How much have you Invested?
3400 hours of gameplay of which most is PvE (open world / dungeons)
15 000 – 20 000 champ boxes since we started farming them.
100 hours PvP / WvW
200gold at mystic forge
= 0 precursers.
Best drop was Crystal Guardian when it was 60gold and I kept it…now its
that’s it for me…
I’m beginning to think I have it good .w.
0 gold into the Mystic Forge.
2 Precursors from random mobs.
This is why I never like to skip mobs. I never have any luck from chests or the Forge, but it seems Grenth likes me when I send him fresh souls.
3 AC token weapons and 1g on an exotic GS from tp – Dusk out the MF. (I was pretty lucky perhaps)
I once put over 100g in the mystic trashcan and got nothing of value out of it. Most exotics have better skins/effects anyway and with ascended weapons having the same stats as Legendaries, there is no need for throwing tons of gold into the mystic forge for nothing.
The following is DEFINITELY the exception, rather than the rule.
I was curious as to see whats the % of gold players have spent on the Mystic Forge in attempts to get any form of Precursor…
So far this week I have invested into…
113g in Carrion Krait Slayers
79g in Carion Krait Slayers
30g in Exotic Greatswords
200g (Friends gold) in Carrion Krait Slayers
and 300g in Carrion Krait SlayersI have since pulled out 5 Dusks and 1 Dawn.
Still do not know what to do with all the gold…
Most likely just forge for more and or salvage Globs for Magic Find % and Money Back.I have only started forging recently and it seems like a really great way to make gold, although people disagree with the method because of RNG.
All in all I seem to be seeing a near 80% – 90% chance of getting a Precursor when I try to get one at least.
How about you
>1000g into the forge.
0 Precursors from the forge.
0 Precursors from drops.
0 Precursors from chests.
0 Precursors bought.
>4.8k hours played.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
>1000g into the forge.
0 Precursors from the forge.
0 Precursors from drops.
0 Precursors from chests.
0 Precursors bought.
>4.8k hours played.:(
Yup, sounds pretty reasonable to me, its insane thinking that someone got 6 of them with so little money.
NOTE: RNG seems to favor new players a LOT.
Also OP don’t get used to that luck, that is DEFINITELY abnormal.
i made 1500 great swords put them in the forge and for NOTHING! ohh and i have 3600 hours played and never seen a precursor drop.
If you send me a mail in game I’d love to talk to you about one of those dusk.. basically all i need for twilight and I’m at 30g’s :/
Lol. Rng is so messed up. :P Most players never got any precursors with thousands of hours of gameplay, then some random guy pops 4 greatswords in a forge and bam…
Then we try it with 100x the amount and nothing. This shouldn’t be happening.
>1000g into the forge.
0 Precursors from the forge.
0 Precursors from drops.
0 Precursors from chests.
0 Precursors bought.
>4.8k hours played.:(
Yup, sounds pretty reasonable to me, its insane thinking that someone got 6 of them with so little money.
NOTE: RNG seems to favor new players a LOT.
Also OP don’t get used to that luck, that is DEFINITELY abnormal.
I will keep you posted on my luck because all I ever do is Forge, I do nothing else.
I farm gold and dump it into the forge, I hoard all my Precursors xD
Celestial Dye today on my 2th try.
Lol. Rng is so messed up. :P Most players never got any precursors with thousands of hours of gameplay, then some random guy pops 4 greatswords in a forge and bam…
Then we try it with 100x the amount and nothing. This shouldn’t be happening.
I mean I only farm the forge for gold to Hoard the items and then eventually I will sell everything an flip for x2 or more the gold. Then help out players. I don’t like being selfish when it comes to Gold lol
Lol. Rng is so messed up. :P Most players never got any precursors with thousands of hours of gameplay, then some random guy pops 4 greatswords in a forge and bam…
Then we try it with 100x the amount and nothing. This shouldn’t be happening.I mean I only farm the forge for gold to Hoard the items and then eventually I will sell everything an flip for x2 or more the gold. Then help out players. I don’t like being selfish when it comes to Gold lol
Then… you won’t mind slipping me a “The Legend” in my mailbox with your enormous quantity of luck?
