Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature
i’m well over the 20k mark… at this point I stopped counting lol
I JUST got a cat… but appart from that? nothing… this journey cost me 1000g and the result is more hate against the RNG system.. gg
Nope. Haven’t seen anyone say they got it, haven’t seen it drop. It’s a ghost wolf. LOL c wat i did der i iz funnay liek dat lolol
Can we please get an update or any word as to why all of these have such a low drop rate?
I’ve got to be past the 20k bags, now. My arm is killing me…
This is really frustrating me. I’ve been spending all my free time farming bags and not only have I not gotten Gwynefydd, I haven’t gotten any of the rare drops. Not even the pillow case to start the collection for the candy corn mini.
I don’t normally ask for any kind of dev response but I’m starting to think it would be really nice to at least get clarification on whether these drop rates are actually intended.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I am lost for words to be honest. I would love a dev response please before everyone floods AN Support requesting changes or refunds of previous gem minis and Un-binding of minis.
I have never been so upset with this game. I never made a stink about anything else.
I have dual legendarys and welcomed the skin wardrobe.
This drives me crazy !!
Received a mini on the first day; mini Zuzu. Unsure whether it came from a boss chest of randomly from a bag.
Also opened ToT bags to the equivalent of having, at the end 2 stacks of 250 candy wrapper. That must be a lot. Gotten two mini ZuZu’s and about 4 endless tonics no Mini ghost wolf though. I have to agree with he prior statements about the supposed ‘accidental’ crazily low drop rate.
You wait and see everyone will have one suddenly after a small patch, and people will rage. Manipulation of the player base, always nice too see.
Its too rare for not being tradeable. So it will probably be super easy to get 2015 if you look at what Anet did with Carlotta and Prince Thorn.
It is looking like the drop rate it bugged.
The Trick or Treat Bags aren’t going away. They’re going to stay available all throughout the year, and the Maize Balm consumable item has been added to let players continue to generate new Trick or Treat Bags even in December or February or whenever we want. So the mini will remain available in the bags, at least up until next year’s Hallowe’en event where we might see new items dropping.
Go grab your Maize Balm recipe (it’s time-gated, one per day) so that if you can’t get the mini before the event ends, you’ll still have a source for new bags all year long. Then hit up Godslost Swamp with the Balm every now and then to get more bags and keep trying.
Thanks for sharing this tip, Xiahou Mao.
I have passed along feedback about the miniature, so that your concerns can be reviewed.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
The Trick or Treat Bags aren’t going away. They’re going to stay available all throughout the year, and the Maize Balm consumable item has been added to let players continue to generate new Trick or Treat Bags even in December or February or whenever we want. So the mini will remain available in the bags, at least up until next year’s Hallowe’en event where we might see new items dropping.
Go grab your Maize Balm recipe (it’s time-gated, one per day) so that if you can’t get the mini before the event ends, you’ll still have a source for new bags all year long. Then hit up Godslost Swamp with the Balm every now and then to get more bags and keep trying.
Thanks for sharing this tip, Xiahou Mao.
I have passed along feedback about the miniature, so that your concerns can be reviewed.
Thanks gaile, you are the sparkle in my eye.
500 more bags... No mini. But apperantly they drop charged quartz crystals (got just the one)
I don’t know why but I tried 500 more as well. Nothing.
Seems I got lucky for once, only took 300 bags.
I farmed about 1.5k bags, then bought about 7k off the trading post.
1 Gwynefyrdd
No necklaces
3 ZuZu minis
2 Endless Halloween Tonics
The Trick or Treat Bags aren’t going away. They’re going to stay available all throughout the year, and the Maize Balm consumable item has been added to let players continue to generate new Trick or Treat Bags even in December or February or whenever we want. So the mini will remain available in the bags, at least up until next year’s Hallowe’en event where we might see new items dropping.
