RIP City of Heroes
Is GW2 Worth Getting Into? (2017)
RIP City of Heroes
ive played many mmos in the past, GW2 is probably the best mmo out there, main factors for me are the fallowing
- not pay2win, you can get the basic items easy and u can compete well
- every1 have same items in pvp
- events are probably best ive seen in a mmo
- very easy to get max level, just go in wvw and fallow the zerg.
Yes. I still play lots of other games, but despite all its flaws, Gw2 is the game I find myself consistently coming back to. Still has one of the best combat systems out of most mmos.
I’m with you, I came from WoW originally and love GW2. I play some SW:TOR for when I want my Sci Fi fix, and TSW when I want my Horror fix, but I always come back here. The combat, the “no tapping”, the shared XP on world boss fights….no other game comes close (and I’ve played a TON of mmorps out there…. LOTRO, DDO, CoX, Champions, STO, PWI and on and on….)
Playing MMO’s (and other video games) is wasting time, unless you’re one of those playing an ESport game and are making money doing so. I would not be concerned about playing this game being a waste of time — it probably already is.
The only point to a video game for most is to have fun. If you’re concerned about something other than fun, I’d say you’d be better off giving up video games completely. If you like GW2 as you claim, you’re probably having fun. If so, I’d say keep playing until that changes.
I’m not concerned about the game dying. Not at all. I expect GW2 to last for years more. I’ve seen games with much lower populations hang on for a half a decade and they’re still hanging on.
Truer words are rarely spoken in gaming. People forget, because games are designed to make them forget, that they have a choice: Games are entertainment, they are not crucial, they are not some sort of personal identity without which one is less of a person. One does not have to play a game if it proves frustrating.
If you are slaving away at a game, because you have been told it “gets good at max level”, or because item X will make it all better, then you are making yourself miserable based on an empty promise.
Play games that are enjoyable right now, and if they aren’t, throw them in the bin and do something worth your time.
I don’t know that I can agree with this completely. While it seems self-evident, there is something that called to this whole immediate gratification thing that teaches people to not really give something a chance.
Some of the best books I’ve ever read started slowly and I didn’t really enjoy them until the halfway mark, but I’d have been poorer for not having read them.
The first season of Babylon 5 was meh, but it turned out to be one of my favorite scifi series of all time.
There are plenty of people who come to this game from other games and “don’t get it” because its’ different from many other games. Not giving the game a chance, seems like what you’re advocating.
How many people come here and say it’s hard to level, or they’re bored, because they don’t really understand how the game is laid out or what they’re supposed to do.
Sure, if something isn’t fun over the long haul, by all means, get it out of your life. But there are plenty of things in my life that weren’t fun at first, but I perservered and they became more than I could have imagined.
I guess I’m an old guy. The need for instant gratification to me is something I think that’s a problem…one that’s not likely to go away.
While I understand your point, I think as far as MMO’s go, it is possible for those for whom a given MMO is not their first rodeo to pull the not-fun trigger sooner rather than later. For instance, I liked the story presentation in SWtOR a lot more than GW2’s (imo Anet could learn something from that game). However, after a short stint in beta I recognized that the game play in tOR was going to drive me bat kitten crazy as it was patterned after WoW’s — which I find dated and insipid. In fact, what keeps me in GW2 despite ANet’s many vigorous attempts to convince me to leave is this game’s game play.
Then you gave WoW a chance, and didn’t give SWToR a chance, because it was essentially WoW with a Bioware Story. You don’t need to play a game that’s exactly like another game for a long time to know you won’t like it.
On the other hand, how many times have we seen people return to this game 2, or 3 times and leave, because they really didn’t “get it” because it’s fundametally different from MMOs that they’ve been playing for years….only to come back and find they loved this game. I played WoW and then Rift and they were very very simlar games. I came here to get away from those games.
But if someone enjoyed those games and came here and tried to play this game like they play those games, they might get a completely different experience. Particularly with an MMO, if it’s not just like another MMO, it takes time to “get it”.
In fact, most MMOs change drastically at max level. There are many people who speed level to get to the fun stuff, but when they get there, it really is fun stuff…. to them. I’m not one of those people as I like the leveling experience.
But people coming from other MMOs, often don’t like Guild Wars 2 because they haven’t grasped what the game is trying to accomplish within MMO space.
Is it worth playing? Yes. Absolutely.
Is it worth investing time in? As with every other game in existence; ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
No game is a good time investment. If you look at them like that, unless you are the extreme exception of someone who is talented enough to play competitively, you are going to be disappointed 100% of the time.
Games are meant to be enjoyed, either presently, or with the anticipation of goals met in the near future. Doing anything else(especially worrying about when it will die) is only going to undercut your enjoyment of any game.
