I disagree with the Legendary Weapon system
I understand that making a legendary piece of gear should be this event that you commit to and put some real man hours in and all of that… I agree with that. But to make people play WvW and PvP in order to make one is absolute garbage. I HATE WvW and your PvP system has a lot not going for it. If you don’t want to play either you can drop a buttload of gold down for the missing items which in turn pretty much means you punish players that don’t want to partake in every aspect of your game. I think you should really figure out a better way for players to make legendary gear without forcing them to play the parts of the game they don’t enjoy.
So your talking about the Gift of Battle right? as the PvP tokens and WvW tokens can be bought from the trade post. Be grateful you didn’t have to do WvW map completion like I did. having that one keep you needed, but not enough people to take it. took me months to get half of it, as I use to be on a low population server, so I moved and finished it with in a week. I’m not a massive fan of all game modes but I enjoy them all from time to time.
Legendary’s are not very legendary if you just have to farm gold to buy it. But maybe that’s just me.
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Players had to do WvW to get their legendary weapons well before they were handed out like candy through achievement chests. Players can also technically complete the WvW reward track simply by killing NPC’s in camps, killing one of the three veteran creatures, or simply standing in a square every 5 minutes or so once they’ve maxed participation which is fairly painless to do.
One thing that I always wondered about would be if players against WvW/PvP could even tell the difference between NPC enemies with slightly improved AI vs other players. The complaint they have rides soley on them having to fight other players whereas if they were just NPC’s performing identically to players then they’d have no issues.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
Well Gift of Battle can only be gotten in WvW so yes, it does force people to participate like 6 to 8 hours in WvW to earn it from it’s track. This is a relatively recent change as in the past you could simply buy it with Badges of Honor which you could have gotten from other non-WvW activities. So that complaint is valid.
Or would be more valid if the original legendary format didn’t require you to map complete all 4 WvW maps which could take weeks or even months. This is actually easier and less painful than that, and I know because I’ve done that on 4 characters.
I’ve gotten 3 gifts of battle following the zergs around in EoTM.
This guy is literally just a complaining troll tbh. Just looked up their post history (since 2 of the most recent complaint thread are by the same person..guess who), and it is all just complain complain complain (the bug reports are valid, but they go above and beyond and make condescending remarks about them for no reason)
One thing that I always wondered about would be if players against WvW/PvP could even tell the difference between NPC enemies with slightly improved AI vs other players. The complaint they have rides soley on them having to fight other players whereas if they were just NPC’s performing identically to players then they’d have no issues.
I’m pretty sure that PvE-only player complaints would go through the roof were ANet to produce single mobs that have high burst damage, insane sustain and extreme mobility, or mob groups that drop so much AoE that there is literally nowhere to go.
One thing that I always wondered about would be if players against WvW/PvP could even tell the difference between NPC enemies with slightly improved AI vs other players. The complaint they have rides soley on them having to fight other players whereas if they were just NPC’s performing identically to players then they’d have no issues.
I’m pretty sure that PvE-only player complaints would go through the roof were ANet to produce single mobs that have high burst damage, insane sustain and extreme mobility, or mob groups that drop so much AoE that there is literally nowhere to go.
Which would then make them more legendary? At least they wouldn’t have to fight against other players even though they technically can already do that now.
or mob groups that drop so much AoE that there is literally nowhere to go.
Eh… I find the mordrem in the ruins in VB certainly provide this experience (And yes, it is bullkitten there). However, even then, it’s only “One mob, one AoE field, and one AoE effect”
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
I’m just going to say that a month ago, I was lucky enough to get Leaf Of Kudzu from the Mystic Forge.
It took me 48 hours to make Kudzu after that and I almost strictly WvW. Which means most of what I needed to make the weapon, I already had. I just needed to make a few trips here and there to grab items like Rune Stones, Gift Of Thorns, etc. and I was good to go.
Making Legendary weapons is incredibly easy. It’s just expensive if you want to do it quick and time consuming if you want to do it naturally.
I hate doing PvE as much as you hate doing WvW and I had to solo the entire Twilight Arbor dungeon a few times because I couldn’t find groups. At least to get the Gift Of Battle all you have to do is turn your brain off and blob for a few hours every day.
You know, there are reward tracks for dungeon tokens. Now in WvW too.
No legendary weapon updates? Complaints. Return of legendary weapon updates? Complaints.
Sometimes, I really do feel for the developers. . . .
To be fair, the opening comment wasn’t about the legendary update, it was about how all legendary weapons are acquired. This complaint has nothing to do with the new legendary weapon. So, anet would have gotten this complaint whether there were new legendary weapons or not.
I disagree with the OP’s complaints but I do wish there were other ways for Arenanet to sink materials off the BLTP than crafting legendaries, upgrading guild halls, the toilet, and making ascended equipment. The material grind feels broken, as if its only purpose is to eat gold and mat’s. There is no fun in that part of the journey. Gathering and salvaging is part of the experience but pushing so much of the consumption on just a few activities seems unbalanced.
I wish there were other ways to consume materials from the BLTP like recipes for more consumables so that making a legendary, for example, did not mean buying quite so enormous amounts of materials.
Examples are recipes for bundles and environmental weapons to carry at the start of a PvP match, or turning a set of seige plans into a pre-fab kit that takes less supply to build, or an elemental buff/resistance in PvE.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)