How am I supposed to play this game?
Agreed. I’m puzzled on all the limitations they are putting on their game. Perfectly understand trying to scare away bots with antibotting stuff, fine, but you limit the game soooo much that itskittennear impossible to play for an extended period of time. I want to be able to stay on for 2 or 3 hours FARMING, getting money or materials that I need without some stupid hitting code coming into play. Come on ArenaNet, think about what you’re doing to your players vs preventing bots or even speed clears of dungeons. I mean really? Make it harder and even less rewarding? What kind of idea is that? If I want to make money running the same dungeon, the same way for hours on end, why can’t I?
Gold is hard enough to come by and you go and destroy a fast, simple way of getting it. Do you want to lose your fanbase within the first month ArenaNet? You already are to be honest. Listen to your players for once and undo everything you have done to limit players on farming!
I’m starting to see this too. Was just in Fireheart Rise doing the chain of events out of the Snow Ridge Camp waypoint. The first run through the chain of events ended with us failing at the final event. To many veteran mobs spawned and we got destroyed. Honestly, I was a bit surprised because usually we always win these events. We decided to wait around a bit for the chain of events to start over so we could try again. We went through the whole thing again and noticed we were getting substantially less exp, karma, and money this time around. I mean substantially less. We ended up winning the final event this time, but to our horror we ended up getting less than 400 exp for finishing it, despite the fact we had failed the first time around.
Its getting to the point where its not even worth doing events any more. I’m already seeing a problem of certain events not having enough people to complete them. Some of them you can’t even do solo no matter how skilled you are. So now there is absolutely no incentive for someone to go back and repeat an event once they’ve completed it.
Its like Anet doesn’t want us to play their game or something.
(edited by Kravick.4906)
They did the same thing to gw1. They focus to hard on stopping botters at the expense of their customers enjoyment. And omg the lack of endgame is incredible. No random awesome skin drops. no exotic drops from monsters. No monster specific loot. Your gear choices are soooooo limited. Theres like 8 skins in the whole kitten game. Wheres the loot Anet? Wheres my rewards. 287hrs played and have NEVER got a single thing of value from a dungeon, Mob or chest. Are there no exotics that drop in this game? I so loved the lvling up. But soon as i hit 80……game over.
Why do you have to grind something? Why do you have to farm the same area for 2-3 hours to be doing well? I understand wanting to get what you need for fancy armour/weapons/etc as soon as possible, but I really think that GW2 is discourgaing this mentality that you should be able to mechanically grind your way to success. They want you to have fun, if they want anything.
I’ve seen so many people power-level and grind their way to achieving everything in an MMO, then leave complaining loudly that there’s nothing for them to do. GW2 has no subscription. You can take your time. This is in large part personal preference though – I understand that I’m a pretty casual player.
Why do you have to grind something? Why do you have to farm the same area for 2-3 hours to be doing well? I understand wanting to get what you need for fancy armour/weapons/etc as soon as possible, but I really think that GW2 is discourgaing this mentality that you should be able to mechanically grind your way to success. They want you to have fun, if they want anything.
I’ve seen so many people power-level and grind their way to achieving everything in an MMO, then leave complaining loudly that there’s nothing for them to do. GW2 has no subscription. You can take your time. This is in large part personal preference though – I understand that I’m a pretty casual player.
Your pushing your definition of fun onto the masses though. Some people do not mind or even enjoy farming. I don’t think anyone should be punished for farming a particular type of world mob and I think dungeons should offer a fair and consistant reward.
some people find farming enjoyable, and if you find a decent place to farm mats that are needed for <insert whatever reason here> it shouldn’t be prohibited just because they want to limit bot use.
I know an unpopular, yet useful solution for this would be to have ANet spam a code to the player every hour they seem to be farming and have them reproduce that code back to them within 30 seconds.
Why do you have to grind something? Why do you have to farm the same area for 2-3 hours to be doing well? I understand wanting to get what you need for fancy armour/weapons/etc as soon as possible, but I really think that GW2 is discourgaing this mentality that you should be able to mechanically grind your way to success. They want you to have fun, if they want anything.
I’ve seen so many people power-level and grind their way to achieving everything in an MMO, then leave complaining loudly that there’s nothing for them to do. GW2 has no subscription. You can take your time. This is in large part personal preference though – I understand that I’m a pretty casual player.
