(Interesting Title)

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Innercurse.8450


(I’m not sure if i’m posting in the right discussion page… but this is GW2 related… so… sorry if its not in the right place, just let me know if i need to move it.. or just delete it, this is kinda just my overview of how great the game is in its own way…)

- Im not gonna complain about anything, so don’t worry.-
- You dont have to read this post, in short its just about me and my choices between
WoW and GW2 and how im gonna now play GW2.
- WoW isnt a bad game.
- GW2 isnt a bad game.
- Im kinda going for that whole Dark to Light feel.
- I havnt played GW2 in over a year.
- I never hit max level.
- Yes i was wrong to judge the game.
- I lost my spark of happiness when playing games years ago.. and currently still in search of it.
- so lets hit the ground running aye.

Hi, im a WoW player, been playing for way to many years, since TBC.

So anyway, recently iv been in search.. the great game search that all gamers go thru.. finding that something to fill the void within us… And what better than to be reminded of the FREE TO PLAY game i have, which is GW2.. “but no, i remember raging about it and quitting… cause f you guys for being different….” oh how iv eaten those words…

How i crave something different now…

I’m use to everything that WoW was, it was my first online MMO at a young age.. so everything i learnt there was LAW… so i cant help but judge every online MMO the same, to meet requirements that WoW put in place.

Dare i say the words i think you all know… the " Holy Trinity"… thats right, Tank – DPS – Healers… thats what im use to, i look for it in every game, mostly cause thats what i think is LAW and anything that tries to function without it is doomed to fail!!
(but i dont feel this way anymore…)

At the very start, after i got the game, i was very one sided, i was a hardcore raider in WoW and rather Elitist to the way things should be…. because my mind was adjusted to the LAW.

Iv tried playing GW2, putting in hours and days of game time, trying to fill that void that alot of gamers try and fill…

What kinda threw me off was not understanding everything.. GW2 is different, not a bad way… just its different.. so trying to learn it, i found was challenging… there wasnt a tank class or a healer class.. everyone was a dps… i was like.. wtf… how do you raid?
(Negativity was in me early.)

It was hard to adapt to the new world… the way things worked, the way to get gear, the “negativity” i got when i mentioned things that was WoW slang. Mostly because i was in search of other WoW players so we could all mass our knowledge of trying to understand GW2 together, kinda like what classes are similar to WoW classes.

I’m use to doing a big event/raid of some sort, and receiving a nice boost of gear at the end that will be game changing!
-And rushing to end game level 70-80-90.

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Innercurse.8450



I like Immersion, i like the Roleplaying… i very much like the story involving my Character, mentioning what class i play, or what faction im in, or even what race i am.. i like a game i can get lost in… and most of all >>>> FREE TO PLAY!!??? <<<<<
(Thats a pretty big win.)

Iv always been a healer, so ofc like every other healer from other gamers, not just WoW, i complained and wanted to be the healer. The guy that keeps everyone alive, one of the main players to have in a group, the main support that brings the buffs and keeps everyone alive so they can do there job.. imo the tank controls the mobs, but i control the party.

I like the feeling of power and control, as a healer i use to let people die that annoyed me in groups.
(yeah.. im one of those people… well.. use to be.)

I like to think im pretty good at PvP.. iv stomped people and have got to some high 2k arena ratings… when i tried GW2 pvp i got stomped so hard i hope people didnt know who i was in WoW.

The giant loss in the power i grew to have was gone.. i didnt like it,… mostly one of the reasons i stopped playing GW2.

There is alot of pro’s and con’s i could go thru, but in short, all the con’s are GW2 being different… pretty much everything “i” dont understand is a Con.
(but im trying to learn it all, i understand i cant just enter a game and be pro)

GW2 offers alot of rewards for doing alot of stuff, which is nice, but not what im use too… but im kinda growing to like it.

More stuff

So i have the wiki open right now, reading up on pretty much everything, cause i like to understand everything, how to gear, how to level, how to… win pretty much…

Im kinda excited that im downloading GW2 right now, im at 7% download…

So yeah, if you guys could point this out to some WoW player buddies you might have, i wouldnt mind chatting about the change and growing up iv done from the LAW i grew up on…

Or even just GW2 players, i kinda like you guys, i want to be part of the fun you have in this game… teach me please.

I am kinda in search still of what class to play, but i.ll just play everything for abit and see what fits my style of play.

Oh yeah, if you guys could point out some up-to-date guides or changes or whatever of GW2 id really appreciate that, maybe you know something i didnt find with Google/YouTube.

So yeah thats pretty much the story.. the big change of gamer mood i went thru, from Elitist to now humble player that wishes to be part of the happiness i see my GW2 friends have… i cant remember what server i play on, but do plan on joining a guild, leveling to max level and being alot nicer since im now the noob.

