(edited by Urahara Kisuke.5806)
Guild Wars 3?
Not sure where to post/ask this but is there any talk of a Guildwars 3? A whole new game with different races, characters, skills and gameplay and ,map etc etc. Not just more of the same DLC for GW 2.
If not are there any games like GW2 or WOW to look out for? (not elderscrolls online though)
I think they really want to get the next expansion done nearly perfectly and not rush it. GW3 from my educated guesses is something waaaaaaaaaay into the future 2020+ minimum at best.
These expansion and DLC just feel like all the same stuff over and over. Just a bunch of repeat. Heart of Thorns was good I admit but only good because there is nothing else really. I really wish they remade guild wars 1. or a game with guildwars 1 type skills and characters etc. Something where we can think for ourselves more and be differen than other players.
They probably need to tread with care.
At the moment is there really anything super awesome they cannot do because of tech limits that making a whole new game will solve within 4years? EverQuest Next legit had a reason to update an old game with a new one and even had plans on what new shinny innovative thing it could bring to the table. Well after they collapsed the game turned into vaporware.
I don’t think they should do what they did to gw1, call it obsolete and ignore it going forward with a “replacement” game. I’m thinking gw3 could fill a different genre like maybe 1-5man fps or something and set it as a prequel.
A new guild wars MMO is unlikely anytime within 5years.
You couldn’t of just done a Google search? It’s not going to happen. At least not for another decade.
Grand Warden of I Crit Under Pressure.
message me for an invite ^_^
Anet haven’t said anything about making Guild Wars 3. They have said they’re working on another expansion for GW2 so it seems pretty unlikely they’d abandon it any time soon. If they do decide to make a sequel I’m sure we’ll hear about it long before it’s released.
As for other games like this or WoW, there are dozens out there. Whether any of them are any good is up for debate (and you can find many, many, many debates on exactly that online). Here’s a list which looks reasonably up to date: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massively_multiplayer_online_role-playing_games
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Id like a gw2 in like 10+ years when there will be pc’s that can handle the spaghetti code
coz something tells me they will make it again in the gw1 engine :/
Not sure where to post/ask this but is there any talk of a Guildwars 3? A whole new game with different races, characters, skills and gameplay and ,map etc etc. Not just more of the same DLC for GW 2.
If not are there any games like GW2 or WOW to look out for? (not elderscrolls online though)
bruh.. you are jumping the gun here! imagine in current Gw2 the current world map still needs to be unveiled
be it through the living story or an expansion OR as you say, a GuildWars 3 but.. personally i would like Anet to focus on uncovering more of Tyria
tbh i am looking more forward to the future of the living world because these give us more new maps ^^ potentially bigger maps that are just like gw3
You couldn’t of just done a Google search? It’s not going to happen. At least not for another decade.
If they don’t make some gameplay changes to bring the game up to speed with its competition, I doubt we’re even going to see the conclusion to Guild Wars 2, let alone a sequel. A game that launched with the steam to overtake WoW has now dropped down to fifth in the western market, is about to be overtaken by a badly ported korean grind simulator, and might as well be dead last in the eastern market. But that’s what happens when you basically waste the first three years after release just trying to figure out what you should do and not spending a dime on expansion of company resources.
In spite of their claims, their initial system is not immaculate, beyond reproach, or impossible to be improved upon, it wasn’t at launch and now it still has those same flaws and is old-hat in the current market. As proven by them pulling a full heel face turn on half their design tenets espoused at launch, devolving down to the trinity, putting in a top tier gear grind, abandoning the living world for instanced story content; and in the end losing a massive portion of their playerbase and consistently losing out to what are honestly lesser games in most respects, but which have put in the leg work to make systems that meet their design intents instead of abandoning them, as well as keeping up with current market trends.
