How is 3/5 people to kick still in the game?
so yeah the could do it, but they wouldnt really gain much.
Then you’d run into a problem of not being able to fill an empty party spot after someone ragequit/got kicked/dc’d, because most people would not want to join midway and get next to nothing for it.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The only solution that removes griefing:
You cannot kick anyone – you can only leave.
Then people will do things to force you to leave.
If you want people to stop griefing in instanced content, you make it so doing so is completely and utterly pointless.
- Scale rewards to personal progress on the instance, so anyone who joins just before the boss doesn’t get full rewards, only the ones corresponding to the boss fight based on scaling.
- When players are kicked, instead losing all progress, they are sent to a copy of the instance with the same progress.
And ding, you kick people to get your friend in or to sell the dungeon? Waste of time, your friend won’t get any decent rewards for joining late, just enough to compensate for the time it takes to deal with the boss, and they can still ask friends and guildies to join their copy of the instance so they can finish.
This – while in theory a good idea – would be so broken it would be amazing to see.
Start party with 5 man guild group.
Near the end kick players and split group into 4 groups. Each group invites guildies and fills up so now you have 25 people at the end of the dungeon getting those “minimal rewards” which will probably still be greater than 5 people getting maximum.You would be creating a pretty good farm though.
so yeah the could do it, but they wouldnt really gain much.
Then you’d run into a problem of not being able to fill an empty party spot after someone ragequit/got kicked/dc’d, because most people would not want to join midway and get next to nothing for it.
if the scaling is done properly, they would get the value of whatever their contribution was.
This is theoretical of course, this type of thing is too much work for anet to do at this point, but t would have been a better design.
lets say you did 1/4th a dungeon, you get 1/4th the reward, then it really doesnt matter if you join late or not, the outcome would be the same. Lets be honest, the join late guy has been getting over based on the current system. Thats been causing its own issues in multiple ways.
I would prefer the system to have a group leader that can’t be kicked, and can kick at will, and if he gets disconnected it takes a certain time and the votes of the rest of the party for him to get kicked.
just a few days ago I and a guildmate were running a fractal for a daily along with three randoms; i got dc-ed for 2-3 mins and when I came back I had been kicked out of the party I created, in the middle of a run ;d
other than that, in the thread about gear inspection yesterday I saw some people wrote that their groups get ninja-ed by randoms, and that is the best way to stop that
also I think people who sell dungeons should be protected somehow, I mean I neither sell nor buy, but if someone puts the effort to solo/duo a path, I think they deserve the right to do with the remaining slots as they please (anet made some content solo-able after all, and if they didn’t intend it to be so they better fix it instead of ignoring it)
TBH, I think it should be a 100% vote to kick, with a do not kick option to negate the lingering window issue.
I’ll tell you why I believe this. In another mmo I play, we have this kind of kick feature. Party sizes are 6, for lower level content, and 8 for higher end content, with alliances consisting of 3 8-man parties for even higher content. For the 6 player content, you need 3/5 people to kick and 4/7 for the 8. (Alliance members cannot vote-kick another party’s members.) But this feature is abused.
Example: (true story)
We were doing a raid. It required a full alliance. In our party, it was me and 3 of my guild mates and 4 people from another guild. One of the other guilds people was trolling… deliberately doing things that would cause the fight to either be lengthened or fail. His guild mates allowed this. When the other 2 parties in the alliance complained, one of my guild mates told them who was doing the trolling and, promptly, the other guilds members vote kicked my guild mate. It was their 4 against 3 of us. Of course, we promptly left the raid too and reported the abuse.
This is only one way of many that this kind of feature can be abused.
of animals. I love them more than I do most
people. Even solo, I am never alone!”
Was this answered as weather or not it was 2/5 or 3/5 to kick? They were supposed to follow up with an answer a week ago.
i hope this is changed i literally stopped doing all dungeon / fractals because of this, practically quit the game, i am an instance owner and party leader, the party should be mine to control just like in gw1 and EVERY OTHER MMO. if i cant do things my way i dont wana do them at all
Thank you for this info. I’m confused, too!
