Guild Wars Movie

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


If Hollywood ever want to produce a Guild Wars movie. Please be careful..they have ruined so many movies based on great animes and books. Let someone great direct it, like Peter Jackson.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


I for one would love a Gw2 movie

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

A lot of videogames have pretty poor narratives to begin with. So the resulting bad movies are no surprise. For example, who expects anything good out of a Bloodrayne movie? Seriously.

Likewise, I would be surprised if the World of Warcraft movie is any good. Both story, lore and setting lean so heavy on cliches and stealing things from Tolkien. There’s such an incredible void of original ideas in videogame settings.

Regarding books to film… There have been various movies that improved on the books. Jurassic Park for example, is a much better story than the original book (the characters are better for one). Then again, the sequel, not so much. Peter Jackson making LOTR into such a good trilogy is a rare occurrence.

I’m not sure if Guild Wars would make a good movie. It is rather generic. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tyria’s setting. But it lacks that spark to be really good movie material. And who would the main characters be of such a movie? Certainly not Destiny’s Edge. You need main characters with some personality, that can keep a movie together.

The only way I can see it working, is if you got someone on board with a lot of creative freedom, who did his own thing with it.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Guild Wars has very deep lore, especially in GW1 and in GW2 there’s a lot of lore as well. The books are good, i haven’t read Sea of Sorrows yet though. It really depends on where in the story they want to base the movie off, or if they are going to make it seperate from the “main” story and do something else.

To start with the human gods(who left Tyria), Orr and the guild wars and the searing of ascalon and then go on with Glint and mursaat i think would be a good start for a first movie. Very interesting lore and it has very deep connection to the lore in GW2. Faction and Nightfall, Cantha and Elona doesn’t really have anything connected to the “main” lore except that kormir and Abaddon were gods.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

To start with the human gods(who left Tyria), Orr and the guild wars and the searing of ascalon and then go on with Glint and mursaat i think would be a good start for a first movie. Very interesting lore and it has very deep connection to the lore in GW2. Faction and Nightfall, Cantha and Elona doesn’t really have anything connected to the “main” lore except that kormir and Abaddon were gods.

That may work in a game, but not in a movie. You’d end up with a ton of exposition. A movie needs a beginning, a middle and an end. And it needs main characters that can keep the audience interested from start to finish.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


To start with the human gods(who left Tyria), Orr and the guild wars and the searing of ascalon and then go on with Glint and mursaat i think would be a good start for a first movie. Very interesting lore and it has very deep connection to the lore in GW2. Faction and Nightfall, Cantha and Elona doesn’t really have anything connected to the “main” lore except that kormir and Abaddon were gods.

That may work in a game, but not in a movie. You’d end up with a ton of exposition. A movie needs a beginning, a middle and an end. And it needs main characters that can keep the audience interested from start to finish.

It really depends on who writes and directs the movie. You also need to read between the lines. What i just wrote could be interpreted in many ways, for some it could make out a great story and for some (like you) it could seem to be very confusing and a story that doesn’t fit together.

Eventually it will lead up to the GW2 lore, maybe in a second movie or a third, when the dragons awake from their slumber.The human gods, Glint and the Mursaat are all related to the elder dragons somehow.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I think for such a thing to work in the context of a movie, it would have to be a much more condensed story. One movie simply can’t cover that much time, and that many continents and events, unless you are making the next LOTR or Harry Potter.

The best thing you could expect, if at all, is one movie. And it would have to be much smaller in scale. All the lore that GW has to offer is not something you can fit into a movie. You’d have to find a way to get the audience invested without dropping a ton of exposition.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Guild Wars has very deep lore, especially in GW1 and in GW2 there’s a lot of lore as well. The books are good, i haven’t read Sea of Sorrows yet though. It really depends on where in the story they want to base the movie off, or if they are going to make it seperate from the “main” story and do something else.

To start with the human gods(who left Tyria), Orr and the guild wars and the searing of ascalon and then go on with Glint and mursaat i think would be a good start for a first movie. Very interesting lore and it has very deep connection to the lore in GW2. Faction and Nightfall, Cantha and Elona doesn’t really have anything connected to the “main” lore except that kormir and Abaddon were gods.

See I played GW1 and have all the expansions and played them all through. For some reason the stories for me just never really stuck out or made an impression. Maybe they were just all over the place I don’t know…..

But if I think back to some games like the Final Fantasy’s for example (not online, stand alone) from 7 onwards I can instantly remember the story and how much of an impact it had on me. I don’t know what it is with GW lol…..

