I think Living Story is bad for this game

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I think Living Story is a waste of time and resources. In theory, it should keep the game fresh but in reality it doesn’t. Me and most of the people I know just clear the achievement panel of the current LS in about one-two hours then they forget about LS until the next episode comes out, when they clear the achievements and go back to do whatever they like to do. A few do farm the temporary dungeons though.

Most of LS activities aren’t funny and challenging at all, I feel forced to do them to avoid losing some achievements/items I will never be able to obtain again, but I did find quite boring stuff like collect Audio Logs, Lost Objects and Sample Collection. I did Crab Grab to get the achievement, but I did it because I felt I had to, not because I was enjoying.

Also, Living Stories aren’t interesting at all. This game has many ongoing plots that could be developed as a theme for more epic and interesting stuff, like Steam Creatures, Dwarven Ruins, Underworld and regional conflicts (like Centaurs, Separatists, Inquests, Nightmare Court and so on).

I may go as far to say that Living Story is detrimental for the overall game quality. The time and resources spent on LS could be spent to make the game better. Instead of wasting their time on these half-kittened “activities” they could:

-Fix classes’ broken skills and traits
-Improve class balance, both in pve and in pvp
-Add more pvp modes
-Improve wvw (even if I don’t understand what’s wrong with wvw, I hear many players complain about it)
-Add more dungeons. I loved Molten Facility, the only redeeming factor in this whole LS thing.
-Add more fractals and fix current fractals length/difficulty disparity.
-Improve current dungeons, fixing the current reward system: a cof speedrun earns us the exact same amount of coins/tokens arah path 4 does.
-Fix a ton of minor issues, like targeting, aoe targeting, random bugged events, trading post, player bank (still no tokens collectibles tab), add guild features, a lfg tool, duels…

I understand LS is an attempt to keep people interested without a gear grind, but it’s failing at it but for that hour required to clear all the stuff.

I also understand LS is an opportunity to add some Gem Store items, but they could add new items anyway, even better ones. Give players new skins, new hair, new emotes and they will buy them even if they’re not “New Consortium Hair”. Hell, saving resources from LS they could add a ton of new items for the players to buy.

This is of course just my opinion, I wanted to know what other players feel about it, because I don’t know if it’s me and my playgroup to be very disconnected from the rest of the playerbase or the devs are the ones that don’t know what their playerbase actually wants.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


Most of the things in your “Instead of wasting their time on these half-kittened “activities” they could:” list aren’t handled by the same people working on the Living Story content.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


If they keep giving me stuff to use or skins, I like the flower backpack skin, it doesn’t bother me.

I also generally go for the achievements and can get them done fairly quick.

I like the idea they are going for. I don’t care much for the PvE in this game, this is why I’m not too interested in the story part of the living story. I did enjoy the molten facility and would also like to have seen that as a fractal. I don’t do fractals often so I don’t think I’d end up running it very often anyway.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: WolfOwl.3968


Sounds like you’re more of an achievement hound rather than a player who wants to immerse themselves in the story of world. That’s not a “bad” thing, but keep in mind I don’t believe that you, or those with similar motivations, are the target audience for the LS content.

“I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed to him.”

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

I would rather see expansions over temporary content, but, I don’t pay ANETS salary so they must do what NCsoft tells them to do, so, I just play the game as they give it to me.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Dante.1508


I agree OP the games not really had anything added since southsun… yes southsun was bad but at least it was added content…

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Most of the things in your “Instead of wasting their time on these half-kittened “activities” they could:” list aren’t handled by the same people working on the Living Story content.

Assign those people to something else they’re competent with, then! There are so many issues players have with this game emerging from these forums that I think LS should be the last concern, fix those issues first then keep the LS going. It’s not like we don’t have an endgame. I’m pretty fine with dungeons and wvw being our endgame at the moment. The problem is, nobody runs dungeons anymore because the reward system is broken, they just run cof 1. I’d gladly join other dungeons but nobody runs them because the reward system rewards people doing the hardest and longest arah paths exactly in the same way it rewards a 8 minutes cof run.

If they gave me more interesting stories I’d gladly immerse myself with them. For example, I’d really really love to see a develop to Steam Creatures invasion, or being able to have some plot about Underworld menace, or dwarven-related quests. Sorry to say, if I think about those 3 I get to laugh at Molten Alliance and Consortium guys. I like to play hard content and achieve everything possible in a game but I also like the story aspect of the game. For example, I have 8 characters, 5 80s and 3 30-ish’s (ugh), two have full ascended trinkets and I plan on getting everybody to a “perfect” state… but every one of them in my mind also has a backstory, a personality and motivations: I like to imagine their personal stories coming together at one point.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


OP, do you finish the achievements in two hours without using a guide?