Alot of things i still dont understand, but change is nice.

- The End.

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melfice.5091



This is Brazil his youtube channel, and you can pretty much use it for all your PvE builds.


This is WoodenPotatoes his channel, he doesn’t only upload GW2 stuff, so you might have to search a bit. He does post recaps of updates that happened over the past year.

Anyway, nice you finally saw the light and welcome to gw2, or should I say welcome back?

Professional noob guardian

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Lovely post. I wish you much happiness in your travels through Tyria.

Lots of changes coming, so now is a good time to return. Good luck! =)

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Innercurse.8450



This is Brazil his youtube channel, and you can pretty much use it for all your PvE builds.


This is WoodenPotatoes his channel, he doesn’t only upload GW2 stuff, so you might have to search a bit. He does post recaps of updates that happened over the past year.

Anyway, nice you finally saw the light and welcome to gw2, or should I say welcome back?

Ahh i didnt know of Brazil thx heaps for that and i guess it is welcome back lol.

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Innercurse.8450


Lovely post. I wish you much happiness in your travels through Tyria.

Lots of changes coming, so now is a good time to return. Good luck! =)

Thx heaps, i come with a different mindset on the game now

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telekinesis.8312


Well.. to start off with, gw 2 can be a casual, elitist or even a grindy game depending upon how you want to go by it.

Also, i was a member of “chaos order” and a few other top guilds (dont remember them too well) in stormscale in wow (eu) and we had pretty hardcore raiding back in those days :-) i can understand where you’re coming from.

i’ll be honest with you, imo wow has become repetative, boring and the graphics are not worth mentioning, few of the many reasons why i’v switched over to gw 2.

Some of the things you might be interested in while getting into gw 2 —-

1. Unified Trading Post (Same Auction house for all servers NA & EU included)
2. Jumping Puzzles (MUST PLAY)
3. Guild Missions (Guild Puzzle, Guild Trek, Guild Rush etc)
4. As you already know, every class can heal or tank along with dps
5. EPIC World Bosses integrated seamlessly into the world (not instanced)
6. Levelling isn’t boring unlike wow infact it’s one of the best features
7. Lots of secrets and lore bits around the maps
8. Dynamic levels (Scale down or Scale up levels of your character automatically)
9. Events and Hearts (No running back to the quest giver to recieve rewards)
10. Most Importantly, freedom to play the game the way we want to

Bonus —-

1. Engineers imo are the hardest class to master
2. World vs World (Server vs Server vs Server) season 2 ongoing atm
3. The world feels alive with non-static npc’s who chat, move, work etc
4. Ever Changing World (The neutral city – Lions Arch was completely destroyed not so long ago and lies in ruins)
5. Big Feature Patch incoming – april 15th

Also, if your interested in Guild Wars Lore – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL00553A085339802C (this is a good place to start)

You’r welcome to add me, i’ll help you within my reach in whatever you want to understand and know about the game.

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Innercurse.8450


Well.. to start off with, gw 2 can be a casual, elitist or even a grindy game depending upon how you want to go by it.

Also, i was a member of “chaos order” and a few other top guilds (dont remember them too well) in stormscale in wow (eu) and we had pretty hardcore raiding back in those days :-) i can understand where you’re coming from.

i’ll be honest with you, imo wow has become repetative, boring and the graphics are not worth mentioning, few of the many reasons why i’v switched over to gw 2.

Some of the things you might be interested in while getting into gw 2 —-

1. Unified Trading Post (Same Auction house for all servers NA & EU included)
2. Jumping Puzzles (MUST PLAY)
3. Guild Missions (Guild Puzzle, Guild Trek, Guild Rush etc)
4. As you already know, every class can heal or tank along with dps
5. EPIC World Bosses integrated seamlessly into the world (not instanced)
6. Levelling isn’t boring unlike wow infact it’s one of the best features
7. Lots of secrets and lore bits around the maps
8. Dynamic levels (Scale down or Scale up levels of your character automatically)
9. Events and Hearts (No running back to the quest giver to recieve rewards)
10. Most Importantly, freedom to play the game the way we want to

Bonus —-

1. Engineers imo are the hardest class to master
2. World vs World (Server vs Server vs Server) season 2 ongoing atm
3. The world feels alive with non-static npc’s who chat, move, work etc
4. Ever Changing World (The neutral city – Lions Arch was completely destroyed not so long ago and lies in ruins)
5. Big Feature Patch incoming – april 15th

Also, if your interested in Guild Wars Lore – http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL00553A085339802C (this is a good place to start)

You’r welcome to add me, i’ll help you within my reach in whatever you want to understand and know about the game.

yeah sick one, i.ll add you when i get the game up and running.

