Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
And that the only thing in the game right?
Great game at launch, just with some issues that should have been worked out over the last 18 months. Instead they have worked hard to avoid improving on what made GW2 unique and drive it towards being more like every other MMO. The core of the game, mainly the combat, keep it above the rest, but so many other aspect are being dragged down in what I see as ultimately failing attempts to keep the attention of other MMOs’ fans. The focus needs to go back on what made GW2 unique, but I fear too much of that fanbase has been driven away already.
As someone that is not impressed with most legendary weapons, the primary long-term goal is already a bust. Playing multiple professions instead of having a main makes ascended gear/agony resist more tedious that it’s worth, and the idea of gear-grinding just to do a slightly harder Fractal has no appeal. The only other gameplay goal I can think of is map completion, which is not a long-term goal at all as it can be done in a fairly short time. The rest of the achievements are filled with story and open world ‘goals’ you will get on leveling a character, and kill 5000 mob achievements. Most of the daily achievements have more substance to them than the majority of normal achievements.
Anet needs to look back at what gave them their biggest fanbase, and use the lessons learned in GW1. GW1’s titles were so much more than GW2’s achievements. Even the prestige items in GW1 seemed to be handled better to me. If I wanted a certain fancy sword, I knew where I had to go for a chance to get it. It’s still RNG, but I think I do prefer that to random full-world item chase of a GW2 legendary. A single lucky drop, compared to stack upon stack of crafting materials and an even less likely single drop (precursor).
Most of the prestige/fancy armor/weapons in GW2 seem to be based around grind. Dozens of dungeon runs, stacks of materials, lodestones with ridiculously low drop rates. Shouldn’t Feathers of Dwayna or Infinite Light just drop sometimes in a certain part of the game, instead of having only the long, boring grind to craft. It’s nice to get an actual reward from just playing from time to time. Something that’s not just a common-as-dirt skinned exotic to sell for 2g or salvage for a 5g sigil.
I played GW1 for almost 8 years, and GW2 has already lost most of my attention. I’d probably be long gone by now if it weren’t for longtime friends and WvW. Although I haven’t even done WvW lately with the return of stale matchups.
GW2 is pretty close to being a MMO I would love… but it’s just not there. I love the world, the leveling process, the gameplay style, and the fact that I can play as hardcore or as casual as I want and not be too far behind.
The personal story could have been better. It may have been pretty average, but I was still interested and followed along. Then Trahearne came and ruined everything. Since my first character I have skipped through all the dialogue. What’s the point, when the outcome will be the exact same for all my characters?
There needs to be more character progression beyond gear. I realize new skills are coming and I hope there will be more options for existing weapons. As it is now, some of these skills are kind of bland, or I flat out don’t like them. We should have more options to build a character we fully enjoy playing. I also feel a lot of the trait choices are not that interesting. I think balance is a good thing, but I think trying to balance the game so much can be a hinderance to fun. (Note: I do not feel this way about all skills and traits, but it happens)
PvP NEEDS new modes. I get bored playing the same game type everytime. Not much else to say… I enjoy it, but needs more modes.
WvW was fun at first, but I quickly got bored of the zerg. I took a long break and just started playing again, and I haven’t stepped in WvW yet (so I’m not really sure what changed). As I remember it, there was not much of a point to winning. I feel there should be more of an incentive to win, and more options for small groups to make contributions to the battle (not sure what that would be, but less zerg would be better for me). I’d also like to be able to see enemy names.
Best game I’ve ever played.
Just needs more polish, bug fixes and permanent, replayable content, and they are coming.
I would feel better about it if the connection issues get ironed out tonight
The game has so much potential, from the absolute stunning world to the active combat. The problem is Anet refuses to use it to its full potential.
- The AI is way to dumb for the type of active combat the game provides
- No new areas except an southsun
- Exploits/bugs in all the “hard” content, if you can even call it hard….
- The LS’s story. Was it written for a 5 year old?
- Failure to give the community a final verdict on where they are going with the game (LS forever or boxed expansions) FIGURE IT OUT!
- Failure to adress the dungeon/fractal community at all (1 post on the fractured forums and no posts on the dungeon forum for MONTHS ALMOST A YEAR)
- Everything is time gated. STOPPPPPPPPPPP
This is just off the top of my head and only on the PvE side of things. Not a pvper but from what ive heard it isnt in a much better state. Wasnt it supposed to be MLG? LOL
After making a alegendary and working on the ascended stuff, unless the story changes for good, not much will be left to keep me in the game. I am however, interested to see the direction of the game, it’s been fun so far, just needing an improvement in the story department / new content delivery. But if the datamined VIP membership is indeed implemented, I’m quitting for good.
