In just one weekend..
I love how you call anyone with a different opinion than you a “vocal minority locust”.
I never asked for this change, I was enjoying the game quite as bit as it was. I’m sure that’s the case for many of the people you refer to as “locusts”. That doesn’t mean we’re not going to enjoy the hell out of a new tier of equipment.
You need to learn to not take life so seriously. Or games for that matter. This new tier of equipment isn’t going to break the game. A game which I might add has only been out for THREE months. They never made a promise that exotic(easy as hell to get) gear was going to be the final stage. So you have to actually do some work if you want to have ascended gear. Buck up kiddo. Expecting to never have anything to progress towards at only 3 months in the game was just stupid on your(and many others) part.
A new tier of gear won’t break the game.
But power creep might. Gated content might. Gear checks might. Grinding a new dungeon might. Vertical progression doesn’t belong in this game, but it’s not difficult to see why it’s now there.
Nexon bought themselves a seat at NCSoft’s table, whose stock value isn’t doing well, and their shareholders aren’t happy.
That probably will break the game.
I love how you call anyone with a different opinion than you a “vocal minority locust”.
I never asked for this change, I was enjoying the game quite as bit as it was. I’m sure that’s the case for many of the people you refer to as “locusts”. That doesn’t mean we’re not going to enjoy the hell out of a new tier of equipment.
You need to learn to not take life so seriously. Or games for that matter. This new tier of equipment isn’t going to break the game. A game which I might add has only been out for THREE months. They never made a promise that exotic(easy as hell to get) gear was going to be the final stage. So you have to actually do some work if you want to have ascended gear. Buck up kiddo. Expecting to never have anything to progress towards at only 3 months in the game was just stupid on your(and many others) part.
A new tier of gear won’t break the game.
But power creep might. Gated content might. Gear checks might. Grinding a new dungeon might. Vertical progression doesn’t belong in this game, but it’s not difficult to see why it’s now there.
Nexon bought themselves a seat at NCSoft’s table, whose stock value isn’t doing well, and their shareholders aren’t happy.
That probably will break the game.
A new tier (but only one) acquirable in about 1 month of normal play, is surely not the end of the world, if its really slightly better then the exotic one (but ascended its not sadly)
But without a confirmation of this, we can only expect another tier after this one, and new infusions too.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"
20+% higher stats isn’t slightly.
A new tier of gear won’t break the game.
But power creep might. Gated content might. Gear checks might. Grinding a new dungeon might. Vertical progression doesn’t belong in this game, but it’s not difficult to see why it’s now there.
Nexon bought themselves a seat at NCSoft’s table, whose stock value isn’t doing well, and their shareholders aren’t happy.
That probably will break the game.
Gear checks. Gated content. A lot of people are throwing these words around and I think I want to point this out:
This is not something for ArenaNet to fix. This is for the players to actively discourage rather than buying into. It’s not easy, and you’re going to get flak for it, but why oh why weren’t you telling the people “Full Exotic or GTKO” exactly what you thought of them? Why aren’t you handling groups who go “LF2M, no rangers” as vehemently as you are ArenaNet for “making this happen”?
So far the only thing I’ve heard from people who have gotten higher in Fractals is that the Agony starts but you can evade it. It’s not an instant “you die if you don’t have Agony Resist”. It’s not “If you don’t have 180 Fire Resist then you’re taking damage per tick” . . .
. . . it is not the Demi-fiend of Amala, one of the craziest instances I ever came across of “gear check”. (Oh gods that one was brutal.)
20+% higher stats isn’t slightly.
You keep saying 20% but you’re not posting anything to support this. You want justice? I want evidence you’re not just performing a proctologically unwise maneuver to get these numbers.
fractals is popular now but it will change in time again…
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
(We have Teamspeak and a forum ) join us!
Why would it change? that’s where the best drops come from anyway.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I guess you enjoy losing to better geared opponents then. Most of us don’t.
Your snarkiness is missing my point here.
I don’t personally like WvWvW. I don’t do WvWvW. I only step into WvWvW if I want to play with a Treb. That’s all I do in WvWvW. I get on a high, hard to jump into spot, lay down a Treb, and slowly build it on the hill. Then I throw cows at people. Happy, diseased, dead cows at people.