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
Lol. Rng is so messed up. :P Most players never got any precursors with thousands of hours of gameplay, then some random guy pops 4 greatswords in a forge and bam…
Then we try it with 100x the amount and nothing. This shouldn’t be happening.I mean I only farm the forge for gold to Hoard the items and then eventually I will sell everything an flip for x2 or more the gold. Then help out players. I don’t like being selfish when it comes to Gold lol
Then… you won’t mind slipping me a “The Legend” in my mailbox with your enormous quantity of luck?
Wouldn’t be a problem with me, the only problem I would have is when you never call.
Lol. Rng is so messed up. :P Most players never got any precursors with thousands of hours of gameplay, then some random guy pops 4 greatswords in a forge and bam…
Then we try it with 100x the amount and nothing. This shouldn’t be happening.I mean I only farm the forge for gold to Hoard the items and then eventually I will sell everything an flip for x2 or more the gold. Then help out players. I don’t like being selfish when it comes to Gold lol
I wasn’t referring to you. Just saying in general. Of course it’s okay you got 6 precursors out of forge, it’s just kinda painful that only a slight percentage ever does.
I’d prefer if they give everyone a precursor through accessible means (aka. a scavenger hunt), not through months farming or pure luck.
And, if you can spare some money, I have 2 gold atm (gearing up new characters does that to you), much obliged to charity. xD
Lol. Rng is so messed up. :P Most players never got any precursors with thousands of hours of gameplay, then some random guy pops 4 greatswords in a forge and bam…
Then we try it with 100x the amount and nothing. This shouldn’t be happening.I mean I only farm the forge for gold to Hoard the items and then eventually I will sell everything an flip for x2 or more the gold. Then help out players. I don’t like being selfish when it comes to Gold lol
I wasn’t referring to you.
Just saying in general. Of course it’s okay you got 6 precursors out of forge, it’s just kinda painful that only a slight percentage ever does.
I’d prefer if they give everyone a precursor through accessible means (aka. a scavenger hunt), not through months farming or pure luck.And, if you can spare some money, I have 2 gold atm (gearing up new characters does that to you), much obliged to charity. xD
Hahah, I have full ascended gear and no Legendaries (BEFORE) I got lucky with Precursors, I may just be charity eventually
To OP, absolutely nothing.
My GW1 characters will always look far better than any GW2 char ever can, no matter the fluff one opts for.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
3800 hours and 0 precursors.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
To OP, absolutely nothing.
My GW1 characters will always look far better than any GW2 char ever can, no matter the fluff one opts for.
Flaunt those goods! Snap Snap Snap
~ 2800 hours
~ 400g in MF
~ 0 Precursors from drops
~ 0 Precursors from MF
1 Precursor from TP
I think I put in around ~200g worth of staves. But the RNG god doesn’t favor me so I put on a buying order c;
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Rolls in Gold
I guess I am just lucky, I will continue to Forge when I farm more gold but for now it’s still…
Dusks: 5
Dawns: 1
Gold Invested 600-700g
I’ve been researching for the drop rate of Precursors.
By the list here and those who I’ve asked;
The earlier you’ve started, the more you play, the better you play, the most you spend at Mystic Forge- the less chance you’ll get the precursor
Its around ~250 people asked.
- “It is called “Mystic Toilet” for a reason"
- RNG is guess what? RANDOM
- If you ask AN via ticket for your broken drops, it will be increased for a ~month. How can this happen?
- There are confirmed users constantly getting precursors, expensive items & Ascended chests. For this happening, it has a multiper less chance than winning RL lottery.
- My consequences: RNG is broken, and Accounts somehow go “lucky” or “unlucky” on creation. I’m investigating the connections…
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
- There are confirmed users constantly getting precursors, expensive items & Ascended chests. For this happening, it has a multiper less chance than winning RL lottery.
- My consequences: RNG is broken, and Accounts somehow go “lucky” or “unlucky” on creation. I’m investigating the connections…
That’s not how accounts work.
There is a database. For it to be a difference between accounts there would have to be a “luck” value with either a number (percentage) or just an on/off. Do you really think the devs would even add that? What would be the purpose?
RNG is RNG. People try to find a logic behind it when they’re unlucky. There is no logic, just RNG. And that’s why people are complaining. They can work their kitten off for months and never get lucky at the forge and be forced to buy their precursor. And to me and a lot of people, buying a precursor isn’t “legendary” at all.
