Instant level 80 gem item?
Although it sounds a little silly on the surface, I honestly don’t see why not. They could probably restrict it so that you need to have at least one level 80 character before you can access it (that’s the only real concern I can see).
If it’s such a big deal to hit cap instantly, just make it level 60 instead. I mean, honestly, it’s already not that hard to get to 80. Giving another method to speed up the process for people who want to have different alt 80s to play isn’t going to killing the game.
… why did you necro a 6 month old thread?
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
On to my 6th alt I can’t face another time through the same map and the same story/quests. Sign me up for this. This game begins at 80 no matter what anyone says.
I thought you got bump to level 80 when you enter a WvW map.
Suggestion – You cite the rationale for this as performance in WvW – presumably you already have an active character that you’ve been using in WvW, earning World xp, badges of honour and the like. We already have a currency in WvW the Badge of Honour. Perhaps not a gem store item but an item available for Badges, lets say 1000 Badges of Honour that allows you to level up to 80. Could also be tied behind a World Rank wall as well, like the Gift of Battle.
I think sPvP is the best way to learn how to play your class.
Anyway, it’s very fast to be lvl 80.This. I got my last two chars to 80 in <30h each, and PvP is a good spot to figure out what to do.
How? I just levelled my second character and it took me about 56 hours plus an instant level 20 scroll.
Level 20 Scroll .. craft 2-3 professions to 400 .. Birthday booster + Killstreak Booster and
grind yellow mobs.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
gw2 should have never had levels in the first place so not only should they introduce this item, they should make it free.
I agree with Xenisis 100%.
Even WoW sells max lvl for real money. I cant see any harm about this unless it comes with best in slot items.
What does gw2 becoming without leveling? Not an mmorpg, but an massive multiplayer online battle arena (moba aka LoL, IC, DOTA)?
A better game.
Even WoW sells max lvl for real money. I cant see any harm about this unless it comes with best in slot items.
The harm is maybe bad word of mouth if people start a new flamestorm about P2W or whatever.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Well I think they would never make an instant level 80 item. It is all about making money. I think they make more money (selling gems) to people that level from 1-80 then from people who are instant level 80. We all know the fact you want to buy some boosters, infinite mining picks, skins etc. As a player you won’t think about this when ur instant level 80.
Well I think they would never make an instant level 80 item. It is all about making money. I think they make more money (selling gems) to people that level from 1-80 then from people who are instant level 80. We all know the fact you want to buy some boosters, infinite mining picks, skins etc. As a player you won’t think about this when ur instant level 80.
Are you serious?? I have never bought any boosters (I have like 50 of the experience boosters sitting in my bank and I don’t even use them cause they only give exp for kills…), never gotten tools for alts or ever bought skins before I reached level 80.
The only times I’ve spent on the gem store was for level 80 characters.
Honestly I’m against it. Leveling up teaches you to play the class, even if it only teaches you one new trick for the class, it’s worth it.
I agree with this stance in a game like WoW where you have plenty of skills, but in GW2 where you just spam 1 and dodge here and there I have to lol at this comment.
Leveling in this game is atrociously boring imo, agree with OP though I would never buy it personally with the ludicrous exchange rates. I get my level tomes from pvp.
“I don’t want to play the game, I just want to have a max character to start with”
Ok, I get that some people don’t like leveling. I do; however, that is part of playing the game. It’s how the game was designed. You don’t necessarily have to like it, but if you don’t want to play the game, then don’t.
I agree with this stance in a game like WoW where you have plenty of skills, but in GW2 where you just spam 1 and dodge here and there I have to lol at this comment.
And this is why the item shouldn’t exist – people play like this and think that’s how the game should be played. If we just make everything quicker and easier, that’s all people will ever do; they’ll probably only ever use a greatsword too (even on an elementalist, etc somehow). If people spent the time learning their chosen class, they’d realise that there’s a lot more to this game than 1 and V. Is it needed in a mindless zerg? Not always. But come any other content, they’ll be better off with said knowledge.
There is an instant level 80 item- crafting.
I think sPvP is the best way to learn how to play your class.
Anyway, it’s very fast to be lvl 80.This. I got my last two chars to 80 in <30h each, and PvP is a good spot to figure out what to do.
How? I just levelled my second character and it took me about 56 hours plus an instant level 20 scroll.
Level 20 Scroll .. craft 2-3 professions to 400 .. Birthday booster + Killstreak Booster and
grind yellow mobs.
This is the most efficient way to level for sure.
However, I think it also makes the case for why the instant level 80 item should be introduced. People do this because they “have to” do it before they “can have fun”.
With that said I really doubt they will ever introduce one. Leveling is too much of a gold/time sink for it to be easily skipped but who knows. Maybe they charge an equivalent amount of gold/gems for it to be worth it. Lets hope so.
(edited by Prophet.6257)
It be cool if they allowed us to forge 4 lvl 20 scrolls into a lvl 80 scroll. Be nice for us that don’t pvp and have a surplus of those lvl 20 scrolls.
The people with gems to burn would get bored even faster.
Let it be gated. 1-80 is barely difficult as is.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.