Still a good game but with more and more options that are getting frustrated. Be it account bound stuff, ascended gear/weapons, worst drops in a game I have ever played. Too much relaying on crafting and it’s not really crafting, just farming for a long time to finally click that craft button.
Living story is not very living and just another farm spot for every couple of weeks.
I could go on but that would seem I do not enjoy it anymore.
If the datamined VIP membership is indeed implemented, I’m quitting for good.
It won’t be implemented, devs already confirmed this.
On topic
I’ve been playing this game since release and I’m also a GW1 veteran. I probably will play this game until it’s dead. However that doesn’t mean im satisfied with the game right now and won’t be until they scrap the LS. I don’t like it, it’s unpolished, too rushed, lacks good story telling and the achievements are a grind fest. I would be fine with the LS if it’s something too keep us occupied while we wait for an expansion. But I will never be happy with LS as main end game, this is how I feel right now.
Unlike others, I do like the ascended crafting. But I still miss a lot of things, things we should have had since the release of the game. Good news is that Chriss confirmed that guild halls, player housing and even a reworked version of Signet of Capture are very likely to come.
I just hope ArenaNet will consider the creation of an expansion.
How do I feel…………… I don’t like it.
I don’t like the nerfs.
I don’t like the DR.
I don’t like that I will never get any good stuff.
I don’t like they can’t get the balance right.
I don’t like my Ranger.
I’m bored with the dailies.
I don’t like the beserker nerf.
I don’t like that the Ranger is actually useless with bows.
I don’t like the empty area’s.
Blah I could go on………….
At least it’s not a subscription game, so I do like I don’t have to cancel my suscription.
Bad players will be carried through easier dungeons and they will remain bad players. I’ve played with people who have their dungeon master title and are still bad players. And I’m not judging them. I’m sure they have reason to not be that good at the game. Bad internet connection maybe, on prescription meds, dyslexic, having kids running around in the background who they have to deal with….
Having linear progression doesn’t insure good players. I’ve played with bad players in every game that has linear progression. Those who are interested in playing better will get better. Those who aren’t, aren’t going to get better.
Dyslexic makes you a bad gamer?
Well, my dislexic friend is terrible at Jumping Puzzles.
- pure awesome
- totally addicted
- hearts are getting repetitive
- feel really sad that crafting is not profitable and therefore i refuse to craft
- feel sad that pvp is utterly dissapointing
- wvwvw feels like a giant orgy – and not the good type
- feeling sad that there is nothing desirable to farm for (this is my main issue with the game). would love to farm for an epic mount to drop, a weapon item that only 200 people in game have, a very rare backpiece etc.
- feeling sad that there is nothing desirable to farm for (this is my main issue with the game). would love to farm for an epic mount to drop, a weapon item that only 200 people in game have, a very rare backpiece etc.
i really wonder, if those who don’t want to farm hate ascended and new BiS, and those who do like farm still don’t like ascended that much…(and seemingly also ask for horizontal upgrades)
why are ascended still here? O.o
good job anet
- feeling sad that there is nothing desirable to farm for (this is my main issue with the game). would love to farm for an epic mount to drop, a weapon item that only 200 people in game have, a very rare backpiece etc.
I think this is the biggest failing the game has, it’s simply not rewarding outside of a steadily paced earning of gold. Every desirable item has a set path of grind/farm to get, which is just rather dull. I think that option should be there for these items, but it should not be the only way to get them. For some, that chance to have something really great drop is more incentive to farm than a steady trickle of gold. Right now, that only exists with precursors, which have such a ridiculously low drop rate that you will likely play thousands of hours and never see one. Other weapons could be several times more common, but still have enough rarity to retain value and give a more rewarding experience overall.
i really wonder, if those who don’t want to farm hate ascended and new BiS, and those who do like farm still don’t like ascended that much…(and seemingly also ask for horizontal upgrades)
why are ascended still here? O.o
good job anet
I’d guess that a lot of the players that wanted ascended gear already got it and moved on, or got tired of waiting for each bit of it to be released and left before it was all added. They drove away a bunch of other players in an attempt to keep a group that has probably moved on anyway.
