How much gold do you have ?
300 gold, been playing since release, all I do is WvW.
In the last few months always around 3-15G.
I use every coin for my legendary
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!
50g. I occasionally go over 100, then blow it on Zerk gear for my alts.
Part-time Kittenposter
600something. Had 1500 but blew it all, down to no gold and selling inventory, on making Mjolnir and getting the Fashion and Emperor titles. No WvW or PvP.
NECRO THREAD :P. Just start a new with a comparison of then to now. It is not that hard to do.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Just over 1k
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
1g 11s 32 copper. I am poor.
I am “That” guy you have all heard about.
1,073 precursors forged and counting.
How much exactly depends how deep in trades I am….
I currently have 768 gold in my wallet, though I have about 1200g worth of investments, and own six legendaries!
I’ve got right between ‘plenty’ and ‘too much’. Enough to pay the bills, along with some of that sweet, sweet walking around money.
I have about 35 gold in between my two accounts. This is unusually much for me, usually I have no more than 10 gold.
One day, when I was playing my very new character still in her starter armor, I suddenly got a whisper from a player saying that “I looked rich and could I give them some gold”. I wasn’t sure whether I should have laughed or cried. Achievement points do not equal gold.
I currently have 768 gold in my wallet, though I have about 1200g worth of investments, and own six legendaries!
Oo! I have 1,300g in crafting materials.
I burned 100g last night to get another comm tag, so down to 700g. But if I factor material values, probably another few hundred G for that and 1 legendary.
So my net assets is probably worth about 5k gold or thereabouts I guess?
I bounce between 2 and about 100 gold, across my 10 80’s. About two and a half of my max level characters are geared, so the cash sink will keep me broke for a long time to come.
I don’t lead in WvW, so not being able to afford a commander tag is no big deal. 1500 gold? That’s the kind of money someone spends to buy a legendary. (Which I won’t ever own either.)
I usually hover between 20 and 50g.
Not enough… that’s pretty much where I usually sit at…
The highest I’ve been is 200g and it took me a while to horde that for the title. After which I ended up promptly giving my husband half of it, because he was broke…..again.
Edit: I probably have quite a bit of gold in the various materials I have, but I use them shrug
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
had like 1500 gold by farming 10 dungends+tqual daily during 4 mouths or so.Bought Dawn and maths now i got my sunrize and 100g left and realy dont care about gold anymore, One thing I like about this game is that with 70g or so u can get 10€ worth of gems and buy a cool costume or a toy, and is realy easy to get 70g if ur active.
750, but no legendary. Working on it. I will be poor after.
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
Was giving my gold away to my friends to help them make their legendary until they announced commander tag prices would go up 300% and you would need to buy them again for each colours. I thought I had all I needed with my, ascended gear, Bifrost and Incinerator. Just 10g in bank.
Currently have 150g. I lent my friend 250g yesterday do that he buys the precursor for the spear.
Have all crafting min 400, and 500 leatherworker. Have ask the gifts for incinerator but missing precursor which is insanely expensive.
Collectables have bunch of lods, cores and t6.
Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Ele
25g liquid, but I just finished Howler on Monday.
Much more if my bank and hoarding is taken into account… 250 of each cooking mat except chili peppers and lemongrass (getting there), 250 of kittens fine mats, gemstones used to be full, but I sold off a bunch of sunstones to the spike. The one side effect of this is that you get to learn exactly how often things drop, because they don’t disappear when you deposit collectibles… “Where did all these eggs come from?!?”
What I find most interesting about this thread is that a year ago:
But now that much gold will only get you about 700 gems.
Q: “How much gold do you have?”
A: not enough…..never enough sigh
Nine hundred something or other, got a lucky drop and kept it for just the right time. To tell the truth I could easily be in the 4-5000 range just from drops if I didn’t always sell things too early.
0, hackers took all and anet gives no refund
. Was doing only sPvP ever since, hoping they invent some sort account roll back soon :P.
They do have an account rollback option, are you sure you made it clear to support what happened?
Maximum was 180 but it’s between 80G-7G almost all the time
120 or so right now, had over 450 but blew most of it on my legendary. I’ve also got ~twice that in investments.
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
I’ve never had much over 200 at a time (only did that for golden title). I buy everything in chunks. When I crafted volcanus that has a total value of maybe 500g, I bought 50 loadestones at a time until I had enough.
I’ve never cared to craft a legendary and besides those there isn’t much to buy that requires you to hoard massive amounts of gold.
179 right now. Though I’ve probably spent at least 3-4K gold in this game
13 gold or so. I’m not that bad at making gold, just keeping it is a problem for me…
OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!
225g here. 1 lvl 80, 4 >lvl20s and no legendaries (not interested) or ascended gear. Been playing on and off since launch but rarely play these days due to work.
Im at 400g atm, I spend about 100g per week on “fun items” I can make 200g i a day at times, other times I wana pvp and make none.
This past two weeks, Ive went from 500g to 0 back to 400g, back to 0 and now back to 400g.
The max I had was about 4k (then got Sunrise and a some “fun items”)
I’ve got less than 40 gold between 13 characters. I don’t farm, I don’t flip, I just play the parts of the game I like, when I feel like playing them, and a ‘good’ drop is something I’ve experienced only ONCE since launch. I don’t think I’ve ever had more than 100 gold at one time; if so, it wasn’t much more than that. Most I’ve ever had was when I sold the molten jet pack (that was the previously mentioned ‘good’ drop) or whatever it was for around 90 gold or so. Spent most of that on a server transfer.
7g :P
but I have some gold tied up in buy orders… and currently 25g deposited in “personal” guild bank… I owe a friend 125…
so technically I guess I’m in the red XD.
At the moment, 100g which I tend to keep my amount like that (I don’t let it drop below 100g unless I had bought too much stuff without checking my golds).
I tend to do Karka and Teq most days depending if I got the time for it and I sell whatever exotic I don’t want (I keep if it’s a new skin I don’t have or salavage the sigil or rune).
While It’s a longer process but I forge any three dungeon weapons I get from the PVP track reward and use a stone since I have been saving a few when I stop using them on my rare (yelow) items.
What I find most interesting about this thread is that a year ago:
But now that much gold will only get you about 700 gems.
I remember when it only took 6g for me to convert to gems to get 350 for the total makeover kit when it came out. Just yesterday I tried it to see how much and 40g only got me 325 gems.
40 gold here..
have around 600G in runes on unsalvagable armor laying around in my bank.
I could buy one of those gemstore things to salvage my runes, BUT THAT STUFF IS MORE EXPENSIVE THEN THE RUNES!
in just gold alone, like 1,300 or somethin like that
I can buy what I want when I want without it really hurting the bank….granted I’ve been playing the TP since about 2 months after launch.
Currently 95-ish gold under my name at the moment. Makes me sad that I am just as terrible at saving money as I am in real life. XD
If you could salvage them then everyone could salvage them, and their value would quickly drop.
Is that a way to find potential victims for account hacks?
On me, 350g at the moment. Only 1 gold worth of bids in, less than a 1 gold of items for sale (basically the last of last night’s session that didn’t sell within 15 minutes).
RIP City of Heroes
Message Body length must at least be 15.
#1 PVE Commander EU
Desolation motto: Guests Go Home
If you could salvage them then everyone could salvage them, and their value would quickly drop.
people used to salvage them before the wardrobe ………………………….
Currently I am floating around 140g~. I was over 200g, but had to craft some stuff.
The last time I was anywhere even close to 1,000g was at a world boss fight when 10 people decided to pop their commander tags! hardy har har!
around 2000 raw gold, twice as that if you count bank loot.