(edited by Fringilla Vigo.8594)
How many characters do you have?
I have 3 level 80’s. Guardian, Warrior, Mesmer.
Nine. Seven are level 80: thief (female), mesmer (female), elementalist (male), ranger (male), warrior (female), necromancer (female), engineer (male). I have a guardian (male) at 68 and a second ranger (female) at 41. All are human except for the elementalist, who is an asura.
I have 8 characters, one for each profession, my main is my asura guardian though (i love being a tiny little person while taking on giants on my own)
Kiel Replacement Movement
1 of each profession, all humans.
4 lvl 80, 1 lvl 71, and 3 around 20~10.
10 but only 9 gets played, which one depends on moode.
3 human, 3 norn, 1 sylvari, 1 charr, 1 asura
Don’t ever make a human guardian unless you want to give up using “Retreat!” forever…
I have 8 characters, one of every proffesion. 2 Norn, 2 Asura, 2 Humans, 1 Charr and 1 Sylvari. I have 5 at level 80 (Ranger/Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer/Warrior in that order) and i’m in the proces of leveling the other three.
Altitis is a serious condition!
Seven of them lvl 80. Last one is on its way (40 now).
OMG you people with 8 or more characters! i envy you all! hahaha
I have 5, of which 4 are level 80 (Warrior my most primary, Ranger my tankiest, Mesmer my puzzle jumper, Engineer my condition dmg killer) and a lvl 37 Guardian (on the way up, though slowly)
OMG you people with 8 or more characters!
i envy you all! hahaha
I have 5, of which 4 are level 80 (Warrior my most primary, Ranger my tankiest, Mesmer my puzzle jumper, Engineer my condition dmg killer) and a lvl 37 Guardian (on the way up, though slowly)
Hmm leveling with world completion is pretty easy after the first since you will know about most of the tricks to get each of the hearts done and how to get to various vistas that can be tricky the first time. XP gain is even easier now with the AP rewards.
Six, four of them are 80; used to be five. Refuse to get any more character slots unless they plan to release a new race and or profession then I would get more. Don’t want that character scroll window.
9 and my highest level character is 67.
only 3 Level 80’s Thief, Ranger, and Mesmer (Mesmer being my Main, Thief is secondary main, and Ranger is sadly in my storage until they become a bit more fun to play and the nerf rampage halts a bit)
I do have a lot of characters though, around ~8 (7 of them are human) that around the level range of 20-40.
I’m usually typing on my phone
5 80s and I’m levelling 12 more. Starting two weeks of vacation so the 80 count may or may not increase. The weather is too nice! The others get a run also but their serious turn can wait until I’ve maxed the current lot.
The only classes I haven’t repeated are elementalist and necro.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I have 8. Getting close to my 9th, but I might stop there, and then go for more bank space.
One of each proffession, and one of each race, but I have a second Asura, Norn, and Charr. 4 Male, 4 female.
9 and my highest level character is 67.
My friend has 8 characters, highest level is 31…. I told him to get to 80 before he makes anymore but he didn’t and he doesn’t play anymore lol.
I guess characters really mean something to some people because to me, if I have someone level 10 and I don’t play him anymore and I want to make a different character but no slots, I’ll just delete the level 10.
9 and my highest level character is 67.
My friend has 8 characters, highest level is 31…. I told him to get to 80 before he makes anymore but he didn’t and he doesn’t play anymore lol.
I guess characters really mean something to some people because to me, if I have someone level 10 and I don’t play him anymore and I want to make a different character but no slots, I’ll just delete the level 10.
Oh mine all get played, some a bit more than others. It helps me keep from feeling like I am grinding away just trying to reach level cap on one character. My main is 67 the others are all in their 30s – 40s aside from my Necro in late teens. I have found switching up is just more fun for me. Each profession is a different play style and I enjoy that. I also like to run professions with odd weapon combos that a lot of people don’t use. I’ve nuked probably 10 or so characters because I didn’t like their name and wasn’t going to buy a name change for a low level character.
