Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Impale.2503


There are lots of reasons why the fractal thing is a bad comparison. For one the fractal thing, you can only get 1 fractal chest a day.

You claim you opened over 1 million bags.

Using your logic you should only complain about the fractal thing after you’ve opened 1 million daily fractal chests.

Your lack of logic, common sense and the density of your mind baffles me at every post.

Scroll up, read my posts and suggestions, maybe use Google translate, you seem to need it – no offense – but it feels like i’m talking to someone who doesn’t speak the same language there mate.

Using my logic, one of you lot should start a spreadsheet and record the Gwynefrydd drops vs the amount of bags opened.

Then if you want to compare it to fractals, you will have time after the patch is over when you only get one Maize Balm a day

I read what you said just fine. What is baffling is that you’re defending bad game design.

I guess you’re obligated to after supposedly opening 1mil+ bags.

And a spreadsheet isn’t needed because it’s impossible to verify peoples claims (like yours) of how many they actually opened for one.

And I don’t need to compare anything to fractals because I don’t care about fractals.

Then please proceed to cry some more, stomp your feet in a fit of rage and whatever else is appropriate.

Since your posts aren’t in my humble opinion productive, i shall ignore the noise from now on

Still wishing you good luck on your Gwynefrydd

I’m actually not crying out at all. Just pointing out glaring flaws in the logic being applied.

And I really couldn’t care less about the mini, too. But I have friends that do. Friends who don’t have the time or inclination to open 1million + bags.

Then i shall pray for their luck and if i ever get to a near mmo death experience again i will backhand slap Zommoros again in their names.

For the RNG!

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom – Guild Leader
The Rise – The Murder – The Gravity – The Ghostly

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nighthawk.4687


I am actually crying right now

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I don’t understand why this has become such a contentious topic. The debate over RNG rewards has been done to death time and again on this forum and the consensus always seems to be that it’s not a good system.

This is no different. As far as I’ve seen no one is asking to get this mini for free, or even to not have to farm for it. All we’re asking for is a definite end point.

It could be 250 candy cobs. It could be 250 candy cobs + 1000 of each of the other Halloween materials. It could be tradeable and sold for over 1000g. But it’s still a huge difference to the system we have now because you will eventually hit the goal. At the moment someone could farm bags all day, every day for a few years and still not get the mini because that’s how random drops work.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


I have now opened more than 1,000 bags, no Gwynefyrdd. However, I have a whole stack of toilet paper to dry my tears.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


As far as I’ve seen no one is asking to get this mini for free, or even to not have to farm for it.

Then I will. Because it’s Halloween, and we’ve been tricked enough this year. It’s time for a treat!

Heya, kind and caring devs. It’s Halloween! Ghosts and goblins! Spiders and snakes! All that good fluff. Why not give everybody this wonderful Halloween mini — for free? Just for logging in! Just to show that you care. And this Wintersday, hows about we lay off the grinding for the fun stuff — just for this one holiday? Celebrate the spirit of the season and all that? You’ll do that for us, won’t ya?


The table is a fable.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araleg.3152


Opened 2500 and got mine on the last 250 stack. Also opened a further 2500 to test my luck, but got nothing. RNG…

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


I would not be at all surprised if turns out that all who participate in the raffle and don’t win one of the weapons get a mini Gwynefyrrd as a consolation price. It’s rare and account bound. It having a lower drop rate being only rare compared with that of the endless tonic which is exotic and tradable is silly. Anet deliberately did this to procure a sink for ToT bags. I might be wrong, but I got a gut feeling about this.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Followedbyrocks.8751


I think I’m going insane. I opened some more bags last night, got a Gift of the Moon, and wasn’t even happy about it because it wasn’t the mini. Sold it on the TP and used the gold to buy more bags. I’m losing it I swear.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paradox.1380


Not Keeping the Text here because its sickening-Paradox

Woah now…. there’s enough of this happening for real. Lets NOT talk about this crap on here. That’s just very wrong and way uncalled for considering what happened on Friday here in the US.

