Hero Points
When you reach level 80, you are given enough hero points to fully maximise the core training. What that means is that you should be able to complete the entire training tab as it is now, which will give you all of your current skills. You do not have to do any hero challenges currently, unless you want to be ready for when HoT releases and then you can immediately spend them on elite specialization training (or something similar) when the expansion releases.
No, getting to lvl 80 grants you enough hero points to buy every skill and specialization trait actually available for your character. The hero points on the map are bonus points (that will be of use with HoT and elite specializations) and you have to do them if you want to get 100% map.
edit : took to much time to answer
Well, I used tomes and dungeons to get an alt char to 80 and I’m not seeing any Hero Points when I go to the tab.
Well, I used tomes and dungeons to get an alt char to 80 and I’m not seeing any Hero Points when I go to the tab.
Hmm, you should have enough Hero Points to unlock everything except the new incoming expansion specializations… If you are seeing no hero points, make a support ticket ASAP.
Well, I used tomes and dungeons to get an alt char to 80 and I’m not seeing any Hero Points when I go to the tab.
Have you unlocked all of your skills and traits?
If so, you shouldn’t have any.
If you 100% map complete (Including WvW, Southsun, Silverwaste, and Drytop) you should have 214 hero points.
Ok. I guess I’ll send a ticket in. Lame!!! I thought it wasn’t right.
Well, I used tomes and dungeons to get an alt char to 80 and I’m not seeing any Hero Points when I go to the tab.
Have you unlocked all of your skills and traits?
If so, you shouldn’t have any.
If you 100% map complete (Including WvW, Southsun, Silverwaste, and Drytop) you should have 214 hero points.
This is confusing me now. I need Hero Points to unlock skills and traits. So no, I haven’t unlocked them. I find it kinda absurd I need to do map completion to get them all, if so.
What does it say when you bring up the skill unlock window? Remember, there are two different tabs concerning Skills and Traits.
One tab lets you spend Hero Points unlocking traits and skills. The other tab lets you set specializations. (Hero Points won’t show up there.)
Good luck.
Well, I used tomes and dungeons to get an alt char to 80 and I’m not seeing any Hero Points when I go to the tab.
Have you unlocked all of your skills and traits?
If so, you shouldn’t have any.
If you 100% map complete (Including WvW, Southsun, Silverwaste, and Drytop) you should have 214 hero points.
This is confusing me now. I need Hero Points to unlock skills and traits. So no, I haven’t unlocked them. I find it kinda absurd I need to do map completion to get them all, if so.
I don’t believe you have to. I think there are two different windows you need to be looking at. The one with the circle for unlocking traits and the bars on the left showing progress is the window you should be able to max everything out on once you hit 80.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Did you open all of your “level up rewards” boxes from the bottom right of the XP bar? every few levels they pump out hero points (once you hit 80, you will have enough for all skills/traits)
I can’t remember, since I do not have a non-80 character, do you need to open those level up popups for the rewards to be given perhaps?
You do need to open them. I know because I tried buying a skill while the ‘diamond’ was still at the bottom, and I didn’t have enough Hero Points. Once I accepted the reward, I had enough HP.
Though, like bonus/reward chests, they may automatically get accepted when changing maps/characters/logging in/out.
I think OP did not notice the Training tab.
Ok. I guess I’ll send a ticket in. Lame!!! I thought it wasn’t right.
Do you think you could supply a screenshot here of the tab you are looking for unlocking your skills/traits?