I dont wanna dx12 because...
Sure is false equivalency in here.
What I agreed to with regards to Anet and other services I use (which may or may not be any of those some of you have listed) is not the equivalent to what Microsoft is wanting to do or the argument being made in that regard.
I’m not advocating “unplugging” from the world to maintain a perfect kind of privacy. I doubt Lian is either, since you know, we’re both here right now.
But I’ve no interest in changing your minds or telling you how to live your lives. By all means, do what you will.
Have fun with Windows 10 and Cortana.
i’d like to know from a dev if is too much difficult or expensive develop with vulkan (or another free engine) the next engine you will make for gw2/3/4 instead dx11/12/20 or make also a Linux client… i dont wanna know if u will do it (ok i’d like to know but i know u cant reply) i will apreciate just a tecnical reply from someone who really know what we r talking about because is your job
i really hoping to have a reply on this, just tecnical, i dont wanna give you truble with your boss
Game dev here. (Not Anet)
The advantage that DirectX always had on OpenGL on Windows is independent certification. From what I understand (not a driver programmer) Microsoft will write all the DirectX interfaces that the game programmers “talk” to, then they will give the technical specs to NVidia and AMD that tells them how their drivers must interact with DirectX. And then once a driver is ready, it must pass Microsoft’s tests to be certified as DirectX compliant. This ensures that the DirectX API works well regardless of the graphics hardware manufacturer.
Technically, OpenGL is a standard, but in practice, on Windows it is up to Intel, NVidia, AMD, etc. to validate their own implementation against the standards because Microsoft does not care, and they tend to cut corners, especially AMD. Microsoft will give you some API to set pixel formats that are compatible with OpenGL, but then you’re at the mercy of the graphics hardware vendors and you have to trust them to have a competent implementation of OpenGL.
Until that changes, I don’t expect Vulkan to take over DirectX12 on Windows, and yes, if Guild Wars 2 ever upgrades their archaic engine, expect it to work on DirectX12. There is a reason why companies like Blizzard that makes games that work for both PC and Mac bother to create a DirectX-based renderers on Windows and an OpenGL one on Macs.
Speaking of Macs, note that Apple does with OpenGL what Microsoft does with DirectX so Apple platforms tend to have outstanding OpenGL compliance. On Linux it’s been free-for-all, but perhaps Valve can do something about it. Although for now SteamOS seems to be a dead end.
Sure is false equivalency in here.
What I agreed to with regards to Anet and other services I use (which may or may not be any of those some of you have listed) is not the equivalent to what Microsoft is wanting to do or the argument being made in that regard.
Both are the same in some ways both collect data to improve & protect their procduct while MS takes it just it futher becuase it offers a wider range of services then GW2 does. So not all the differnt at the end of the day so really no false equivalency here plus companies have always collected data on their cunstomers even before internet age in some way. You can’t name one that doesn’t! Even every time to buy something at the store data is collected and tracked.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
Sure is false equivalency in here.
What I agreed to with regards to Anet and other services I use (which may or may not be any of those some of you have listed) is not the equivalent to what Microsoft is wanting to do or the argument being made in that regard.
Both are the same in some ways both collect data to improve & protect their procduct while MS takes it just it futher becuase it offers a wider range of services then GW2 does. So not all the differnt at the end of the day so really no false equivalency here plus companies have always collected data on their cunstomers even before internet age in some way. You can’t name one that doesn’t! Even every time to buy something at the store data is collected and tracked.
Okay. Enjoy yourself.
Sure is false equivalency in here.
What I agreed to with regards to Anet and other services I use (which may or may not be any of those some of you have listed) is not the equivalent to what Microsoft is wanting to do or the argument being made in that regard.
Both are the same in some ways both collect data to improve & protect their procduct while MS takes it just it futher becuase it offers a wider range of services then GW2 does. So not all the differnt at the end of the day so really no false equivalency here plus companies have always collected data on their cunstomers even before internet age in some way. You can’t name one that doesn’t! Even every time to buy something at the store data is collected and tracked.
