How do you report players for griefing?
Screens of what that player is doing.
There is no option to report this behavior besides posting it here…
I think the “proper” way to do it is with a support ticket: → “Violation report”. Probably a good idea to attach screenshots or a video.
I throw siege on dead players. If you don’t like it, don’t die.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
I throw siege on dead players. If you don’t like it, don’t die.
Throwing siege on dead players with the intent to have your team waste supplies when they press F to revive a player is griefing
Oh my bad, didn’t know I was dealing with someone that had the ability to read others’ minds.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Oh my bad, didn’t know I was dealing with someone that had the ability to read others’ minds.
I see you have mastered the art of fallacies
EIT: as a sidenote I think its funny that someone from the exact same server is trolling this topic…coincidence don t you think?
(edited by Monsoon.2589)
keep encouraging him until he runs out of cash, then he won’t troll and he’ll be broke.
It looks fun, I should try it
I think the most interesting solution to this continuing problem (it will never go away) is to implement a PvP solution to the problem. What you are describing is espionage executed by a spy. There simply needs to be a way to declare a player a spy (it would need a little thought) and, voila, you have a solution: you are now free to execute him. You could give the spy debuff a 2 hour cooldown, nah, make that 8 hours where he shows up as an enemy. Problem solved.
keep encouraging him until he runs out of cash, then he won’t troll and he’ll be broke.
He won’t, ballistas are a few copper on the TP.
I think the most interesting solution to this continuing problem (it will never go away) is to implement a PvP solution to the problem. What you are describing is espionage executed by a spy. There simply needs to be a way to declare a player a spy (it would need a little thought) and, voila, you have a solution: you are now free to execute him. You could give the spy debuff a 2 hour cooldown, nah, make that 8 hours where he shows up as an enemy. Problem solved.
Seen it in other games, too abusable.
Why is this griefing?
Looks to me that he is exploiting a bad design so you might call him an exploiter (even that is debatable) but griefing? Similar tactics has been done before and reported and nothing has been done yet afaik
Sadly there is no way of reporting exploiters or griefers short of sending in a support ticket which will probably go ignored anyway.
Yup just more poorly thought out game designs.
stop crying about things like that and just accept this kind of things happening because balistas are cheap as hell. when i see this happening (which is very rare in JQ) it makes me jiggle instead of coming here and make a thread asking how to report and cry a river.
“Cross-Realming” is a significant problem, and should be dealt with. While individuals like the fellow on Blackgate are fairly rare, it certainly is an annoyance.
The real issue here is what personality flaw would cause someone to think this is fun, or funny. I understand that the anonymity of the internet brings out the worst in people, but I really pity the folks who somehow gain some sort of satisfaction from griefing other players. While I am quite sure they would never attempt this sort of behavior in real life, I am quite certain that this pathetic need for attention will manifest itself and they will suffer for it. Until then, I just imagine them as the slovenly cartoon bully from the World of Warcraft South Park episode, giggling behind their Cheeto smile and scratching themselves with greasy fingers…
He is griefinf, report him through a support ticket and let him enjoy the time off.
I have been looking for new ways to spice up wvw for myself. This sounds like a lot of fun thanks op!
So people are asking for bans on getting killed in WvW? Are you guys kidding me pvp is pvp there should be no punishment for pvp unless your hacking. If you can’t stand dying then leave if you can’t stand being punished for choosing not to just leave and Waypoint somewhere else then leave.
I can’t understand the people who want to report things like this.
So people are asking for bans on getting killed in WvW? Are you guys kidding me pvp is pvp there should be no punishment for pvp unless your hacking. If you can’t stand dying then leave if you can’t stand being punished for choosing not to just leave and Waypoint somewhere else then leave.
I can’t understand the people who want to report things like this.
pve noobs are invading pvp because there’s nothing else but stand in LA as far as pve content goes LOL
So people are asking for bans on getting killed in WvW? Are you guys kidding me pvp is pvp there should be no punishment for pvp unless your hacking. If you can’t stand dying then leave if you can’t stand being punished for choosing not to just leave and Waypoint somewhere else then leave.
I can’t understand the people who want to report things like this.
Tell Anet to remove world completion from WvW then. We “pve noobs” don’t want to be in WvW but their design forces us to go there and deal with the WvW E-egoists.
Also, spamming siege weapons on dead players sorta is an exploit and being a donkey’s behind. It could be considered griefing but the one thing it does for sure is makes your entire server look bad, cheap, cheaters, and a bunch of jerks who can’t win fairly :p
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Yeah on SOR we have sp***** throwing ballistas down all over the place today (and not for the achievement. . he’ll just drop them anywhere). As he was building the 10th ballista in one of our forts, I asked him about it and he told me he does this to all “zerging servers”, claiming to be from FA. I don’t believe anything he says ofc, but just letting you know, we all have them. I guess he figures if we can’t report him in any way, then he can’t get banned. Thanks GW2 for crippling our ability to rid ourselves of griefers!
