How do some people have so much gold?
for people with that much gold there are only two ways of getting it:
flipping the trading post or buying it from goldsellers.
neither option appeals to me.
I make much more real-life dollars per hour than I can make gold per hour in-game, so I just buy gold via gems if I want something bad enough (not very often). If it’s not that important, I just but it on the back burner until I have earned enough gold from the TP to buy it. Magic find helps a lot too…I think mine’s around 54% and I see many more rares and an exotic drop every now and then compared to when I had much less MF.
Neenu Waffler-Warrior for what once was the Toast-
There also the “infinitely blessed” individuals that find numerous precursors and sell those off for big bux and no effort.
I wonder which has better “probability vs reward” ratio… finding precursor or wining lottery?
Took me a very, very long time to earn any gold at all. If you’re on 80 and have 14 gold (with just one character), I’d say you’re not doing badly if you started later than others. I got to 80 and had about two gold to my name, and only now have I pushed it upwards suddenly because I was lucky enough to buy some items off the TP that have nearly trebled in value since.
Generally, people have just been playing a very, very long time and know where to farm for the most coin. I think if you ask around, you’ll hopefully find some dungeon runners who will do different paths and who are not going to kick you from a group just because you die once from inexperience. Stay away from speed runners in this case – not because they’re horrible people, but because their aim is to do everything as fast as possible, so dying is against that.
Otherwise, maybe look up some tutorials on flipping the TP? It isn’t easy, and despite how it may seem on the forums, it isn’t everybody that can do it. I stay away from it, just because I know I’d lose a LOT more gold than I ever managed to make.
Farm champions or world bosses, neither of them require you to have good gear and give a decent income, with world bosses you also have chance to get a precursor.
Or back in the day run a particular dungeon path every 20 minutes for hours at a time. Or jumping from boss event to boss event with every alt (back in the day). These were the “old money” in the game.
Buying Gems weekly with cash and selling them for gold on the exchange. 4 1/3g per dollar/euro still.
Guessing what the next needed mat will be for ascended crafting and guessing right.
Winning a precursor from a drop or MF slots.
And yes TP flippers but for most, they don’t make gold hand over fist and it’s not easy nor without risk.
RIP City of Heroes
How to make yourself some money very very very slowly:
- Do events when you can, as many as you can.
- When it comes to loot, check to see if the loot bags are going for a lot on the trading post. If possible, sell them. Otherwise open them.
- Junk items? If you need space, destroy them. Otherwise save them to sell – they do add up.
- Salvage your white drops. Especially light armor.
- Sell your blue drops. Salvage light armor if it’s worth less than 70c.
- Sell your green drops. Don’t salvage them, they’re worth 1s-2s each.
- Salvage your rares; you will get ectos and possibly Runes/Sigils. Mystic Forge your Runes/Sigils up for Superiors, then see if you can sell them on the TP. Either keep or sell your ecto.
- If you see an Exotic, sell it on the TP.
- If you get an Ascended Weapon Chest, begin cheering at one grind you never have to make.
- If you get a precursor, mail it to me. Just kidding.
Edit: More things to go without saying…
- Don’t waypoint if you can run it. At level 80 that’s at least 1 silver a jaunt.
- Gather every resource you can find. It may be valuable. Gold ore/ingots are usually valuable.
- If you do WvW casually, don’t buy upgrades. If you’re dedicated, you probably are already making a profit. Also, try ranking up. Around Rank 40 you can make significant cash just from the reward chests.
- Getting blueprints? Upgrade them to Superior and sell them. People want them.
- Seriously. Do events.
(edited by Tobias Trueflight.8350)
Back to the point. How do some people have so much gold? I would just like to know an efficient way to make gold… I don’t understand how you make money from the train in Queensdale and doing champion farming and all that… I’m trying to ‘flip the TP’ but so far I haven’t been making much headway…
Oh well, just let me know how you have such shiny wallets!!