- There are confirmed users constantly getting precursors, expensive items & Ascended chests. For this happening, it has a multiper less chance than winning RL lottery.
- My consequences: RNG is broken, and Accounts somehow go “lucky” or “unlucky” on creation. I’m investigating the connections…
That’s not how accounts work.
There is a database. For it to be a difference between accounts there would have to be a “luck” value with either a number (percentage) or just an on/off. Do you really think the devs would even add that? What would be the purpose?RNG is RNG. People try to find a logic behind it when they’re unlucky. There is no logic, just RNG. And that’s why people are complaining. They can work their kitten off for months and never get lucky at the forge and be forced to buy their precursor. And to me and a lot of people, buying a precursor isn’t “legendary” at all.
Conclusion: it’s still Anet’s fault. They should have given us a legendary scavenger hunt instead of a pointless grind. No RNG, no grind, no buyable precursors.
- There are confirmed users constantly getting precursors, expensive items & Ascended chests. For this happening, it has a multiper less chance than winning RL lottery.
- My consequences: RNG is broken, and Accounts somehow go “lucky” or “unlucky” on creation. I’m investigating the connections…
That’s not how accounts work.
There is a database. For it to be a difference between accounts there would have to be a “luck” value with either a number (percentage) or just an on/off. Do you really think the devs would even add that? What would be the purpose?RNG is RNG. People try to find a logic behind it when they’re unlucky. There is no logic, just RNG. And that’s why people are complaining. They can work their kitten off for months and never get lucky at the forge and be forced to buy their precursor. And to me and a lot of people, buying a precursor isn’t “legendary” at all.
Horrible players… working poor innocent kittens to the bone for money v.v …
In my 850 hours of game play in the last 57 days I have only seen…
1 Storm (Claw of Jormag) Which I sorta… Salvaged lol
5 Dusks (Gave one to my friend)
1 Dawn
I am going to continue my forging to just valid to myself on if I do have a
I mean around Christmas Anet sent me a Dwayna Backpiece.
Still trying to figure out why..
Don’t you have a ton of legendary weapons Nike?
“A good thing to remember is that if everyone got precursors as often as the OP has they wouldn’t be 400-800 gold.”
Very true, but I could not resist trying. I am not angry, just disappointed in myself. lol
LOL – this will come into play one day. Once precursors can be crafted we’ll see just how much they will be worth!
Speaking on this topic when Precursors “Become Available” to be crafted.
Along with many other aspects “Promised” to be added into the game…
I would no doubtingly say that if they did add this option it would more than likely need 100 Deldrimor Steel Ignots to craft the base Greatsword / Blade / Dagger.
Seeing as it would not be very wise to force the price of something to crash, which would cause Legendaries to tilt aswell.
Plus think about it… Anet would love to add it because they treasure their
TIME GATED Materials.
Somewhere above 1500 hours played since release.
Almost all rare and exotic weapons I found have gone into the MF.
0 drops, 0 MF wins. I’m poor as hell.
Personally I believe anet track who will buy gems for conversion to gold and lower their chances of looting precursors. People say I’m paranoid and crazy for suggesting that, but part of my rl job involves that sort of predictive analytics so I know it happens in companies. If anet aren’t doing it, they should be. Very big moneyspinner.
Somewhere above 1500 hours played since release.
Almost all rare and exotic weapons I found have gone into the MF.0 drops, 0 MF wins. I’m poor as hell.
Personally I believe anet track who will buy gems for conversion to gold and lower their chances of looting precursors. People say I’m paranoid and crazy for suggesting that, but part of my rl job involves that sort of predictive analytics so I know it happens in companies. If anet aren’t doing it, they should be. Very big moneyspinner.
I have purchased like 100dollars in gems before and I wouldn’t pass it off as a non-possible thing.
Well seeing so many people have bad luck on their precursor lessens the pain of having spent so much trying to get dusk, but it makes me sad at the same time.
Don’t you have a ton of legendary weapons Nike?
“A good thing to remember is that if everyone got precursors as often as the OP has they wouldn’t be 400-800 gold.”