Okay. Enjoy yourself.
You know I’m right
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
Sure is false equivalency in here.
What I agreed to with regards to Anet and other services I use (which may or may not be any of those some of you have listed) is not the equivalent to what Microsoft is wanting to do or the argument being made in that regard.
Both are the same in some ways both collect data to improve & protect their procduct while MS takes it just it futher becuase it offers a wider range of services then GW2 does. So not all the differnt at the end of the day so really no false equivalency here plus companies have always collected data on their cunstomers even before internet age in some way. You can’t name one that doesn’t! Even every time to buy something at the store data is collected and tracked.
Okay. Enjoy yourself.
You know I’m right
You are so right. 3smart5me. You got me man. You changed not only my mind but my entire life with your elegant words and informed opinion.
You cant disable some stuff on home edition, and something in the pro version too, isnt about knowledge on OS…
Btw gw2 have the best graphic u can find in any mmo even with dx11, the real improvement with an highter dx or vulkan is the optimization on draw call but ofc u also need an 64bit client…
Btw i dont think they will upgrade this on gw2, and onestly i dont care too much because i think is more important if/when they will make a new engine they will not do that on dx12, because win 10 is the worst os made by microsoft, no privacy, no a complete control on your pc, i dont like it, and with vulkan intead of dx the game should be compatible also with linux.
Seriously, the amount of saltiness and misinformation in you is beyond the normal.
Home edition is for people that don’t know advanced things about computers and SO. Some things are locked because without the knowledge of it people end up not upgrading their SO, have problems with connecting to internet, don’t have a proper and updated antivirus… Also it doesn’t bring some features that could cause problems, like dual boot, remote desktop, bitlocker…
Someone pro should not be looking for the Home edition.What are the things locked in the pro version? I’ve seen a few posts about some assumptions in 8chan forums made by anonymous and they are all full of misinformation, lack of understanding and self-made theories.
About draw calls, you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Gw2 is not even able to max the limit of draw calls of DX9.
They won’t uy would put the most used API, and if that’s dx12, then it would have it.pgrade their game engine, but if they do, the
Vulkan is yet to be seen how good it is. What we only know is one of its devs said Vulkan “might” be better than dx12.
And W10 is the best SO made by MS ever, and possibly the best ever made. But here we have some fanboy anti MS thinking W10 is bad due to imaginary lack of privacy (while all his life might be in Google’s or Apple’s servers) and the lack of control (when he doesn’t even know what you can and cannot do).
lol your post is awesome
i’m not anti MS really, i really love win8.1, and i have tryed myself win 10 so i know what i’m talking about
you say the home edition is for ppl doesent know what to do, ok, so let set up by default the update, but give the option to disable it, if they r noob they even doesent lf this option for disable it, dont u think?“Someone pro should not be looking for the Home edition”
did u saw how expensive is the pro version? in eu is 280 euro, twice of home, and i should spend double just for be able to disable stuff? thats a joke!! also beacuse in the older version of Windows you doesent have this problem…anyway as i told i dont care about MS and his OS, everyone is FREE to choose what he want, i’m not a funboy of anti MS, i a funboy to the OPTIONS, and to me chose something different like vulkan sounds to have the options to play my game in other OS and with older OS, with dx12 u are forced to change OS, even if u dont like it
ps: u need the enerprise edition for lf the update and chose to posticipate the instal, on win 8.1 u can lf the update and chose what u wanna instal etc etc in 10 PRO he will instal the update w/o confirmation…. and this is sound really bad to me, there is also other stuff u can do in win xp/7/8 and i cant do in win 10 home/pro i dont remember everything but i’m sure on that
Man, and I thought my users were ill-informed.
You take the cake.
Welcome to the 21st century. If info isn’t being collected about you chances are you’re dead.
