If you won a million dollars
Permanent Super Adventure Box Contract
I’m embarrassed to say that I excitedly checked the gem store for this item after reading this post, just thinking it was expensive or something…
B2P with expansions + No cash shop is best.
They would have to charge a lot for the initial game and each xpac, for that to work, though.
If you think of WoW’s prices, they would probably end up wanting to charge at least $350 for the initial game and then, say, $250 for each xpac.
Not saying they would actually charge that, but if you removed the gemshop, that is probably around what you would be looking at charging, for a game to bring in around the same amount per player, as a game like WoW does (with their initial price + subs).
Obviously, I’m guesstimating here, to an extent, but still.
Nah I don’t see it as a requirement, not to keep the game developing and expanding over time. You’re example is… well a company that is trying to maximize profits for it’s shareholders (and yes bleeding subs like crazy as a result). Some people are fine with that though, and comply to the demands of those that market such business models.
But there are still plenty of gamers looking for the alternative to the money grubbing game company out there, but for a company that puts quality first above bland gimmicks designed to just make as much money as fast as they can before closing down the project and moving onto the next cash grab gimmick game. And I’m not speaking of extremes, just they can survive the long term, providing jobs and making a living doing so. But just for too many the lure of quick money for inverters has tainted the market as a whole, making it as the norm even to start-up, especially among AAA companies.
A million dollars really isn’t that much these days. It’s nothing to sneeze at but it won’t set you up for life, though perhaps it could be the seed of investments that do let you keep a comfortable standard of living. (I am much aware of such things now that my husband’s nearing retirement and I’ve stopped working; we keep going over and over our resources and trying to predict how far our lifestyle will drop when he leaves work).
Still it would be enough to allow a bit of splurging. The thing is I already buy all the gem shop items that appeal to me. Lawless, Toxic, Minis, those I have neglected and likely wouldn’t collect just because I had spare cash. So I doubt much would change game-wise if I suddenly had another million dollars. Maybe I’d go all out on vet spending for my 13 year old cat who has a serious heart condition … those ultrasounds are expensive.
You forget the taxes.
Unless you are rich enough, you are not exempt of taxes. Apply taxes each year, and unless you are rich enough to simply be exempt from taxes (laws are made by rich for the rich, after all, so 80% of the taxes are paid by those with less than 20% of the wealth), all you have will be cut each year until there’s nothing. So the money can be used on corrupt schemes that redirect the money to the rich.
I don’t know where you live, but in the US, anything over $400,000 gets taxed at a 39.6% rate, plus some. in fact, the top 10% income earners (in the US) pay 70% of all federal income taxes (http://money.cnn.com/2013/03/12/news/economy/rich-taxes/ and http://www.heritage.org/federalbudget/top10-percent-income-earners) while the bottom 90% pays just 30% in taxes.
It also pays to read and not just parrot BS found on the internet.
B2P with expansions + No cash shop is best.
Sub-based with no cash shop is second.
B2P+Expansions is unsustainable, unless they released paid expansions every few months. Which then might aswell go $20/m sub and free expansions.
Sub is a dying breed sadly, and can be sustainable but also risky. This is why so many sub based games go F2P.
Permanent Super Adventure Box Contract
I’m embarrassed to say that I excitedly checked the gem store for this item after reading this post, just thinking it was expensive or something…
I’m so sorry. xD
I feel your pain.
One million dollars isn’t that much nowadays.
Maybe enough to pay for rent for 10 years or so.
Sheesh, tell me where you’re living so I can stay far, far away from that place.
With Social Security on the way out and an increased price in medical treatment for the elderly, it’s expected that the average American, retiring at age 65, will need about $1 million to live in comfortable retirement due to the expenses of being old in the not-too-distant future.
Better start saving.
I would spend it all on gems and convert it to Gold to fill every slot possible in my wardrobe
I would rent Voice Actors and Animators and Re-do the personal story…
I would rent Voice Actors and Animators and Re-do the personal story…
What about coders?
And QA?
And designers?
And writers?
You wouldn’t get far with just Voice Actors and Animators, nor would 1 million be enough to re-do the personal story.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I would put it in a bank and then live the rest of my life just from the interests of the investment.
Here where I live a really basic investment gives around 0,5% per month of interest tax free, it is enough for a nice living.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I’d drop ten-thousand bucks on gems and convert that to gold (i’ll be one rich mo-fo both IRL and in-game!).
