How do you ger rid of the Permanent DR?
I like DR
So me as a casual player have less disadvantages.
DR has no advantage to you as a casual, in fact it still impairs you.
Less items being farmed will keep prices up on TP, not lower. How does that advantage a casual player that needs to buy items off TP?
pretty sure this is just a case of bad streak. Or you can call kitten drop rates the same as permanent DR? in which case, this thread can join the “Anet nerfed looting rates” thread or whatever it was called o.O
You mean that’s not normal? This sounds like my drop rate since release. I think you were just lucky to ever experience a better drop rate.
Sounds like my drop rate since release too! I think I’m perma-DR account-wide…
Oh, and a MMO is not a grind by definition. It’s just that the majority of them are (which sucks btw).
That has been my drop rate since betas lol. I’m lucky to get a rare quality item once every week or two and I don’t really farm much of anything other than karkas sometimes. I attempt to farm Orr but after the first 2 hours of seeing nothing but common salvage mats and the occasional blue item I give up. I don’t even get masterworks. It’s the same on all my characters, except one, but even he only gets a few more rares and the occasional masterwork (strangely it’s the only one with 0% MF). I have yet to get a SINGLE exotic drop anywhere in the game. The only time I have ever had one hit my inventory was from completing zones and crafting it myself. Good thing I’m not one of those people that will punch walls and throw tantrums over drops lol. I know there’s plenty more to do in the game to keep me entertained, it’s just disheartening sometimes.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Farm the TP, no DR 100g in 2 hours for starters
Tell me your secrets, master.
Farm the TP, no DR 100g in 2 hours for starters
Tell me your secrets, master.
I have found some ways but I CBF doing them. I paid money to play the game – not to play the STOCK EXCHANGE!
Do not click this link!
You mean that’s not normal? This sounds like my drop rate since release. I think you were just lucky to ever experience a better drop rate.
lol, exactly what I was thinking. o.0
You are stuck that is how it is. Open world loot is 0. I went from 5-6 rares in a plinx run to 0! But do a frac dungeon and you get exotics.
They want you to buy gems or run frac dungeon 24-7. That is how it is. I spent the last few days getting near my top exploration and never got a rare with full MF.
It is so bad that I am going back to just doing the TP again – log in and do trades. I dont like dungeons if that is the only way then I wont play. So 70% of the pop has left cause of all of this.
But a little bit of advise – right after patch goes live there have been reports that things are better for bit then DR hits and back to 0 drops.
Good luck.
But this all to force people who dont do dungeons ect to buy gems.
As a guild leader, should you not be helping new guildies in dungeons rather than being egoistic?
Unsure what ‘DR’ means but I might be able to say something about it if I know the full name.
Since its been asked twice now, DR is Diminishing Returns.
I like to view MMOs through the lazy eye of a Systems Admin, and the critical eye of a
Project Manager. You’ve been warned. ;-)
Add me to the list of the “never seen an exotic drop”. After 600hours with WvW and 97% map completion… nadda. I can actually say rares are a rare for me since release. My account with alts running around doing DE’s, changing maps, hearts and exploring are all the same. After 1hour the loot is non-existant/trash. I made my exotic set by breaking the ones I got from map completion.
I had the inkling to try the last 4 races/classes combo I wanted but wasn’t sure whether to spend the money in the gem store 800gems per slot, or just get a new game/account.
Amazon had GW2 on sale for Christmas Day Only at 29.99. I went for it.
Funny how this new account with only one single character can hit the DR doing the personal story and completing maps etc. …. but if I change maps I start getting loot greens and blues and bags again. (it’s only a lvl30 atm).
Which is much better than my first account’s little level 30 alt can get by changing maps after that hour is up. And at 24g split between characters and trying to max the last 4 crafts… the old account is just flat broke. Forget crafting a second exotic set for the level 80. At least I have a good amount of mats.
I can’t say this is a large enough sample size to prove anything. However that new account has a working DR implementation whereas the account I have had since pre-release is simply depressing to log on to.
You guys can say it’s working as intended, but I really do think it could be an account or possibly a server based issue. The new account is on a different server. So much for a control to help narrow the issue down. I wanted to try a highly populated server for the new one.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Ok my general luck has turned sour. Porous bones, hooves, and other crap is what I get more than 50% of the time since last couple of days. Regardless of where I am. I even don’t get anything over several mobs. I am definitely haunted by the DRB (DR-Boogeyman).
