How many Precursors have you found?
7.2k Hours, most of them idleing/afk in LA.
The Bard x 2 (Second Southsun Event and I forget where the other one came from.)
Dusk x 1. Generic dredge in dredge fractal on the first day of fractal reform. The one where our fractal level got dropped to 30 or so.
The longbow. The name now currently eludes me. From the Mystic Forge. 3 AC Shields + 1 Mystic stone.
Howl – random player in WvW
Have 4900+ hours played since early head start.
4 Precursors so far:
Spark – from Mystic Forge attempt w/ 4 rare daggers
Rage – from Mystic Forge attempt w/ 4 rare mixed weapons
The Legend – from Mystic Forge attempt w/ 4 exotic staves
The Lover – from a PvP reward chest
I barely even get regular ascended drops, never mind precursors.
4, been playing since May 2015. All from mystic forge by combining either 4 rares or 4 exotics.
I have played 4600 hours since beta, zero from drops, two Dusks from the Mystic Toilet after throwing in at least their worth if not more in rare great swords. Lots of other rares flushed down the toilet as well. Every rare axe I get as a drop goes down the toilet, but for some reason rare axes don’t drop nearly as often as other weapon types.
~2000 hours since September 2012
Found 2:
Zap dropped from one of the bags from Dragon Stand (November 2015)
The Bard dropped from the chest beside Eastwatch Waypoint in Auric Basin (February 2016)
I don’t play the Mystic Toilet game, nor have I ever gotten anything of significant value from champ trains/World Bosses/or the various HoT-specific map chests. Mostly I wander from map to map, do an hour of meta or chase an achievement or two then log off.
Don’t know the hours, but I’ve been playing nightly since April 2015.
Precursors found: 0
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Have about 9000 Hours,
Had 1 precursor drop, Leaf of Kudzu, for the Karka event, sold it for 50g that night.
Playing the RNG game at hard mode bois.
Well over 2000 hours. Playing since headstart.
1 precursor.
It was Storm.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
1500 hrs, playing since the beginning
1 spark, from molten boss level 10 fractal
How much has the game provided me? 0 … 3 accounts – 2 of which were bwe1 gw1 step ups. Played since head start … never got anything from any game mode. PvE, boss timer, orr events, dungeons, WvW, nothing.
Only way I ever got a precursor was paying ‘x’ hundreds of gold and buying it off the tp … but if say you want to talk about ‘spikes’ … got plenty of them.
Hours spent in game doing stuff – ‘too much of life wasted for so little to show for it.’ I can’t be certain, but I think it’s around 6500-7000 across the 3.
3,000+ hours : zero precursors.
I do have eternity, but i bought dawn from TP and crafted dusk just a week ago.
Not sure if found is the right word.
I have never gotten any from the open world.
I have gotten several from the MF;
Main account:
Dusk (made the legendary, to sell to buy dawn, to make sunrise)
FrostFang (made the legendary, to sell)
The Lover (sold the precursor to a guildie)
Storm (made the legendary and kept it)
Rage(still have it, will make the legendary one day)
Alt account:
The Lover (made the legendary, to keep)
Purchased a few of the lower priced precursors (focus, torch)
But found, as in out in the open world, chests or by killing enemies…. nope
Played since launch:
Account 1 – 4000 hours – 0
Account 2 – 3600 hours – 0
Account 3 – 1500 hours – 0
Te Nosce [TC]
11 so far
the legend x3
dawn x 2
storm x2
leaf of kudzu
played- 5946 hours
20 precursers, and none woth less than 400g. 19 from MF and one from drop, i just throw in 3 exotic and a MF stone everytime i have 3 exotic.
3900 hours played over the course of 3 years.
1 precursor gotten from the Mystic Forge.
5k hours. 4 dropped from wvwvwvw. 683 precursors forged.
I am “That” guy you have all heard about.
1,073 precursors forged and counting.
I wanted to do an unscientific study to see how many Precursors players have gotten in the past 4 years. How many hours have you played, and how many Precursors have you gotten (from Mystic Forge or PvE/WvW drop)?
3,497 hours 32 minutes over the past 1,443 days have netted me absolutely no precursors.
I have about 4-5k hours, not sure exactly since I am not home.
Got 3 precursors:
The Bard – karka event endchest in 2012
Carcharias – random badlander in EotM
The Bard – Veteran Ice Elemental in Snowblind Fractal
crafted 1 dusk w/ 3 exotic shields and 1 mystic forge stone.
~4k hours, mix of wvw, champion chest farm and dungeons (quit around 1 year ago)
0 Pre drops
2,744 hours played, found one precursor (for Bifrost) during the Southsun events when I had 300% magic find or whatever it was. I sold it to pay for Leaf of Kudzu.
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law
3,5 years, 3000h and not a single one…….
over 9k hours played and only had 2 drop.. both of them were the venom
3510 hours, 1429 days. Never had a precursor drop from random mobs or any other drop source. I don’t do random Forging so no chance of getting one there either. No interest in making legendaries myself, so I’ve actually never owned a precursor in any form.