I fear this game has fallen too far behind to even finish the race its on, let alone start another one. I hope I’m wrong, and that they make some big changes, but I kind of doubt it.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
They don’t even have enough staff to work on the current game and the next expansion, where are they going to get the staff to work on another game? Don’t expect gw3 unless the next expansion bombs in sales.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
A bombing sale won#t safe GW2.. it will postpone just the problem for a while, until we are back in the same situation that we have now, as logn the gemstore is to weak to handle this permanently growing game by itself alone.
GW2 needs a Hybrid Payment Model – Gemstore + optional Premium Accounts with Monthly Fee.
Only this way will Anet be able to stabilize the income of the game, so that they become able to recruit the needed amount of people to increase their staff, so that they are able to work effectively with efficience on multipkle things at the same tinme, without that a team suffers from losing team members the moment anet starts to make a larger project, like an expansion.
However – personally i would never want to see a GW3 happening.
I find it better fo Anet, if they would make with a new game a completely new and fresh franchise – a completely new game and not a continuation of an old one that is simply a new beginning, a new chance for them to make with that chance alot of things right, which they did with GW2 wrong.
I’m pretty sure, a company like NCSoft behind them would also prefer to see a complete new game of them in the future, than a GW3, despite a GW3 having the advantage of having a good renowm to begin with, but that advantage could be also at the same time its own disadvantage, because they could lose this good renowm also if the make it happen to massively fail with a GW3 so hard, that no one would possibly believe.
With GW2 they have made themself already such a huge project game, that they are unable to make for this game for sure until its life end a story and rich world, that allows for it to explore the whole world in it. 5 years and we are still in just only Tyria and have like only felt 60% of the continent explorable.
We will most likely never ever get to see Cantha or Elona i nthe same quality and quantity of content like we have so far with Tyria.. and by the speed of Anet to just, if this case ever happens, we will most likely have already like 2030+ and by that time, no butt will play GW2 anymore, because other game developers will have made by this tiem much better games… other developers don’t sleep, they will also make new games and the technology becomes also continuously better, so that better MMORPGs can be developed by that time.
ANet will so more years pass by come soon to the point, where they have somewhen to make the decision between – New Game or Continuation and I’m sure, this decision iwll also get influenced by alot with the sales of the second expansion, because i think the sales of the second expansion will surely decide over it, if it makes even sense to invest any longer into the project GW2, or it it is by now more senseful to create a new fresh franchise, that can have the potential to become better than GW2, if done right.
Historically good mmo last over 10 years, and take about 5 years to develop. Assuming an expansion is in the pipeline and another 2 after that at least then its going to be at least 10 years before we get GW3. A lot can change in 10 years so no point guessing how that would look.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
Who knows if even most of the devs from ANet are in 10 years even still part of anet, or even live at all.
You can’t plan such things over a timespan like 10 years.
You can plan out things for like 1-3 years max, without loosing your oversight, unless we are all now suddenly fortunetellers and know exactly what will happen and when that will be.
MMORPGS need a certain stability in their plannings, if they want to be successful and to even try to plan for something on 10 years span, is way too riskful, unless you make that plan from begin on a meticulous planned through program, that is milestone plan that goes forward step by step only with every step being a plan in itself made for a timespan of 1-2 years
Because planning forward for many small steps into the future is alot safer, than trying to plan for a huge step made in 10 years for that you don’t know, if the environment around you doesn’t change over time in that you need to set your foot down for that big step.
People, interests, target groups, technologies – all this changes with time that you can’t plan ahead for 10 years.
Who knows if even most of the devs from ANet are in 10 years even still part of anet, or even live at all.
You can’t plan such things over a timespan like 10 years.
You can plan out things for like 1-3 years max, without loosing your oversight, unless we are all now suddenly fortunetellers and know exactly what will happen and when that will be.MMORPGS need a certain stability in their plannings, if they want to be successful and to even try to plan for something on 10 years span, is way too riskful, unless you make that plan from begin on a meticulous planned through program, that is milestone plan that goes forward step by step only with every step being a plan in itself made for a timespan of 1-2 years
Because planning forward for many small steps into the future is alot safer, than trying to plan for a huge step made in 10 years for that you don’t know, if the environment around you doesn’t change over time in that you need to set your foot down for that big step.