ANET PLEASE FIX THIS KITTEN THING. Stop being lazy and implementing code that has clearly not worked how it was designed. This reminds me of the stupid matchamaking system of the CoD series. Why do you persist with this? You will never optimize it because the environement is just too chaotic.
Do not click this link!
There is no diminishing returns for stuff like magic-find. At least none I’ve noticed.
Maybe you’re just trying too hard and having bad luck.
I like DR
So me as a casual player have less disadvantages.
That is a terribly short sighted and nihilistic view. We are talking about a reduction of wealth within the entire community. Less wealth can be, “produced.” This will create shortages.
In a games where resources are virtually limitless, this is by far the stupidest statement I have ever come across.
There is never a shortage in a game, only inflation making it difficult for casual gamers to acquire items OR challenge-difficulty intentionally gating the production of a resource.
In my opinion, they should stabilize karma-rewards across the game (dynamic events giving relatively similar reward amounts like 200 karma), then implement a more strict diminishing returns. (with returns hitting newbie areas slightly harder, so people don’t just farm in level20 zones)
That way, players can be more free to roam and enjoy the other awesome maps in the game, without “Cursed Shores is the only worthwhile map” looming over their heads.
Player traffic would be better spread too, making PvE look a little livelier.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
There is no diminishing returns for stuff like magic-find. At least none I’ve noticed.
Maybe you’re just trying too hard and having bad luck.I like DR
So me as a casual player have less disadvantages.
That is a terribly short sighted and nihilistic view. We are talking about a reduction of wealth within the entire community. Less wealth can be, “produced.” This will create shortages.
In a games where resources are virtually limitless, this is by far the stupidest statement I have ever come across.
There is never a shortage in a game, only inflation making it difficult for casual gamers to acquire items OR challenge-difficulty intentionally gating the production of a resource.
In my opinion, they should stabilize karma-rewards across the game (dynamic events giving relatively similar reward amounts like 200 karma), then implement a more strict diminishing returns. (with returns hitting newbie areas slightly harder, so people don’t just farm in level20 zones)
That way, players can be more free to roam and enjoy the other awesome maps in the game, without “Cursed Shores is the only worthwhile map” looming over their heads.
Player traffic would be better spread too, making PvE look a little livelier.
The potential resources are virtually limitless. If very few can be gathered then there will be shortages. Oysters can be plentiful in the bay, but if all but one pearl diver catch the flu then pearls from that village are going to be scarce until the other divers are well enough to harvest oysters.
Ya the supply is technically there, but because almost no one can tap that supply, said supply may as well not exist at all.
If all our item farmers catch the DR then the limitless virtual supply of rare mats means nothing…
Farm the TP, no DR 100g in 2 hours for starters
Tell me your secrets, master.
I have found some ways but I CBF doing them. I paid money to play the game – not to play the STOCK EXCHANGE!
I want to play “Guild Wars 2”, not “Wall Street”.
Yep after the 15 page long of whining about the world drops nerf one of the devs said there’s nothing wrong with world drops, thus it has something to do with a permanent DR. I haven’t seen a yellow drop from world mobs in ages! But I got 3 rares on my guardian while exploring a lvl 50 zone yesterday (no mf gear). So at first I though it was account bound, now I’m starting to think it’s character bound. Either that or the permanent dr glitched for an hour. XD
Fractals is the only place one can get a nice supply of rares for ecto stacks. (not to mention the casual t6 drop from time to time)
It’s sad
In light of support telling me that loot drops are the same for everyone and random to prevent giving any one person an unfair advantage, I have questions for ArenaNet.
When I am doing events in Cursed Shore, or any other area, does diminished return affect loot drops of mobs and champs from those events?
Does diminished return affect loot drops outside of events?
Once diminished return is triggered, does if effect everything until it gets reset, regardless of area and character?
In addition to these, without going into detail, if diminished return does affect loot drops, does it lower the quality and quantity of the loot dropped?
Please, lets end the speculation about diminished return and get some facts.
(edited by wildcode.5403)
I believe that you can find some of your answers in the wiki:
I believe that you can find some of your answers in the wiki:
If the wiki is accurate then support were inaccurate in their statement.
There are currently no account restrictions causing you to get less quality loot than other players. Everyone has the same loot chance as to not provide any unfair advantages for some. Granted, some players may seem to have better luck with loot, but it is random for everyone.