One easy way to make money:
There are a number of open world boss events that give a once-a-day bonus chest with a rare or exotic item in it, plus a big chest with several items of different rarities. If you do six of these per day it’s easy to make about 2g per day selling the items. After a couple of weeks you’ll have like 25 gold or so that you can invest in the TP.
Buy fast-moving commodities on the TP with the extra gold from the boss events. Use buy orders to buy crafting mats at a low price and sell orders to sell them for a profit. It may take a few days to sell at the price you want, don’t keep cancelling and relisting because it will just cost you money that way. I find that prices are usually lower in weekday mornings and higher around server reset and on the weekends.
If you make a 25% profit selling the mats, you’ll double your money every week or two, plus adding in the gold from continuing the boss events. In a month or two you can go from 0 to 200 gold easily, and when you have 100s of extra gold to invest you can look into longer term investments like weapon skins and speculation.
Even if you just devote 1 hr a day to this (a couple boss events and 20 min standing in front of the TP access NPC) you can make an extra 100 gold a month to equip toons, buy more bank slots and so on.
Sure I can run dungeons and get 1g per path per day but not everyone is running every path to every dungeon. You have AC 1&3 and CoF 1&2. Not only that – but if you die once because you haven’t been playing the game from launch and you can’t anticipate every mob’s attack you get kicked from the group… Don’t get me wrong, I rarely die in dungeons from stupid things like that but lets get real…
I do a lot of dungeons and one thing I noticed is that it does become easier once you get a routine in them. Try to read up on wiki/google/youtube if you don’t understand a certain boss or path so you don’t die and become insecure. Dungeons are a reliable source of income and once you get the hang of it you can make about 10g a day.
Another thing is to join the right groups, especially when pugging. Don’t just join any group. Try to ignore the groups written in caps lock and spelling mistakes because they are usually a big warning sign saying you will have a bad time. Instead, join those with clear and well written requirements that fit you.
There’s no easy way to get rich. You might be able to make an extra buck from speculating on the TP. This is mostly from buying temporary items (such as wintersday items) which you can sell later on in time when they have been removed from the game.
I’d say skip investing in the TP for how dicey it can be. It’s easier to lose money trying to speculate than make it successfully. It doesn’t get you rich quickly, but it does run less risk of failing spectacularly . . . or making the economy already kind of unstable and pricey more so.
I mean, if people think the swing is high on some of the stuff now, wait til hundreds reading this topic get in on the action. Silk at 1g each.
I don’t consider it speculation. Prices for most crafting mats change by more than 30% on a daily basis, it’s a lot like day trading on the stock market, you buy mats during the low period and sell them when the price trends higher.
It’s not “get rich quick” like buying 100k silver bars for 20c each and selling them for 1.5s each the next day, but it’s a steady income that has worked very well for me.
Oh well, just let me know how you have such shiny wallets!!
I recommend reading Karl Marx’s Das Kapital.
It’s all in there.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
I don’t consider it speculation. Prices for most crafting mats change by more than 30% on a daily basis, it’s a lot like day trading on the stock market, you buy mats during the low period and sell them when the price trends higher.
It’s not “get rich quick” like buying 100k silver bars for 20c each and selling them for 1.5s each the next day, but it’s a steady income that has worked very well for me.
I’m not going to knock it. I just prefer something . . . more stable, and more guaranteed. I’ve always been slightly stupid that way.
I’m up to 40 gold at the moment, which is usually around the time I turn it in for gems, and buy something from the gemstore that I really want. Before we did the Winter Blunderland community event on Aurora Glade, I had gathered about 200 gold by doing champion train runs in Frostgorge. A lot of that gold went into prizes for the event, and by the end of it all, I was completely broke again.
Occasionally I might be lucky to get an exotic, which sells for a few gold on the TP. And I have a few Living Story items in my bank that may fetch a pretty good price if I hoard them for long enough. But generally speaking, 14 gold aint that bad.
I ran AC and this one warrior had Eternity, Twilight, that weird black ghost shield, and 2 other legendary weapons.
