If you won't give us mounts...

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Just like those 40+ people running around with green Quaggans/Pink Quaggans/Charr on their backs. Keep trying.

There are tourists with absurd souvenirs in every culture and society.

2) To balance/normalize travel speed between classes. It´s unfair a warrior can easily stack 1 minute of speed boost while other classes can’t.

Hey buddy, that’s too kittening bad. Equality doesn’t exist in real life or nature.

Which is why we use games to create fairness. No class should have an advantage over another in getting from Point A to Point B.

Then again, Mesmers have portals.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


FYI. the game was made without mounts in mind, and it’s sooooooooooooooooooo much better for it. Mounts ruin MMO’s.

mounts add immersion, it’s the MMO’s that are simply not made to be immerse enough to be worth having a mount.
GW2 is completely immersion free so even if we had mounts, the only thing it does is add immersion in a game that is dead empty.

It is not – and I find mounts DETRACT from immersion. In Rift, I found it annoying when I was doing a quest that players ran right by me to drag mobs to me so that I would die and they could get to the boss I was trying to fight. THAT is detraction!!!

Also, the game is not dead empty – where have you been playing on the Mars servers? Your last statement totally invalidates your argument about mounts. If the game is so dead empty, why are there other threads that say this game has TOO many players at events? It can’t be both….

tell me, what is immersive in this game, just tell me one single thing about this whole game that even has 1% of immersion.

I can list several:
1. NPCs will address the player, and ask them for help when something urgent is happening. NPCs talk with each other, and frequently acknowledge when the player passes by. Merchants hawk wares.

however, the horrible voice acting distracts from that, ruining the immersion.

2. Everyone is on the same page in an as everyone else, and the world revolves around interaction and events. When centaurs are attacking, centaurs are attacking. When you drive them back, you drive them back and take over the area. There are a few renown hearts that break from this, but events generally don’t

and are so generic that it’s more the boredom that makes you see immersion rather then the immersion that might be present.

3. Shifts in the status quo are announced by cyclic events. Unfortunately, respawning kinda breaks with this on the smaller scale.

kinda my point, but ok.

4. You can talk with and engage in conversation with a lot of people.

and you only get text that makes eyes glare of boredom, reading text breaks immersion, that’s why bioware games like mass effect and star wars TOR is so immersive.

5. Personal story works well as a single-player campaign, up until you find yourself guarding a gutted ruin as though it’s a thriving metropolis and hope for the world.

i feel more like i am riding a roller coaster, a bland non interesting roller coaster.

… there are more, but I’m bad at phrasing them. As it is, the dynamic events make GW2 the most rewarding and immersive MMO I’ve ever played in.

pff, keep trying, i’m sure blizzard is really enjoying what you find “immersive”.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: piano man.1672

piano man.1672

Mounts are useful only for 1 thing: traveling quickly.

We have way points, so we don’t needs mounts. Travel is cheap, and though they do add up, making a gold isn’t very hard at all. (The equivalent of 40-50 or so waypoints).

Case closed!

Kharros 80 Warr | Dead on Revival 80 Necro | Yoxx 80 Guard | Khoton 80 Thief | Thera Majere 80 Ele

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


FYI. the game was made without mounts in mind, and it’s sooooooooooooooooooo much better for it. Mounts ruin MMO’s.

mounts add immersion, it’s the MMO’s that are simply not made to be immerse enough to be worth having a mount.
GW2 is completely immersion free so even if we had mounts, the only thing it does is add immersion in a game that is dead empty.

It is not – and I find mounts DETRACT from immersion. In Rift, I found it annoying when I was doing a quest that players ran right by me to drag mobs to me so that I would die and they could get to the boss I was trying to fight. THAT is detraction!!!

Also, the game is not dead empty – where have you been playing on the Mars servers? Your last statement totally invalidates your argument about mounts. If the game is so dead empty, why are there other threads that say this game has TOO many players at events? It can’t be both….

tell me, what is immersive in this game, just tell me one single thing about this whole game that even has 1% of immersion.

I can list several:
1. NPCs will address the player, and ask them for help when something urgent is happening. NPCs talk with each other, and frequently acknowledge when the player passes by. Merchants hawk wares.

however, the horrible voice acting distracts from that, ruining the immersion.

