I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


Wow, people are complaining about too much content. Thanks Anet, you’ve given me a good chuckle today. You know, the world has too many choices. I wish someone would take all these choices away from me so I wouldn’t have to decide.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kash.9213


Wow, people are complaining about too much content. Thanks Anet, you’ve given me a good chuckle today. You know, the world has too many choices. I wish someone would take all these choices away from me so I wouldn’t have to decide.

Very good, you got through the thread title, now try to read the actual posts in it.


I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortuna.7259


Wow, people are complaining about too much content. Thanks Anet, you’ve given me a good chuckle today. You know, the world has too many choices. I wish someone would take all these choices away from me so I wouldn’t have to decide.

People aren’t complaining about too much content. Try again.

LF2M Max Ascended Only!

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Actually, OP, I can see where you’re coming from…but I can’t agree with your conclusions.

My focus hasn’t substantially shifted, because I know I can’t do everything. In Guild Wars 1, where I had mostly everything done, I did whatever I wanted, until new content came out. The problem is, Guild Wars 1 was around for 5 years. And each individual campaign was relatively linear. And that was good in a way.

It was also problematical. This is a theme park MMO and what Anet did was give you a theme park…much like Disneyworld. You have a bunch of attractions, but you have to decide which of them is worth waiting in the queue for.

The real trick is to do things more slowly…not faster. You don’t need everything today. I’m still only at level 8 fractals. But I’m working on other things. You know. the fractals…they’re still going to be there tomorrow.

I’ll get there. It helps to have a guild, at least for me, because I’m working with people together.

And pretty much everything you do is working toward your legendary, because you need a boatload of both gold and karma for that. So if you are getting gold, experience and karma, you’re working toward your legendary anyway.

Each thing that’s added to this game is something else someone wants because the other stuff isn’t holding their interest. It means more players playing which isn’t at all a bad thing.

If there was no content at all coming out, it would be much, much worse.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


I like having max gear, and I like having alts. I am one sad panda since the 11/15 patch. I like knowing when I lose at something its because the encounter is so hard its broken or that my skills at the game are bad and I need to get better. I dont like thinking, gee if I just had that Ascended earring maybe that flame bat wouldnt have kicked my butt.

Please stop the verticle progression. I want to go back out and explore the world again. See the kitten room, jump off of waterfalls, and kill folks in wvw. That is all.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I like having max gear, and I like having alts. I am one sad panda since the 11/15 patch. I like knowing when I lose at something its because the encounter is so hard its broken or that my skills at the game are bad and I need to get better. I dont like thinking, gee if I just had that Ascended earring maybe that flame bat wouldnt have kicked my butt.

Please stop the verticle progression. I want to go back out and explore the world again. See the kitten room, jump off of waterfalls, and kill folks in wvw. That is all.

I don’t know, I beat everything in this game without a single piece of ascended gear. It’s not impossible. I can’t solo every champion in Orr, but you know, I don’t think you’re supposed to be able to. And I don’t think having ascended gear would make a significant enough difference to make a defeat a victory. Maybe once in a very long while, but not most of the time.

I finally got an ascended amulet, and I go down pretty much exactly as much as I used to. The difference isn’t as big as some would lead you to believe.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

I finally got an ascended amulet, and I go down pretty much exactly as much as I used to. The difference isn’t as big as some would lead you to believe.

Problem is some stat combos exotic level accessories arent readily available and are sold by some obscure karma merchant somewhere and most importantly cant be crafted. The only alternative are the ascended gear with the stat combos u want.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


Wow, people are complaining about too much content. Thanks Anet, you’ve given me a good chuckle today. You know, the world has too many choices. I wish someone would take all these choices away from me so I wouldn’t have to decide.

People aren’t complaining about too much content. Try again.

The first post clearly states that there is too much for him to focus on. This is a complaint. This is a complaint thread about too much to do. It’s also a hoot. My favorite post is Leos and it starts this way.

“I feel exactly the same. Too much is too much.”

Now tell me this thread isn’t about too much content and too many choices. Really, you guys act all serious about this. You folks crack me up.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: whipplerama.3692


Now tell me this thread isn’t about too much content and too many choices. Really, you guys act all serious about this. You folks crack me up.

It would be funnier if the content was actually good.

They must have taken my marbles away.
But they gave me plenty of porous bones to compensate.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

It would be funnier if the content was actually good.

To be fair some of it is. However I rather pay RL $ for a good actual expansion pack with as few bugs as possible that doesnt require you to get gear keyed to a specific part of the game.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Yep, it feels like an attempt to grab players attention, in order to keep them focused on loot, and not the shortcomings of the game. “The changes will come, but until then, here’s some more loot to keep you occupied!” Only, if you don’t care about loot, all you can see are the frustratingly slow development, when it comes to things that matter.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kash.9213


Wow, people are complaining about too much content. Thanks Anet, you’ve given me a good chuckle today. You know, the world has too many choices. I wish someone would take all these choices away from me so I wouldn’t have to decide.