The other 990.000,- bucks I’d spend on other things than GW2, probably invest some of it while putting the rest on the bank.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
I would rent Voice Actors and Animators and Re-do the personal story…
What about coders?
And QA?
And designers?
And writers?You wouldn’t get far with just Voice Actors and Animators, nor would 1 million be enough to re-do the personal story.
Obviously this thread is supposed to be fun and totally not taken seriously. Please stop blind fanboy attacking every post that you think is wrong.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
Honestly. If I had a million dollars to blow on GW 2. I’d totally screw up the gem to gold market ratio. Buy all the legendaries and put them up for a ludicrous amount. Buy every single rare skin and also put them up for a ludicrous amount. Buy crafting mats and do the same before sitting back and watching the mayhem. I will laugh as I sit upon the broken statue in Lion’s Arch, making Evon Gnashblade kiss my feet as I effectively ruin the economy!
Then I’d get bored and put everything back to normal.
assuming I had to use it on gw2…
I would invest it all to permanently crash the lemon bar market. just buy all the lemon bars as soon as they go up. I could do that for a good year or longer I bet.
But seriously, I’d first get all bank slots, then more character slots, digital deluxe, bifrost and a bunch of other rare skins I want, finish making ascended for every character, get every crafting profession to 500… Granted I’d probably have spent less than $5000 at this point so it’s not even scratching the surface..
I’d probably do a bunch of fun games at lions arch giving away money to the winners a lot. become an iconic figure of “that person that gives away 1000g if you win their games”
I will break the rules and buy stuff like a new computer to have better performance playing guild wars 2.
Ah, well, if it must be spent on GW2-related activities, I think a trip to Seattle and buying a nice dinner for every ANet employee would be in order. Hopefully I’d get a tour or something. New computer equipment for me would be nice, and a good supply of gems to do whatever I want with gems for a while.
I might be able to fund a few years of employment for my artist friend who wants to work there, too.
What would you buy from the gem store if you won a million dollars?
If you mean I won a million dollars that I could only spend in GW…
I’d buy every skin and toy that I don’t already have. I’d convert enough gems to gold to buy every single mini and weapon skin. I’d buy thousands of transmutation charges. Then I’d buy each friend a permanent hair syltylist contract or legendary of their choice (or any amount of gifts worth 3000g).
If it were real life money, my gem store spending habits wouldn’t change from what they are currently
Well, if I only could use in GW2 and anywhere else … I would first buy every skin available and minis, then I would buy ALL the precursors and sell them for 1g each and all the legendaries and sell for 10g each.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
What would you buy from the gem store if you won a million dollars?
absolutely nothing
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
Seriously…if I won a million dollars?
I have a lot of things I’d be spending money on, and the game is not at the top of that list. Probably about half way down it….
After taxes, I’d have enough to pay off my house, replace my car, pay off assorted student loans, and then set a chunk of money aside for my son’s college tuition (which is coming faster than I care to think about).
I might take a couple hundred and spend it on the game though, after all of that.
What would you buy from the gem store if you won a million dollars?
nothing from the gem store, but i’d buy all the legendaries lul
If I had a million dollars and I could only spend it on this game, it would go straight to anet under the condition that it was spent exclusively on Tengu
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959
What would you buy from the gem store if you won a million dollars?
absolutely nothing
Shake Shack ride or short on Etsy?
I’m assuming the question means I got a million dollars worth of gems.
Cuz a thousand kilodollars isn’t going into this game for no reason. A megadollar would pay off my house and then some, maybe give me the comfort of part-timing so I could play more. =P
But what would I do with 80 MILLION gems? Buy all the things, of course.
Do the economy a hugely weird favor and buy up all the gold, and thusly, all the Legendary weapons.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I would craft myself immobulus and buy permanent gathering tools for all my characters and permanent bank, trading post and mystic forge conduit for all of them. Rest would go on skins.
If I won a million dollars I’d definitely move to a different state and then invest the rest in my retirement. However, if the OP meant to say what would I buy if I won a million dollars worth of gems, then I’d pretty much buy all the legendaries, all of the home instance nodes and all of the permanent gather/mining/logging tools for each of my characters. Also would buy all of the armors.
I would probably spend it on one or more top tier supporter pack for Path of Exile but there is nothing really interesting in the GW2 gemstore.
I would seriously quit my job.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
One bank slot.
Meaning: I’d buy the same stuff I’ve already been buying.
It wouldn’t take a million to get rich on here or any other game. And real life issues would take priority before anything else.
I would buy 80,000,000 gems with the money and trade 79m of it into gold.