2. Everyone is on the same page in an as everyone else, and the world revolves around interaction and events. When centaurs are attacking, centaurs are attacking. When you drive them back, you drive them back and take over the area. There are a few renown hearts that break from this, but events generally don’t

and are so generic that it’s more the boredom that makes you see immersion rather then the immersion that might be present.

3. Shifts in the status quo are announced by cyclic events. Unfortunately, respawning kinda breaks with this on the smaller scale.

kinda my point, but ok.

4. You can talk with and engage in conversation with a lot of people.

and you only get text that makes eyes glare of boredom, reading text breaks immersion, that’s why bioware games like mass effect and star wars TOR is so immersive.

5. Personal story works well as a single-player campaign, up until you find yourself guarding a gutted ruin as though it’s a thriving metropolis and hope for the world.

i feel more like i am riding a roller coaster, a bland non interesting roller coaster.

… there are more, but I’m bad at phrasing them. As it is, the dynamic events make GW2 the most rewarding and immersive MMO I’ve ever played in.

pff, keep trying, i’m sure blizzard is really enjoying what you find “immersive”.

1. I’ve not heard this “Horrible Voice Acting” – it sounds like someone talking to me and asking for help.
2. You finding the content boring is a problem with YOU, not the game.
3. While spawns on-screen for mobs and tags can be problematic, the larger events are not – Dredge deploy invasion forces from APCs and mechanized tunnels. Centaurs charge from out of sight to the target area to invade. Flame legion Charr are conjured in gouts of fire, or travel to ritual sites to begin their rituals to conjure their magics. Most event enemies spawn in from areas out of sight of the event locations, and actions and consequences logically and fluidly flow from and between each other.
4. Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Planescape: Torment, Fallout, Fallout 2, The Elder Scrolls Chapter II: Daggerfall, The Elder Scrolls Chapter III: Morrowind, Everquest, Ultima (Any), Ultima Online, Legend of Zelda, etc. all disprove the notion that text breaks immersion. Unless you’re only semi-literate. Heck, even in the games you mention, I read far faster and subconsciously than the VA can keep up, allowing me to get immersed without hearing more than one or two words of each line of dialogue.
5. Again – the problem’s on you and your own atrophied mind, not the game.

Mounts are useful only for 1 thing: traveling quickly.

We have way points, so we don’t needs mounts. Travel is cheap, and though they do add up, making a gold isn’t very hard at all. (The equivalent of 40-50 or so waypoints).

Case closed!

Mounts have several uses, though! Such as looking cool, impersonating The Man Your Man Could Smell Like, being fancy, providing new options, and actually getting where you want to be in a timely manner, which is often between waypoints.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lalocat.6793


Mounts are useful only for 1 thing: traveling quickly.

We have way points, so we don’t needs mounts. Travel is cheap, and though they do add up, making a gold isn’t very hard at all. (The equivalent of 40-50 or so waypoints).

Case closed!

There is always room for improvement. Never played a game with mounts but I’m in favor of anything that makes my chars move faster. Not a coincidence that my favorite characters to play are the ones with the best mobility. If that were removed from consideration, I’d have a lot more fun with the other, slow-as-heck classes. (Mesmer I’m looking at you.)

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


You move 100% faster out of combat full time with out any buffs. That is a mount out of combat.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormdancer.4972


How about giving a speed boost for being on the road. That’d be nice, and actually make roads useful.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


How about giving a speed boost for being on the road. That’d be nice, and actually make roads useful.

That would not be too bad but i think it should be a pve only effect if you did that in wvw every one would stay on the roads and only want to fight on the roads.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revler.2359


All these replies saying “we have waypoints” are ignoring the point of the post. New characters don’t have these waypoints yet, and they get rid of a combat skill (making the game less fun) in favor of a running skill when completing a new area.

Waypoints don’t exist to these characters yet, and essentially removing 1 combat skill just to travel faster WHEN NOT IN COMBAT is making combat less fun for people playing this game.

Not a hard concept to grasp. The way we have now isn’t fun.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


FYI. the game was made without mounts in mind, and it’s sooooooooooooooooooo much better for it. Mounts ruin MMO’s.

mounts add immersion, it’s the MMO’s that are simply not made to be immerse enough to be worth having a mount.
GW2 is completely immersion free so even if we had mounts, the only thing it does is add immersion in a game that is dead empty.