They were trying to satisfy a group of players that can only be satisfied by constant vertical progression. The pace that ascended gear was released at was likely far too slow for this group, but far to fast for other types of players, such as alt-lovers like me. With all the timegating (although some can be bought around), I’d be spending more than a year getting gear for 8 characters. Likely a couple years because I don’t stick the just one build per character.
they tried a tricky compromise.
long grind, small stat increase.
but it revealed as a betrayal for no-new-bis casuals, too much effort for little reward for wow_boys.
and made both of them kitten off.
and yeah, maybe part of the population would have quitted anyways, ascended or not, because need steepy “powaaaa” treadmill.
in all cases….anet is wrong
my 2 cent
they tried a tricky compromise.
long grind, small stat increase.
but it revealed as a betrayal for no-new-bis casuals, too much effort for little reward for wow_boys.
and made both of them kitten off.and yeah, maybe part of the population would have quitted anyways, ascended or not, because need steepy “powaaaa” treadmill.
in all cases….anet is wrong
my 2 cent
I don’t think I’d be considered casual by anyone but the most extreme hardcore player, and I still don’t want to spend the entire life of a game chasing stat points. Especially not on gear, when I have to keep wasting additional money to keep my desired looks through the stat upgrades. Re-transmuting armor that has already been transmuted once is just throwing away money.
In any case, it was a horrible attempt at a compromise, and all they actually accomplished was making both sides angry.
In any case, it was a horrible attempt at a compromise, and all they actually accomplished was making both sides angry.
Ascended fiasco in a nutshell.
1 Word. Disappointed.
This said it for me.
i think that anet can make both sides happy only through horizontal prog.
because, as i m a casual and forever will be, there is no way that i ll ever accept another grindy tier of BiS or infusions;)
idem the other side, need something to grind hard for. this little slow releases of boring ascended is not so good.
if they choose the way of VP, will lose AT LEAST a side, if not both.
hope in the CDI
they tried a tricky compromise.
long grind, small stat increase.
but it revealed as a betrayal for no-new-bis casuals, too much effort for little reward for wow_boys.
and made both of them kitten off.and yeah, maybe part of the population would have quitted anyways, ascended or not, because need steepy “powaaaa” treadmill.
in all cases….anet is wrong
my 2 cent
In all cases, in YOUR OPINION, Anet is wrong. This isn’t a factual statement. In fact, Anet might well be right.
And adding a smilely face after saying Anet is wrong probably doesn’t help your case at all, because it looks like you’re gloating that they’re wrong.
If I wanted a certain fancy sword, I knew where I had to go for a chance to get it. It’s still RNG, but I think I do prefer that to random full-world item chase of a GW2 legendary. A single lucky drop, compared to stack upon stack of crafting materials and an even less likely single drop (precursor).
Agree. It’s to much of a general grind.. Mainly gold to get your items then being able to go for an item itself.
I also rather have to kill one type of mob 1000 hoping to get that one item or do a dungeon 100 to get that mini, or kill that boss to get that skin then that I have to grind for gold to then being able to buy them.
I am however afraid that this has to do with a focus on the gem-store. If they put items like that in the game people could just go for it, this way gold is the main way to get it and you can buy gold with gems.
In the CDI thread we are also talking about this sort of what I call RP end-game. Going for that item in the game or having that fun craft that lets you just make fun items every level in stead of crafts that you need to grind to level 400 / 500 to then finally being able to make that one item you need. Like the legendary or the ascended stuff.
How do I feel? I feel like it’s the best game on the market, certainly my favorite, and I’m enjoying watching the game grow and progress as everyone gets a better feel for what actually works in practice as we go along. I found the two week cadence becomes addictive… it’s hard to imagine other games go months, half a year or more with nothing new added. I appreciate what they’re doing and have the patience to wait and see what comes next from the CDI discussions, which show real promise when the community actually takes the time to discuss the direction of the game and offer constructive criticism and creative ideas as to how each of us thinks it could be improved.
That’s how I feel. Thanks for asking.
the smiley means that it’s just my opinion, and i m wasting time…and that i know it.
and that no complaint, also if coming from the whole community (i m not saying it IS, only a part), would change the game.
and they knew it but did the same, and it kittenes me off
so much meaning in a smile
The game looks like a mess, how ascended gear is obtained and its purpose, how classes work, WvW concept is interesting but poorly designed.
WvW is blob n stack cap keep, leave keep alone and move next one, ugly design by default.
i think that anet can make both sides happy only through horizontal prog.
Vertical progression just pushes the power curve higher and higher, continually requiring harder content to keep up. It’s been fairly low increase so far, but if they intend to keep on this course that will be forced to change.
Horizontal progression can give you so much more to work for, without having that drawback. And it’s not just about style and cosmetics. You can add progression and gameplay variety with unlockable skills/traits.
Bumping the numbers with vertical progression was just the easy (or lazy) solution.