It’s fun.
Ok! Ill bite. So then lets say for instance, after you throw those dead, happy diseased cows to your hearts content. Oh.. but wait.. you get tired on doing that and feel like going down and participating in the zerg vs zerg downstairs.
You and someone see each other and start fighting, for this example, we’ll say hes the same class and does the exact same skills as you. But one difference here. He spent time to do an optional “raid” you didn’t want to because you believed the manefesto was correct and everyone was equal.
He kicks your tail as he has better stats due to said armor. You suddenly feel as if you HAVE to do said raid in order to even complete with this.. kid.. that has more time than you.
And then, my friend you realize why people are crying foul.
Though, I do hope you enjoy that treb. I really do. :p
- Mike Obrien, President of Anet
(edited by MechanicalMind.9126)
My biggest issue is with Agony, also known as Radiance and Critigation, this will gate content and in my opinion has no place in GW2.
I would much rather see progression through adding more skills, adding elite 1-5 weapon skills that we can choose a load out for different situations like we can for 6-0, make them a grind to unlock even. More cosmetic options and more difficult content. There is many other ways they can add to and build on besides the power creep/treadmill/gating through gear.
It is a very scary direction imo for the game to be going in and I hope that Anet can come up with something better moving forward. I am not jumping ship or screaming the sky is falling but I am concerned about the future of this world I enjoy.
The forums were soul-destroying before the event, and afterwards it continues to be soul-destroying.
It’s pretty masochistic of me to keep visiting even though I know it is damaging my interest in playing a game I quite enjoy, and killing my faith in humanity as well.
But that’s how I roll.
I will make sure that my voice is heard since they want it to go away. That is how this works.
That is indeed how it works. Sooner or later they will have to address the problem or suffer the consequences.
I feel terrible for everyone who can’t seem to see any difference between GW2 and WoW, I really do. I mean what if I too were naive and blind?
You do realize that WOW was far from the first MMO, right? WOW took that aspect from much older MMO’s.
Yes, from Everquest. And EQ took it from a MUD it was based upon – Sojourn. Incidentally rampant eq inflation and elitism were one of the reasons for Sojourn/Toril downfall (and were recognized as a problem even before EQ has been made. Things eventually got so bad that people were advocating a total player wipe to get rid of equipment bloat. Which didn’t work, of course.).
The fact that a feature is old doesn’t mean it’s good.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
You talk of “losing” this game as if it was some kind of tragedy.
There are families being blown to pieces in Gaza, tribal wars in various countries, and ecological disasters. Those are tragedies.
This is a game where they added a backpiece and a ring that have slightly higher stats.
It’s truly in poor taste to equate a game’s issues to that of the real world. Shame on you, it’s really a moronic move to point t something severe and totally unrelated in an attempt to diminish the issue.
Moreover, are you trying to say that there’s more important problems in the world, we shouldn’t care about the product meant for us. Sure, let’s all shrug and move on. Let’s allow the game to shutdown and leave 300 people without jobs. Yeah, you’re so right, there’s no problem here at all.
(edited by Azjenco.9425)
The forums were soul-destroying before the event, and afterwards it continues to be soul-destroying.
It’s pretty masochistic of me to keep visiting even though I know it is damaging my interest in playing a game I quite enjoy, and killing my faith in humanity as well.
But that’s how I roll.
Like I said elsewhere, if I’m not playing it’s because I feel dirty due to everyone in several places telling me I am an idiot for playing it. That I’m an apologist, a fool for loot, a secret ANet employee (?!?!), or best ever . . . “the reason that this game is doomed to fail”.
(That one was when I was talking about the “culling” taking place during the event and telling someone: “Friend, I deal with this all the time if I’m in a spot where 30+ players are throwing spells and attacks. I can handle it, and still get Gold Reward on the event, so can you.”)
It’s not ANet that’s putting me off the game, or the Ascended Gear or whatever else people are complaining about. It’s the fact the community seems to want me to blindly follow them or else I must be blindly following “lies and hollow promises”. It can’t possibly be that I can have an entertaining time even in a flawed game.
Considering 90% of the forum complaining came from about 10% of the actual game population. I’d say they’re doing alright.
