I predict PvE Player Rage

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GussJr.1643


…I remember when there weren’t dailies/monthlies at all…


I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


…I remember when there weren’t dailies/monthlies at all…

Yeah, but that was before launch.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Oh ANet…

Can someone post the meme with the triple facepalm?

Well heres the one I have.


Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


Really? GW2 players coming onto the forums and kittening when ANYTHING gets changed? You don’t say.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Dailies didnt start until a few months after launch actually…

Might want to check your sources there. Dailies have been present since the prelaunch event 3 days before offical launch.

You can see the history of dailies here:


I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


Oh ANet…

Can someone post the meme with the triple facepalm?

Well heres the one I have.

Perfect! If I had three heads, I’d unfotunately still be a hand short to achieve the amount of palm needed for those faces in matters of ANets way to decide on changes.


I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Southern.8973


I just have been raging in EU.

So I have 4 options. Queensdale Event, Maguuma Forager, Mystic Toilet usage, Jungle Wurm. Never done a JW, never want to. Guess I’m going to have to learn to use the Mystic Toilet >_<

I didn’t see any replies to this, so I’ll just state:

Buy 4 cheap runes or sigils off the TP. Lowest one right now is 11 copper. Throw them in the Mystic Toilet. Yer done. Cost: 44 copper. (You’ll need to break the stack of 4 into individual runes/sigils in order to throw them in the forge).

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Dailies didnt start until a few months after launch actually…

Might want to check your sources there. Dailies have been present since the prelaunch event 3 days before offical launch.

You can see the history of dailies here:


my bad, i’m old and tend to have a hard time remembering timelines…beta kind of bleeds into launch in my mind


I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Well their was a lot of screaming in Queensdale looking for events. And since most take about 10 minutes each, that’s 40 minutes of play time in a zone I normally don’t go to anymore.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadow.3671


Gee Anet, thanks for setting everyone at each others throats again!

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Well their was a lot of screaming in Queensdale looking for events. And since most take about 10 minutes each, that’s 40 minutes of play time in a zone I normally don’t go to anymore.

Which ones take that long? What I would do is do enough to get credit and then move on to the next. This is because the events scale up a lot and especially with the collection ones. For example, the skale egg collection event is where I’d get all of the eggs, turn them in, and leave since there’s nothing else I can do. I’d do the same with the grub event as me being there just scales it up further.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabrok.9023


I just have been raging in EU.

So I have 4 options. Queensdale Event, Maguuma Forager, Mystic Toilet usage, Jungle Wurm. Never done a JW, never want to. Guess I’m going to have to learn to use the Mystic Toilet >_<

I didn’t see any replies to this, so I’ll just state:

Buy 4 cheap runes or sigils off the TP. Lowest one right now is 11 copper. Throw them in the Mystic Toilet. Yer done. Cost: 44 copper. (You’ll need to break the stack of 4 into individual runes/sigils in order to throw them in the forge).

Or buy 4 light gloves with karma and you’ll actually make money.

“I’m not a PvE, WvW, or PvP player – I am a Guild Wars 2 player”
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Well their was a lot of screaming in Queensdale looking for events. And since most take about 10 minutes each, that’s 40 minutes of play time in a zone I normally don’t go to anymore.

Which ones take that long? What I would do is do enough to get credit and then move on to the next. This is because the events scale up a lot and especially with the collection ones. For example, the skale egg collection event is where I’d get all of the eggs, turn them in, and leave since there’s nothing else I can do. I’d do the same with the grub event as me being there just scales it up further.

I did two escort missions, stopping poisoning the pump station and the stopping the skritt and the logging camp. Last two are on timers. And since there isn’t any indication that you’ve done enough to get the event completion, unless you have a lot of experience at that event, it seems most players just waited until the timer ran out or the escort was complete.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mginn.4502


Oh ANet…

Can someone post the meme with the triple facepalm?

I don’t have the triple, but will epic facepalm suffice?


I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korossive.7085



… Madness?


I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Well their was a lot of screaming in Queensdale looking for events. And since most take about 10 minutes each, that’s 40 minutes of play time in a zone I normally don’t go to anymore.

Which ones take that long? What I would do is do enough to get credit and then move on to the next. This is because the events scale up a lot and especially with the collection ones. For example, the skale egg collection event is where I’d get all of the eggs, turn them in, and leave since there’s nothing else I can do. I’d do the same with the grub event as me being there just scales it up further.

