IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice.5162


Oh Christ just get over it. No one’s forcing you to do raids, and you won’t be left behind gear-wise.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Luckly such kind of raids will never come to gw2.

But may I suggest the game WoW to you? Seems like you would enjoy such kind of boring long streched grind game way more than our beautiful gw2.

You act like I dont love the game. I’ve been paying for 10 years.

“These” kind of raids are not for everyone, no. But, with that being said I’m not saying they should be. They should be geared to the dungeon guilds, the gw2 speed clear guilds, the people who play for HARD content.

I do play WoW. I play it souly for raids. I turned to it when I realized fw2 dungeons were boring and easy.

ANET did literally everything besides dungeons, I will state again. I love gw2 I just want GOOD raids, with hope of making them worth doing not just for crafting mats.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Oh Christ just get over it. No one’s forcing you to do raids, and you won’t be left behind gear-wise.

I’m sorry was that directed to me?

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


i dont bet……

want not loosing 1 g


I’m hoping that’s not all there is standing between RMT’ers and a fleet of free accounts. It’s not much more than a minor inconvenience, since they can just setup as many as they want in Google Authenticator or WinAuth.

also if it were phone number only restricted it would be no problem for goldsellers etc

They’d still need to be paying for actual carrier phone numbers. Free VoIP numbers like Google Voice aren’t accepted by Anet’s system.

Or just use an authenticator. No need for multiple phone numbers.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildkitten.3872


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

Jaina Kitten, Level 80 Elementalist, Main
Yak’s Bend – Expletus

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Domain of Anguish, The Deep and Urgoz Warren were excellent zones that allowed very limited (if at all) skipping. They had their own share of exploits that were never fixed but maybe they weren’t fix-able that’s why the devs abandoned them. Zones like those would be an excellent addition to Guild Wars 2. To a lesser extend Underworld and Fissure of Woe, but those were farm-able and considerably easier.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

I know, it’s a little disheartening. But I can dream right XD either way excited to see the GW2 take on things.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


People say “Well the video says they can do WvW!!!”. Yeah, and guess what, the data mined information says that only EB and the borderlands will be restricted. Guess what, Edge of the Mists is still WvW.

And the clip following that statement shows players fighting in the new Desert Borderland, not Edge of the Mists.

People also want to point to the fact that Thatshaman data mined it last year and say because of that it’s worthless. Well, then I suppose those of you who claim it’s worthless also think pre cursor crafting won’t actually happen because it was found in the data files about the same time and has not been put in the game yet and won’t till HoT is released.

The restrictions datamined back then were also already implemented for the free trial events later last year. We don’t have any evidence that the exact set of restrictions will apply now.

And pre-cursor crafting is already announced as a feature. We know for a fact that it is coming. But there is no reason to assume the pre-cursor datamine will prove to be accurate. That system has had a long time to be tweaked and changed. Just like the account restrictions.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Yes the tanks for part of the group. But there were healers and dps. We skipped nothing, we simply devised builds to split every roll up. We didnt skip anything because skipping ANYTHING ment less.chance for ectos, shards, or (cant think of the name of it from DoA. UW, FoW, and DoA were all raids and a very hard core scene. Best part of gw1.

Speedclears where only interested in the end chest. The only time there where “speedclears” that killed everything where when Ursun form was in it’s hay day. And you had to kill everything to keep your energy up or you’d have to wait for the CD.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Connor Obrian.8420

Connor Obrian.8420

Well another nice news. New accounts are forced to connect their accounts with their smartphones. Great. That sounds so much like a great idea.

Wait you are serious, aren’t you? What’s about not forcing your new players to do anything? Since when is the mail authentification not secure anymore?

Btw, your shiny sms authentification is not 100% secure. With a bit creativity, hackers will be able to get around it. Albeit older accounts like mine don’t need this, I think it’s wrong to do this. You should offer other possibilities. I would never like to connect a gaming account with my smartphone.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildkitten.3872


People say “Well the video says they can do WvW!!!”. Yeah, and guess what, the data mined information says that only EB and the borderlands will be restricted. Guess what, Edge of the Mists is still WvW.