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


I think for such a thing to work in the context of a movie, it would have to be a much more condensed story. One movie simply can’t cover that much time, and that many continents and events, unless you are making the next LOTR or Harry Potter.

The best thing you could expect, if at all, is one movie. And it would have to be much smaller in scale. All the lore that GW has to offer is not something you can fit into a movie. You’d have to find a way to get the audience invested without dropping a ton of exposition.

There’s only one continent. Tyria
They don’t really have to include cantha or elona at all.
They’re not supposed to fit in all the lore, they are supposed to take the main lore, the big events. Which is, the human gods leaving orr, the guild wars,the searing, glint and the mursaat and eventually up to the rise of the elder dragons.
The movie based on the lore from GW1 could be like a prelude to GW2.
Without the lore from GW1 and Tyria, a lot of the lore in GW2 doesn’t make any sense.

Edit: Eye of the north, with the dwarves dead and Primordus started to wake up and the introduction of Norn and Asura is pretty important lore. It’s also on the continent of Tyria.

(edited by Zoid.2568)

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I could see Uwe Boll directing this movie.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Desmond.5396


I could see Uwe Boll directing this movie.

Oh God no!!!!!

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Uwe Boll is a great director. You should be afraid of Michael Bay directing it instead. Now there’s a man without any talent what so ever.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I could see Uwe Boll directing this movie.

Oh God no!!!!!

I was joking of course. I would love to see a Guild Wars movie. Unfortunately I know it wouldn’t go over very well with the way Hollywood is. I would rather not see one than have something horrible like the D&D movies that were made.

I’m really surprised we haven’t seen a World of Warcraft movie yet with all the players it has. I think they actually are making one now though.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Doesn’t matter, Peter Jackson would butcher change the story anyway.

“If you want him, come and claim him!” said Arwen Warrior Princess, never.

Anyway, I’d watch a GW movie even if it was directed by… him.

The table is a fable.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Doesn’t matter, Peter Jackson would butcher change the story anyway.

“If you want him, come and claim him!” said Arwen Warrior Princess, never.

Anyway, I’d watch a GW movie even if it was directed by… him.

Yeah! Where the hell was Glorfindel?!

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I think if they gave Uwe Boll a ton of money, and gave him the freedom to do with it what he wanted, he’d make a great movie out of it.

But I think you’d first have to sign up a director who really has love for Tyria. This has been a problem before when they did the American version of Godzilla, and they signed up director Roland Emmerich, who hated Godzilla movies.

You need someone who has enough love for the game, to respect the source material. But Anet themselves would also need to give the director enough freedom to make it into his own thing.

For example, some of the changes that Peter Jackson made to LOTR are… questionable. But the end product is still a good movie that is as close as you’d get to LOTR in Hollywood. You just can’t have too many drivers at the wheel. One director, one vision.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I could see Uwe Boll directing this movie.

They’d have to add lots of D grade actors and lots of Grinding in the movie.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Games rarely make good movies because at a basic level, games tend to create player investment in characters via continual time investment, and gameplay interactions. Neither of which are realistically possible in a movie.

For it to be decent, you’d have to turn Guild Wars into something it’s not, and no one wants that.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mattargul.9235


I hope they wouldn’t re-use the Kilrathi customs from the Wing Commander move to represent the Charr…

Dances with Leaves – Guardian – Sanctum of Rall (SoR)

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


They should make a GW2 forum movie instead. Would be like 12 Angry Men, but with no one listening to the one guy who thinks Anet isnt actually guilty.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Doesn’t matter, Peter Jackson would butcher change the story anyway.

“If you want him, come and claim him!” said Arwen Warrior Princess, never.

Anyway, I’d watch a GW movie even if it was directed by… him.

Yeah! Where the hell was Glorfindel?!

You mean Tom Bombadil (spelling?) surely right!????

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MauricioCezar.2673


I’m more up to a serie with the history in “Sea of sorrows”. THIS WOULD BE GREAT!

Congratz Ree Rosbee, you are a incrydible writer.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


There needs to be a way better story than killing Zhaitan with a freaking cannon first. In all honesty, a Guild Wars movie would be the biggest movie flop in history because there isn’t a good story to be found anywhere in this game.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


Well, if we’re looking at the Guild Wars 2 main story… It’ll be a zombie movie with a big kitten monster and a fantasy twist. I really doubt Hollywood would stick their necks out for that. Especially since Trehearne wouldn’t make for a relatable main character, unless they overhaul his personality. If he actually had some emotions to him, and we had some better exposition dealing with his character struggling into the role of a leader, then it would work. Maybe.