Go grab your Maize Balm recipe (it’s time-gated, one per day) so that if you can’t get the mini before the event ends, you’ll still have a source for new bags all year long. Then hit up Godslost Swamp with the Balm every now and then to get more bags and keep trying.
Thanks for sharing this tip, Xiahou Mao.
I have passed along feedback about the miniature, so that your concerns can be reviewed.
Maybe it will be fixed?
(edited by GlisteningDragon.3975)
I haven’t seen hide nor ghostly hair of it but my guildie just posted that her lucky asura got it in the first day or two of farming (and a cat of darkness besides). Here’s her pic for those asking for proof it will drop.
The Trick or Treat Bags aren’t going away. They’re going to stay available all throughout the year, and the Maize Balm consumable item has been added to let players continue to generate new Trick or Treat Bags even in December or February or whenever we want. So the mini will remain available in the bags, at least up until next year’s Hallowe’en event where we might see new items dropping.
Go grab your Maize Balm recipe (it’s time-gated, one per day) so that if you can’t get the mini before the event ends, you’ll still have a source for new bags all year long. Then hit up Godslost Swamp with the Balm every now and then to get more bags and keep trying.
Thanks for sharing this tip, Xiahou Mao.
I have passed along feedback about the miniature, so that your concerns can be reviewed.
Please note that once the event is over prices for the ingredients for the recipe will surely rise, thus the item’s price will rise. That is a recipe for one truly expensive mini hunt. Reasonable?
My super sexy guild leader Wolfey decided to blow 500 gold on Trick or Treat bags in his quest for the elusive Gwynefyrdd.
He’s currently opening 12,000 ToT bags if you want to watch live.
Take care!
My female Asura also found Gwynefyrdd, but she is evil! Under no circumstances allow her to touch you underneath the light of the Mad Moon, or she will switch places with you and trap you in the spirit world!
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Seeing as some have opened 70k bags and still not received the mini. We are looking at a drop rate less than .0000143%
Alright since everyone are talking about 5/10 k ToT i guess its time to speak about some higher numbers.
Sarted farm with exactly 100G, bought 250 bags btw 5 and 7 silver each all long my farming time and im about 350.000 bags by now.
For players that dont know the tip, which is kinda over now, cob price was btw 8 and 10g fews hours after patch so basicly i farmed my first 200k for free.
About loot :
Mini wolf x1
Unopened Endless Bottle of Batwing Brew x2
Gift of moon x1
Poly refractor black x2
Poly refractor orange x1
Zuzu cats x27
Pillowcase x50~
Shiny Foil Candy Wrapper x1.700~
Around 150g Tier 6 materials
Scarecrow and Mad finisher x12.500
Charged quartz x190
Started with 164% magic find day one and sit now on 300%
My RnG is totally lame since i play this game so getting all those items is just insane.
To be honest the wolf drop rate for something that is account bound need to be boosted but kept acc bound for obvious reasons which is to feel like a chosen when it finally drop ^^
Have fun opening bags now =D
-(EvE ~ EU)-
(edited by Sinzaku.2980)
Thanks for those who watched
12k Bags opened on stream
x2 Endless Halloween Tonics
x2 Zuzu Cat
x76 Candy Corn Cobs (from all candy corn)
x10 T6 Scales
x10 T6 Totems
x10 T6 Bloods
Tons of Ascended Mats
Total of bags opened since Halloween 2014 started:
x5 Cats
x2 Black Jewels (sold 1 kept other)
x10 Endless halloween tonics
combined 82k bags no wolf
Anet if you want the vid msg me and ill send it to you
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Wolfey.3407)
If u knew how he’s so cute when he swimm
Worth to go in water just for this xD
-(EvE ~ EU)-
It’s kind of odd, but I think this stupid mini is the last straw with this game for me. With the stupid RNG, rewards have turned into nothing but a type of gambling. One person 45k bags, another 400 for the reward. This just continues to highlight everything dumb about the reward system, I mean precursors based on RNG is stupid imo. What’s the use of playing end content if rewards are tied to RNG. I mean you could have started in beta and some kid who started yesterday gets a precursor. Cool rewards should be tied to further difficulty in the game which doesn’t exist (mostly Zerg fest hack and slash).
