I have been noticing quite a bit of grief about the supposed “destruction” of playing alternative classes/characters. I wanted to create this topic to understand how everyone is feeling regarding this concern.
I personally don’t believe this game is Alt-Unfriendly as many have stated. I do have a couple of exemptions of the above, however.
- Legendarys: Legendarys are a time consuming process. This takes time, patience, RNG, and wealth to obtain. This Item truly is the holy grail of weapons in GW2. My quarl with Legendarys, is that they are Soulbound. I can handle a soulbound exotic or maybe even an ascended item, but Legendarys being soulbound are obsured. There is only a handful of players who have achieved two or more Legendarys. Mad respects to them, but in order for the player to enjoy his reward, this should be account bound.
This goes for mapping (which also ties into Legendary Crafting), I can understand uncovering the map again, but gating Legendarys to two unless you do 100 percent map again is alt-unfriendly.
- Dungeons: Another problem I have is the fact that I have to re-do a story on another character if I want to open the explorable. The achievement is account bound, so why isn’t this? I am not someone who overly enjoys re-completing content I did on another character. The exception to the Story Mode of Arah.
- Crafting: I realized how alt-unfriendly this was when I started crafting on an Elementalist, but later created a necro and and had to re-complete all the levels on him. I also realized this when I didn’t know that you have to pay to open a craft if you choose more than two on one character.
The above does not prove to me that Guild Wars 2 as a whole is alt-unfriendly however.
We have the wallet now, which I believe is a huge boost to being alt friendly. I have tons of Karma, and can enjoy the fruits of karma items on any character I want. The same goes for Laurels. I have ascended trinkets on two of my characters and I have 3 80s. I’m the richest man, or OP player, but I have had no real issue picking up another character an rolling with it. Exotic gear is fairly easy to obtain once you have leveled your first level 80. The hardest thing to pick up a second character was getting him spec’ed with gear that matched my build/traits to maximize effiency. (Which on a side note, re-spec’ing a character is a pain, buying new armor, sigilis, weaps, trinkets, runes, etc.)
In conclusion I do want to express that high end items (Ascended, Legendary, etc) would be fantastic if account bound. I’ve never been a supporter of anything thats “bound”, but I can deal with it. At the least, I would like to enjoy some of the high-end items on other characters though. As a human being, I have made costly mistakes of buying different armors, runes, etc, only to find out I didn’t like the playstyle. Now these items collect dust in my bank, with no real use other than possible salvage or skins.
(edited by Antara.3189)