This is why I ask for official clarification regarding diminished return.
well. DR is same for everyone. so where do you see inaccuracies?
well. DR is same for everyone. so where do you see inaccuracies?
In the 1st sentence of the quote of course. That would tell me DR does not affect drops compared to someone without DR. But WIKI says otherwise. My DR does not affect others around me who may, or may not have DR.
This happend to our guild leader a week ago! I know its very frustrating because same thing happend to me yesterday, excatly same thing! What you need to do right now is do NOT enter the zone your farming in for atleast 48 hours. Do dungeons/fractals, explore maps etc. Thats how he got rid of his PERM DR. I’ve had my perm DR for 24 hours now, and I’m still planning on going for another 24 hours just to be sure.
If the Diminishing Return is an Anti-botting measure, what good would it do, if the loot was still the same? It doesn’t make sense.
Care to link that quote for context?
Care to link that quote for context?
The quote was directly to me, can’t link for context but it was in response to me asking about diminished return affecting my loot drops.
well. DR is same for everyone. so where do you see inaccuracies?
Except it’s not.
It’s buggy and ANet won’t fess up to it.
I play my account in fits and starts.. usually two sessions a week for extended periods (3-6 hours), most of that time spent in one zone fully exploring it.
This seems to trigger the ‘bot flag’, and after the first hour my entire account gets zero loot, while my buddies who zone-hop get ludicrous amounts of ectos.
It’s discriminatory and punishes people who play to enjoy a zone.
The concept of DR is an idiotic one, instituting DR on a bot does not make it “give up”, it just prompts deployment of 5 bots instead to get the same “farm haul” while regular players get punished. To see what effect DR has on bots, just look at the continued depression of armored scale prices — in other words, no effect at all
Hello guys!
In the last week I have been farming the sparks @ Malchor’s Leap in order to get enough lodestones for my legendary.
It’s a tedious process and maybe boring for some but I usually enjoy grinding. It relaxes me, especially that I am doing it with my guild and we are on TS3 all the time , chatting about w/e.
I can say that I have been farming in that spot for days and a lot of hours, however I did change zones for different meta events (dragons) but then came back to the same spot, killing the same mobs all over.
Everything was ok in regards to drops until yesterday afternoon when BOOM. Something happened.
I am running on almost 190 % magic find (including guild banner, guild boost etc.)
The drops were ok, stones were dropping (sometimes quick, other times rarer). Was also getting decent number of rares, even exotics.
However, since yesterday afternoon everything changed. I saw that I wasn’t getting any rares at all. No stones at all. Only T6 mats, tophies and loads of trash and blue items.
The green items were also rare.I am 100 % positive I am under a permanent DR at this point.
I tried to do a few dungeons (like fractals, cof, ac), I changed zones again but its the same thing. The mobs from dungeons drop the same loot and it feels like this DR is haunting me forever now.
I just need someone who can help me with this and tell me how to get rid (reset) this DR?
Not playing is not an option since I am the guild leader of one of the most active guilds on our server. But also staying in one spot or completely changing zones isn’t working for me. I would do it if i knew it would work. But i see the DR is still here.
So how do I get rid of it?
Thank you!
p.s. Any troll comments will get reported. This is a serious matter and it’s affecting my gameplay really bad at this point.
Have fun with this… I play 2 days a week, 3 to 6 hours per day, and since the 11/15 patch, I’ve been in the same boat as you. The DR on my account is permanent and I get squat while my guildies have banked full stacks of ectos since that patch.
ANet doesn’t acknowledge it, even.
I’ve had to get creative to make any money at all. I’m probably going to have to get a precursor by using the mystic toilet (which is confirmed NOT to have dr ever by dev posts) because I’ll never be able to buy one at this rate.
This happend to our guild leader a week ago! I know its very frustrating because same thing happend to me yesterday, excatly same thing! What you need to do right now is do NOT enter the zone your farming in for atleast 48 hours. Do dungeons/fractals, explore maps etc. Thats how he got rid of his PERM DR. I’ve had my perm DR for 24 hours now, and I’m still planning on going for another 24 hours just to be sure.
I can support this. The moment DR boogeyman started to haunt me I had to swtich zones that I have not been to for a long time. The problem here, however, is that he (boogeyman) would find me again so I would need to switch zones again. It does help out but it seems like you just should not play the game for 24hrs.