So why does Anet do it, cash/greed. I swear they do this crap on purpose because it rolls in more dough for them. Filling their coffers as they turn the next generation into a bunch of gambling addicts. The game imo has turned into nothing more than a zynga game with good graphics. FarmVille with swords. And instead of watering crops I’m doing stupid achieves so I could someday possibly get a radiant piece (not based on any game difficulty mind you, but on the grind of doing stupid collections, killing monsters, and logging in and doing dailies (oh wait, they capped that, best find the grind for AP elsewhere…oh yay collectibles based on RNG…awesome).
Anyway, I’m done with this game. So why rant? Maybe Anet will read this and fix some of this RNG crap. Oh well. I loved the community of gamers, just wish Anet did more than their profit mindedness.
Took a stupid dog mini to open my eyes to this crap, lol.
Another 300 bags opened and the best thing I got from them is 1 pillowcase.
I’m starting to think I’m not even going to get Zuzu as a drop, but at least I can buy that one.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
So now we’ve agreed there’s a problem what do you think the solution should be?
My first choice would be to make it tradeable, but that’s because I think all minis should be tradeable. I imagine at this point that would disappoint a lot of people.
A better solution would be to make it one of the items Sonder the Seller (or one of the other permanent festival vendors) offers in exchange for Candy Corn Cobs or other items available from Trick or Treat Bags.
Since the current method of acquisition is to farm or buy bags and open them until you get lucky this doesn’t change anything except to put a cap on how many attempts it needs.
If you’ve gotten one already, congratulations, you still got lucky and got it the easy way. If you’ve not gotten one yet then you know (roughly) the maximum number of attempts it’s going to take.
Personally I don’t mind it costing a lot of Cobs/other items. I was saving up candy corn for the mini Bloody Prince all year and it wasn’t a problem. I just hate the uncertainty of pure RNG. With the current system I could spend all my time farming ToT bags, all the money I get buying them and I might still never get one, which is a horrible feeling and not at all a good incentive to play.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
45k bags [pretty much broke right now], nothing. No mini, tonic, amulet or anything. Oh 1 pillow in my last stack.
I haven’t seen hide nor ghostly hair of it but my guildie just posted that her lucky asura got it in the first day or two of farming (and a cat of darkness besides). Here’s her pic for those asking for proof it will drop.
I was just about to post the exact same picture LOL
looks like we have the same friend.
So now we’ve agreed there’s a problem what do you think the solution should be?
My first choice would be to make it tradeable, but that’s because I think all minis should be tradeable.
I think every skin and reward from living story should be tradeable if it’s difficult to obtain. Ambrite skins and nopale foods etc. Let the market determine their worth, and let people who arent really into those rewards for themselves make profit from playing, not farming or flipping junk on the TP.
(edited by eyestrain.3056)
I am very happy to play GW2 and events such as Halloween and Wintersday are events I look forward to every year. They are different, fun and a place that brings people together and give the players things to do.
This year, I am very disappointed and have done nothing but stress around to farm bags. I sold many things, bought gems to get more gold to buy bags. Everything for the Mini Gwynefyrdd. I know people who have gotten it after 10 bags, some after 20+, I have now tried and opened more than 10k, and stopped counting.
Drops are so random and I think there should be a limit to how many bags each player must open before the drop. Or is that just me thinking that?
Perhaps it would be fair is this pet is not account bound?
I think most players are getting tired of this, I know I’m getting there
And as for myself I’m getting a bit frustrated at Anet knowing its not their attention <3
(edited by Nannabie.6943)
If u knew how he’s so cute when he swimm
Worth to go in water just for this xD
Now I’m sad. How come Gwynefyrdd and Geodulf can swim, but my Wintersday puppy and fox disappear when I enter the water?