Because people want to make their legendary weapons or people want a ceratin armor from a certain dungeon. The way things are now is you have to grind grind grind. That is the ONLY way to get these items.
And this post isn’t about being bored or have nothing to do at 80, its about the limitations they are putting on use normal players to stop bots and exploiters.
Your pushing your definition of fun onto the masses though. Some people do not mind or even enjoy farming. I don’t think anyone should be punished for farming a particular type of world mob and I think dungeons should offer a fair and consistant reward.
What can I say? I respect your opinion. People like different types of games. I guess GW2 just isn’t going to be a very enjoyable game for people who really enjoy that style. I don’t think it should necessarily have to please everyone – no other game does.
I’m starting to see this too. Was just in Fireheart Rise doing the chain of events out of the Snow Ridge Camp waypoint. The first run through the chain of events ended with us failing at the final event. To many veteran mobs spawned and we got destroyed. Honestly, I was a bit surprised because usually we always win these events. We decided to wait around a bit for the chain of events to start over so we could try again. We went through the whole thing again and noticed we were getting substantially less exp, karma, and money this time around. I mean substantially less. We ended up winning the final event this time, but to our horror we ended up getting less than 400 exp for finishing it, despite the fact we had failed the first time around.
Its getting to the point where its not even worth doing events any more. I’m already seeing a problem of certain events not having enough people to complete them. Some of them you can’t even do solo no matter how skilled you are. So now there is absolutely no incentive for someone to go back and repeat an event once they’ve completed it.
Its like Anet doesn’t want us to play their game or something.
yep this right here,don’t know what else too say you said it for me better than i could
I for one loved speedclears in Gw1. <3
Same here, its not like the money we’re making is causing inflation.
Most of it goes into our gear upgrades, travel costs, food and armour repairs.
Basically what they’re doing now is causing recession.
No one wants to buy anything coz money is extremely tight.
some people find farming enjoyable, and if you find a decent place to farm mats that are needed for <insert whatever reason here> it shouldn’t be prohibited just because they want to limit bot use.
I know an unpopular, yet useful solution for this would be to have ANet spam a code to the player every hour they seem to be farming and have them reproduce that code back to them within 30 seconds.
I would have absolutely no issue with having to enter a code to say “hey, I’m a real player”. Especially if rewards were good and it stopped botters. To me, diminishing rewards is about the worse thing you can do to players that are driven. It may be too late for those who have already paid for their game. But this day and age word gets around so fast about games that this type of activity will definitely hurt future sales, not to mention expansions of those who’ve already bought the base game.
ANet, don’t hurt the people who are driven.
I had to stop playing because of this. I log in now and try to think of something productive to do and, well, there is nothing, farm for mats for a few hours…nope, farm some events….nope, run some instances…nope, so i find myself standing in one spot trolling the chat window, this isn’t fun at all.
During beta they asked us to rate the game, had things been the way they are today I would have rated things very differently, how about you?
I do like that ANet cares that botters are here and they want to stop them, but using nukes that hurt innocents like me and you is not the answer. Sure stop the botters, but leave us out of it. I want to play your game my way, MY WAY. if that means I log in one day and I want to farm skales for 3 hours kin the same spot, let me do it, that is my perogative. Whatever I decide to do in game at any given time at any given place is fun to me, to do what I want to do.
People pay me so that they can tell me what to do all day long, it is frustrating, so much so I am willing to pay for a place where I get to do whatever I want to do when I want to do it. I payed you for this, but I am not getting it now. Alas, I must go elsewhere for it.
I had to stop playing because of this. I log in now and try to think of something productive to do and, well, there is nothing, farm for mats for a few hours…nope, farm some events….nope, run some instances…nope, so i find myself standing in one spot trolling the chat window, this isn’t fun at all.
WTH is the point of playing in 30min increments. So much for paying for a game to play. GG ANET….. GG
To the nay sayers: Hit 80, lvl up your crafting, try for a legendary, try to make some gold, and then get back to us.
Agreed. About to make a post myself.
Unfortunately I have come to the same conclusion: I don’t know what ANet wants me to do… They leave skill points bugged and increase difficulty and lower rewards for dungeons. Why would I keep playing, ANet? You should be giving us incentives not taking away…
It’s just hopeless.
