Happy With Your Characters?
Yea, i like my necro because he as an Asura with incinerator. Amazing weapon and the best race!
I currently have three main characters that I play on, but I am only really happy with two of them – the charr and the asura.
The third one is a norn and the only reason I chose norn was to get the cultural armour and be able to transform into a bearman.
I should never have chosen norn, I just can’t stand playing a human but the cultural armour and their way of living was simply too entising.
If we could change race I would instantly change it to either a charr or asura.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
(edited by Naus the Gobbo.5172)
i have three 80s but all human.
I really wanna make a Warrior norn with Biggest size >>
Its so big and look like a boss lol
Generally I take hours in character creation making he perfect character. I start by deciding the lore behind them, or what their purpose is in Tyria, then build off of that archetype. Personality plays a big role in the way I create a character. An old grumpy charr? Check. Noble human lady? Check. Inquest Asura? Check. Charr commander? Check. Bandit lady? Check.
Those are just the basis, and back on GW2G years prior to launch I wrote guides on naming your character according to race and lore.
Call me a lore junkie, but that’s how I am.
Call me shallow, but I like my characters to look hot. All of my characters are human females with the must curvy body type. I am quite happy with them
That said, I’ve tried on multiple occasions to create other races. I had a male Asuran ele to 47, male Charr Thief to 7, female Sylvari necro to 5, female Sylvari ranger to 5 etc.. I just didn’t like any of their appearances and deleted them quite quickly. In the case of my asuran ele, it was sad, because it was my first char that I started in the 3-day head start.
My main (Human Guardian) is starting to shape up the way I envisioned. Since he’s the descendant of my GW1 character I wanted some similarities. His face and build looks alike, almost as if the looks of someone are passed down certain generations.
His armor doesn’t look like the Templar armor of old, the Heritage stuff just doesn’t do well for me, but the Lionguard style really does give him some personality.
My secondary (Sylvari Ranger) at first looked “off” with human clothing. After mixing and matching cultural armor and hiding the helmet he is shaping up somewhat to how I wanted him. I do need to collect more plant based weapons though so he will be complete.
The other six aren’t shaping up at the moment because I haven’t focused too much on them. The exception being my Charr Engineer. Oh thank you ANet for Aether armor. That was exactly what I needed and I happily threw gems at them for it.
Out of all of them two are probably the most in trouble of just not “being right”. One is my Necro Norn and the other Sylvari Elementalist. The Norn just doesn’t look good in the armor that is listed in the 40+ level and other ones I can craft have the most stupid looking masks. I feel bad I lost his skull face from the beginning, because I should have kept it. ANet LET ME CRAFT FACE PAINT! (earlier I said masks, but that’s a bit misleading to what I want.)
My Elementalist isn’t shaping up because the armor for them doesn’t have enough flow. I might go with Devout and Caudecus’ Manor style for the majority of it since that gives me a Monk-style I can enjoy. I wanted him to have loose flowing robes like an Airbender (yeah I watched my DVDs when I started constructing him). I don’t want tight clothing on him because, to me at least, that works better on a thief than a free spirited Sylvari who is learning and playing with the elements.
(edited by Atlas.9704)
I guess I have some off-the-wall criteria.
I deleted my only Charr after getting the racial story achievements, and am likely to do the same to my only Asura (L9 atm). I just don’t like the way those races look.
I’ve deleted a 72 Norn Guardian because the profession doesn’t have a passive speed boost. I don’t like the “slow-motion” look of their run animation and cba to use Retreat + staff. I don’t want to change skills and weapons before every fight and fighting with staff is almost as fun as watching paint peel. I’ve considered deleting an 80 Norn Mesmer but it is my 400 tailor, so I just leave it in LA.
I don’t like using full armor sets. All my characters of mid and higher levels are using mix n’ match sets. This can be problematic at times because so many pieces from set A don’t match up with set B all that well.