Whats ur view on Necromancer? Since i am such a support player it was suggested to me to play Guardian, but i kinda want to step away from that and be a damage dealer… mostly what im asking is, is Necro in demand? is any class really in demand for things, or doesnt it matter when doing dungeons and other group stuff?.. kinda like how Shamans were always wanted in a raid for Bloodlust/Heroism.

If you get what im trying to say

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telekinesis.8312


Another important advice is Sweetfx (The game looks better with it not that it looks bad in the first place)

http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/game/1/ —→ Presets

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telekinesis.8312


Timewarp – Similar to bloodlust is a mesmer elite skill
Mesmers also have polymorph (polymorph the opponent for 10 seconds)

All classes are in demand since there’s no holy trinity, Some classes are more so than others specifically for fast dungeon runs (mostly elitist groups)

About Damage of each class – (dungeons, fractals and world content)

Warriors – High dps easily achieved (tanky 18k+hp without vitality at 80)
Thief – Squishy but good utility along with high dps
Elementalist – Can conjure elemental weapons, high dps and squishy
Necromancer – High dps condition build, (tanky 18k
hp without vitality at 80)
Mesmer – Relies on clones, phantasms and reflects to deal damage, medium/high dps
Guardian – High dps, great support, 10k
hp but tanky due to buffs
Ranger – medium/high dps, some utility
Engineer – medium/high dps, good utility

Also, the damage numbers change a lot based on your current group in a dungeon or fractals. For example, if your group in a dungeon already has a condition damage player inflicting lots of bleeds, poison, burn etc, a condition necro or an engineer wont suffice. Not taking the fact away that necro also has other non-condition builds.

All in all – play the class you like, new traits(talents) and a few more changes incoming which will change the way each class is being played now

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


Whats ur view on Necromancer? snip mostly what im asking is, is Necro in demand? is any class really in demand for things, or doesnt it matter when doing dungeons and other group stuff?

Personally I love Necro it’s one of my favourite classes.

With regards to dungeons it depends. If you’re going to aim to speedrun dungeons then Necro isn’t overly desired unless the group know you know how to play it really well. If you’re gonna run more casual dungeons then yeah bring your Necro along. They’re great fun.

Check out the class specific sub forum for more info. The dungeon sub forum would also be a good place to ask.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elrey.5472


So yeah thats pretty much the story.. the big change of gamer mood i went thru, from Elitist to now humble player that wishes to be part of the happiness i see my GW2 friends have…

I feel you man. I was once known as the second player worldwide to get the hardest title in LOTRO MMO, wich would take 6 consecutive months week after week without failing at the most hardcore raid and such elitist stuff.

However, that kind of stuff often get us burnout and we need to start fresh somewhere else. I realized that gw2 is a perfect place to adapt your mind to a “having fun instead of playing for rewards”. Takes some patience since there’ll always be players that try to force you to do X instead of Y, but if you have some patience, gw2 is great.

Have fun!

ES Wiki Sysop. Vanquiser of the Marionette, Lover of the Aetherpath.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides

(Interesting Title)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

Hmm lets see what I can remember, using the meta builds, highest DPS at the top, down to lowest at the bottom;



I am not to sure about engineer but I don’t believe it has above-warrior DPS.

Necromancer is very bad for PVE when looking for dps, there is little to no cleave, single target is ok-ish, still subpar for PVE.

Rangers are not too bad when using spotter/frostspirit/swordmainhand, otherwise the ranger is pretty subpar.

Warrior does not have the best DPS, remember this, Warrior is not best DPS, however, it is just very, very easy to achieve a moderately high level amount of DPS without too much sacrifice, considered pretty easy mode.

Mesmer will achieve very good DPS if all phantasms are up and if you include the reflection benefits.

Guardians will actually do very good DPS, not as high as thief/ele but higher then the rest, the downfall is you will have little to no health (11k base) so you will have to near-perfectly learn content, however, a well played DPS guardian is amazing, especially because you bring along blind spam/blocks/cleanses/tiny healing/a lot of reflects.

Thief and Ele are both toptier DPS from what I can last recall, thief has a very nice cleave using sword, and the stealth can help a lot to skip trash. Ele will be the highest amount of DPS in this game, be it Firestaff/Lh/Sf/FGS (FGS is op and owns everything if you rush-blink or rush into a wall)

Please remember, as a DPS ele/thief you will have the least amount of survivability and requires perfect gameplay for the most part, if something sneezes on you, you will die. I recommend starting with a guardian/warrior, they will be the easiest to break into at the lower levels and just give all the other classes a go as you go along until you find your nich (Mine is Guardian, if you haven’t already noticed =p)

One last thing, for the love of god, do NOT touch or even think about using anything with the word “Condition/Condition Damage” in PVE, I will cry and so will many others, as condition damage is next to useless for PVE content, and there is no such thing as a “High DPS condition build”

(edited by Natsu Dragneel.1625)