I’m sitting here with this ugly exotic gear from the trading post that makes me look like a kittened off jellyfish…
I have 14g right now in game… I’m just curious as to how people make so much gold! I would LOVE to have 200g right now so I could get my Tier 3 human gear but I know that will never happen because I don’t know how to make gold efficiently…
Sure I can run dungeons and get 1g per path per day but not everyone is running every path to every dungeon. You have AC 1&3 and CoF 1&2. Not only that – but if you die once because you haven’t been playing the game from launch and you can’t anticipate every mob’s attack you get kicked from the group… Don’t get me wrong, I rarely die in dungeons from stupid things like that but lets get real…
Back to the point. How do some people have so much gold? I would just like to know an efficient way to make gold… I don’t understand how you make money from the train in Queensdale and doing champion farming and all that… I’m trying to ‘flip the TP’ but so far I haven’t been making much headway…
Oh well, just let me know how you have such shiny wallets!!
kitten you don’t get kicked because of dying once lol.
Either you didn’t read/ignore the description & you don’t fit the requirement OR you’re totally not helping out(trying to “tank” or “heal” when it isn’t needed by the group) or even slowing down the run(not going to the your own brazier on CoF P1 gate and stuff like that). Know how to play your class to help the team out meaningfully and how all the mechanics in the dungeon work and you should be fine.
Now on to making gold, doing any dungeon or champ farming is the non-risky way.
If you find people you get along with in dungeons, add them up to your contact list and try to run with them instead. Most of speed gained in running dungeons is through knowing how others in the party will play, it cuts off alot time. Less time to clear content = more rewards on your limited playtime.
Also buying items that you think won’t be re-introduced(exclusive dyes, skins etc.) that you still possibly want use yourself if it ends up going down in price. This will probably be your best way of investing outside buying gems with gold when the gold -> gem conversion is low(no new stuff/promo in BLTC in a week or two) then converting it back when people go nuts on a new item/sales in BLTC.
By earning some capital the “layman” way (champion farming or dungeon running) then investing it into something, usually T6, Lodestones or event items.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
So do you play 1 hour a day or 6 hours a day?
There’s your answer.
Btw, why stop at AC13, CoF12? You can still do: Arah 123, AC2, CoF3, SE13, CoE123, HotW13, TA Up/FF, CM123.
30g+ daily. But it just circles back to: do you play 1 hour a day or 6 hours a day?
I’v been doing as many world bosses a day (once per character, with a couple characters) as I can, especially temples. I salvage cloth drops, I sell everything else. I break down rares and sell the ectos, runes, mats; I sell any material drops. I’ve made over 150 gold in a week, which is reasonable since I’m a no-lifer. But even doing half or a quarter of that, you’ll have more than the gold you say you have now.
Some people champ farm but I burn out after a while.
Tarnished Coast
OP, there’s a thread in the dungeon forum called “Dungeon Mentors” that can give you contact information of folks who are willing to teach dungeons. With that, you might be able to get the gold you want for cool gears in 2 weeks or so
But any other way of making money, I have no idea.
Lot of variables that start with how long have you been playing, how many hours a day do you play, what do you do in game, and what do you do with the loot you get.
Best advice I can give you is the same as everyone else, do world events, run dungeons, even champ trains if can stomach it.
Forget about upping your MF once you get 70-90%, the ROI IMHO isn’t worth the loss in gold, it will continue to rise from salvaging for mats to sell and doing daily’s and monthly achievements.
Salvage all white and blues save the mats until you have a need or a stack to sell on the TP, sell all your greens on the TP.
Sell all exotics you don’t want or need.
Salvage all rares sell the ectos or salvage the ectos and sell the dust, save the mats if you have a need or sell the mats gotten from the rares.
Basically become a pack rat save everything matwise until you have a need or sell them for the gold, then horde the gold, never let a node go by without harvesting the materials, harvesting trips to Orr daily add up to lots of high level mats that can be sold and fighting the risen helps hone your offensive and defensive skills.
there are two ways:
-the painful one is play thousands hours, sell mats greens and exo and grind events-bosses like there’s no tomorrow
-the other painful one is gem store.