And the clip following that statement shows players fighting in the new Desert Borderland, not Edge of the Mists.

People also want to point to the fact that Thatshaman data mined it last year and say because of that it’s worthless. Well, then I suppose those of you who claim it’s worthless also think pre cursor crafting won’t actually happen because it was found in the data files about the same time and has not been put in the game yet and won’t till HoT is released.

The restrictions datamined back then were also already implemented for the free trial events later last year. We don’t have any evidence that the exact set of restrictions will apply now.

And pre-cursor crafting is already announced as a feature. We know for a fact that it is coming. But there is no reason to assume the pre-cursor datamine will prove to be accurate. That system has had a long time to be tweaked and changed. Just like the account restrictions.

It’s still not the regular borderlands.

And yes, pre cursor crafting has been announced, but it was data mined around the same time and has been in the game files all this time, just like this trial program has been.

But all of you going on about this still have yet to give a single reason WHY Anet would abandon something that has made them a lot of money and been extremely successful to do this. You all just want to claim your right because of IGN leaking a video that in no way contradicts the data mined information.

Jaina Kitten, Level 80 Elementalist, Main
Yak’s Bend – Expletus

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bomber.3872


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

Exactly what I meant^^

@OP: gw2 raids will be likely short (1-2h to complete) with content like dungeons or fractals. Probably 5 – 10 people and focused on casuals with no “hard” or “limiting” content. And THIS WILL BE GREAT!

The things you wrote are more like WoW and only a very small gw2 minority would even want something like that^^ I’m sure anet won’t waste resources just to make 0.1% of WoW hardcore players happy and instead loose like 5% of their paying casuals

IGN: Euer Verderben
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Misa.6908


Honestly people, stop and think about it. GW2 has been HUGELY successful. At this point it may even be the top MMO out there. There is no reason for Anet to abandon the same marketing plan that they have been doing for over 10 years now, buy once, play forever. GW2 isn’t on the same position as Vindictus and Star Wars The Old Republic and many other games. They haven’t had a failed launch with a subscription model and need to go F2P to turn their fortunes around.

Sorry to say this but you’re wrong, GW2 isn’t the top MMO out there, Vindictus has always been free to play (haven’t failed at all).

The top mmo is sadly still WoW with FFXIV closing in.

GW2’s state is closer to ESO’s state before it went free to play.

(edited by Misa.6908)

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


It’s still not the regular borderlands.

Desert Borderland is the ‘regular’ borderland once HoT is out, if not sometime before that. It is replacing the existing borderland.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildkitten.3872


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

I know, it’s a little disheartening. But I can dream right XD either way excited to see the GW2 take on things.

No, it’s not disheartening. It’s refreshing that GW is a game that doesn’t force it’s player base to feel like they have a job to play the game, to run the same 1 or 2 instances 4 hours a night for 4 or 5 nights a week for months on end only to have the gear replaced within 2 days of an expansion coming out.

And for the record, I was in one of the top WoW guilds on Black Dragonflight with quite a few server firsts. I don’t say that to brag because honestly it was nothing to brag about. Raids may be good for games designed around it but GW is not one of those games. For one thing, if they were to bring in WoW style raids, within 1 day we would see forum topics of “Hey, I’m a special snowflake raider and it’s not fair someone can get to 80 and have the same stat gear and skins as I do. You need to make raiding gear different and better!!!!”. And then when the second raid would come out “How dare you not put better stats on this raids gear than on the other one!!! I’ll quit if you don’t treat me special!!!”

Jaina Kitten, Level 80 Elementalist, Main
Yak’s Bend – Expletus

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zackie.8923


how the hell is raids special? issn’t it just like fractals or dungeons?