-Well if u like only games that relly just on pretty graphics with poor mechanics and low effort just to chill and loose time, yes gw2 is worth to play, try to play free until u start need other stuff where HoT is required.
-Story Plot tends to be rasuable, with decent to very good characters.
-Game Artwork is really nice, sometimes to much lol…
-In terms of content/mechanics, gw2 is very very weak compared with most mmo’s
(One of the most weakest overall mechanics mmo i haver played.)
-PvP in this game is inexistent, died quite some time ago, and classes were designed for pve wich it conflicts with the pvp balance, it was always a battle of gimmicks and broken specs, more than actually players skill.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
Worth playing.
Worth playing addictively until you sap all the joy from the content. Nah.
GW2 is great in that you can pick from a ton of goals, and if you get bored, you can always come back later. In that, I recommend checking in once every month or so and keeping up with the game release notes. Otherwise, it’s a great “second game” to have around, or if you’re really into what’s going on, mainline it until you want to do something else.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Then you gave WoW a chance, and didn’t give SWToR a chance, because it was essentially WoW with a Bioware Story. You don’t need to play a game that’s exactly like another game for a long time to know you won’t like it.
On the other hand, how many times have we seen people return to this game 2, or 3 times and leave, because they really didn’t “get it” because it’s fundametally different from MMOs that they’ve been playing for years….only to come back and find they loved this game. I played WoW and then Rift and they were very very simlar games. I came here to get away from those games.
But if someone enjoyed those games and came here and tried to play this game like they play those games, they might get a completely different experience. Particularly with an MMO, if it’s not just like another MMO, it takes time to “get it”.
In fact, most MMOs change drastically at max level. There are many people who speed level to get to the fun stuff, but when they get there, it really is fun stuff…. to them. I’m not one of those people as I like the leveling experience.
But people coming from other MMOs, often don’t like Guild Wars 2 because they haven’t grasped what the game is trying to accomplish within MMO space.
Agreed. While I understand why ANet does it, I do find myself wishing that they had not made so many changes to try to make GW2 appeal to the people who didn’t get it.
-In terms of content/mechanics, gw2 is very very weak compared with most mmo’s
(One of the most weakest overall mechanics mmo i haver played.)
WoW! (See what I did there? ) — I’m not sure what you are comparing it to, but GW2 is pretty much mechanically, and content-wise, comparable to most of the other games out there, in my experience.
Would you care to expand on what you mean by weak “mechanics” in this case? I’m genuinely curious to understand another point of view so different from my own, because it’s a great chance to learn something!
-In terms of content/mechanics, gw2 is very very weak compared with most mmo’s
(One of the most weakest overall mechanics mmo i haver played.)WoW! (See what I did there?
) — I’m not sure what you are comparing it to, but GW2 is pretty much mechanically, and content-wise, comparable to most of the other games out there, in my experience.
Would you care to expand on what you mean by weak “mechanics” in this case? I’m genuinely curious to understand another point of view so different from my own, because it’s a great chance to learn something!
I’ll take a stab at it. It’s something I’d been thinking about for a while, and it’s rooted in the inspirations the combat designers likely still have.
1. Nintendo Hard.
We see this in their jumping puzzle design the most, but also in the One-Hit KO Fetish. Punishment over challenge. We saw that in the original GW2 release, until it was eased up for new players.
2. Monoliths are cool.
Larger than life critters and armies fighting off giant dragons. Sugoi! Except the problem becomes that anything large enough to threaten a huge number of players ends up negating a huge amount of mitigation tools while simultaneously doing murderous damage, especially in melee.
Aggro control gets brought up a lot around this point, since some want a Trinity game, insisting that it makes encounters better to account for two people specifically doing nothing while the dps encounters all the mechanics somehow makes it more engaging.
Some feel the one-man-army weakens the game, which is untrue. It requires a paradigm shift when it comes to design that the GW2 encounter devs haven’t quiet adapted yet. They’re still trying to build for traditional MMOs instead of the game they have. It’s on a good start with splitting up the zerg in open world, but the rest of dungeon/fractal experience doesn’t really account for it.
I’d had this hash-out with a friend who barely touched HoT and quit, so I’m familiar with the arguments. :P
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
GW2 is a solid game with quite a bit of content for the price. I think that it is well worth giving a shot.
How are these threads still being made?? The answer is YES! The game is really good. It has its flaws that need work put into them, but the game and what it offers is great. There is no better mmorpg game out there, period.
Hmm yeah i think its worth alot of ur money rather than that subscription base
Honestly, as someone who still plays nearly every day (if often only briefly), probably not.
