Is LFG working for you
On the rare ocassions when I used LFG, I usually write something like this.
Looking for a casual relaxed run, all professions welcome.
Elitists avoid me like the plague. lol And I take a second to tell people again when they join what the run will be like. It always fills up fast.
I’ve never had a problem with it. Then again I almost always start my own party and usually advertise something like, “All welcome”. Generally I get a pretty good group with the occasional first timer that the group helps learn the dungeon. I’ve never had to deal with elitists because I never join the , “Speed run, 80s 10K+ AP only” type groups.
Works fine for me. Even if it sometimes takes a while to get a full group.
The only annoyance are people that join without reading the description first.
If you want to find like minded people create your own group and adjust the description towards your requirements.
I do dungeons every day so i use the lfg tool a lot, i just put P# or all paths something like that and people join.
Anyone can join, i run with all levels, sometimes some level 80 join see a “underlevel” and leave but the groups full very fast.
Maybe you didn’t realize you have to read the description before joining?
Make own lfg, make sure the description attracts like-minded people. Don’t play in “speeclear” or any other groups described like that if you’re looking for more laid back people
Maybe you didn’t realize you have to read the description before joining?
That could be the problem. Appreciate all the quick replies.
Depending on my mood, I’ll do either casual runs or speedier runs. If I don’t see a group listed that fits what I want, I make my own. It works out the vast majority of the time. Occasionally people ignore the ‘experienced’ part that I add in the lfg, but I don’t run into elitist jerks if I add ‘anyone welcome’ to the description.
Poorly. People always seem to join without reading the description (except for path number or fractal level… they can always read that), or read the description and decide to join so they can leech. It’s very unfortunate, and often times frustrating.
What burns me is when you actually have a good PuG and the dungeon goes great and then as soon as it’s done, they ‘poof’. But…but…I liked you guys! sigh back to the LFG.
What burns me is when you actually have a good PuG and the dungeon goes great and then as soon as it’s done, they ‘poof’. But…but…I liked you guys! sigh back to the LFG.
lol, I’ve had that happen lol.
Used it once then never again, worst LFG implementation ever.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Do what I do. Create your own group (put in requirements, if any). Run the dungeon. If people kick you, jokes on them, dungeon resets :p.
Just remember, no system in the word protects you from stupid.
Used it once then never again, worst LFG implementation ever.
So the one where you can wait in que for 45min, get in, get to final boss, only to be kicked, is better?
I ran casual runs for a while on low level
But most of the low level people are quitters, whinners, complainers. They basically compalin and quits when ever anything go slightly wrong. Because honestly why would anyone spend an hour running AC… It is just not time worth it.
The moral of the story is you don’t need to be experienced to be a kitten. There are as many kitten in low level players as well as hardcore players.
The reason you see lots of exclusive runs, is because casual runs fill up fast (my time has been around 1 minute when I say “All welcome”)
I do 7 paths(or more) for gold everyday and always create lfg like" READ FIRST full speedrun need 2 ele+2 warriors (gear check)" and almost always I have 1 friend or 2 so we kick everyone who refuses to ping gear , we preffer to wait 5 minutes more for party then wasting over 1 hour on one ac path . But lets be serious pve difficulty level is really low but cheer up anet promised you that there wont be holy-trinity so they gave you holy-zerkers
Why in earth would you ask for 2 warriors?
Why in earth would you ask for 2 warriors?
2 eles for bows + fgs and 2 warriors for easy dps ,playing warrior is easy mode just facerolling keyboard , they dont melt so easly and have many good party skills (baner+on my mark+fear me etc) and i am guard , stability+reflection+buffs . Almost every boss dies in 5 sec .
If you really wanted a fast run you would ask for 3-4 eles :/
I lament the addition of LFG tools to MMO’s. Making MMO’s more convenient has made them to a greater or lesser degree less social.