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I would greatly appreciate it when Anet would be able to build a dungeon environment that would include rotating types of opponents, rotating dungeon types(no dungeon is the same) , rotating types of middle level boss opponents(no more: oh, it´s Kholer. He can do this and that. But a : “Oh, there is the mid dungeon boss. Last time he blew us away with fiery whirlwinds? No problem, now we got to…Huh? Why is he doing lightning Earhquakes now?” ) and of course a highly resistant regeneration, high damage, time clocked and always with unremovable retaliation armed boss that can react to to any speed runner shield rotating skill tactics by for example using unblockable and disrupting traps in the virtually last moment to heighten the challenge for a glorious, sparking skin or something like that.

Add in a video of some of the actual pros manage the dungeon after a drawn out, hours long battle with an anet dev shrugging his shoulders at the end and saying:
“There you got it, it is possible to beat it! Best of luck to you other players!”

Would be glorious to see how 90% of the hardcore type people would ask for mercy after a week and have to admit that they are only hardcore look-a-likes swimming in the safety of the swarm of hardcore fishes.^^

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

Exactly what I meant^^

@OP: gw2 raids will be likely short (1-2h to complete) with content like dungeons or fractals. Probably 5 – 10 people and focused on casuals with no “hard” or “limiting” content. And THIS WILL BE GREAT!

1-2h to complete first run or after a month of playing and mastering? “Short” is rather relative. If a “good” group takes 1-2h then I’d imagine a casual group would take 4 hours :P

The things you wrote are more like WoW and only a very small gw2 minority would even want something like that^^ I’m sure anet won’t waste resources just to make 0.1% of WoW hardcore players happy and instead loose like 5% of their paying casuals

The ages old argument of the minority. Now it’s 0.1% I see, it used to be 2% a few years back, how come it dropped so rapidly?

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildkitten.3872


Honestly people, stop and think about it. GW2 has been HUGELY successful. At this point it may even be the top MMO out there. There is no reason for Anet to abandon the same marketing plan that they have been doing for over 10 years now, buy once, play forever. GW2 isn’t on the same position as Vindictus and Star Wars The Old Republic and many other games. They haven’t had a failed launch with a subscription model and need to go F2P to turn their fortunes around.

Sorry to say this but you’re wrong, GW2 isn’t the top MMO out there, Vindictus has always been free to play (haven’t failed at all).

The top mmo is sadly still WoW with FFXIV closing in.

GW2’s state is closer to ESO’s state before it went free to play.

WoW has been losing subs left and right with their disastrous “Warcraft 2 Retcon Expansion”. But GW2 has been VERY successful. Elder Scrolls Online isn’t even comparable because they started out as sub based game. So did Vindictus. Vindictus which was touted as “the WoW killer” completely flopped on release. Guess what, GW2 has never been a sub based game. Their model hasn’t failed. check their earnings report, it’s been hugely successful. There is no reason to change it.

Jaina Kitten, Level 80 Elementalist, Main
Yak’s Bend – Expletus

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


how the hell is raids special? issn’t it just like fractals or dungeons?

If their “raids” are fractals 2.0 then they will please nobody and will be an ultimate failure.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toxity.2547


We are getting raids and f2p aids.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildkitten.3872


It’s still not the regular borderlands.

Desert Borderland is the ‘regular’ borderland once HoT is out, if not sometime before that. It is replacing the existing borderland.

You still don’t say why Anet would abandon a hugely successful buy once, play forever model. Of course you can’t really address that because that alone sinks the entire F2P argument.

Jaina Kitten, Level 80 Elementalist, Main
Yak’s Bend – Expletus

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildkitten.3872


We are getting raids and f2p aids.

Not getting either.

Jaina Kitten, Level 80 Elementalist, Main
Yak’s Bend – Expletus

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kidel.2057


carefully thinking about it, it doesn’t really matter. If people start making multiple accounts for laurels for t6 mats and mystic coins, then the price will just drop, and if it does then they’ll stop doing it.

They just need a new gear system that doesn’t involve those mats.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I can’t be the only one who saw the F2P CORE game right? If they specified CORE then it means HoT won’t be available to any of the F2P crowd so it’s not like the game gets free to play like other MMORPGs, you still have to pay to play.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


carefully thinking about it, it doesn’t really matter. If people start making multiple accounts for laurels for t6 mats and mystic coins, then the price will just drop, and if it does then they’ll stop doing it.