All characters have to have a different look. In addition to armor, I don’t like repeating face choices, hairstyle choices, Norn tattoos, etc.
And I don’t use brown hair at all. Nature has gifted me (along with an awful lot of other people) with brown hair so none of my characters will have it.
I feel like they aren’t too many choices for character appearance, I wish it was more like aion, but with more restrictions to prevent deformed toons.
With that said, I currently have a level 80 charr guardian and I hate the way it looks. I am seriously considering deleting the character and reroll it as a human female guardian, but i am not sure yet.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Arrrgh I just typed a paragraph on each alt and when I went to post it THAT was when the forum decided to make me re-log in. BAH.
Short form: I enjoy most of my characters a lot between fun PvE skills and interesting RP. I least enjoy my Norn Engi, Norn Ranger, and Charr Ele, between not enjoying the race as much and not liking the profession mechanics.
I am very picky about my characters and they will never get anywhere if something about them bugs me- I am remorseless with the delete button.
I am currently on my 3rd Ele because I just couldn’t do it on my first two.
Both of those were human.
The first one got the ax because she was so darn wet, she had a fierce name and it annoyed me to no end.
I remade her and in a late night moment of idiocy and bitterness named her Fainting Maiden and made her as small and blonde as I could- she looked like 6 year old.
I felt bad and bought a makeover kit for her and made her into an actual person but then she was stuck with that name. .
So…. eventually I deleted her at 59 even though she was my 400 artificer and 400 chef.
I am now on my 3rd Ele- a Sylvari this time with the same name as the first one and for some reason it just comes together and now I love her.
I made a norn Ranger at launch- delete at lvl4.
Made a Sylvari much later- she is now 80 and she rocks really hard and I am a little in love with her.
Made an asura Engi at launch- deleted at lvl6.
remade as a human Engi later, she was my second 80 and she is amazing.
My main character is a human Mesmer I made in BWE2 and remade when the game launched- she was always perfect
My thief is now on her third incarnation and she is still not doing it for me.
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
I have 5 main toons. All races covered I like them all and really wouldn’t change much. My Sylvari Female Ele and Human Female Thief both need to be adjusted in height…I made them super tiny
but other than that I’m happy with them.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
I’m pretty satisfied with my human necromancer, although I couldn’t give her the same hair style as in GW1, which is a pity. It took a while to find some attire that fits a necromancer, and doesn’t look too skimpy or sexist. I hope we eventually get some more of the GW1 hairstyles and faces back. I really like the cowl though. It makes me look like a Disney villain.
I haven’t settled on the look of my weapons yet. There’s not that many good necromancer weapons in the game. And the few ones that are decent, are too common to be special. The legendaries all look too absurd, and do not fit a necromancer in the slightest. So I’ll hold of with crafting one, till they come with some better options.
On the whole I’m happy with my character. But not so happy with the way the class itself is being treated or “balanced”. It doesn’t seem like Anet has a very clear vision of how a necromancer fits into the PVE aspect of the game. And Guardian is clearly the pet favorite of the developers, which is a shame. Necros need more love!
8 80s, 1 54. 6 Norn, 3 human. All Female.
My Norn are the biggest reason I play GW2. I loved Jora, loved the Norn Story, it is, by far, the reason I play this.
My norn remain as made at Char Creation, no tattoos, very nordic, more tanned than Jora and a bit shorter. One Fair Skinned. No Eir hair, most have the simple braids, for me, the most practical and what I did with my hair over a lifetime of outdoor activities. Im happy with them. They wear mostly Cultural Norn Armor mixed with Vigil, no bells, whistles, or shiny effects. Weaponry is the same, simple effective skins, not large, and no particle effects. Not much I want to add or change. I adore my Norn girls, more than any other chars in any games, of any race. I could not be happier.
Humans.. eh, they get the makeovers. Over and Over. I just get a bit tired of the 17 year old looks, but try as I may, I cannot get a human where I’m totally happy or comfortable with them. Two are very Elonian, just to be a ‘bit’ different than the pack.