It is not – and I find mounts DETRACT from immersion. In Rift, I found it annoying when I was doing a quest that players ran right by me to drag mobs to me so that I would die and they could get to the boss I was trying to fight. THAT is detraction!!!

Also, the game is not dead empty – where have you been playing on the Mars servers? Your last statement totally invalidates your argument about mounts. If the game is so dead empty, why are there other threads that say this game has TOO many players at events? It can’t be both….

tell me, what is immersive in this game, just tell me one single thing about this whole game that even has 1% of immersion.

I can list several:
1. NPCs will address the player, and ask them for help when something urgent is happening. NPCs talk with each other, and frequently acknowledge when the player passes by. Merchants hawk wares.

however, the horrible voice acting distracts from that, ruining the immersion.

2. Everyone is on the same page in an as everyone else, and the world revolves around interaction and events. When centaurs are attacking, centaurs are attacking. When you drive them back, you drive them back and take over the area. There are a few renown hearts that break from this, but events generally don’t

and are so generic that it’s more the boredom that makes you see immersion rather then the immersion that might be present.

3. Shifts in the status quo are announced by cyclic events. Unfortunately, respawning kinda breaks with this on the smaller scale.

kinda my point, but ok.

4. You can talk with and engage in conversation with a lot of people.

and you only get text that makes eyes glare of boredom, reading text breaks immersion, that’s why bioware games like mass effect and star wars TOR is so immersive.

5. Personal story works well as a single-player campaign, up until you find yourself guarding a gutted ruin as though it’s a thriving metropolis and hope for the world.

i feel more like i am riding a roller coaster, a bland non interesting roller coaster.

… there are more, but I’m bad at phrasing them. As it is, the dynamic events make GW2 the most rewarding and immersive MMO I’ve ever played in.

pff, keep trying, i’m sure blizzard is really enjoying what you find “immersive”.

But having mounts will of course fix all these problems you have with the game right ?

Horrible voice acting ? No problem .. mounts make it sooo much better .. yeah ..

And Blizzard ? Common .. horrible graphics distract from all immersion .. keep trying.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


Mounts are useful only for 1 thing: traveling quickly.

And vanity ware.

Way back in the old days some video game developers were trying to determine how to attract more females to the games. They stereotypically decided that male gamers liked to kill things and females liked to consume or acquire things, pac man being an example. Many games have a balance of these principles. The Mini pets, that serve no real purpose in GW2, and armor and weapon skins fulfills this desire to accumulate things. No need for mounts for this too. And since there are already enough things in the game to provide speed no need for mounts at all.

A reason not to have mounts is that they would only add useless visual clutter. Maybe a game with sub-par graphics needs the visual distraction but GW2 doesn’t.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreenAlien.5623


It would already help if they fixed the speed cap.. having skills that are supposed to give you 66% movement speed, when cap is at 33% is kinda pointless…

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wmtyrance.3571


What exactly is the problem. In wow you had mounts. Here you have waypoints. What exactly do you need mounts for. To reduce a traveltime from 1 minute to 50 seconds?

I have to agree with this. This is the one mmo that you don’t need mounts in. What is the OP problem in getting around in this game? I just don’t get it at all.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fowidner.6930


Don’t need mounts, maybe they can look awesome, but we already have minis, good question why we can’t ride them, because they are too small? or golems why we can’t ride them? but still enough speed boost and blinks/shadowsteps in game. I have no problem at all with traveling Waypoints for the win.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immolator.5640


You move 100% faster out of combat full time with out any buffs. That is a mount out of combat.

ahem This man speaks the truth. It’s part of the reason players start out of combat for duels and GvGs. Or to be fair fighting in general – you maintain the advantage the longer you are out of combat; closing that distance that much faster gives you an edge.

The day mounts get introduced to the game is the day I stop playing, which would be sad considering I’ve been an avid player since Betas.