That’s not to say that it doesn’t have its charms. It’s a very casual-friendly experience, so there are few alternatives if (like me) you’re strictly limited in gameplay time. But recently comparing FF14 and WoW, while there are plenty things GW2 does better than those, the relative amount of dev-attention needed in GW2 feels much much higher.
Or in other words, for being 4,5 years old, this game feels like it freshly released. “Has lots of potential” would be the subtitle I’d assign to it. Which is mighty fine, plus the game has good elements, but for a game this old is just a weird “achievement” to accomplish. The live-team development is all over the place, being so consistently inconsistent it has taken on a meme character, and also having absolutely baffling design decisions standing from release (like the amount of loot spammed at you).
Overall it is a good game, but as it is aging, I’d say skip.
Unless you absolutely have to play a MMO, and you’re limited on time so it needs to be one which is super-casual-friendly. Then GW2 is the right choice, yes.
Honestly, as someone who still plays nearly every day (if often only briefly), probably not.
That’s not to say that it doesn’t have its charms. It’s a very casual-friendly experience, so there are few alternatives if (like me) you’re strictly limited in gameplay time. But recently comparing FF14 and WoW, while there are plenty things GW2 does better than those, the relative amount of dev-attention needed in GW2 feels much much higher.
Or in other words, for being 4,5 years old, this game feels like it freshly released. “Has lots of potential” would be the subtitle I’d assign to it. Which is mighty fine, plus the game has good elements, but for a game this old is just a weird “achievement” to accomplish. The live-team development is all over the place, being so consistently inconsistent it has taken on a meme character, and also having absolutely baffling design decisions standing from release (like the amount of loot spammed at you).
Overall it is a good game, but as it is aging, I’d say skip.
Unless you absolutely have to play a MMO, and you’re limited on time so it needs to be one which is super-casual-friendly. Then GW2 is the right choice, yes.
Okay here’s my issue with what you say.
Not all MMOs are created equal. I personally don’t like either WoW or Everquest. If you like that kind of content, those types of games., then what you say makes some sense.
The problem is this game is still vastly different in what it offers, in several important ways from those other offerings.
So it’s not just a matter of this MMO or those MMOs. If this MMO was to implode today, I’d play neither WoW nor Final Fantasy. Because those MMOs don’t do for me what this MMO does for me.
That’s not to say that GW 2 isn’t without it’s problems, but it’s not just this MMO or that MMO to decide to play MMOs. Problems and all, this MMO fits my playstyle better than any other MMO I’ve tried (and I’ve tried many), and I have a lot more time to play than you do.
So it’s not just a matter of play time. That is there’s more to this game that differentiates it from other games, besides just it being casual.
It is absolutely worth getting into. The cool thing for you is that you’ll be starting the game fresh and experiencing all the things that are old-hat to us vets for the first time. This MMO is unlike any other. My first playthrough of the world map was one of my favorite experiences in MMO gaming (or gaming in general, for that matter).
This is not a game like WoW where you feel like you are being left behind all the time. The endgame treadmill has been pretty much removed from this game (comparatively speaking). Since that is the case, the game is very inviting to newcomers even this far along in the game’s history.
Do yourself a favor – Take it slow. Complete all the maps for fun. Explore the world. Try a bunch of classes. Try a bunch of builds. Find all the jumping puzzles. Try sPvP & WvW. This game is seriously a departure from the rat race that most MMO’s push on people, so you won’t miss out on anything by taking your time.
Oh, and stay the hell away from BDO. That game is toxic. (Source: Beta tested and played to endgame at launch in a large guild)
So it’s not just a matter of play time. That is there’s more to this game that differentiates it from other games, besides just it being casual.
Of course, but personal like/dislike isn’t something you can quantify for someone else. Hence that’s hardly a useful recommendation to the OP. For every person liking GW2 more than FF14 personally, there is probably someone for which it is the other way around.
Yes it’s a huge factor of which game you can get into, but it’s not useful to base advise on it.
So it’s not just a matter of play time. That is there’s more to this game that differentiates it from other games, besides just it being casual.
Of course, but personal like/dislike isn’t something you can quantify for someone else. Hence that’s hardly a useful recommendation to the OP. For every person liking GW2 more than FF14 personally, there is probably someone for which it is the other way around.
Yes it’s a huge factor of which game you can get into, but it’s not useful to base advise on it.
And yet your comment of only get into it if you dont’ have time to play, while essentially recommending over this game two other MMOs that are subscription MMOs seems to bit weird to me.
What you said was if you have to play an MMO, and you’re not casual give this a pass, without even referring to the fact that it’s different from most MMOs, and it is.
