Hints "mailbox is full"
only mail from players…delete any mail from anet events….keep the player mail only then ask your friend to send you some mail til you get to 10. remember “player” mails only. hearts doesnt count or matter…sorry for my bad english
Just try to get player mails only, some living world event mails do count towards the hint completion but most don’t. It doesn’t have to be from different senders.
I believe this is a bug but it’s not been confirmed.
I and many others have tried to get this last hint to register as completed, to no avail. The mail that counts actually appears as an envelope (no stars or hearts icons count) and the tip at the top will tell you how many you have until your mailbox is full. Ie. 8/10 or when full 10/10 <— even if you have two in queue it will still just say 10/10.
I tried to buy a cheap item from the gemstore but did not receive the item because the mailbox was full. I had to delete two messages until I got the item and still the hint did not complete.
GL and if nothing suggested works please report this so that Anet can confirm.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
the problem is all A-net mails have to be removed and 10+ player mails are needed.
the problem is all A-net mails have to be removed and 10+ player mails are needed.
I wish it was that simple. I’ve had 10/10 player mails in my box for a while and at one point had 2 “on hold”.
If I buy from the gem store, I delete player mail until I get the item, then have guildmates send me a couple. Still haven’t managed to force the hint completion. :/
I had issues with that achievement. I deleted every single non player sent mail from my mailbox, then the hint appeared because I have enough player mails in the queue to fill my mailbox with them.
If it doesn’t work for you, it’s probably a non player mail left, delete everything and get 11 new mails again maybe ?
I had issues with that achievement. I deleted every single non player sent mail from my mailbox, then the hint appeared because I have enough player mails in the queue to fill my mailbox with them.
If it doesn’t work for you, it’s probably a non player mail left, delete everything and get 11 new mails again maybe ?
also try switching the zone. Sometimes achievements do not update until you enter a new map.
just get 5 people to send you 2 letters of gibberish, logout and back in
Go to any home instance, and talk to one of the belcher’s bluff people (I think they’re still there). They can send you infinite mail, I probably had 60+ in my inbox from spamming that button.
Ferguson’s Crossing
So please someone tell me why I cannot get this achievement? I have stacked letters in my mailbox to no avail. If I have more then what is allowed I do not receive a message telling me it is overfull and if I delete one the next just pops in to fill the space but the achievement goes unfulfilled.
So I am in need of some HINTS for this HINT.
1) Do game letters count as part of the total? eg: “Enjoy your new wallet”
2) Do Heart completion messages count?
3) Do they all have to have a unique header?
4) Do they have to come from different senders?Thank you in advance!
1) No. But since they count for “mailbox full” mechanic, they can block you from getting the hint. delete them
2) No.
3) No
4) No
Best option is to delete every mail in the mailbox, and ask friends to spam-mail you.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I’ve actually gotten the 10 mails in my mailbox previously, and the message saying that my mailbox was full. Waaaaay back near launch, and now my hints says its no longer complete, and even getting 10 players mails doesn’t re-complete it for me. So yeah, pretty sure it’s broken right now. sigh
This hint wasn’t completing for me until I deleted all ANET mails in my inbox. I already had two player mails in the cue (over 10), and once I deleted the ANET mails, the hint completed.