Silvari never made it past char creation. The Pod People thing was just..too jarring for me. The glow stuff was as well. I see them from a distance and want to make one, but up close.. I can’t.
Ive made two asuran and deleted. Camera stuff mainly, not comfortable with them, and “cute” got very old very fast.
Charr were never a consideration. Ever. I remember what you did. Oh yes.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
It takes me forever to hit the final button on create a character. So I am generally happy and never wanted to change any of my toons.
Norn’s are by far my favorite race due to their nature and culture. Guardian is my main class because of what he can bring anything you need to any fight support, dps, tank truly a jack of all trades. Spent over a thousand hours on him and still not tired of him yet. A good guardian should be able to hold the weight of any team on his back given the right build / play style.
I do have 3 other level 80’s a thief, warrior, and mesmer. They all have their perks but they don’t sway me to make them my main. This is coming from a person who mainly plays pve so take it as you may.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
I love all my characters.
My main is a Charr Warrior, as big as I could get him with a fierce look. He has a broken/barbaric armor set and a “heavy” armor set. Wields the Juggernaut and Volcanus
Thief is probably my second favorite, just gave her an armor redesign. She has a don’t mess with me look. Wields a Ceremonial Sabre and Usoku’s Needle for a Katana/Sai look. She’s Human
My Engineer is my other Charr, a little bit smaller but still big. I got him Riveted armor, I think it’s called for all the bones on it, and he uses a Godskull Rifle though is usually using a Bomb Kit. Has a good Charr Engineer look to him
I used the Total Makeover Kit from the 5K Point chest to give my Ele a makeover, started to feel like she didn’t look unique before and rather bland. She has tier 1 Asura armor minus the helmet, and I colored each of the glowie parts with one of the attunement colors. She has a Zenith S/D
My Norn Guardian is named after and looks like Titania from Fire Emblem. She uses the Guild Hammer because it looks most like an Axe, which Titania uses in the game. She didn’t originally look like her or have the name but changing all that made me like her more.
My other Human is a Mesmer, named and modeled after Ilyana from the Fire Emblem game series. Which is one of the things that made me even try Mesmer because I had a deep personal hate for them from the original Guild Wars, but I enjoy them in this game. She has an Aurete Blade and one of the book foci to resemble the Tomes from Fire Emblem
My Ranger and Necro are kind of tied on how much I like the class. My Ranger is a Sylvari using a mixture of tier 1 and 2 cultural armor with a Noble headpiece, gives her a good hunter/one with nature look, she has a Dryad Bow and will have a Tribal Axe/Troch eventually.
Necro is my other Asura, I got a good dark looking face for her, with black “splotches” around her eyes which are a pale green. She uses Bone armor and a Winged head piece to cover one eye to give her a good mysterious look. She uses Godskull weapons to further go with the bone theme
I love my Sylvari Mesmer. I spent a lot of time during the bwe’s in sylvari character creation and figured out just what I liked. She’s now got a mix of cultural armors and a warden staff and I think she looks great. I also love her in the wvw “wizard’s” armor. I also like my Norn Ele, she’s a fierce red head who always looks like she’s about to bite your head off. She wears the whispers light armor to show off her shoulder and calf tattoos.
Yes and no. I think I’m like you in that I’m very particular in my character’s appearance and name selection. Each character is their own unique ‘person’ and thus the same thing doesn’t necessarily fit their ‘style.’
All but 2 of my current characters are human, mainly because I find it impossible to find armor and/or a look that I like for the other races. I had a cute little asura mes, but since there was no armor that ‘suited’ her, I rerolled her as a human. My Sylvari may soon meet the same fate, since the general facial and hair options just are kind of bleh.
Beyond that, I think I am currently content with my characters. I have armor selections lined up for my ele, necro, mes, ranger, and thief (spent hours at the pvp locker working through combinations) and the look/feel/name seems to suit them appropriately. I may opt for a makeover kit for one of them (all the humans use the same face I’ve noted), but not sure at this point.
