I am a pinata destroyer
I am an avid voter
I am a mini game connoisseur
I am a jumping puzzle master
I am a pyrotechnician
I am a supporter of false victories and looming threats.
But a hero I am not.
What’s your story?
I am a pinata destroyer
I am an avid voter
I am a mini game connoisseur
I am a jumping puzzle master
I am a pyrotechnician
I am a supporter of false victories and looming threats.
But a hero I am not.
What’s your story?
I’m a guy who keeps reading the same thread with a different title.
I am a pinata destroyer
I am an avid voter
I am a mini game connoisseur
I am a jumping puzzle master
I am a pyrotechnician
I am a supporter of false victories and looming threats.
But a hero I am not.What’s your story?
I forgot, but I can tell you the story of the real hero in this game: Trahearne.
Here it is:
“As a structure, the MMO has lost the ability to make the player feel like a Hero. Everybody around you is doing the same thing you’re doing. The boss you just killed respawns 10 minutes later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Yeah, it’s kind of been bothering me how unhero-like some recent events have been. I mean a festival once in a while is fine, but whatever happened to the fantasy/adventure part of RPG?
exactly… back then you killed a god, made a new one from a mortal, the world was in danger and you saved it… now you just…linger… killing the troll/oak/wasp/boar, stopping flame legion in cof for the thousanth time…not heroic…
even (oh lord help me) WoW had an amazing heroic feeling, Illidan, Lich king, deathwing… we faced enemies and not just the festivals…
but yeah, everyone knows this
I’m a hero.. a hero who spends hours each day making sure the bank in Lions Arch is safe by standing next to it looking at the trading post. You’re all welcome.
I’m an exterminator for oversized lizards. The job involves a lot of waiting.
I’m a hero.. a hero who spends hours each day making sure the bank in Lions Arch is safe by standing next to it looking at the trading post. You’re all welcome.
Fellow hero, I salute you. I stand guard in Nightguard Beach, making sure no one attacks Debbie Lantys as we save the world, one flip at a time.
I am a Charr
I have clipping armor
I don’t like mini-games
I am a jumping puzzle warrior of the Blood Legion
I am a Necro, so I must be OP
I throw all my gold into the Mystic Toliet
I only pressed one button to kill the greatest villain Tyria has seen
I hate that dam Salad Head.
I am not hero, but I pretend like I am
What’s your story?
It even trickles down to the NPCs. The quaggans in Frostforge that beg for your help to fight the icebrood will come back and say “Quaggans have defeated the Icebrood, you can come out now”. So if they want to be the heroes why ask for my help? Go ahead and fight them yourselves. Let me do my daily in peace.
exactly… back then you killed a god, made a new one from a mortal, the world was in danger and you saved it… now you just…linger… killing the troll/oak/wasp/boar, stopping flame legion in cof for the thousanth time…not heroic…
even (oh lord help me) WoW had an amazing heroic feeling, Illidan, Lich king, deathwing…
You notice how you name the villains when you talk about getting a heroic feeling?
Decent villains are necessary for any memorable heroic story. Right now we haven’t had any.
The Elder Dragons are just generic evil force, their minions are mind-controlled pawns of their masters and then we get villains like Canach, who was nothing but a failed businessman whose major villainous talent was completely messing up everything he touches to an life-threatening degree.
There was much that I didn’t like about WoW but Illidan would not deign to be counted among this bunch.
But I’m remaining hopeful. There are interesting and rather underused villains like Faolain and Caudecus. There is still potential for our characters to face epic and memorable villains. The recent interview with Bobby Stein shows that ArenaNet is putting some serious thought into how they are presenting the stories. Let’s hope they don’t forgot what it takes to tell a good one.
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
Arena Net wanted to follow “zombie apocalypse” bandwagon with Zhaitan.
exactly… back then you killed a god, made a new one from a mortal, the world was in danger and you saved it
now you just…linger… killing the troll/oak/wasp/boar, stopping flame legion in cof for the thousanth time…not heroic…
even (oh lord help me) WoW had an amazing heroic feeling, Illidan, Lich king, deathwing… we faced enemies and not just the festivals…
but yeah, everyone knows this
You may do them things, but I don’t.
As for the whole running things for the thousandth time thing, people also did was repeat the missions to fill out books, do farming runs for rep ect ect. Even in WoW, it’s stopping x threat in x dungeon / raid multiple times.
And in this game, we’ve also done heroic things; F+F, Southsun, Aetherblades, Personal Story (parts of it, anyway).
Now, I don’t necessarily disagree with the whole heroism thing.
IMO, what they need to work on is making the player feel like a driving force alongside other players. Not simply another pawn for an NPC to get their glory.
It’s just the way you phrased it made it seem like this is all people have available to them, while them two other games were epic moment to moment without any repetitiveness. After doing them things, it was repetitiveness to get x rep, this weapon skin ect.
“As a structure, the MMO has lost the ability to make the player feel like a Hero. Everybody around you is doing the same thing you’re doing. The boss you just killed respawns 10 minutes later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
This is true.
Of course GW1 did do pretty good at it. Mostly because it still barred on the single-player RPG aspect. Or at least a group of heroes overcome a great foe aspect.
Can’t say in a long time I felt that I was actually a “hero” in an MMO. Mostly just a person trying to protect the people if anything. But not really some huge god-slaying hero. Not to say you don’t have a purpose, you are usually the “second-hand” man of the main heroes written into the game; just as everyone else that is playing (I think in reality we have to forget thinking that all these people we play with are sharing our role in the story, if we want to feel important).
I am a fashion model…every 2 weeks I model the latest fluffy pink rainbow back piece…21st century gaming best ever…
What’s your story?
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
I am a hero.
Everyone can be a hero.
But there is a secret.
And today I am going to share it with you, so listen carefully.
Any time you play this game.
Every hour.
Every minute.
Every second.
Ask yourself:
Am I having fun?
If the answer is “no”…
I don’t care if your farming for your legendary.
If you don’t like grind, STOP.
What, your half way done? Awesome.
Now sell your stuff, get somthing different and do something you enjoy.
I don’t care if you need those achievment points.
If you don’t like the dailys or the new content- don’t even bother.
I have ~5k and I earnd every single one with joy.
I don’t care what you do as long you do it because you WANT to.
Not because you need to. Or have to.
I like the dungeon Arah. I played it over and over again.
With friends.
And all by myself.
And every time I finish a path with one or zero mates.
Every time I am the only survivor at Lupicus – but still manage to rezz somebody and save the day.
Every time a newbie says “thank you for your awesome guide”
I feel like a HERO.
You should try that. It’s kinda cool.
(edited by Molch.2078)
I am a hero.
Everyone can be a hero.
But there is a secret.
And today I am going to share it with you, so listen carefully.Any time you play this game.
Every hour.
Every minute.
Every second.
Ask yourself:
Am I having fun?
If the answer is “no”…
…STOPI don’t care if your farming for your legendary.
If you don’t like grind, STOP.
Sell your stuff, get somthing different and do something you enjoy.I don’t care if you need those achievment points.
If you don’t like the dailys or the new content- don’t even bother.
I have ~5k and I earnd every single one with joy.I don’t care what you do as long you do it because you WANT.
Not because you need to.I like the dungeon Arah. I played it over and over again.
With friends.
And all by myself.
And every time I finish a path with one or zero mates.
Every time a newbie says “thank you for your awesome guide”
I feel like a HERO.You should try that. It’s kinda cool.
Okay Trahearne ……>>
Hey, Trahearne did nothing. I do stuff. Thats a difference
Hey, Trahearne did nothing. I do stuff. Thats a difference
He summoned those golems that one time. Far more than Kormir ever did :p
Hey, Trahearne did nothing. I do stuff. Thats a difference
He summoned those golems that one time. Far more than Kormir ever did :p
Kormir sent all of her sunspears into the most obvious trap ever. Thats quite an achievment. Bet she did it for the points…
I’m a guy who keeps reading the same thread with a different title.
You too?! So am i!
Aaaand done.
caring about heroes is so last millennium.
there’s a reason all the most popular new fiction of the last decade has been focused on anti-heroes: heroes are boring.
I don’t know. I’ve been a hero. Last month I solved a murder mystery while fighting off sky pirates.
Oh, you mean you’re not a hero today.
Seems to me that even in Guild Wars 1, after you finished the content, you weren’t a hero either. Take Nightfall. Komir becomes a God and you’ve one. It’s over. Much like this story.
Except Trahearne actually doesn’t take credit for slaying Zhaitan in fact, he wasn’t even there. He says at the end he wishes he was and how you’re a hero and how you’ve earned a break.
I’m not sure what kind of games that you guys are playing where you’re a hero every day 24/7.
Since that time we’ve fought off the Karka invasion, we’ve stopped the dredge and flame legion from cementing an alliance…oh right.
Maybe you guys aren’t paying attention.
I’m not a hero.
I’m just a salad.
I’m not even a good-looking salad, I’m fugly and look like spinach.
I’ll tell you what I am.
I’m a guardian. A guardian of what, you ask?
Guardian of the TP.
I’ve stood watch over the TP making purchases and selling items since the beginning of time.
I will start to smell like moldy spinach soon, but that’s okay, I’m the guardian of the tp.
The short asura cat-fox things have nothing on me with their salad jokes.
I will throw my entire life savings in their faces and laugh as they stare at my wondrous, glorious, fantastic amount of money.
10 gold.
I don’t know. I’ve been a hero. Last month I solved a murder mystery while fighting off sky pirates.
Oh, you mean you’re not a hero today.
Seems to me that even in Guild Wars 1, after you finished the content, you weren’t a hero either. Take Nightfall. Komir becomes a God and you’ve one. It’s over. Much like this story.
Except Trahearne actually doesn’t take credit for slaying Zhaitan in fact, he wasn’t even there. He says at the end he wishes he was and how you’re a hero and how you’ve earned a break.
I’m not sure what kind of games that you guys are playing where you’re a hero every day 24/7.
Since that time we’ve fought off the Karka invasion, we’ve stopped the dredge and flame legion from cementing an alliance…oh right.
Maybe you guys aren’t paying attention.
Rght On
I don’t know. I’ve been a hero. Last month I solved a murder mystery while fighting off sky pirates.
Oh, you mean you’re not a hero today.
Seems to me that even in Guild Wars 1, after you finished the content, you weren’t a hero either. Take Nightfall. Komir becomes a God and you’ve one. It’s over. Much like this story.
Except Trahearne actually doesn’t take credit for slaying Zhaitan in fact, he wasn’t even there. He says at the end he wishes he was and how you’re a hero and how you’ve earned a break.
I’m not sure what kind of games that you guys are playing where you’re a hero every day 24/7.
Since that time we’ve fought off the Karka invasion, we’ve stopped the dredge and flame legion from cementing an alliance…oh right.
Maybe you guys aren’t paying attention.
Rght On
So all things I do on a daily basis in WoW, except on a much smaller scale? Okay In WoW, you actually make a difference. You’re on a major boss fight and your tank disconnects, oh man, this isn’t Guild Wars 2 and we can’t replace him with a random nobody that has no idea what they’re doing. We need an experienced tank that has done this multiple times. Maybe he’ll even give us some insight as to how we can better defeat the boss.
Everybody counts in a raid/dungeon/event in WoW. You lose one player and you lose a valuable role.
Guild Wars 2 mentality: Group member disconnects “Replace him with anyone, it doesn’t matter who we pick.”
At Jormag: “Oh, a player disconnected? Big whoop, he wasn’t valuable.”
I definitely don’t feel like a hero at all when I can be replaced by someone who has no clue as to what they’re doing.
And to answer you, I suppose that most people feel that they’re solving petty crimes that don’t matter at all in the big picture. Oh my gosh, an entire ship full of sky pirates is about to attack an entire freaking city. Whatever are we going to do when they land? Oh, let’s just get 1,000 people from the city and beat them into submission. You see, it doesn’t feel as epic as an “entire fleet of enemy ships with the intent to take over Lions Arch and all major cities all over Tyria.”
When people play other games, the above event is what they experience. An entire fleet of enemies coming at them and hopeless odds that they could never deal with, but find a way to overcome. Then they come to Guild Wars 2 and a single ship is flying at them. Big deal, my Night Elf Druid in WoW could take on 10 of those ships with a taco in his hand.
The point this is that you should feel like a hero every day. You deserve to with all the quests you complete. Instead, you feel like a common peasant most days and then rise to the high ranking status of a peasant warrior every two weeks.
when everyone feels like a hero every day, then no one is truly a hero.
I don’t know. I’ve been a hero. Last month I solved a murder mystery while fighting off sky pirates.
Oh, you mean you’re not a hero today.
Seems to me that even in Guild Wars 1, after you finished the content, you weren’t a hero either. Take Nightfall. Komir becomes a God and you’ve one. It’s over. Much like this story.
Except Trahearne actually doesn’t take credit for slaying Zhaitan in fact, he wasn’t even there. He says at the end he wishes he was and how you’re a hero and how you’ve earned a break.
I’m not sure what kind of games that you guys are playing where you’re a hero every day 24/7.
Since that time we’ve fought off the Karka invasion, we’ve stopped the dredge and flame legion from cementing an alliance…oh right.
Maybe you guys aren’t paying attention.
Rght On
So all things I do on a daily basis in WoW, except on a much smaller scale? Okay
In WoW, you actually make a difference. You’re on a major boss fight and your tank disconnects, oh man, this isn’t Guild Wars 2 and we can’t replace him with a random nobody that has no idea what they’re doing. We need an experienced tank that has done this multiple times. Maybe he’ll even give us some insight as to how we can better defeat the boss.
Everybody counts in a raid/dungeon/event in WoW. You lose one player and you lose a valuable role.
Guild Wars 2 mentality: Group member disconnects “Replace him with anyone, it doesn’t matter who we pick.”
At Jormag: “Oh, a player disconnected? Big whoop, he wasn’t valuable.”
I definitely don’t feel like a hero at all when I can be replaced by someone who has no clue as to what they’re doing.
And to answer you, I suppose that most people feel that they’re solving petty crimes that don’t matter at all in the big picture. Oh my gosh, an entire ship full of sky pirates is about to attack an entire freaking city. Whatever are we going to do when they land? Oh, let’s just get 1,000 people from the city and beat them into submission. You see, it doesn’t feel as epic as an “entire fleet of enemy ships with the intent to take over Lions Arch and all major cities all over Tyria.”
When people play other games, the above event is what they experience. An entire fleet of enemies coming at them and hopeless odds that they could never deal with, but find a way to overcome. Then they come to Guild Wars 2 and a single ship is flying at them. Big deal, my Night Elf Druid in WoW could take on 10 of those ships with a taco in his hand.
The point this is that you should feel like a hero every day. You deserve to with all the quests you complete. Instead, you feel like a common peasant most days and then rise to the high ranking status of a peasant warrior every two weeks.
Remember, everyone: You won’t feel like a hero unless you’re stuck in Lion’s Arch waiting 45+ min for a specific profession to log on and join your raid so you can spam the same macros over and over like any other game
PS: Almost forgot, only tanks and healers are heroes. If you’re a DPS, you’re not a hero because you’re easily replaceable by the 5+ other carbon copy DPS roles the game likely has.
(edited by Leo G.4501)
But don’t worry, you’ll feel like a hero when the Lich King dies and then you do him again next week! I mean, that’s why we’re playing GW2, right?
You guys can only wish you were as heroic as my asura.
That picture is pretty sick.
I am a pinata destroyer
I am an avid voter
I am a mini game connoisseur
I am a jumping puzzle master
I am a pyrotechnician
I am a supporter of false victories and looming threats.
But a hero I am not.What’s your story?
I’m the guy that stopped the Molten Alliance’s invasion of Shiverpeaks/Ascalon area.
I’m the guy that killed the big frog in a test simulation for Moto.
I’m the guy that helped arrest Canach and stop his insane plan.
I’m the guy that solved the murder of a Lion’s Arch captain.
I’m the guy that stopped a major invasion plot by sky pirates.
I am the hero, whether or not there’s an audience to say so. The rest of the fluff in between is fun stuff to do in my down time from saving everyone….
“You don’t want to be the Guy. You want to be the guy the Guy counts on.”
- Leo McGarry
“As a structure, the MMO has lost the ability to make the player feel like a Hero. Everybody around you is doing the same thing you’re doing. The boss you just killed respawns 10 minutes later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
This is why as fun as GW2 is, it will never replace single player RPGs as my most cherished video game genre.
I am the hero who kills dragons by shooting them in the foot or pressing 2.
I don’t know. I’ve been a hero. Last month I solved a murder mystery while fighting off sky pirates.
Oh, you mean you’re not a hero today.
Seems to me that even in Guild Wars 1, after you finished the content, you weren’t a hero either. Take Nightfall. Komir becomes a God and you’ve one. It’s over. Much like this story.
Except Trahearne actually doesn’t take credit for slaying Zhaitan in fact, he wasn’t even there. He says at the end he wishes he was and how you’re a hero and how you’ve earned a break.
I’m not sure what kind of games that you guys are playing where you’re a hero every day 24/7.
Since that time we’ve fought off the Karka invasion, we’ve stopped the dredge and flame legion from cementing an alliance…oh right.
Maybe you guys aren’t paying attention.
Rght On
So all things I do on a daily basis in WoW, except on a much smaller scale? Okay
In WoW, you actually make a difference. You’re on a major boss fight and your tank disconnects, oh man, this isn’t Guild Wars 2 and we can’t replace him with a random nobody that has no idea what they’re doing. We need an experienced tank that has done this multiple times. Maybe he’ll even give us some insight as to how we can better defeat the boss.
Everybody counts in a raid/dungeon/event in WoW. You lose one player and you lose a valuable role.
Guild Wars 2 mentality: Group member disconnects “Replace him with anyone, it doesn’t matter who we pick.”
At Jormag: “Oh, a player disconnected? Big whoop, he wasn’t valuable.”
I definitely don’t feel like a hero at all when I can be replaced by someone who has no clue as to what they’re doing.
And to answer you, I suppose that most people feel that they’re solving petty crimes that don’t matter at all in the big picture. Oh my gosh, an entire ship full of sky pirates is about to attack an entire freaking city. Whatever are we going to do when they land? Oh, let’s just get 1,000 people from the city and beat them into submission. You see, it doesn’t feel as epic as an “entire fleet of enemy ships with the intent to take over Lions Arch and all major cities all over Tyria.”
When people play other games, the above event is what they experience. An entire fleet of enemies coming at them and hopeless odds that they could never deal with, but find a way to overcome. Then they come to Guild Wars 2 and a single ship is flying at them. Big deal, my Night Elf Druid in WoW could take on 10 of those ships with a taco in his hand.
The point this is that you should feel like a hero every day. You deserve to with all the quests you complete. Instead, you feel like a common peasant most days and then rise to the high ranking status of a peasant warrior every two weeks.
I don’t know I remember running a whole lot of bullkitten quests in WoW. And in a five man party in WoW, the healer has a role, the tank has a role and 3/5 of the people are replacable canon fodder than no one cares about. 3/5s of your party are meaningless.
When I play Guild Wars 2 with a guild, we know who the good guys in the guild are. We know who is more of a team player and helps keep people alive. It’s not as obvious, but one of my guildies plays an ele and when he’s in the party, we know he’s popping heals, removing conditions, rezzing and generally helping out…the difference is it’s not limited to two guys.
I can go rez someone, I can heal, remove conditions, or generally help anyone WHILE DPSing. This is something that some people can’t seem to get their head around.
If all you do is pug and you think that’s the game, then that’s your game…it’s sure not mine.
And in WoW, I didn’t feel like a hero, because there was no immediacy to anything I did. No real reaction. I sat and used the same skills in the same order to maximize my damage. My son used to tank while eating dinner and playing another game on his phone at the same time.
If you think the Claw of Jormag is what Guild Wars 2 is about, I don’t really know what to say to you.
when everyone feels like a hero every day, then no one is truly a hero.
True words.
In GW2 you are a nobody. You DO NOT matter!
In GW2 you are a nobody. You DO NOT matter!
Speak for yourself. You may be nobody and not matter. Me…I matter. Just depends on your perspective.
when everyone feels like a hero every day, then no one is truly a hero.
I don’t care what everyone else feels like when they play, I play to change how I feel.
I don’t care what others have achieved, I play for the things I achieve.
I don’t care what skins everyone else is wearing, how common the new shiny is or how 1337 their gear/appearance is, I care about how my characters look while I’m out mowing down bad guys with my new shiny. If someone else (or everyone else) has that same shiny, good for them.
I don’t care what roles other people have played in this ongoing story, I care about how I am part of this evolving world and what my role is, has been, and will be. So far my role in the changing of this world hasn’t been all that impressive or grand (to me).
If I wanted someone else taking credit for something I did then I’d stay in the real world instead of escaping to this fantasy game where I could be recognized, cheered and rewarded for my actions.
There is far too much real world making its way into this fantasy game.
So I am left being just a random dude roaming the countryside in an attempt to escape game content that seems no different from the real world content that I play the game to escape.
I am Random Guy…I’ll be in the woods if you need me.
(edited by StinVec.3621)
You guys can only wish you were as heroic as my asura.
You’re awesome Tachenon….but…
I hope everyone realizes that if they truly were the hero, then it’d be hard to build a statue of the hero in tribute.
I hope everyone realizes that if they truly were the hero, then it’d be hard to build a statue of the hero in tribute.
How so? We are all presented with our very own ore node each time we approach it.
For me it is already mined. For you it is fresh and waiting for you to mine it.
Why couldn’t a statue be different depending on who is looking at it?
For me it is my character made stone. For you it is your character made stone.
It’s not that difficult.
I hope everyone realizes that if they truly were the hero, then it’d be hard to build a statue of the hero in tribute.
How so? We are all presented with our very own ore node each time we approach it.
For me it is already mined. For you it is fresh and waiting for you to mine it.Why couldn’t a statue be different depending on who is looking at it?
For me it is my character made stone. For you it is your character made stone.It’s not that difficult.
And then players who did not participate? Players who did not exist? Alternative Characters?
I hope everyone realizes that if they truly were the hero, then it’d be hard to build a statue of the hero in tribute.
How so? We are all presented with our very own ore node each time we approach it.
For me it is already mined. For you it is fresh and waiting for you to mine it.Why couldn’t a statue be different depending on who is looking at it?
For me it is my character made stone. For you it is your character made stone.It’s not that difficult.
And then players who did not participate? Players who did not exist? Alternative Characters?
You mean, if I completed living story content on one character and not another? Living story content is account based so individual characters do not matter. In regards to a statue from Personal Story content, no statue should be displayed to characters who have yet to complete their Personal Story. For Living Story accomplishments, I don’t think there were any Living Story actions that would entitle us to our own statue. But if there were, make it a statue of whatever character you’re currently logged in as, since one character of yours is the same hero as all of your others; you…unless one wants to go Full Roleplay. In that case, statues should be in the Home Instance, and what is displayed in each Home Instance should be dependent on that character’s accomplishments and participation in Living and Personal Stories. However, with how achievements and Living Story content are currently implemented, let alone Home Instances, it would take some changes to implement.
(edited by StinVec.3621)
“As a structure, the MMO has lost the ability to make the player feel like a Hero. Everybody around you is doing the same thing you’re doing. The boss you just killed respawns 10 minutes later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
actually … respawns 5 minutes later.
It was one of the promises that attracted me to GW2.
I still have hope that ArenaNet fulfill these promises.
Does that make me a hero or a sucker?
(edited by Heser.7190)
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