People, interests, target groups, technologies – all this changes with time that you can’t plan ahead for 10 years.
And yet, even before launch, the Devs spoke about their 5-year plan starting at launch. I’m sure they have made another plan(s), this far along.
GW2 needs a Hybrid Payment Model – Gemstore + optional Premium Accounts with Monthly Fee.
Only this way will Anet be able to stabilize the income of the game, so that they become able to recruit the needed amount of people to increase their staff, so that they are able to work effectively with efficience on multipkle things at the same tinme, without that a team suffers from losing team members the moment anet starts to make a larger project, like an expansion.
3 words for you: Elder Scrolls Online.
That’s the model they use and yet they have fewer releases than Guild Wars 2. The first year it was a mandatory subscription and they managed to release 1 new map and a bunch of fixes for the base game. Then they switched to buy-to-play with a cash shop and optional subscription. The first year they did ok: 4 new releases (paid DLC or included with a subscription), admittedly 2 of them were pretty small but it was ok.
Then they dropped back to 1 DLC and 2 ‘releases’ of minor additions to the base game…and they’ve only just announced their first expansion with a note that no new DLC will be coming until after that, then they hope to do 2 a year.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Nothing but marketing talk, to give the readers and viewers in the past the impression, that the devs know what they do and that for years ahead, because you know – wouldn’t come over good, when you essentially say in an important interview, that you have no plans for the game for years to come as a developer, or ? :P
Or would you trust some developers, which openly say in such an interview before release honestly, that they have currently no plans for the game for longer than say 1-2 years? I doubt not that you would do so.
People, which want to invest alot of money and time into something, like a MMORPG want to have safety, that the game they are interested in, will also stay long healthy.
If you get then something to hear from them like – we have currently only plans for 1-2 years, then this isn’t very good to hear and you will most likely search further for an other game, where the devs give you the impression, that their game will be a game, that will be foryou interesting for a long time, cause of having already plans for like 2 digits in years ahead, despite everyone basically knowing, that nobody can plan anything for such a long time into the future ahead, because with such plans you create only preprogrammed disappointments, if you planned ahead something, which can’t be realized later, because some things that were essential for that plan have changed meanwhile over time and you as a dev land then in the situation, where you have to tell your playerbase, that something from your long planned ahead red line has to be cancelled.
Something, which much more likely won’t happen, if you make plans for short overviewable timespans only and from that many in alot of “milestones”.
@ Danikat: GW2 is not Elder Scrolls Online. Only because an other game didn’t have so much success with the model, doesn’t have to mean, that exactly the same has to happen with GW2. Elder Schrools had the difference, that they started as an subscription based game…while GW2 did not..
Also Elder Scrolls Online started essentially with a playerbase, which mostly knows the game series only from its PC/Console games as offline rpgs, where the guild wars franchise has begun right from the start as online game.
Additionally was Elder Scrolls Online just from begin on never really competitive vs WoW/GW2 and if a game mostly sucks jzst from begin on, then there helps also no optional monthly fee for it anymore, when the game, unlike a FF14 wasn’t from begin on good enough to survive on the market with just keeping its mandatory subscription fee.
A game, that changes from first mandatory fee to any other alternative options is always a sign, that the game is bad and is losing players massively and needs to lure in somehow new players.
So Elder Scrolls Onlien was basically never in the same situation like GW2 at its start.
in the case of GW2 is an optional monthls fee just helpful, when its gemstore is just too weak to handle the finances of the game by itself alone, because just expansions as alternative is too time/ressource consuming.
You need to have besides a weak gemstore an alternative, that brings in money from players constantly, without that you need to spent over a long time first massive ressources to get to see the extra income that are just costs, which reduce again just your incomes.