They just need a new gear system that doesn’t involve those mats.

That’s true IF the F2P accounts can indeed get login rewards in the first place. Wouldn’t it be very reasonable to not give login rewards to F2P accounts?

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Yes the tanks for part of the group. But there were healers and dps. We skipped nothing, we simply devised builds to split every roll up. We didnt skip anything because skipping ANYTHING ment less.chance for ectos, shards, or (cant think of the name of it from DoA. UW, FoW, and DoA were all raids and a very hard core scene. Best part of gw1.

Speedclears where only interested in the end chest. The only time there where “speedclears” that killed everything where when Ursun form was in it’s hay day. And you had to kill everything to keep your energy up or you’d have to wait for the CD.

Yes the end chest, God bless that end chest. But no, we did indeed do full clears,did hence speed CLEAR. We wanted the chests, but we also needed the ectos,shards and bracers. (Remembered it). We cleared the full “raid” before we went for our end chest.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Misa.6908


Honestly people, stop and think about it. GW2 has been HUGELY successful. At this point it may even be the top MMO out there. There is no reason for Anet to abandon the same marketing plan that they have been doing for over 10 years now, buy once, play forever. GW2 isn’t on the same position as Vindictus and Star Wars The Old Republic and many other games. They haven’t had a failed launch with a subscription model and need to go F2P to turn their fortunes around.

Sorry to say this but you’re wrong, GW2 isn’t the top MMO out there, Vindictus has always been free to play (haven’t failed at all).

The top mmo is sadly still WoW with FFXIV closing in.

GW2’s state is closer to ESO’s state before it went free to play.

WoW has been losing subs left and right with their disastrous “Warcraft 2 Retcon Expansion”. But GW2 has been VERY successful. Elder Scrolls Online isn’t even comparable because they started out as sub based game. So did Vindictus. Vindictus which was touted as “the WoW killer” completely flopped on release. Guess what, GW2 has never been a sub based game. Their model hasn’t failed. check their earnings report, it’s been hugely successful. There is no reason to change it.

Vindictus has never been p2p, I think you’re thinking of Tera, ESO had enough players to make money, yet they went f2p hoping to get even more players for content. their it went the other way though.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaron.1987


carefully thinking about it, it doesn’t really matter. If people start making multiple accounts for laurels for t6 mats and mystic coins, then the price will just drop, and if it does then they’ll stop doing it.

They just need a new gear system that doesn’t involve those mats.


then you can also can say: gold seller and especially bots are good cause prices drops down….

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frenk.5917


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..

Frenk – EU
All is vain

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


We are getting raids and f2p aids.

It will be a trial, like to lvl 15 or something nothing horrible.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Yes the tanks for part of the group. But there were healers and dps. We skipped nothing, we simply devised builds to split every roll up. We didnt skip anything because skipping ANYTHING ment less.chance for ectos, shards, or (cant think of the name of it from DoA. UW, FoW, and DoA were all raids and a very hard core scene. Best part of gw1.

Speedclears where only interested in the end chest. The only time there where “speedclears” that killed everything where when Ursun form was in it’s hay day. And you had to kill everything to keep your energy up or you’d have to wait for the CD.

Yes the end chest, God bless that end chest. But no, we did indeed do full clears,did hence speed CLEAR. We wanted the chests, but we also needed the ectos,shards and bracers. (Remembered it). We cleared the full “raid” before we went for our end chest.

EotN Dungeons didn’t drop ectos, shards or anything like that. Skipping everything to get to the end chest, for a chance at valuable gear, was normal for EotN dungeons.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaron.1987


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..


now wvw f2p spotter and destroy trebs ,…. acc income

if they get banned… just create another acc and keep on trolling

was already discussed at 10$ sale but now it will going evil

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

I know, it’s a little disheartening. But I can dream right XD either way excited to see the GW2 take on things.

No, it’s not disheartening. It’s refreshing that GW is a game that doesn’t force it’s player base to feel like they have a job to play the game, to run the same 1 or 2 instances 4 hours a night for 4 or 5 nights a week for months on end only to have the gear replaced within 2 days of an expansion coming out.