(Considering you’re on these forums… It rules out that you live in a cave, under a rock, or still cover your privates with 1 to 2 pieces of hide and go hunting in the evening.
Btw what browser are you using? )
Honestly I’m much more concerned about Google than Microsoft and Windows 10 (or Apple) when it comes to privacy. I actually read Microsoft’s privacy statements on their online services and it’s not that bad. They tell you what they are collecting, what they do with it and you can sign out of a couple of things you may not like, such as targeted advertisement. It seemed pretty reasonable to me.
On the other hand, Google’s entire business model is to give away free apps in exchange for a free pass at spying people. Use a Google product and Google spies on you to better its ability to sell you things you don’t need. It’s as simple as that. Unfortunately, the Google search engine and YouTube are ubiquitous so you often have to use them, but I’m quite happy with my first impression on Microsoft Edge and as soon as they allow adblockers I will throw Chrome away.
Is ridicoulus when i read ppl say you cant do anything because all tecnology have no privacy because you are wrong.
Linux is free
For the research instead google you can use disconnect me search
For the phone u can use a rom like cyanogen without the google apps and othther apps will require infos with some app you can delete the access apps will require, and with a firewall you can block the internet acces to app you dont wanna go out
About facebook whats up i dont really need it i write mail sms and call to my friends and when we r all together we r not spending our time like robots on the smartphone like alot of ppl do!
So you dont have to live in a cavern, you just need to turn on your brain and change, and ppl around you will do the same when they will see how easy are make those change
I m human and i dont give up because some lobby want it, i have a brain and i use it… If you dont care about yourself its only your fault not tecnology or something else, this is the reason of this topic if only one of you will start to think different (not like apple) and start to care about privacy i will “win” and if anet will make a future game or expansion not dependant from MS skynet 10 i will very very happy, because the world need to change and this change have to start from normal ppl like us and little but good company like anet
I love my Dx12 Windows 10, its running sooo smootthhh
I dont wanna talk too much about win 10 this is gw2 forum,
Me neither. It nearly always ends in some Windows/Microsoft bashing and some Apple/Linux praising…
dx12 is for win 10 only so i hope anet will make a different engine for the future sokething like vulkan will be awesome because have the same performance as dx12 and is avalaible also for linux
I do hope they update/reprogramme their game engine from dx9 to dx12 because it will be very likely that this new game engine will then not only support dx12 but still dx9 and also dx11 (and maybe dx10). Which would result in a big improvement regarding performance of the game engine.
Better make sure no one is collecting the garbage (real life) that you throw out… There’s quite a lot of info that can be attained that way – and I don’t mean kitten that you scribble down on a piece of paper and forget to shred.
See actual evidence that huge company is spying on people? Post a tinfoil hat pic!
As others have said, everything you use collect’s information about you. Most of the time you can’t opt out, so I’m guessing you don’t use facebook, don’t have a smart phone, don’t use steam/origin etc.
So yes if you want to protect your private information best get the foil hat out and move to a cave in the middle of nowhere.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
ITT: People who think microsoft collecting random data is a crime. Just go to your privacy settings, turn everything you don’t want off and done.
The bigger issue with Windows 10 is that they seem to have killed the idea of turning off windows update or choosing not to install certain updates. That is actually the only real issue I have with windows 10 right now.
(edited by Dinks.2478)
ITT: People who think microsoft collecting random data is a crime. Just go to your privacy settings, turn everything you don’t want off and done.
The bigger issue with Windows 10 is that they seem to have killed the idea of turning off windows update or choosing not to install certain updates. That is actually the only real issue I have with windows 10 right now.
this is not the only issue, look the pictures i’ve posted or lf privacy issue on the web….
And like I said, you can turn all of that stuff off.
Also that “keylogger” is for the built in search engine. Google and every other search engine do the same exact thing. You’re surprised? Just disable everything it isn’t that hard.
this is not the only issue, look the pictures i’ve posted or lf privacy issue on the web….