I wish they had told us what their actual vision of people playing this game was. It doesn’t seem to be killing stuff or adventuring, just a one time visit to the zones then please go through the gem shop on the way out. I’m wondering what they expect(ed) the MMO part to be?
If they put a soft cap on how much money you can accrue with over and over grinding events and dungeons, and you recognize that point, I think maybe it’s time to get the memo that they don’t want you grinding as badly, at least not if you’re purely doing it for profit, and not the inherent fun.
Yes, cosmetic dungeon gear takes buckets of time, but this is intended to be spread over several weeks and months done at a moderate pace.
To the nay sayers: Hit 80, lvl up your crafting, try for a legendary, try to make some gold, and then get back to us.
What’s your point exactly? That the game, which released just over 3 weeks ago, hasn’t unlimited content? That you don’t have to spend most of your free time grinding dungeons to get gear that doesn’t (why exactly is kitten censored? This is ridiculous.) you? How about you log out and come back a few days or weeks later? This is the beauty of a subscription-less model.
(edited by Moderator)
What is most amusing is that they promised not but two years ago and throughout the beta process that this game would be “Grind Free”. Not only is the game a Grind fest, they insist on punishing us for taking part in the grind that they created. Honestly they need to make up their minds. I’m a student and when I’m done with my lectures and labs and studying in the various libraries I come back to my dorm and I log in and play. I already have limited time so why punish me if I decide to run around Cursed Shore and do defend events. I even threw my hard earned gold into getting Vigil Armor and Pirate sigils as well as opals to make gear for the sole purpose of getting Rares which I break down for my own use.
Yes, cosmetic dungeon gear takes buckets of time, but this is intended to be spread over several weeks and months done at a moderate pace.
What’s your point exactly?
Give more goals, spread between those “buckets of time”, instead just 1 thing after the whole “bucket of time”.
If they put a soft cap on how much money you can accrue with over and over grinding events and dungeons, and you recognize that point, I think maybe it’s time to get the memo that they don’t want you grinding as badly, at least not if you’re purely doing it for profit, and not the inherent fun.
Yes, cosmetic dungeon gear takes buckets of time, but this is intended to be spread over several weeks and months done at a moderate pace.
Well this is the OPs point, really. What exactly do they want people to do?
What the hell are you guys talking about? Go explore. Go quest. Meet new races. Go to a different city or something. Meet new people and go to a meta-event dungeon if you want something harder before level 30. Please do not ruin GW2 for the rest of us.
They do not want us to grind, yet they want us to go through dungeons where every random mob has more health than a soviet era nuclear bunker. Even a random veteran mob in a dungeon puts Abaddon to shame.
I am already finished with this game overall. I paid for it, therefore, I will still occasionally log on, or read forums. But overall, I can’t do it any longer, nor will I purchase any future Anet titles.
I play games because I am given the freedom to play them as I enjoy playing them. I feel like GW2 is taking back to pre-school. Being told what I can do and how often I can do it. I am forced to play it like THEY want me to.
I can understand if it included exploits, but seriously, come on. Stop limiting peoples enjoyment of the game only based on what YOU feel we should be doing. Telling people how they can play, and what they can do when they play…it is bad business in the gaming world.
And to those saying there’s a lot to do….there may be, for YOU. Everyone enjoys playing games differently, that’s the joy of them. The complaints here are that those of us who enjoy one way, are being forced to play it another way. If you enjoy the game, then go play it. I for one refuse to play a game where I am limited in what I can do to enjoy it.
(edited by Naughty.5064)
What the hell are you guys talking about? Go explore. Go quest. Meet new races. Go to a different city or something. Meet new people and go to a meta-event dungeon if you want something harder before level 30. Please do not ruin GW2 for the rest of us.
Id rather kill them in PVP actually
PVE: Nothing for me here. OOOH WELL
70 bucks for a pvp game.
I am already finished with this game overall. I paid for it, therefore, I will still occasionally log on, or read forums. But overall, I can’t do it any longer, nor will I purchase any future Anet titles.
I play games because I am given the freedom to play them as I enjoy playing them. I feel like GW2 is taking back to pre-school. Being told what I can do and how often I can do it. I am forced to play it like THEY want me to.