Combat is very dependant on positioning, and your movement is part of your survivability; in combat you will be hit, with swiftness you can outrun the shots with your strafing. Moving to the edge of that AoE a split second quicker is the difference between a tick of damage and lack of such. Some Guardians buy traveler runes to make up for this, likewise with some Necroes and Mesmers, and that is their choice, and part of their build; I feel I do okay without it, and hence can use my own runes and make do with about 1/3 swiftness uptime, which is for me fine. It’s all about decisions, sacrifices of one thing for the other. The fact that thief and warrior have such good movement makes them highly annoying to fight if they know what they’re doing and can run away very easily (because they generally have no chance to beat me). For your levelling characters, it’s a sacrifice you have to make too; in all fairness the waypoints cost nothing sub-80 and it’s not like you’re going to kill anything if you have that extra utility skill, I mean, you’re an upscale, good for only rallybotting and… well… rallybotting. Alright I suppose you can carry supply around too, but even then you’re useless and everyone else can do everything better than you.

If it really hurts you that much then go buy Swift Moa Feathers off the trading post for ~30s, they’re like 20% or 15% movement speed. Upscales are useless and boring, being able to run around dying faster won’t help anyone except the enemy. And if you’re doing PvE then, it’s a faceroll anyways so it really makes no matter.

Still, ewww mounts, I would hate to see it implemented here, however I feel relatively safe that ANet will never do so; it’s not their style, not for this game and have you seen anything remotely resembling a horse anywhere? In any case my, and many other’s, view on everyone pining for mounts is ‘just no.’

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/

(edited by Immolator.5640)

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

All these replies saying “we have waypoints” are ignoring the point of the post. New characters don’t have these waypoints yet, and they get rid of a combat skill (making the game less fun) in favor of a running skill when completing a new area.

Waypoints don’t exist to these characters yet, and essentially removing 1 combat skill just to travel faster WHEN NOT IN COMBAT is making combat less fun for people playing this game.

Not a hard concept to grasp. The way we have now isn’t fun.

You won’t have the WP with a mount either. Are you saying that if, for example, you are playing an Engineer, that 33% speed buff with a kit is not enough to get you around? If that is not fast enough for you, this game is NOT FOR YOU.

I do not want any travel faster than 33%. So what you want to do is KITTEN the game because new characters don’t have any WP? Sorry – makes no sense.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


Another money sink which will please kids for next 5 mins.

Then Anet should be all over it!

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I want craftable helicopters.

Work work, ArenaNet.

You win the thread!

Threads like this sure help keep popcorn suppliers in business.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

1. Waypoint prices add up quickly, and are worthless when exploring new areas.
2. Real world money for a painfully small, temporary boost? No thanks.

l0l @ bolded.

Do CoF p1 once, waypoint back and forth across the map ~100 times with money acquired from appriximately 7-10 minutes of minimal effort. O NOES!

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revler.2359


You won’t have the WP with a mount either. Are you saying that if, for example, you are playing an Engineer, that 33% speed buff with a kit is not enough to get you around?

I’m saying, as I did in the original post, that having to equip a kit skill simply to move faster OUTSIDE OF COMBAT at the cost of using a skill inside combat that I don’t want to use is bad game design. It´s boring. Makes the game less attractive, along with the other issues I mentioned.

How are people having such a hard time understanding simple concept is beyond me.

Equipping a combat skill just for an out of combat benefit = stupid.

Again, not a hard concept to spot the inefficiency of this.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

You won’t have the WP with a mount either. Are you saying that if, for example, you are playing an Engineer, that 33% speed buff with a kit is not enough to get you around?

I’m saying, as I did in the original post, that having to equip a kit skill simply to move faster OUTSIDE OF COMBAT at the cost of using a skill inside combat that I don’t want to use is bad game design. It´s boring. Makes the game less attractive, along with the other issues I mentioned.

How are people having such a hard time understanding simple concept is beyond me.

Equipping a combat skill just for an out of combat benefit = stupid.

Again, not a hard concept to spot the inefficiency of this.

No to mounts it is a simple concept. WE DON’T WANT THEM. We already have speed buffs and the game is not big enough for higher than 33% speed buff It is a waste of game resources, also. Mounts, ALSO, makes the game less attractive.

If it is boring – don’t play GW2. Mounts won’t make it more exciting, if you think that you are delusional.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorndarken.3702


this game is not big enough for the need of mounts , plus there is a little thing called way points that quicken the distance from one point to the next in each zone . i find this topic to be reaching for just something shiny so that people can jump around and act like " im no leet look at my pony " .