People like you are making a bigger deal out of nothing and if you would read http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/preview-privacy-statement it’s not all that bad as you trying to make it out too be.
The only reason people are making such a big deal out of privacy with win 10 is because its more in your face out in the open then hidden away in EULA/TOS/Privacy statements that hardly anyone reads.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
(edited by JediYoda.1275)
As others have said, everything you use collect’s information about you. Most of the time you can’t opt out, so I’m guessing you don’t use facebook, don’t have a smart phone, don’t use steam/origin etc.
And don’t use a credit/debit card…
OP: while there are some concerns regarding windows 10, it is by no means the biggest/most important threat to your privacy around here. Singling it out the way you do only makes you blind to all the others.
If you are have something against windows 10, don’t install it, but if you are concerned about privacy, then don’t limit yourself to single system, that is not even the worst offender.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
dx12 is first and foremost gigantic leap in performance if a game is made/updated for it to utilize these benefits.
ITT: People who think microsoft collecting random data is a crime. Just go to your privacy settings, turn everything you don’t want off and done.
The bigger issue with Windows 10 is that they seem to have killed the idea of turning off windows update or choosing not to install certain updates. That is actually the only real issue I have with windows 10 right now.
Same. Especially if in the middle of a raid I get lags or freezes or HOLY MOLY update requires resets and it does so automatically and you are playing game like D3 on HC.
ITT: People who think microsoft collecting random data is a crime. Just go to your privacy settings, turn everything you don’t want off and done.
The bigger issue with Windows 10 is that they seem to have killed the idea of turning off windows update or choosing not to install certain updates. That is actually the only real issue I have with windows 10 right now.
As an IT professional I’m ambivalent about this. On the one hand, I’ve been around long enough to have seen some bad updates roll out, but the corporate and educational licenses DO allow you to turn off updates so they can be controlled by the admins. On the other hand, I’ve fixed a monumental number of peoples personal computers that hadn’t had very important needed updates installed in a very long time or ever. The truth is, although professionals and many power user/enthusiast level users have the knowledge needed to choose when to install updates, it’s probably a good thing not to give Grandma or Joe Blow college student a choice in the matter. Just from my personal experience.
this is not the only issue, look the pictures i’ve posted or lf privacy issue on the web….
People like you are making a bigger deal out of nothing and if you would read http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/preview-privacy-statement it’s not all that bad as you trying to make it out too be.
r u really look the ms website for know if they spy u? try to ask NSA if they are spying ppl, and they say NO even with the snowden files….
if u wanna use win10, facebook etc etc i’m not telling dont use it, its your life, u can do all you want, but dont be blind trusting on anything
As others have said, everything you use collect’s information about you. Most of the time you can’t opt out, so I’m guessing you don’t use facebook, don’t have a smart phone, don’t use steam/origin etc.
And don’t use a credit/debit card…
OP: while there are some concerns regarding windows 10, it is by no means the biggest/most important threat to your privacy around here. Singling it out the way you do only makes you blind to all the others.
If you are have something against windows 10, don’t install it, but if you are concerned about privacy, then don’t limit yourself to single system, that is not even the worst offender.
i’m not say to everyone to dont install win 10, do it, i dont care, the purpose of this topic is not against MS, i have nothing against them, they r like others company, they have to make money, my topic is about DX12 and why i’m asking if is possible for the future if ANET will make their game also for Linux, or if they will use something like vulkan avalaible for older Windows version too
As others have said, everything you use collect’s information about you. Most of the time you can’t opt out, so I’m guessing you don’t use facebook, don’t have a smart phone, don’t use steam/origin etc.
And don’t use a credit/debit card…
OP: while there are some concerns regarding windows 10, it is by no means the biggest/most important threat to your privacy around here. Singling it out the way you do only makes you blind to all the others.