I did two escort missions, stopping poisoning the pump station and the stopping the skritt and the logging camp. Last two are on timers. And since there isn’t any indication that you’ve done enough to get the event completion, unless you have a lot of experience at that event, it seems most players just waited until the timer ran out or the escort was complete.

Yeah. The skritt one does have a long timer. Maybe a better solution to alleviate everyone going to do the same achievements at the same time would be to randomize them across players or create achievement groups where players are assigned to a group and that group alternates between sets of achievements.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Runewolf.8456


I don’t understand… the 1st revamp of the daily had too few choices, so the 2nd revamp of the daily added more choices, now the 3rd revamp of the daily removed those choices…

First off… Why do you keep wasting development time revamping the daily? this is literally the 4th iteration of it.

Secondly… why are we reverting to having no choices? that was what you tried to solve with the last revamp…

4 choices for each category, and to my understanding any combination of 3 achieves will get you your daily VS pre-patch where you had 6 pve and 2 pvp and 2 wvw and you needed 5 to proc daily.

They did add more options…for the PvP’ers

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Hm, I’m actually good with the new system. Shortly after the day break – make it 15 minute – while doing regular WvW I had my 3 – dailies done, laurel earned.

Bedtime now but I’ll probably get the PvE and PvP ones does quickly as well.

The last set – most people seem to complain about was the Queensdale 4 quest thing – was done quite fast – if you know the zone you know where events spawn fast (like aroudn the water pipes) and you’ll even make a little profit by selling all those jute scraps.

The ones I never did were the dungeon or fractal related ones simply because I can’t stand either. With the reduction of quests I may find a day when I won’t make the PvE dailies but it matters less now because doing 3 WvW or 3 PvP will also give me the laurel and I’ll only miss the APs.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Dailies are completely optional now.

Before this you could argue that not getting laurels shuts you out of BIS jewelry; now all you don’t get is 10 AP and some really small things. And since daily AP is gonna be capped someday anyways, you’re literally losing out on nothing. You’re also getting a portion of the old rewards for doing nothing but logging in.

I don’t even plan on doing 3/3 dailies anymore if it looks out of the way unless it offers something of use. I may do 1 or 2 dailies to grab some mats or coins.

This will greatly reduce the grind for me because I don’t have to worry about dailies at all anymore.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Yeah, same here. Now that I play PvP and PvE almost equally, this change is amazing. I did like how effortless the previous dailies were, but the rewards were completely flat and uninteresting. The change does make you go out of your way a bit but the rewards are worth it. 10 AP for completing any three categories, and some nice little boosts in addition to the existing rewards (Mystic coins and Karma).

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Dailies are completely optional now.

Before this you could argue that not getting laurels shuts you out of BIS jewelry; now all you don’t get is 10 AP and some really small things. And since daily AP is gonna be capped someday anyways, you’re literally losing out on nothing. You’re also getting a portion of the old rewards for doing nothing but logging in.

I don’t even plan on doing 3/3 dailies anymore if it looks out of the way unless it offers something of use. I may do 1 or 2 dailies to grab some mats or coins.

This will greatly reduce the grind for me because I don’t have to worry about dailies at all anymore.

Wow. That didn’t occur to me. I was looking over tonight’s dailies and I’m like “Fractals AREN’T PvE” and that I have to mess up my LS to get to the next zone NOW to do it’s daily (kittenumption that everyone finished the first arc of LS 2) but thanks to you, I realize I don’t have to do those anymore.

I’m Free!! I’m free of the compulsive need to do dailies for laurels. Don’t give a skritt’s butt about AP.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I’m liking them. Logged in and got my daily reward, then only a few minutes to get the completely optional 10 point achieves and the chests that go with them.

Failed to rage again and haven’t heard any raging in guild or map chat.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


My only complaint about the new dailies is that it just removed 730 AP from a year (10 AP a day vs potentially 12 AP a day for 365 days). Didn’t the last Daily/Monthly revamp also cut down on the amount of potential AP earned?

At this point I think I’ll just give up on trying for the hellfire/radiant chest/leggings.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azizul.8469


the way i see it is the player want more daily options.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cheshader.5081


Well their was a lot of screaming in Queensdale looking for events.

Yeah, I saw it too.
And guess what did it remind me? When was the last time I saw so many lvl80s screaming in QD map chat? Yeah, right, QD train times.

Seriously, if Anet was a person it would be an obvious case of schizophrenia.