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dkspins.4670


I can understand the need for mounts in games with maybe one “instant travel point” per map zone, similar to waypoints like aethernet shards/wayshrines (FF/ESO) per map area. But GW2 has several WP’s per map zone, so the time to WP & run to a specific area is negligible. And I can only say from experience on FFxiv that you cannot travel while mounted, nor can you engage in combat while mounted. Dismounting is an average of 2 or more seconds, which means 2 or more seconds of no DPS.

7k hr, 13k AP, 16 char, all classes 80 Sadly, 3.5k hr. Ranger

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


Mounts are pretty ugly too. Imagine how much you hate every 15th person you see in town having a legendary weapon. Now imagine they are all sitting on something that is 3-4x larger than they are and is surrounded by particle effects.

That is GW2 with mounts.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


You move 100% faster out of combat full time with out any buffs. That is a mount out of combat.

No, you move 50% slower in combat, because of an absolutely terrible mechanic that gets in the way of absolutely everything I’m trying to accomplish.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


2) To balance/normalize travel speed between classes. It´s unfair a warrior can easily stack 1 minute of speed boost while other classes can’t.

Yes, its totally unfair that the classes aren’t all alike and can’t do everything equally. It’s just horrible. Horrible.

Realistically warriors and guardians should run the slowest since they are wearing heavy armor. The cloth-wearing scholar classes should move the fastest.

Realistically, Warriors and Guardians should run the fastest because they’re honed for athleticism and endurance and heavy armor actually isn’t very encumbering. The cloth-wearing scholar classes should move the slowest because they don’t have the conditioning and athleticism – Unless his name is Rincewind.

… actually, Rangers should move fastest, thanks to lighter armor, better trailblazing, and equal emphasis on endurance and athleticism to warriors.

lets see if you can crawl in 80 pounds minimum clad in steel let alone whirl in place with a greatsword. there’s a reason knights were phased out of military tactics. projectile+incredibly slow target=dead(not to mention the cost of paying a noble born shock trooper was huge). the knights had horses to thank for mobility, since we’re talking about realism in a fantasy mmo and everything.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


i do agree that warrior has a disturbing amount of mobility compared to a class like …yeah all of them.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


All these replies saying “we have waypoints” are ignoring the point of the post. New characters don’t have these waypoints yet, and they get rid of a combat skill (making the game less fun) in favor of a running skill when completing a new area.

Waypoints don’t exist to these characters yet, and essentially removing 1 combat skill just to travel faster WHEN NOT IN COMBAT is making combat less fun for people playing this game.

Not a hard concept to grasp. The way we have now isn’t fun.

Well thanks for speaking for me. I was not aware that I haven’t been having fun during my map completion adventures. Suppose I’m just not paying close enough attention to myself? Am I too immersed in killing enemies, completing hearts, and exploring to see it?
Hmm… this could be a problem…. I think I’m having fun but someone else says that it just can’t be true.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Everyone talking about realism can eat rainbow unicorns from a Shortbow. Or be cut into pieces by a vaguely Greatsword shaped, colour leaking piece of space. Or possibly plant some flowers on your foes from 1500 range. Let’s not get into fire swords, lightning from hands, making clones of yourself, thieves kind of falling over inside smoke fields and gaining perma-invisibility.

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Which is why we use games to create fairness. No class should have an advantage over another in getting from Point A to Point B.

Actually, according to devs, they totally should, and the mobility difference was part of general class balance. You pointed out mesmer portals already.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


So basically, the OP wants a way to be even more lazy than this casual MMO already lets them be.

Furthermore, the OP also has a fundamental lack of understanding of the word “compromise”.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnymiller.5968


Currently playing an mmo with mounts.

1. You ride past enemy npc; they chase you & can pull you off the mount. So do hostile Creatures/monsters.
2. Enemy npc chasing one player do not attack other players nearby – if they do not manage to catch you the enemy npc return to their area.
3. You cannot engage in combat while on the mount
4. You cannot take the mount into dungeons or traverse deep bodies of water.
5. You can take the mounts into cities; they do not hinder player movement as you can walk straight through them. If a player dismounts, the mount vanishes until you are ready to ride again which requires the player to whistle.
6. Mounts speed, stamina & carry capacity upgrade on a daily basis; this costs money and you can only choose one of the three traits on any given day.
7. You do get an advantage traveling via mount but this takes time while the speed & stamina levels rise.
8. This game also has way points. traveling between them costs $0.