Off the top of my head, the best drop I’ve ever gotten in my entire playtime in this game was one of the exclusive Toxic dyes which I got from a dye pack which dropped from a Black Lion chest (the key came from a story mission IIRC).
Since launch, 2500 hours (says Efficiency….thought I spend more time than that) : 2 drops.
First one was mystic forging 3 gold weapons and a mystic stone : the Hunter (luckily I wanted it for my engi). Second one dropped in front of a blighting Tower during the event in DS : the Bard.
3.5k hours past 4 years…
Carcharias but I made the mistake of unlocking the skin because I wasn’t really focused on reading. Got this from WvW. Player or Chest :P
Been farming and buying precursors since my luck is so bad. Also, I believe I got The Hunter during the first few months of playing but I sold it to a merchant and didn’t realize until I told my friends about it.
ïryss | Engineer
Played almost every day since beta. I have had 0 precursors.
4 from the trading post and 2 from crafting.
0 from drops. RIP the dream.
4 years , 2331.5 hours accross all characters , 100% World completion (THAT INCLUDED WVW back in the day) , Tried the mystic toilet and spent an obscene amount of gold on greatswords trying to get a pre …..
I had to buy Dusk to make my Twilight
7067 hours – 1054 days
1- Spark First try from the forge (5 Agu 2016)
Note: I crafted Spark 3 weeks ago.
2- The Hunter from Claw of Jormag Event (25 nov 2015)
3- The Hunter from last boss Path 1 CoE Dungeon ( 24 febr 2015)
5,900 hours of play (started playing on day -3)
0 precursors found.
9702 hours over 1443 days. (about a week after game start)
The lover
The Chosen
The Bard
The Hunter – 2 – one Leg – one dropped from the Queens Pavilion Champ
The Legend – 2 – one Leg – one from Princess eating bloodstone
Carcharais – 2
Finally bought Zap because I’m pretty sure I sold one to a vendor, not knowing what it really was during the first month of the game.
So 2 drops and one TP and the rest from forging 120 to 240 rares and subsequent exotics a week over the last year or so.
12 total.
0, I bought the Bard off the market at a steal. I have been playing since closed beta over 4 years ago
edit 7668 hours over 1453 days
Matron Kaldona Kye, Mesmer GW since launch.
Matron Kaldona Kye, Sylvari Chronomancer GW2 since closed Beta.
(edited by Mizukiaki.8590)
Precursors: 0
Hours Played: 4K +(since Betas…not sure of exact, at work and can’t check)
All game types, mostly PvE, done many world bosses…many times…
Working on my 1 and only Legendary: Nevermore.
(Also trying to make a Mjolnir, working on the last 250 Charged Lodestones, Ive got everything else.)
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t
played since beta, .zero.. all game modes… 4500 hrs…
Same. 4k WvW levels. My entire 10 man guild has 20k plus hours in the game and never seen one drop.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
0 precursor from 4,196 hours played from the last 4 years.
I am the only player in my guild not to get a precursor from as a drop nor mystic toilet. I did buy one from the trading post so I would no longer be the only player in my guild, at the time, without a legendary weapon.
Zero. But honestly I don’t think it would be fair if I found one. I’d never do anything with it.
Depends what you mean by ‘found’. I’ve never had a ‘drop’ but I ‘found’ The Bard in a dungeon reward chest for completing a dungeon set of armour and weapons. Not sold it.
Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
6,074 hours… 1 from the forge but I spent 1.4k to get a pre only worth 1.1k… The other 4 I bought on the TP because pre crafting is lame & rng is crap…
I have gotten 2 precursors in 3850 hrs over 976 days from the forge.
Dusk and The Hunter
(edited by Novoden.3087)
I have gotten 0 from natural drops. I have made 2 in the mystic forge. I have purchased many after that from the BLTC, as after 4 years of playing this game, I know its faster to grind the money then to wait on a rigged RNG game that favors certain accounts.
3 years – ZERO precursors, that includes drops and MF attempts. i gave up on it already
Played since week after launch, zero precursors.
Zero-will edit later to add hours (know it doesn’t matter), playing since headstart. Bought the Torch pre for about 60g back when people hated it and demand was poor, but I don’t consider that a “drop” in the least (well, only pricewise.) Precursor drops can be fun when unexpected (I don’t get envious when others get lucky), but are rare enough for me to have lost ALL hope of getting (rather than crafting) one, as I don’t believe in luck even in real life.
Logged in just to say for all the years I was an active player I found a whopping ZERO and that is with actively flushing tons upon tons of weapons down the toilet.
I’ve got about 1200hrs played and I got the 2h mace around the 500hr mark. Was running CoF and it dropped off a mob.
I’ve also dumped about 300g worth of rares into the MF and received nothing to date.
Got Howl from a random mob drop whilst running fractals (think it was around level 30, pre HoT)
Dawn and Zap from mystic forge flushing rare krait weapons. I ended up turning a few hundred gold profit which I shared with my partner I wouldn’t say we flushed all too many either. Maybe a few hundred?