That to me is sort of like saying I didn’t like it and other MMOs I liked better. But most other MMOs I’ve played are cut from a similar cloth, this one isn’t.
Surely that’s worth a mention.
Gw2 is a casual mmo so you can quit and come back without having to play catch-up. You may have to look into getting some of the Living story episodes. LS3 is very interesting so far and hopefully an expansion will be announced later this year. From the reviews and youtube review of BDO its a grind. It does not seem that way at first but eventually you get to a point and realize how much of a grind it is.
And I read you get relentlessly ganked and camped by higher level/more geared players. Yuck, I can’t believe companies still make games like that.
You are talking about World vs World. Ganking and Camping happens of course here and there… But going into WvW with a low level character is a bad idea to begin with. Also, If you’re new to WvW make sure you find some friends that know their way around. It can be a fast paced live and die place to be. Despite a lot of the salty posts you might see about it… I love it!
As for the rest of Tyria (other than PvP), it’s all about fighting the environment NPC’s… and lots of fun to be had there as well.
-In terms of content/mechanics, gw2 is very very weak compared with most mmo’s
(One of the most weakest overall mechanics mmo i haver played.)WoW! (See what I did there?
) — I’m not sure what you are comparing it to, but GW2 is pretty much mechanically, and content-wise, comparable to most of the other games out there, in my experience.
Would you care to expand on what you mean by weak “mechanics” in this case? I’m genuinely curious to understand another point of view so different from my own, because it’s a great chance to learn something!
I’ll take a stab at it. It’s something I’d been thinking about for a while, and it’s rooted in the inspirations the combat designers likely still have.
1. Nintendo Hard.
We see this in their jumping puzzle design the most, but also in the One-Hit KO Fetish. Punishment over challenge. We saw that in the original GW2 release, until it was eased up for new players.
2. Monoliths are cool.
Larger than life critters and armies fighting off giant dragons. Sugoi! Except the problem becomes that anything large enough to threaten a huge number of players ends up negating a huge amount of mitigation tools while simultaneously doing murderous damage, especially in melee.Aggro control gets brought up a lot around this point, since some want a Trinity game, insisting that it makes encounters better to account for two people specifically doing nothing while the dps encounters all the mechanics somehow makes it more engaging.
Some feel the one-man-army weakens the game, which is untrue. It requires a paradigm shift when it comes to design that the GW2 encounter devs haven’t quiet adapted yet. They’re still trying to build for traditional MMOs instead of the game they have. It’s on a good start with splitting up the zerg in open world, but the rest of dungeon/fractal experience doesn’t really account for it.I’d had this hash-out with a friend who barely touched HoT and quit, so I’m familiar with the arguments. :P
HoT made me quit pve actually and later i dropped WvW since my spvp was already droppede 3 years ago when i learned they were not good eneught to learn what they were doing wrong, i prefer to play any other mmo even older mmo’s than gw2 pve, it is a disgrace with pretty graphics for me.
Pve feature wise compared with other mmo’s gw2 isnt anything special like i said ust for the sake of pve, they lack of features, the crafting system that is nothing more than a gold and gem sink hole for pretty skills, combat system is based on auto atack cleave spam u can bunker on zerk+hammer guard for dps spam festival, dodge and evades any other game has it as well, even living story isnt anything content special, other games have it as well, so nothing new and nothing really improved compared of other games, where skill usage is more from what is needed at the momment than gimmick rotations(gw2).
Players interaction with the map is just about.. well nothing, theres no point in pve besides follow the storyline? and most players play alone.
gw2 is the worst game experience i haver had, still i keep an eye on that, as a developer we need to learn with the mistakes of others as well.
while mmo’s industry is going towards a more envolvent content and more dependable gameplay where players interaction do really matter Anet is enforcing a complete and “pale” system, they are far from their moto of game inovation, far far form it, imo it feels like they are going backwards.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I recently came back to GW2 about a month ago after taking about a year break from the game. I’m having a lot of fun in GW2 more so than I did when HoT came out.
I don’t think anything is a waste of time if you’re having fun.
-In terms of content/mechanics, gw2 is very very weak compared with most mmo’s
(One of the most weakest overall mechanics mmo i haver played.)WoW! (See what I did there?
) — I’m not sure what you are comparing it to, but GW2 is pretty much mechanically, and content-wise, comparable to most of the other games out there, in my experience.
Would you care to expand on what you mean by weak “mechanics” in this case? I’m genuinely curious to understand another point of view so different from my own, because it’s a great chance to learn something!
I’ll take a stab at it. It’s something I’d been thinking about for a while, and it’s rooted in the inspirations the combat designers likely still have.