I can understand if it included exploits, but seriously, come on. Stop limiting peoples enjoyment of the game only based on what YOU feel we should be doing. Telling people how they can play, and what they can do when they play…it is bad business in the gaming world.
Pretty soon Imma be told, NOPE! That’s it sonnyboy, enough killing people now, go play our PVE content and I’m like…. Buuuuut Anet….. your Pve content is utterly boring and unmotivating for me…. why cant I just play PVP you did so well there…
To the nay sayers: Hit 80, lvl up your crafting, try for a legendary, try to make some gold, and then get back to us.
What’s your point exactly? That the game, which released just over 3 weeks ago, hasn’t unlimited content? That you don’t have to spend most of your free time grinding dungeons to get gear that doesn’t (why exactly is g-imp censored? This is ridiculous.) you? How about you log out and come back a few days or weeks later? This is the beauty of a subscription-less model.[/quote]
His point is that Anet is basically saying that once you hit 80 you are not allowed to play the game for more than 30 mins at at time anymore.
I am already finished with this game overall. I paid for it, therefore, I will still occasionally log on, or read forums. But overall, I can’t do it any longer, nor will I purchase any future Anet titles.
I play games because I am given the freedom to play them as I enjoy playing them. I feel like GW2 is taking back to pre-school. Being told what I can do and how often I can do it. I am forced to play it like THEY want me to.
I can understand if it included exploits, but seriously, come on. Stop limiting peoples enjoyment of the game only based on what YOU feel we should be doing. Telling people how they can play, and what they can do when they play…it is bad business in the gaming world.
And to those saying there’s a lot to do….there may be, for YOU. Everyone enjoys playing games differently, that’s the joy of them. The complaints here are that those of us who enjoy one way, are being forced to play it another way. If you enjoy the game, then go play it. I for one refuse to play a game where I am limited in what I can do to enjoy it.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Game Designer: Ok we made a game that gives you freedom. Have fun!
Player: This sucks, there’s not enough to do and I’m level 80 and no one else is here
Game Designer: Alright no problem, we added some mechanics a long the way to help slow you down and enjoy the game more
Player: WTF! I’m still level 20 after 3 days! This game sucks!
Game Designer: Ok…..
EA: We got this
Oh I forgot to add The Secret World example.
Funcom: Literally do whatever you want. Whatever. You. Want. with your class.
Player: Why does my character die so much? This game is unbalanced and sucks.
Funcom: kitten
(edited by lettles.8319)
His point is that Anet is basically saying that once you hit 80 you are not allowed to play the game for more than 30 mins at at time anymore.
Which is ridiculous hyperbole to begin with.
I am already finished with this game overall. I paid for it, therefore, I will still occasionally log on, or read forums. But overall, I can’t do it any longer, nor will I purchase any future Anet titles.
I play games because I am given the freedom to play them as I enjoy playing them. I feel like GW2 is taking back to pre-school. Being told what I can do and how often I can do it. I am forced to play it like THEY want me to.
I can understand if it included exploits, but seriously, come on. Stop limiting peoples enjoyment of the game only based on what YOU feel we should be doing. Telling people how they can play, and what they can do when they play…it is bad business in the gaming world.
And to those saying there’s a lot to do….there may be, for YOU. Everyone enjoys playing games differently, that’s the joy of them. The complaints here are that those of us who enjoy one way, are being forced to play it another way. If you enjoy the game, then go play it. I for one refuse to play a game where I am limited in what I can do to enjoy it.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Game Designer: Ok we made a game that gives you freedom. Have fun!
Player: This sucks, there’s not enough to do and I’m level 80 and no one else is here
Game Designer: Alright no problem, we added some mechanics a long the way to help slow you down and enjoy the game more
Player: WTF! I’m still level 20 after 3 days! This game sucks!
Game Designer: Ok…..
EA: We got this
This really has nothing to do with the topic at hand. The game overall is quite fun, there are alot of things they included that could be a lot of fun. However, when we are intentionally limited in what we can do and how often we can do it. That’s the point.
What’s your point exactly? That the game, which released just over 3 weeks ago, hasn’t unlimited content? That you don’t have to spend most of your free time grinding dungeons to get gear that doesn’t (why exactly is g-imp censored? This is ridiculous.) you? How about you log out and come back a few days or weeks later? This is the beauty of a subscription-less model.
