How to spot a bot if you didn't already know
I see the knobs spamming afk when nothing there to be spammed at. If Anet employed active bot terminators we’d see a decrease.
Characters that continually run from a waypoint to the same DE area, usually naked is another good indication.
Lol A lot of people run in a group particularly in Orr where there is safety in numbers against random mobs that seems to appear from no where. I run naked all the time because I suxed at dieing – that make me a bot? or just a noob
If you report everyone in a group then you will be reporting just about everyone.
I have a better system to spot cheaters than that:
1) If anyone kill me in PvP must be a cheater.
2) If anyone has more gold than me must be a gold farming bot.
Hope this helps
Makes you a noob
Nuff said
Button-pressed-by-object-on-keyboard-for-auto-attack isn’t technically a bot, but most game companies consider it cheating.
The true bots in this game will suddenly “teleport” to the next mob and begin attacking. When it is dead they “teleport” to the next. There is no clear line of travel, and at first you may think you or they are lagging. Just spend a few dozen seconds watching and you will see other players run by without exhibiting this sort of almost lag appearance, yet the botter keeps doing it.
Most of the botters use a signet warrior build, can be greatsword, bow or rifle. However I see other professions lately including engineers and even necromancers. The recent necro I saw was actually 3 characters, identical char in identical gear with different names standing on the same waypoint in Gendarren Fields, with minions. They would attack a portion of the Dynamic Event that came their way. These necros never moved but strangely once I mentioned I reported them in local chat, they began logging out and back in periodically.
To discuss bots or how to report them, please refer to This topic is locked.