I’d be all for mounts if they were ever introduced into this game. In saying this, my expectation of this ever happening is 0%. Managed 17 months of game play without one.

(edited by johnnymiller.5968)

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romo.3709


There isn’t a mount thread without this photo
Oh and No to mounts.


If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.7523


Its not quick enough. In wvw there are few waypoints you need to walk too much. We need mounts. If you dont want mount, walk by foot. And dont buy mount.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


hardly known fact: in early drafts of his speech, Henry included “Give me mounts or give me death!”. For reasons unknown it was later changed to the well known exclamation.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Mounts are so pointless in a game like this.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


FYI. the game was made without mounts in mind, and it’s sooooooooooooooooooo much better for it. Mounts ruin MMO’s.

mounts add immersion, it’s the MMO’s that are simply not made to be immerse enough to be worth having a mount.
GW2 is completely immersion free so even if we had mounts, the only thing it does is add immersion in a game that is dead empty.

It is not – and I find mounts DETRACT from immersion. In Rift, I found it annoying when I was doing a quest that players ran right by me to drag mobs to me so that I would die and they could get to the boss I was trying to fight. THAT is detraction!!!

Also, the game is not dead empty – where have you been playing on the Mars servers? Your last statement totally invalidates your argument about mounts. If the game is so dead empty, why are there other threads that say this game has TOO many players at events? It can’t be both….

tell me, what is immersive in this game, just tell me one single thing about this whole game that even has 1% of immersion.

I can list several:
1. NPCs will address the player, and ask them for help when something urgent is happening. NPCs talk with each other, and frequently acknowledge when the player passes by. Merchants hawk wares.

however, the horrible voice acting distracts from that, ruining the immersion.

2. Everyone is on the same page in an as everyone else, and the world revolves around interaction and events. When centaurs are attacking, centaurs are attacking. When you drive them back, you drive them back and take over the area. There are a few renown hearts that break from this, but events generally don’t

and are so generic that it’s more the boredom that makes you see immersion rather then the immersion that might be present.

3. Shifts in the status quo are announced by cyclic events. Unfortunately, respawning kinda breaks with this on the smaller scale.

kinda my point, but ok.

4. You can talk with and engage in conversation with a lot of people.

and you only get text that makes eyes glare of boredom, reading text breaks immersion, that’s why bioware games like mass effect and star wars TOR is so immersive.

5. Personal story works well as a single-player campaign, up until you find yourself guarding a gutted ruin as though it’s a thriving metropolis and hope for the world.

i feel more like i am riding a roller coaster, a bland non interesting roller coaster.

… there are more, but I’m bad at phrasing them. As it is, the dynamic events make GW2 the most rewarding and immersive MMO I’ve ever played in.

pff, keep trying, i’m sure blizzard is really enjoying what you find “immersive”.

But having mounts will of course fix all these problems you have with the game right ?

Horrible voice acting ? No problem .. mounts make it sooo much better .. yeah ..

And Blizzard ? Common .. horrible graphics distract from all immersion .. keep trying.

yay, yet another player that doesn’t even think before posting….it’s really full of blind ppl here isn’t it….. -_-

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Its not quick enough. In wvw there are few waypoints you need to walk too much. We need mounts. If you dont want mount, walk by foot. And dont buy mount.

No to mounts in WvW (even the WvW centric guilds on TC HATE the idea of mounts in WvW) – the idea is you may have, at any given time, a battle with another group, sometimes away from everything. WvW is not that big. There is a reason there are a few WP in WvW – it is a 3 faction battle. You can’t have WP everywhere because they switch factions and then if a battle is by them they are contested.

Also when you have big battles, look how your screen grinds to halt – mounts would just compound that problem.

If you want mounts in PvP, go play a game with mounts in PvP then (like ESO).

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Its not quick enough. In wvw there are few waypoints you need to walk too much. We need mounts. If you dont want mount, walk by foot. And dont buy mount.

That’s a red herring. In WVW you can have as many as 4 waypoints for a given faction. This is provided they are on their own borderland, and have captured the garrison and both keeps and held them long enough to build waypoints for each.