Why? Money spoils you, so I rather get rid of it as fast as possible.
(edited by Malediktus.3740)
Well considering just $100 gets you 8000 gems, I don’t think you need anything near a million dollars, lol…
I guess after that, there’s converting gems to gold for added non-gem-store possibilities. You can get legendaries, or black lion weapon skins.
I won’t get into this “I’d buy a house” or “I’d invest in real estate” because that has nothing to do with the topic. But if I can get “real life” a little, I would definitely get myself a beast of a gaming PC so I can crank them GW2 graphics up to max!
Permanent Super Adventure Box Contract
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
If I won a million bucks I’d first off buy THE BEST TOP OF THE LINE gaming system..
I wouldn’t recommend that. You can spend $1,500 on a system that would play this or just about any other game at max settings for HD.
For me, I ’d probably spend a thousand or two on gems for the heck of it.
With 1 Million € in my case I would make first a move to a new and much better flat.
I’d buy me several things that I need and which definetely will improve alot my lifestyle and comfort.
A big part of the money would I put into the bank to let the money work and increase itself.
I create from the money own Fantasy Novel Book Series, which I hope would be so good, that all kinds of companies want to get the licences for it to make out of that thigns like a Movie, Videogames ect. so that that spent money would be a good investment so that I can make more money from it.
Basically the tour, that the Author of Harry Potter had, that woman, became basically over night famous and rich just for writing that Harry Potter Book Series.
If i could become that for just writing a good own Fantasy Novel, that would be awesome, if it would have the same or maybe better success than the HP Series xD
All that it needs is a compelling story, very good characters and the right marketing
And i’m sure, one or two things from the gemstore would I buy too lol
I’d enjoy my winnings in a hot country with palm trees and beaches while waiting for something worth buying to show up in the GW2’s cash shop.
I’d also donate a lot to the Humble store :P
(edited by Paul.4081)
all account upgrades, outfits and armour sets, and probably convert enough gems to gold to give me 10k or so, though to be honest if I won that much money GW2 wouldn’t really be high on my priority list of expenditure.
I would probably buy the infinite gathering tools for my main characters (wouldn’t buy for all my characters cause I feel it’s too excessive when I only use 3-4 main professions).
I’d also probably max out my bank tabs, and buy enough gems so I could convert them to gold so I could afford The Juggernaut for my future revenant.
The rest of the money I’d probably put in the bank to collect interest while I think about how I could live off that money and make sure I never get into debt, cause I would not like to owe anyone, anything!
If I had a ‘comfortable’ amount of money to live off, like 3-4M++, I’d help out my mum and dad for all they’ve done for me, and also donate a few hundred thousand to a few LGBT organisations and one of them would probably be the Human Rights Campaign, because they do a great job in changing minds and bringing equal rights to all.
You’re kidding me, right? Not a thing of course. I’d do some renovation about the house, and invest the rest. Gem store can go hang.
Well considering just $100 gets you 8000 gems, I don’t think you need anything near a million dollars, lol…
I guess after that, there’s converting gems to gold for added non-gem-store possibilities. You can get legendaries, or black lion weapon skins.
I won’t get into this “I’d buy a house” or “I’d invest in real estate” because that has nothing to do with the topic. But if I can get “real life” a little, I would definitely get myself a beast of a gaming PC so I can crank them GW2 graphics up to max!
I like the way you think.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
If you won a million gold, what would you spend it on in-game?
Everything I didn’t already have, which isn’t a lot, and then maybe donate a bunch of it to my guild.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Id personnally get all the permanent contract items on the tp and replace all my chars weapons with legendaries :I
After that I’ll replace all my friends weapons with legendaries aswell :P
(edited by Centurion.7296)
all skin, max slots in bank+inv+char, buy all unique stuff, buy all permanent stuff, get all finisher, all minis
Give it to my wife.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Easy. I would become a living Nicholas the Traveler.
Each week I’d travel to a different region of the game, requesting specific trash items from people. Then I would reward the first few players that manage to find me AND give me the specific items with valuable materials, or gem store items, or straight up gold.
I.e. I’d give it away. I feel like just buying stuff straight up without actually earning it spoils a big part of the gameplay. Plus it would be fun as hell to play the part of an NPC.
What better place than here? What better time than now?
I’d finish my mini pet collection and stock up on gems whenever the exchange rate dropped. Other than that I don’t really know.
Maybe send all my friends quaggan related stuff. (Especially the ones who hate quaggans.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”