If you are have something against windows 10, don’t install it, but if you are concerned about privacy, then don’t limit yourself to single system, that is not even the worst offender.
i’m not say to everyone to dont install win 10, do it, i dont care, the purpose of this topic is not against MS, i have nothing against them, they r like others company, they have to make money, my topic is about DX12 and why i’m asking if is possible for the future if ANET will make their game also for Linux, or if they will use something like vulkan avalaible for older Windows version too
Can’t see them doing one for Linux, there is not a big enough user base for it. The only reason Steam did it was for the Steam box.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
You cant disable some stuff on home edition, and something in the pro version too, isnt about knowledge on OS…
Ofc i wanna a better gw2 gw3 etc, for this reason i suggest vulkan, google it, it will give the same enhanchement of dx12…
Btw gw2 have the best graphic u can find in any mmo even with dx11, the real improvement with an highter dx or vulkan is the optimization on draw call but ofc u also need an 64bit client…
Btw i dont think they will upgrade this on gw2, and onestly i dont care too much because i think is more important if/when they will make a new engine they will not do that on dx12, because win 10 is the worst os made by microsoft, no privacy, no a complete control on your pc, i dont like it, and with vulkan intead of dx the game should be compatible also with linux.
You should akso google vulkan vs dx12 someone say is even better
Sure you can. it just takes a little work is all.
Use this site’s suggestions – no more problems.
and another
no more holes…..
DX12 runs faster and makes GW2 look EVEN BETTER.
this is not the only issue, look the pictures i’ve posted or lf privacy issue on the web….
People like you are making a bigger deal out of nothing and if you would read http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/preview-privacy-statement it’s not all that bad as you trying to make it out too be.
r u really look the ms website for know if they spy u? try to ask NSA if they are spying ppl, and they say NO even with the snowden files….if u wanna use win10, facebook etc etc i’m not telling dont use it, its your life, u can do all you want, but dont be blind trusting on anything
Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?
And yet again you miss the point and this isn’t about me going around with blind trust with anything. You keep failing to understand the fact that just about everything you do in life from day to day data is being collected on you in some manner.
NSA keys were exposed in Win XP when it came out and you think I need Snowden files to tell me NSA is spying lmao!
Anyways I’m starting to think you are just trolling
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
As others have said, everything you use collect’s information about you. Most of the time you can’t opt out, so I’m guessing you don’t use facebook, don’t have a smart phone, don’t use steam/origin etc.
And don’t use a credit/debit card…
OP: while there are some concerns regarding windows 10, it is by no means the biggest/most important threat to your privacy around here. Singling it out the way you do only makes you blind to all the others.
If you are have something against windows 10, don’t install it, but if you are concerned about privacy, then don’t limit yourself to single system, that is not even the worst offender.
i’m not say to everyone to dont install win 10, do it, i dont care, the purpose of this topic is not against MS, i have nothing against them, they r like others company, they have to make money, my topic is about DX12 and why i’m asking if is possible for the future if ANET will make their game also for Linux, or if they will use something like vulkan avalaible for older Windows version too
Well do you have a iPhone or an Android? You already give them more information than MS is getting.
Also, OS X also collects reams of data, more so then MS too.
Linux is an also ran for gaming because of Open GL – which is so far behinds DX 12 , it will never catch up. it also uses way more overhead than DX12.
this is not the only issue, look the pictures i’ve posted or lf privacy issue on the web….
People like you are making a bigger deal out of nothing and if you would read http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/preview-privacy-statement it’s not all that bad as you trying to make it out too be.
r u really look the ms website for know if they spy u? try to ask NSA if they are spying ppl, and they say NO even with the snowden files….if u wanna use win10, facebook etc etc i’m not telling dont use it, its your life, u can do all you want, but dont be blind trusting on anything
Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?
And yet again you miss the point and this isn’t about me going around with blind trust with anything. You keep failing to understand the fact that just about everything you do in life from day to day data is being collected on you in some manner.