And for the record, I was in one of the top WoW guilds on Black Dragonflight with quite a few server firsts. I don’t say that to brag because honestly it was nothing to brag about. Raids may be good for games designed around it but GW is not one of those games. For one thing, if they were to bring in WoW style raids, within 1 day we would see forum topics of “Hey, I’m a special snowflake raider and it’s not fair someone can get to 80 and have the same stat gear and skins as I do. You need to make raiding gear different and better!!!!”. And then when the second raid would come out “How dare you not put better stats on this raids gear than on the other one!!! I’ll quit if you don’t treat me special!!!”

I don’t care for special snowflake defence. That happens in all games, just ignore them. The raids.arent mandatory in any sense, in any game. I’m all for raid specific skins, just like the fractals and douguns. The gear thing can live without but would be fun. They had those items in gw1 ie r8 crystaline blade, you can get with.r9-14 but the one you farmed for was r8 and very enjoyable. Again these.are.just want I want and it will never happen in gw2 I know:( but I have high hopes they put something together thats engaging.

Gz on the world firsts btw, thats awesome.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I can’t agree with core game free to play. Make it free trial (if so, make it long time, like a month rather then regular 14 days). Then ask 5-10 euro’s for account.

Why? Anet still need money. People are not kitteno pay a minimum of money on a game that looks promising with lot of existing content. And it attracts trolls, bots, resellers, market crashers, hackers, glitchers, elitist, gamebreaking toxicity spreading people, etc. No limitations on new accounts will prevent this.

I suspect the pvp part of gw2 with all their 50 000 dollar throw aways (that’s 5000 new accounts they need at 10$ each, to just fun de price money per WTS.) They clearly are ‘overmarketing’ pvp, and it’s failing a bit. So they are gettng desperate. Last years gw2 (not HoT) income was about 1000 000$ (just a wild guess). Anets strategy: We right now throw even more money away on WTS. 1m dollar all for more people to pvp (free to play). Kaboom. Already toxic, elitism pvp community becomes next level toxicity. Toxicity that will even surprise people like Josh Davis.

Personal conclusion: free to play is worst thing to do ever. Especially on a game without monthlie fees. Think about it Anet you needed 5 years of work on base game. And it’s huge with a lot of maps. We only got 2 other new maps so far. And HoT even though spectacular in 3D size, will still be small 2d map. So the base game is big, very very big, (look at how much time map completion takes). Just throwing it for free, especially when HoT is (no matter what you think) smaller then people expect… Not good. Gw2 won’t yield it’s steady money anymore, and HoT ‘unhappyness’ will make the price expectations crash. NOT GOOD ANET.

But if Mike O’Brien awakes and finally joins a twitch event, we should be scared. He sometimes sees things to simple, and this could be one of them ‘lets make gw2 free to play’.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Yes the tanks for part of the group. But there were healers and dps. We skipped nothing, we simply devised builds to split every roll up. We didnt skip anything because skipping ANYTHING ment less.chance for ectos, shards, or (cant think of the name of it from DoA. UW, FoW, and DoA were all raids and a very hard core scene. Best part of gw1.

Speedclears where only interested in the end chest. The only time there where “speedclears” that killed everything where when Ursun form was in it’s hay day. And you had to kill everything to keep your energy up or you’d have to wait for the CD.

Yes the end chest, God bless that end chest. But no, we did indeed do full clears,did hence speed CLEAR. We wanted the chests, but we also needed the ectos,shards and bracers. (Remembered it). We cleared the full “raid” before we went for our end chest.

EotN Dungeons didn’t drop ectos, shards or anything like that. Skipping everything to get to the end chest, for a chance at valuable gear, was normal for EotN dungeons.

Ehh EotN dungeons were never huge in the gw1 raiding groups from that I remember though.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

Exactly what I meant^^

@OP: gw2 raids will be likely short (1-2h to complete) with content like dungeons or fractals. Probably 5 – 10 people and focused on casuals with no “hard” or “limiting” content. And THIS WILL BE GREAT!