1. Nintendo Hard.
We see this in their jumping puzzle design the most, but also in the One-Hit KO Fetish. Punishment over challenge. We saw that in the original GW2 release, until it was eased up for new players.
2. Monoliths are cool.
Larger than life critters and armies fighting off giant dragons. Sugoi! Except the problem becomes that anything large enough to threaten a huge number of players ends up negating a huge amount of mitigation tools while simultaneously doing murderous damage, especially in melee.Aggro control gets brought up a lot around this point, since some want a Trinity game, insisting that it makes encounters better to account for two people specifically doing nothing while the dps encounters all the mechanics somehow makes it more engaging.
Some feel the one-man-army weakens the game, which is untrue. It requires a paradigm shift when it comes to design that the GW2 encounter devs haven’t quiet adapted yet. They’re still trying to build for traditional MMOs instead of the game they have. It’s on a good start with splitting up the zerg in open world, but the rest of dungeon/fractal experience doesn’t really account for it.I’d had this hash-out with a friend who barely touched HoT and quit, so I’m familiar with the arguments. :P
HoT made me quit pve actually and later i dropped WvW since my spvp was already droppede 3 years ago when i learned they were not good eneught to learn what they were doing wrong, i prefer to play any other mmo even older mmo’s than gw2 pve, it is a disgrace with pretty graphics for me.
Pve feature wise compared with other mmo’s gw2 isnt anything special like i said ust for the sake of pve, they lack of features, the crafting system that is nothing more than a gold and gem sink hole for pretty skills, combat system is based on auto atack cleave spam u can bunker on zerk+hammer guard for dps spam festival, dodge and evades any other game has it as well, even living story isnt anything content special, other games have it as well, so nothing new and nothing really improved compared of other games, where skill usage is more from what is needed at the momment than gimmick rotations(gw2).
Players interaction with the map is just about.. well nothing, theres no point in pve besides follow the storyline? and most players play alone.gw2 is the worst game experience i haver had, still i keep an eye on that, as a developer we need to learn with the mistakes of others as well.
while mmo’s industry is going towards a more envolvent content and more dependable gameplay where players interaction do really matter Anet is enforcing a complete and “pale” system, they are far from their moto of game inovation, far far form it, imo it feels like they are going backwards.
You’ve quit PvE, WvW and sPvP. So why are you still here posting warning other people off? Is your hatred of the game THAT strong? I don’t really understand this mentality of lingering on a forum simply to warn others from playing. I’m annoyed because by doing what you are doing, you will shorten this game’s lifespan, I game I enjoy, simply because you don’t.
RIP City of Heroes
-In terms of content/mechanics, gw2 is very very weak compared with most mmo’s
(One of the most weakest overall mechanics mmo i haver played.)WoW! (See what I did there?
) — I’m not sure what you are comparing it to, but GW2 is pretty much mechanically, and content-wise, comparable to most of the other games out there, in my experience.
Would you care to expand on what you mean by weak “mechanics” in this case? I’m genuinely curious to understand another point of view so different from my own, because it’s a great chance to learn something!
I’ll take a stab at it. It’s something I’d been thinking about for a while, and it’s rooted in the inspirations the combat designers likely still have.
1. Nintendo Hard.
We see this in their jumping puzzle design the most, but also in the One-Hit KO Fetish. Punishment over challenge. We saw that in the original GW2 release, until it was eased up for new players.
2. Monoliths are cool.
Larger than life critters and armies fighting off giant dragons. Sugoi! Except the problem becomes that anything large enough to threaten a huge number of players ends up negating a huge amount of mitigation tools while simultaneously doing murderous damage, especially in melee.Aggro control gets brought up a lot around this point, since some want a Trinity game, insisting that it makes encounters better to account for two people specifically doing nothing while the dps encounters all the mechanics somehow makes it more engaging.
Some feel the one-man-army weakens the game, which is untrue. It requires a paradigm shift when it comes to design that the GW2 encounter devs haven’t quiet adapted yet. They’re still trying to build for traditional MMOs instead of the game they have. It’s on a good start with splitting up the zerg in open world, but the rest of dungeon/fractal experience doesn’t really account for it.I’d had this hash-out with a friend who barely touched HoT and quit, so I’m familiar with the arguments. :P
HoT made me quit pve actually and later i dropped WvW since my spvp was already droppede 3 years ago when i learned they were not good eneught to learn what they were doing wrong, i prefer to play any other mmo even older mmo’s than gw2 pve, it is a disgrace with pretty graphics for me.