NSA keys were exposed in Win XP when it came out and you think I need Snowden files to tell me NSA is spying lmao!
Anyways I’m starting to think you are just trolling
They also did it in GW1 – hence how they caught all the drinking bots, etc.
You cant disable some stuff on home edition, and something in the pro version too, isnt about knowledge on OS…
Ofc i wanna a better gw2 gw3 etc, for this reason i suggest vulkan, google it, it will give the same enhanchement of dx12…
Btw gw2 have the best graphic u can find in any mmo even with dx11, the real improvement with an highter dx or vulkan is the optimization on draw call but ofc u also need an 64bit client…
Btw i dont think they will upgrade this on gw2, and onestly i dont care too much because i think is more important if/when they will make a new engine they will not do that on dx12, because win 10 is the worst os made by microsoft, no privacy, no a complete control on your pc, i dont like it, and with vulkan intead of dx the game should be compatible also with linux.
You should akso google vulkan vs dx12 someone say is even better
Sure you can. it just takes a little work is all.
Use this site’s suggestions – no more problems.
and another
no more holes…..
DX12 runs faster and makes GW2 look EVEN BETTER.
did u read it? for example for one setting
“Choosing “Basic” will keep the amount of random data sent to Microsoft to a minimum”
minimum? what? i want NOTHING not minimum, what minimum doesent means? the most important private data or what? no one can answer, so no thanks
DX12 is not the only way for make this game (and the next) better there is a world over the DX12 with the same power
you write “Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?” and u call me troll? lol
i’ve already wrote i have a modify version of android, and i’ve already spoke about dx12 alternative, like vulkan…
before posting pls read all the topic, i dont wanna answer everytime to the same stuff, and after a while someone tell me i should go inside the cave, and then i will reply back how u can use the tecnology w/o be spyed….
i have another consideration, i dont understand why some of u wrote so badly about my post, i’m not saying anet have to make his game with dx9 for the next 100 years, and i didnt want convince you to dont use win 10, i’m just talkin about OPTIONS, this means if they want they can make something will work also on Linux, or they can avoid the DX for the future, and this doesent means the game will be orrible, as i told there is a world out of DX so the game will be for sure BETTER
anet game designer are awesome, they made a dx9 game looking better than all dx11 mmo game i ever see, so this is not only about tecnology
there is alot of engine, like unreal, cryengine, unity etc etc, it sound like i say "hey dont use unreal, try cryengine, and all of u tell me you dont wanna cryengine because u wanna a better graphic… same here, DX is not the only way!!!!
you write “Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?” and u call me troll? lol
It’s FACT and I’m not trolling you at all, If you paid any attention to any of the info Anet puts out Anet has said many times they record everything we do in game.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
you write “Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?” and u call me troll? lolIt’s FACT and I’m not trolling you at all, If you paid any attention to any of the info Anet puts out Anet has said many times they record everything we do in game.
you trolling because no one write personal info inside the chat, as everyone do as his computer….
you write “Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?” and u call me troll? lolIt’s FACT and I’m not trolling you at all, If you paid any attention to any of the info Anet puts out Anet has said many times they record everything we do in game.
you trolling because no one write personal info inside the chat, as everyone do as his computer….
This has nothing to do with anyone writing personal info in chat and that doesn’t dissmiss the fact Anet records everything we do ingame.
Go watch this and I dare you to call me a troll afterwards http://gdcvault.com/play/1016640/Guild-Wars-2-Programming-the
In the video the Dev says they record everything and they even collect everyone computer specs.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
you write “Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?” and u call me troll? lolIt’s FACT and I’m not trolling you at all, If you paid any attention to any of the info Anet puts out Anet has said many times they record everything we do in game.
you trolling because no one write personal info inside the chat, as everyone do as his computer….
This has nothing to do with anyone writing personal info in chat and that doesn’t dissmiss the fact Anet records everything we do ingame.