You could say that if you knew how the 90% who don’t get involved in forums felt You can’t assume they’re all loving it just as they don’t announce their leaving to group
I cant believe you people are hoping that Anet will fail…if Anet fails this close to the game’s creation and seemingly doesnt know what their customer base is..why do you think their publisher would give them more money? What you are hoping for is that alot of people will be out of jobs very soon..and that’s pretty sad just because you want Gw1.5
I agree mostly with your statement except: GW1.5
I don’t want GW1.5 I want GW2.0 pre-apocalyptic patch.
not enough content – “omg there is nothing to do after a month of playing”
new content – “omg i have to gring, wtf?”
i guess, you can never please everyone. besides that, i never understood what does grind even mean… just think about why you play guildwars. pvp? theres no grind in spvp and wvwvw it doesnt matter what equip you have. pve? well, when you consider that pve is basically killing mobs in different places and running dungeons, then you have only two options to increase this content. first is to make infinite size world and infinite number of dungeons, which is pretty much impossible. wait, youre saying that 20 dungeons would be enough? yes, maybe it will suffice for 3months instead of one, but then youd be done with them and got nothing to do again. the second option is to give you a purpose to repeat the content you already have. and so you have ascended gear you can “grind” for.
to me it looks like items you have to “grind” for are items you know you cant get in as short time as you would want to. and thats just silly. you expect mmo to be some life long adventure but it is not. mmo is usualy just a rpg game you play with more people. so, what do you do in rpg game when you kill the final boss? thats right, nothing, you turn it off and move to something else. some of you might replay the game, or “grind” some better items, increase the difficulty, try to complete it by playing with one hand only, etc… and the same things can you do in mmos after youve completed them, or when you reach the “end game”. thats another term i hate. there is nothing after the end, and thats why its called the end. only way to keep playing is replaying what was before the end.
all this QQ about “grind” and not enough “end game” content is complete nonsense. and they even conflict with each other.
I don’t think it’s “you people”. I think it’s a small knot of very disgruntled fans. This is the same kind of mentality as fans who will throw stuff on the field of a ball game when their team is losing . . . causing the game to be ended prematurely and with no chance to recover.
I guess you enjoy losing to better geared opponents then. Most of us don’t.
Your snarkiness is missing my point here.
I don’t personally like WvWvW. I don’t do WvWvW. I only step into WvWvW if I want to play with a Treb. That’s all I do in WvWvW. I get on a high, hard to jump into spot, lay down a Treb, and slowly build it on the hill. Then I throw cows at people. Happy, diseased, dead cows at people.
It’s fun.
Ok! Ill bite. So then lets say for instance, after you throw those dead, happy diseased cows to your hearts content. Oh.. but wait.. you get tired on doing that and feel like going down and participating in the zerg vs zerg downstairs.
You and someone see each other and start fighting, for this example, we’ll say hes the same class and does the exact same skills as you. But one difference here. He spent time to do an optional “raid” you didn’t want to because you believed the manefesto was correct and everyone was equal.
He kicks your tail as he has better stats due to said armor. You suddenly feel as if you HAVE to do said raid in order to even complete with this.. kid.. that has more time than you.
And then, my friend you realize why people are crying foul.
Though, I do hope you enjoy that treb. I really do. :p
I love the treb too much to do anything else other than that seriously =P
I have the ascended mats in my inventory that I’ve picked up along the way, but seriously I lack the idea what to do with them. Heh.
Well.. uh.. I’m tired. I was going to make a point with this post, but I’m going to slepe or something
Um… wrong? GW2 Mission Statement was anti-grind. Maybe you should go and research the complaints about Legendary Weapons. GW2 fans do not want grind.
“…the second option is to give you a purpose to repeat the content you already have. and so you have ascended gear you can “grind” for.”
-This does not make the same content more fun. It just makes the same content even more repulsive.
-Next, Anet did not update, or has not yet, the older content. Anet has only added new content which has:
—Implemented Gated Communities
—Created a Ghost World
—Created, LF(Certain)M
—Increase grind instead of the game being Achievement base.