Never have I tried or wanted to like a game as much but been so disappointed by every aspect of a game.
Just did a long post, just to have it deleted cos the site logged me out
So ima do it short I guess:
I used to play GW1 a lot back in the day, where GW2 turned out to be going in a completely different direction than of what I had hoped for.
To list a few things:
Living story is great and all, but nearly no permanent content for over a year has had me bored, and I don’t really enjoy repeating the same tasks over and over and over and over, to get some kind of reward.
Missing guild halls – One of the things I really enjoyed in GW1 was guild halls, both for its looks, while I personally and my guild were really into Guild Battles.
Skill hunting – this was one of my favorite activities, and something I saw as a way for your character to progress, it wasnt power, just the diversity of how you could build your character, capturing elite skills off bosses in the world, and otherwise in prophecies, the only way to get the meteor skill in that was to find a special trainer out in the open somewhere who would train it to you, as you couldn’t get that off any other trainer.
Bugs and exploits – this is a real biggie, game has been out for a very long time now, and we have seen nearly no fixes for dungeons, these includes the stacking exploits (which I really hate doing, but have to do if I want to group with random people into dungeons), and the very awkward, and well not very high quality encounters in dungeons – Zhaitan being a perfect example, I really don’t get why this fight haven’t been fixed yet :/ Could have had been a lot more epic. Both missing sounds, to the camera going through objects which makes it really difficult to actually use the camera with your character correctly.
Teamplay – I know it’s there, it just doesn’t feel like its there – I dont mind that we don’t have a trinity in GW2, we didden’t really have a trinity in GW1 either, well we didden’t have tanks anyway. – But honostly, being specced for much else than DPS often feels like a waste of time, as you can mostly do the same things there, just quicker.
Immersion – This might both be related to some story stuff, and then perhaps also some of the items you can get off the gem store, though I can’t really go into much detail about it, but I don’t really feel all that immersed, which I then came to realise that the game isn’t about, atleast it doesn’t seem like it – though I thought it would back when I first preordered the game.
Meaningful Guild Play – There’s not all that much reason to be in a guild, or play together with your guild mates, unless you are a WvW guild.
I could go on, but i’ll just stop here.
As Colin said GW1 is still up, so just go play that.
My opinion, the game was fun at the start, but we don’t have the game that was marketed and probably never will.
Personally I am disappointed thus far …
ANet has painted themselves into a corner with their coding/server tech and have denied WvW from its full potential.
My top 5 issues:
I think the forums have gotten them self into a situation where they can be called out for asking for something and then getting it and then complain about the very thing they asked for.
Thats the type of behavior you would expect from free to play games, you dont have to pay monthly fees to play this game which i think is the main reason people complain so much about the game.
I think the forums have gotten them self into a situation where they can be called out for asking for something and then getting it and then complain about the very thing they asked for.
Thats the type of behavior you would expect from free to play games, you dont have to pay monthly fees to play this game which i think is the main reason people complain so much about the game.
But its b2p you still need to have to buy the game to get on the forums. They realty need to add in a time counter for the last time you logged into GW2. I am a very strong believer that throwing more money at something will not fix a problem this is how i see monthly fees for games. They are happy to take your money but that dose not mean they are going to fix things but i must say it thins ppl out of there game fast.
As Colin said GW1 is still up, so just go play that.
My opinion, the game was fun at the start, but we don’t have the game that was marketed and probably never will.
And yet one of the things advertised was exactly that they’ve taken everything that made GW1 great and put it into GW2 o.O
So thats really the problem, the way it was advertised.
But if the datamined VIP membership is indeed implemented, I’m quitting for good.
I dont really understand this. That vip membership thing wouldnt change gameplay at all and it wouldnt keep you content gated. If anything it would pump more money into anet/ncsofts pocket. Which in turn may benefit the playerbase.
I think the forums have gotten them self into a situation where they can be called out for asking for something and then getting it and then complain about the very thing they asked for.
Thats the type of behavior you would expect from free to play games, you dont have to pay monthly fees to play this game which i think is the main reason people complain so much about the game.
But its b2p you still need to have to buy the game to get on the forums. They realty need to add in a time counter for the last time you logged into GW2. I am a very strong believer that throwing more money at something will not fix a problem this is how i see monthly fees for games. They are happy to take your money but that dose not mean they are going to fix things but i must say it thins ppl out of there game fast.
Monthly fees don’t really work anymore. Last game that was and still is successful with it is WoW. Thats 9 years old. All games after that with sub-model had to change the model or are to young to have proven themselves.
