This forum is much better then new one. New one is insanely hard to read.
In fact, this is one of my favorite forum layouts ever (and i read a lot of them). Forum bug bleh. It’s a small price to pay for nice letter type, good connection between each forum line, good readability, and good colour matching.
New forums is harder to read, impossible to get a ‘one screen to see it all’ option (to see all text of one page , in one monitor view without scrolling).
There way to much empty space on new forum, it’s to flashy white (wich is very bad on high brightness screens).
I didn’t like reddit, but at least reddit, makes it’s chaotic nature full of texts, and buttons, very readable, cause good font, a grey background (not this insane bothering white), and there’s no sudden ‘this is an empty void of no text, feeling ’disconnected’ from the rest of it’s page’. The new forum, between each main topic line, and especially between title lines has way to much empty space.
I have to SEARCH for text, and search again, to see where I was last. In old forum/reddit this is not the case. Even in most forums that I use for first time ever (and have unique layout) this is not the case. This is even worse then 10 year old forums of another mmo i used to play (who still haven’t renewed).
I hate to be negative about it, but I have to. If this continues: new thing: I will never read forums again, always demotivated by the loss of time that my eyes keep wander around until they find text. Now i read forums 30 mins per day usually. I don’t see why forum (especially layout) had to be updated.
‘But it’s you, you are to lazy to adept to new forum’ (un expected thought/response). Well 90% of forums i read are totally not annoying, and one can get ‘totally into’ like when reading a book. 5% are ‘so so’. Another 3% are annoying (mostly the adds). The last 2% wich is almost completely and solely Gw2 has this hidden ‘vibe’ over it, to make you stop reading it cause of multiple small annoyances becoming a big one.
Poor design. 0/10. Sometimes copy pasting is not a crime. In this case a lot should have been copy pasted, and a kittenanged to have a good mix. Apart from colour settings, nothing is kept same now.
If you wanted to make even fewer people read the forums good job anet. (And since forums is full of critisism, and devs post mainly on reddit, that isn’t very unlikely imho). Sad for people like Benjamin Karic wich responses in fractal forums will now be overruled by bad forum layout. He was a great poster, wich will now get unjustice.