Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
The game is growing if you mean by the numbers of people quitting. Almost every person on my friends list has left and everyone I played with in the guild I was in left.
The devs seem to have a complete lack of respect for their customers and don’t seem to listen to criticism.
It’s a good thing the game is F2P because nobody would put up with the constant nerfs to classes and loot, broken classes, horrible events can I have a karka and the infraction happy forum moderators.
The game has a lot of fanbois so they will continue to enjoy it.
Sry to read your friend did that to you but its just you when was the last time you tried playing events with your friends? When was the last time you even talked with them out side of the game? Having vent or some type of voice chat adds so much to any mmorpg game that you should not be losing friends in game. Also if these where some of the “first comers” type ppl you found in the game and befriended them then they are not going to be as reliable as though who stay longer and or did not come when the hype was big you will always see this type of person jumping from game to game looking for the “next best thing” and never find it.
Thinking next best thing was ESO before the leaked video now its what wildstar or something what will be next?
Wake up Anet, your game is starting to die.
Unfounded claims of the game dying: Check.
Claims that GW2 isn’t as good as GW1: Check.Its like a pattern in every kitten ‘complaint’ thread. All I’m missing is ‘whar trinity whar’.
I love playing GW2, but, GW1 DOES HAVE better game-play, GW2 just looks better.
Not sure if this is anecdotal or not, but April saw the departure of at least four well-known gaming communities from GW2 as dedicated communities.
Wake up Anet, your game is starting to die.
Unfounded claims of the game dying: Check.
Claims that GW2 isn’t as good as GW1: Check.Its like a pattern in every kitten ‘complaint’ thread. All I’m missing is ‘whar trinity whar’.
I love playing GW2, but, GW1 DOES HAVE better game-play, GW2 just looks better.
How is it better game play? I must say being able to MOVE out of the way of attk is very nice being able to do combo is amassing for team work the ability to switch your ability and changeable skills in the tratle lines just out side of combat is very nice and adds a lot being able to switch weapons IN COMBAT is a god sent. So what could you do in GW1 that was “better game-play” the turn base like combat?
Not sure if this is anecdotal or not, but April saw the departure of at least four well-known gaming communities from GW2 as dedicated communities.
I think that falls under slander if you cant back it up well agent Anet.
(edited by Jski.6180)
I love playing GW2, but, GW1 DOES HAVE better game-play, GW2 just looks better.
Nothing wrong with varying tastes. I’ve just noticed that almost every Doom™ post comes with the same rationales like ‘its not as good as GW1’.
One thing I wish would die; the game is dying threads. I’ve seen these on games that are much more deserving of the ‘dying’ moniker (Conan, SWTOR, LOTRO), and every one of those games continues today.
Seriously, I didn’t read the rest of your post because people with bad arguments often wrap their complaints in doomsday rhetoric. You may have channeled Socrates for all I know, but it doesn’t matter because now it’s about whether the game is dying or not.
Please, make a decent, concise argument without using the word ‘dying’. No one believes this game is going to die anytime soon.
Not sure if this is anecdotal or not, but April saw the departure of at least four well-known gaming communities from GW2 as dedicated communities.
most of those guilds (PRX, TL…) are hardcore wvw guilds, they were here for wvw to begin with. Given the current situation of wvw and the lack of communications from wvw devs, i am not surprise they quit.
That does not mean the whole game is dying, it just means that the devs need to start doing so kittening work to improve wvw.
(edited by Kript.3291)
You say activity is decreasing, but what data points are you basing this on?
Is time of day/week being considered in your observations? Was it around WvW reset time so a large portion of the server’s population would have rushed into WvW in order to get an early advantage in the rankings? What about recent new game releases that would give people cause to take a break from a game that has no subscription fee as an incentive to continue playing to get their ’money’s worth’? How about changes in personal lifestyle or schedule that leaves people with less time to play the game now than they had before? What about people who suddenly find themselves with more free time to sink into the game now? Then there’s always the crowd that waits around until big patches hit, playing for a week or so, then doing something else until the next patch hits. I should know. I’m one of them.
You can’t make the claim that the game is dying as a whole based solely on your relatively isolated subset of data. Sorry that your sphere of activity is seeing a decline, but elsewhere that you aren’t seeing there are likely spikes in activity from other players in areas of the game that you aren’t
(edited by Hobocop.1508)
- 1 – I believe activity is a large role in whether or not a game is dying. If half of my guild is going inactive, as well as every single other guild that I’ve talked to as well (like I said above, except 475+ guilds) have been drastically losing activity, that’s a sure sign of a game dying.
Have you polled all the guilds in the game? Do you know if new guilds and new players are signing up? Have you checked the population meters for each server? How about at least checking someplace like Xfire since its actually quantifiable?
- 2 – Another sign, as pointed above, is dungeon running. Hardly anyone runs dungeons anymore compared to what it used to be, and I don’t really think you can argue with that. I don’t count people sitting in Lion’s Arch afk dancing with their fractal backpiece and legendary as being active.