Very true, but I could not resist trying. I am not angry, just disappointed in myself. lol
LOL – this will come into play one day. Once precursors can be crafted we’ll see just how much they will be worth!
Speaking on this topic when Precursors “Become Available” to be crafted.
Along with many other aspects “Promised” to be added into the game…
I would no doubtingly say that if they did add this option it would more than likely need 100 Deldrimor Steel Ignots to craft the base Greatsword / Blade / Dagger.
Seeing as it would not be very wise to force the price of something to crash, which would cause Legendaries to tilt aswell.Plus think about it… Anet would love to add it because they treasure their
TIME GATED Materials.
Hence y i am hoarding my time gated items now!!!!
300g into Mystic Toilet, 2800hrs of gameplay, 0 precursors. Heck even T6 mats drop like exotics for me, almost never!
Don’t you have a ton of legendary weapons Nike?
“A good thing to remember is that if everyone got precursors as often as the OP has they wouldn’t be 400-800 gold.”
Very true, but I could not resist trying. I am not angry, just disappointed in myself. lol
LOL – this will come into play one day. Once precursors can be crafted we’ll see just how much they will be worth!
Speaking on this topic when Precursors “Become Available” to be crafted.
Along with many other aspects “Promised” to be added into the game…
I would no doubtingly say that if they did add this option it would more than likely need 100 Deldrimor Steel Ignots to craft the base Greatsword / Blade / Dagger.
Seeing as it would not be very wise to force the price of something to crash, which would cause Legendaries to tilt aswell.Plus think about it… Anet would love to add it because they treasure their
TIME GATED Materials.
I am not sure to which extent they could introduce time gated materials. They would have to create new ones possibly, or use the ascended ones, as i think it´s be to unfair to use time gated materials like the quarz crystals, that you can´t get anymore if you weren´t playing that part of the LS.
I personally hope it won´t include to many lvl 500 crafting professions, as i already feel tricked by that bit. I had leveled all 8 professions to 400 and now they tell me to get another 100 levels -.-
But i agree that it´d be a nice change to see more reliable ways to obtain a precursor weapon. Possibly make it so that you can only get a precursor once with that account and make it account bound. That way you would keep the value of existing ones on the TP as well, but give a lot of players a chance to get one in a secure way.
- My consequences: RNG is broken, and Accounts somehow go “lucky” or “unlucky” on creation. I’m investigating the connections…
This is my belief too; some sort of factor tied with your account in the whole RNG picture that leads to RNG being broken for some.
I don’t have “many” hours played; ~1400 since launch, and I have played all aspects of game minus SPvP.
0 Precursor drops
0 Precursors from MF (probably spent about ~100G on various GS,swords,shields)
I refuse to buy from TP and will rather wait for the “alleged” scavenger hunt…
RNG in this game is just depressing so you kind of have to forget about it and play for some other reason…
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
2.4k hours played, gave 1000+ rares to the mystic thief, 0 precursors. I truly believe that the RNG is broken in this game.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
close to 4000 hours of gameplay → 0 pre (80% spent in wvw)
about ~1k gold in mystic forge → 0 pre
another funny part – ~800-850 fractal runs – no 1handed fractal sword skin
I use excess dungeon tokens and mystic forge stones.
Gotten dusk and the chosen.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
About 1500 hours for me and I think I’ve flushed down 20 gold or less since release. So I got absolutely nothing. And hey that’s alright. I know I’m not lucky, so therefore I never gamble (let alone obtain!) so much gold.
Some legendaries are definitely pretty, but most don’t fit my characters at all. Which means that the (very modest – especially compared to some posts here) amount of gold I have, I can freely spend on fashion and character slots! :-D
0g. I dropped a leaf of kudzu once, sold it. Saved up gold and bought both dawn and the colossus, planning to buy zap aswell. RNG sucks.
about 50g in forge
Never got a precursor
Don’t you have a ton of legendary weapons Nike?
“A good thing to remember is that if everyone got precursors as often as the OP has they wouldn’t be 400-800 gold.”
Very true, but I could not resist trying. I am not angry, just disappointed in myself. lol
LOL – this will come into play one day. Once precursors can be crafted we’ll see just how much they will be worth!
Speaking on this topic when Precursors “Become Available” to be crafted.