Now if there was a movie based on one of the books, I’d have to say that “Sea of Sorrows,” would work. It’s still a story about zombies in a fantasy setting, but the characters are actually likable (and more importantly, they’r relatable), and the story itself is interesting. At least to me it is.

IGN: Despada
Guild: I Can Outtweet A Centaur [TWIT]

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Trehearne wouldn’t make for a relatable main character

I can see him, though, popping up somewhere and saying something like “Beuller? Beuller? Beuller?”

The table is a fable.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Likewise, I would be surprised if the World of Warcraft movie is any good. Both story, lore and setting lean so heavy on cliches and stealing things from Tolkien. There’s such an incredible void of original ideas in videogame settings.

You mean just like the incredible void of original ideas in Tolkiens writing?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobbygnome.6793


Ladies and Gentleman

Presenting to you, THE GUILD WARS MOVIE!!!

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

You mean just like the incredible void of original ideas in Tolkiens writing?

Tolkien was one of the first fantasy writers to build an entire world, and invent languages for the various people that inhabited that world. Make sure you know what you are talking about. Tolkien was completely original. He was the first writer of his kind, and has been copied by everyone ever since.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Tolkien was one of the first fantasy writers to build an entire world, and invent languages for the various people that inhabited that world. Make sure you know what you are talking about. Tolkien was completely original. He was the first writer of his kind, and has been copied by everyone ever since.

And yet there is nothing at all original in his story, but rather a mash-up of already existing stories and creatures such as the whole story about the ring from the Nibelungenlied which was written several hundred years before The Lord of the Rings and most of the creatures also comes from Norse myths and such.

Same with his languages, which are all based (and in some cases quite similar) to already existing languages such as Finnish and Welsh.

Maybe YOU should make sure you know what you are talking about before posting?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amstel Steel.2058

Amstel Steel.2058

“Two hundred years before the Searing, the Burnt Warband found Titans in the volcano Hrangmer; these Charr brought them back home to worship as gods. The Shaman caste led others to worship the Titans, who, in turn, provided them with the Cauldron of Cataclysm. The Cauldron of Cataclysm is the gigantic cauldron that was given to the Charr by their false gods, the Titans. The Charr used the cauldron to perform the ritual of the Searing that breached the Great Northern Wall and damaged all of Ascalon. It is said that the magic powering the cauldron was older than even the Titans, powered by beings who had long ago fallen into sleep. There appears to be a copy of the Cauldron in the Crystal Overlook. Under orders of their own from Abaddon, the Titans told the Charr to invade the three human Tyrian kingdoms.” -wiki

I would love a well written movie titled The Searing.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NewTrain.7549


I don’t see a GW movie being very appealing.

Despite the vast amount of lore, I don’t find the setting very appealing for the telling of an individual story. I felt as if all three books were forced in their narratives and the characters were very forgettable. Not one of them felt like anything greater than a sub-standard fantasy serial. I imagine a movie would come off much the same way. Even in-game the storytelling seems forced. The whole defeat of Zhaitan was nothing more than a Deus Ex Machina plot device. A lazy conclusion, if you ask me.

Yeah, a Guild Wars movie would get a big “meh” from me.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jadesiren.5601


Doubt it would make a great movie, as they’d keep adding content , and it would never finish…….. ever

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

And yet there is nothing at all original in his story, but rather a mash-up of already existing stories and creatures such as the whole story about the ring from the Nibelungenlied which was written several hundred years before The Lord of the Rings and most of the creatures also comes from Norse myths and such.

Same with his languages, which are all based (and in some cases quite similar) to already existing languages such as Finnish and Welsh.

Maybe YOU should make sure you know what you are talking about before posting?

You are underestimating the influence that Tolkien’s writing has had on modern (fantasy) literature. His books indeed have influences of various mythologies, but his world is still his own. And we wouldn’t have books like Game of Thrones today, if it weren’t for people like Tolkien first paving the way.

But videogames, especially fantasy MMO’s have very little originality of their own. It’s just a whole lot of borrowing ideas from existing fantasy literature. I just don’t find that very compelling as a movie material. And the characters are also often poorly written. This goes for both GW1 and GW2. As much as I enjoyed both games, story wise they are really simplistic and cliche.

I would love a well written movie titled The Searing.