-It’s Lady Paradox- Sweet Adrenaline
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EnlightenedNavigator.8296


Another question is, why the heck is this minipet accountbound… so unlucky people will open 1million bags and still not get it, while others may have useless seconds.

Its account bound? That really sucks. If people are opening thousands and not getting it, how the kitten are normal casual people supposed to get it?

It’s not for casuals. It’s for people who are willing to spend hours every day grinding in the labyrinth or who are willing to buy possibly a million ToT bags. Having Gwynefyrdd is not a sign of being a casual. It’s a sign that you worked your kitten off or spent a kitten ton of money. I’ve spent ages in the labyrinth and opened I don’t even know how many bags. If i get it, i want to be one of the few. Sorry, casuals, but sometimes there are things that you don’t get to have.

It’s made from scratch, so it holds more personal value.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Opened a couple thousand bags over the weekend…. no Gwynefrydd. So sad.

On the other hand, I had enough currency to buy all the other minis, the pail, and the hexed outfit.

I’m waving between buying more pails (easy 20 slot bag) or selling the cobs (since I get enough corn for 2 or 3 per farming run). Choices, choices…

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moon.7310


Another question is, why the heck is this minipet accountbound… so unlucky people will open 1million bags and still not get it, while others may have useless seconds.

Its account bound? That really sucks. If people are opening thousands and not getting it, how the kitten are normal casual people supposed to get it?

It’s not for casuals. It’s for people who are willing to spend hours every day grinding in the labyrinth or who are willing to buy possibly a million ToT bags. Having Gwynefyrdd is not a sign of being a casual. It’s a sign that you worked your kitten off or spent a kitten ton of money. I’ve spent ages in the labyrinth and opened I don’t even know how many bags. If i get it, i want to be one of the few. Sorry, casuals, but sometimes there are things that you don’t get to have.

If the minipet was to be found for certain after opening 1million bags I would agree with you. But since this is just based on random it has nothing to do with casual or working your but off… one of your so called casuasl can receive it in the first ToT bag he ever opens while someone else can farm 2million bags and still not get it… this is just random bullkitten.
At least if it would not be accountbound there would be one or two on the auction house which would also cost a kitten ton of money since the droprate is so low and everyone could decide for himself to farm the money and not rely on luck or hope the bags will hear your prayers.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

Joining late. Seeing people complaining about opening 10s to 100s of thousands of bags and not getting their mini.

You’re throwing shovelfuls of gold at this, and you think there’s a loot problem?

All y’all.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Impale.2503


Well the game has been out for two years now, they have always favored a heavy RNG based system for most of the “endgame” rewards, so it really is nothing new to me, it would be like starting to play Wildstar or any othe challenging raid based mmo and complaining not being able to finish the raids because they are too hard.

Its just the direction some games take for their endgame, and in this case yes i would rather have had my mini for 1000 Cobs, sure, but the point is if you put in the work you are pretty much guaranteed to get it over a long period of time/effort, while some people get really lucky and get it very quickly.

I’m fine with this system, but coming clean on the drop rates of items, the diminishing return systems and the way MF works and what it actually affects would make it more comprehensive and allow us to come up with more accurate strategies to get said rewards.


Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom – Guild Leader
The Rise – The Murder – The Gravity – The Ghostly

(edited by Impale.2503)

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


I don’t expect to ever see Gwynefyrdd…I just want the endless Bat tonic. I spent ALL day in the Labyrinth every day this weekend and have opened 500-1500 bags every day since release and I got a Mini Zuzu, recipe for the bat tonic and two food recipes. My total ToT bags farmed & opened is about 5300 so far. I’ve put off doing dungeons for this two week period in order to farm my own bags because I would like the mini and endless bat tonic, but at this rate I don’t see it happening. I’ve at least made the recipe for the gift of souls thanks to what I’ve gotten from the bags and even if I can’t find my own endless bat tonic I can farm the gold to buy one of those….the mini however is just stupid that it is account bound AND rare.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Well the game has been out for two years now, they have always favored a heavy RNG based system for most of the “endgame” rewards, so it really is nothing new to me, it would be like starting to play Wildstar or any othe challenging raid based mmo and complaining not being able to finish the raids because they are too hard.

