thousands, of responses…but thousands of individuals continue to happily play the game, who should Anet listen to?
Personally I do not like the NPE. Don’t care for the trait changes (but they don’t affect me much so my dislike is largely irrelevant) either. I have mixed feelings about the Megaserver (like some aspects dislike others) but the aspects I dislike about it don’t seem to be being fixed or worked on so I am liking it less as time goes by.
But my negative opinion about those aspects of the game do not mean that it is a fact that they ruined the game.
But…would it ruin the experience for someone who enjoys leveling alts, but hates the NPE, and no longer plays guildwars 2 anymore because his biggest joy was just destroyed? This makes it a “Fact” that Anet ruined the game for them.
Sure, if someone were claiming, “the NPE ruined the game for me,” it could be factual. Not what was being claimed in this case though.
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
Thank you. I think it’s a wonderful game, and I’m proud to be involved with the team.
now if only you could all fix the personal story to be what it was like before, i would share the whole “it’s a wonderful game” sentiment
There’s so many plate-laden white knights and constructive & nonconstructive critics that you guys just about balance yourselves out in your eternal struggle of imposing your personal opinion (often reflecting that of a certain group of people) onto one another. Fun read, doesn’t change the fact everyone should have this line in their minds at all times:
Make your own opinion, and either keep it to yourself or let it fly into the world. Whether others like it or hate it, it’s not your concern.
If you can live with almost no new content coming, no real endgame
No endgame? It really baffles me when I hear people say this.
There is TOO much to do! So much so, that i never feel like i can achieve enough in my play sessions.
These are the things that I do in the end game (and its not everything): Living story, dungeons (there’s what 30 different dungeon paths?!), fractals, working on ascended, working on legendaries, doing world events, fighting world bosses, Guild activities, jumping puzzles, PvP arenas, World vs World (including ebg, the 3 BL’s and eotm – which all offer different experiences), going after achievements etc.
Playing WvW for 2 hours straight is satisfying enough and that’s just one thing out of all those others. If I get sick of it, I jump out and do one of the other things.
Unless you’ve got multiple legendaries, full ascended, tens of thousands of AP, high ranks of PvP / WvW, Fractal 50+ level, and have literally experienced every single feature and aspect the game has to offer multiple times over… then I don’t see the argument for no endgame. Those comments should be reworded: “There is a rich endgame but it doesn’t interest me”.
The game is full awesome content and things to do! Thanks Anet
If you can live with almost no new content coming, no real endgame
No endgame? It really baffles me when I hear people say this.
There is TOO much to do! So much so, that i never feel like i can achieve enough in my play sessions.
These are the things that I do in the end game (and its not everything): Living story, dungeons (there’s what 30 different dungeon paths?!), fractals, working on ascended, working on legendaries, doing world events, fighting world bosses, Guild activities, jumping puzzles, PvP arenas, World vs World (including ebg, the 3 BL’s and eotm – which all offer different experiences), going after achievements etc.
Playing WvW for 2 hours straight is satisfying enough and that’s just one thing out of all those others. If I get sick of it, I jump out and do one of the other things.
Unless you’ve got multiple legendaries, full ascended, tens of thousands of AP, high ranks of PvP / WvW, Fractal 50+ level, and have literally experienced every single feature and aspect the game has to offer multiple times over… then I don’t see the argument for no endgame. Those comments should be reworded: “There is a rich endgame but it doesn’t interest me”.
The game is full awesome content and things to do! Thanks Anet
With the exception of Pvp and Wvw, everything you just mentioned boils down to repetition.
Fractals and dungeons don’t change and we haven’t gotten any new ones with decently balanced rewards to make them worth our time. (I’m looking at you, Aether Path). Eventually you’ll get tired of running the same 30 paths. The same is true of guild missions and world events.
Ascendeds and legendaries? They boil down to repeating content for resources or gold.
So, ultimately, the most dynamic end game is limited to game modes requiring pvp interaction, and worse -those game modes haven’t received a significant content update in two years.