Let me see if I can find out more about this on Monday. Oh heck, I’ll send an email now… but probably wont’t be able to post until Monday.
Mondays come and go, they vanish to the history, and yet there are always more Mondays. Maybe, just maybe, on one Monday, the email gets an answer.
2/5 is too little, I was running AC with twp friends, and two guildmates that joined our party started kicking us. We managed to kick them before we lost the instance, but still aggravating.
so yeah the could do it, but they wouldnt really gain much.
Then you’d run into a problem of not being able to fill an empty party spot after someone ragequit/got kicked/dc’d, because most people would not want to join midway and get next to nothing for it.
if the scaling is done properly, they would get the value of whatever their contribution was.
This is theoretical of course, this type of thing is too much work for anet to do at this point, but t would have been a better design.lets say you did 1/4th a dungeon, you get 1/4th the reward, then it really doesnt matter if you join late or not, the outcome would be the same. Lets be honest, the join late guy has been getting over based on the current system. Thats been causing its own issues in multiple ways.
Why would I join a party that was obviously having some kind of issue?
Why wouldn’t I simply wait for the next one to start?
Also, what about dungeons that are frontloaded on encounters? granted I can only think of one off the top of my head, but I think everyone would make a thief alt with S/P and invigorating precision, jump in and blow up belka for a quick 75silver wouldn’t they?
While I don’t necessarily disagree with the idea, it just seems to have some details that could be quite negative.
I guess Gaile Gray forgot about this.
Was this answered as weather or not it was 2/5 or 3/5 to kick? They were supposed to follow up with an answer a week ago.
Yep, too bad—but typical.
I guess Gaile Gray forgot about this.
Forgot out of convenience. Why? Because the answers given was wrong. It is 2/5, not 3.
Gaile will probably announce that the feature requiring 3/5 to kick will come out with the new expansion therefore buy them more time to fix the coding.
2 Vote kicks brings back bad memories.
Got kicked from the fractal at the end of 4th stage b4…
Thank you for this info. I’m confused, too!
Let me see if I can find out more about this on Monday. Oh heck, I’ll send an email now… but probably wont’t be able to post until Monday.
Now that we’re two weeks past when you suggested an update would be available, can we please have an update?
Or can we at least get a “we will not be commenting on this matter any further because [insert reason here]”?
I apologize for the delay. I’ve sent an e-mail to ask about this and if there’s information to share at this time, I’ll do so as soon as I hear back.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
It is still 2/5. Change the thread title.
It’s utterly stupid that such a simple concept (majority kick) isn’t in yet. 3/5 is ideal because someone might not be paying attention or not know how it works. But any less than that and you get stupidity like 1 person being able to kick the other out of a 2 person party. Come on, I know our educational system doesn’t teach math well these days, but I sure hope simple fractions are still common knowledge.
Of course, it’s been months since this problem was first brought up, so if there’s an empty answer, I won’t be surprised. In fact, if they just flat out told me “we condone having a minority ruin the whole party for kittens and giggles” that’d probably be for the best.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
I apologize for the delay. I’ve sent an e-mail to ask about this and if there’s information to share at this time, I’ll do so as soon as I hear back.
Thanks, I’d really like to know why this change was ninja removed so soon after it was implemented.
~Sincerely, Scissors
What should happen is once a 3/5 vote is passed a trained security guard on duty, hired to handle party conflicts, should teleport to the players and investigate the situation and figure out if the player should be removed from the party and possibly arrested and placed in jain in Divinity’s Reach.
What should happen is once a 3/5 vote is passed a trained security guard on duty, hired to handle party conflicts, should teleport to the players and investigate the situation and figure out if the player should be removed from the party and possibly arrested and placed in jain in Divinity’s Reach.
Or just have Dhuum appear out of nowhere and decapitate the player on the spot.