Proper expansions need between 2-3+ years to get developed, thats a long timespan for a weak gemstore to cover alone.
A task, that would be covered easier, if there would be also an optional sub fee for people that are willing to use one, what will stabilize the incomes for Anet and will reduce also the pressure on the gemstore, so that Anet doesn’t need anymore to market their gemstore so aggressively and focus themself instead more on something else, like balancing, like new content or whatever else
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Geez, it wasn’t like they were asked a question about it. Something they volunteered; they didn’t have to bring it up.
The Lore Devs still talk about the long-term plans and how things they planned even more than 5 years ago are just now coming to fruition.
But, sure, doom and gloom is the way to go; never believe what a Dev has to say.
Good luck.
Alot of people have stopped here already long ago to believe on what devs say here, just to protect themself from disappointments.
I surely don’t have to remind you, what has been said here already all by devs, and didn’t have come to fruition then the way they have said it (or not yet and still waiting), but just some tips:
Legendary Weapons, LS1 reintegrated, Minigames in Towns (Bar Brawls, Polymok, Target Shooting ect.) and more.
However, Lore and Features are two completely different pairs of shoes.
You can talk alday long and plan ahhead for year, what kind of “Lore” you want to work on, because Lore knows basically no borders, has no costs other than writers, needs no ressources to be created, other than just writers and their creativity.
With planning and working on actual real game content and features – thats a massive difference and is something, which knows borders, which has much higher ressource costs to cover, than just only writers for some lore.
Whatever, peopel are free to believe on what they want in the end
Thats simply the difference between optimism and pessimism :P
These expansion and DLC just feel like all the same stuff over and over. Just a bunch of repeat. Heart of Thorns was good I admit but only good because there is nothing else really. I really wish they remade guild wars 1. or a game with guildwars 1 type skills and characters etc. Something where we can think for ourselves more and be differen than other players.
GW2 has had only a single expansion. How can they all feel the same if there haven’t even been multiple expansions/DLC for the game?
These expansion and DLC just feel like all the same stuff over and over. Just a bunch of repeat. Heart of Thorns was good I admit but only good because there is nothing else really. I really wish they remade guild wars 1. or a game with guildwars 1 type skills and characters etc. Something where we can think for ourselves more and be differen than other players.
GW2 has had only a single expansion. How can they all feel the same if there haven’t even been multiple expansions/DLC for the game?
There has been multiple DLC and maps and an expansion….
These expansion and DLC just feel like all the same stuff over and over. Just a bunch of repeat. Heart of Thorns was good I admit but only good because there is nothing else really. I really wish they remade guild wars 1. or a game with guildwars 1 type skills and characters etc. Something where we can think for ourselves more and be differen than other players.
GW2 has had only a single expansion. How can they all feel the same if there haven’t even been multiple expansions/DLC for the game?
There has been multiple DLC and maps and an expansion….
And other games have with each expansion, quests to level to the new max then running dungeons to gear up.
Sounds like most mmos are the same stuff over and over with each expansion.
ANet may give it to you.
Most MMOs, even in their core launch game, are pretty much the same stuff over and over.
These expansion and DLC just feel like all the same stuff over and over. Just a bunch of repeat. Heart of Thorns was good I admit but only good because there is nothing else really. I really wish they remade guild wars 1. or a game with guildwars 1 type skills and characters etc. Something where we can think for ourselves more and be differen than other players.
GW2 has had only a single expansion. How can they all feel the same if there haven’t even been multiple expansions/DLC for the game?
There has been multiple DLC and maps and an expansion….
LW doesn’t really count as DLC though, since its forced on everyone. After the patch goes live, you can’t play the game without downloading it and patching your client, but with regular DLC, you have the option to purchase and download it or not. LW is just an extensive patch, and unless you want to call every patch that GW2 has received over the 4+ years its been online “DLC” then LW isn’t DLC.
And we have still only had 1 expansion, so how can “they all be the same” if we haven’t had more than 1?