Our pve is in need of attention for new repeatable content akin to a dungeon, and our pvp needs a new game mode. Yes, we have an end game, but it is more stagnant than is currently desireable after two years.
What we have is good, but it’s time for more. That’s just the nature of human interest.
(edited by Cross.6437)
If you can live with almost no new content coming, no real endgame
No endgame? It really baffles me when I hear people say this.
There is TOO much to do! So much so, that i never feel like i can achieve enough in my play sessions.
These are the things that I do in the end game (and its not everything): Living story, dungeons (there’s what 30 different dungeon paths?!), fractals, working on ascended, working on legendaries, doing world events, fighting world bosses, Guild activities, jumping puzzles, PvP arenas, World vs World (including ebg, the 3 BL’s and eotm – which all offer different experiences), going after achievements etc.
Playing WvW for 2 hours straight is satisfying enough and that’s just one thing out of all those others. If I get sick of it, I jump out and do one of the other things.
Unless you’ve got multiple legendaries, full ascended, tens of thousands of AP, high ranks of PvP / WvW, Fractal 50+ level, and have literally experienced every single feature and aspect the game has to offer multiple times over… then I don’t see the argument for no endgame. Those comments should be reworded: “There is a rich endgame but it doesn’t interest me”.
The game is full awesome content and things to do! Thanks Anet
With the exception of Pvp and Wvw, everything you just mentioned boils down to repetition.
Fractals and dungeons don’t change and we haven’t gotten any new ones with decently balanced rewards to make them worth our time. (I’m looking at you, Aether Path). Eventually you’ll get tired of running the same 30 paths. The same is true of guild missions and world events.
Ascendeds and legendaries? They boil down to repeating content for resources or gold.
So, ultimately, the most dynamic end game is limited to game modes requiring pvp interaction, and worse -those game modes haven’t received a significant content update in two years.
Our pve is in need of attention for new repeatable content akin to a dungeon, and our pvp needs a new game mode. Yes, we have an end game, but it is more stagnant than is currently desireable after two years.
What we have is good, but it’s time for more. That’s just the nature of human interest.
A lot of people find PvP and WvW more repetitive and PvE. That’s because there’s so much more variety in PvE. Sure if I did nothing about CoF path 1 over and over again, that would be repetitive. But doing a range of things (in my case including PvP and WvW) makes it so it’s not as repetitive.
I’ve yet to see any MMORPG that has so much content that you don’t have to repeat stuff.
With the exception of Pvp and Wvw, everything you just mentioned boils down to repetition.
If you can imagine a way for pve not to be all about repetition you can tell us. Every MMORPG designer out there would love to hear it.
Yeah, it would be unrealistic to expect an mmo to deliver enough pve content to completely avoid repetition. Especially with how us mmo players play.
I think eve online is the closest to a repetition free mmorpg I’ve played. That is almost entirely due to it being a sandbox.
I sort of understand what the OP is talking about. When the forums are fill with complaint that’ll scare the new players away.
I always use the forums as a guide weather to try new games or not. And negative forum posts do have an effect for me as a new players to decide if I should play the game.
I personally think GW2 is a really good mmorpg, and I always recommend other players to try it on general mmorpg forums.
That being said, you have to understand those complaints dont’ come out of no where. If you gradually see more complaints about the same topic over and over again, I think the developer should at least be concerned about it.
GW2 “WAS” !!!! a good game~
And it is for the new playerbase~
For veterans is BS~
If ArenaNet wont do any major changes to the end game, this game will be dead within the next year!
I am not trying to be mean, I played this game since CB, early access of it. I was so excited, and i enjoyed it so much, for exactly 3 months of hardcore playing! After that …. nothing to do except wvwvw which is boring, pvp which is boring, and farming gold/materials for legendary which is the most boring thing!
Why is w3 boring? We have guilds from NA/Canada who decimate everything when you sleep!
Why is pvp boring? All you have there are channels with people farming pvp experience. Just spam that watch tower!