/e goes to, waits for the site to load, checks to see how many lfg requests there are
/e comes back
You were saying?
- 3 – I never said GW1 was, or is, better than Guild Wars 2. I said there are amazing aspects of Guild Wars 1 that were never included in Guild Wars 2, and it is a shame that some things they did right in their first game, they completely messed up in their second.
Please, do read the post before commenting on it. If you can read all of that in less than 30 seconds after I post it, hats off to you, but when your comment doesn’t make sense with what I wrote, anyone can tell you didn’t.
I speed read it, which is all I needed. Its the same kitten every. kitten. time.
“The game is dying!” “The game needs a trinity NOW!” “CoF p1 speedruns!” “GW1 was better!” “Fanboy!”
At the least, if you’re gonna come with a criticism, at least come with something original and actually worthy of discussion like if the pre-endgame economy and the cash shop needs improving. Not the same kitten drama bombs we’ve heard over and over and over and over and over again.
But hey, I went off to adventure a bit, do some reading, and came back a couple hours later to find you’re at over 100 replies now. That’s a nice chunk of forum PvP XP right there. A winner is you.
You can’t make the claim that the game is dying as a whole based solely on your relatively isolated subset of data. Sorry that your sphere of activity is seeing a decline, but elsewhere that you aren’t seeing there are likely spikes in activity from other players in areas of the game that you aren’t
At 11 PM tonight I stepped outside for a moment and looked around. Based on my observations I can say with absolute certainty that my wife and I are the last two human beings left alive. RIP, human race.
wth is this, i don’t even…
You can’t make the claim that the game is dying as a whole based solely on your relatively isolated subset of data. Sorry that your sphere of activity is seeing a decline, but elsewhere that you aren’t seeing there are likely spikes in activity from other players in areas of the game that you aren’t
At 11 PM tonight I stepped outside for a moment and looked around. Based on my observations I can say with absolute certainty that my wife and I are the last two human beings left alive. RIP, human race.
O good i though i was the last human i am the only one i can see but it dark out so there must be no more sun so i think your right RIP, human race and most large life on earth!
Wake up Anet, your game is starting to die.
Unfounded claims of the game dying: Check.
Claims that GW2 isn’t as good as GW1: Check.Its like a pattern in every kitten ‘complaint’ thread. All I’m missing is ‘whar trinity whar’.
I love playing GW2, but, GW1 DOES HAVE better game-play, GW2 just looks better.
How is it better game play? I must say being able to MOVE out of the way of attk is very nice being able to do combo is amassing for team work the ability to switch your ability and changeable skills in the tratle lines just out side of combat is very nice and adds a lot being able to switch weapons IN COMBAT is a god sent. So what could you do in GW1 that was “better game-play” the turn base like combat?
Not sure if this is anecdotal or not, but April saw the departure of at least four well-known gaming communities from GW2 as dedicated communities.
I think that falls under slander if you cant back it up well agent Anet.
Don’t need to be an investigator or agent to use Google.
And movement does not make better combat. Well designed and calculated movement does, but that doesn’t really exist in GW2.
(edited by TwoBit.5903)
I agree somewhat, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say the game is ‘dying’ (Or anywhere close to being dead), especially seeing as you don’t really have any actual evidence to back it up.
I think most people are just finding the game a little stale, seeing as it’s been like what? 7 months since release? And all we’ve really gotten (in terms of new features) are Guild missions and Fractals.
- Living Story… It’s a great idea, but I’m going to be honest with you, Anet…it sucks. There’s very little content involved in the living story, and what is there is utterly boring. The sooner you realize this, the better.
Couldn’t agree more here. I’m sure some people enjoy it, but for the most part it just seems like a waste of resources, imo.
- PvP…I believe Anet is focusing way too hard on PvP right now, especially when even that is dying.
If anything it’s the exact opposite (More so on how you said that Anet are focusing ‘too hard’ on PvP). PvP has been completely neglected, only now is actually getting some real attention, and this attention I might add, is just to add in those basic foundation features which should have been in the game at RELEASE… and of course in turn, that means that people are actually able to look at PvP as a (mostly) finished game, rather than a game which may as well had been in an alpha state for the past 5-6 months.
Don’t need to be an investigator or agent to use Google.
And movement does not make better combat, Well designed and calculated movement does, but that doesn’t really exist in GW2.
Though you where asking if it was what type of comment you where using.
Movement dose exist in GW2 main thing that show it is the food that makes you hit harder when your are MOVING. There also hit boxes for skills there attk types there are root skill wall skill that stop movement for the most part.
Messed up quote sry about that.
Don’t need to be an investigator or agent to use Google.
And movement does not make better combat, Well designed and calculated movement does, but that doesn’t really exist in GW2.
Though you where asking if it was what type of comment you where using.
Movement dose exist in GW2 main thing that show it is the food that makes you hit harder when your are MOVING. There also hit boxes for skills there attk types there are root skill wall skill that stop movement for the most part.Messed up quote sry about that.