-and the darkside painful one is gold sellers (that I hope nobody here encourages.)
anyways, pain is the common factor
I’ve been playing only about 3 months. Rarely do dungeons. And have spent a lot of time in PvP where you make very little gold (and none before a month ago).
I still have about 200g and that’s after equipping 2 characters with exotics. Basically, a combo of simple TP work and the great tips Tobias provided… except I salvage greens and blues unless they’re worth more than about 2s.. got my MF up to around 85%.
It’s actually pretty darned easy to make a decent amount of coin just by regular playing in PvE as long as you don’t waste it on stuff you don’t need.
For me I just run dungeons, do some SPvP, do world bosses here and there and run fractals… Not all in one day mind you, just a combination of each. Granted, I don’t have thousands of gold but I have had 600g at one point (before I sunk all my money into mats for my legendary). I’ve also been playing since launch though.
Oh, I should also add: you can make a lot of money through living story updates. Every new update there’s some new material that people want and are willing to pay handsomely for. Couldn’t count how much $ I made off candy bags, candy corn, pristine spore samples, wintersday gifts, etc…
i play a lot (4-6 hours a day average) and have never had a problem with gold. I don’t “grind” anything, but i do a little of everything. every night i usually do a couple of world bosses, 1-3 hours of WvW, and maybe a dungeon run or 2. i’ve never bought gold via gems or otherwise, and currently have about 300g after making 1 legendary (a cheap one: Howl) and 6 ascended weapons.
After making my legendary i was down to about 40g but ascended armor dropped right then and i made 10-15g a night for 2 weeks selling Bolts of Damask (had all the mats saved).
One of the quickest and easiest ways to make gold is liquidate your collectibles, and always sell at the lowest sell offer, not the highest buy offer.
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry
for people with that much gold there are only two ways of getting it:
flipping the trading post or buying it from goldsellers.
neither option appeals to me.
Or one of the early game exploits.
A guy approached a guildie of mine willing to pay him 20 G for losing in costume brawl for his daily. The guildie said yes but asked him how he could afford that, guy said he had about 10000 G he had earned from launch exploits that went unpunished and continued to reinvested with no risk or cost. This games economy was doomed when they neglected to do something about these guys, a LOT of the people who play the games economy are able to do so not because of ability or economic knowledge but because of an unfair advantage given by the economic developers weak-handed tactics in dealing with these early exploiters.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Dungeon running is the best and fastest way to make gold. You can make about 20-30 gold/day by running AC P1/P2/P3, COE P1/P2/P3, COF P1/P2, SE P1/P3, TA U/F and HoTW P1. If you have no experienced with one of those dungeons, don’t be afraid, just post in LFG that you are new.
When you have more gold, you could invest it on some skins/items that dropped/loot from one-time event. Those skins/items price are always expected to increase rapidly in the future. For instance, when the dragon bash event released, I bought 20 dragon wing skins that cost only 8g/each. Now its price is up to 22 to 24 gold/each on the Trading Post. Moreover, when Zephyr event released, I also bought 10 Zephyr Rucksack Skin that cost about 8-9g/each. Now the price of Zephyr Rucksack Skin is increased dramatically to 40-45g/each on TP.
Another way to make more gold is doing world boss events. Every world boss drops about 1-3 rare/exotic. You could salvage rare items for ectos. For all exotics, if it costs more than 1,5g on TP, just sell it. Otherwise, salvage them. A good webstie to track all world boss events is
Addition, killing champs in Frostgorge Sound is also a good way to make gold. I haven’t tested this but my friend said that he made about 40-60g/day by following this method.
Good luck xD
//Sorry my English isn’t good lol
(edited by hienvan.7824)
Startedf making my Legendary back in late October.
Currently I have around 500G in bank (in materials).
I’m not grinding anything, I’m just playing the game, during 1-2 dungeons each day, dailies and WvW.
I have 5 legendaries and over +2000 gold, plus another +1000g invested.