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

For the non-fetch quests, no. For the fetch quests, yes: I don’t like hanging around an island looking for rotting plants while being attacked by hordes of OP mobs.

Oh, wait: these LS events are almost exclusively fetch quests.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


So you use a guide that takes two hours to do something that was meant to be done in a couple of days…then you complain it takes too hours. Figuring out and finding stuff is part of what this is about. For those who, like you, don’t like hanging around an island and looking for stuff..which in this case was the whole point of the exercise, you’d probably hate this. But there are people who are exactly missing this type of quest from Guild Wars 2, and for those people this is gold.

So you complain about content taking no time, but you use a guide that guarantees it takes no time.

Dulfy is a valuable resource in some instances, but it ruins this game in other ways, particularly if everyone just runs right there and uses it without even attempting the content the way it was meant to be attempted.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: WolfOwl.3968


For the non-fetch quests, no. For the fetch quests, yes: I don’t like hanging around an island looking for rotting plants while being attacked by hordes of OP mobs.

That actually explains a lot.

“I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed to him.”

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: nexxe.7081


Most of the things in your “Instead of wasting their time on these half-kittened “activities” they could:” list aren’t handled by the same people working on the Living Story content.

Which brings the question:
What are the other people doing then? We haven’t had any real, permanent content besides Lost Shores & Fractals. It’s been 8+ months already.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

For the non-fetch quests, no. For the fetch quests, yes: I don’t like hanging around an island looking for rotting plants while being attacked by hordes of OP mobs.

That actually explains a lot.

Yes, it explains I don’t know anything about the current plot. You know why? Because I found that uninteresting in the first place, so I didn’t bother with it. As I already stated, give me some interesting story and I’ll gladly play attention. If they made me support a full scale rebellion on the island to free the refugees, for example.

By the way, wasn’t this game supposed to avoid fetch quests?

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Most of the things in your “Instead of wasting their time on these half-kittened “activities” they could:” list aren’t handled by the same people working on the Living Story content.

yes but those financial resources could be better used on some core essential stuff that this “aaa” console/mmo game is missing or in desperate need of improvement.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: ASaturnus.4980


Which brings the question:
What are the other people doing then? We haven’t had any real, permanent content besides Lost Shores & Fractals. It’s been 8+ months already.

Just because content isn’t permanent, it doesn’t mean people don’t have to work to create it.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


For the non-fetch quests, no. For the fetch quests, yes: I don’t like hanging around an island looking for rotting plants while being attacked by hordes of OP mobs.

That actually explains a lot.

Yes, it explains I don’t know anything about the current plot. You know why? Because I found that uninteresting in the first place, so I didn’t bother with it. As I already stated, give me some interesting story and I’ll gladly play attention. If they made me support a full scale rebellion on the island to free the refugees, for example.

By the way, wasn’t this game supposed to avoid fetch quests?

No this game wasn’t supposed to avoid fetch quests. In fact, there are only X types of quests in existence. For example kill, fetch, escort, defend. How many other quest types can you name. All games have these or some variations on these.

The example always used was kill ten rats and there are very few of those quests in this game. You have to kill but the number of things you have to kill is obscured and even can change as more people show up. I find that more interesting than a static kill ten rats quest, because the rats are still there.

In this game, centaurs attack a town and you drive them off…after killing a bunch of them. Same with many fetch quests in this game. You don’t have a number that you go through. You get it when there’s enough. Some of us prefer that.

But what other types of quests or content can there be without killing, fetching, escort or defense. Surely you take any one type away and you end up with even more repetition.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


The best use of the living story, in my opinion, would be in introducing new content that we haven’t seen before. I really liked the idea of the first Southsun event because we got a new zone to play around in, and we also got to establish the encampments around the island, which still exist today. That felt like we really changed the world.

Bringing that out over a scale of several weeks would be very possible, and I think it would be great. Implementing new zones, dungeons, weapon types, vistas, points of interest… anything at all through some sort of living story activity would make people feel like they are taking part in a unique event, but would then have a lasting impact on the world.

Why not have a living story where all the races pitch together to rebuild Divinity’s Reach? Or a living story where we actually start restoring Orr. Or one where we take the fight further north against Jormag. There are so many things that could be done, but it feels like the current stories are at such a disconnect from the storylines originally established.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

For the non-fetch quests, no. For the fetch quests, yes: I don’t like hanging around an island looking for rotting plants while being attacked by hordes of OP mobs.

That actually explains a lot.

Yes, it explains I don’t know anything about the current plot. You know why? Because I found that uninteresting in the first place, so I didn’t bother with it. As I already stated, give me some interesting story and I’ll gladly play attention. If they made me support a full scale rebellion on the island to free the refugees, for example.

By the way, wasn’t this game supposed to avoid fetch quests?