That’s true, they exist. But they’re not well designed, much less designed on a level worthy of eSports. There’s simply no depth to that aspect of combat. I mean I press buttons to move in every game, but it doesn’t mean that the movement is well-integrated.
IMO, there’s nothing wrong with turn-based combat or combat that’s similar. Pokemon is purely turn based (and well designed at that) and it has a huge competitive following.
At 11 PM tonight I stepped outside for a moment and looked around. Based on my observations I can say with absolute certainty that my wife and I are the last two human beings left alive. RIP, human race.
I just closed both my eyes, and the whole world disappeared!!! But then when I opened my eyes, I recreated the world exactly as I had left it.
I must lift or something. <3
Back to the argument at hand. OP is basically justifying his stance by saying his personal experiences within his guild must transcend all reason, and thus equates to the game ending. He further explains his posts by saying he talked to other people. Going on, a couple more people agreed with him in this thread, so that solidifies his theories.
/munches on popcorn
Wake up Anet, your game is starting to die.
Unfounded claims of the game dying: Check.
Claims that GW2 isn’t as good as GW1: Check.Its like a pattern in every kitten ‘complaint’ thread. All I’m missing is ‘whar trinity whar’.
I love playing GW2, but, GW1 DOES HAVE better game-play, GW2 just looks better.
How is it better game play? I must say being able to MOVE out of the way of attk is very nice being able to do combo is amassing for team work the ability to switch your ability and changeable skills in the tratle lines just out side of combat is very nice and adds a lot being able to switch weapons IN COMBAT is a god sent. So what could you do in GW1 that was “better game-play” the turn base like combat?
Guildwars had more strategy, more variation, more heart to combat, in GW1 you had to work hard to survive and it was epic fun just getting through certain areas, yes you were locked to the spot when you fought but i LIKED that,it took skill to survive, GW2 feels like im playing Street fighter 2 in an mmo, The AI is so trivialized because it cannot keep up with the fluid combat style, so they make everything stupid hard in Dungeons to try and keep up..
GW1 had so many skills and the Capture ability made combat worth going out and doing in GW2 once you unlock your meager skills you are STUCK with them now combat is generic and classes are all clones of each other like every other mmo..
(edited by Dante.1508)
Don’t need to be an investigator or agent to use Google.
And movement does not make better combat, Well designed and calculated movement does, but that doesn’t really exist in GW2.
Though you where asking if it was what type of comment you where using.
Movement dose exist in GW2 main thing that show it is the food that makes you hit harder when your are MOVING. There also hit boxes for skills there attk types there are root skill wall skill that stop movement for the most part.Messed up quote sry about that.
That’s true, they exist. But they’re not well designed, much less designed on a level worthy of eSports. There’s simply no depth to that aspect of combat. I mean I press buttons to move in every game, but it doesn’t mean that the movement is well-integrated.
IMO, there’s nothing wrong with turn-based combat or combat that’s similar. Pokemon is purely turn based (and well designed at that) and it has a huge competitive following.
Its getting there to the level of eSports though look at Smit (not sure if that an eSports yet) there is no rolling every thing is a skill shot but its a very one way line shot. Even in LoL there not too much moving out of the way in GW2 every class can roll out of the way of something if they need to you can blink behind walls and avoid dmg you can even move just out side of the 150 melee range and watch the wifts.
Pokemon is more about team builds and timing of your switch (from what i seen). Its like a game of poker (pokermon!) true turn base has a places but its becoming less and less used.
Guildwars had more strategy, more variation, more heart to combat, in GW1 you had to work hard to survive and it was epic fun just getting through certain areas, yes you were locked to the spot when you fought but i LIKED that, GW2 feels like im playing Street fighter 2 in an mmo, The AI is so trivialized because it cannot keep up with the fluid combat style, so they make everything stupid hard in Dungeons to try and keep up..
GW1 had so many skills and the Capture ability made combat worth going out and doing in GW2 once you unlock your meager skills you are STUCK with them now combat is generic and classes are all clones of each other like every other mmo..
That purely before a fight though your mixing up combat and diversely of builds. Combat is during a fight you must adapted in combat as needed where before combat is more about planing this is where you get into diversely of builds. Now GW2 has less diversely of builds but that is fixed though time but GW1 was a very inflexible when during combat. Even major games like LoL you can by items to deal with changing fights if a team is going all in with there AD you can counter it or AP etc.. this was all during the one game just outside of combat.
(edited by Jski.6180)
But, when it comes to doing dungeons, that’s a whole different ballgame. If it ain’t CoF p1, then it ain’t getting done. A generalized exaggeration, but kind of has a hint of truth. I too remember when the dungeons to do were AC all paths, CoF p1 +2 and maybe CoE 3n1’s. Not counting fractals, CoF p1 is the only thing that I can group for with speed, everything else…takes forever.