As for the new system I rather like it. Did daylies in less than 15 mins, faster than ever.
And the new laurel system allows my gf who does not play actively every day just log in once a day to get them. Sure she’ll miss APs, but will have her laurels, unlike earlier.

(edited by cheshader.5081)

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranos.5913


xD is 10 AP really worth this frustration? Because that’s all it is, no extra items, no laurels, just 10AP. You can just ignore them if you don’t feel like doing them without missing out on anything.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Dailies are completely optional now.

Before this you could argue that not getting laurels shuts you out of BIS jewelry; now all you don’t get is 10 AP and some really small things. And since daily AP is gonna be capped someday anyways, you’re literally losing out on nothing. You’re also getting a portion of the old rewards for doing nothing but logging in.

I don’t even plan on doing 3/3 dailies anymore if it looks out of the way unless it offers something of use. I may do 1 or 2 dailies to grab some mats or coins.

This will greatly reduce the grind for me because I don’t have to worry about dailies at all anymore.

Wow. That didn’t occur to me. I was looking over tonight’s dailies and I’m like “Fractals AREN’T PvE” and that I have to mess up my LS to get to the next zone NOW to do it’s daily (kittenumption that everyone finished the first arc of LS 2) but thanks to you, I realize I don’t have to do those anymore.

I’m Free!! I’m free of the compulsive need to do dailies for laurels. Don’t give a skritt’s butt about AP.

Well, that’s definitely how I feel about it. They gave me the ultimate choice of not doing it at all or just doing some of it. And yes, I always felt like I was “losing” laurels if I don’t do my dailies and since I purchase a lot of different trinkets, I really need those. It doesn’t help that ascended recipes require 5 laurels, and so do wvw infusions.

Previously the rewards system was pretty much all or nothing. What if you don’t have enough time to finish 5 before reset? Well screw you, you’ll get your measly 2-3 AP and like it! You won’t get your laurel or chance at a BL kit. Might as well not do it at all.

Now, even if you have only time to do just one, you’ll get something. And you might get something nice; let’s just say I’ve already gotten a few things I’d value over a mystic coin and a bit of karma. Or if you don’t, just don’t and wait until tomorrow.

I can gladly say that dailies will never get in my way again, and I’ll not have to waste time dodge rolling 20 times just cuz the game says I should.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I must be reading the wrong patch notes – can someone link?
Or can the OP be explained?

From what I’ve read it sounds like they’re attempting to implement what “we” have been asking for..?

I don’t think I ever asked to be forced to join the Jungle worm guild or be forced to PvP…

Those are your current options if you want to complete the daily for today.

Or spend a couple of badges in WvW which requires zero PvP. You forgot that one.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

12/16th’s update was embarrassingly bad. It was littered with excruciatingly annoying bugs and the new dailies feature is extremely controversial. In my opinion it didn’t honestly improve anything and was a gigantic waste of developer time.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


12/16th’s update was embarrassingly bad. It was littered with excruciatingly annoying bugs and the new dailies feature is extremely controversial. In my opinion it didn’t honestly improve anything and was a gigantic waste of developer time.

Completely disagree with this ridiculous post.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

12/16th’s update was embarrassingly bad. It was littered with excruciatingly annoying bugs and the new dailies feature is extremely controversial. In my opinion it didn’t honestly improve anything and was a gigantic waste of developer time.

Completely disagree with this ridiculous post.

Pretty obvious you must not have any legendaries, care about doing any of the wintersday things, or ever play fractals then. How lucky for you!

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


12/16th’s update was embarrassingly bad. It was littered with excruciatingly annoying bugs and the new dailies feature is extremely controversial. In my opinion it didn’t honestly improve anything and was a gigantic waste of developer time.

Completely disagree with this ridiculous post.

Pretty obvious you must not have any legendaries, care about doing any of the wintersday things, or ever play fractals then. How lucky for you!

Pretty obvious you are not a mind reader. No idea how you attempt to reply to my post with this, as it doesn’t make any sense at all. I have done all of the above AND I love the changes. Some people just complain to hear/see their selves complain. Do you think you are getting back at Anet because you don’t like a change that was made? You could win a million dollars and complain because it isn’t 2 million. How do you endure such a negative outlook on everything in life?

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elothar.4382


I am about as casual as it comes…and I am okay with the changes. The importance of dailies and monthlies for me was always tied to laurels anyway. The rest of it was okay but nothing to really write home about. The changes today make my life easier.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spook.5847


The point of dailies is not to dump items into your inventory. The point of dailies is to incentivize players to participate in specific content.