It feels like the DR is forcing me not to play the game for a certain period of time – I am a grown man and don’t need a mother-like figure telling me to get of the computer…
Do not click this link!
Do you mean you loot drops are lower. It happened to me when I came back in Dec.
My plinx runs in pre Nov.15 where 4-6 rares now I get 0. Edit that last night I got 1.
I mean when I did plinx before I never ever got less than 2 rares with full MF and food ect.
But since I came back no matter where in world I go or whatever event I do I get 0 loot mainly crap. Last night 1/2 before patch something changed and I got 1 rare and a few greens instead of the usual porous bones from plinx.
So yes there is something very very very wrong with the open world loot code and they refuse to do anything about it.I think the thing is designed to get you to buy gems. Sorry but if that is how you treat me VS a dungeon runner then no I wont play your game.
There are currently no account restrictions causing you to get less quality loot than other players. Everyone has the same loot chance as to not provide any unfair advantages for some. Granted, some players may seem to have better luck with loot, but it is random for everyone.
While Im sure it should be the same for all players, I doubt it is at the moment. If they look at their data and see that its working correctly “On average across all players” they wont see the anomalies.. What they do need to check are on a more individual basis.
You can also not base anything 100% on the wiki since anyone can change it.
Good/Bad luck? Its beyond that..
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
(edited by Blackwolfe.5649)
Do you mean you loot drops are lower. It happened to me when I came back in Dec.
Before this thread gets derailed by the “loot drop issue”, I am focusing on diminished returns and how it effects loot in different situations to help determine if my issue (which has numbers to back it up) is related to diminished return.
It only takes me about 1 hour tops before the boogeyman finds me. Then it’s back to playing the cat and mouse game for 2 days. So every 2 days I get 1 solid hour of farming time.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Um, why did my post get merged (with no notification) with this one? It’s an entirely different question Sure same basic subject, but definitely different question.
This thread is asking how to get rid of diminished return. I was asking what diminished return affects since there was a conflict between what WIKI says and what Support said.
(edited by wildcode.5403)
so sick of people threatening users with " troll posts will be reported" as for the most part thats opinionated…I might make a legitimate response with satire included according to my personality that others might deem a “troll post” seriously if u have a question ask, its whats the forums are for, but get over yourself when it comes to adding in the last part…
On subject, it is most likely timed, Anet is trying to punish bots and reward casuals a bit more…It seems they want you to grind less and enjoy other parts of the game. Also the longer it takes you to complete a task, the longer they can keep you around. I dont see the DR being edited anytime soon, my best suggestion would be to take a break.
Anything the fanbois don’t agree with is a troll post.
Satire, Fact, opinion or otherwise….
It harms normal players more than bots. Bots don’t get bored, and it doesn’t matter if it takes them 1 hour 1 day or 1 month to get the drops. As long as they are the primary source they still control the market. And they are, because like i said, DR hurts us more than them. we humans get bored, frustrated, and either log or go to the TP with our measley 4-5 gold it tooks us days to get and buy what we can.
I don’t get any loot worth a kitten and I never stay inthe same spot farming. I hop zones, run through and move on. I do dungeons/dragons and get blues if I’m lucky. Been that way since I started.
I do the same as Kendokken: run around a map, change zones, kill a dragon, except I don’t do dungeons.
The DR will find me no matter where I go and even if I try to trick it by switching to an alt; it knows. It only leaves me alone when I change to my new account which is low level, on a different highly populated server and it plays nice with this new account and leaves it alone if I change zones.
One idea I have seen in another thread, makes me pause. Maybe just maybe this is DR + loot table issues. Say you hit the DR and change zones hoping to shake the beast off your back. At the same time the devs are making sure only so many exotics, rares and other hard to acquire items are dropping across the entire game.
We all know the Fractals dungeons have been the place to get these things (I never set foot in them at this point). So if X amount of exotics and rares and equivalent rare mats have already dropped to the dungeon runners…. what’s left for the open world?
And what is left is distributed across the entire population that is not in said dungeons may make it seem as though DR never gets reset.
It’s just a stretch and I have no idea what the upper limit of said X amount is. Nor do I know how much of this amount is being distributed to the dungeon crowds. Just trying to come up with an explanation that the devs can say it’s working as intended while at the same time; the players are not seeing any fruit for their efforts and complain.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued