I am glad!
Welcome to Tyria, and happy adventuring!
Have fun playing ^^ And don’t read the forums. Reading the forums can be like drinking lemonade without the sugar. Lol.
ANet may give it to you.
LOL@Fleshwound. Actually, I ENJOY the forums (I did so with my last game as well). I think they offer a great deal of insight to not only the players but also a great deal of fun and a fantastic source of making new friends and accquaintances.
LOL@Fleshwound. Actually, I ENJOY the forums (I did so with my last game as well). I think they offer a great deal of insight to not only the players but also a great deal of fun and a fantastic source of making new friends and accquaintances.
Lol I’m glad you have such a positive outlook on the game and community. I wish more people like you would post and let Anet know they are doing something right for at least some part of the population. I feel the same way about the game, but I tend to get very cynical with some parts of the community.
LOL@Fleshwound. Actually, I ENJOY the forums (I did so with my last game as well). I think they offer a great deal of insight to not only the players but also a great deal of fun and a fantastic source of making new friends and accquaintances.
Lol I’m glad you have such a positive outlook on the game and community. I wish more people like you would post and let Anet know they are doing something right for at least some part of the population. I feel the same way about the game, but I tend to get very cynical with some parts of the community.
I’m the same way, but in the end, I think that I’ve most definitely found my ‘home away from home’. I couldn’t be happier, at least at the moment lol.
Big welcome to the game!
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
Very much big welcome to the game!
a.. positive post.. on the forums!? BLASPHEMY! THIS IS THE REALM OF COMPLAINTS! BE GONE!
but seriously, welcome! I don’t log in much but if you ever have some questions or need something, feel free to mail me in game.
also, if you don’t know about it yet, this topic might be really helpful
welcome and have fun!
Welcome to GW2. Don’t forget to dodge. Hope you enjoy your stay
Welcome Huggywuggles – glad you joined us
Welcome to Tyria. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay.
Are you, or rather, were you also the most fearsome Gnome warrior in all of Azeroth?
Welcome to Tyria. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay.
Are you, or rather, were you also the most fearsome Gnome warrior in all of Azeroth?
This guy? http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/antonidas/Huggywuggles/simple
I read that forum occasionally, and that name does seem familiar.
ANet may give it to you.
Welcome to Tyria. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay.
Are you, or rather, were you also the most fearsome Gnome warrior in all of Azeroth?
I was. I am now Huggywuggles, Tyria’s most Awesome and Awe Inspiring Asura Warrior and purveyor of cool, refreshing, delicious juiceboxes…WITH BENDY STRAWS!
(Let’s just hope my reputation doesn’t precede me, eh?)
Welcome to Tyria. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay.
Are you, or rather, were you also the most fearsome Gnome warrior in all of Azeroth?
I was. I am now Huggywuggles, Tyria’s most Awesome and Awe Inspiring Asura Warrior and purveyor of cool, refreshing, delicious juiceboxes…WITH BENDY STRAWS!
(Let’s just hope my reputation doesn’t precede me, eh?)
I hope you enjoy this game as much as you enjoyed WoW. Though I’ve always wondered if WoW players would like this game, seeing how different it is from that one in how the two are structured and the differences in what you can do in the two games for fun.
ANet may give it to you.
Welcome to Tyria! Have fun and enjoy the game. The first time seeing all of the beautiful world anet has created is the best.
The forums can sometimes get a bit gloomy but pay them no attention. Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are both enjoyed at ones own pace. Both games succeed in delivering a great experience and best of all (for both games so far), you can always take a break and come back having not lost anything (unlike most other mmos with powercreep where you start almost from scratch gear wise after a break).
Burn out does happen (especially since no raiding and constant gear grind) but many people return regularly when new content gets added. That being said, really try to find a nice guild since many of the fun events (guild missions, dungeons, fractals, wvw, etc.) are even more fun with people you know.
i hope you necro this post in a year with your thoughts again~
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
The game is definitely fun, just bear in mind that most of the people complaining (like me) are just a bit salty that we have had next to no new content in quite a while simply because the team is focused on getting HoT ready (and that’s understandable, the team isn’t as big as a particular other MMO).
That and we’ve been doing pretty much the same thing for the past 3 years now.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
If you like the personal story (like I did) then I definitely suggest getting the living world season 2 on the store. It costs a little but is super fun. It was free if you were playing at the time the episodes came out but I wasn’t playing at the time. Still I was able to save up over two weeks or so and pay for it with the exchange.
Welcome to Tyria and the forums. A bit more positivity here is exactly what we need.
Gald you like it here! Find your own fun, and as long as you don’t worry about gear or wearing certain gear types, and form your own parties and play with those you wish to play with, you’ll enjoy the game much better by not worrying about gear or any of that stuff.
I’m in a guild called The Tarnished Coast Crusaders, who share my philosophy in working together and not worrying about superficial stuff like gear or stats or playing a certain way.
Feel free to ask me for an invite. You only need to be in a NA server.
Gald you like it here! Find your own fun, and as long as you don’t worry about gear or wearing certain gear types, and form your own parties and play with those you wish to play with, you’ll enjoy the game much better by not worrying about gear or any of that stuff.
I’m in a guild called The Tarnished Coast Crusaders, who share my philosophy in working together and not worrying about superficial stuff like gear or stats or playing a certain way.
Feel free to ask me for an invite. You only need to be in a NA server.
I will surely consider it, though I’m also considering rebuilding Juicebox Heroes (my old guild name) here in Tyria. Our mission? Will be to punch Elder Dragons straight in their juicebox and poke their eyes out with bendy straws!
And thank you all for making me feel more welcome in a new community than I have in…much, much longer than I can recall. I feel like I finally found a place I can feel at home!
Hey there, welcome to the game! The community can be really swell, and I’m glad you’ve had a good experience. If you’re ever feeling lonely in the game, I can’t recommend getting into a guild enough. There are some great groups of folks out there always on the lookout for new members.
This game is really special to me as it’s the only one I’ve played where striking up conversations with and becoming friends with random strangers is a real thing. I’ve met some amazing people and had some really great times just by joining groups of roamers in WvW or small posses of event completers in the Silverwastes.
Welcome. My only suggestion is to pace yourself. If you’re very PvE focused and used to putting in lots of time you can actually run yourself through a mass amount of the content in a short time and find yourself lacking for things to do. That’s just the current state of the game and something to be aware of. There isn’t by any means a WoW level of content here so bide your time and I think you’ll appreciate it more rather than getting burned out.
Have fun playing ^^ And don’t read the forums. Reading the forums can be like drinking lemonade without the sugar. Lol.
Plus one plus sign.
Welcome to Tyria! I’ve been playing since just after launch and still feel exactly like this about it!
It’s a great big weird silly heartwarming ridiculous amazing adventure, and it’s full of people having a blast There’s everything from rainbow unicorns to tales of heartbreaking heroism, worryingly inept asura bomb-disposal experts to unbelievably deadly chickens, cow-flinging machines to secret kittens, and a laboratory in the sky that will make you get very, very cross with gusts of wind
Go everywhere, especially places it looks like you’re probably not supposed to go
Don’t kitten off the moas, and…
When you see a pink circle on the ground, jump in and click F! …don’t forget to tip your Mesmer
Maybe we can meet up and jump off high places together sometime! I can supply a Fiery Greatsword if ya wanna do it with panache
Welcome to Tyria! I’ve been playing since just after launch and still feel exactly like this about it!
It’s a great big weird silly heartwarming ridiculous amazing adventure, and it’s full of people having a blast
There’s everything from rainbow unicorns to tales of heartbreaking heroism, worryingly inept asura bomb-disposal experts to unbelievably deadly chickens, cow-flinging machines to secret kittens, and a laboratory in the sky that will make you get very, very cross with gusts of wind
Go everywhere, especially places it looks like you’re probably not supposed to go
Don’t kitten off the moas, and…
When you see a pink circle on the ground, jump in and click F! …don’t forget to tip your MesmerMaybe we can meet up and jump off high places together sometime! I can supply a Fiery Greatsword if ya wanna do it with panache
Sounds like a RIOT. I do have to ask because I’ve seen the phrase on the forums quite often…what is with the word ‘kitten’? I like kitties. I have one. But I’ve never seen it used in this way!
My Mesmer has seen the evil chickens. I have to say this about Zhaitan…you have to love a bad guy that uses everything in his toolbox…including poultry!
a.. positive post.. on the forums!? BLASPHEMY! THIS IS THE REALM OF COMPLAINTS! BE GONE!
but seriously, welcome! I don’t log in much but if you ever have some questions or need something, feel free to mail me in game.
also, if you don’t know about it yet, this topic might be really helpful
It’s not that surprising. I actually know what game he left to come here, and yeah, I suppose this game must seem like paradise to anyone coming over from that train wreck.
@OP: “kitten” is the inappropriate word filter taking effect.