The things you wrote are more like WoW and only a very small gw2 minority would even want something like that^^ I’m sure anet won’t waste resources just to make 0.1% of WoW hardcore players happy and instead loose like 5% of their paying casuals

Didn’t know you went around asking players. Gw2 would have a HUGE raid community, and many people would return to pay the raids since that’s what gw2 is missing. It would be the end game I’d say over 50% of players would enjoy.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..


now wvw f2p spotter and destroy trebs ,…. acc income

if they get banned… just create another acc and keep on trolling

was already discussed at 10$ sale but now it will going evil

Annnnd F2P/trial-till-you-buy accounts are restricted to Edge of The Mists for WvW.

Also, yes. The reasonable thing to do about potential F2P laurel farmers would be to simply not award them to F2P accounts.

T6 mats are going to be easier to come by with the new map reward system, so those prices are going down regardless.

But not because potential F2P accounts are going to crash the market.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Thanks everyone for the discussions, need some sleep before work, will read replys tomorrow and post back! Night! :-)

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Yes the tanks for part of the group. But there were healers and dps. We skipped nothing, we simply devised builds to split every roll up. We didnt skip anything because skipping ANYTHING ment less.chance for ectos, shards, or (cant think of the name of it from DoA. UW, FoW, and DoA were all raids and a very hard core scene. Best part of gw1.

Speedclears where only interested in the end chest. The only time there where “speedclears” that killed everything where when Ursun form was in it’s hay day. And you had to kill everything to keep your energy up or you’d have to wait for the CD.

Yes the end chest, God bless that end chest. But no, we did indeed do full clears,did hence speed CLEAR. We wanted the chests, but we also needed the ectos,shards and bracers. (Remembered it). We cleared the full “raid” before we went for our end chest.

EotN Dungeons didn’t drop ectos, shards or anything like that. Skipping everything to get to the end chest, for a chance at valuable gear, was normal for EotN dungeons.

Ehh EotN dungeons were never huge in the gw1 raiding groups from that I remember though.

A few eotn dungeons were very popular:
Kathandrax was very popular to get the hammer at the end and sell it to survivors. Lots of gold to be made here.
Shards of Orr was also popular for the Bone Dragon Staff (very expensive skin)
There was also Voltaic Spear (from Slaver’s Exile?) and the Frog Scepter thingy (from the Boggrot Growth’s dungeon?)
And some other dungeons were very popular and gave some expensive item rewards. If I messed up some names I apologize.

But anyway, GW1 did have some very challenging content and it would be nice to have some of that in GW2 too.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaron.1987


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..


now wvw f2p spotter and destroy trebs ,…. acc income

if they get banned… just create another acc and keep on trolling

was already discussed at 10$ sale but now it will going evil

Annnnd F2P/trial-till-you-buy accounts are restricted to Edge of The Mists for WvW.

Also, yes. The reasonable thing to do about potential F2P laurel farmers would be to simply not award them to F2P accounts.

T6 mats are going to be easier to come by with the new map reward system, so those prices are going down regardless.

But not because potential F2P accounts are going to crash the market.

T6 mats are going to be easier to come by with the new map reward system, + fp2 dozen accounts

—> not going down —-→ sink to hell. ( cheaper than to sell at vendor)

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..


now wvw f2p spotter and destroy trebs ,…. acc income

if they get banned… just create another acc and keep on trolling

was already discussed at 10$ sale but now it will going evil

Annnnd F2P/trial-till-you-buy accounts are restricted to Edge of The Mists for WvW.

Also, yes. The reasonable thing to do about potential F2P laurel farmers would be to simply not award them to F2P accounts.

T6 mats are going to be easier to come by with the new map reward system, so those prices are going down regardless.

But not because potential F2P accounts are going to crash the market.