I guess you could say I’m a Swiss Army player, decent at all professions (solo PvE), defiantly master of none.
I have one character that is 80.
Six, four of them are 80; used to be five. Refuse to get any more character slots unless they plan to release a new race and or profession then I would get more. Don’t want that character scroll window.
Really wish they stuck with the GW1 (the one that is still in place right now, GW1 has gone through a few) character select screen. I fought that much faster to navigate. Probably because it was always alphabetically sorted. Hmm actually is there an option for that in GW2 that I’ve missed?
how many characters do you have? And how many of them are in their 80’s?
cough Don’t know exactly… on my two accounts it must be between 40-50 characters altogether (maybe more). (Have to look it up.)
Level 80:
5: A mesmer, a thief, a necromancer, a guardian and a warrior.
Some of the others are nearly 80, but I have time… Most of my chars were/are ideas for RP. ^^
I have 19 including 2 mules. I’m really glad someone here has more than me. lol
One level 80.
A Ranger.
Dedication right thar.
…or massochism.
I need a good guild. Q_Q
(edited by nahla.7138)
11 characters 5 are 80. Shame I didn’t receive the bug where you get extra character slots
I have one character of each profession, so eight. I have at least one of every race.
My only level 80 is my main, a human Ranger.
I do play all of them from time to time, but my main is definitely my go-to the majority of the time.
5 characters. 1 Lvl 80.
8 character’s in total,
Level 80 , Guardian, Elementalist, Thief, Warrior, Necromancer, Ranger
Level 37 Mesmer, Engineer.
2 Chars, 2 Humans, 2 Norn, 1 Asura, 1 Sylvari
I love having 1 of each class but I’m alittle burnt out levelling so the Engi and Mesmer are going to have to wait.
I main my Guardian but all my level 80’s have full exotic gear at least 1-3 sets for different builds.
Since you break down so nicely your characters into race/profession categories, I decided to post all of my character’s screen shots.
I guess theres no need to describe them, most of them are quite obvious :-)
Hope you like them since I made some effort to make them look exactly the way I wanted :-)
8 level 80s
Sylvari ranger- Dewey Killem
Norn warrior – Slayer of Insects
Sylvari thief – Oops Did I Shoot U
Asura guardian – Resistance Is Fatal
Human engineer – Curl Up And Die
Sylvari Necromancer – Slythy Toves
Charr elementalist – Sandy Claws
Sylvari mesmer – Astral Projections
It took me months to get then all to 80 and then full exotics but I’m glad I did it. Every day I play a different profession to do my daily and if my guild wants to do a dungeon and wants a particular profession, no problem. I’ve got it. I don’t have the complaint, ’I’m so tired of using the same set of weapon skills since launch’ because every day I use a new set.
I’ve got 10 characters so far and 8 are 80.
The Breakdown
Norn: Guardian, Necromancer, Warrior(all 80)
Asura: Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior(all 80)
Charr: Elementalist(80), Mesmer(teens)
Sylvari: Engineer(mid 40s), Thief(80)
Update Oct 2014 – I’ve got 16 lv80 characters. All full exotics.
The breakdown
2 Sylvari – Ranger and Mesmer,
2 Norn – Warrior and Necromancer,
2 Charr – Engie and Ele,
1 Asura – Guardian
9 Humans – all classes (including 2 Thief)
(edited by justkoh.4073)
Five, one of each race. 3 of them are 80 atm: norn guardian, charr theif, and slyvari Mesmer. today i will be adding a human ranger to that list of 80’s. lastly is a lvl 16 asura ele.
i went for a balance of 2 scholar,2 adventurer, and 1 soilder.
overall each toon has a space in my heart.
guard,mes,thief,ele,engi, warr sidekicks.
The World isnt fair. the same can apply to a game
15 characters, currently. 5 of them are 80, warrior, guardian und engineer are underway. I got 2 thieves, 2 eles, 3 rangers, 2 necros and 2 guardians.