No this game wasn’t supposed to avoid fetch quests. In fact, there are only X types of quests in existence. For example kill, fetch, escort, defend. How many other quest types can you name. All games have these or some variations on these.

The example always used was kill ten rats and there are very few of those quests in this game. You have to kill but the number of things you have to kill is obscured and even can change as more people show up. I find that more interesting than a static kill ten rats quest, because the rats are still there.

In this game, centaurs attack a town and you drive them off…after killing a bunch of them. Same with many fetch quests in this game. You don’t have a number that you go through. You get it when there’s enough. Some of us prefer that.

But what other types of quests or content can there be without killing, fetching, escort or defense. Surely you take any one type away and you end up with even more repetition.

Yes, but with random events (kill x, turn in x items, defend npc) you actually feel you’re making something useful. For example, I love the aqueduct chain event in queensdale and chain events in general because I feel my efforts are making a difference in the world I’m in. Even when I’m hanging around with a lvl 80 character I still do them all the time even if the reward is meaningless, it makes me feel good.

With living story I don’t actually feel rewarded, I feel I’m just “doing stuff”. “Bring refugees mementos and random lost items… just because” doesn’t give me the same feeling of accomplishment that “rescue a mother kidnapped by bandits” or “bring x toxin samples to NPC, so he can develop an antidote to save queensdale citizens from intoxication” give. Nor does “investigate plant activity so we can discover Canach’s evil plan to help refugees”. Wait what? Other examples are “repair refugees signs”, yes that’s totally gonna help. “Aid refugees along the road”, just to have them slain by a random creature two seconds later. “Close the molten alliance gate” that is spawning molten forces just standing there, meaning no harm to anyone but the random guy that tries to close the portal. “Collect Audio Logs” to discover a molten alliance facility that will spawn in two weeks whether you found it’s location or not and that you’ll be magically aware of even if you didn’t any bit of research. “Quell the riot” so the consortium may keep exploiting the refugees.

I’m not saying LS should be scrapped. I’m saying right now I feel there are more pressing issues and before expanding the game the developers team should address those issues. And, when the time will be right, they should deliver a better experience with LS, especially with the plot. I want Steam Creatures! ;_;

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: killcannon.2576


So you use a guide that takes two hours to do something that was meant to be done in a couple of days…then you complain it takes too hours. Figuring out and finding stuff is part of what this is about. For those who, like you, don’t like hanging around an island and looking for stuff..which in this case was the whole point of the exercise, you’d probably hate this. But there are people who are exactly missing this type of quest from Guild Wars 2, and for those people this is gold.

So you complain about content taking no time, but you use a guide that guarantees it takes no time.

Dulfy is a valuable resource in some instances, but it ruins this game in other ways, particularly if everyone just runs right there and uses it without even attempting the content the way it was meant to be attempted.

A: You have zero clue how long it was supposed to take, unless you’re a dev. Are you a dev? Should we also have wandered around aimlessly in the Canach instance ramming our head into a wall so it would have taken longer?

B: Even if Dulfy did not make a guide, someone would finish this stuff and tell their guildies where everything was, then they would tell people…and so on and so on. If you don’t want to use the guide so you can be “pure”, go for it. From what I read on one of your posts, you exploited the Crab Toss event to get lots of people the achieve, so I don’t even know what you are going on about here except wanting to tell someone they are wrong.

C: Again, you have no clue what the point of the exercise was, unless you’re a dev. Are you a dev? I’d say the exercise was to test out magic find, and who wants it over gold find. That’s essentially all the island is really about.

D: People use guides because playing a frakkin easter egg hunt is about as compelling as watching paint dry. If people wanted to roam around aimlessly in a game I’m sure a company would have made Lost at Sea part 15 by now, oddly they have not.

(edited by killcannon.2576)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

They may have Living Story arcs that deal with Steam Creatures or any number of other plots within Tyria….just not in the next ‘two hours’. We are just getting started, so I am sure patience will reward us with many exciting opportunities.

And, starting with the current Living Story arc, we will have permanent content added as well, such as the Karka Queen event. =)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

D: People use guides because playing a frakkin easter egg hunt is about as compelling as watching paint dry. If people wanted to roam around aimlessly in a game I’m sure a company would have made Lost at Sea part 15 by now, oddly they have not.


I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


ADHD generation strikes again.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: killcannon.2576


ADHD generation strikes again.

A person has adhd because they want compelling gameplay? Classy.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Polle.6908


ADHD generation strikes again.

A person has adhd because they want compelling gameplay? Classy.

What a person finds compelling in gameplay is purely subjective.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Bainshie.2981


However most people consider ‘Going to random places with no clues’ ‘not compelling’

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: killcannon.2576


ADHD generation strikes again.

A person has adhd because they want compelling gameplay? Classy.

What a person finds compelling in gameplay is purely subjective.