T6 mats are going to be easier to come by with the new map reward system, + fp2 dozen accounts

—> not going down —--> sink to hell. ( cheaper than to sell at vendor)

And again, who says that F2P accounts have access to login rewards and/or access to map reward system? You think they won’t put a limit on how many laurels you can get? You think they will allow someone to make 1000 accounts and get laurels from all of them? I don’t think the devs are THAT stupid.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


So what is it now, are the raiders an overwhelming majority or a tiny minority? Are there any reliable numbers given out by respectable sources?

I am not talking about untapped potential, mind you. There are probably many people that raid in wow because they like the social experience, not the raid itself, and even there, many people play because they like the game and the grind, not raids.
And for GW2, there are probably enough people that would buy a game if they had raids, and there are undoubtfully enough players waiting for raids.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kidel.2057


carefully thinking about it, it doesn’t really matter. If people start making multiple accounts for laurels for t6 mats and mystic coins, then the price will just drop, and if it does then they’ll stop doing it.

They just need a new gear system that doesn’t involve those mats.

That’s true IF the F2P accounts can indeed get login rewards in the first place. Wouldn’t it be very reasonable to not give login rewards to F2P accounts?

sure. but worst case scenario, not a big deal. maybe i’ve just wasted 800g for my legendary that after hot will cost way less.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaron.1987


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..


now wvw f2p spotter and destroy trebs ,…. acc income

if they get banned… just create another acc and keep on trolling

was already discussed at 10$ sale but now it will going evil

Annnnd F2P/trial-till-you-buy accounts are restricted to Edge of The Mists for WvW.


and one year old and still used at trial weekend that shaman data mining doesnt count as legal source at this topic

(edited by Zaron.1987)

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaron.1987


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..


now wvw f2p spotter and destroy trebs ,…. acc income

if they get banned… just create another acc and keep on trolling

was already discussed at 10$ sale but now it will going evil

Annnnd F2P/trial-till-you-buy accounts are restricted to Edge of The Mists for WvW.

Also, yes. The reasonable thing to do about potential F2P laurel farmers would be to simply not award them to F2P accounts.

T6 mats are going to be easier to come by with the new map reward system, so those prices are going down regardless.

But not because potential F2P accounts are going to crash the market.

T6 mats are going to be easier to come by with the new map reward system, + fp2 dozen accounts

—> not going down —--> sink to hell. ( cheaper than to sell at vendor)

And again, who says that F2P accounts have access to login rewards and/or access to map reward system? You think they won’t put a limit on how many laurels you can get? You think they will allow someone to make 1000 accounts and get laurels from all of them? I don’t think the devs are THAT stupid.

its anet

they done very strange things still in the past….

maybe they hotfix it after an month or so

and btw acess to map reward system also dont get the regular buyers just the hot buyers.

in your face old “verterans” who dont buy hot . welcome to the f2p player pool

(edited by Zaron.1987)

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..


now wvw f2p spotter and destroy trebs ,…. acc income

if they get banned… just create another acc and keep on trolling

was already discussed at 10$ sale but now it will going evil

Annnnd F2P/trial-till-you-buy accounts are restricted to Edge of The Mists for WvW.


and one year old and still used at trail weekend that shaman data mining doesnt count as legal source at this topic

That was my response to your idea that people will make F2P accounts to spy and ruin WvW. That came from common sense.

If it happened in the past as Zaron suggests, that would be the easiest and obvious solution to that.

and btw acess to map reward system also dont get the regular buyers just the hot buyers.

in your face old “verterans” who dont buy hot . welcome to the f2p player pool


IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


So what is it now, are the raiders an overwhelming majority or a tiny minority? Are there any reliable numbers given out by respectable sources?

There are no reliable numbers on this. However there is a lot of data on WoW raiding, because their Armory site is open to everyone so you can parse data from it. It doesn’t apply directly to GW2 but it shows some very interesting things about an MMORPG population (and the sample data is rather large).

It was common knowledge that only 2% of the population did raids in WoW before WotLK. Then it all changed, there was about ~70% (if I recall the number, certainly above 50%) of the WoW population with MoP that had at least achievements from the first couple of raids and the number is just going up with every release. Do those people raid all the time? Can’t tell from the data. Do they love raiding? Maybe not, can’t tell from the data. But fact is, a large percentage of the population actually does/did some raiding, so there is at least some potential there.