Its just the direction some games take for their endgame, and in this case yes i would rather have had my mini for 1000 Cobs, sure, but the point is if you put in the work you are pretty much guaranteed to get it over a long period of time/effort, while some people get really lucky and get it very quickly.

I’m fine with this system, but coming clean on the drop rates of items, the diminishing return systems and the way MF works and what it actually affects would make it more comprehensive and allow us to come up with more accurate strategies to get said rewards.


What do festival rewards have to do with endgame and what is the similarity between complaining about hard content in another game and complaining about RNG in this one?

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Impale.2503


Well the game has been out for two years now, they have always favored a heavy RNG based system for most of the “endgame” rewards, so it really is nothing new to me, it would be like starting to play Wildstar or any othe challenging raid based mmo and complaining not being able to finish the raids because they are too hard.

Its just the direction some games take for their endgame, and in this case yes i would rather have had my mini for 1000 Cobs, sure, but the point is if you put in the work you are pretty much guaranteed to get it over a long period of time/effort, while some people get really lucky and get it very quickly.

I’m fine with this system, but coming clean on the drop rates of items, the diminishing return systems and the way MF works and what it actually affects would make it more comprehensive and allow us to come up with more accurate strategies to get said rewards.


What do festival rewards have to do with endgame and what is the similarity between complaining about hard content in another game and complaining about RNG in this one?

Still very hurt i see.

I love you tho

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom – Guild Leader
The Rise – The Murder – The Gravity – The Ghostly

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrITpro.7451


Usually open around 150 bags a day from farming got Gwynefyrdd today. Still havent got zuzu yet.


Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Well the game has been out for two years now, they have always favored a heavy RNG based system for most of the “endgame” rewards, so it really is nothing new to me, it would be like starting to play Wildstar or any othe challenging raid based mmo and complaining not being able to finish the raids because they are too hard.

Its just the direction some games take for their endgame, and in this case yes i would rather have had my mini for 1000 Cobs, sure, but the point is if you put in the work you are pretty much guaranteed to get it over a long period of time/effort, while some people get really lucky and get it very quickly.

I’m fine with this system, but coming clean on the drop rates of items, the diminishing return systems and the way MF works and what it actually affects would make it more comprehensive and allow us to come up with more accurate strategies to get said rewards.


What do festival rewards have to do with endgame and what is the similarity between complaining about hard content in another game and complaining about RNG in this one?

Still very hurt i see.

I love you tho

Very hurt? What do you mean by that?

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TurtleofPower.5641


The sad thing about content like this is there’s no point to it being a 3D desktop game.

It could be a slot machine, a browser game, whatever. It could be done with 3 cups and a ball by a street urchin and he’d give you the same odds. Whoopee doo.

Wish they used their enormous technological resource and tons of employees to do something a little more original.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megis.9264


If I wanted no chance to win anything, I’d buy a lottery ticket.

Best case scenario, you get half your money back.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Count me in the cool kids club, got mine just now after 5000 ToT bags.

Snow Crows [SC]

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Impale.2503


Count me in the cool kids club, got mine just now after 5000 ToT bags.

I welcome you brother, the mini fridge is over there.

Have a beer.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom – Guild Leader
The Rise – The Murder – The Gravity – The Ghostly

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Usually open around 150 bags a day from farming got Gwynefyrdd today. Still havent got zuzu yet.

And this is why having it accound bound is terrible. Some people open several 10k of bags and get none and other people open a few times 150 and get it.
Heavy RNG stuff should not be account bound

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Can’t wait for it to turn non account bound and sell for 2 k gold.