While I will not reveal the specific ways I make my gold, I will give you some general advice. I do not play the TP through trading, although I do speculate a lot. But that alone doesn’t account for my wealth. Please note I have over +3000 hours in the game.
Alright kids, listen up.
At a minimum, you need to be running metaevent trains at reset. Most high population servers have it. The one I routinely do is on Yaks Bend. Every reset night at 6:45 we meet at Southsun to start the day with the Karka, and then jump maps for about an hour. Sometimes a 2nd train starts at karka in 1 hour 20 min. Metaevent trains are a good source of rares/ectos, and it’s good use for 1-2 hours of your gametime.
But that alone is not good enough – you can do better.
What nets me even more money is using your time wisely and prioritizing certain events over another. I’m not going to talk about specific events because Anet has a tendency to nerf whatever I talked about in the past. But some events are way more profitable than others for various reasons, such as mob spawn frequency/density or time density. For example, if I had a chance to choose between, say, Grenth and Claw of Jormag, I would choose the former. I’m confident the majority would choose the latter due to the 3 hour respawn. But all just for 1 rare? Grenth alone can give way more value per minute than Claw ever would. Picking Claw over Grenth is inefficient.
But you can even do better than that! ‘Doing’ events is not sufficient enough.
You need to know how to tag mobs and make sure your kill rate / hour is at its best. How do you do this? Well, at a minimum, you need a Guardian. No other class can compete with the guardian at tagging, the closest would be necros and engineers. If you are a warrior, scrap it. Roll a guardian. Got a thief? Scrap it. Got a ranger? Delete your character. Guardian is the only class that is able to tag so many mobs in such few time. When you are battling out zergs for loot, a smart guardian will come out on top with the best loot. Most guardians will spam Wave of Wrath but there is soooo much more to Guardian in order to maximize your potential.
You also need to party up. Partying up is not only for loot credit but boon priority. If you have a party full of guardians, you end up with perma swiftness if everyone equips ‘Retreat’.
You also need to memorize spawns. Knowing where mobs will spawn can be the difference in large zergs.
But hey, you can even do better than that! Ever heard of guesting? Most players don’t even utilize it. It’s your best friend that you can use to at least double your gold intake. Guesting exposes you to more events to farm and makes you more efficient. This may only work best if you have an SSD. If you have an HD, it can be extremely frustrating.
This doesn’t even touch upon the other gold methods, such as utilizing multiple characters for events, rich plat ore runs, dungeons or even TP flipping.
This really is a brief summary. There’s so much more that makes you a better farmer and a better guardian so that you can get lots of gold. But that’s for the day I quit.
(edited by Vol.7601)
I have 2 legendary, 1 full ascended character, 7 exotic/ascended characters, 1 commander tag. I’m not the richest guys in the game, but I probably have more than most. Here what i did mostly.
- Speed run dungeon. Choose which one to do, be good at it.
- The rest is having fun.
If you good enough at speed running dungeon, then you can make between 3-7 Gold per hours doing it. This exclude all the loots that i usually salvage or deposit collectible, selling only major sigils/runes and exotic selling at more than 1 gold. You should be able to get 100-150 gold per month out of this. At the end of the month if you sell all the stuff that you know you won’t use then you should be able to get an additional 20-50 Gold, you can maximize your profit by checking the price on the TP and selling your stuff when the price is higher (these prices always change so you may get a couple gold more out of this). Do AC because of the 1.5 Gold at the end, other than that do CoE, CoF and HotW to get token that you can use to buy rare of level 70+ (30 token only) that you can salvage for ectos. I usually use these ectos but you can sell them for about 20-60 more gold in the month.
These numbers add up to 140 -270 gold per month only for doing dungeon about 1-2 hours per days. Add to that dailies for some laurel. Each laurel can buy you an Heavy Crafting bag with 3 Tier 6 fine crafting material. If you use all your laurel on that it give you 150 Tier 6 that you can sell for about 45 more Gold each month.