Along with many other aspects “Promised” to be added into the game…
I would no doubtingly say that if they did add this option it would more than likely need 100 Deldrimor Steel Ignots to craft the base Greatsword / Blade / Dagger.
Seeing as it would not be very wise to force the price of something to crash, which would cause Legendaries to tilt aswell.Plus think about it… Anet would love to add it because they treasure their
TIME GATED Materials.I am not sure to which extent they could introduce time gated materials. They would have to create new ones possibly, or use the ascended ones, as i think it´s be to unfair to use time gated materials like the quarz crystals, that you can´t get anymore if you weren´t playing that part of the LS.
I personally hope it won´t include to many lvl 500 crafting professions, as i already feel tricked by that bit. I had leveled all 8 professions to 400 and now they tell me to get another 100 levels -.-
But i agree that it´d be a nice change to see more reliable ways to obtain a precursor weapon. Possibly make it so that you can only get a precursor once with that account and make it account bound. That way you would keep the value of existing ones on the TP as well, but give a lot of players a chance to get one in a secure way.
I wouldn’t go as far to say make it One per account, but I would most likely say they would at least have to add some form of TIME GATE and something that is simular to making a Legendary like “Gift of Precursor” or something on this form of level.
Like say…
“Gift of Precursor”
“100 Deldrimor Greatsword Blades”
“Dark Matter”
“Some other Mat maybe 4 Dungeon things forged together”
(edited by Nekomi.9562)
I wouldn’t go as far to say make it One per account, but I would most likely say they would at least have to add some form of TIME GATE and something that is simular to making a Legendary like “Gift of Precursor” or something on this form of level.
I think Anet wants to keep the current state of the economy to much, so this would be a way to keep the economy in a more or less untouched status. Of course prices would drop a bit, due to the fact that less people will be required to buy the precursor weapons. But in the end it would possibly be about 100g less for dusk. The selling people would still make good money out of it.
And if you want more than one legendary of one kind, you will have to go and grind, gamble or buy the precursor for that one.
But in the end it would also make sense when you think about the fact that there is an achievement and i think even a title, that relates to how many legendaries you have.
I threw in one set of GS’s into the forge one time, realized I had just wasted my money, and have never used the Mystic Toilet since. 1 time was all it took to realize you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than actually getting something useful.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Since my post there are a few user posted with High amount of gametime and zero drops + there is a new one who has very basic gametime and already has 7 drops.
Looks like this conspiracy theory goes prooved by the time…
But what is AN’s statement on this? “Random” can’t really explain this when there clear & straight evidences. I’ve sent a ticket about it long ago, they reply explained it is not a mechanic that can be broken. After all, most of us “know” it IS broken.
Can we aim for some kind of compensation? It seems like clearly AN’s fault – the lack of fairplay @ drops.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
We need more luck for other players. I have since just said…
“Hey I have gotten 6 Precursors, time to save up and buy stuff and flip”
Too many hours, about 200g down the mystic toilet.
And yet I throw 3 random exotics and a mystic stone in and get dusk, as for drop rates still think they based off server numbers as I’m not seeing any difference between the old Magic find and the new unless its a bug.
I threw in one set of GS’s into the forge one time, realized I had just wasted my money, and have never used the Mystic Toilet since. 1 time was all it took to realize you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than actually getting something useful.
“Only ever gamble what you can afford to lose” (or won’t miss).
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
I threw in one set of GS’s into the forge one time, realized I had just wasted my money, and have never used the Mystic Toilet since. 1 time was all it took to realize you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than actually getting something useful.
“Only ever gamble what you can afford to lose” (or won’t miss).
End game is really just “Throw away everything for nothing or more”
I never could just play End Game an not do some form of gambling.
TERA: Rising was my last MMO I did nothing but Buy everything on one server and transfer and ALT over to a different server where prices were massively different and then bring another ALT from that server back to my HOME Server making like x100 profit.
The only real problem with me is I like to HOARD all my items xD
I invest all my gold cause I have no other use for it, but I don’t go for precursors, I throw in rare dyes and get abyss and celestial dyes
I invest all my gold cause I have no other use for it, but I don’t go for precursors, I throw in rare dyes and get abyss and celestial dyes
I got bored of doing that, too many Abyss dyes.