~Sincerely, Scissors
What should happen is once a 3/5 vote is passed a trained security guard on duty, hired to handle party conflicts, should teleport to the players and investigate the situation and figure out if the player should be removed from the party and possibly arrested and placed in jain in Divinity’s Reach.
Or just have Dhuum appear out of nowhere and decapitate the player on the spot.
The important part is that the player is targeted for decapitation, not the character. Killing characters is only a temporary fix. : )
I don’t understand what the problem is i have never been kicked from a dungeon and i play ranger. Why are people getting kicked what are you doing so wrong that people decide to kick you.
On that note I have kicked AFK’ers and DC’ers (after they have been gone awhile), so if you are being kicked for that the fair enough
I don’t understand what the problem is i have never been kicked from a dungeon and i play ranger. Why are people getting kicked what are you doing so wrong that people decide to kick you.
On that note I have kicked AFK’ers and DC’ers (after they have been gone awhile), so if you are being kicked for that the fair enough
Why people are getting kicked is an entirely different issue. As you mentioned it could be AFK or DC, it could be not preforming up to the groups standards (e.g not a zerker when the group asks for zerkers) or it could simply be that they want to make room for a friend that just logged on. Rarely, unless you’re doing badly or the group asks for specific classes, does your class have anything to do with you being kicked or not.
Feedback on this? I am keen to hear the reasons.
Because 3/5 votes for a kick is perfectly reasonable.
Because 3/5 votes for a kick is perfectly reasonable.
It might be if it was actually in the game, which it isn’t.
Thanks, I’d really like to know why this change was ninja removed so soon after it was implemented.
The change never actually happened. It was in the patch notes but didn’t make it to the live build and was thus removed from said notes.
It was never actually in game though.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
If I recall correctly, this was a hot topic a few months ago, but the consensus was that 2 of 5 was too few, 4 of 5 was considered too many, and 3 of 5 would be just right. (Why does “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” come to mind here?
Are you guys remembering the player input differently? Or do you feel that what was stated would be happening did not get implemented? I’m happy to follow up, but I believe the current number represents the figure that both devs and players felt would be appropriate.
You also need to add a feature that prevents kicking once the last boss is engaged. We are getting premades of three pals who boot folks right as the boss is almost dead. At least give folks who worked through the dungeon their chest.
There shouldn’t be vote kicking in the first place.
The party leader should lead the party and should be able to kick and invite whoever he wants.
If people are not ok with that, don’t join the guy you don’t like. Simply as that.
I am sick of people just vote kicking me out of my own party I just created.
Like Xetu I find 2/5 to be a problem. Many times I’ve taxied in folks and then gotten kicked out of the party I created as a reward. Very annoying when that happens. 3/5 would really reduce the rate of that occurring.
Like Xetu I find 2/5 to be a problem. Many times I’ve taxied in folks and then gotten kicked out of the party I created as a reward. Very annoying when that happens. 3/5 would really reduce the rate of that occurring.
You didn’t understand my post.
I never said I find 2/5 to be a problem.
I don’t care if it’s 2/5 or 3/5 or 4/5. There SHOULD NOT be any vote kick.
I AM THE PARTY LEADER! That’s it. Either people want to join MY party and let me handle the party management or they don’t.
In every single MMO I know the party leader decides. There is no vote kicking and if people don’t like how someone leads the party they just leave. Easy as that.
Not only would that remove many problems, it would also let people build up a reputation for them and their guild that they are a good party leader.
(edited by Xetu.7341)
Working fine now 3/5 just dont join with less then 2 friends and your golden…
That said I pug most days and I only get kicked if I am being an kitten to other people and I deserve to get kicked then aswell
In every single MMO I know the party leader decides. There is no vote kicking and if people don’t like how someone leads the party they just leave. Easy as that.
Not only would that remove many problems, it would also let people build up a reputation for them and their guild that they are a good party leader.
What if you DC and don’t come back. You stay in party as a black silhouette taking a slot. Should people not be able to kick you out to make room for another?