5 characters, two at lv80 (thief and warrior), lv35 guardian, lv30 necromancer and lv13 elementalist. I will get my ele up to lv80 after I finish 100% world completion on my warrior (which is currently at 88%).
5 toons.
Human Female Engineer. Level 80
Asura Female Necromancer. Level 80
Human Male Thief. Level 80
Norn Female Mesmer. Level 37
Sylvari Male Guardian. Level 31
4 Characters. Only my Necro is 80.
Necromancer, Engineer, Warrior and Mesmer.
9 and my highest level character is 67.
Update: 10 now. Level 3 Carr Mesmer
4 Characters
- Human Thief
- Human Mesmer
- Human Elementalist
- Norn Guardian
Likely won’t create any more until there are some new classes.
It seems to me that way more people than I thought have 8 characters or more…
I’m really quite amazed with that.
The only question is whether previous posters are in any way representative for an average player or are they altoholics like I am?
6/8 Level 80. I’m working on my 7th 80 which is a charr thief. My Necro will have to go last.
1 80 elementalist
1 70 mesmer
Various low level toons that I haven’t done much with yet other than reserve their names.
I’ve got an ungodly amount of hours clocked but love playing my elementalist so much that I haven’t made time to do much of anything else. I’m starting to like the mesmer though
5 toons in total, 4 level 80’s and one in the 30’s. Trying to get the explorer with one of them, and that takes most of the time. Poor guardian is not getting to 80 soon..
7 level 80s, 1 level 51, 1 level 2
I have 8 characters, all level 80, all female
Charr – Heavy armor class
Human – Heavy, Medium, Light armor class
Sylvari – Medium & light armor class
Norn – Medium armor class
Asura – Light armor class
I created each profession and race because I had no idea at launch which I would enjoy playing the most. I still don’t have a “main”, but I do have a couple that serve specific functions…ie WvW, PvE, Crafting. There are a couple that I play less often than others, but it’s because I can’t find a decent build that goes with weapons I want that character to use.
(edited by Lynne.8416)
Eight characters that are all level 80. The first four have their world explorer complete.
- Human mesmer
- Human warrior
- Norn ranger
- Sylvari guardian
- Asura Engineer
- Human elementalist
- Human thief
- Norn necromancer
I have a ninth slot where I hope to successfully level a Charr to 80 after two failed attempts.
5, 2 of them level 80.
Sylvari guardian, main, first level 80.
Norn mesmer, level 80
Asura warrior, currently level 55, slowly heading its way to 80
Charr engineer, 25ish, found the profession kinda boring so far, so I’m contemplating deletion to make an elementalist, ranger or thief, haven’t played it for a while.
Human Necromancer, level 3, currently living on Rata Sum and working as a bank mule.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Engineer 80
Ranger 70
Mesmer 54
Necro 46
Guardian 45
Warrior 15
Ele 9
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I have 8, 4 of them 80
Asura fem Elementalist 80
Asura fem Warrior 80
Asura fem Egineer 80
Human fem Mesmer 80
Norn fem Ranger 30 ( currently leveling )
Human fem Gaurdian 28
Sylvari fem Necromancer 16
Human fem Thief 10
And Asura are cute ok ! :p
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
(edited by JeroenXP.5364)
Eight. Two are 80 and in full exotics, my warrior and my guardian. I have one of every class and every race is covered off. After the two 80’s my levels are static at 30 for the remaining six. They have their first epic skill, and I stopped there.
9 slots (got a free one with a bug), 8 characters, 6 80’s, 1 45, and 1 12.
Engi and thief are my last 2.
Made three lvl 80 chars in the 4 odd months I’ve been playing. Started with a Sylvari ranger, then rolled Human mesmer and Norn warrior when I found out they’re the preferred class for dungeons. Craft levelled the alts to 80, and geared ‘em in full exotics. Don’t think I could have sloughed through hearts, map completion and events again in order to reach the level cap, lol.