Since AC’s reboot, looks like a CoF/Fractals lfg tool. Dungeons are a huge draw for me in themepark MMO’s. I like to do them to be doing something as themeparks don’t have many tools to sustain themselves, unless ofc they have their grinds and treadmils ala the EQ/WoW model. If this were a sandbox title, I wouldn’t be worried about any of this, I would have many other things to do besides dungeons.
There’s no problem with long Dungeons (no reason they should be short just because a few people are in a hurry?), and AC retooling wasn’t a problem-CoF 1 just isn’t balanced well vs the other Dungeons. People love the easy way out, so it really can’t be surprising most of them go there. AC is still easy, and many, many still do it, so using it as an example of why people “only want to play CoF1” is inaccurate. (Also, not everyone wants to play CoF1, it’s mostly farmers working on getting the more expensive stuff ASAP. It’s just SO easy, though, that even I do it to kill some time-ten or less minutes-there’s your problem, not AC revamping.) People go to CoF1 because there’s an efficient farming system in place that takes zero effort and minimal skills vs most other things in the game, therefore creating a lack of balance in the population.
In short, if all you care is about getting gold ASAP, CoF 1 is a good bet-AC takes more effort AND time, but is by no means a “difficult Dungeon” to conquer. I have more fun at AC than CoF 1, quite honestly-the reward is “slower”, but I play them for fun and a as a challenge to myself, not to get rich.
Loot and rewards ARE nice, but not everyone wants CoF 1 level of “difficulty” Dungeons. Easy reward, but nothing else, and makes many people avoid the more interesting-though perhaps currently less rewarding-Dungeons. A Dungeon isn’t necessarily more interesting when it’s easy and short, though.
And finally, you can still do every Dungeon-it just takes more time without a Guild, since many people are still playing CoF 1 until it gets properly revised, and/or other Dungeons are made more attractive to those that only care about the rewards.
I do think we agree in that Dungeons should be revamped a bit, perhaps in more than one “easy fix” way.
Wake up Anet, your game is starting to die.
Unfounded claims of the game dying: Check.
Claims that GW2 isn’t as good as GW1: Check.Its like a pattern in every kitten ‘complaint’ thread. All I’m missing is ‘whar trinity whar’.
I love playing GW2, but, GW1 DOES HAVE better game-play, GW2 just looks better.
How is it better game play? I must say being able to MOVE out of the way of attk is very nice being able to do combo is amassing for team work the ability to switch your ability and changeable skills in the tratle lines just out side of combat is very nice and adds a lot being able to switch weapons IN COMBAT is a god sent. So what could you do in GW1 that was “better game-play” the turn base like combat?
Guildwars had more strategy, more variation, more heart to combat, in GW1 you had to work hard to survive and it was epic fun just getting through certain areas, yes you were locked to the spot when you fought but i LIKED that,it took skill to survive, GW2 feels like im playing Street fighter 2 in an mmo, The AI is so trivialized because it cannot keep up with the fluid combat style, so they make everything stupid hard in Dungeons to try and keep up..
GW1 had so many skills and the Capture ability made combat worth going out and doing in GW2 once you unlock your meager skills you are STUCK with them now combat is generic and classes are all clones of each other like every other mmo..
Street Fighter 2 locks you in place or in an animation when you attack as well. In fact it adds to the depth because it adds tradeoffs to the move and makes relative positioning and windups more important. In GW2 you just spam attacks, just like in every other MMO, except you can now move around!
Don’t need to be an investigator or agent to use Google.
And movement does not make better combat, Well designed and calculated movement does, but that doesn’t really exist in GW2.
Though you where asking if it was what type of comment you where using.
Movement dose exist in GW2 main thing that show it is the food that makes you hit harder when your are MOVING. There also hit boxes for skills there attk types there are root skill wall skill that stop movement for the most part.Messed up quote sry about that.
That’s true, they exist. But they’re not well designed, much less designed on a level worthy of eSports. There’s simply no depth to that aspect of combat. I mean I press buttons to move in every game, but it doesn’t mean that the movement is well-integrated.
IMO, there’s nothing wrong with turn-based combat or combat that’s similar. Pokemon is purely turn based (and well designed at that) and it has a huge competitive following.
Its getting there to the level of eSports though look at Smit (not sure if that an eSports yet) there is no rolling every thing is a skill shot but its a very one way line shot. Even in LoL there not too much moving out of the way in GW2 every class can roll out of the way of something if they need to you can blink behind walls and avoid dmg you can even move just out side of the 150 melee range and watch the wifts.
Pokemon is more about team builds and timing of your switch (from what i seen). Its like a game of poker (pokermon!) true turn base has a places but its becoming less and less used.
Irrc, you could see the actual fight in Smite. LoL would be an unwatchable clusterkitten if every player was allowed to move cast and zoom across the map at their whim. Animation locking is there for a reason.
If the tradeoff to moving away from turn based is poorly designed and shallow “action combat” (that’s not at all action in reality, just turn based with movment) then the future of MMOs looks even more dim.
This is one of the few mmos that has combat that I actually like. The majority of mmos have absolute crap combat.