They should add a DC timer of 5min or so. If you do not reconnect in 5min leader is assigned to next person down.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
it’s 2 if you have 4 or less in your party, 3 if you have 5. why do you guys still not know this lol i knew it the first day. but then again, i posted zerk meta a lot so…
Why are people convinced it’s still 2/5 to kick?! It’s not. It’s 3/5. At least in dungeons and fractals and it’s been that way all summer. If you look at the chat log you’ll see 2 ppl requesting to kick, and when you agree they will get kicked. It’s not 2/5.
Why are people convinced it’s still 2/5 to kick?! It’s not. It’s 3/5. At least in dungeons and fractals and it’s been that way all summer. If you look at the chat log you’ll see 2 ppl requesting to kick, and when you agree they will get kicked. It’s not 2/5.
This thread is old for one thing.
But you are right, its 3/5 now, one person requests, 2 people have to agree with the person requesting, thats three people.
Though i agree on the party leader comment posted above.
I know there are people who like a strong leader system, but this does work well, IMO.
I know there are people who like a strong leader system, but this does work well, IMO.
It’s a forum, people discuss something.
Nobody cares about your opinion if you can’t give any reasoning behind it.
Seriously. All I see from this community are ignorant selfish opinions without any reasoning or arguments.
All you get as answer is the same bullkitten. “Muh GW2 is different, just accept that”.
No, that’s a kittened justification for something being good which is clearly not good as stated by many facts.
(edited by Xetu.7341)
I know there are people who like a strong leader system, but this does work well, IMO.
It’s a forum, people discuss something.
Nobody cares about your opinion if you can’t give any reasoning behind it.Seriously. All I see from this community are ignorant selfish opinions without any reasoning or arguments.
All you get as answer is the same bullkitten. “Muh GW2 is different, just accept that”.
No, that’s a kittened justification for something being good which is clearly not good as stated by many facts.
An attitude like this tends to show off how you lead parties…and the vote kick is there to get rid of people who are troublesome either in attitude or just not playing well, and to prevent them from holding the party back from completing something.
I’ve had a dungeon where 2 of the other 4 were holding us back, and we couldn’t complete the burrows in AC because of it. So I started a vote kick on one of them, he got kicked, then we kicked the other and replaced them. We got 2 new people in there and we proceeded to complete the place with no problems.
If you are holding back the party from completing a dungeon, then yes, you should be kicked regardless if you’re party leader or not.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I know there are people who like a strong leader system, but this does work well, IMO.
It’s a forum, people discuss something.
Nobody cares about your opinion if you can’t give any reasoning behind it.Seriously. All I see from this community are ignorant selfish opinions without any reasoning or arguments.
All you get as answer is the same bullkitten. “Muh GW2 is different, just accept that”.
No, that’s a kittened justification for something being good which is clearly not good as stated by many facts.An attitude like this tends to show off how you lead parties…and the vote kick is there to get rid of people who are troublesome either in attitude or just not playing well, and to prevent them from holding the party back from completing something.
I’ve had a dungeon where 2 of the other 4 were holding us back, and we couldn’t complete the burrows in AC because of it. So I started a vote kick on one of them, he got kicked, then we kicked the other and replaced them. We got 2 new people in there and we proceeded to complete the place with no problems.
If you are holding back the party from completing a dungeon, then yes, you should be kicked regardless if you’re party leader or not.
Why do you need a vote kick for that?
Either you should have made the party by yourself and would have kicked both within 2 seconds and searched for new people, or you would just leave the party.
It’s not like you just saw at the end boss that 2 people are holding back the party. You see it right at the beginning and if you’re not the party leader you just leave.
I played other MMOs and there was never a problem with a party leader system.
If you by chance had a bad leader you would just leave and create a new party.
People would automatically get a reputation for being a good leader or a bad leader.
Some people made it so far that all their parties, which had more than just 5 people, were instantly full and people literally waited for those parties.