How many dyes you got?
How? I remember someone telling me dyes you’ve already unlocked will become unidentified but that never happened.
How? I remember someone telling me dyes you’ve already unlocked will become unidentified but that never happened.
Doubled up dyes for each character get the unidentified dyes. Go through them all and you’ll get them in the mail.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
How? I remember someone telling me dyes you’ve already unlocked will become unidentified but that never happened.
you need to log onto each one of your characters to unlock their dyes. As you start to get doubles, you’ll get mail with the dyes.
I got 193 but admittedly i didn’t really collect all that much dye.
238 uni dyes…bu so many unlocked…..such a great QoL change.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
702 Unid dyes.
purposely duplicated the dyes before patch.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
About 500+ Unid dyes for me. After seeing the nerf to Unid acquisition too, I’ve decided to hang onto them for resale down the track.
About 600-change. I thought about it; but didn’t have the extra character slots – it woulda been nice to have created 2 or 3 that were dye-poor before the pack.
I didn’t really buy many dyes over the year, I had 170ish
Only about 60 dupes. Between that and reducing the Gift of Color requirement to 100, not sure what I’ll do with all the rest. I already have Celestial and Abyss, and quite a few other nice ones. I haven’t yearned for new colors much in a long time.
I have only logged into 3 of my characters (out of 9) so far. The two after the first have received approximately 170 dyes each. I opened 5 on each character; I got one new Rare dye I didn’t have. The rest were duplicates. Lol. Will pass them on to Guildies that have few dyes. =)
Had almost 50 of them, but that is mostly cause I tried to keep my palettes different on all my characters with just a few duplicates.
Debating if I want to use them all in hopes to get some rare dyes, or just sell them.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
I got 1443 dye across all my characters. I had all the non-gem store dyes unlocked on a character so every other character counted as a duplicate. I really like this part of the update.
I have to say that I never sold or destroyed a dye. I’ve used them all for my toons.
293 for me today, now to see if I can fill out the rest of my colors.