Let’s see if we can come up with something fun and engaging for end-gamers to do besides these massive, mindless, zergy LS events. If you love PvE, dungeons, guild missions, and/or the idea of raiding, this thread is for you. This is to discuss the future of such content.
First off, let me make one thing perfectly clear. Raiding in GW2 does not have to be like raiding in WoW or other games. Please cast aside all preconceptions of “elitism” and keep an open mind.
After hearing from Allie Murdock in the Ready-Up on the process devs use to gather our feedback, I shall try to condense my own ideas into bullet points. If you have ideas, please do the same.
Commander system: Overhaul
- Allow commanders to have more control over squad organization.
- Allow them to invite people and kick AFKers from the squad, and thus the raid instance (if applicable).
- Allow them to make a “raid call” or announcement pop up message to all squad members. Useful for ready-checking.
- Allow commanders to place physical markers on the ground to indicate places where people should stand, or run to, or stay away from during a fight.
- Create a “Squad Finder” system in the LFG tool (idea by Thereon)
Dungeons: Hard Mode
- A new mode for all dungeon paths where everything is set to level 80.
- All enemies are much harder, possibly some having new mechanics to contend with.
- Rare chance of better loot, and rare chance of ascended crafting mats as random drops.
- Daily Hard Mode chest with rare items and a chance of ascended gear.
- Overall difficulty of Hard Mode should be on par with high level Fractals.
- Bring back the sense of challenge that existed in dungeons during Beta.
Guild Mission: Small Raid
- New type of instance allowing up to 10 people to enter.
- Similar to a dungeon, but with enemies designed to account for 10 players.
- Special bosses with unique mechanics (not tank and spank).
- Rare chance at ascended crafting mats as random drops.
- Weekly chest reward with guild commendations and a chance of ascended gear.
- Weekly chance at rare unique skins.
- Boss drops have chance of very rare miniature
- Small guild Merit reward.
- Special achievements and titles.
- Give something for guilds larger than 3 members to do something together besides dungeons, spvp, or mindless zerg-following.
- Add a little more “end game” to GW2 PvE.
Guild Mission: Large Raid
- Similar to small raid, but designed for 30 players.
- Has it’s own weekly reward chest, but the chest contains the same types of loot as small raid (rare items, commendations, chance for ascended gear, etc). So you can do a small raid, get the reward, then do a large raid and get that reward as well, each week.
- Large guild Merit rewards.
- Special achievements and titles.
- Give something for guilds larger than 20 members to do something together besides bounties, treks, or mindless zerg-following.
- Add a little more “end game” to GW2 PvE.
Guild Mission: Epic Raid
- Same as above, but this time designed for 60 players.
- Very Large guild Merit rewards.
- Special achievements and titles.
- Give something for guilds larger than 50 members to do something together besides puzzles, bounties, treks, or mindless zerg-following.
- Add a little more “end game” to GW2 PvE.
Ad hoc Raids
- A type of raid that is effectively the same as a dungeon, but designed for 10-20 players
- Must be opened by a commander with a squad
- Same weekly reward chest as above, minus the guild commendations (perhaps a different reward instead)
- Meant for people who want to raid but can’t or don’t want to do a guild raid.
- Unique achievements and titles
Raids: Requirements
- If you didn’t know, you can get a full set of exotics for nothing but KARMA at the Orr Temples. Assuming you haven’t spent all of your karma on Lemons from level 1 to 80, you should have more than enough.
- You don’t need ascended gear or agony resist.
- You don’t need 4,058,714,368,173,456 achievement points, unless your guild asks you to; in which case you might consider finding a different guild.
- Raids should be accessible to anyone who is experienced with the game and playing their class well.
Please post your ideas if you have any, or feel free to discuss ones that are already posted. Keep it constructive and concise so that the devs may have an easier time absorbing it.
(edited by Xenon.4537)