Why is farming boring? Well you grind your kitten off, without thinking or reasoning, just like a robot go farm dungeons, cursed shore, fractals etc etc etc ….
What can I say, the game became very “entertaining” !!!
P.S: and this BS events ….. you do a chain of sad events and then farm some stuff for a pink ugly looking back accessory~
Thank you, but NO Thank You !!!
I am not quitting the game for good. I still have hope for it. I will be here until they fix it, or ruin it~
~Peace <3
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
Thought i’d reply to your comment. I started this game in Nov 2013 and i found the game quite amazing too. I bought extra slots when they came on sale that year and was playing with 3 slots and and rest were empty. Arenanet wasn’t happy. So to kitten me it just took them 5months, in comes the April patch and now my other spare slots’s traits just got kittened up. Not only that its more expensive, it costs skill points too now and some event bugged.
But hey you’re happy with this change I bet you’re even happy that its been like this for more than 6 months and not fixed and no Arenanet person even bothers say they are working on it.
To add more to this, i think you’ll be even more happy to spend 400gems to buy a 15 gem item….yeah?
“The complainers” clearly want to make the game better for themselves and other players, what’s wrong with that? Criticism is a good thing. Sometimes you have to show the things you love some harsh love for their own good.
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
I’m sure a lot of folks who complain on the forums are seasoned vets. So it’s not like they haven’t experienced how amazing this game is – it’s just that they already have, repeatedly…
To be fair, it’s a MMO and not a singleplayer – additional content over the years is expected and shouldn’t be discounted as entitlement.
Eh. I started complaining en masse after the introduction of the megaservers.
At the risk of derailing my point, I do have a pet peeve of incorrectly using words or phrases. En masse? Really? How do you complain “all together” – did you and all of the other yous decide to go on a complaining-spree? En masse isn’t like “a lot” – it’s a term used to describe a whole body or a whole group which doesn’t seem to fit within the syntax of the sentence.
It’s just a small pet peeve that I usually try to ignore. Asmo just got unlucky that he was second post.
Irritating error ruthlessly eradicated! (not counting the quotes, but oh well ;P)
William S. Burroughs
I’ve said this before in other posts, but i’ll say it here as well since it seems to need repeating.
I am a long time GW player going way back to the start of GW1. I still remember the old health bars that didn’t change color to depict the kind of damage you got from way back then and the arenas at the various outposts.
I have been a major fan of the series. I complain about the things I complain about now BECAUSE i care. i care A LOT about this franchise and the world of Tyria. I care about the lore and the NPCs and my role in this world. I care about the overall success of the game. Its because I care so much that I take so many of the recent bad changes so personally since it honestly feels like Anet has been collectively saying “this game is no longer for you”.
I still log in to see if there is anything else I can suggest and to test new content so i can give feedback, but lately all it feels like is if i were talking to a wall. It feels like the only thing that truly concerns Anet devs is whether their bottom line will be affected by a given change, and if the answer is yes, then they put all hands on deck to “fix” it and if not, then well…you get posts that go on for 58 pages and people leaving game modes because nothing of note has changed since launch.
I’d hoped that GW2 was going to deliver this awesome dynamic world, and early on it looked that way. Now, not so much.
Is it one of the prettiest games out there? Yes. Does it have a great combat system? Sure. Does it still grab me? Not really. :/ That makes me sad.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
Stop complaining? No. That’s absolutely absurd. If you don’t like something, you have every right to voice that dislike.
Now if you meant, “Stop raging like an entitled brat and throwing a temper tantrum and instead voice your displeasure respectfully like a rational human being”, then I think you’d find more people willing to get behind the sentiment.
Irritating error ruthlessly eradicated!
(not counting the quotes, but oh well ;P)
I really don’t mean to come off as pedantic or rude, it just sometimes happens. Such a terrible pet peeve. I also live in a state where people pronounce the “T” in often and I pray every night that some deity out there will hear this and either fix that or make people stop using the word “often.”
I easily overlook typos and omitted words since our brains think faster than our fingers can type – I feel like a kitten now, though.