Go watch this and I dare you to call me a troll afterwards http://gdcvault.com/play/1016640/Guild-Wars-2-Programming-the
In the video the Dev says they record everything and they even collect everyone computer specs.
omg who care about? so they know i love quaggans and they know my pc specification? who care i will wrote this stuff here
i love quaggan and asura, my pc is i7 2600 and i have nvidia 970
who care? this is not the kind of data i wanna keep for my self, is my photo, my browsing data, my personal mail….
DX is not the only way!!!!
The truth you are ignoring is that DirectX has won. You are fighting a battle that is already over. If Steam OS gets miraculously successful, and it may as it’s still too early to call one way or the other, then they’ll be forced to step in to the same regulatory space for 3D APIs in Linux that Microsoft currently fills for Windows. You’d start seeing video cards that were Steam OpenGL 3.2 Certified, or some such. That’s what it would take to change the current landscape. Until something like that happens, game devs will continue to use DirectX, because that gets them the most guaranteed compatibility and the largest user base. The question isn’t why don’t they use Vulcan instead, it’s why should they bother.
Just a question Liam, which browser do you use, and which extensions do you have?
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
You cant disable some stuff on home edition, and something in the pro version too, isnt about knowledge on OS…
Ofc i wanna a better gw2 gw3 etc, for this reason i suggest vulkan, google it, it will give the same enhanchement of dx12…
Btw gw2 have the best graphic u can find in any mmo even with dx11, the real improvement with an highter dx or vulkan is the optimization on draw call but ofc u also need an 64bit client…
Btw i dont think they will upgrade this on gw2, and onestly i dont care too much because i think is more important if/when they will make a new engine they will not do that on dx12, because win 10 is the worst os made by microsoft, no privacy, no a complete control on your pc, i dont like it, and with vulkan intead of dx the game should be compatible also with linux.
You should akso google vulkan vs dx12 someone say is even better
Sure you can. it just takes a little work is all.
Use this site’s suggestions – no more problems.
and another
no more holes…..
DX12 runs faster and makes GW2 look EVEN BETTER.
did u read it? for example for one setting
“Choosing “Basic” will keep the amount of random data sent to Microsoft to a minimum”
minimum? what? i want NOTHING not minimum, what minimum doesent means? the most important private data or what? no one can answer, so no thanksDX12 is not the only way for make this game (and the next) better there is a world over the DX12 with the same power
you write “Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?” and u call me troll? lol@dustymoon
i’ve already wrote i have a modify version of android, and i’ve already spoke about dx12 alternative, like vulkan…before posting pls read all the topic, i dont wanna answer everytime to the same stuff, and after a while someone tell me i should go inside the cave, and then i will reply back how u can use the tecnology w/o be spyed….
i have another consideration, i dont understand why some of u wrote so badly about my post, i’m not saying anet have to make his game with dx9 for the next 100 years, and i didnt want convince you to dont use win 10, i’m just talkin about OPTIONS, this means if they want they can make something will work also on Linux, or they can avoid the DX for the future, and this doesent means the game will be orrible, as i told there is a world out of DX so the game will be for sure BETTER
anet game designer are awesome, they made a dx9 game looking better than all dx11 mmo game i ever see, so this is not only about tecnology
there is alot of engine, like unreal, cryengine, unity etc etc, it sound like i say "hey dont use unreal, try cryengine, and all of u tell me you dont wanna cryengine because u wanna a better graphic… same here, DX is not the only way!!!!
Well then – unplug from the internet – turn off your cell phone – get off the grid – don’t use any credit cards or discount programs.
You are basically giving them data every day, every minute of the day and unless you totally go off grid and live in a cave, the genie is out of the bottle.
That same information was collected in Win XP Pro to now – there is no difference. That is how they see what is going on and how to patch things. In Windows 10 they are saying it out loud for you to hear, before it was a ‘dirty little secret’.
Want some tin foil for that hat?