I hope you can look into this discrimination Monday too, Gaile!
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
How about letting us trade in 50 of those candy wrappers for the Mini Gwynefrydd? Not like they’re gonna be very useful after the Halloween events.
I think adding it for 100 Candy Corn Globs at the vendor would be a fair non RNG way to add it. Also a good Candy Corn sink, because I am running out of things to buy with Candy Corn.
I sincerely hope I don’t get this mini. I’d be seriously annoyed to get something obscenely rare that I have no interest in at all and can’t be traded.
Question for Gaile or any other ANET employee.
Is ANET aware that the drop rate is broken? Or does ANET think players are making it up?
If you are aware that its intended to be low are you aware that its lower than you think it is.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
Who ever thought up the RNG non tradable mini obviously did not think about the outcome.
I think everything in a game should be achievable, set goals.
I purchased a lottery ticket this morning, I have a better chance at winning 7 million then getting this mini.
I will be sitting on my private island still upset about my missing mini.
I love how Gaile justified the rarity by mentioning the Maize vials… people have shown us that even after opening 70 THOUSAND bags they still get no mini, a feat which at this time is still hard as the ToT bags are expensive. Farming ambient creatures this way in order to get the equivalent of bags would probably take longer than it would to just wait for next Halloween. So please explain how this is in anyway a justification?
(I my self have opened 20k and have found 4 endless tonics, and 2 Zuzu’s, nothing else worth mentioning)
Oh wait, not even 70, 82k* precursor drops are better than this.
(edited by Trepidation Lost.3469)
Okay this is bad like real bad. -_-
The Low RNG would be fine… If it was the same with every other mini. But why make this one so special. Of course people are not happy, especially collectors.
The account bound is out of place :
Either :
Low drop rate & tradable.
Account bound & buyable with special event money.
Account bound & high drop rate.
But not the account bound & absurd low drop rate.
Plus this mini is a reskin of goedulf with ghost effect.
I’m just barely 3k bags in, I’ve gotten enough corn & misc. Candies to buy everything I wanted… (Although zuzu was a drop). I’ve resorted to buying guildies the hex outfits because I can… I just want this mini, but this is just silly anet. At the very least you should put some of these in the raffle as a “consolation” prize even though it’s harder to get than the great saw ever was.
70k bags at 5s a pop = 3500g
Great saw before event was still worth <3000g
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
(edited by Dasenthal.6520)
How do you know they won’t remove the mini from tot bags at the end of the event.
Because you can still get Dragon’s Jade Claim Tickets out of Dragon Coffers today, if you buy those Coffers off the Trading Post. Dragon Bash was well over a year ago.
The only time the drop table for Trick or Treat bags will change is when next Hallowe’en rolls around, if they choose to alter the drops/rewards then. And even then they might simply add new drops without taking anything out.
Maize Balm might not generate a lot of extra bags once Hallowe’en is over, but it still exists, and it will still be creating new bags from ambients in Godslost Swamp or the mines outside Ebonhawke. And as the saying goes, where there are bags, there is hope.
I have to say that this mini was a pain to get, it took me 86k bags for one to drop.
Keep trying, you’ll get it eventually!
Or not, you could open millions and not get it.
Yeah or not. I have already invested 600g in bags I am not doing this anymore.
I will not be purchasing gems with real money anymore for the minis.
They need to realize so many people spent 50$ on gems to get the mini mr sparkles
To complete a collection.
If they want to continue the revenue stream with minis they need to have a fix for this.
I thought having to buy 70 mystery wintersday gifts to complete my year one wintersday mini collection was bad…
I’ve opened something like 12,000 bags now and no sign of this mini. This is ridiculously frustrating and infuriating.
Now, add owning multiple accounts to this crazy, ugg. Really annoying….. I really don’t know why the drop rate has to be this low? How does this benefit anyone?