Proof this is against the original mission statement: I can explore Twilight Arbor, a level 35 dungeon, and still achieve same stat gear as running a level 80 dungeon. I cannot run a level 80 dungeon and gain same state gear offered in a ‘player’ level one dungeon. Gears achieved from all ‘older’ dungeons are obtained by only completing said dungeons. Gear from new dungeon requires the grind that players do not want.
(edited by Leonard.2867)
You talk of “losing” this game as if it was some kind of tragedy.
There are families being blown to pieces in Gaza, tribal wars in various countries, and ecological disasters. Those are tragedies.
This is a game where they added a backpiece and a ring that have slightly higher stats.
If you take the route of that kind of cheap rethoric, you’ll find yourself in a swamp very soon.
By your metric ArenaNet shouldn’t even exist. Why wasting the time of so many persons in producing something that isn’t helpful to those who are really suffering?
Why aren’t you in Africa helping starved children and instead are here posting about something as trivial as a videogame?
Your rethoric questions the very roots of the western civilization, and while in the proper contest it could be a very interesting topic, this is not the place to discuss it.
I don’t think it’s “you people”. I think it’s a small knot of very disgruntled fans. This is the same kind of mentality as fans who will throw stuff on the field of a ball game when their team is losing . . . causing the game to be ended prematurely and with no chance to recover.
Those fans you are referring too are the fans who have either played GW1 and know the philosophy, or the fans who have accepted the GW1/2 Mission statement.
“Read my lips. No new taxes”
-George W. Bush
I don’t think it’s “you people”. I think it’s a small knot of very disgruntled fans. This is the same kind of mentality as fans who will throw stuff on the field of a ball game when their team is losing . . . causing the game to be ended prematurely and with no chance to recover.
Those fans you are referring too are the fans who have either played GW1 and know the philosophy, or the fans who have accepted the GW1/2 Mission statement.
“Read my lips. No new taxes”
-George W. Bush
And on that note: 2 Million copies was sold under Anets Mission statement.
I cant believe you people are hoping that Anet will fail…if Anet fails this close to the game’s creation and seemingly doesnt know what their customer base is..why do you think their publisher would give them more money? What you are hoping for is that alot of people will be out of jobs very soon..and that’s pretty sad just because you want Gw1.5
I agree mostly with your statement except: GW1.5
I don’t want GW1.5 I want GW2.0 pre-apocalyptic patch.
Yeah, the thing is, ANet proposed to go into GW2 with the same philosophy they used for GW1. So this isn’t a matter of people wanting GW1.5, it’s ANet taking a detour in how they’ve been doing games and promised how they’d approach GW2.
I don’t think it’s “you people”. I think it’s a small knot of very disgruntled fans. This is the same kind of mentality as fans who will throw stuff on the field of a ball game when their team is losing . . . causing the game to be ended prematurely and with no chance to recover.
Those fans you are referring too are the fans who have either played GW1 and know the philosophy, or the fans who have accepted the GW1/2 Mission statement.
“Read my lips. No new taxes”
-George W. Bush
. . . yeah, there’s a thing with trying to promise absolutes. Someday you might have to go back on it. I had to, within the last year, entertain a young daughter of a friend. This meant I had to do something I had said a couple times (jokingly, but I said it) I would never do.
I actually recommended MLP.
If you want something a little heavier, and with more meat to it, let’s try this. I once said I wouldn’t ever move back in with my parents. I got a good job working for a restaurant and party hot spot. It closed and I looked at moving back but I had made a promise . . . so I went to work managing for a small company at a mall kiosk. I did well enough, not the top sellers but not the worst. My employees respected me, liked me and I had one quit and come back after seeing I’d resolved the issue that made him quit.
They opted to go online distribution at the end of the year. I wound up making all kinds of promises to interested buyers to have the product there for the new version rollout in March but . . . oops. Not only that, but my roommate had accepted a promotion and now was moving out of state.
I moved back in with my family. A year and a half later my mom wound up in the hospital for four (count them, four) Pulmonary Embolisms. For that whole year, I was pretty much there supporting her and keeping her sane, while having to pick up the slack since she couldn’t do very much.
In the end? If I hadn’t moved back in, she probably would be dead right now.
What does that have to do with this? The same kind of thing “no new taxes” had to do with it. If you want to go pulling in real life examples?
What if Kennedy hadn’t made the rash promise to put a man on the moon in a short timetable? If the Apollo 1 accident had delayed the timetable and he missed the promised date would he be a liar? Objectively . . . yes. Demonstratably, the date passed and it hadn’t been done. Would it have mattered if they landed Apollo 11 a month . . . a year late?
Has ArenaNet put something in the game which is against their manifesto? Are
Ascended items something they promised they wouldn’t do?
Same answer to both situations. I don’t think it matters, but I can’t say for certain. I am neither clairvoyant nor am I capable of peering into alternate realities.
Everyone is still going over the same thing, I dont care if it takes you a 100 times to get twilight armour, that is your choice, you want the look then work for it, you want a lengendary weapon that shows how much effort you put into it, thats fine too.
This all comes down to added stats.. however small its still there, i like that people have a different choice in what to do, but to add stats is just not something I brought the game for. The better armours should be in the hard to finish dungeons, adding extra stats its whats causing this issue, if they add agony to pve content then people will need to do this..
All that happens with added stats is the mobs get it too.. your not stronger your just thinking you are when you press H. I played GW1 for too long, I liked getting new armour choices, I liked mixing them about, if i needed to get rep to get one.. I did it, but that didnt make me stronger, everyone can say that PvE skills added were the added stats.. that also changed the game.. but now you can have max dmg with just running thro the story there, this was done for why? GW1 was all about no one person having an advantage over the other, but if you wanted THAT weapon/armour then go work for it.
Btw i havent been in fractals or have dungeon armour, again thats my choice.
(edited by Missy.7356)
Just two quick questions to the people that claim the 12000 posts in the now locked ascendant gear thread isnt an indication of what the majority of the players want.
How many MMOs out there have have stayed perfectly healthy after having doomsday proclamations regarding changes on their forums?
How often have the doomsday proclaimers or whiners (as you may call it) been way off mark?
I dont think I’ve experienced one MMO that currently has a healthy population after disasterous patches. Patches that drove the vocal population to complain on the forums. The companies didnt care, because it was just a minor population of the game that went to the forums.
But the now closed thread had around 12000 posts, around 9-10000 of those were against the new gear in one way or the other. Thats roughly 80% of the players that represent the forum goers. I’m sure not all disgrunteled people go to the forums.
The negative attitude pours into the live gaming crowd aswell, people express their feelinging in game. I think the numbers are quite frankly the same in game with the pro and against crowds.
The biggest gripe also seems to be the stat inflation and the lack of options to obtain the gear. Sure you cant please everyone, but you CAN meet everyones demands halfways.
-Add Asc gear in WvW and through crafting asap, make it karma gear in WvW. Dont include infusion slots in WvW/crafted gear and make the infusions only give agony resist.
-Remove the inflated stats and make them exotics with infusion slots, make infusions give agony resist only.
This way PvPers and PvEers would be happy. Not giving infusion slots to PvP/crafted sets would mean those that so eagerly wanted a new tier in PvE gets their fun little grind while the PvPers can either buy it or grind it, depending on their choice, since they didnt demand the new gear for WvW. But if they one day want to dabble in PvE they need to grind for the set like everyone else.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
@Tobias Trueflight.8350
I’m sorry but I did not read your life story. I played GW1 from day one until my final deployment to Afghanistan in 2010. I stopped playing GW1 and tried WoW then went back to GW1. I stopped playing GW1 other times as well to either, enjoy real life or other non-mmo games. Either case, from the start, I always came back to GW1. I promise, that if Anet continues in the direction they are going, when I leave GW2, I wont come back unless they, at Anet, revert back to their Mission Statement. I did not go back to WoW, I went back to GW1 and now GW2.
“Has ArenaNet put something in the game which is against their manifesto? Are
Ascended items something they promised they wouldn’t do?”
First question yes, and it started with Legendary Weapons, hence so much animosity. Next question, I do not know. But I do know it was not GW1 and its not what I payed $80 for the game and another $50 on gems.
“Same answer to both situations. I don’t think it matters, but I can’t say for certain. I am neither clairvoyant nor am I capable of peering into alternate realities.”