I just closed both my eyes, and the whole world disappeared!!! But then when I opened my eyes, I recreated the world exactly as I had left it.
I must lift or something. <3
Back to the argument at hand. OP is basically justifying his stance by saying his personal experiences within his guild must transcend all reason, and thus equates to the game ending. He further explains his posts by saying he talked to other people. Going on, a couple more people agreed with him in this thread, so that solidifies his theories.
/munches on popcorn
That was a close one!
Yep, that’s the recap of every “game is dying” thread ever.
I have a rule of thumb about these kinds of posts: I read an article once about a research paper focused on the Asian MMO market. It’s not exactly common practice, but there have been a significant minority of posts by people paid to bash the reputation of a particular MMO by companies that run competing games. They get paid by quantity, not quality, so there’s no need to actually come up with a decent argument. They just yell “FIRE” and see how many people run.
I can’t say that every such post is an example of this happening, but when I see people insisting that their flimsy arguments are The Truth and cannot be denied, I think of this article, and wonder how much they get paid, and is it by post or by word count?
@ TwoBit.5903
This way because i think the quotes are going crazy lol.
In games like SF2 you can also grab ppl stun ppl with every ability (hits that stop them from doing there hits) also there just 2 players playing. Its vastly less complex then having a 5 v 5 or in wvw 100 ish vs 100 ish vs 100 ish (not sure what the cap it).
It works for LoL not to have crazy movement but that mean the items you build become more important and the heroes you chose too. The idea of GW2 is not be less off your class and item build and more off your skill as a player playing GW2. LoL will always have a FotM build and heroes and this will be seen in every major torment and it will set the tone of the game. In GW2 there is a great deal less well if your build this way you will win. Its more about the player behind the hero and truly for eSports it should be the players who are being tested not the heroes they chose there a reason we do not have robots in real life sports and we are very anty doping its about the players and there will not the drugs.
The card game Magic: the Gathering was first published in 1993. People have been claiming the game is dying for 20 years. The folks at Wizards of the Coast laugh about it every time they cash their paychecks.
These threads are meaningless rumormongering.
Terrible example.
It,s not a terrible exemple . Each time WotC release a new block , fans of the game say that the sky is falling and the game is dying, for 20 years straight .
Edit: What I mean by “dying” simply this: Activity is decreasing. I don’t think really anyone can argue with that.
Actually, yeah we can… They’ve had to increase server capacity twice & stated a short while back that concurrency on peak hours over the past several months was stable or rising.
so… dying.. HAHAHAHAHA. btw we had this same thread on GWGuru a few months after launch.
As soon as a game brings up Esport in any way shape or form i lose complete interest, its an aspect of a game (PvP) sensationalized to a point where people think its special to watch, its not and it ruins 99% of the games they try and tack it onto, look at most new mmo’s etc they all have Esport PR these days its a buzz word for the lowest common denominators…
I don’t know, my guild, which isn’t a super large guild, is getting new people all the time. We’re up to about 90 now. And we have plenty of active members. Maybe your guild is just bad. Hey it happens. It’s nobody’s fault.
The game has plenty of people playing it. If you can’t see them, you’re either blind or experiencing culling. More maybe playing on a low pop server at off peak hours. That’s possible too.
The game has plenty going for it. It will have more going for it over time.
But this is the kind of short-sighted sort of thing I expect from people who believe I think/feel this ways so everyone else must too.
There are enough people enjoying this game to keep this game going a long time. More people come in from sales and word of mouth. Some leave, some stay.
Even if most leave, if some stay, the core population grows. We’re not losing players faster than we’re getting new ones.
Another baseless claim of dying by someone who doesn’t get it.
And the China version is just going into beta in May. You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
First off, let me state that I love this game, but I am also not afraid to be critical of it. Let’s face it: Guild Wars 2 is dying already.
Only read that…laughed my kitten off…and moved on
I’ve seen dying MMO’s; I’ve played way to many. The latest one being swtor; and GW2 is hardly dying.
The games population has been declining since Nov-ish. Not a surprise considering thats the route most mmos take.
Games population took a big hit in November and it’s been increasing ever since. Servers were expanded recently to deal with an influx of people. How is that decreasing?
The games population has been declining since Nov-ish. Not a surprise considering thats the route most mmos take.
Games population took a big hit in November and it’s been increasing ever since. Servers were expanded recently to deal with an influx of people. How is that decreasing?
Just because the number of players is increasing does not mean the number of active players is increasing. Many ignorant people tend to neglect the fact that activity is different than the number of players. There could be 10,000,000 players, but if they only log in once every week for an hour, that’s different than having 1,000,000 who play several hours every day.
The games population has been declining since Nov-ish. Not a surprise considering thats the route most mmos take.
Games population took a big hit in November and it’s been increasing ever since. Servers were expanded recently to deal with an influx of people. How is that decreasing?