You couldn’t of just done a Google search? It’s not going to happen. At least not for another decade.
Psst. Most people initially assume the search on a site works and it will return no results.
but still tho elder scrolls online has on of the better payment systems out there and that shows with how sucessful the game is and how its growing.
I surely hope there will be no GW3 and ANet will stick with GW2 for many years to go. There’s so much to explore once it’s unlocked.
If ANet are going to create a whole new story/race etc as OP said, I hope they’ll be a whole new game and not the same thing all over again.
But let’s just stick with GW2... There are many great things to come, I’m sure !
I surely hope there will be no GW3 and ANet will stick with GW2 for many years to go. There’s so much to explore once it’s unlocked.
If ANet are going to create a whole new story/race etc as OP said, I hope they’ll be a whole new game and not the same thing all over again.
But let’s just stick with GW2…There are many great things to come, I’m sure !
i hope too gw2 last for years but at some point a third game could be what this franchise needs to get to its rightful place if they change stuff and dont repeat mistake that this game has.
I see no need for a GW3 personally. Anyone ever heard of WoW 2? I haven’t either, just keep adding expansions, some won’t follow depending on their own personal investments in GW2 (both time and financial). Others will join GW2 if they see stability and don’t worry about losing whatever they invest in the game.
Op if you look at how long Guild Wars went before GW2 come along there is a couple of years yet
There won’t be a GW3. There will be a GW2 with brand-new engine! yaaay
There won’t be a GW3. There will be a GW2 with brand-new engine! yaaay
What even is the difference? WoW effectively has a new engine every major release, or at least, significantly upgrades their graphics components every time. Nobody really cares, except the same people who believe that DirectX 11 must be better than 9, because it’s a BIGGER NUMBER ZOMG!
There won’t be a GW3. There will be a GW2 with brand-new engine! yaaay
What even is the difference? WoW effectively has a new engine every major release, or at least, significantly upgrades their graphics components every time. Nobody really cares, except the same people who believe that DirectX 11 must be better than 9, because it’s a BIGGER NUMBER ZOMG!
MOAR number MOAR good!
I really hate threads like this, the ones asking about GW3. Most of these people don’t understand the reason why the original Guild Wars was abandoned: because having a mostly instanced world allowed for a lot of storytelling, but cut down on the ability to meet up with other players spontaneously. GW2 fixed that, with longevity built into the design. They can make their instanced zones anywhere in the world, yet maintain a persistent world where players and randomly meet up with each other, all working towards the same end, and can group up or not as they wish.
As many people have pointed out, what could they possibly want to do that they can’t with the systems already programmed? GW couldn’t suddenly be turned persistent, nor could they just start with the next expansion/chapter. Plus the skill bloat/power creep, adding more heroes, more armour sets, the fact that you had to play as a human… it all just built to a point where the engine hampered the creative design of the team. GW2 has 5 races, currently 9 professions, and a slowly expanding world with fairly regular updates (or at least plenty of news when new content will/won’t be available). They could add new playable races if they want to (like the tengu), but as the race of a character is largely cosmetic and story-based, they likely aren’t going to; they can, but the cons outweigh the pros. They can and have added new professions. The elite specializations are kind of like how new skills were added back in GW, only with mechanics in place so that they don’t need to compare every single skill combination with every other combo. There’s no need to abandon this game yet.
Plus, we still have 4 dragons and at least 2 other continents to explore. We can’t leave until we go to Elona, Cantha, or the half-dozen other continents we’ve seen on the map! So please, people, stop asking for GW3 unless something about the engine is super-ultra broken!
I really hate threads like this, the ones asking about GW3. Most of these people don’t understand the reason why the original Guild Wars was abandoned: because having a mostly instanced world allowed for a lot of storytelling, but cut down on the ability to meet up with other players spontaneously. GW2 fixed that, with longevity built into the design. They can make their instanced zones anywhere in the world, yet maintain a persistent world where players and randomly meet up with each other, all working towards the same end, and can group up or not as they wish.