People need to understand that there are raids and there are raids, the difference between a hardcore raid and a normal mode raid is VERY high, I don’t expect, nor want, Anet to give us hardcore level raids, that would be suicide on many levels.

Hardcore raids lead to the Wildstar disaster and only 2% of the population playing them. Good raids on the other hand have much untapped potential.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaron.1987


That’s why they implemented the WvW changes. Imagine T1/T2 servers with already 50 players queue getting swarmed by hundreds of new players..


now wvw f2p spotter and destroy trebs ,…. acc income

if they get banned… just create another acc and keep on trolling

was already discussed at 10$ sale but now it will going evil

Annnnd F2P/trial-till-you-buy accounts are restricted to Edge of The Mists for WvW.


and one year old and still used at trail weekend that shaman data mining doesnt count as legal source at this topic

That was my response to your idea that people will make F2P accounts to spy and ruin WvW. That came from common sense.

If it happened in the past as Zaron suggests, that would be the easiest and obvious solution to that.

and btw acess to map reward system also dont get the regular buyers just the hot buyers.

in your face old “verterans” who dont buy hot . welcome to the f2p player pool


acess to map reward system also dont get the regular buyers just the hot buyers.

was in one of the 1000000 mini “we are so excited to tell you more soon” official blogposts at official hp. but too lazy to search the excatly one now

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylum.1806


Once the F2P floodgates open you will see the quality of players from those countries who can’t even afford to pay $10. They don’t speak English, they’re extremely rude players that harass people because they feel their country should ‘take over’ the server.

As much as I’d like to just dismiss claims like this as stereotyping…I can’t. Because I’ve seen it happen in other games. It’s, of course, not all of the players from these countries. But there can be a large number of them, as well as English-speakers that are just as disruptive.

I don’t recall seeing a lot of that in Tera when I played for a while earlier this year. Though, chats were still rather bad at times(worse than anything I’ve seen in GW2). So it does seem that phenomenon can be one that doesn’t last. But it certainly does happen to at least some games that make a F2P move.

It was really bad when TERA first went F2P. I picked up the game for $10 the week before it went F2P just to check it out, that first week, it wasn’t all that bad. But THE DAY it went F2P it became flooded with BR’s, flooding chat, harassing anyone speaking in a language other than Portuguese, sending you whispers about how this was “their server now” and you’d find gangs of people with brazilian flags as their guild logo running around kill stealing from anyone NOT using a Brazilian flag guild or with .Br in their name, or all flagging and gang pk’ing people (until level capped non BR’s came by and slaughtered them all (and then they got harassed in tells)). It was a terrible community and made me uninstall. I recently reinstalled and am playing again on a different server and it’s not quite as bad so you might be right about it not being a lasting deterioration of community.

But I for one dread that first month or so of F2P players.

As someone who played only Free-to-play MMOs before GW2, and as someone who works for a Free-to-play MMO developer/publisher, I can safely say:

1. Putting an entry barrier to an MMO such as an upfront payment before one can play the game, does not eliminate jerks from the game. Some of them can still afford it.

2. Jerks transcend nationality. They come from everywhere.

3. Putting an entry barrier to an MMO greatly reduces the number of jerks and nasty behavior. Exactly why, I’m not sure. Most jerks are cheapskates? Most jerks are just broke? I don’t know. But with my very small sample size of experiencing 1 non-F2P MMO (GW2) vs. all the other MMOs I’ve played, I can confidently say, the GW2 community is the most civilized, helpful, cerebral, and least self-entitled I’ve ever come across.

Which is why I’m still playing this game since launch.

But I can see great value in the F2P demographic. They just need to be channeled to the game in a right (smart?) way. Only way I can see them being a beneficial presence instead of a disruptive one, is limiting them purely to Heart of the Mists, with no access to Map Chat, Whisper Chat, Mail, and Trading Post.

That way, GW2 gets the potential esports competitive population it needs, and keeps the jerks away from the paying crowd and where they need to coordinate and socialize the most.