Snow Crows [SC]

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megis.9264


Don’t mind them, at this point they’re just being trolls.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

I am only saying the minipet is dropping, its a rare drop and I am happy and proud of owning one of these. To me seems intended.

Snow Crows [SC]

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megis.9264


Having a Mini Liadri you can take pride in.
This is just luck, tons and tons of luck.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akuni.8604


Having a Mini Liadri you can take pride in.
This is just luck, tons and tons of luck.

I agree. With Liadri you had to do something and no matter what, RNG played no role at all. Pattern was always the same, time stayed the same – You name it.

No matter how easy you paint Liadri to be, THAT was the right definition of gating content. Not hiding it behind a freaking sub-precoursor percentage.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UncrushablePigeon.8760


No more response from Anet I see. Sad.

Opened more tot bags today, still no Gwyn haven’t even seen a Zuzu or that thing you need to start the collection. From all the tot bags I’ve opened this Halloween I’ve gotten nothing special so I dread the Gwyn drop rate even more.

(edited by UncrushablePigeon.8760)

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


You can get the Old Pillowcase for under 5 silver on the TP. That doesn’t mean the mini shouldn’t be somewhat more obtainable but please don’t miss out on the collection because you were waiting for the Pillowcase to drop.

A kind person at the Pink Day event gave me one and I had the whole collection done a few minutes later thanks to having the various consumables already on hand (or craftable with my Chef). That gift was when I realized it was a) tradeable and b) selling as cheaply as you’d expect some old cloth scrap to go for at a thrift shop

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: papry.8096


Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


Pro tip. Take a break. I skipped a day of play and got an Endless Bat Tonic from a single stack of ToTs after just a few minutes upon my return. Deminishing returns is bound to kick in. Whether your farming the laberynt or just standing around in LA opening bags all day.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nighthawk.4687


Cause diminishing returns affects what comes out of bags….

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paradox.1380


Pro tip. Take a break. I skipped a day of play and got an Endless Bat Tonic from a single stack of ToTs after just a few minutes upon my return. Deminishing returns is bound to kick in. Whether your farming the laberynt or just standing around in LA opening bags all day.

Bags do not trigger Dimishing Returns.

-It’s Lady Paradox- Sweet Adrenaline
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megis.9264


DR for bags would be terrible, even by Anet’s standards, why punish those that are already getting nerve and muscle damage from clicking in place of hours?

Not that it matters, you can’t DR that which gets no loot, anyway.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Pro tip. Take a break. I skipped a day of play and got an Endless Bat Tonic from a single stack of ToTs after just a few minutes upon my return. Deminishing returns is bound to kick in. Whether your farming the laberynt or just standing around in LA opening bags all day.

Bags do not trigger Dimishing Returns.

It only appears to be DR to some players, because the more they click, the more their brains tell them they should have gotten something good by now.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


So far I’ve opened 5000/50,000 bags. Nearing the 5000th bag I got ONE Zuzu.

People weren’t joking when it physically hurts to click so much.. uhg. I’ll be opening them in lots (5k at a time) but it’ll be over the process of a few days as I’m working quite a lot this week.

Hoping to snag a Gwynefyrdd… heck, how do you even pronounce that word? Haha.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


A lot of people don’t realise how specific the diminishing returns system actually is. (Same with magic find.) It doesn’t help that some people use the same name to refer to everything from world boss and dungeon chests being limited to one per day to items losing value on the TP over time.

The actual diminishing returns system can affect your ability to farm ToT bags, but only in that it might stop them dropping. I think I hit it for the first time on Saturday when I was in the Labyrinth for about 4 hours straight and finally left because I had a long run of nothing but grey items (junk) and blues. I moved around a few different maps and then went back and it was back to normal.