The whole story about Ascalon and it’s downfall was probably one of the best parts of the original Guild Wars story. However, without a conclusion you wouldn’t have much of a movie. Just like in the game, the Searing is only what starts the actual adventure. The plot with the White Mantle, the Mursaat, and ultimately the Lich, is what it all boils down to. A bit much to fit in one movie. But where would you end it then?

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

(edited by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

They can’t even seem to have a solid grasp of how their own lore works. Any film would be a mess of retcons and things introduced out of nowhere just to serve as plot devices.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amstel Steel.2058

Amstel Steel.2058

I would love a well written movie titled The Searing.

The whole story about Ascalon and it’s downfall was probably one of the best parts of the original Guild Wars story. However, without a conclusion you wouldn’t have much of a movie. Just like in the game, the Searing is only what starts the actual adventure. The plot with the White Mantle, the Mursaat, and ultimately the Lich, is what it all boils down to. A bit much to fit in one movie. But where would you end it then?

A story circulating around the political, moral, and local issues from that pre searing era ultimately comes to a conclusion which is the Searing. The conclusion is the charr turning the tides of battle to reclaim their land. Much like how Avatar was concluded only darker and more tragic.

Edit: Now that I think about it Avatar was concluded with that guy becoming an actual cat. I’m sure there is some way to form a conclusion of some sorts. Any kind of gw1 movie would do best with telling a story that wasn’t in the actual gameplay. Like the point of view from the Charr’s and the morality behind the consolidation of the flame legion for a morally just cause while also being puppeted by a fallen god.

(edited by Amstel Steel.2058)

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Doesn’t matter, Peter Jackson would butcher change the story anyway.

“If you want him, come and claim him!” said Arwen Warrior Princess, never.

Anyway, I’d watch a GW movie even if it was directed by… him.

Yeah! Where the hell was Glorfindel?!

You mean Tom Bombadil (spelling?) surely right!????

I would have liked to see him too. And the real way the Hobbits got their Barrow-downs daggers. I was talking about Glorfindel though, he was the one in the book that took the Hobbits to Rivendell.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yanchoy.9176


Caithe = Scarlett Johansson
Faolain = Megan Fox

’nuff said.

/Snow white and the 7 dwarfs and their wives

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


You are underestimating the influence that Tolkien’s writing has had on modern (fantasy) literature. His books indeed have influences of various mythologies, but his world is still his own. And we wouldn’t have books like Game of Thrones today, if it weren’t for people like Tolkien first paving the way.

I am not saying he did not influenced stuff, I am just questioning the fact that he was as original as you seems to want to tell people, because it is bullkitten. Had he been original he would not have to build his whole world on already existing stories.

And saying we would not have other fantasy or such without him is quite naive, there would have come other people anyway. Fantasy have existed in written form long before Tolkien was even born and most modern fantasy is quite far from Lord of the Rings.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

a real guild wars movie might be too long to fit in 1.5 hours or 2 hours.
maybe if they stretch it across many episodes …

a guild wars series with seasons may be good.

Guild Wars – The Movie Series – Season 1 – Prophecies
01 The Searing

i can’t figure out the rest of the episode names …

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Doesn’t matter, Peter Jackson would butcher change the story anyway.

“If you want him, come and claim him!” said Arwen Warrior Princess, never.

Anyway, I’d watch a GW movie even if it was directed by… him.

Yeah! Where the hell was Glorfindel?!

You mean Tom Bombadil (spelling?) surely right!????

I would have liked to see him too. And the real way the Hobbits got their Barrow-downs daggers. I was talking about Glorfindel though, he was the one in the book that took the Hobbits to Rivendell.

Yeah I know I’ve read the book twice now and the last time was just before the movies to see what changes were made. I think the reason he used that elf girl instead for that part of the movie was to introduce her character sooner so people cared more for her since she was a big part of Strider’s story.

It was a shame he had to change a few things but luckily He was a big fan of the books which is why a lot of it stayed true to the books and he made it a 3 parter and not just the one movie like others had done before and failed.

This was my point tho I doubt very much he would have made the movies if he wasn’t a fan from childhood and cared so much about it. So back to my comment of him making a GW movie, I just don’t think he would care enough to even bother or if he did, give it as much attention he did for the LOTR movies.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Yeah I know I’ve read the book twice now and the last time was just before the movies to see what changes were made. I think the reason he used that elf girl instead for that part of the movie was to introduce her character sooner so people cared more for her since she was a big part of Strider’s story.