Pve feature wise compared with other mmo’s gw2 isnt anything special like i said ust for the sake of pve, they lack of features, the crafting system that is nothing more than a gold and gem sink hole for pretty skills, combat system is based on auto atack cleave spam u can bunker on zerk+hammer guard for dps spam festival, dodge and evades any other game has it as well, even living story isnt anything content special, other games have it as well, so nothing new and nothing really improved compared of other games, where skill usage is more from what is needed at the momment than gimmick rotations(gw2).
Players interaction with the map is just about.. well nothing, theres no point in pve besides follow the storyline? and most players play alone.gw2 is the worst game experience i haver had, still i keep an eye on that, as a developer we need to learn with the mistakes of others as well.
while mmo’s industry is going towards a more envolvent content and more dependable gameplay where players interaction do really matter Anet is enforcing a complete and “pale” system, they are far from their moto of game inovation, far far form it, imo it feels like they are going backwards.
You’ve quit PvE, WvW and sPvP. So why are you still here posting warning other people off? Is your hatred of the game THAT strong? I don’t really understand this mentality of lingering on a forum simply to warn others from playing. I’m annoyed because by doing what you are doing, you will shorten this game’s lifespan, I game I enjoy, simply because you don’t.
I’ve stated before this game worths playing, initiall with the free version of it,* sorry if i hurted your pve feelings.*
I am waiting to see Anet resolve, im actually intressed and i will continue to follow the game,loggin on the updates usually after a laugh, i might push the game just for play a bit the warrior for a few minutes on free time and then purge it again, i dont even need to install the client.
Oh… and its not hatred i know it sounds blunt, but its not intentional im just very picky when it comes to development and ideaias…
Meanwhile ive only stated the cons and pros of the game since i try alot of games i get an overall idea what gw2 offers to do compared with other games…still what lacks gw2 others have to much content/features to follow.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
You’ve quit PvE, WvW and sPvP. So why are you still here posting warning other people off? Is your hatred of the game THAT strong? I don’t really understand this mentality of lingering on a forum simply to warn others from playing. I’m annoyed because by doing what you are doing, you will shorten this game’s lifespan, I game I enjoy, simply because you don’t.[/quote]
misery loves company – unhappy players who have run out of games to play and have become addicted to complaining in modern life perhaps, a mixture of older people who cant accept they have grown out of games and the millennials that have been brought up in a greedy demanding self centered culture – who knows!
It would be a bit like me complaining endlessly on a pink floyd forum because i didn’t like their last album, or a tv forum because i don’t like the direction doctor who took 5 years ago etc etc etc lol.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
(edited by vesica tempestas.1563)
vesica tempestas.1563, actually after gw1 hard to find a decent pvp mmo :\
World of copy gw2 cause I’m old and out of ideas (WOW), and Final fantagarbage cause the entire game is complete trash and the only good thing about it is endgame instances realm of losers who can’t pvp (ff14)….are both crappy games compared to gw2. Please refrain from mentioning trash games to compare to gw2. There are a few GOOD mmorpgs that can be mentioned, but not those two.
(edited by Adry.7512)
vesica tempestas.1563, actually after gw1 hard to find a decent pvp mmo :\
There are many decent pvp mmo, the problem for you is that none of them suit your taste. People enjoy ESO, people enjoy GW2, people enjoy WOW etc. GW1 is in the past (I loved PVP in GW1 too) If there’s nothing in the market you like then accept that or experiment, its much less painful for you, complaining in a forum will change nothing really, the world has moved on and will continue to do so.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
vesica tempestas.1563, actually after gw1 hard to find a decent pvp mmo :\
There are many decent pvp mmo, the problem for you is that none of them suit your taste. People enjoy ESO, people enjoy GW2, people enjoy WOW etc. GW1 is in the past (I loved PVP in GW1 too) If there’s nothing in the market you like then accept that or experiment, its much less painful for you, complaining in a forum will change nothing really, the world has moved on and will continue to do so.
:) that was far from complaining, i just said how it was, if some cant deal with others opinion not my issue, and like i said the game worths to play but initially on the free side before buying it, thats still my recomendantion.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
have you tried eso out of curiosity? the pve is great and the pvp is good if you can handle the perf issues (perf issues killed it for me unfortunately).
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
The population of Guild Wars 2 should be pretty stable 5 years after it’s release. There aren’t other MMOs quite like Guild Wars 2 so it’s not like there’s competition if you’re happy with it. Unless Arenanet makes a major mistake or announces Guild Wars 3 I don’t see people massively jump out of the game.
Guild Wars 2 is a casual MMO first and foremost. Instead of patching new raids and difficulty mode they patch in new story and world zones. Which isn’t to say there are no raids but that does not appear to be the focus.
I think GW2 is the best MMO that does not have monthly fees. (Best overall is FF14 for me.)