It does matter, otherwise the forums would be flooded with, “fix your bugs” and “your dungeons are still too hard” instead of, “WoWzerz Bowzerz Anet, OMG for real?”
This all comes down to added stats.. however small its still there,
I beg you to indulge a question. These two items might possibly exist, so you tell me which is better.
+61 Power
+44 Precison
+3% Critical Damage
+44 Power
+61 Precision
+44 Condition Damage.
Take your time.
This all comes down to added stats.. however small its still there,
I beg you to indulge a question. These two items might possibly exist, so you tell me which is better.
+61 Power
+44 Precison
+3% Critical Damageor
+44 Power
+61 Precision
+44 Condition Damage.Take your time.
Those are for different specs. Not sure what you are trying to get across, atleast compare two items of the same affix. That means zerker vs zerker, valkyrie vs valkyre and such.
@Tobias Trueflight.8350
I’m sorry but I did not read your life story. I played GW1 from day one until my final deployment to Afghanistan in 2010. I stopped playing GW1 and tried WoW then went back to GW1. I stopped playing GW1 other times as well to either, enjoy real life or other non-mmo games. Either case, from the start, I always came back to GW1. I promise, that if Anet continues in the direction they are going, when I leave GW2, I wont come back unless they, at Anet, revert back to their Mission Statement. I did not go back to WoW, I went back to GW1 and now GW2.
“Has ArenaNet put something in the game which is against their manifesto? Are
Ascended items something they promised they wouldn’t do?”First question yes, and it started with Legendary Weapons, hence so much animosity. Next question, I do not know. But I do know it was not GW1 and its not what I payed $80 for the game and another $50 on gems.
“Same answer to both situations. I don’t think it matters, but I can’t say for certain. I am neither clairvoyant nor am I capable of peering into alternate realities.”
It does matter, otherwise the forums would be flooded with, “fix your bugs” and “your dungeons are still too hard” instead of, “WoWzerz Bowzerz Anet, OMG for real?”
I didn’t really expect anyone to read my life story. That’s just a selected fraction of it, mind you. My life story is quite boring and uninteresting, and I am relatively certain once I close the final chapter there will be nobody wanting to hear it. I made peace with that long ago.
Again, I disagree about “does it matter?” because I honestly don’t think it will make a difference. Legendaries didn’t make a difference, for all that they were highly grind-y. They’re there, you need to invest time and effort to get them, but in the end I’m not seeing a big compelling reason to chase them other than “because it’s there”.
Those are for different specs. Not sure what you are trying to get across, atleast compare two items of the same affix. That means zerker vs zerker, valkyrie vs valkyre and such.
Someone posted a comparison of two rings: Ruby Orichalcum Ring and Vine of the Pale Tree. Like these two affixes, there was some overlap of statistics but some non-overlap as well.
If I have to compare the same affix? Then you can’t compare these rings. If you compare those rings, then I can compare two different prefixes/suffixes.
So, really, which one is better?
To the OP:
Honestly, take any viewpoints posted on these forums with a pinch of salt. Consider how any changes affect your personally since a game is about your enjoyment not of others. There will be highs and there will be lows. As you said this is just one weekend. There will be more, and by then you can judge whether ANet consider the thoughts its players.
“Again, I disagree about “does it matter?” because I honestly don’t think it will make a difference. Legendaries didn’t make a difference, for all that they were highly grind-y. They’re there, you need to invest time and effort to get them, but in the end I’m not seeing a big compelling reason to chase them other than “because it’s there”.”
And why would a player chase a Legendary if its just a skin upgrade? But the context was that for those who wanted the cool skin, the system to obtain a legendary was… pish-posh. Now if a Legendary gave +stats, then the whole idea behind it changes. What if content in the game was blocked to those who do not wield a Legendary? The fact is, many people will not care about a Legendary because it does not affect their play in any sense. If it does affect a player, no matter how small, then it becomes an issue.
To the OP:
Honestly, take any viewpoints posted on these forums with a pinch of salt. Consider how any changes affect your personally since a game is about your enjoyment not of others. There will be highs and there will be lows. As you said this is just one weekend. There will be more, and by then you can judge whether ANet consider the thoughts its players.