Just because the number of players is increasing does not mean the number of active players is increasing. Many ignorant people tend to neglect the fact that activity is different than the number of players. There could be 10,000,000 players, but if they only log in once every week for an hour, that’s different than having 1,000,000 who play several hours every day.
Many people seem to ignore the fact that if people weren’t playing, I’d never be on an overflow. The other day on my server, a shiverpeaks event day, went to Wayfarer Foothills, off peak even, and ended up on an overflow. That doesn’t just happen.
There are plenty of people playing. Some are in SAB, so you won’t see them. Some are in Fractals, you won’t see them. There are queues for WvW at least on my server.
I’m not sure what evidence you have for a declining population but I’ll be interested to know. In fact, since they removed culling from WvW, there are more queues and more people playing.
@The Eternal Grace.3157 (post creator)
Sorry, but what game are you playing? The game seems to still be alive to me, LOL! Well, this game is dying for you, so see you in League of Legends, buddy =)
For others, yes, there are people who are quitting GW2, or should i say a temporary break. They bought the game, they can quit for 5 years and come back no problems. They already bought it, duh? But just because some take a break doesn’t mean it is dying. Do any of you guys roll in Queensdale? Plaec is pack with New people. A lot of them. =) Adventure onwards !
The games population has been declining since Nov-ish. Not a surprise considering thats the route most mmos take.
Games population took a big hit in November and it’s been increasing ever since. Servers were expanded recently to deal with an influx of people. How is that decreasing?
Just because the number of players is increasing does not mean the number of active players is increasing. Many ignorant people tend to neglect the fact that activity is different than the number of players. There could be 10,000,000 players, but if they only log in once every week for an hour, that’s different than having 1,000,000 who play several hours every day.
It exactly mean that jack!
I cant wait to read tomorrow’s patch notes. And see what chanages they made. like i said in the previous thread this is make or break for me. If im not happy with the changes, im sorry to tell Anet that i’ll be moving out for good.
It’s okay to be critical of the game.
But why does so many people feel it’s necessary to throw in the “Game is obviously dying” statement? To lend some semblance of credibility to your criticism? (Game is dying -> my opinions that certain things are broken obviously are correct.)
Air out your criticism by itself. If it’s well written and well thought-out, it will stand by its own merits, without you having to resort to this “Game is dying” hoolaboo.
Maybe “game is dying” means something else to you than it does to me. I’ll change up in my post specifically what I mean by that, because a lot of people seem to be taking offense or something to this statement.
What I mean by “dying” simply this: Activity is decreasing. I don’t think really anyone can argue with that.
Oh but you see, I can and do argue with that- you say activity has decreased- I honestly think that people in large-ish guilds who don’t see anyone from the guild online 24/7 use this as a crutch to claim ohhh the game is dying.
I have always been the only one in my little guild online so I look to activity in the game to see for myself.
What do I see?
People, people everywhere.
No matter what map, what hour there are people.
Always if it is a fairly random, out of the way map, you have one guy asking “is anyone there” within a min he usually has 20 replies. Heck we even had a guy ask in overflow the other day if anyone from our server was on.
I see LFG for dungeons everywhere I go and before you ask -not just fractals and CoF p1.
More in the line of “yo, guys wanna hit a dungeon?”
I read your post and I am actually wondering if we are playing the same game.
I have run into actual zergs just this week in Diessa- someone must be finding the Living Story interesting.
So no- from my perspective the game is not dying nor is activity decreasing, if anything it seems to be growing.
It is also evolving in that people who have been playing since the start, mostly want to continue and are building relationships and play-styles that suit them.
Then you have the horde of new players.
The game seems to be settling in to a nice semi-stable player base that like being around each other.
Wake up Anet, your game is starting to die.
Unfounded claims of the game dying: Check.
Claims that GW2 isn’t as good as GW1: Check.Its like a pattern in every kitten ‘complaint’ thread. All I’m missing is ‘whar trinity whar’.
I love playing GW2, but, GW1 DOES HAVE better game-play, GW2 just looks better.
How is it better game play? I must say being able to MOVE out of the way of attk is very nice being able to do combo is amassing for team work the ability to switch your ability and changeable skills in the tratle lines just out side of combat is very nice and adds a lot being able to switch weapons IN COMBAT is a god sent. So what could you do in GW1 that was “better game-play” the turn base like combat?
Not sure if this is anecdotal or not, but April saw the departure of at least four well-known gaming communities from GW2 as dedicated communities.
I think that falls under slander if you cant back it up well agent Anet.
It’s not about the illusion of choice and hyper balanced options, it’s about the system depth and level of teamwork / skill involved. In the case of PvE, it requires neither of these in GW2, while it did in GW1. In GW2 PvP it slightly requires 1, but not the other, unlike GW1. GW1 may be a bit more archaic, but the gameplay was more strategic, deep, and engaging. Team composition doesn’t matter in GW2, no trinity to design content around so its all health pool pinatas and faceroll 1111111 spamming with no distinctual, gratifying roles and a few classes completely outclassing others.