Indeed it is, but I didn’t know that subjective was a synonym for ADHD.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Stand O vation @ OP

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


They have different teams for different aspects of the game. The Living Story team has nothing to do with Balance, PVP, WvW, Bugs, Dungeons or even the team that might create the next chapter in the big story (expansion?). So in reality, they are not losing resources/time with the living story.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: marnick.4305


Maybe some people only have an hour a week to focus on this living story?

Personally I feel it’s good for the game, but it’d be better if it wasn’t so temporary.

Furthermore your post implies the LS takes away from other parts of the game, while actually those are entirely different development teams (which sadly shows in the quality of the temporary dungeons vs. existing dungeons)

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: wolfie.7296


Living story is not really living story. It’s, “here is content that we take away so if you miss out it’s like we did nothing.” Plus, it’s only good if you farm it in a hardcore manner.

If you miss out the trolls above think doing nothing is worthwhile content…

As for the, “you have to find out without guides”. That is just obnoxious when you look at how obscure and hidden the hints are. Clues that seem obvious to the developers are random to anyone else. Let me give you a clue to see if the devs can work it out: there is a tree that is dark green with three large rocks nearby. That’s the type of clue anet and other trolls think is obvious. And you have a day or two to find it..no help if you haven’t ever been to the zone. You have to work it out without even knowing what zones are out there.

(edited by wolfie.7296)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


So you use a guide that takes two hours to do something that was meant to be done in a couple of days…then you complain it takes too hours. Figuring out and finding stuff is part of what this is about. For those who, like you, don’t like hanging around an island and looking for stuff..which in this case was the whole point of the exercise, you’d probably hate this. But there are people who are exactly missing this type of quest from Guild Wars 2, and for those people this is gold.

So you complain about content taking no time, but you use a guide that guarantees it takes no time.

Dulfy is a valuable resource in some instances, but it ruins this game in other ways, particularly if everyone just runs right there and uses it without even attempting the content the way it was meant to be attempted.

A: You have zero clue how long it was supposed to take, unless you’re a dev. Are you a dev? Should we also have wandered around aimlessly in the Canach instance ramming our head into a wall so it would have taken longer?

B: Even if Dulfy did not make a guide, someone would finish this stuff and tell their guildies where everything was, then they would tell people…and so on and so on. If you don’t want to use the guide so you can be “pure”, go for it. From what I read on one of your posts, you exploited the Crab Toss event to get lots of people the achieve, so I don’t even know what you are going on about here except wanting to tell someone they are wrong.

C: Again, you have no clue what the point of the exercise was, unless you’re a dev. Are you a dev? I’d say the exercise was to test out magic find, and who wants it over gold find. That’s essentially all the island is really about.

D: People use guides because playing a frakkin easter egg hunt is about as compelling as watching paint dry. If people wanted to roam around aimlessly in a game I’m sure a company would have made Lost at Sea part 15 by now, oddly they have not.

I know exactly how long it should take, because most of my guild did it without using the guide, but some did use the guide. Give me the credit to know how long something took me without the guide thanks.

A dev might not know how long it takes to play through content, being that he knows where everything is. I didn’t and it took me a day and a half of bouncing around to find everything. Individual efforts might vary, but anyone who says that it wouldn’t take significantly longer to do it without Dulfy is just blowing smoke.

Honestly why must you contest even the most obviously true statement. What’s your problem?

(edited by Vayne.8563)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


However most people consider ‘Going to random places with no clues’ ‘not compelling’

There were clues though. The clues were in the achievement panel. You have to point to them to see the clues. Admittedly, I’d like to have seen the clues more visible.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

They have different teams for different aspects of the game. The Living Story team has nothing to do with Balance, PVP, WvW, Bugs, Dungeons or even the team that might create the next chapter in the big story (expansion?). So in reality, they are not losing resources/time with the living story.

The LS team gets a salary, so they’re taking away financial resources that could be spent in more pressing issues. Let’s make those salaries more useful and employ those people to work on other aspects of the game.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Dante.1508


Most of the things in your “Instead of wasting their time on these half-kittened “activities” they could:” list aren’t handled by the same people working on the Living Story content.

Which brings the question:
What are the other people doing then? We haven’t had any real, permanent content besides Lost Shores & Fractals. It’s been 8+ months already.

Pretty sure they are farming CoF/Fotm for legendaries, farming mats for Legendaries, the rest are Standing in Lions arch showing off Legendaries…

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


They have different teams for different aspects of the game. The Living Story team has nothing to do with Balance, PVP, WvW, Bugs, Dungeons or even the team that might create the next chapter in the big story (expansion?). So in reality, they are not losing resources/time with the living story.

The LS team gets a salary, so they’re taking away financial resources that could be spent in more pressing issues. Let’s make those salaries more useful and employ those people to work on other aspects of the game.