People aren’t complaining about too much content. Try again.

The first post clearly states that there is too much for him to focus on. This is a complaint. This is a complaint thread about too much to do. It’s also a hoot. My favorite post is Leos and it starts this way.

“I feel exactly the same. Too much is too much.”

Now tell me this thread isn’t about too much content and too many choices. Really, you guys act all serious about this. You folks crack me up.

It’s not too much to do, it’s too much we now have to do, and each of those things are now competing for the same time slots. You tried though, can’t take that away from you.


I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolf.6291


I really don’t understand this. You don’t want to put in the time to get Ascended gear? DON’T. Nobody’s twisting your arm and forcing you to do this stuff.

You are able to complete pretty well all content (except the harder fractals, but they’re only there for the challenge of it) with just rares or at worst exotics.

This isn’t WoW, where you have to have the fancy gears to be able to compete reasonably in any field.

Choice is good. Pick the fields you want to focus on, and DO IT. Don’t try and do absolutely everything at once. What you’re asking for is for there to be less stuff to do just so you can feel you’ve done everything.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortuna.7259


Wow, people are complaining about too much content. Thanks Anet, you’ve given me a good chuckle today. You know, the world has too many choices. I wish someone would take all these choices away from me so I wouldn’t have to decide.

People aren’t complaining about too much content. Try again.

The first post clearly states that there is too much for him to focus on. This is a complaint. This is a complaint thread about too much to do. It’s also a hoot. My favorite post is Leos and it starts this way.

“I feel exactly the same. Too much is too much.”

Now tell me this thread isn’t about too much content and too many choices. Really, you guys act all serious about this. You folks crack me up.

Reading comprehension will tell you he is complaining about too many chores, not about too much content. A couple of CoF runs and finishing dailies is NOT overwhelming anyone with content. But go ahead and laugh at whatever you want to imagine.

LF2M Max Ascended Only!

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: klesk.1790


Yesterday after the patch…i was feeling exactly the same
Actually.. i was thinking about quiting the game…..
Their forcing us to do this and tat….

Ever since the Ascended Gear…Everything has just gone down hill….

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Theyre now succesfully pulling me in a direction…away from guild wars.Logged tonight,stared at my screen for 10m..and i quit.I’m not even going in detail,theyre just doing all the wrong things it seems,and i ha my trust in them the entire ride,but now it starts to show some cracks,i’m taking a break from gw2 untll they sort out their problems.Im not one to threaten to leave a game because of this or that,becuase well..i just don’t,but now patch after patch after patch i feel like its going downhill,big time,besides my class also keeps getting neglected while others are getting buffed..etc etc,not enjoying the game anymore.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhalx.9735


Maybe you’re right, mayeb you aren’t.
Just keep in mind that it’s an mmorpg, you shouln’t be able to complete it no matter what.

As long as the content keeps you busy and thinking you’ll never see the light of day wouln’t you agree that it made it thus far to keep you preoccupied enough without having to throw the game away?

Don’t get me wrong, i would love to be able to complete everything myself but, right now i’m just focusing on getting a cheap thrill out of getting the gold.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


1. Welcome to MMOs

2. Aside from the monthly updates (which are short and sweet), everything in this game is here to stay so don’t blame Anet for your inability to sort through it all and set clear goals for yourself.


I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


what are you talking about?

*go back camping invaders, then rolfstomp them with auto attack aoe.

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.6403


I would like to play WvW. Because I like WvW, I want to play a character that is especially good there. I can’t play WvW on the bulk of my time, because I need to gear up my character. This is done exclusively in PvE. I know about the upcoming WvW patch which adds separate path to grind, so in order to have the ultimate WvW character, you need to play both WvW and PvE. It’s not helping at all!

God forbid if you ever have doubts about the profession you chose. Creating a second character means it’s the same grind all over again from start.

Does Anet care about player experience at all? Like they just picked a number for these ascended accessories that was higher than all existing numbers and added some expensive currency like ectos there to boot. Locked guild missions behind the most expensive upgrades. What, I ask, is the message they are trying to send us here? “This content was designed for big guilds only”? “This content was meant for the players who play a single character for 60 days” / “…who run this dungeon for 200 times”?

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Branskins.9752


This is amazing. Too much content? Just pick something to do and do it.

I don’t understand why ANet must spell out for people what they should be doing.

Go play WvW or something for a change of scenery. One goal: kill the enemy.

Wrecking Krew [Krew] – Borlis Pass