I figure at the rate I’m going, I will have a human of every profession, and then eventually will make duplicates of my favorite professions in the other races to experience their storylines.
Since I was aware of the game prior to release I had significant time to think of names for each profession. So I’m happy with all of their names.
I’ve got them outfitted in the armor that I like the best, but there are not a lot of armors that I like.
The character I like least is my Norn thief. I don’t like the slo mo running, and I haven’t come up with a build yet that I can play well. I want her to be dual pistols & bow so she still needs some work.
The characters I like the most are my sylvari ranger, asura Mesmer and human necro.
So overall I’m pretty happy with my characters.
(edited by Lynne.8416)
8 80s, 1 54. 6 Norn, 3 human. All Female.
My Norn are the biggest reason I play GW2. I loved Jora, loved the Norn Story, it is, by far, the reason I play this.My norn remain as made at Char Creation, no tattoos, very nordic, more tanned than Jora and a bit shorter. One Fair Skinned. No Eir hair, most have the simple braids, for me, the most practical and what I did with my hair over a lifetime of outdoor activities. Im happy with them. They wear mostly Cultural Norn Armor mixed with Vigil, no bells, whistles, or shiny effects. Weaponry is the same, simple effective skins, not large, and no particle effects. Not much I want to add or change. I adore my Norn girls, more than any other chars in any games, of any race. I could not be happier.
Very nice
Out of all of them two are probably the most in trouble of just not “being right”. One is my Necro Norn and the other Sylvari Elementalist. The Norn just doesn’t look good in the armor that is listed in the 40+ level and other ones I can craft have the most stupid looking masks. I feel bad I lost his skull face from the beginning, because I should have kept it. ANet LET ME CRAFT FACE PAINT! (earlier I said masks, but that’s a bit misleading to what I want.).
Don’t know if anyone has mentioned it, but there’s a method u can get back ur starter gear. I did it for my ele eye pce.
U need an empty char slot. Start a new necro and choose the mask u want. On TP look for a low lvl plain white mask and transmute the starter item onto it with a basic transmute stone. This process makes it acct bound and then u can give it to any of ur chars.
If ur necro is lvl 80 and u have a lvl 75-80 exotic head pce u have to use Transmutation Crystal (the old fine transmute stone) to be able to transmute it onto it.
Hope that helps.
My human was shorter than usual. At release I thought it was cool to be that tiny guy with an epic greatsword, hacking and slashing.
But standing next to a normal-sized female human made me inadequate and insecure, so I had to readjust my size :|
I also removed my mustache because it didn’t quite make me look epic. Now I have a bundled ponytail.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I really like my female Sylvari Ranger. With a mix between armor and dyes the whole appearance blends together great for the character. However I got bored with the play style and she has only been taken off the shelf for boss events the last few weeks.
My newest character a male Charr Mesmer has been my latest favorite. He has gone through a couple of name changes and probably another one today. I have him to L40 now and was looking forward to that since people often say that is when Mesmer shines. I’m on the fence on that so far. I’m not happy with DPS so far even though I’ve tweeked a lot of things. Also I finally gave in and had to let him use a greatsword. I was trying to avoid that because of the noise it makes.
I’ve created and deleted several Norns. I just can’t stand how slow they appear to be moving. I can never seem to get them to look the way I want either.
I’ve tried to make Azura characters but I just can’t stand to watch them run. During a few Snactum Sprints I ended up playing against all Azura characters and I wanted to rip my face off. Don’t worry I didn’t. Nothing against all you Azura players out there but it seems a large number of people playing Azura either like to RP as annoying and obnoxious or they are just that way in real life.