Peter Jackson wanted a love interest, and an arch in the story for Aragorn. It needed to be something that viewers could easily identify with. Aragorn had to fight for something, because just giving up being a ranger is not something you fill a whole trilogy with. That is why a lot of the characters had sort of forced character plots.

I think originally they even wanted Arwen at the battle of Helmsdeep, which would have been terrible. Arwens plot is forced into the LOTR trilogy, and when ever something with Arwen pops up, it just sticks out and slows the movie down. Especially that moment when Elrond hands Aragorn the blade and says “Arwen is dying”. Wait, what?! Anyway, I can see why Peter Jackson did it, but I don’t agree with it.

Still, for a Guild Wars movie you’d also have to introduce similar filler to give all of the characters something to do.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


Guild Wars movie…


Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

To be honest, LotR had a ton of characters who popped in and out, without really making any impact at all. Glorfindel’s cut was understandable, Bombadil’s was not, nor was Imrahil’s, nor was Elladan&Elrohir’s and the whole Grey Company.

Back to the topic, I’d watch it, even if it was as bad as the D&D movie. Let’s just hope Trehaerne doesn’t come to steal the spotlight and tell everyone to go to Chlore Island.

One – Piken Square

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


a real guild wars movie might be too long to fit in 1.5 hours or 2 hours.
maybe if they stretch it across many episodes …

a guild wars series with seasons may be good.

Guild Wars – The Movie Series – Season 1 – Prophecies
01 The Searing

This is what I was thinking too. The story of Tyria is too deep and lengthy to be a single movie, or even a trilogy.

I’d like to see a season per story arc. Something like American Horror Story, where even the same characters don’t return because it’s a whole new story.

Season 1: Pre-Searing/The Searing/defense of and Rurick leaving Ascalon/highlight young Gwen
Season 2: Rurick’s story/exous from Ascalon/The Lich
Season 3: The Mursaat (could make a whole series on them)
Season 3: Factions storyline
Season 4: Nightfall storyline (ascension of Kormir)
Season 5: EotN storyline (discovery of asura, rising of destroyers, return of Gwen)
Season 6: something during the 250yrs between GW & GW2, centering on the dragon’s returning
Season 7: Sea of Sorrows book
Season 8: Destiny’s Edge book
Season 9: GW2: a hero’s personal story/befriending Trahearne/joining an Order
Season 10: Rising within the Order/creating the Pact/defeating Zhaitan

I’m sure within 10+ years we’ll have more GW2 to draw from

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Back to the topic, I’d watch it, even if it was as bad as the D&D movie. Let’s just hope Trehaerne doesn’t come to steal the spotlight and tell everyone to go to Chlore Island.

If we get Jeremy Irons to play Khilbron, I’m so watching it!

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


TV series as previously suggested is the best route, Tajke Game of Thrones for example there is an author with pride in his work, he was approached multiple times by hollywood for a movie and he said no each time because he said ’’there’s too much to fit into it, even a trilogy’’

Game of Thrones is now one of if not THE most successful TV show of our generation, and its done very, very well.

can this happen again? i don’t think so, not soon you would need a huge budget and a director (or team) as GoT has which read every single book multiple times before finally filming and ended up being passionate about it, that’s the hardest part finding somebody who likes and is passionate about what they are directing/filming these days.

To be perfectly honest i don’t think Guild Wars (Tyia’s) lore is deep enough to captivate the audiences needed, same with WoW (i only put this here as there doing a movie – big mistake in my book but you never know)

to much would have to be changed or retconned to make sense with Tyria’s lore its not like a game where its easily done / fixed the whole begging, middle and end need a clear narrative otherwise it will end up being like Lost, crap (though this was the stations fault for ordering more series than was agreed)

(edited by DrixTrix.7168)

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I would want a GW2 movie made by Quentin Tarantino which follows the disjointed adventures of Destiny’s Edge.
Think Pulp Fiction meets the game.
Logan and Rytlock could travel via Charr tank to a guy’s house while discussing how to order a Charrburger with cheese in languages other than New Krytan.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Why the searing first? the gods leaving orr and the guild wars is before the searing.

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


Why the searing first? the gods leaving orr and the guild wars is before the searing.

I picked that as the start point because I’d want to see the opening of the TV series reflect the opening of GW. Your very first moments in Acalon pre-searing as a budding new adventurer, meeting little Gwen and casually finding her flute in the mud of a nearby creekbed.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)