Only so much permanent content would ever be added at a time anyway, it would be parceled out. It’s far more important for Guild Wars 2 to keep people logging in than to add permanent content. In other words, between bouts of permanent content, keeping people involved is necessary, whether you see this or not.

If only permanent content came out and it took longer, you might have a whole lot less people to play it with when it finally arrives.

More people doesn’t necessarily mean faster creation of content.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Knife edge walk on permanent anyway. A lot of content added to a lot of games is dead within a month. This way it is dead on a positive note rather than a negative one.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

They have different teams for different aspects of the game. The Living Story team has nothing to do with Balance, PVP, WvW, Bugs, Dungeons or even the team that might create the next chapter in the big story (expansion?). So in reality, they are not losing resources/time with the living story.

The LS team gets a salary, so they’re taking away financial resources that could be spent in more pressing issues. Let’s make those salaries more useful and employ those people to work on other aspects of the game.

Only so much permanent content would ever be added at a time anyway, it would be parceled out. It’s far more important for Guild Wars 2 to keep people logging in than to add permanent content. In other words, between bouts of permanent content, keeping people involved is necessary, whether you see this or not.

If only permanent content came out and it took longer, you might have a whole lot less people to play it with when it finally arrives.

More people doesn’t necessarily mean faster creation of content.

If they fixed dungeon rewards and fractals people would have plenty of content to play. People don’t run dungeons other than cof 1 because the rewards are not worth the trouble. I’d love to have a situation where every dungeon has the same time+challenge=reward ratio, we would have 24 paths viable. Those are a lot of things to do. Also, fractals: right now I don’t feel like doing fractals because I could get unlucky and get the longest fractals, taking almost two hours to complete and having the same reward I would have getting the shortest ones. I’d be playing a lot more with those two additions.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


They have different teams for different aspects of the game. The Living Story team has nothing to do with Balance, PVP, WvW, Bugs, Dungeons or even the team that might create the next chapter in the big story (expansion?). So in reality, they are not losing resources/time with the living story.

The LS team gets a salary, so they’re taking away financial resources that could be spent in more pressing issues. Let’s make those salaries more useful and employ those people to work on other aspects of the game.

Only so much permanent content would ever be added at a time anyway, it would be parceled out. It’s far more important for Guild Wars 2 to keep people logging in than to add permanent content. In other words, between bouts of permanent content, keeping people involved is necessary, whether you see this or not.

If only permanent content came out and it took longer, you might have a whole lot less people to play it with when it finally arrives.

More people doesn’t necessarily mean faster creation of content.

If they fixed dungeon rewards and fractals people would have plenty of content to play. People don’t run dungeons other than cof 1 because the rewards are not worth the trouble. I’d love to have a situation where every dungeon has the same time+challenge=reward ratio, we would have 24 paths viable. Those are a lot of things to do. Also, fractals: right now I don’t feel like doing fractals because I could get unlucky and get the longest fractals, taking almost two hours to complete and having the same reward I would have getting the shortest ones. I’d be playing a lot more with those two additions.

It would be interesting to see what happens if Anet were to implement this.

Right now, people are actively avoiding the dredge fractal for example by resetting the instance if they get it first. Would they be resetting the simpler ones and only doing the dredge fractal if the rewards were more significant?

I’d be interested to find out.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

However most people consider ‘Going to random places with no clues’ ‘not compelling’

There were clues though. The clues were in the achievement panel. You have to point to them to see the clues. Admittedly, I’d like to have seen the clues more visible.

Yes there were clues… on the achievement panel. Pretty immersive I say.

Also, there weren’t any clues for Lost and Found, and those items used to grow legs and walk around by themselves.

The way LS activities are delivered is just unappealing. “Find random junk without a clue and turn it in to an NPC that again you have no clue how to find. Meanwhile, collect more junk and turn it in to an NPC so lazy he’s freezing and won’t light the fire by himself”. I could come up more compelling delivery and gameplay. A mother refugee lost his child along the road, he ends up in a devourer cave, you have a time limit to save him, you do so and the mother comes in and thanks you before walking away. A group of charr refugees are kidnapped by separatists and are about to be executed, go and save them. A refugee caravan loses his food supply and can’t keep travelling further or else they will starve, go find X food sacks an bring them back so they can keep journeying. Random creatures are attacking a group of travelling refugees, go and save them before they get killed.

Ok, it’s cliche, but at least it’s better than “collect random junk just because” or “go defeat the one actually trying to help defeating the consortium slavers”.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

They have different teams for different aspects of the game. The Living Story team has nothing to do with Balance, PVP, WvW, Bugs, Dungeons or even the team that might create the next chapter in the big story (expansion?). So in reality, they are not losing resources/time with the living story.