This game is great. If you are apprehensive you can always try it before you buy it.
I am “That” guy you have all heard about.
1,073 precursors forged and counting.
So it’s not just a matter of play time. That is there’s more to this game that differentiates it from other games, besides just it being casual.
Of course, but personal like/dislike isn’t something you can quantify for someone else. Hence that’s hardly a useful recommendation to the OP. For every person liking GW2 more than FF14 personally, there is probably someone for which it is the other way around.
Yes it’s a huge factor of which game you can get into, but it’s not useful to base advise on it.
And yet your comment of only get into it if you dont’ have time to play, while essentially recommending over this game two other MMOs that are subscription MMOs seems to bit weird to me.
What you said was if you have to play an MMO, and you’re not casual give this a pass, without even referring to the fact that it’s different from most MMOs, and it is.
That to me is sort of like saying I didn’t like it and other MMOs I liked better. But most other MMOs I’ve played are cut from a similar cloth, this one isn’t.
Surely that’s worth a mention.
you missed his point, it wasnt wow and ffxiv are better games, it was that the games maintenance and development has not improved the game much.
essentially he is saying is the overall product has great potential, but the continued service hasnt realized that potential in 4.5 years.
The answer to your question depends of what you are most enjoying in GW2.
PvE and/or Story:
One of the best MMOs I know about, definitely worth to stay here and enjoy literally hundreds of hours in various maps, finding secret places, unfolding great and deep storyline etc. Also new content is added more frequently than in other MMOs.
structured PvP:
Game mode I do not have expert knowledge about, but I can say this: Arena Net don’t have any clue what class balance means, especially when you compare HoT (Heart of Thorns =expansion pack) classes with pre-HoT classes.
World vs World vs World (called WvW):
Throughout the years, Arena Net basically always chose the worst possible option how to … ermm, “improve” … WvW gameplay. Even Electronic Arts and Ubisoft are known for better communication with their customers and implementing players ideas and suggestions than ANet WvW staff. Enough said. Result of this? Most WvW communities are dead, WvW mode and its playerbase is slowly dying, many experienced players left the game or play just ocasionally until Camelot Unchained/Crowfall goes to betatest.
PvE: stay here and stick to GW2, one of the best PvE/Story MMO nowadays
everything else: Not worth to stay here. uninstall GW2, start looking for something better
So it’s not just a matter of play time. That is there’s more to this game that differentiates it from other games, besides just it being casual.
Of course, but personal like/dislike isn’t something you can quantify for someone else. Hence that’s hardly a useful recommendation to the OP. For every person liking GW2 more than FF14 personally, there is probably someone for which it is the other way around.
Yes it’s a huge factor of which game you can get into, but it’s not useful to base advise on it.
And yet your comment of only get into it if you dont’ have time to play, while essentially recommending over this game two other MMOs that are subscription MMOs seems to bit weird to me.
What you said was if you have to play an MMO, and you’re not casual give this a pass, without even referring to the fact that it’s different from most MMOs, and it is.
That to me is sort of like saying I didn’t like it and other MMOs I liked better. But most other MMOs I’ve played are cut from a similar cloth, this one isn’t.
Surely that’s worth a mention.
you missed his point, it wasnt wow and ffxiv are better games, it was that the games maintenance and development has not improved the game much.
essentially he is saying is the overall product has great potential, but the continued service hasnt realized that potential in 4.5 years.
I’d disagree with that too, but I guess that depends on what you consider important. There are many quality of life features that exist in this game that don’t exist in most others that make this game more playable for me to begin with.
However, that’s till irrelevant to my point.
He’s saying the only reason to play this game over others is if you don’t have a lot time to play the game. I’m not missing any points at all. It’s what he said.
And that I absolutely don’t agree with. Because I have all the time in the world to play and I still prefer this game to those other games.
Edit: Here’s the exact quote:
Unless you absolutely have to play a MMO, and you’re limited on time so it needs to be one which is super-casual-friendly. Then GW2 is the right choice, yes.