I have a Guardian that I only keep as a crafting alt because he is L400 in weapon smith and armor smith. He was my first character that I selected for learning the game as it was suggested to me by others. He’s just too boring and slow as well when it comes to general travel. I don’t like to have to equip certain weapons and put points in stats just to be able to travel faster when it isn’t even up 100% of the time.
I have alts across all professions but those are the ones that have gotten most of my attention so far. I get bored easily with the mechanics of each profession so I enjoy switching around regulatory.
I’m not completely happy with my character, Mockingbird yet. I still have to find the best hairdo for her, I just feel like the ones we have now doesn’t capture the character that I have in my head. I am happy though that they’re releasing a pretty feather-themed costume soon for her.. I can finally replace the Maleficent costume set I mix-n-matched for her. That phoenix light armor set is so appropriate for the name Mockingbird. I’m kinda having second thoughts though whether I should transmute the maleficent armor set, because she gets a lot of attention for it, that it was made a cover profile photo by a guild wars 2 fan facebook page once, and that people ask to get my photo taken haha.
I spend so much time and gold on my character. If you look at my gem store history, I’ve bought a LOT of transmutation stones and total/hairstyle makeover kits. A LOT. Some people spend gold on legendaries, I spend it on customization. XD
I also made a sylvari alt, although I’d much rather play humans, because of their t3 heavy cultural headgear. I didn’t mean to spend so much gold on her, but ended up buying a lot of really expensive weapon skins/dyes and using the radiant armor parts on her because it fits really well. I’ve had a lot of people compliment me on how I styled her too so I guess the cost is worth it.
My only real issue right now is that there aren’t a lot of backpieces that do not clip badly with the arah female light armor chestpiece. T_T
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
Confirmed altaholic, with 2 of each class and an extra warrior to spare. And I agree with several that have posted; each of them is unique, has a distinct personality, look, playstyle, etc. And I won’t mix and match, meaning that my staff ele wouldn’t even consider using anything but, my longbow ranger wouldn’t touch a shortbow, etc. I would love it even more if, like in City of Heroes (RIP), there was the option to include the char’s backstory within the char profile. I always found that to be the most time-consuming aspect of the char process in CoH.
All that being said, I’m looking forward to the possibility of all weapons becoming unlocked for all chars for an even greater degree of variety because hell, chars change over time … maybe the GS warrior gets tired of lugging the thing all over Tyria and decides to go dag/dag, maybe the rifle engi that winds up toting the flamethrower most of the time goes with an axe in each hand … lots of possibilities there …
And I have still have two empty char slots just waiting for the when (won’t say if) the first new race/class is released …
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK
(edited by mojowalker.3798)
I haven’t been able to connect with any of the characters I’ve made so far. It might be that I really dislike the storytelling in this game, so really haven’t been able to immerse myself into my characters.
NO, i just wish anet implement a way to change race, im tired of my asura elementalist, i wish i could make him human. Asura is a waste of time to try get a good looking armor, everything including weapons is just a tiny toy version of real men weapons. I jsut trow away my 3 months of non stopping FOTM farm to get fractal back and is look crap in this stupid asura.
But i learn my lesson and all my characters ares human But my Ranger that is Silvary, which i want to become human too.
All that being said, I’m looking forward to the possibility of all weapons becoming unlocked for all chars for an even greater degree of variety because hell, chars change over time … maybe the GS warrior gets tired of lugging the thing all over Tyria and decides to go dag/dag, maybe the rifle engi that winds up toting the flamethrower most of the time goes with an axe in each hand … lots of possibilities there …
OMG I so agree. I desperately want The Dreamer for my mesmer.. Please Anet make it happen! I grinded to hell trying to get all the legendaries I want (Twilight, Bolt, Minstrel, and Quip very soon), and I would happily do so again for The Dreamer!
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Hammer mesmer for the win.
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK
Hammer mesmer for the win.
I will qq if they release hammer before shortbow for mesmers!