For about 10-20 hours of GW2 per week you can get between 150 to 300 Gold per month this way. Of course if you only play 10 hours per week don’t do that only, because you gonna get tired of doing dungeon and daily only. The main point is to learn how to speed run, which in my case was really fun to do with my guildmates and friends.
EDIT : Another way to make gold is Ori and Ancient Wood. Use website like gw2nodes to find the server with the best locations of these nodes and guest on it. The more efficient way is too have multiple character and use them to gather a small numbers of nodes that are really near one to each other. I stop doing that because i don’t really need much gold right now (don’t plan on another legendary yet), but about a month ago i parked all my alts at Frostgorges sound and guest to a server will the 2 ori and 2 wood were near. This use to give me about 50 ori and 50 wood each day for about 15min of work. Depending on the prices this is about 3.5 Gold and more each day. Me I kept them and sell them when ascended armor were release so i could sell them twice their normal price.
(edited by Thaddeus.4891)
Completed my Sunrise and heading for Bolt now.
Forget champ trains, forget dungeon farming, and other “suggestions” here.
2/5/10/20/40 gold a night will not get you the thousands you need, complete bullkitten.
It’s just TP flipping. Which can be 400g a night. Nothing more.
Welcome to TPWars2.
If you want to play this game and get money, you got to learn how to be effective. Which means finding a guild effective at doing dungeons and knowing how to do meta events.
If you want to get gold fast but not play the game, then have fun with the TP.
Are you part of a guild? How I make my money is simply by playing the game. If you party up with friends and just do dungeons, you will make money simply by playing a game with your friends.
Do a few dungeons per night and you will have plenty of money without sacrificing your sanity. Just have fun.
i would say i gather most of my wealth from harvesting ore/wood
Archeage = Farmville with PK
(edited by azizul.8469)
- AC path 1-2-3 ( yes path 2 is as fast and easy as others )
– COF path 1-2
– TA path u/u , f/f
– CoE path 2-3
Thats 10g right there just from rewards , probably an other 4-8G from drops. (10-18g)
also you can use TOKENS from dungeon to get EXOS to salvage for big $$$$
Making Ascended Weapon mats ( deltrinum and Spirit wood) each sale for 3g~ a pop , FInd an efficient root to get the mats ( Iron and Platinum Ore ) you can get mats for this by doing 2/3 alt runs with 2/3 RICh veins each.
also more items you can craft for gold!! specially if you have spare mats!
World bosses and temples
each World boss and temple basically guaranty you 50~ silver(or more) ( rare + other drops )
Fractals can yeild a phew Gold per Run as well ,
*Farming/GRIND *
yes you can also farm MOBS to get Drops like karka shells , Bags for mats (linen , silk , t6 mats etc…) etc…
risky but its the BEST and fastest way to make cash ( i can make 1-500g/hour )
(edited by Ralron.8124)
Absolutely not. There is an extreme importance in the need to salvage, not sell.
Absolutely not. There is an extreme importance in the need to salvage, not sell.
I salvage ALL blues and greens wirh 2S or less value ..
For example , Rares i sale NEVER salvage. WHy? because its worth 20+s a pop .
i udnerstand you have a SMALL chance at getting Ectos , but iv seen people go 20-15 and other 0/20 .. so its ALWAYS A GAMBLE!
same thing with OPENING BAGS for mats . 80% of the time i find i get more $$ from selling the bag instead of opening it!!!
Salvage IS and will always be a Gamble ( unless you salvage blue/greens for luck ) but salvaging blues/greens will never make your cash back , specially if your using 15 silver salvage kits!!!!!
sale everything else..
depends what you want to do , but selling item will generally yield MORE cash for you , unless you actually exploit every aspect of the game by doing all of the above!! (like crafting for cash )
as well , normally the only thing i do keep is potential MATS for LEG and items i KNOW i want to craft later on..
(edited by Ralron.8124)
They buy gold with RL money or flip the TP. Some people actually grind it all out or sell dungeon runs, but that’s the long road less travelled for sure.