As many people have pointed out, what could they possibly want to do that they can’t with the systems already programmed? GW couldn’t suddenly be turned persistent, nor could they just start with the next expansion/chapter. Plus the skill bloat/power creep, adding more heroes, more armour sets, the fact that you had to play as a human… it all just built to a point where the engine hampered the creative design of the team. GW2 has 5 races, currently 9 professions, and a slowly expanding world with fairly regular updates (or at least plenty of news when new content will/won’t be available). They could add new playable races if they want to (like the tengu), but as the race of a character is largely cosmetic and story-based, they likely aren’t going to; they can, but the cons outweigh the pros. They can and have added new professions. The elite specializations are kind of like how new skills were added back in GW, only with mechanics in place so that they don’t need to compare every single skill combination with every other combo. There’s no need to abandon this game yet.
Plus, we still have 4 dragons and at least 2 other continents to explore. We can’t leave until we go to Elona, Cantha, or the half-dozen other continents we’ve seen on the map! So please, people, stop asking for GW3 unless something about the engine is super-ultra broken!
What a terrible argument. GW2 wouldn’t exist if gw1 wasn’t so successful. Not sure how you figure abandoning gw1 and everything that made it great suddenly made gw2 its superior successor.
What a terrible argument. GW2 wouldn’t exist if gw1 wasn’t so successful. Not sure how you figure abandoning gw1 and everything that made it great suddenly made gw2 its superior successor.
Maybe I didn’t present myself properly. I LOVED the old GW stuff, and started playing since the Team Arena was still located in Droknar’s Forge. What they did, they did well, but then they wanted to do more things. And as the map expanded, there were fewer and fewer people in the various out of the way outposts, and even the older campaigns became less populated as the quests and other achievements in the area were completed by characters and had no motivation to go back to them. Players were getting less interested in new professions, especially when assassin or ritual skills showed up in Elona and you’d have to have Factions for those skills to be useful at all. There were a bunch of things that were “wrong” with it, insofar as the devs could not do it without the system being overhauled.
Let me repeat: I LOVE the original game. If it were still getting updates, I would go back to it in a heartbeat, especially as I haven’t fully unlocked my Hall of Monuments achievements. But Guild Wars 2 has a structure in place that allows them to do most of the things that get players excited, like varied races or new skill paths, without the system fighting against them doing what they want. GW2 is structured better, but GW1 had the atmosphere that made me fall in love.
Ok… So I found this topic because I searched for it. And because I’m really intrigued by the idea of a new ArenaNet game. Possibly Guild Wars 3.
I’ve played GW1 since 11 years, that’s a pretty big chunk of my life. Of course, I haven’t played it actively. At least not since GW2 came. GW2 broke GW1, but it was also GW2 that got me to play GW1 the last year or so. To have some GW1 inspired gear that would show that I was closer to 20, than 10 years old.
Anyhow. I explored the world and was disappointed in how small it was. I tried the PvP and said to myself there would be more game modes soon (took 2 years for something new to appear). I did things and I got achievements and experience and points of various sorts for EVERYTHING. I realized I didn’t even play the game because I liked it, but because points.
Thing is, CORPG or MMORPG… my old GW1 box says MMORPG. ArenaNet (or at least the marketing team) wanted GW1 to be an MMO even if there were technical difficulties to it that didn’t truly make it one. And when thinking back on it, GW1, even in the end of it’s lifespan (before release of GW2), was a lot more social than GW2 has ever been. In GW2 there’s so much automation and it’s designed with a ”swarm behaviour” in mind. You just follow others and it will be well (eg. you get points, which is also the purpose of the game).
In GW1 it could be enough to walk up to some random farm in the middle of nowhere in Kryta and kill off the centaurs that was attacking it – getting virtually nothing, but feeling good for the poor NPC farmer.