I don’t understand how people are not grasping the problem or the ramifications that the anti farm script and diminished returns on DEs bring about.
Let me spell it out in the most basic of the english language…..
I play a thief atm as my main.
I often play in the Cursed Shore Orr map.
It a one of only 2 (?) lvl 80 maps.
There are not many DEs to do there.
As a thief, if I personally as an individual participate in any of the DEs in the Cursed Shore, it only takes 2 DEs to get slapped with the anti farm script in regards to loot.
If I decide to kill monsters outside of the DEs to gain loot for crafting or to make money so that I can buy crafting supplies, I am only able to “grind” for approx 30mins before the anti farm script kicks in, and I get no more loot.
The anti farm script and diminishing returns prohibit productive game play on many levels……keep in mind that guild wars 2 is largely based on the premise of “killing monsters,” “taking their stuff,” “using said stuff to make new stuff.”
What the hell are you guys talking about? Go explore. Go quest. Meet new races. Go to a different city or something. Meet new people and go to a meta-event dungeon if you want something harder before level 30. Please do not ruin GW2 for the rest of us.
Id rather kill them in PVP actually
PVE: Nothing for me here. OOOH WELL
70 bucks for a pvp game.
Have you actually tried the PVP side of things. Try being on the losing side when one of the opposing teams controls 95% of the map AND has the 3 orb buff (15% hp, and +150 stats). When it is literally beating your head on a wall just trying to get 200 feet past a waypoint, and Knowing that you still have a WEEK of this insanity until you can try again.
What’s your point exactly? That the game, which released just over 3 weeks ago, hasn’t unlimited content? That you don’t have to spend most of your free time grinding dungeons to get gear that doesn’t (why exactly is g-imp censored? This is ridiculous.) you? How about you log out and come back a few days or weeks later? This is the beauty of a subscription-less model.
I don’t understand how people are not grasping the problem or the ramifications that the anti farm script and diminished returns on DEs bring about.
Let me spell it out in the most basic of the english language…..
I play a thief atm as my main.
I often play in the Cursed Shore Orr map.
It a one of only 2 (?) lvl 80 maps.
There are not many DEs to do there.
As a thief, if I personally as an individual participate in any of the DEs in the Cursed Shore, it only takes 2 DEs to get slapped with the anti farm script in regards to loot.
If I decide to kill monsters outside of the DEs to gain loot for crafting or to make money so that I can buy crafting supplies, I am only able to “grind” for approx 30mins before the anti farm script kicks in, and I get no more loot.
The anti farm script and diminishing returns prohibit productive game play on many levels……keep in mind that guild wars 2 is largely based on the premise of “killing monsters,” “taking their stuff,” “using said stuff to make new stuff.”
Talk about intentionally limiting yourself for no reason. If your world consists of only Cursed Shore I feel bad for you because there is so much more to do.
I agree with the poster, I’m new to this game and I really enjoy it. However, yesterday while leveling (4x) I realized that there is a daily limit on events before they give almost nothing, I’m not sure if this is map specific or not but i was on a map in my level range. Having hit that point I remembered there being instancing where i can get rewards to make a Dungeon set, so I went looking. Around 3 hrs later and going through 4 different parties with higher level players (6x-80) at a level 40 dungeon (CM), I had still not cleared it even once, and I pretty much got little to nothing for any of those run efforts. All I received were a few Fine armors from different classes and like no exp. ANet fix the game please its becoming less fun…The start is fun but after a certain point its like…..really? seriously? is this a joke?
From what people are telling me in my thread, this game isn’t about rewards or having gear/progression. It’s about experiencing the game. It’s pretty much just an Adventure game disguised as an MMO.
I say it like it is.
His point is that Anet is basically saying that once you hit 80 you are not allowed to play the game for more than 30 mins at at time anymore.
Which is ridiculous hyperbole to begin with.
No not really its true, the ingame tax is expensive, if you want to do things efficiently by taking wp you can see your wallet shrivel up.
But you know if you like walking and stuff, its still doable.
Hes not gonna dungeon coz its too expensive if his team makes a single mistake
And if hes like me and doesnt even care for the exotic dungeon armour or weapons, theres absolutly no reason to risk your wallet ingame for an experience you can live without.