The LS team gets a salary, so they’re taking away financial resources that could be spent in more pressing issues. Let’s make those salaries more useful and employ those people to work on other aspects of the game.

Only so much permanent content would ever be added at a time anyway, it would be parceled out. It’s far more important for Guild Wars 2 to keep people logging in than to add permanent content. In other words, between bouts of permanent content, keeping people involved is necessary, whether you see this or not.

If only permanent content came out and it took longer, you might have a whole lot less people to play it with when it finally arrives.

More people doesn’t necessarily mean faster creation of content.

If they fixed dungeon rewards and fractals people would have plenty of content to play. People don’t run dungeons other than cof 1 because the rewards are not worth the trouble. I’d love to have a situation where every dungeon has the same time+challenge=reward ratio, we would have 24 paths viable. Those are a lot of things to do. Also, fractals: right now I don’t feel like doing fractals because I could get unlucky and get the longest fractals, taking almost two hours to complete and having the same reward I would have getting the shortest ones. I’d be playing a lot more with those two additions.

It would be interesting to see what happens if Anet were to implement this.

Right now, people are actively avoiding the dredge fractal for example by resetting the instance if they get it first. Would they be resetting the simpler ones and only doing the dredge fractal if the rewards were more significant?

I’d be interested to find out.

Probably. What if, instead of getting more rewards for longer fractals we get fractals with the same length and challenge?

Obviously I was talking about other dungeons when I talked about increasing rewards for lengthier and harder paths.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


However most people consider ‘Going to random places with no clues’ ‘not compelling’

There were clues though. The clues were in the achievement panel. You have to point to them to see the clues. Admittedly, I’d like to have seen the clues more visible.

Yes there were clues… on the achievement panel. Pretty immersive I say.

Also, there weren’t any clues for Lost and Found, and those items used to grow legs and walk around by themselves.

The way LS activities are delivered is just unappealing. “Find random junk without a clue and turn it in to an NPC that again you have no clue how to find. Meanwhile, collect more junk and turn it in to an NPC so lazy he’s freezing and won’t light the fire by himself”. I could come up more compelling delivery and gameplay. A mother refugee lost his child along the road, he ends up in a devourer cave, you have a time limit to save him, you do so and the mother comes in and thanks you before walking away. A group of charr refugees are kidnapped by separatists and are about to be executed, go and save them. A refugee caravan loses his food supply and can’t keep travelling further or else they will starve, go find X food sacks an bring them back so they can keep journeying. Random creatures are attacking a group of travelling refugees, go and save them before they get killed.

Ok, it’s cliche, but at least it’s better than “collect random junk just because” or “go defeat the one actually trying to help defeating the consortium slavers”.

I agree with you. I had a real problem with the clues given in the F&F story. But we’re not discussing the F&F story here, we’re discussing, at least I thought, the current content which you finished in two hours by following a guide.

To me,. the guide ruins the content. If you choose to use a guide, don’t complain that the content only takes two hours, because it was your choice to make it take that small amount of time.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


They have different teams for different aspects of the game. The Living Story team has nothing to do with Balance, PVP, WvW, Bugs, Dungeons or even the team that might create the next chapter in the big story (expansion?). So in reality, they are not losing resources/time with the living story.

The LS team gets a salary, so they’re taking away financial resources that could be spent in more pressing issues. Let’s make those salaries more useful and employ those people to work on other aspects of the game.

Only so much permanent content would ever be added at a time anyway, it would be parceled out. It’s far more important for Guild Wars 2 to keep people logging in than to add permanent content. In other words, between bouts of permanent content, keeping people involved is necessary, whether you see this or not.

If only permanent content came out and it took longer, you might have a whole lot less people to play it with when it finally arrives.

More people doesn’t necessarily mean faster creation of content.

If they fixed dungeon rewards and fractals people would have plenty of content to play. People don’t run dungeons other than cof 1 because the rewards are not worth the trouble. I’d love to have a situation where every dungeon has the same time+challenge=reward ratio, we would have 24 paths viable. Those are a lot of things to do. Also, fractals: right now I don’t feel like doing fractals because I could get unlucky and get the longest fractals, taking almost two hours to complete and having the same reward I would have getting the shortest ones. I’d be playing a lot more with those two additions.

It would be interesting to see what happens if Anet were to implement this.

Right now, people are actively avoiding the dredge fractal for example by resetting the instance if they get it first. Would they be resetting the simpler ones and only doing the dredge fractal if the rewards were more significant?

I’d be interested to find out.

Probably. What if, instead of getting more rewards for longer fractals we get fractals with the same length and challenge?

Obviously I was talking about other dungeons when I talked about increasing rewards for lengthier and harder paths.

I think you’re onto something here. Content has to be worth the time. Some players will do stuff for fun only (like me) but most won’t. They want to be rewarded for the time spent.