An MMO is also about others, whether you like it or not. The quality and quantity of people playing with you affects your own enjoyment.
They have trumpeted this game to be designed from the ground up to encourage the social part of online gaming, the MMO in MMORPG.
If the game and/or the community are, slowly or not, going down the drain, that will have an effect on your experience.
Especially since here there is quite a bit of content that requires a party, unlike GW1 where you had henchmen and heroes that made the game almost completely soloable.
Those are for different specs. Not sure what you are trying to get across, atleast compare two items of the same affix. That means zerker vs zerker, valkyrie vs valkyre and such.
Someone posted a comparison of two rings: Ruby Orichalcum Ring and Vine of the Pale Tree. Like these two affixes, there was some overlap of statistics but some non-overlap as well.
If I have to compare the same affix? Then you can’t compare these rings. If you compare those rings, then I can compare two different prefixes/suffixes.
So, really, which one is better?
Still not seeing what your point is, since both those 2 you linked are off the same level and for different specs.
But compare a pale tree ring with a ruby orichalcum one.
Pale Tree
+71 Power
+50 Precision
+4% Critical Damage
+32 Power
+4% Critical Damage
+18 Vitality
Ruby Ori+gem
+67 Power
+48 Precision
+3% Critical Damage
+25 Power
+3% Critical Damage
+15 Precision
And for those that dont want to do dungeons at all the gap gets even bigger when we start talking about backs. You cant obtain an exotic back outside of PvE, so you are stuck with rare backs in WvW if you dont PvE.
I posted this in another thread. I just made the Ascended backpack, here’s a comparison to my old one:
Guild Assassin Backpack of the Berserker
20 power
14 Precision
1% Crit damage
25 Power
3% Crit damage
15 Precision
Quiver of Swift Flight
24 Power
17 Precision
1% Crit damage
32 Power
4% Crit damage
18 Precision
The stats are 20-25% increase, apply that to every piece of armor and weapons and I think you’ll agree it’s going to be a problem in WvWvW.
If it does affect a player, no matter how small, then it becomes an issue.
It only becomes an issue if you let it become an issue.
Do I care that it might give me a +20% edge? (I’m not conceding that that’s a fair number, by the way – we haven’t seen enough to judge, only extrapolate.) Sure, all right, I can safely say it might enter my mind I’d want that. Do I want to go through the trouble to get it? Probably not to the exclusion of everything else. If I get lucky? Maybe I’ll consider it, like if the next time I do the Cathedral of Silence the chest drops a Precursor into my lap.
Would I let that my potential is not at the absolute best it could be stop me from playing the game? No.
I do not think it matters.
@Tobias Trueflight.8350
“It only becomes an issue if you let it become an issue.”
Psh, for real? Stop posting. Next….
I posted this in another thread. I just made the Ascended backpack, here’s a comparison to my old one:
The stats are 20-25% increase, apply that to every piece of armor and weapons and I think you’ll agree it’s going to be a problem in WvWvW.
Thank you. I can see the comparison clearer now, and agree that might be a significant difference.
However, in WvW, as I keep saying, superior gear is only one part of an advantage to win. You could have the most awesome full Ascended set you worked for but if you get jumped by six people and you’re alone? You’re dying. If your whole server squad is decked out in it but the other servers don’t play ball and face you directly, snatching points from you where your squad isn’t at? You’re bleeding points.
Everyone’s so hung up on “statistical superiority” they forget “tactical and strategical superiority” will close that gap.
@Tobias Trueflight.8350
“It only becomes an issue if you let it become an issue.”Psh, for real? Stop posting. Next….
To paraphrase someone else here, if I stop speaking up and let my voice go unheard then it’s a grave injustice. You do not have to get condescending and insulting, I have at least attempted to remain civil and not tell you to shut up even though I don’t agree. Do me the same courtesy.
1 – If they change it back, they will be seen by yet more people as “not having the integrity to stick to what they wanted to do”. They’re in a “darned if you do/don’t” position right now. They keep it as is? People keep saying it’s clear they don’t care about what we think. They change it back? People use it as evidence they can’t make up their mind.
Other gaming companies that introduced a new feature that the core customer base hated did rollback. EVE Online, LOTRO.