You can say “No ones forcing you to play dungeons” exactly my point no ones forcing therefore I dont have or need to do it. But really is that dungeons are for now? So that Dungeon Designers can be like, oh well not many people are going to see my dungeon so sad.
Pretty soon when those “pro hardcore organized teams” get decked up in their pro dungeon gear and no ones left to do them, since theres no reason at all to do them, what then? Let the explorable dungeons servers sit and collect dust? :|
Saying no one is forcing you to do the dungeon is not the solution.
The solution is how do you get people to try to do your dungeons when they have no reason to do it either because they’re already decked or because they have no reason to get those dungeon pieces how do you make them want to do it again or try atleast once.
I have noticed trolls come through the varying topics about the same thing, I wonder how long till they join the majority of the players. I think if A-net took the time to visit each servers Cursed Shore they would cower in fear of the Rage that can be felt in map. I swear after that whole patch my servers players helpful nature has been replaced with cynical rage…
Talk about intentionally limiting yourself for no reason. If your world consists of only Cursed Shore I feel bad for you because there is so much more to do.
This is one example. The same can be said for anywhere I go, IE Frostgorge Sound, WvW, and dungeons.
Way to limit your understanding.
Go see other races? Maps? Events? I have completed the explorer achiev. I wvw. I help friends. I play the mystic forge slot machine. I play the TP game. I do jumping challenges.
The point is that in a game LARGELY BASED ON KILLING MONSTERS FOR “STUFF,” wth am I being punished for …….killing monsters.
EFFORT should equal REWARD
I don’t see how this will stop botters. If they own (or have currently stolen) 10 accounts, what stops them from switching them all out to farm without diminishing returns?
Meanwhile, the difficulty of earning gold and gear for regular players is more likely to increase the demand for what those botters are selling.
I just don’t understand what they’re thinking. If they want the botters gone, why don’t they hire more people to go out looking for them and permaban them when they find them? Or hey, this is the age of computers. It is, in fact, a computer game. How hard is it to code bot detection?
Actually, I admit, I don’t know how hard it is, but at least some of these bots are so obvious players have vids of them all over Youtube, so…
@ Naughty, that server isn’t Yak’s Bend is it?
We have the Australian wave, it’s extremely effective; especially since they all log on at around the time 99% of the US player-base is asleep or going to sleep. So by the time you come back on, the damage has already been done extensively.
In terms of exploring and so on… I have 100% map completion. What’s the point of doing the dungeons if they yield nothing better than the stuff I can craft for my toon? As it stands, I can make more money and acquire those crafting materials faster than tokens. I do the dungeons for the…. skins? Prestige? I guess I could use an ego-inflation, but I’d much perfer some sweet item that can only be acquired by beating the entire dungeon a certain number of times or something to that effect.
I don’t see how this will stop botters. If they own (or have currently stolen) 10 accounts, what stops them from switching them all out to farm without diminishing returns?
Meanwhile, the difficulty of earning gold and gear for regular players is more likely to increase the demand for what those botters are selling.
I just don’t understand what they’re thinking. If they want the botters gone, why don’t they hire more people to go out looking for them and permaban them when they find them? Or hey, this is the age of computers. It is, in fact, a computer game. How hard is it to code bot detection?
Actually, I admit, I don’t know how hard it is, but at least some of these bots are so obvious players have vids of them all over Youtube, so…
I will copy/paste my response from an earlier thread on bots.
If they do it like most MMOs do, they will wait and do a mass ban at one time. Problem is, the botters will just create/steal new accounts and continue on their way. And by patching into the game files a block for whatever bot they are using, by weeks end the botters will have already come up with a new program to bot with. It’s a never ending cycle, sadly, if you don’t like botters, then playing any MMO is not for you. Gold selling/account hacking is a MULTI BILLION dollar a year industry…so, sadly, they will never go away until people STOP buying their gold. YOU, the consumer are what’s causing the bots. AGAIN, THE ONLY WAY THEY WILL EVER GO AWAY IS IF PEOPLE STOP BUYING THE GOLD FROM THEM!
Basically the bots will be around, no matter what Anet does to TRY to prevent them, they make too much money from idiots who buy their gold to just lay down and stop, they WILL find a way to make their money.