It’s the PPT that is wvw which results in cap cycles rather than any desire to take and hold anything, but that’s for another forum.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lévis.5489


Most classes have 25% faster movement speed signets. Most classes can also have perma swiftness, which gives 33% faster movement. Both of these + waypoints remove the need for mounts, unless you want kitten mounts.

(edited by Lévis.5489)

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

There’s also, umm, Superior Rune of the Traveler. Any class can use this. On my warrior, I have the +25% movement speed with melee weapons in my Discipline line, on my thief I use the signet. My wife has a ranger, and I’m not sure what she uses for her permanent +25% movement speed, but she has that as well (and then Rampage as One for the extra boost + stability on top of that, one of the best elites in the game).

Some classes simply have benefits that others don’t, and vice-versa. For example, warrior elites. I would do anything, anything, to be able to put one of my warrior’s non-elites into that slot rather than be stuck with what he has.

Signet of Rage used to be great before the Lyssa rune change, which cleansed all conditions and gave all boons for 3 seconds, but again, that could be used by any class. Runes that proc on elite are pretty neat, but sadly there is now only one. And it summons… birds.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


Class balance is not class skill sameness. I don’t want classes to be the same. If they all have access to the same exact abilities, just with different names, why have different classes at all?

Also, I would pose to you that for everything you don’t like, there is another person who likes that same thing just fine.

I like exploring an area. I don’t want to rush through things just to get it done quickly. If everything is done really quickly, it isn’t much of a game IMO.

So I don’t want mounts. I don’t want non-combat movement skills. I don’t want classes to have access to all of the same skill abilities. It is what makes the game fun for me.

The game isn’t all about what makes it fun for individuals, it is what makes it fun as a whole. You can’t please everyone, and I am sure that mounts are not going to ever happen because of that. Well, that and the other factors people have mentioned above.

(edited by jheryn.8390)

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


2) To balance/normalize travel speed between classes. It´s unfair a warrior can easily stack 1 minute of speed boost while other classes can’t.

Yes, its totally unfair that the classes aren’t all alike and can’t do everything equally. It’s just horrible. Horrible.

Realistically warriors and guardians should run the slowest since they are wearing heavy armor. The cloth-wearing scholar classes should move the fastest.

Realistically, Warriors and Guardians should run the fastest because they’re honed for athleticism and endurance and heavy armor actually isn’t very encumbering. The cloth-wearing scholar classes should move the slowest because they don’t have the conditioning and athleticism – Unless his name is Rincewind.

… actually, Rangers should move fastest, thanks to lighter armor, better trailblazing, and equal emphasis on endurance and athleticism to warriors.

lets see if you can crawl in 80 pounds minimum clad in steel let alone whirl in place with a greatsword. there’s a reason knights were phased out of military tactics. projectile+incredibly slow target=dead(not to mention the cost of paying a noble born shock trooper was huge). the knights had horses to thank for mobility, since we’re talking about realism in a fantasy mmo and everything.

First off, shave 20 lbs off that steel weight to get an accurate rating. Then, distribute it across the body evenly, and rig it to put the weight in the most efficient places to carry it.

Then, hit the gym and crank up the cardiovascular workouts for 3-8 hours a day every day both in and out of the armor starting from the age of 8 over the next 15 years or so until you wear it like your skin.

Keep in mind that this armor weighs significantly less than modern combat equipment.

Also – please NEVER use the “Nerd in Kitchen Pots With Replica Weapons” argument again – it just makes you look as ignorant as the guy who thinks Crayola Markers can’t be used to create beautiful art simply because they only managed to make ugly scribbles back in 1st grade.

The reason Knights were phased out of military strategy wasn’t because the armor made them dead – it’s because the cost of training and equipping a knight could fund the training and equipping of a hundred riflemen or more. Knights remained nearly invincible in single and small conflicts even with the emergence of guns, but that nigh-invulnerability proved worthless.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I’d be ok with mounts if there were certain constraints, and certain possibilities.

Make mounts cosmetic, no real speed boost. Same running and walking speed as unbuffed characters. Do not allow them in towns or at least within a certain range of merchants, bank access, etc to prevent griefing. Add to the cosmetic aspect by being able to let people customize their mount’s appearances, for example decorative horns, armors, etc. (This could open up new crafting or store items.) When mounted, remove all combat skills and replace with “riding” skills such as walk, giddy-up, dismount, display (perhaps your mount rears up for example). Getting hit while mounted dismounts you with a small stun period to regain your senses. No mounts in WvW.