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
I have a warrior. It’s good, but as I got deeper and deeper into this class I really started to think I should’ve chosen a guardian instead. Warrior is good for me, but i like the way the guard plays more. I don’t want to reroll, I have much effort in it and with these 2 week living stories I would miss out much. Not to mention acquiring gear and everything. So he stays as my main.(until a wonder which brings us a class change, don’t think that’s going to happen soon or at all.)
yes and no
i love my thief, but there is literally one armor set in the game that i enjoy on him and that’s charr tier 2 cultural, everything else looks horrible to me and ridiculously stretched out
on my asura guardian i’ve realized that the ears i picked (which are my favorite ears for asura male) have some strange sharp edges where the tragus should be, once again i only really like the cultural armor on my asura
it feels like both and asura and charr got the short end of the stick when it comes to armor, which is sad since those are my two favorite races
i have a norn engineer that i leveled to 80 with crafting because i played an engineer for so long in spvp (a charr, that i chose not to level because of the lack of good armors, even though charr have superior engineer animations) but now i rarely log on that character because i can’t stand the animations at all, like i love how the character looks but besides that it’s just an eyesore
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer
The combination of name, race, profession and look all have to match for me to be satisfied.
This is the way it works for me as well.
Happy with my characters ? So so I guess. I focus on one main, a ranger in this case, and cannot say that I am particularly delighted that long coats/trench coats are the primary skin for medium armor. I am a little disappointed that some of the GW1 hairstyles did not make it to GW2. Its not possible to create the appearance I wanted for my main in GW2 (though it was possible in GW1) so there will continue to be occasional misgivings.
Don’t know if anyone has mentioned it, but there’s a method u can get back ur starter gear. I did it for my ele eye pce.
U need an empty char slot. Start a new necro and choose the mask u want. On TP look for a low lvl plain white mask and transmute the starter item onto it with a basic transmute stone. This process makes it acct bound and then u can give it to any of ur chars.
If ur necro is lvl 80 and u have a lvl 75-80 exotic head pce u have to use Transmutation Crystal (the old fine transmute stone) to be able to transmute it onto it.
Hope that helps.
I’ve seen the steps, but I’m not going to delete a character and then make up a disposable one just for that. The time and money (gems or gold) just aren’t worth the cost.
Though thanks for the contribution, but the way I see it if ANet is willing to sell low level weapons and armor, give GW1 vets access to skins that remind us somewhat of older armor designs, then why not give us starter skin packs to buy with in game gold?
Bah, its minor frustrations with an otherwise fun game. I’m not letting it kill my imagination with my Necro.
I don’t know if I’m happy or sad about my character , the only reason I’m playing my cute Asura right now is because she gots all three unlimited harvesting tools , three crafting professions maxed and she has money poured into her . Now if they do a race change in the gem shop or sell all three unlimited harvesting tool again , I could finally make another character that I could love .
I had three level 80’s, found things I didn’t like, deleted them all and leveled each profession back to 80 with everything to my likings.
Regarding the Newbie headgears and other uniques.. I had not a clue, when I first created, that my choice would give me unique bits of armor, nor did I know that if deleted, it was not replaceable.
They could stick in a very simple quest, in the new player zone, close to start point. Call it “Crafting for the Novice and Absentminded”
Hello young Hero, or.. Old hero as it may be. In case you find yourself intrigued by the fine art of crafting, or, like many, have misplaced a certain family heirloom, I have just the solution. I have.. a few recipes that may be of service.. for a paltry bit of coin and a bit of service. I need wood, to make parchment for my recipe books. Fetch me X logs, a bit of silver, and Ill give you some one of a kind recipes.
Reward could be recipes for the starter unique armors, soul or acct bound, entry level crafting req. One time per char by profession. I dunno. Or all lights, all meds, all heavies, choose one type.
Has to be a better way to get these restored than by creating/wiping characters.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I’m starting to feel some sympathy for the people who want a race change. I’ve been wishing I made a Norn necro rather than a Sylvari one now that I’ve seen the necro face mask on the Norn. The same face mask on the Sylvari just puts a faint coloration around the eyes.