GW1, from the skill system, to the story, to the instances, all much, much better than GW2 because GW2 had to appeal to the way of the casual and the kitten gamer that can’t handle complexity. Oh and also so that the designers could entwine a more appealing, RNG based, shady cash shop with tons of gold sinks, TP-funneled economy with no player trading, etc. I’m more inclined to say that the developers are playing GW2 players as a game just as much as GW2 players play GW2 as one.
The card game Magic: the Gathering was first published in 1993. People have been claiming the game is dying for 20 years. The folks at Wizards of the Coast laugh about it every time they cash their paychecks.
These threads are meaningless rumormongering.
Terrible example.
Not really terrible. Everyone I grew up playing the game with no longer do, and I certainly stopped playing. However, the game still is going with new crop of newbs to show off my Enduring Renewal Loop Deck to
Played a few games on my human deck against my friends vampire deck last night, game is definitely still alive, 4-5 of us still have our nerd nights quite often and I’m sure plenty people still play.
OT: I laughed at the part where ANet is focusing too much on pvp… riiiiight, but I’ll agree on everything else. They aren’t focusing on anything except a bunch of temporary content as usual.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet because I skipped page 2 simply because this thread is so stupid. FFXI is a 10+ year old game, it was optimised to be played on a PS2 and the graphics really are terrible. It has had incredibly little new players joining the game due to the levelling process and the fact that its combat is slower than most RPG’s, and with a completely different UI. Yet it is still going very strong. What did they do when the population was decreasing? Merged the servers and hey! All them issues were gone. You can still walk through the main city and it will be packed, and this is after all them “OH NO THE GAME IS DYING!!” threads on the forum.
MMO’s take a lot to die. Look at Aion for example. Everyone I knew that played that quit. Compare the main cities in Aion within the first year, to those in GW2 at the moment and seriously, if you think GW2 is dying, you’d think that was a decayed corpse. There was hardly anyone running about, You’d probably pass about 10 people from one side to the other.
No MMO has truly died, ever, fact. I’m sure you could go pick up an old MMO and still play it. The player base might be smaller, but if that’s what you class as dead, then GW2 is nowhere near it, and you need to open your eyes to see that actually a massive amount of people really do enjoy this game.
And on the statement of guilds being the measure of a games player base in a game that lets you switch between guilds as freely as you like… They probably got bored of your guild and moved on. In fact they probably got bored of how small your guild was and moved on to the guild that has 470+ members like you said exist. The fact that guilds that size do exist disproves your theory entirely. If you go on a game like FFXI you will find that most “guilds” have about 10-20 members each, and the games still going incredibly strong. You are not limited to only one guild and forcing a person to stay, and then when they leave, saying the game is dying is just downright stupidity.
(edited by Jaall.3420)
Wake up Anet, your game is starting to die.
Unfounded claims of the game dying: Check.
Claims that GW2 isn’t as good as GW1: Check.Its like a pattern in every kitten ‘complaint’ thread. All I’m missing is ‘whar trinity whar’.
I love playing GW2, but, GW1 DOES HAVE better game-play, GW2 just looks better.
How is it better game play? I must say being able to MOVE out of the way of attk is very nice being able to do combo is amassing for team work the ability to switch your ability and changeable skills in the tratle lines just out side of combat is very nice and adds a lot being able to switch weapons IN COMBAT is a god sent. So what could you do in GW1 that was “better game-play” the turn base like combat?
Not sure if this is anecdotal or not, but April saw the departure of at least four well-known gaming communities from GW2 as dedicated communities.
I think that falls under slander if you cant back it up well agent Anet.
It’s not about the illusion of choice and hyper balanced options, it’s about the system depth and level of teamwork / skill involved. In the case of PvE, it requires neither of these in GW2, while it did in GW1. In GW2 PvP it slightly requires 1, but not the other, unlike GW1. GW1 may be a bit more archaic, but the gameplay was more strategic, deep, and engaging. Team composition doesn’t matter in GW2, no trinity to design content around so its all health pool pinatas and faceroll 1111111 spamming with no distinctual, gratifying roles and a few classes completely outclassing others.
GW1, from the skill system, to the story, to the instances, all much, much better than GW2 because GW2 had to appeal to the way of the casual and the kitten gamer that can’t handle complexity. Oh and also so that the designers could entwine a more appealing, RNG based, shady cash shop with tons of gold sinks, TP-funneled economy with no player trading, etc. I’m more inclined to say that the developers are playing GW2 players as a game just as much as GW2 players play GW2 as one.
Yep, Guild Wars 1 was better. Practically a household name. 7 million copies sold over 7 years and probably never had the traffic Guild Wars 2 has had already.
It’s a nice dream, but it’s just a dream. Guild Wars 1 had more than it’s share of problems. And while I loved the game, the rose-colored glasses through which you view are are just that—-rose colored.
When did it die? Runs to login
Phew, for a moment you had me running there.