Doing Arah really doesn’t reward you considering how long the dungeon takes (explorable mode, I mean). Why would anyone want to do Arah, except for tokens. Once you have your tokens why would you ever want to do it again?

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


For a story that claims it’s living, Living Story is incredibly meh

Dynamic Events provide more life than Living Story, and that’s saying something.

I’ll use the quick Queensdale example: water pipes. You don’t help the water pipes, they either gets poisoned or it’s broken, and you’ll need to help to fix it.

Heck if the pipe is poisoned, people in Shaemoor market (in front of Queensdale gate) gets poisoned. It’s a start, at least

But Living Story?

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

No, we’re discussing Living Story in general as it was clear from my first and subsequent posts, where I mentioned also F&F events, and that spending resources on it takes away from improvements that could be done to the rest of the game.

We don’t need those poorly delivered content with bad storyline. We need improvements to the “vanilla” game before. As I said earlier, having a fair dungeon reward system would be add enough variety to keep people playing. Having a better class balance would allow players to have more fun in pvp, or roaming wvw. There is a ton of potential in what we already have, but there are fixes to be made.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

They have different teams for different aspects of the game. The Living Story team has nothing to do with Balance, PVP, WvW, Bugs, Dungeons or even the team that might create the next chapter in the big story (expansion?). So in reality, they are not losing resources/time with the living story.

The LS team gets a salary, so they’re taking away financial resources that could be spent in more pressing issues. Let’s make those salaries more useful and employ those people to work on other aspects of the game.

Only so much permanent content would ever be added at a time anyway, it would be parceled out. It’s far more important for Guild Wars 2 to keep people logging in than to add permanent content. In other words, between bouts of permanent content, keeping people involved is necessary, whether you see this or not.

If only permanent content came out and it took longer, you might have a whole lot less people to play it with when it finally arrives.

More people doesn’t necessarily mean faster creation of content.

If they fixed dungeon rewards and fractals people would have plenty of content to play. People don’t run dungeons other than cof 1 because the rewards are not worth the trouble. I’d love to have a situation where every dungeon has the same time+challenge=reward ratio, we would have 24 paths viable. Those are a lot of things to do. Also, fractals: right now I don’t feel like doing fractals because I could get unlucky and get the longest fractals, taking almost two hours to complete and having the same reward I would have getting the shortest ones. I’d be playing a lot more with those two additions.

It would be interesting to see what happens if Anet were to implement this.

Right now, people are actively avoiding the dredge fractal for example by resetting the instance if they get it first. Would they be resetting the simpler ones and only doing the dredge fractal if the rewards were more significant?

I’d be interested to find out.

Probably. What if, instead of getting more rewards for longer fractals we get fractals with the same length and challenge?

Obviously I was talking about other dungeons when I talked about increasing rewards for lengthier and harder paths.

I think you’re onto something here. Content has to be worth the time. Some players will do stuff for fun only (like me) but most won’t. They want to be rewarded for the time spent.

Doing Arah really doesn’t reward you considering how long the dungeon takes (explorable mode, I mean). Why would anyone want to do Arah, except for tokens. Once you have your tokens why would you ever want to do it again?

Sad fact is, Arah is incredibly fun. It’s fun because it’s still fresh since nobody does path 4 every day and because it’s challenging. We’re brought two guildies in path 4 last weekend, had a blast. Your reward is feeling good because you cleared the hardest path in the game, you’re the boss. But this holds true just for the first time you beat it, you need an excuse to keep going. Same goes for cof 3, se2, cm1…

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


No, we’re discussing Living Story in general as it was clear from my first and subsequent posts, where I mentioned also F&F events, and that spending resources on it takes away from improvements that could be done to the rest of the game.

We don’t need those poorly delivered content with bad storyline. We need improvements to the “vanilla” game before. As I said earlier, having a fair dungeon reward system would be add enough variety to keep people playing. Having a better class balance would allow players to have more fun in pvp, or roaming wvw. There is a ton of potential in what we already have, but there are fixes to be made.

People who bring up stuff like this ignore all the stuff that is being done to the rest of the game. People say there’s no permanent content, but they ignore guild missions which is permanent content. They say there’s no fixes to the core game, but there have been consistent fixes. Culling has been fixed in WvW and they’re working on it for PVe. That’s a core issue. Preview was added to the marketplace, that’s a big quality of life issue. New PvP maps have been added and another is coming. Other things are being added to and changed in WvW. My ranger is far more powerful now than he was five or six months ago. Far more survivable. It’s a quality of life improvment. I’ve lost count of the number of bug fixes that have occurred in the past six months.

The changes are slow but they’re there. It’s like when you live with someone and you watch them grow, they don’t seem to grow nearly as fast as people who don’t see those kids every day. The game is changing but if you’re constantly here, you might not notice it. But people who have come back have noticed changes. They’re not big oh wow changes, but they’re consistent and slowly moving the game.