Unfortunately, Sony did not when they introduced NGE into Star Wars Galaxies. The president later admitted that it was a bad change and hurt the game/their financial model. But it was too late and the game was officially closed down last year.
The whole issue could be nullified if they made ascended gear available they wvw.
Make it purchasable thru badges, make badges auto loot when the target is downed, remove badges from pve stuff (jumping puzzle awards more badges then actualy fighting. Really?)
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
Other gaming companies that introduced a new feature that the core customer base hated did rollback. EVE Online, LOTRO.
Unfortunately, Sony did not when they introduced NGE into Star Wars Galaxies. The president later admitted that it was a bad change and hurt the game/their financial model. But it was too late and the game was officially closed down last year.
Yeah, thing is, I really don’t see a rollback helping in this case. I really do expect it won’t do anything to score them any points and will only make more people upset. It might remove the thing that everyone was complaining about, but it runs the very significant risk of alienating the people who made progress during the time between the time of rollback and the time it’s rolled back to.
And if they do a rollback, it tells the people here that if they complain long and loud enough about something they can force the devs to cave in. Whether or not it is the right thing to do in this particular case . . . it sets a bad precedent later on.
The whole issue could be nullified if they made ascended gear available they wvw.
Make it purchasable thru badges, make badges auto loot when the target is downed, remove badges from pve stuff (jumping puzzle awards more badges then actualy fighting. Really?)
I thought they said they have plans to, but hadn’t rolled it out yet.
@Tobias Trueflight.8350
“It only becomes an issue if you let it become an issue.”Psh, for real? Stop posting. Next….
To paraphrase someone else here, if I stop speaking up and let my voice go unheard then it’s a grave injustice.
You do not have to get condescending and insulting, I have at least attempted to remain civil and not tell you to shut up even though I don’t agree. Do me the same courtesy.
Thing bring Material not loops. Tell a woman with breast cancer that same line and see where the real insult is.
I posted this in another thread. I just made the Ascended backpack, here’s a comparison to my old one:
Guild Assassin Backpack of the Berserker
20 power
14 Precision
1% Crit damage
25 Power
3% Crit damage
15 PrecisionQuiver of Swift Flight
24 Power
17 Precision
1% Crit damage
32 Power
4% Crit damage
18 PrecisionThe stats are 20-25% increase, apply that to every piece of armor and weapons and I think you’ll agree it’s going to be a problem in WvWvW.
An increase of 4 stats points from rare to ascended = gamebreaking?
The lols is mighty on this one.
For the sheer majority of the forums who don’t understand game mechanics, you think an extra 36 points (ring ring backpack) is going to be the deciding factor in a fight?
Wow. Just wow.
Revenant – Master Blárp [Desolation]
(edited by Razarei.2809)
And if they do a rollback, it tells the people here that if they complain long and loud enough about something they can force the devs to cave in. Whether or not it is the right thing to do in this particular case . . . it sets a bad precedent later on.
Bioware added a new ending to Mass effect 3 after enough people complained. The voices of the community were so damaging that they had to take notice. Bioware gained my respect after that. It showed they are as human as the rest of us and can make mistakes and really do care about their fans. I believe Anet has made a mistake with this patch and the community should show there dissatisfaction. I believe Anet can make amends if they really wanted to.
(edited by Rich.9503)
Thing bring Material not loops. Tell a woman with breast cancer that same line and see where the real insult is.
I wouldn’t TELL a woman with breast cancer that line that bluntly. I would tell my own mother that line, but that’s because she needs a swift kick sometimes to get her self-motivation in gear.
I would also advise you not equate this . . . the forum and the game we are talking about . . . to something like cancer/HIV. That cheapens what those people are going through and it isn’t fair to them.
I am not using that loop to suggest “you can only not fly with your bare arms if you haven’t tried hard enough”. Some things are, in fact, physically impossible. Social problems are not in that category, they can be fought against.
And not being accepted for a PUG over not having good enough gear? That’s not a problem revolving around the gear, it revolves around the people. It’s the same as “LF2M, no rangers”. Or, if you prefer: “LF1M, must speak English”, “Underworld, LF1M, pay 1 plat for admission”, “Recruiting for [Guild], must be L80, 18+, and have Vent.”