Basically if you wanna look pretty, pull the wallet out. It will save you months of heartache.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Salvage IS and will always be a Gamble ( unless you salvage blue/greens for luck ) but salvaging blues/greens will never make your cash back , specially if your using 15 silver salvage kits!!!!!
Why would you ever use master salvage kits for blues/greens? Normal ones are cheap.
Anyways, by not salvaging, you are missing out on a lot of magic find. That, in my opinion, is foolish. Likewise, at the moment prices for mats are much higher than they have been in the past. It can be very profitable, especially with the added incentive of magic find increasing, to salvage.
Salvage IS and will always be a Gamble ( unless you salvage blue/greens for luck ) but salvaging blues/greens will never make your cash back , specially if your using 15 silver salvage kits!!!!!
Why would you ever use master salvage kits for blues/greens? Normal ones are cheap.
Anyways, by not salvaging, you are missing out on a lot of magic find. That, in my opinion, is foolish. Likewise, at the moment prices for mats are much higher than they have been in the past. It can be very profitable, especially with the added incentive of magic find increasing, to salvage.
- I salvage ALL blues and greens wirh 2S or less value ..* ( that’s most of them
I run dungeons and do small amounts of flipping on the TP. The flipping to me is boring and I only do it when I know it is a sure thing. I also sell huge amounts of mats from salvage and farming. I also love doing champ trains and world bosses. I get quite a bit of coin daily doing this stuff.
I have a few nice items that make me look a lot richer than I really am haha, namely my Sunrise and Scythe. I tried flipping on the TP for a few days before I got tired of it. Otherwise I just do some farming, run dungeons and save gold, then blow it all, rinse, repeat. I’m currently almost broke because I couldn’t wait and got everything I needed for Volcanus last night… only to realize I need more cof tokens and it’ll be a couple more days. oh come on!
(edited by rozcinana.7249)
Salvage IS and will always be a Gamble ( unless you salvage blue/greens for luck ) but salvaging blues/greens will never make your cash back , specially if your using 15 silver salvage kits!!!!!
Why would you ever use master salvage kits for blues/greens? Normal ones are cheap.
Anyways, by not salvaging, you are missing out on a lot of magic find. That, in my opinion, is foolish. Likewise, at the moment prices for mats are much higher than they have been in the past. It can be very profitable, especially with the added incentive of magic find increasing, to salvage.
- I salvage ALL blues and greens wirh 2S or less value ..* ( that’s most of them
So then what was your point of saying “it’s always a gamble” when you salvage “most of them” anyways? If you do it for all of them, there is no gamble in your mind.
Likewise, you say you never salvage rares. With a black lion salvage kit, I think 1.2 ecto/salvage is the average amount of ectos you will receive. Master gets you .8, which is a gamble, but you are speaking greatly in absolutes. And only a Sith deals in absolutes.
for people with that much gold there are only two ways of getting it:
flipping the trading post or buying it from goldsellers.
neither option appeals to me.
I got 5 legendaries, multiple 100-300g forged weapons and tier 3 sets and I’m a wvw/pvp player only with some Living story achievement point hunting on the side.
I’ve obviously done some farming but not much at all, usually when new content comes out and it’s really profitable etc.
Just play the game… ;-]
(edited by Aphix.9846)
Easiest way? Whip out that credit card and buy gems to convert to gold.
In-game? I play 1-2 hours a day, and then not every day. I average about 50g with what I make vs. what I spend.
Running events and salvaging/selling the mats makes me about 5-10g a day, depending on what I am selling. It depends on whether or not I am going for volume or quality. If you decide to try one of the champ trains, I can tell you from my experiences (an speaking for nobody else) that I make more from Frostgorge in an hour than I can in Q’dale in roughly twice the time.
One thing to consider: There are seome pretty good looking exotics running around out there. Mix and match your look with transmute crystals (for lvl 80 gear) and see what you come up with. Also, I rather like the Temple armor, although it is relatively expensive with Karma.
Good luck to you!