I don’t speak absolute truth. Others will feel differently. But I stopped playing GW2 within a few months. Then I’ve come back a little bit here and there to see what’s new and complete a few things. I even bought HoT and I LOVED it. Then the community destroyed it. It got nerfed within a week, I was kittened and stopped playing again.
Progress was gone (finished) so I had no purpose exploring the world anymore. In GW1 I would’ve explored it anyway because I would’ve been curious what was around the next corner. I’ve never had that feeling with GW2.
Today I play GW1 more often than GW2. That said, GW1 is old… and it lags and it’s a general pain to play. There’s not many people in it either. My guild haven’t played since years back etc. I’ve not cared to ”reinvent” it because I play it out of nostalgia. My ‘nostalgia runs’ in GW1 is more appealing to me than actually playing GW2. If I want to play an actual MMO – which I still do, my go to game is Black Desert Online. It’s a different game, but it lacks the elements I don’t like of ”the modern mmo”. And such I can just run around without the feeling of that ”I have to do this to progress”.
Rant over. I’m intrigued by GW3 not because of better graphics or better gameplay. But as a reset. A chance to change what went wrong and the decisions that was made purely to give the game a ”mass appeal”, and make a game that keeps you playing just to be in the world and feel part of it. A Guild Wars 2.5 would be sufficient, no need to start over from scratch – even though it could be an idea to release it as an entirely new game anyway.
WoW has reinvented itself many times for better and worse, GW2 is basically the same as when it was released. The fall of LA happened years ago and felt very ”just because we can” – didn’t really add to the world feeling dynamic.
I would like to see…
- A bigger, more expansive and atmospheric world, where every part has something unique to offer.
- A skill system that has depth beyond running around and dodging attacks.
- The travel system of GW1 (eg. you travel to cities and walk around the specific area)
- The auto walk system of BDO.
- Harder open world grind areas that require tactics, not only spamming a couple of buttons (to be fair, this is because off the community and not devs, both Orr and HoT was designed to be harder).
- More PvP game modes (JQ, FA?).
- A story line that’s actually interesting (or maybe just chain quests that isn’t main quests).
- More Jeremy Soule.
These are not unrealistic things because I know ANet can do it, most things has already been done. And I know the GW2 community is broken because off all the silver plate kids who wants everything to be easy or I recite: ”not grindy”. There should be some grind in an MMO and the grind should be hard so it becomes a challenge, and so that you need to get the help from other people… Not just solo killing off tons of run of the mill mobs to get stuff with a low drop rate.
In short, I miss the world of Guild Wars. But I do not long for the current state of none of the games. The core in GW2 is great, everything is in place but it lacks immersion. I don’t think it’s unthinkable to make ”A realm reborn” out of GW2. But realistically – that costs a lot of money even if the devs would want to make it, it’s extremely unlikely it will happen.
There won’t be a GW3. There will be a GW2 with brand-new engine! yaaay
What even is the difference? WoW effectively has a new engine every major release, or at least, significantly upgrades their graphics components every time. Nobody really cares, except the same people who believe that DirectX 11 must be better than 9, because it’s a BIGGER NUMBER ZOMG!
Upgrading their graphics does not necessarily mean they have updated their engine. I would be surprised if their engine was upgraded with every single release. Maybe a few things are tweaked for new mechanics, but the core engine should remain more or less steady.
The biggest need for GW3 is because of how the maps are set up frozen in time. Eventually after another few expansions it will be so disorienting and jarring to remember what happened when that it will be time to do a map reset. But that would be so work intensive that I don’t see it happening without a completely game in the pipeline. But nobody would want to buy a GW3 if they don’t finish the main story of GW2 first. If we get to GW3 and we are still dealing with the dragons, that would feel lame. And if they just drop the plot midway and move to something else for GW3 that would be terrible. Some of the biggest draw for me in GW2 is how it transitions so nicely from GW1, if that was lost just to get to GW3 ‘faster’ I would probably never touch the game. So I guess I do hope for a GW3 eventually, some of the problems can only be fixed with a new game, but I want to finish GW2 first.