And no it was not Yak’s bend…it was something with Wood in the name.
Talk about intentionally limiting yourself for no reason. If your world consists of only Cursed Shore I feel bad for you because there is so much more to do.
This is one example. The same can be said for anywhere I go, IE Frostgorge Sound, WvW, and dungeons.
Way to limit your understanding.
Go see other races? Maps? Events? I have completed the explorer achiev. I wvw. I help friends. I play the mystic forge slot machine. I play the TP game. I do jumping challenges.
The point is that in a game LARGELY BASED ON KILLING MONSTERS FOR “STUFF,” wth am I being punished for …….killing monsters.
EFFORT should equal REWARD
If you’re moving around as much as you say you are you shouldn’t be affected by the imposed limitations to begin with, exception is maybe the DE cap. But how much karma do you really need to accumulate in a day to make yourself happy?
Talk about intentionally limiting yourself for no reason. If your world consists of only Cursed Shore I feel bad for you because there is so much more to do.
This is one example. The same can be said for anywhere I go, IE Frostgorge Sound, WvW, and dungeons.
Way to limit your understanding.
Go see other races? Maps? Events? I have completed the explorer achiev. I wvw. I help friends. I play the mystic forge slot machine. I play the TP game. I do jumping challenges.
The point is that in a game LARGELY BASED ON KILLING MONSTERS FOR “STUFF,” wth am I being punished for …….killing monsters.
EFFORT should equal REWARD
If you’re moving around as much as you say you are you shouldn’t be affected by the imposed limitations to begin with, exception is maybe the DE cap. But how much karma do you really need to accumulate in a day to make yourself happy?
Well, considering it is estimated that you would need somewhere between 1-2 million karma for the gear, and the items sold by the Balthazar vendor for the legendaries, and only getting ~350 per event without deminishing returns….a whole lot more than we are allowed to get.
And no it was not Yak’s bend…it was something with Wood in the name.
Not the only way,
a list of IP locations, a strike team equipped with castration tools and diplomatic immunity is a sure fire way to stop it.
And no it was not Yak’s bend…it was something with Wood in the name.
Not the only way,
a list of IP locations, a strike team equipped with castration tools and diplomatic immunity is a sure fire way to stop it.
lol, got me on that one =P
Well, considering it is estimated that you would need somewhere between 1-2 million karma for the gear, and the items sold by the Balthazar vendor for the legendaries, and only getting ~350 per event without deminishing returns….a whole lot more than we are allowed to get.
So this is a matter of long term goals versus “I want everything now!!” Got it.
Well, considering it is estimated that you would need somewhere between 1-2 million karma for the gear, and the items sold by the Balthazar vendor for the legendaries, and only getting ~350 per event without deminishing returns….a whole lot more than we are allowed to get.
So this is a matter of long term goals versus “I want everything now!!” Got it.
No it is not. The entire point is that regardless of how we WANT to play they game. We are being limited and told how we can do it. That is what it seems most of the people are complaining about.
I want a game that thats going to keep my interest for awhile, but I do NOT want a game that has code built in it to prevent me from playing the way I want to.
If you’re moving around as much as you say you are you shouldn’t be affected by the imposed limitations to begin with, exception is maybe the DE cap. But how much karma do you really need to accumulate in a day to make yourself happy?
I personally need over 550,000karma just for the obsidian shards I need for just one aspect of the legendary I am working towards. At roughly 379karma per DE….. thats 1452 DEs needed. Now throw in the diminishing returns, remind me again why I am getting diminishing returns when I need such an obscene number of events just for ONE ingame goal? Even if I managed to do 100 DEs a day, it will still take me 14.52 days just to accomplish that one goal, to make one item, which is only one step of many to complete a legendary.
Its asinine, period, the end, there is no argument for it, no amount of fanboying can defend the decision to limit game play.
So I’m confused about something. We have anti-bot code that limits the botters from getting massive rewards for farming an area. The botters are not hindered by this as we can plainly see botters are a massive inconvenience at this point. It seems to be the ‘normal’ players that have not found a way around this yet.
So what do the botters know that you don’t? Perhaps instead of farming just one spot they get a farming rotation going? Crop rotation is the oldest technique in farming…