On a side note, at least he has to be bored out of his mind :P
(edited by Kitavia.5276)
@Kitavia, you might want to edit out the username you called out as it’s not allowed in the forums and will get you infracted by ANET, I know because it happened to me.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
I think the most interesting solution to this continuing problem (it will never go away) is to implement a PvP solution to the problem. What you are describing is espionage executed by a spy. There simply needs to be a way to declare a player a spy (it would need a little thought) and, voila, you have a solution: you are now free to execute him. You could give the spy debuff a 2 hour cooldown, nah, make that 8 hours where he shows up as an enemy. Problem solved.
Seen it in other games, too abusable.
Make abuse expensive. Problem solved.
In actuality we don’t create ex nihilo in games, we create after models of ourselves. The best solution would be one similar to what we do IRL, most likely.
So people are asking for bans on getting killed in WvW? Are you guys kidding me pvp is pvp there should be no punishment for pvp unless your hacking. If you can’t stand dying then leave if you can’t stand being punished for choosing not to just leave and Waypoint somewhere else then leave.
I can’t understand the people who want to report things like this.
Learn to read before commenting. This isn’t about dying in PvP. This is about a player crossing over from another realm and using game mechanics to grief other players for a competitive advantage. The fact that he actually has a commander tag as well makes it worse.
I don’t rage about it. It is mostly just sad, and to be expected from the stereotypical “leet kiddies” who flock to pvp-based activities and games.
Good grief! Not only do we not have a way of reporting them, but we can’t post their name when they are happily admitting they are griefing as well. wow!
Thanks for the heads up! Think GW2 is done for me as well given how they coddle griefers :/
@Kitavia, you might want to edit out the username you called out as it’s not allowed in the forums and will get you infracted by ANET, I know because it happened to me.
The report menu is flawed.
For 48 hrs on Blackgate EB BG we have had a player from one of the opposite teams constantly spamming ballista build sites on dead players and sometimes he spawns 5+ ballistas in front of gates we are attacking
The report option has NO option to report the player for griefing, there is also NO option to type any messages or contact a GM or someone to do something and ban this player.
He has been slowing down map capture and must have spammed about 500 balistas in the last 48 hours.
How are players supposed to report someone like this who constantly taunts the whole map in chat yelling that spamming balistas is not against the tos.
Just realized. . I’m willing to bet that you and I are talking about the same guy. Believe me, SOR wants him banned too! We asked him to stop and he won’t and as I said in my first post, he is also using it to max out SOR Fort siege and run down our supply. So he is either from JQ, or JQ is enjoying some griefing from him as well??
So this guy… is keeping your world (His world’s enemy) from capping points as quickly as you otherwise would… and this is considered griefing?
Huh. I thought that was sort of the point of WvW…. to keep the enemy teams from capping your towers/etc.
Well, I don’t know about all you guys, but I think what he is doing is funny, lol.
If this was only going on for 5 minutes it would be funny…but when you play in Tier 1 and on top of that have to deal with massive constant skill lag then this type of behavior is detrimental to anybody on the map who is participating and supporting their server.
I am not sure what is the solution as you never want to manage for the exception but I feel that an improvement to the report function is warranted and adding an option like – Trolling would help. Now the issue with this is that I very much doubt someone from Anet will have a job to respond to these quickly.
I can see that when there is a large threshold of players reporting someone for trolling and that all these players are not from the same guild for example you could have a flag set on a dev screen asking them to check the behavior.
This is going to be especially important when Leagues start.
Further more we saw already how Anet dealt with the Siege spammers months ago. It took a rather long time for them to implement a change and that change was to force players to refresh siege something that is not that annoying to do but basically required all to do to fix a problem with a minute number of people i.e managed for the exception.
Here I feel there is only one option and that is the ban hammer for that server for that account. Simply kick the player to the select-realm screen and make it impossible for them to get to that server.
Of course they can always buy a new account but this will be more dough for Anet
So this guy… is keeping your world (His world’s enemy) from capping points as quickly as you otherwise would… and this is considered griefing?
Huh. I thought that was sort of the point of WvW…. to keep the enemy teams from capping your towers/etc.
Rolling a character on an opposing server with the expressed intent of griefing is not “sort of the point of WvW.” If anyone thinks it is, they are likely terrible players who can’t win fairly. JQ tends to be a fun enemy, if a bit zergy. I would hope they don’t condone this guy’s efforts, as he tarnishes their whole server’s reputation.
The fact that anyone would defend this type of behavior tells me all I need to know aboot today’s XBox Live generation.
The player this post was about got perma banned from the server.
The player this post was about got perma banned from the server.
Until he buys a new account.
It’s not the individual griefer that’s the problem. It’s the game mechanics that allows griefing.
I think that people who clearly don’t comprehend the problem should abstain from commenting on it personally. There are like 10 posts in this thread that clearly have no idea what is being described.