F2P or micro transaction-based games (like GW2.. with it’s gem-store focus) can earn a company some money so work from a financial viewpoint but the focus on getting people to buy items always effects the game in negative ways. P2W being the most obvious one but also without P2W it effects the game. Look at GW2 that has almost no P2W but the it effect the core game mechanic. Getting mini’s is just not fun (what should be for a fluff driven casual game) and everything is so currency driven. Not strange because you can buy money with gems.
Imho the only system what would really work is basing your income primarily on regular expansions. In a way that is how many games earn there money, difference is there that is are not expansions but new versions of the game. Release an expansion every year / year and a half and from a financial viewpoint you have a nice longterm investment that will keep paying itself back over years to come. From a game viewpoint you can expect a high quality game.
Oow and what also doesn’t help is the investor not being the same company as the developer. Then you can get conflicting interest.
So if there is every an MMORPG that will base it’s income on expansions, is an independent company and does seem to really have a good game it might indeed be the big success so manly people are waiting for. Something to keep in mind.
(edited by Devata.6589)
I think the forums have gotten them self into a situation where they can be called out for asking for something and then getting it and then complain about the very thing they asked for.
Thats the type of behavior you would expect from free to play games, you dont have to pay monthly fees to play this game which i think is the main reason people complain so much about the game.
But its b2p you still need to have to buy the game to get on the forums. They realty need to add in a time counter for the last time you logged into GW2. I am a very strong believer that throwing more money at something will not fix a problem this is how i see monthly fees for games. They are happy to take your money but that dose not mean they are going to fix things but i must say it thins ppl out of there game fast.
Monthly fees don’t really work anymore. Last game that was and still is successful with it is WoW. Thats 9 years old. All games after that with sub-model had to change the model or are to young to have proven themselves.
F2P or micro transaction-based games (like GW2.. with it’s gem-store focus) can earn a company some money so work from a financial viewpoint but the focus on getting people to buy items always effects the game in negative ways. P2W being the most obvious one but also without P2W it effects the game. Look at GW2 that has almost no P2W but the it effect the core game mechanic. Getting mini’s is just not fun (what should be for a fluff driven casual game) and everything is so currency driven. Not strange because you can buy money with gems.
Imho the only system what would really work is basing your income primarily on regular expansions. In a way that is how many games earn there money, difference is there that is are not expansions but new versions of the game. Release an expansion every year / year and a half and from a financial viewpoint you have a nice longterm investment that will keep paying itself back over years to come. From a game viewpoint you can expect a high quality game.
Oow and what also doesn’t help is the investor not being the same company as the developer. Then you can get conflicting interest.
So if there is every an MMORPG that will base it’s income on expansions, is an independent company and does seem to really have a good game it might indeed be the big success so manly people are waiting for. Something to keep in mind.
I have to agree it would be like youtube asking for a monthly fee to watch there videos things are expiated to be free over the web for the most part. I think we will see other mmorpg that are coming out with in that year of there release fall back into more of a add on payment type system and not a monthly fee.
I feel that the game is trash, grindy and lacks things to do.
I have literally stopped playing the game and the only thing’s I do is a dungeon here and there, my daily and MAYBE a fractal at best and that’s it.
What the game lacks:
- Permanent content, this is the most obvious. “Living” Story becomes a Dead Story after 24hrs.
- Lack of PvP game types, only 1 game type, GW1 had at least 4 modes, E-Sport my eye, nice joke.
- Unique items: In GW1 almost every dungeon had a unique weapon tied to it, which gave me a reason to do those dungeons, in GW2 no matter which dungeon you do, drops are almost all the same, something such as a “treasure hunt” doesn’t exist.
- Challenge, I mean what the hell, in GW1 if you died in FoW or UW it’s game over, in dungeons HM if you are careless it would have taken some skill to finish. I want some challenge in the game.
- Variety, After over 1 year playing the game I’ve done pretty much everything there’s to do. What’s the point of doing events like a robot? Doing dungeon paths and once you’re done it’s worthless to repeat. Living stories aren’t engaging and they are pretty much same content as the previous one with a different skin.
The game is stagnated because there’s too much focus on what ANet wants: money and almost nothing of what players want: more significant content.
I feel that the game is trash, grindy and lacks things to do.
I have literally stopped playing the game and the only thing’s I do is a dungeon here and there, my daily and MAYBE a fractal at best and that’s it.
What the game lacks:
- Permanent content, this is the most obvious. “Living” Story becomes a Dead Story after 24hrs.
- Lack of PvP game types, only 1 game type, GW1 had at least 4 modes, E-Sport my eye, nice joke.
- Unique items: In GW1 almost every dungeon had a unique weapon tied to it, which gave me a reason to do those dungeons, in GW2 no matter which dungeon you do, drops are almost all the same, something such as a “treasure hunt” doesn’t exist.
- Challenge, I mean what the hell, in GW1 if you died in FoW or UW it’s game over, in dungeons HM if you are careless it would have taken some skill to finish. I want some challenge in the game.
- Variety, After over 1 year playing the game I’ve done pretty much everything there’s to do. What’s the point of doing events like a robot? Doing dungeon paths and once you’re done it’s worthless to repeat. Living stories aren’t engaging and they are pretty much same content as the previous one with a different skin.
The game is stagnated because there’s too much focus on what ANet wants: money and almost nothing of what players want: more significant content.
This this this this. Did i mention this? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I’m confused because the core of the game and its systems are largely being ignored. I see majority of the people I know doing things champ runs, dungeons, zone clearing, legendaries, Orr runs, jumping puzzles, and personal story. Then I see the Living World and it either peppers those things or does something different entirely. I’m confused because the game has a great core – but that’s it. That core hasn’t been expanded upon and very few meaningful updates have been permanently left.
adjective: boring
not interesting; tedious.
This is an old response I made to the champ chest but most of it is still relevant to the state of GW2 now.
Man this mechanic has more problems than a pinto.
Seriously I don’t think there is an acceptable solution to this problem because Anet created some sort of monster. The fact that Anet has gone so far to stand out from all other mmos that in itself creates problems that are squarely unique to this mmo and this one only.
You know this is something that would never happen in a game like EQ2 or other mmos for one simple reason: You’re competing with everyone else already.
You have to complete your own quests for loot, you have find your own loot and you have to work with other people in order to get…more loot.
I think the civility in wow can certainly out-class this game’s community six ways to sundae. (pun). Just solely for the fact that you have play nice with everyone in order to get your loot seems to be a far superior incentive than what guild wars 2 “Every man for himself” motto seems to be.
What good is working together if my loot is no different from your loot off the same mob? Why should I bother completing dynamic events if my reward is less worthwhile than what a newbie at level one would get in any other game? Why should I even care if anyone likes me or not when I can just jump into anything at any time regardless and still get a sweet ride?
The only difference is I have absolutely no reason to care about anyone since I get mine anyway. That’s why there is the most intensive player backlash i’ve ever seen in any mmo.
Anet, you really went too far in wanting to change the face of mmos. You created a game that essentially needs nobody at all. A glorified one player game that happens to have other people in it. A game I would rather play alone because having to conceive the idea of working with other people for no good reason would be a hindrance to my own skills, ability or loot than an asset.
I feel being burned out mainly …
As an older gamer with RL things and limited amounts of time, I feel like the Living story takes up all my time, I have hardly set foot in other places (but some nights of WvD) even though I would like to. Most of my time is eaten up by grinding out the LS b4 the main blob has passed through and stopped caring, so its actually possible to complete all the checklist items. Which in a sense feels more like a chore list, instead of an ‘achievement’ list.
I also feel somewhat stalled on my current main, as a sylvari there is a rather limited amount of plant armors to choose from, and the ones I would like to match have huge clipping issues (mainly the lowest tier cultural chest piece, totally removes the dungeon gloves from view). Then I also have not yet found a higher than exotic axe that I truly like … so basically the visual progress of my main has halted. This in part is due to the distinct nature of Sylvari, but on the other hand, it’s also due to this clipping and no new sylvari armors being released.
As a last thing I tend to feel a times that I am somewhat being mocked as a gamer by GW2, this has largely to do with the very childish approach to a lot of game elements. In some sense the game even mocks itself at times. While humour is nice to enjoy yourself, when its overdone and put to extremes it becomes a parody of itself, and not really something to laugh about.
Lastly I feel somewhat sad, sad in a sense that all effort seems to be spend to create temporary content, leading to a game that has but grown an inch in over a year. While temporary content can surely break the mould, and shake up things, if everything is just temporary, it will have nothing to show for itself in the end… it also gives this ‘burn out’ feel, with urgent wild goose chase ‘to-do list’ … I dunno, a living story that would actually expand the game, instead of giving the illusion of shaking things up (as its only for a 2w period), sounds like something that would make me happier in the ‘end’.
I feel that the game is trash, grindy and lacks things to do.
I have literally stopped playing the game and the only thing’s I do is a dungeon here and there, my daily and MAYBE a fractal at best and that’s it.
What the game lacks:
- Permanent content, this is the most obvious. “Living” Story becomes a Dead Story after 24hrs.
- Lack of PvP game types, only 1 game type, GW1 had at least 4 modes, E-Sport my eye, nice joke.
- Unique items: In GW1 almost every dungeon had a unique weapon tied to it, which gave me a reason to do those dungeons, in GW2 no matter which dungeon you do, drops are almost all the same, something such as a “treasure hunt” doesn’t exist.
- Challenge, I mean what the hell, in GW1 if you died in FoW or UW it’s game over, in dungeons HM if you are careless it would have taken some skill to finish. I want some challenge in the game.
- Variety, After over 1 year playing the game I’ve done pretty much everything there’s to do. What’s the point of doing events like a robot? Doing dungeon paths and once you’re done it’s worthless to repeat. Living stories aren’t engaging and they are pretty much same content as the previous one with a different skin.
The game is stagnated because there’s too much focus on what ANet wants: money and almost nothing of what players want: more significant content.
This this this this. Did i mention this? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Most my of my ennui simply comes from the shear stagnation of the game. WvW was really the only thing that has kept me interested for almost a year and even that is running out of steam. It’s frequently treated as the thing they tacked on for flavor and virtually nothing seems to be balanced with it in mind.
Don’t even get me started on the Laughable Story updates. I thought grocery kill lists were that thing that Anet wasn’t gonna do this time around? There’s nothing less immersive than having to kill a spider queen 5 times when she respawns every 20 minutes and will continue to do so until the next update.
It’s like they keep forgetting that the “RP” part of MMORPG actually matters.
(edited by Substance E.4852)
I feel like the chickens are coming home to roost.
How I feel at the moment?
It’s doing nothing to draw me back into playing.
It’s like watching a child get it wrong over and over again, failing to understand why it’s gradually losing all of its friends.
And having taken a step back from it to observe it at a distance, it’s disgusting exactly how much of the game is currently focussed on monetisation.
Out of curiosity, I went to GW2spidy the other day to confirm something I have long suspected.
Over time, the exchange rate between gems and gold has only climbed. It has never plateaued or declined.
What does this tell us?
That ArenaNet have designed the economy so that eventually it’ll be more attractive to spend real world money on gems in order to get gold than to get the things you want through gameplay.
On September the 10th, 2012, shortly after release, 100 gems would buy you 19S65C.
To buy a hundred gems would have cost you 27S47C.
Today, 100 gems buys you 5G34S34C, while 100 gems will cost you 7G39S85.
These figures will only increase over time.
I predict that in a couple of years, 100 gems will buy you a substantial amount of a cultural tier 3 armour set, if not all of it.
While in mechanical terms, you can’t call GW2 “Buy to Win” (cash won’t increase your power level), if you consider that much of the game focuses around cosmetic items being the main rewards for playing the game, then GW2 very much IS “Buy to Win”. Especially when most of the work on new cosmetic items seems to go into gem shop items.
Edit: Oh, and an interesting thing for everyone to consider if the economy continues its current trend: Eventually, one fine transmutation stone will cost more gold than an entire set of tier 3 cultural armour.
While items that can be gained through gameplay will continue to lose their value over time thanks to this broken, one-sided economic model, items in the cash shop will remain a constant, real-world price.
(edited by Mungrul.9358)
I think the forums have gotten them self into a situation where they can be called out for asking for something and then getting it and then complain about the very thing they asked for.
what have we gotten that we asked for we asked for progression got a insane grind for BIS gear, we asked to help even the playing field in wvw for servers wither lower pop we got bloodlust back, we asked for fractal to be fun they make dredge EVEN WORSE that’s not what people want. its misinterpretation of the problem and making it worse.
(edited by narrock.6890)
PvE is really boring and tedious. I hate the design of combat, it’s just so routine feeling. Doing hearts is pure grind.
And sPvP is the worst PvP I’ve ever played. It’s just a cluster****… complete high speed chaos 100% damage screw everything else. The particle effects are also ridiculous. It feels like there is 0 strategy aside from “mash all the buttons!” and “outnumber them!” Also, as a Necro, it’s just like pinball getting bounced everywhere and not having access to vigor.
(edited by Unpredictability.4086)
I’m truly torn regarding this game and how I feel about it.
On one hand, I love the potential it has. The combat, while lacking depth, is more active than most MMO’s (I think Wildstar is trumping it, however.) Professions all feel and play differently; my Warrior and Mesmer are two entirely different playstyles. There are also tons of little features GW2 has that really do make it stand out;
-Down-scaling in lower level zones to play with friends and to keep content moderately challenging.
-Deposit all collectible function (Sweet merciful Dwayna, do I love this function!)
-Unlocking skills you want to unlock as you level and progress your character.
On the other hand, however, this game is seriously lacking content. Living story has been, for the most part, dull. There are a few of them I love, like the Molten Facility and Bazaar of the Four Winds. But the others? More grind, less reward, and even less interest. My biggest gripe with the living story, though? It’s all temporary content. Which is the absolute worst thing a MMO can do, in my opinion. Especially one like GW2, without a subscription fee.
I logged in a month after Southsun Cove Secrets LS update, and I saw all the neat looking yellow flowers. I thought hey, those are cool! My sylvari would totally look great with one of those! So, I proceed to ask my guild (which, by the way, has been dwindling in size due to lack of interest in the game) “Where can I get one of those yellow back flowers?” Their response saddened me.
“Oh, that was temporary content. You can’t get them anymore.”
Preventing players from content in an MMO that allows max level players to play anywhere is a terrible design philosophy. We gamers are vain; we love our shinies. Telling us we can’t get said shinies is disheartening, to say the least, and doesn’t make me want to play your game, ANet.
Also, the story so far has been absolutely uninteresting. Why Scarlet instead of another elder dragon? I would have been fine if we only received small updates while we waited for a big expansion to come out (much like Factions and Nightfall from GW1) that introduces new professions, new dungeons, new skills, and new zones with well thought out and polished mechanics, stories, and rewards.
But instead we have Living Story, which, most of the time, is about zerging this, looting that, and zerging something else.
Another topic I’d like to address is 5 man content design, and how it caters completely to berserker based character builds. Why build a support character that heals when healing power scales so poorly and dpsing a boss as fast as possible is a much better and quicker way to proceed through the content? Why build around control and beefiness when, again, dpsing is clearly the faster and more efficient?
ANet, you need to change dungeon mechanics and/or buff the other two sides of your holy trinity. Stacking up in a corner, using Fiery Greatsword #4 and #3, and DPSing the boss like crazy isn’t thought provoking at all. Where are the mechanics? Fractals do a little bit of a better job of introducing interesting mechanics, but again, berserker gear dominates this area as well. I want to see more bosses with interesting mechanics, like the ones in Fractals. Not the zergfests, champ trains, and berserker dungeon runs. You guys need to revamp your vanilla dungeons, because they feel rushed, unprovoking in thought, and are a joke to run nowadays.
TL;DR – I think this game is a good game, but development for content is not going in the direction I’m looking for right now. Wildstar launch is coming closer, and I’m afraid that what it has to offer will be much more interesting than the Living Story garbage that we’ve been receiving. ANet needs to produce higher quality content if they want to keep me around and spending money on gems.
(edited by Amiron.1067)
GW2 is ok (could be less zerging in PvE) and i don’t think that there will be any better games in near future. Well eso could be ok if RvR is good, EQ is PvE game and wildstar doesn’t interest me at all.
ANet needs to produce higher quality content if they want to keep me around and spending money on gems.
they need to produce content
because for now i see grind and tiers. not contents
WvW started off good. I remember being in a party of 5 fighting little groups of enemies (5 – 10 players) and it was all about skill and a group being in one mind. Then it turned into useless zergs. Guilds then focused on getting as much players as possible to have bigger zergs. So now most guilds I have been in are useless because no one helps each other and they try to force u to be in their WvW zergs (im in blackgate btw).
Agree. I started out on Devona’s Rest, and even when we had very low populations we had a good mixture of scouts, small teams, and larger groups trying to play strategically for weekly points. After a while some larger guilds transferred in and we learned a lot of new tactics that made WvW really fun in spite of the lag and culling.
I agree aswell. I started on Gandara. At the time it was extremely fun because everyone was still learning stuff and nearly nobody was maxed out so most people took uplevels into WvW. Usually we went with 5 people, cause the party system only allowed 5 and then we did camp capping and it felt engaging and amazing because we were like infiltrating enemy terrain and we could get attacked at any point, which happened often. It was one of the greatest experiences to me.
Then… I think during 2013 most of WvW became blobbing. Maps didn’t see additions. Gameplay didn’t see additions. Guilds got neglected for PvP. Saw a lot of glass cannons still in that period.
From June to now most people started running warriors and guardians usually PVT or PPT. Masteries got introduced which are really just fluff. WXP provided more useless goals. And well… everyone resorted to blobbing because that’s the easiest way.
Generally… the game had a great potential but none of it was brought about in the first year a half. It’s sad, but it’s the truth. I’m still waiting for April releases… then if it isn’t good I’ll be gone to another game probably.
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