Edit: One thing that saves me money in the long run is to make Mystic Salvage kits in the Forge. Here’s how you do it: Buy one each of Fine, Journeyman’s and Masters kits from the vendor, toss them along with 3 Mystic Forge Stones into the forge and you get a 250 count Mystic Salvage kit.
Here’s the link explaining MF Stones:
(edited by Ashabhi.1365)
As much as people are going to pile on and soapbox about TP tycoons and real money trading – just playing every day, and making sure that what you do every day is productive.
10 gold a day, every day, since launch would have you sitting pretty at 5,000 gold today. 20 gold a day? 10,000 gold – more than enough for 3-4 legendaries, full ascended armor, and a sizable war chest.
20 gold a day, every day, will get you a legendary every 2-3 months.
It really isn’t a huge rush; if you pick the low hanging fruit regularly (daily world events, easy dungeons, early living story money) you’ll get there without a huge amount of time played.
Also key to this is watching what you spend your money on – you can buy a precursor after a month of pretty dedicated play if you save up for it, but I suspect most players lack the discipline.
Also key to this is watching what you spend your money on – you can buy a precursor after a month of pretty dedicated play if you save up for it, but I suspect most players lack the discipline.
I don’t even know if I would call it discipline. Doing a regimented routine every day may make the best gold outside of TP flipping, but it’s also just as boring and I suspect many would burn out before reaching the gold. Rushing to have the newest and best in an MMO is the fastest way to burn out.
(edited by Leamas.5803)
Basically what im about to say is what the poster above me said.
I make around 12-18 gold daily on about 2 hours. Of course I also do some other stuff that give me money but if I were to share them then it would lose its value because it has the more people do it, the more ineffective is.
But as far as 12-18 gold is concerned, here is hat you can do:
AC p1-3 (p2 is you want to risk having a group that might not know what to do)
SE p1-3
TA u & f
HoTW p1
(1.5×2)+ (1×2) + (1×2) + (1)= 8 gold just from daily chest.
Add 25 silver(actually 26.5 but too lazy to calculate that) for dungeon completition. .25 × 7
8+1.75= ~10 gold. Add in the champion bags giving money and that could go up to nearly 11 gold. Thats just from the raw gold. Then add all the materials you get such as cloth, 2 silver a piece, rares, salvage materials, and guaranteed materials from champion bags.
Easily anywhere between 2-3 more gold. At this point we are sitting at ~14 gold, 12 gold is really unlucky. Sell the dungeon tokens for rares or exotics and salvage them for ectos.
There you go, ~15 gold or more per day doing a series of easy, non-contested dungeons. My best advice? Dont be a “baddie” and run a gear other than berzerker. Chances are that you were being kicked for not knowing the dungeon and having bad gear/weapon/traits setup which can be easily spotted by experienced dungeon runners. Nobody kicks for wiping or dying. If you join a “exp zerker speed run” group, follow the rules or get out. Dont be a bearbow or a condi-any-class, or tank/healer-guard, otherwise you will see the boot more often that you want.
Legendary SoloQ
(edited by Fortus.6175)
I get most of my gold from the TP trading. I don’t like item flipping; I do salvaging and crafting.
Anyways, I have a lot primarily because I don’t spend a lot. I only bought expensive stuff one I had a lot of gold because when you trade on the TP for a profit, your gold tends to multiply (at least to a certain point). So if you have none, you get none. The first 100 is the hardest. Took me maybe 6 months to get to 100g (I wanted exotic asap; I would of collected it far sooner if I did any farming instead of just wandering around enjoying the game). Then from 100g to 1000g was maybe 1 month.
some hints to people poorer than yourself:
masterwork (green) items have like 80% the stats of exotics. They are good enough until you are well-enough off to easily afford rare/exotics.
I have a hard rule to never spend more than half of my gold on anything. I’ve been near zero at times, but that’s only because I placed hundreds of buy orders, the vast majority of which wouldn’t be filled and I’d cancel later.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
(edited by Mystic.5934)