But it doesn’t affect opening bags, even if you’re opening hundreds or thousands at once. It also doesn’t affect other areas of the game like salvaging or gathering.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trepidation Lost.3469

Trepidation Lost.3469

Close to 30,000 bags now and no mini ghost wolf. 5 zuzu’s 3 endless tonics, 36 charged quarts, 2,700 scarecrow finishers, 2,500 mad king finishers.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megis.9264


And all this for what’s not even a reskin of an already existing mini, but just a transparency layer and a tiny bit of fog particle effects.

Good going, Anet, real original.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TPMN.1483


I feel for you all and the RNG.

Opened about 4-5 stacks in total (3000 Max !) ~1 stack per day..
Got that mini ghost dog yesterday [was leading a mad lab with guildies]
And… (I know you will hate me)
Got another mini ghost dog today (Gwynefrydd)- when opening the first 50 bags and a endless tonic.

Nothing else interesting to report (Was running about 320% MF with buffs)

I think this is a classic example of clustering of RNG (a definite outlier result).
The problem is I think RNG tends to cluster on individuals sometimes (I do not have a lucky account that’s for sure with drops/MF luck).

I really wish that I could give it away to a guildie who doesn’t have it tbh.

I wish you all the best in your RNG god luck in finding this awesome little pet.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paradox.1380


Pro tip. Take a break. I skipped a day of play and got an Endless Bat Tonic from a single stack of ToTs after just a few minutes upon my return. Deminishing returns is bound to kick in. Whether your farming the laberynt or just standing around in LA opening bags all day.

Bags do not trigger Dimishing Returns.

It only appears to be DR to some players, because the more they click, the more their brains tell them they should have gotten something good by now.

Taking a break for personal mental doubt reasons is another thing entirely. And yes if you feel upset and "grr’ after opening a ton of bags and getting nothing. Do take a break it will recharge you. The mental fatigue when you really want something is part of how Gambling Addicts have trouble not spending all their money. =/

-It’s Lady Paradox- Sweet Adrenaline
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


It’s not for casuals. It’s for people who are willing to spend hours every day grinding in the labyrinth or who are willing to buy possibly a million ToT bags. Having Gwynefyrdd is not a sign of being a casual. It’s a sign that you worked your kitten off or spent a kitten ton of money. I’ve spent ages in the labyrinth and opened I don’t even know how many bags. If i get it, i want to be one of the few. Sorry, casuals, but sometimes there are things that you don’t get to have.

I believe, given the fact that some posters have said they’ve gotten it in under 500 bags kind of disproves this argument.

But, if the bags stick around all year, if the market is full, I suppose . . . eventually . . . one could attain the mini well beyond Halloween.

Gone to Reddit.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megis.9264


You do realize how much the price of that crap is gonna skyrocket the moment not every other mob in the game drops it, anymore, right? You might as well add ‘Farm for gold to buy ToT bags’ to your retirement plan.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlisteningDragon.3975


Still no update from ANet on if they are going to improve the drop rate.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Pity it can’t be traded. I’m sure there must be some people who’ve gotten one (or more!) and don’t want it because they don’t collect/like miniatures.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZilentNight.5089


Obnoxious drop rate…just opened 4k bags and no Gwynefyrdd. basically everything I had farmed since start, guess I will have to start buying bags tomo =/

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: My Sweet Lily.1952

My Sweet Lily.1952

Got mine after 5050 ToT bags and I’m super happy! ^^
Sold everything that came out of the bags (including 2 Zuzus and 1 Endless Halloween tonic) and in the end the mini cost me roughly 50g. Even got my MF go up by 10.

Nymeriali #Druid
[TLA] Desolation (EU)

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


It’s obvious that this is yet another gold sink for the gullible, Myself included, I’ve blown 700g trying to get one of these cool mini’s, The droprate has to be atleast 0.0001% which is lower than a precursor dropping, If you have a spare 6600g and want to try your luck go for it otherwise i’d just recommend waiting until next year when they probably make it purchasable for 1000 cobs, 250 wrappers or something.

#Gambling Wars 2

you mean when they make it purchasable for 3 cobs and thin everyone is happy with that then….

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