Regarding the Newbie headgears and other uniques.. I had not a clue, when I first created, that my choice would give me unique bits of armor, nor did I know that if deleted, it was not replaceable.
They could stick in a very simple quest, in the new player zone, close to start point. Call it “Crafting for the Novice and Absentminded”
Hello young Hero, or.. Old hero as it may be. In case you find yourself intrigued by the fine art of crafting, or, like many, have misplaced a certain family heirloom, I have just the solution. I have.. a few recipes that may be of service.. for a paltry bit of coin and a bit of service. I need wood, to make parchment for my recipe books. Fetch me X logs, a bit of silver, and Ill give you some one of a kind recipes.
Reward could be recipes for the starter unique armors, soul or acct bound, entry level crafting req. One time per char by profession. I dunno. Or all lights, all meds, all heavies, choose one type.
Has to be a better way to get these restored than by creating/wiping characters.
It is replaceable. Make a new character with the headpiece you want, buy a white item and transmute it, the item will change from soulbound to accountbound and you can switch it between characters through the bank. Just did it myself the other day. And no, it is not considered an exploit, me and another guy contacted a mod about it some time ago to make sure, though it was not intended and may be ‘fixed’ someday.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Don’t know if anyone has mentioned it, but there’s a method u can get back ur starter gear. I did it for my ele eye pce.
U need an empty char slot. Start a new necro and choose the mask u want. On TP look for a low lvl plain white mask and transmute the starter item onto it with a basic transmute stone. This process makes it acct bound and then u can give it to any of ur chars.
If ur necro is lvl 80 and u have a lvl 75-80 exotic head pce u have to use Transmutation Crystal (the old fine transmute stone) to be able to transmute it onto it.
Hope that helps.
CheersI’ve seen the steps, but I’m not going to delete a character and then make up a disposable one just for that. The time and money (gems or gold) just aren’t worth the cost.
Though thanks for the contribution, but the way I see it if ANet is willing to sell low level weapons and armor, give GW1 vets access to skins that remind us somewhat of older armor designs, then why not give us starter skin packs to buy with in game gold?
Bah, its minor frustrations with an otherwise fun game. I’m not letting it kill my imagination with my Necro.
I wasn’t suggesting u delete any of ur chars, goodness no, i never do that lol, well it depends what lvl they are. I was merely thinking if u have a spare char slot as i did, or intend to get one then do that process b4 u lvl ur new char.
And just to show you my ele’s eye, here’s a pic, it’s very reminiscent of gw1 ele’s eye and that’s why i wanted it. Only gw1 was even better as it had the relevant elemental aura (ie: red for fire, blue for water etc) circling the head.
When the game first came out I managed to get 3 highly desirable, short, 1 word names before my top selections started being taken.
I know this was intended to be a thread from the visual angle, but I am more pleased with the naming because no one else can have them in the entirety of north america, while there is truly no such thing as a unique look.
If there ever is a gw3 and they do the same thing they did with gw1 → 2 as far as naming reservation goes, I’ll be set for names for the rest of my time in the guild wars franchise.
Not really. The hair choices are terrible (specifically, men) and I couldn’t choose the right body type for my guardian. I had to choose between either having chest hair and being only kind of large or being the biggest size and having no chest hair, which irks me because my guard is supposed to be huge AND have fistfuls of chest hair.
The only character I’m mildly happy about is my necro with the addition of the karka shell, I am sad I could not get lucky enough to find a sclerite weapon to give her a complete look though.
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
For the most part. The face I wanted most on my Sylvari has problems with the eyes going wonky if you change the pupil size (default size is very small), but I’m used to them now. Wouldn’t mind some new hairstyles though, or removing some of the ‘random’ highlight colours on Sylvari hair and skin that can’t be changed (eg green edges on a red/orange/yellow ponytail).