By trimming down what can be done in PvE, you create the impetus for players to participate in WvW or PvP.

No you dont. What you ACTUALLY do is p-off your pve playerbase. I’ll stop logging in at all before I play PvP or WvW. That junk is just an excuse for lack of content so far as I’m concerned.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turak.3286


Hi, there

I am a student, I have a job, a girlfriend, I do NOT get any money from my parents and played GW2 form the very beginning. I got 4 legenderies and will soon hit the 22K AP (I only mention that, cause it seems to matter in this thread).

AND I love this patch! It’s great, because I get rewarded for just doing my stuff. And even if I have to port to a certain area to do some stuff. I don’t care, because earlier I had to do that, too… But now I only have to port max 3 times. Before that patch, I had to port as often or even more AND had to do pvp or wvw to get the same daily AP.
So, I don’t get, where your problem is? I mean, okay we lost some options, but we only have to get 3 achieved…
I don’t get it…

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


Hey… people talking about needing to join a jungle wurm guild, or never wanting to do jungle wurm… this is not the triple trouble jungle wurm. It’s the world boss in Caledon Forest that gets killed every two hours, like clockwork. I mean, my first thought was that it was triple trouble, too, but then I hovered over it and saw that it was the one in Caledon… Just a belated PSA.

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azizul.8469


ANET is not that cruel. they won’t force us to kill the 3-headed Wurm or Teq to get the dailies done.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mufasa.8415


Remember these will be changing from day to day too so you may have more suitable options one day than you do the day before; I personally think the change is good along with the daily login rewards for those that like the log on and exist for daily agenda. The dailys also give greater rewards so as much as I could complain about toyocolypse being broken the daily change I think is a positive step forward and hopefully we don’t have to see a change for it again any time in the near future as they should have been under the scavenger hunt state from the beginning.

Drunken Mufasa
The Stonemouth Keep
Tarnished Coast

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Basically, this is Anet again saying “Play how WE want you to play” aka trying to force us into WvW and PvP.

What the heck is it with Anet intentionally limiting options or trying to force us to play how we don’t want to?

Can anyone even link a direct quote where did ArenaNet ever say you can “Play how you want.” That just seems like some community hive-mind paraphrasing to me.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Even if someone can document the quote, which might be in the infamous manifesto, it can be broadly interpreted. The devs may mean multiple paths to level or to rewards. We can level to max without leaving the starting map. We can level in WvW, PvP and PvE. Since so much boils down to gold and the TP, rewards aren’t tied to specific events or play types.

Players on the other hand are going more specific types of play. Farming, Speedruns, trains and chafe when encouraged to move along onto other activities.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Embrace The Bold.7619

Embrace The Bold.7619

I just have been raging in EU.

So I have 4 options. Queensdale Event, Maguuma Forager, Mystic Toilet usage, Jungle Wurm. Never done a JW, never want to. Guess I’m going to have to learn to use the Mystic Toilet >_<

Basically, this is Anet again saying “Play how WE want you to play” aka trying to force us into WvW and PvP.

What the heck is it with Anet intentionally limiting options or trying to force us to play how we don’t want to?

…. wasn’t dailies before just as bad? I mean talk about being entitled. Oh no! I have to do stuff to get rewarded. Seriously, you don’t HAVE to do them.

The Sickest Guild NA

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NeoCodex.2438


While I agree (pn the one hand) regarding the problem with limiting choices, I think that for AP hunters, being given more specific things to do for the sake of the AP hunting and not a long list of things anyone can do accidentally by running around for 30 minutes is actually a better option. The game shouldn’t be fostering “let me just log in and do my dailies”. Dailies should be something that you strive for. Like JPs are not everyone’s cup of tea, neither should all dailies. I get why they made the change, although a few more options like 2 per difficulty tier per game type mode would have been better.

I absolutely agree. Yes, the new system is harder and limits your choices.

But really.. how hard was it before? You didn’t have to even think about it. Super boring. Now, at least I feel I achieved something. It’s better this way. You should not be rewarded for just logging in and do random stuff to get 5-10 AP for just doing whatever you want. Yes, the choices are more limited now, but I think this makes acquiring AP and rewards (which I think are better.. I got omnomberries and other materials from maguma forager daily reward) more worthwhile, as well as AP themselves, which require slightly more effort.