There’s talk about a big change to the trait system coming up to that will affect every profession. Those working on the living world are not affecting the other stuff being worked on.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

No, we’re discussing Living Story in general as it was clear from my first and subsequent posts, where I mentioned also F&F events, and that spending resources on it takes away from improvements that could be done to the rest of the game.

We don’t need those poorly delivered content with bad storyline. We need improvements to the “vanilla” game before. As I said earlier, having a fair dungeon reward system would be add enough variety to keep people playing. Having a better class balance would allow players to have more fun in pvp, or roaming wvw. There is a ton of potential in what we already have, but there are fixes to be made.

People who bring up stuff like this ignore all the stuff that is being done to the rest of the game. People say there’s no permanent content, but they ignore guild missions which is permanent content. They say there’s no fixes to the core game, but there have been consistent fixes. Culling has been fixed in WvW and they’re working on it for PVe. That’s a core issue. Preview was added to the marketplace, that’s a big quality of life issue. New PvP maps have been added and another is coming. Other things are being added to and changed in WvW. My ranger is far more powerful now than he was five or six months ago. Far more survivable. It’s a quality of life improvment. I’ve lost count of the number of bug fixes that have occurred in the past six months.

The changes are slow but they’re there. It’s like when you live with someone and you watch them grow, they don’t seem to grow nearly as fast as people who don’t see those kids every day. The game is changing but if you’re constantly here, you might not notice it. But people who have come back have noticed changes. They’re not big oh wow changes, but they’re consistent and slowly moving the game.

There’s talk about a big change to the trait system coming up to that will affect every profession. Those working on the living world are not affecting the other stuff being worked on.

Good, keep going then. Concentrate in those issues. Is not that nothing was done, it’s just a lot more could be done, and LS is at the moment not necessary.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


No, we’re discussing Living Story in general as it was clear from my first and subsequent posts, where I mentioned also F&F events, and that spending resources on it takes away from improvements that could be done to the rest of the game.

We don’t need those poorly delivered content with bad storyline. We need improvements to the “vanilla” game before. As I said earlier, having a fair dungeon reward system would be add enough variety to keep people playing. Having a better class balance would allow players to have more fun in pvp, or roaming wvw. There is a ton of potential in what we already have, but there are fixes to be made.

People who bring up stuff like this ignore all the stuff that is being done to the rest of the game. People say there’s no permanent content, but they ignore guild missions which is permanent content. They say there’s no fixes to the core game, but there have been consistent fixes. Culling has been fixed in WvW and they’re working on it for PVe. That’s a core issue. Preview was added to the marketplace, that’s a big quality of life issue. New PvP maps have been added and another is coming. Other things are being added to and changed in WvW. My ranger is far more powerful now than he was five or six months ago. Far more survivable. It’s a quality of life improvment. I’ve lost count of the number of bug fixes that have occurred in the past six months.

The changes are slow but they’re there. It’s like when you live with someone and you watch them grow, they don’t seem to grow nearly as fast as people who don’t see those kids every day. The game is changing but if you’re constantly here, you might not notice it. But people who have come back have noticed changes. They’re not big oh wow changes, but they’re consistent and slowly moving the game.

There’s talk about a big change to the trait system coming up to that will affect every profession. Those working on the living world are not affecting the other stuff being worked on.

Good, keep going then. Concentrate in those issues. Is not that nothing was done, it’s just a lot more could be done, and LS is at the moment not necessary.

It’s not necessary FOR YOU. But let me ask you? Have you seen the number of people that play again after updates, compared to before them? It’s a lot. So it’s serving some purpose. If nothing else, the gem store sales for the limited time stuff is probably funding future development.

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Yes, they do play the content, for the two hours required to clear the achievements. Or if the content is farmable.

I bet they’d play more and permanently if, for instance, dungeons had better scaled rewards.

But in all seriousness, could you say LS quests are fun, have a good story line, challenging activities and good delivery and it’s better to have LSs than to have an overall better, more balanced and with more variety game?

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Yes, they do play the content, for the two hours required to clear the achievements. Or if the content is farmable.

I bet they’d play more and permanently if, for instance, dungeons had better scale rewards.

I don’t think as many people would welcome the dungeons as people that would do the living story. Those who love dungeons can’t understand why people might solo an MMO, but there are tons of people who do solo. Tons who don’t like dungeons, or any kind of challenging content. Tons of people who just want to hang out in the open world and be given stuff to do.

Not to say a dungeon wouldn’t be welcome by a lot of people as well, but I think that Anet is actually on the right track here. You want a dungeon so you assume most people would make use of it. I’m pretty sure Anet has metrics that say otherwise.