(edited by Dusty Moon.4382)
gw2 has poor support for multithreading
before gw2 can do anything like new engine or implement dx12 support, gw2 has to solve their multithreading issue.
Henge of Denravi Server
Most of the people that complain about WX privacy settings,that
can be turned completely off,have FB pages full of personal data
they voluntarily provided to the advertising industry,and not only.
I admit,WX potential for gathering personal data is beyond creepy,
but maybe some users want that,and they’ll use those services(to MS,
not the user).
As for DX12 and GW2 good 2222 A.D.
I’ll be long dead by then.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
(edited by Aenaos.8160)
gw2 has poor support for multithreading
before gw2 can do anything like new engine or implement dx12 support, gw2 has to solve their multithreading issue.
Multi-threading is a pain to do properly and most programs DO NOT multithread. It would have had to be built into the game from the start. No patch would be able to fix that.
BlackBerry won, Nokia won etc etc…. now they r crashed…. things change
i understand keep DX is easyest for ANET, this topic is a little start for why they should change, if they will make a new engine, for an expansion or gw3/4 etc, they will have alot of work to do in any case, they should choose something else, i understood DX is easy, but other options should improve Platform and playerbase, and is a big spot for them be the first AAA mmorpg supporting Linux, and supporting players, all of them, they should also talk with valve for some kind of economic support, something like halo for xbox etc etc
i use firefox with noscript, disconnect, wot, ublock and quick and clean
you write “Anet records everything we do ingame and even chat lots etc!! What do you have to say about that?” and u call me troll? lolIt’s FACT and I’m not trolling you at all, If you paid any attention to any of the info Anet puts out Anet has said many times they record everything we do in game.
you trolling because no one write personal info inside the chat, as everyone do as his computer….
This has nothing to do with anyone writing personal info in chat and that doesn’t dissmiss the fact Anet records everything we do ingame.
Go watch this and I dare you to call me a troll afterwards http://gdcvault.com/play/1016640/Guild-Wars-2-Programming-the
In the video the Dev says they record everything and they even collect everyone computer specs.
omg who care about? so they know i love quaggans and they know my pc specification? who care i will wrote this stuff here
i love quaggan and asura, my pc is i7 2600 and i have nvidia 970
who care? this is not the kind of data i wanna keep for my self, is my photo, my browsing data, my personal mail….
You that keeps missing the point and gets upset when proved wrong after calling a me troll. Like I said no matter what you do day to day data is being collected on you in some way.
Shouldn’t you be crying to directly to MS about your issues in your OP and not on game forum that has nothing to do with MS>?
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
BlackBerry won, Nokia won etc etc…. now they r crashed…. things change
i understand keep DX is easyest for ANET, this topic is a little start for why they should change, if they will make a new engine, for an expansion or gw3/4 etc, they will have alot of work to do in any case, they should choose something else, i understood DX is easy, but other options should improve Platform and playerbase, and is a big spot for them be the first AAA mmorpg supporting Linux, and supporting players, all of them, they should also talk with valve for some kind of economic support, something like halo for xbox etc etc@ansau
i use firefox with noscript, disconnect, wot, ublock and quick and clean
lol – all that STILL does not guarantee anything. If they want to track, only unplugging from the internet will stop them. IT helps, mind you , but unless you are also using Private browsing also – cookies and data is being copied from your PC.
Linux will NEVER BE A GAMING platform. One of the issues with it, is the high amount of resources that Open GL uses, compared to DX of the same generation. Also is the fact that the graphics card companies are really working with MS to make sure DX is here for the long term. Another issue with Linux is the limited amount of drivers for all the hardware out there.
Welcome to the 21st century. If info isn’t being collected about you chances are you’re dead.
(Considering you’re on these forums… It rules out that you live in a cave, under a rock, or still cover your privates with 1 to 2 pieces of hide and go hunting in the evening.
Btw what browser are you using?
HAHAHA even if you ARE dead,they still collect data on you… them Democrats need voters you know.