Something like this would be ok, but I prefer not having mounts to be honest. As purely cosmetic things, tolerable.


If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

I’m not against mounts as they are usually something I gravitate towards collecting in most games in this genre.

However, this game doesn’t need em. I think waypoints are enough. There may be too many of them in fact.

I would have rather of had some summoning feature to get to friends in a hurry and had mounts for regular travel, but…we got what we got. Mounts to me actually make sense for these types of worlds but hey, it is what it is. I will say though that I would rather have mounts in those other vast SEAMLESS worlds than this zone to zone instanced one. If we got them here, we would probably have to equip them every time we hit a portal and then wait another 3yrs before that’s fixed.

On topic: I think as far as speed boost go: every class does have access to some form of it. It doesn’t need to be equal or balanced between them. With speed boost, partywide or AoE and with teleports plus weapon skills plus trait set ups plus runes and w/e else…it’s pretty simple to traverse the world.

The game has been out for coming up on 2yrs. Deal with it I guess. Game could use the work put in elsewhere as far as I’m concerned. Not really an issue for me at this point.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


I’ll see your mounts with “removal of all fast travel options, including portals”, and raise you with “split services amongst the cities to force people to travel to them”.

Server: Devona’s Rest

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KilluaDarkReaper.3684


Why do people cry about features not in-game when they clearly havn’t done their homework or even played the game to know Mounts are not needed. I am tired of seeing these people saying these crazy ideas need to be added when they clearly un-needed. This is Guild Wars 2, not WoW Clone, not Wildstar, not anything except for Guild Wars 2. Let Arena Net do their kittening job because they do an amazing job. If you can’t see that kitten off, because they’re are players who do see the amazing work they do and they enjoy the game for what it is and what it’ll become .

Server – Darkhaven US
Guild – Darkhaven Elite

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


inb4 someone will say that Black Lion Chest Keys can be acquired only via Gem Store.

(^ Not sure if being sarcastic or trolling but….)

That is false and illogical for reasons already explained. Black Lion keys can be farmed and can be found as a drop.

Create a new character, human commoner, and run through PS story to level 10. 100% key drop. Transfer key to bank via banker golem given at creation of new character. Delete Character, rinse and repeat. Takes 15-20 minute with a group, 25-30 solo. Open chests, get speed boosters, run your heart out.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I can honestly say that 100% of the people in this thread would not complain if Anet said, “you know what, we decided standard running speed was kinda slow, we are going to put in a universal 20% speed increase for all classes. Speed buffs will increase the normal % based on this new base speed.” Nobody would argue with moving faster!

Now, I can also tell you the people who want mounts/want to move places faster will still ask for a speed boost. Nothing is ever fast enough. If there’s a buff that increases 33% speed (on top of the new +20%), they will now want that as the permanent speed and/or a mount or weapon buff that will make your speed that fast. Once they get a taste for moving at a faster speed, they will want it to be permanent.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: applecup.3047


2) To balance/normalize travel speed between classes. It´s unfair a warrior can easily stack 1 minute of speed boost while other classes can’t.

Yes, its totally unfair that the classes aren’t all alike and can’t do everything equally. It’s just horrible. Horrible.

Realistically warriors and guardians should run the slowest since they are wearing heavy armor. The cloth-wearing scholar classes should move the fastest.

Realistically, Warriors and Guardians should run the fastest because they’re honed for athleticism and endurance and heavy armor actually isn’t very encumbering. The cloth-wearing scholar classes should move the slowest because they don’t have the conditioning and athleticism – Unless his name is Rincewind.

… actually, Rangers should move fastest, thanks to lighter armor, better trailblazing, and equal emphasis on endurance and athleticism to warriors.

lets see if you can crawl in 80 pounds minimum clad in steel let alone whirl in place with a greatsword. there’s a reason knights were phased out of military tactics. projectile+incredibly slow target=dead(not to mention the cost of paying a noble born shock trooper was huge). the knights had horses to thank for mobility, since we’re talking about realism in a fantasy mmo and everything.

Armour is/was a lot more flexible and easy to move in that people think. Remember, it was designed to fight in, not to stand around in looking shiny…

[III] Third Legio, Aurora Glade
An Officer and a Gentlewoman