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law
Wow what a nice thread to come back to. And everyone is playing so nice! lol
I forgot to mention, the only characters I mess around with a bit, name wise, are things like storage characters.
Like I have a character that’s the biggest norn I could make for storage called Strongbak Weakmynd….that sort of thing. I don’t really care much about mules.
My other characters, however, are shaping up very nice.
I just got a new staff skin for my really really conceited Asura mesmer The Great Imagio. He won’t join inquest because those idiots aren’t smart enough for him.
I have two Female Charrs… One Rangr (my main) and one Guardian. Lorewise they are sisters. Both White and the same height and eyecolor, but with different faces and horns. Now after a while their “personality” have started to shape… I still wish for more face/hair/horn options to get the look of them really spot on. Despite being so similar they still look very different.
The Ranger has a mixed armour (T3 cultural mixed with other things) and my Guardian has a full set of Aetherblade armour…
Very unhappy with my main. I made a Warrior like I had in Guild Wars 1 and they are jokes in Guild Wars 2. I can not go into sPvP and be taken seriously because they are out shined by every other profession. If I had not wasted 2000+ hours waiting with hope that it would be fixed I would have re-rolled a long time ago.
Meanwhile, I can log on my Thief/Mesmer and easily roll face in sPvP. Who knows, if I knew at the time of purchase what I do now about the game; I most likely would not have bought it.
Look wise, I like it. Profession wise, I despise it.
Very unhappy with my main. I made a Warrior like I had in Guild Wars 1 and they are jokes in Guild Wars 2. I can not go into sPvP and be taken seriously because they are out shined by every other profession. If I had not wasted 2000+ hours waiting with hope that it would be fixed I would have re-rolled a long time ago.
Meanwhile, I can log on my Thief/Mesmer and easily roll face in sPvP. Who knows, if I knew at the time of purchase what I do now about the game; I most likely would not have bought it.
Look wise, I like it. Profession wise, I despise it.
The new changes didn’t help at all?
Currently, I’m only so-so about my characters.
The biggest problem I have with my characters is that they have no personality, and little individuality. Despite my best efforts to pick armor skins and colors to be unique to them, ultimately my characters still feel like I’m just Engineer # 3657, Thief # 8921, or Guardian #1957484732857. When I go out looking for groups, or when I’m in a group, there’s nothing that distinguishes another player from my own. It is just “Oh look, another char warrior. I wonder if that one is a woman? I can’t tell either way, so whatever”.
The majority of customization of characters went into their faces. Problem is, I don’t see other player faces. The most I get is some little icon on the top-right of the screen that is covered with a mask or helmet most of the time, and then it is too small to really take notice of the distance between the bridge of their nose or their eyebrows. The characters themselves have no backstory, other than one of the 3 choices given to us from our character creation screen. They all sound the same and say the same things, posture the same way with identical looking skills, constrained wholly by the class system into being just another thief, or just another mesmer.
I think I might be spoiled in that regard. The MMO I came from was City of Heroes, which had 14 classes, 10 of them picking 1 of 10 primary and then 1 of 10 secondary powersets that were often fairly unique to their type of class, and then having to choose from among 9 class based ancillary power sets and 9 additional universal power pools, and they could all be customed colored. Also, the character creation let you make some of the strangest things possible, from gigantic axe-weilding guy in a bunny suit who had psychic powers somehow, to alien vampire elf queen that spewed fire and could control the weather. The limit was mostly your imagination, and everything you made had your own personal signature on it.
I think what could go a long way is having it so each character had an information page that would tell their back story or other interesting tidbits, and maybe if we had a lot more viable options for weapons and utilities. The fact is that, even though I am Engineer #3657, I want to look unique, play uniquely, and feel unique. I want to leave a lasting impression on others, and right now I am not getting any of that from any of my toons.
i would like a race change but yes i am very happy in general
engi, ele and thief though i love them all don’t want to level them all and can’t decide…kitten anet for making classes actually fun! haha