(edited by Vayne.8563)
My first experience. I started when gw2 became free2play (try). After i created my Norn (may he rest in peace) i pressed start. The intro amazed me giving me chills. After the first mission I was roaming around with my Norn when suddenly the big bad icenorn event in svanir’s dome started. I remember i paniked not knowing what i was doing i died
right when i was ready to give up my virtual life an angel came to my rescue (not really an angel he was a necro lol) he ressed me and told me the most beatiful line i’ve ever heard: “Ty i needed more life force. Please die again after i rez you
” i still remember this line as if it was yeasterday XD after the event was over the same necro with his friends called me out asking me if i was new to the game. I didn’t even know how to speak in chat XD they helped me sharing some gold and equipment helping me lving up my character, escorting me from wayfarer foothills to the behmoth world boss event in queensdale because i didn’t hadd the waypoint
after the world boss event everybody disbanded giving me even more gold XD after that i created my main Sunless the Reaper and bought the game with HoT. All this said i can tell you this game is worth buying even if you consider only its community. What i enjoyed and still enjoy the most from this game is the crazy stupid chat that you can find only in Lion’s Arch XD
Skip this game and go to a different one honestly. I’ve been playing since beta and the devs, while they have gotten better at listening to the player base, still suck at listening to the player base. WvW has largely gone untouched from what the community has asked for. PvP has gotten so much worse now that teams can’t play together and what not.
If you ONLY like PvE this game is 150% worth getting. The dev team gives an A+ in effort to making PvE an enjoyable gamemode. BUT if you want to play PvP and that’s your main enjoyment, pick another game.
Former Too Kitten [BÆST] leader/founder
[TBT] The Black Tides since ’14
So it’s not just a matter of play time. That is there’s more to this game that differentiates it from other games, besides just it being casual.
Of course, but personal like/dislike isn’t something you can quantify for someone else. Hence that’s hardly a useful recommendation to the OP. For every person liking GW2 more than FF14 personally, there is probably someone for which it is the other way around.
Yes it’s a huge factor of which game you can get into, but it’s not useful to base advise on it.
And yet your comment of only get into it if you dont’ have time to play, while essentially recommending over this game two other MMOs that are subscription MMOs seems to bit weird to me.
What you said was if you have to play an MMO, and you’re not casual give this a pass, without even referring to the fact that it’s different from most MMOs, and it is.
That to me is sort of like saying I didn’t like it and other MMOs I liked better. But most other MMOs I’ve played are cut from a similar cloth, this one isn’t.
Surely that’s worth a mention.
you missed his point, it wasnt wow and ffxiv are better games, it was that the games maintenance and development has not improved the game much.
essentially he is saying is the overall product has great potential, but the continued service hasnt realized that potential in 4.5 years.I’d disagree with that too, but I guess that depends on what you consider important. There are many quality of life features that exist in this game that don’t exist in most others that make this game more playable for me to begin with.
However, that’s till irrelevant to my point.
He’s saying the only reason to play this game over others is if you don’t have a lot time to play the game. I’m not missing any points at all. It’s what he said.
And that I absolutely don’t agree with. Because I have all the time in the world to play and I still prefer this game to those other games.
Edit: Here’s the exact quote:
Unless you absolutely have to play a MMO, and you’re limited on time so it needs to be one which is super-casual-friendly. Then GW2 is the right choice, yes.
but this game right now is at its core a game you play casually.
So it’s not just a matter of play time. That is there’s more to this game that differentiates it from other games, besides just it being casual.
Of course, but personal like/dislike isn’t something you can quantify for someone else. Hence that’s hardly a useful recommendation to the OP. For every person liking GW2 more than FF14 personally, there is probably someone for which it is the other way around.
Yes it’s a huge factor of which game you can get into, but it’s not useful to base advise on it.
And yet your comment of only get into it if you dont’ have time to play, while essentially recommending over this game two other MMOs that are subscription MMOs seems to bit weird to me.
What you said was if you have to play an MMO, and you’re not casual give this a pass, without even referring to the fact that it’s different from most MMOs, and it is.
That to me is sort of like saying I didn’t like it and other MMOs I liked better. But most other MMOs I’ve played are cut from a similar cloth, this one isn’t.
Surely that’s worth a mention.
you missed his point, it wasnt wow and ffxiv are better games, it was that the games maintenance and development has not improved the game much.
essentially he is saying is the overall product has great potential, but the continued service hasnt realized that potential in 4.5 years.I’d disagree with that too, but I guess that depends on what you consider important. There are many quality of life features that exist in this game that don’t exist in most others that make this game more playable for me to begin with.
However, that’s till irrelevant to my point.
He’s saying the only reason to play this game over others is if you don’t have a lot time to play the game. I’m not missing any points at all. It’s what he said.
And that I absolutely don’t agree with. Because I have all the time in the world to play and I still prefer this game to those other games.
Edit: Here’s the exact quote:
Unless you absolutely have to play a MMO, and you’re limited on time so it needs to be one which is super-casual-friendly. Then GW2 is the right choice, yes.
but this game right now is at its core a game you play casually.
I don’t agree with this. I know people who do play WvW hard core. I know people who raid religiously and try to improve their times.
Hard core is a mindset, nothing more.
There are even hard core achievement hunters.