(I’m not sure if i’m posting in the right discussion page… but this is GW2 related… so… sorry if its not in the right place, just let me know if i need to move it.. or just delete it, this is kinda just my overview of how great the game is in its own way…)
- Im not gonna complain about anything, so don’t worry.-
- You dont have to read this post, in short its just about me and my choices between
WoW and GW2 and how im gonna now play GW2.
- WoW isnt a bad game.
- GW2 isnt a bad game.
- Im kinda going for that whole Dark to Light feel.
- I havnt played GW2 in over a year.
- I never hit max level.
- Yes i was wrong to judge the game.
- I lost my spark of happiness when playing games years ago.. and currently still in search of it.
- so lets hit the ground running aye.
Hi, im a WoW player, been playing for way to many years, since TBC.
So anyway, recently iv been in search.. the great game search that all gamers go thru.. finding that something to fill the void within us… And what better than to be reminded of the FREE TO PLAY game i have, which is GW2.. “but no, i remember raging about it and quitting… cause f you guys for being different….” oh how iv eaten those words…
How i crave something different now…
I’m use to everything that WoW was, it was my first online MMO at a young age.. so everything i learnt there was LAW… so i cant help but judge every online MMO the same, to meet requirements that WoW put in place.
Dare i say the words i think you all know… the " Holy Trinity"… thats right, Tank – DPS – Healers… thats what im use to, i look for it in every game, mostly cause thats what i think is LAW and anything that tries to function without it is doomed to fail!!
(but i dont feel this way anymore…)
At the very start, after i got the game, i was very one sided, i was a hardcore raider in WoW and rather Elitist to the way things should be…. because my mind was adjusted to the LAW.
Iv tried playing GW2, putting in hours and days of game time, trying to fill that void that alot of gamers try and fill…
What kinda threw me off was not understanding everything.. GW2 is different, not a bad way… just its different.. so trying to learn it, i found was challenging… there wasnt a tank class or a healer class.. everyone was a dps… i was like.. wtf… how do you raid?
(Negativity was in me early.)
It was hard to adapt to the new world… the way things worked, the way to get gear, the “negativity” i got when i mentioned things that was WoW slang. Mostly because i was in search of other WoW players so we could all mass our knowledge of trying to understand GW2 together, kinda like what classes are similar to WoW classes.
I’m use to doing a big event/raid of some sort, and receiving a nice boost of gear at the end that will be game changing!
-And rushing to end game level 70-80-90.