I miss the old dialogue scenes
No I don’t miss them. I do miss the GW1 versions tho. That being your char was shown in the actual cut scenes in full action, running, fighting etc.
I don’t particularly. The fact the cutscenes disables the characters’ helmet was so immersionbreaking I hated the cutscenes for all they were. I had. Thief with anonimity as a main trait. Not 1 minute into the game, I talk to someone and off goes the mask look at me!!
i always have hidden helmet so i did not notice that. it could be fixed though, why eve remove it at all?
Don’t miss them, the old scenes killed immersion far too often with easily avoided errors. Stuff like a character that was lying on his bed a couple of seconds before, mortally sick, now happily standing and talking as if nothing ever happened in the cutscene.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
I prefer the new ones except for the annoying fact that I cannot skip them.
I liked the old ones. They provided a pause in the story that I think helped to assimilate and feel the things that were happening.
The new ones are really fine too: you just need to play with the cam and your position to see the characters talking and acting very convincingly. However, I think they should have an skip option for the second time you see them… AND MOBS SHOULDN’T KEEP SPAWNING WHILE YOU ARE TRYING TO PUT ATTENTION INTO THE DIALOGUES.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
i hate having text on the screen when characters are speaking,
if its there then your eyes snap to it and you read what the character will say before they say it, i find myself looking elsewhere on the screen to avoid it, or pointing the camera at odd angles to cut out the text boxes.
the old method was the worst offender for this.