I will give a simple response, no it’s not dead or even close to dying, if you were actually playing it you would’ve seen it. Make a separate thread for some of your points, I can’t answer all of them, it will be an essay…
Agreed because if it was so wonderful they’d never be on the forums.
. . . on games I really like I’m still active on forums Usually putting down notes for new players to be helpful. Minecraft, Gnomoria, the Ys games . . . I tried to be very active around a couple forums, just chattering about things or discussing things. Especially with Gnomoria.
The population of PvE is fine (decreased a bit)
The population of PvP is dissapeared (about 90% left)
Funny how this thread and another one, that talks about starter maps being empty are running concurrently.
If starter maps are empty, doesn’t that mean there is a lack of new players? Queensdale still has people but I’m not sure if those are new players or just new alts…
For the other maps, they are still very much barren except for the periods when “maw is up”, “fire ele pre-event starting”, or “wurm is dead” as soon as it spawns.
I know Iron Marches is pretty much barren most of the time.
And if there are a lack of new players to replace the old players who are leaving… doesn’t that mean, declining population and therefore declining activity?
Well considering that this game has no monthly sub, of course people will get bored and play something else til either a patch comes out, something new is added or they get bored with the other game they are playing and decide to check back into GW2. There is no “feel” that you must play to get your moneys worth. Not to mention this game is so solo friendly that I would go as far as to say too solo friendly to the point of creating an antisocial community unlike other MMOs that required you to be social and join guilds and be active if you wanted to do endgame encounters and get endgame gear.
GW2 is a revolving door, bored and frustrated out —> New and curious in (or came back).
Once you learn to accept that, you’ll soon realize how this whole theory of game dying is bs. Since the game lacks SOLID community, but it does not lack a community.
Posts like these also support my thread…
Like I said, I love this game, and I don’t want to see it die, but I’m being realistic here.
No your being overly opinionated.. nthing wrong with having an opinion but its not one shared by me.
What I believe your seeing is a game that is beginning to settle and stabilise concuurent logins following a pretty decent launch and early life. Every single MMO out there has gone through / is going through the same thing …. nothing overly unusual about that.
Players are fickle things.. we see something new and we hive to it.. burn through content get rich, try everything, achieve everything then…. the lull sets in until the next batch of content is prepped and launched. The activity bumps again for a while until that content is burned through. In the mean time the more normalised gamers are still chasing butterflies and looking at the rainbows…. GW2 is not dieing it is finding its place – what you need to ask yourself is Are you enjoying it and are you getting things done that you want to, can you group, do you support the game… if you answered yes, then where is the issue.. the number of active accounts means not that much to you if your playing and enjoying GW2.
As for opinions I am glad you have one but please don’t try batting others down just because they don’t share your unfounded claims of “the game is dieing”… you have no evidence other than heresay and maybe seeing your own guild diminish… like these forums it is but a mere drop in the playerbase ocean and add to that one server will always differ to others in activity levels its just the way it is.
On a side note I am sure you are correct that the game is loosing players, but it is also gaining new ones and others return as and when they wish… that’s the beauty of ANETS business model… no sub means no pressure to come back… its up to ANET to tempt us to add to the revenue streams when we are in game.. and they seems to be pretty good at doing that so far without the need push the “PAY PAY PAY” buttons too hard, which for me is a big between GW2 and the plethora of other P2P or even a lot of F2P games out there.
The game has issues.. yep for me there are things that really nark me.. Guild Missions is what has culled my time in the game a lot.. I run a small guild of old MMO friends and we are not really all that keen on being anything more than a small guild running content but Guild Missions have spoiled that idea due to the demands it creates on small guilds.
But aside from that the game is reasonable, not polished or balanced by a long shot but that’s something every MMO has to deal with and balancing is never ending.
Aside from the Karka event most of the small content additions have been pretty good and constant, I do share your view on Living Story – nice idea, poor implementation (far too long between parts) and sorry, but yes its boring as hell imo
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
Just because the number of players is increasing does not mean the number of active players is increasing. Many ignorant people tend to neglect the fact that activity is different than the number of players. There could be 10,000,000 players, but if they only log in once every week for an hour, that’s different than having 1,000,000 who play several hours every day.
This is getting good! So by your definition, the game is dying because there aren’t enough players who meet your standards of playing several hours a day? Even I don’t meet your requirements, so all my playing doesn’t count in your game wide analysis of your guild members’ activity? Neither do my college friends who think studying is more important than playing several hours a day? Or my guildie’s wife who is 8 months pregnant, yet manages to log in for an hour or two?
So let me go back and amend my summary of your thread. You say:
“My guild isn’t actively playing several hours a day anymore, during my timezone, on my server, so that means the game is losing players as a whole”
“I talk to other people in the game, and they concur with my scientifically proven opinions based on hearsay, that the game has less people in it”
“A few people agree with me in my thread, thus I have proof that I’m right that this game is dying”
“Just because new people continue to purchase the game and make accounts, doesn’t prove the game is growing, because they don’t play for several hours a day”
Am I missing anything?
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