And honestly, how many of players did ALL 10 daily AP tasks? Now you just need to do 3 things to get 10 points, which took me

- less than 5 minutes to forage in sparkfly swamp
- less than 5 minutes to kill the wurm
- a minute to use mystic forge and convert a bunch of random sigils

And 10 AP, I never got before for a daily because I never played and did the WvW tasks, but sometimes did PvP so I got on average 5-7 daily AP. Now I got 10 in under 10 minutes. Plus the new, better rewards. And I felt more rewarded, as in achieving something better too. Also to mention, in PvP i got a potion that increased my PvP reward track as well. Very nice. And I did both PvP daily tasks in first half of the first match (again, under 5 minutes for both of 2 tasks).

How is this worse?

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnymiller.5968


Hi, there

I am a student, I have a job, a girlfriend, I do NOT get any money from my parents and played GW2 form the very beginning. I got 4 legenderies and will soon hit the 22K AP (I only mention that, cause it seems to matter in this thread).

AND I love this patch! It’s great, because I get rewarded for just doing my stuff. And even if I have to port to a certain area to do some stuff. I don’t care, because earlier I had to do that, too… But now I only have to port max 3 times. Before that patch, I had to port as often or even more AND had to do pvp or wvw to get the same daily AP.
So, I don’t get, where your problem is? I mean, okay we lost some options, but we only have to get 3 achieved…
I don’t get it…

Odd. Got most of my dailies done on one map before this update. There were very few times I had to travel elsewhere. Not that traveling concerns me for that matter.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HyruleanHyroe.1473


…force us into WvW and PvP….
…force us to play how we don’t want to?

I don’t think I ever asked to be forced to join the Jungle worm guild or be forced to PvP…

…force a customer to eat Prunes…

Wow, didn’t know Anet was into that perverted bondage stuff. Someone call the police, they’ve taken hostages!

I have a “band”, Beatiatrician: http://youtu.be/zw_Sl-El8_I

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Never done a JW, never want to.

If you don’t want to act upon a system meant to make you do things you may not normally do, why do you then complain that the system simply isn’t meant for you?

I mean, if I don’t want to drive a car and never do, why would I complain about one specific model having leather seats only?

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

12/16th’s update was embarrassingly bad. It was littered with excruciatingly annoying bugs and the new dailies feature is extremely controversial. In my opinion it didn’t honestly improve anything and was a gigantic waste of developer time.

Completely disagree with this ridiculous post.

Pretty obvious you must not have any legendaries, care about doing any of the wintersday things, or ever play fractals then. How lucky for you!

Pretty obvious you are not a mind reader. No idea how you attempt to reply to my post with this, as it doesn’t make any sense at all. I have done all of the above AND I love the changes. Some people just complain to hear/see their selves complain. Do you think you are getting back at Anet because you don’t like a change that was made? You could win a million dollars and complain because it isn’t 2 million. How do you endure such a negative outlook on everything in life?

You said “Completely disagree with this ridiculous post.”

Because I began my post with the fact that this update was littered with bugs, that means you are unaware of them or that you feel that legendaries were intended to have no animations, that we weren’t supposed to get dailies from fractals or that we are supposed to get barraged with network errors and game crashes when trying to participate in the wintersday activities. Afterall you completely disagree with my post, right? Right?

The only other alternative would be that you have selective reading and ignored everything in my post other than that I didn’t like the changes to dailies.

You lose either way.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


The point of dailies is not to dump items into your inventory. The point of dailies is to incentivize players to participate in specific content.

By trimming down what can be done in PvE, you create the impetus for players to participate in WvW or PvP.

No you dont. What you ACTUALLY do is p-off your pve playerbase. I’ll stop logging in at all before I play PvP or WvW. That junk is just an excuse for lack of content so far as I’m concerned.

So don’t worry about the dailies?

Server: Devona’s Rest

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I googled achievements and “play how you want” and found this: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/

While they did say “….extremely important that we stay true to our philosophy that you should be able to play Guild Wars 2 the way you want to play the game in order to reach the most powerful rewards.” they also said in the same blog “We’ll add support so daily achievements will be different each day of the week, which will help drive players to different areas of the world and play together.”

The achievement system was designed from the first to send people here and there. The new daily is working as intended.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Oh really? Tell me please, who is forcing you to do dailies? The sense of entitlement in this thread game is incredible. Play the game for fun not for dailies…


I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


The achievement system was designed from the first to send people here and there. The new daily is working as intended.

Exactly. I openly criticized the previous system for exactly that reason, after they made the daily selection so stale it really didn’t do what they said it’d do, and also felt pointless (could as well… you know… give me the rewards just for logging in :P ).

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.