(edited by Moonyeti.3296)
i dont want gw3, gw2 is too amazing
i dont want gw3, gw2 is too amazing
its a pve game only…. if we want decent pvp game we need to be playign gw1 or play another game.
i dont want gw3, gw2 is too amazing
its a pve game only…. if we want decent pvp game we need to be playign gw1 or play another game.
Speaking of that, are there even any pvp centric MMOs these days? Feels like most games has left that part behind.
Man if only there was a more recent thread on this topic.. and on the front page…
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
You couldn’t of just done a Google search? It’s not going to happen. At least not for another decade.
can u imagine how will be gw2 with the expansion aditions in the future?
more aoe, spam, damage, condi stack, stealth, lag, even more iwin builds for balance.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
WoW is how many years old now? Is there a WoW 2 planned for that game?
No. And no to your question.
And the valid point here is…?
And this comparison is valid because…?
And this makes sense how…?
And why should ANet care about what blizzard does…?
So many questions…
Not sure where to post/ask this but is there any talk of a Guildwars 3? A whole new game with different races, characters, skills and gameplay and ,map etc etc. Not just more of the same DLC for GW 2.
If not are there any games like GW2 or WOW to look out for? (not elderscrolls online though)
Sounds like you just want a completely different game, and want anet to stop making gw2 to make that game for you..
have you considered.. eehm.. I don’t know.. playing another game? because it sounds to me that just stopping to play GW2 and just booting something else is what you need.
You want a different world, different story, different races, different gameplay, that means you don’t want anything changed within GW2, you just don’t want GW2. So why are you here talking about it, instead of playing a different game?
WoW is how many years old now? Is there a WoW 2 planned for that game?
No. And no to your question.
And the valid point here is…?
And this comparison is valid because…?
And this makes sense how…?
And why should ANet care about what blizzard does…?So many questions…
1. Give a valid point for GW3
2. Gives valid point for why we don’t need GW3
3. asking, again about GW3 has 0 sense.
4. Why should Anet Care about GW3.
to sum ; there will not be a GW3.
Grand Warden of I Crit Under Pressure.
message me for an invite ^_^
You couldn’t of just done a Google search? It’s not going to happen. At least not for another decade.
can u imagine how will be gw2 with the expansion aditions in the future?
LAWL!more aoe, spam, damage, condi stack, stealth, lag, even more iwin builds for balance.
Not quite relevant to needs a new game, but okay. The only way to fix the game is to be done with elite specs and more or less bring back a trinity
Grand Warden of I Crit Under Pressure.
message me for an invite ^_^
Nope, we don’t need GW3.
Huge franchises like GuildWars are like houses: You take ages to plan it, get the property, get all the documents and permissions, the long-term financing in place and after months you can finally move into the bare brickwork (the Alpha and Beta stadiums).
After a long time, when you put in your last furniture, installed your last cover panel over your wall sockets and outlets and finally look what you have done, you reach v1.0
Now would you immediately start to build a new house or start to finally life in this house now? I know GW2 is already a bit older, but even a 10-year old house is nothing you would demolish and move onto your next project when you are perfectly fine with a house like this.
And I can relate, I just finished a €112,000 project (buying and renovating an object) of my home in real life and I am finally beginning to rest… I could not think of starting all over again with a new project- maybe some changes here and there, just like expansion packs. Gigantic video game projects are somewhat related. It’s time to do the fine adjustments. When the game (or the “house”) is too old and can’t be refurbished to meet modern expectations (graphics), then tear it down. But now, GW2 is still very fresh and fun and anything else would be a desaster – mostly a question of money and manpower.
and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”
(edited by Zedek.8932)
i sense a separate campaign that you can link to the current GW2 is in the pipeline , much like Cantha and Elona for GW1.
and it will be titled Guilds Wars 2 : Elona
Archeage = Farmville with PK